The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 19, 1891, Image 2

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    - UMU'l Wl ii ipiimipu tp-t-t- ii i in FTfnrnwnwTii nrrT 1 1, wt m mm,m
Somo of Iho Mon Iluinotl by
"The Mnnsfiold."
Bat the Finanoier Was Too Wary,
Wm Alio TwewL
Intrigues nnti Amours of tho ll'nmnn
"Who Unci Millionaires Rt Ifor Fet
l'ate of Twnof llor Vlollma Itor ltoln ami Htokrs Only Upl
sodes Jn Her Career llor l.cttnr to Cor
Ilfllltl Ynlulrrbilt- Sllti Ho n Double.
Ksw Youk, Oct. 10. The recent mar
tinge of "Josie" MausTlelil, perhaps the
xuost wonderful achievement of her
most wonderful enreer, bring! to light
the fact that New Yorkers and the
world nt large hare really learned com
paratively little of this notorious
Woman. Her relations with Flsk and
Stokes are all that she is remembered
hy and yet these were only episodes in
tier life.
How many, even old New Yorkers,
know that the woman lived a llohemtan
existence in a humble way in Fourth
streM Yet she was a liner looking
"woman while on Fourth street than
She whs Inter in her mansion on Twenty
third street. Among her early or Fourth
Street lovers was one "Al" Wallace.
He was a dapper individual of medium
Jieight, with a carefully curled mustache
nnd a pair of expressive ayes. Hather
flood-looking, he was a "popular" man
11 his day of prosjierity and enjoyed a
Widely miscellaneous acquaintance.
lie "knew everybody" and had "a
pull" in polltios. Tweed used him in
neveral transactions and he was a chum
of "Billy" Cook, one of tho most elll
oient of "tho Slaves of the King." As a
faro player he lor years "bucked the
tiger" and came out ahead, and had a
quiet, cool way about him that rendered
lilm a favorite with women and specially
endeared him to "Josie," who fell "head
n a n i i.. i.i. .. 1
While I
She doted on Wallace for some months
nnd kept a boy in hor neighborhood busy I
carrying messages to and fro. Wallace
did not oare specially for tho woman at
I rat.. Hit she IM-Hlllinl V tnnnlnntnil lilm t
till he fell, like Flsk later on, a captive I
to the siren's wiles. Hut by this timo
lhe had tired of her conquest and soon
sought and found higher game.
Wallace had met his fa e. lie had
really learned to love the woman and ho
Merer fully recovered from her deser
tion. Ho lost his head its well as Ills
iT, His neivo deserted him. He be
came tmiuJ?7 Ht l'1"?' bungled somo i
polltloal jobs latr,tei1 .ta u'lDcnret ln- i
curred tlio displeasure pt tu? Boss' and ,
wns ueserteu uy ins om cronies. ni,
bal ami mental wreck and finftily dilfted
over to the "Island," and one night,
when Josie was with Flsk nt nn Academy
ball, "Al" Wallace died in tho poor
house. jisuuun unwuusiiuwivini,
lovers. This was a youuir broker
known down town ns "Matt" liowen, a
little fellow full of dnsh and vim, with
curly hair and a pleasing "off-hand"
rnauner. .The MnnslUdd took ono of hor
"orawja" for hlin. She was then in tlio
height of iier prosperity, tho acknowl
edged mistress of FlBk and the friend
of Stokos. Aud yet she was willing to
"throw over" both of thete men for
Matt liowen. But Ilowen had son bo
enough to see that It would never do to
' antagonize openly the woman's two po
tential admirers, so he contented him
self with being, in the background, tho
favored third, He curried favor with
l'isk and for a space all was well. But
the womnn bocauie imprudent and de
monstrative, spite of liowen's warnings,
aud Fisk's suspicions were exoltod. Ho
set detectives to work uud soon learned
that he had ample causo for his sus
picions. Flsk kept his temper aud bided
bis time, meanwhile prooeeding system
atically towards his revenge.
He bought out liowen aud protended
to have tnken a fanoy to him Tlio un
suspeotlng Ilowen, flattered at tho pref
orenco of the great, financier, lived in n
fool's paradise awhile. At Fisk's sug
gestion he had borrowed all the money
be could and hypothecated every share
of stock and luvested every cent ho had
In the world in a certain speculation
whloh Flsk assured him would mako
lilm and his friends' fortuno. Thou Flsk
put on the thumbscrews. Tho specula
tion proved disastrous and Mutt liowen
was ruined. He took to drink, then to
the island like his predecessor, Wallace,
lint even before ho dlod in disgrace, des
titution and despair, "Josie" had al
ready forgotten hint.
liut one thing she never forgot her
own self-interest. The real cleverness of
Jay Gould was never shown more con
eplcuously than in his determined re
nistanco to the persistent allurement of
l'lsk'B mistress. He carefully nvoldod
her so far as he oould without positively
offending Flsk. Her charms woro
wasted upon Qould.
Ouee when Fik was oalled away from
New York to Boston on business con
nected with the steamboats, Mansfield
took tho opportunity to importune Qould
to dine with her.
To her surprise aud delight Oould ao
esptod her pressing invitation. Every
preparation was made for that dinner
and Josie arrayed herself iu tho most
bewitching of toilets and probably saw
liarself in ber fond Imaginings the mis
tress of FUk's master.
But about G o'clock on tho afternoon
of the day appointed for the dinner, a
epeabil messenger oaine from Jay Qould,
bearing his regreU that business of the
utmost Importance praveutsd blm from
Itoaiilng his engagement.
Prom that day she detested the very
name of ould and endeavored to sow
tllseeusioh between him nnd his col
loague, Flsk.
"Tho Mansfield" likewise endeavored
to impress herself favorably on Tweed.
One bitterly oold morning Mansfiold, in
her sealskin saoquo, rods in her well-appointed
sleigh from Fisk's house, down
'i'wauty-thlrd street to Fifth aveuuo, and
thou up tho avenue to the rosidenoo of
the Tummany Hoss, whoro sho was ro
cclved by the Dojs himself.
Her errnad at this timo was doubly
congenial. Slio w.slicd, ou hor awn ho
oount, to meet Tweed, aud, on Fisk's ac
count, to sound Tweed on a matter
concerning whloh Flsk nd ror-ntl) dif
fered w th Jay liould, a difference which
she hers If had done hor utmost to
widen. Out Tweed, spito of Ills suacep
tibility, had a wine head on his shoul
Ar.d, dsapite. the woman's fasclaa-
tlons, positively refusal to aid Flsk In
his attempt to antagonize Gould. On
the contrary, lie counselled conciliation,
and the vrotftan left him frowning.
lien tbe famous, or Infamous, "Erie
corner" took place in March, 1803, and
the whole Erio directory fled to Jersey
City, Jo-ito Mansfield accompanied Flsk
to "Fort Taylor," as they then dubbed
Taylor's Hotel. Flsk himself looked
after her