AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, ' '1 M1J TT WT r 4"k "WU. - - T ,1 cA 4- WD KA LW XT POMTT 1W1 hi On tlic RiglitTrnclc, SEVKUN, thoUrocor, if still on thorlRht truck and comon to time with another train load of Fino Grecories, Canned Goods, Moats, Flour, etc. Centre nnd White Sin., Shenandoah. The Evening Herald. ALL THE N1IWS FOU ONI! CENT. litis a larger circulation In Bhonandoali tbnn any other paper published. Circu lation bfKiks open to all. AFFAIRS O AUGHT HASTILY. "What News Gatborors Tako a Moment to Toll About. Frosty mornings. liutter keeps high. Apples keep cheap. I'ersinimoiis nre ripe. Grand moonlight evenings. Ilaimna skins are dangerous. Uring along your job printing. House cleaulng Is now in full blagt. The daily trips of the Ico wagons nro shortening. A few straw hats linger but they look out of place. The political campaign is not very 'warm in this section. The annual harvest of tramps will soon put in an nppearanre. The next holiday will be Thauks plving day, Thuieday, November 1.0'th. There are some beautiful rosy sun sets these evenings that aro worth seeing. The diHerenee between garden hose and tho hose gills wear is you only see the garden In dry weather and tho girls In wet. Parents, put your boys to work or keep them at school anywhere but loafing, swearing and smoking on tho streets. You little know when they are from under your eye what excesses they are guilty of. Don't let your boys loaf on tho streets unless you are In favor of keeping the penitentiary full. What would a town be without a newspaper? Wo have often wondered. 'Tho newspaper pushes everv,;.vjtb,'-i prise, neips every misiues-nuii stUyS with overybUHins;-(J -mttUi And yet lliero 'ro jnH f luen wno iiaviJ achieved success by the help of a newspaper's gratis work and have not curried an ad. or taken u single sub scription. Stay with your home paper and keep it up to tho standard of the bfst pupers by giving it your hearty support. . Buy Keystone flour. Uo caroful that the natno Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., U printod on ever? sack. 3-3-1taw Coming Evonts. Oct. 20. Supper in Kobbins' opera house undor tho auspices of Ladies Aid Society, No. 13, auxiliary to Sons of Veterans. Oct. 21. "Johnstown," in Presbyterian church. Nov. 3 and 4 Grand entortalnmont, "Undo Tom nnd Kvo," in tho 1'. 11. a 'lurch. Nov. C Socond anniversary entortaln mont of Major Jonnuiga Counoil, No. 307, Ir. O. U. A. JI., in FerRtison's theatro. Nov. 18 Grand supper In Kobbins' opera nouo for tho benefit of tho Trinity lto' formed church. Novombor 2C Grand supporin llobbins' opora house; benefit of Lady Harrison liodgo, No. 10, A. P. L. A. Primo oystors, tho best tho market affords, always on hand at Coslott's. 8-22-tf Tako your carpot rags to C. D. Fricko's carpet storo and have them mado into a first-class carpot. 0-18-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S. THOMAS Is now located at Jlalubrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL, and "WKST STS., and offers to the public tho finest lino of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Provisions, Kish and Oysters, Green and Hmoked Ham nud Flitch. Xlaiianaia. Xiomous. The place to buy your school boobs cheap is Also Scholar's Companions, Hook Htraps, Hcliool lUgs, Tablets, eto. Everything and anything required In school, ttlatw, penolU, etc., sold re tall uud wholetale. Books Suilablo for Jastaod West MaknoyTwp. Don't forget the plane If you wish to save money. JSA1. MBLLBT; CIIAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah. I SCHOOL BOOKS. 1 I A Oortainty. A policy in tho Connecticut Mutunl LIlo Iniuranco Company is an absolute ngrco ment to pay a specified sum : tho coopora tivo oortiflcato simply entitlos its holder t the proceeds, in wholo or in part, of an assessment, which vdll vary with tho num bor of rjorsons to bo assessed, or who may chooso to pay tho aseomont, and thorefore cannot afford the slightest certainty of any sum whatovor. Tho Connecticut Mutual policy is real insurance: tho cooperative cortiflcato is nitre imitation. David Faus is tho local agent of tho company. 1017-31 A Illcyclo Kecortl Twice- rjrolcon RocimsTBU, N. Y., Oct. 10. The blcy clo record between tiufCalo ami Roches ter was broken on Saturday aftornoon by WlHIntu Lo Messurior o tho West End Club. The best previous record was I) hours nul 45 minutes. Lo Mos suricr's time was 4 hours and fill min ute. Yesterday P. J. Dukolow rodo over tho same road to boat tho record, accomplishing tho 74 mllos In 4 hours and 151 minutes, being avorago por mllo of 3 mluutos anil GG seconds. A French OiUclnl'fi Strange Death. Paris, Oct. 19. A great sensation has been caused by the peculiar circum stances of the death of Inspectcr-Gonoral Acollas, of the French Home OlHce. Tho General was a married man, and sup posed to be above reproach. Whllo vis iting a woman of who he was enamoured ho was in some way, not yet clearly understood, overdosed with soma drug or stimulant, and died suddenly. An Investigation Is being held. A l'otliller l'lu.tlly Aftailllltoil. Kingston. N. Y., Oct. 19. -Joseph Blum, a Hebrew peddler, 23 years old, iB lyiun at tho point of death nt Rosen dale, ton miles from hero, suffering from injuries inflicted by two caual bont mon. They assaulted Hum (or the pur pose of robbing him and escaped. De tectives went In pursuit and succeedod In capturing one nt Port Jervls. The neslrlolloip. V,'!u bo ICmnorml. Nnw YonKj-tjct, 19. President Louis VP-rAyUcin, of the Italian Clmmbsr of Commerce, received yesterday a cable gram from Homo, stating that the gov ernment had agreed to abolish tho decreo against American pork. A proclama tion to that effect will shortly bo issued by tho Italian authorities. Ilzupeior Fruderick 's lllrthriny. IlAMBur.o, Oct. 19. The 00th birthday of tho lato Emperor Frodorlck was cele brated with Hags, anil by apodal ser mons nnd church services, nnd by ap propriate exhibitions at the public thea tres. 9 Pure. THE BEST fOR EVERY PURPOSE. SCHOPPE DANCING SCHOOL ! Robbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September 0. ORCIII3ST11A OF xo PIECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ere he will he pleated to meet thews of his irlends and the publlo in Everything in the Drinking Line. Ladies' Coats. Largest Line in the County. - JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS A GOOD SHOE FOU MEM 2 FOR $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Repairing Neatly Dono. Common Sense Shoo Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. A FU,I., IINE OF CLOTHING ELEGANT 0ArERC0AT8 ! Ladies' and Children's Coats, Dry Goods, Shoes and Underwear For Indies, men ami chllmen. All of which w 111 be sold 25 per cent, cheaper than they can bo bought eliewhere. ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIPJ STREET, BIIISKANDOAir, PA, I-Watch for tho KED flON In front.-ffia Xj-A-IDIIES The cool evenings should remind you that iflit in weight Is suiluhle for you to wear for liead-coveringi). We have tne largest siock rroni wuicu to select your Nubias and FasGinatorsi and the real beauty of them are their shape and THE IOW PRICES. Wonlso have an elegant line of Silk and Wool Mittens. s People's Oyster Bay ! EdAN' DOlkDINO, 72 K. Centre St., Sliciiantloali GUISE & BEYRANT, Props. OYSTERS Itiw, Slewed, Scalloped, 1'anuedor Fried to order. Families supplied nt their house with the best o stent tuo lnursei anorus. All Orders Promptly'.Filled. SALLIE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. CHRIS. BOSSLEIt'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 01 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. 1 r CENTS for a window Bbnde II U-v with frinire, others for 55o. I 05o untl up. Mliadea made s y ior stores anu private uwei Intra. A new lot of shad' Inge and fringes to uiatoli. C. ID. PRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre AT - s ta&aa maa BnJsa WANTS. &o. ' Advertisements tn (7i( column, not exceeding 5 linen, Wc. for one insertion; 75c. tor two: 81 for utrve; ime leecK, B1.0V; two tcethS, 4 month, 53. one WANTED. A girl for general housework. Good wages paid. Apply atHBRAi-noirice. Ml) It Tpon KENT. Store and dwelling, X with stable, ou Eavt Coal street, near Msln, (orient to n good psrty. Apply to Jonathan Ilogers, 229 Wos I C'oal street, or at Hr-KALD odicc. lo ll-2w FOR SALE. A lnrgo "Morning Light" double heater. Hullsblo f.r a store, or dwelling. Apply to 11. A. Hwalm Eolith Main street. 10-13-tf WANTED. A good girl for gen eral housework, Apply ot HntAi.u ollico 10-11-tr DESIRABLE PROPEUTY FOR sale. One of the most aosliablo proper ties ou West Oak street, for sale on reasonable tern's. Apply at Howse's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. Shenandoah, i'o FARMS FOR SALE. Aroyou look ing lor a lurni? ir so call on or write to J. J. Kchler, Fraclcvllle, l'a as to where they are lowited nnd for terms., 8-22-lr tOJl HALE. A beautiful double i rod lrou fence, suitable for fencing ceme tery lots, or gates around rwelllngs. In qulio of I'rcKbylcrlan church trnstees. O O'tf TTOR SALE. A storo room and dwelling on East Centre ttreet. Gcod reason loi selling. Terms reasonable. Ap ply at J. It. Ooyle's olllce I) 2U-lm TjOR SALE. -A nice 28 acre farm JL lor .ale. Six miles from ttlienand'iah. llesullfullv sltnaled ou a nubile n.nrt linon dwelling. Ooodbarn. Fruit tries beglnulng iu uenr. .ui young, pjuenuia sirenm til water running through the the land. This Is a good cuance for n man who wants a small fmm, Inquire of Ja .ts O. Ilutton, post olllce bulldl g, room 0. V-V-tf WANTED. Persoim iu want of help (male or female), a fituatlon, a partuertiobnyor sell a business or real is tale.lo call and ezamlneoursystem Agents In a 1 principal cities. Max Itosc, Hteam fhlp, llckct and General Agency, Hheunn doah. Agent for tho United Htntes Employ ment and llusiness Agency, 41 nnd4u Uroad- way, riew iorK. iuim CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby elven thnt an unnlicatlon will bi made to tho Court ol Common Pleas of Hcliuylklll county ,ou Monday .October 20th, A. i)., inii, ni iu o ciock in tne rorenoon, unaer mo "LorjKtraiion bcl oi me uommonwtaun oi Pennsylvania, nimroved Anrll 211. 1871." nnd tho supplements thereto, for the charter of an nuenueu torporauon U) ne cnueu "til. ivasi lncr's Cntholto lleueflclat Boclety of Hhennn. doab. Ptt." Bald assoclaltou Is to be located hi snenanaoau, i-n., ana to nave lor us onject me inaiDienance oi n society lor social, euil cul'onal and beneficial purposes to Its mem uers irom lunus coiiecitu inerein. a, U. 31. JIOLiI.OI'ETEIl. Att'y for Applicant. BHKNANDoAir, l'n., Pept. 20, 1601. 0 2S 3nr AMUSEMENTS. JJIGItGimOM'B TIIEATIIK, r. J. rERQUSON, MANAGER. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, '91, Kngagement of tho renowned government scouinna ncior, (josi:ph A. linuCE) 'The Hhootlne Star." uimortfd hvn strong dramatlo company and the greatest acilns nogs ami nurses 111 iue worm, in tue sensa tional melo-drama, :The Black Hawks 1 Burnrlslng scenic eflects. The nltack on tho om Oliver uii.v siagn coacn nrnwn uy real horses. Jumbo, the 810,(00 prize St. Uernnid dcg. PRIOHB, SB, 3D, CO OUIU IS Beats on sale at Ktrlln'sdrug store. IiRliVHUK'U XIIIJATIIIJ. V. J. FEIiauSON, JIANAOER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, '91 The hit of lost reason 1 The greatest Irish cotneaian, IZHKItERT CAWTHORN, In theiuuny farce comedy,; jllittle Nugget II Tyrolean Bwlss Warbllug, Bongs, Dances, Bpeelaltles. Famous Nugget Quartette, New tcenlc nnd mechanical eflocts. DPrioosi, 12 3, GO nnd 7Go Beats on sale at Klrlln's drug store. Nowly Ileliticil and Renovated. tonsokialTparlors ! 3X1 A.-vri3XTG!-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I BHAMl'OOJNO, ETC.llY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under l'oslofflce Uulldlng, Main nnd Oak Sts., Slieuandoali. B-Hot and cold halhs, l'ollt, prompt and hiiciuj uiivuuuu. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely each com 120 S, Jardin St., Shenanooah, Pa. Va oia V No. 8 Hew Broadway Hange ! Ornamental lf-MMT SS-Oecotateil Skirt'g All Kinds of stove repairs kept on hand. KlnaUy soliciting your order, respectfully, II R. PRATT, -TJLIKZjE .a. PEEP I- It is not necessary to go about it surreptitiously, ns do tlie Knnilus in tho picture, if you would take a peep at our elegant display of thu latest novelties in dress (foods, cloaks, wrupd und rus. Our store is a little world's fair in it self and visitors nmy freely inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. Wo have some attractive specialties tills week iu the line of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, eU 1 PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. ANTIQUITY can he tolerated In almost any thing but hats, If the hesd Is out of dale the rest of the body Is pr tty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a' millionaire or a genius can airord to wearanoicnt headgear, and even tlmy take a good muuy chauoes when they do It. It will cost you nu more to be up with the times than It will to bo balfamlle behind them. Kverythlng about our 110 hat Is hand some but the price, and for such u hat onn scarcely be called auythlue but n ridiculously low figure. The sumo can be; said of ourSoo neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest prloed In the market. 13 S, Main St. S0ANLAN Shenaadoah LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS Dealer In all kinds oi Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Kerguson Hc-uso building, SHENANDOAH, PA, 331 S. Jaidln St., Shenandoah, Pa. The manufacture of good Clothing is not all fufr sailing i is full of in tricate detail. The proper laying out, cuttlnc nnd uinkiuc un all require judgment nud careful treatment to ob tain a satisfactory llubli. Good ready-made Clothing Isascarco article. Our long experience in man ufacturing enables us to produco tho best our oxtensiVM business insures the lowest prices. A. G. Yates & Go. NOW ONX.Y Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. HcHt-iiiiiile ciotlilntr III IMiIlatleliilitn. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES I AT TUB CUFFJiE I10USB, 32 N. Maia St. Families supplied with raw oysters by the hundred. MRS. FF.IlGUfON.rrop. Q M, HAMILTON, M. D., " PHfSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce-26 West Lloyd Btreet, Bnenanfloah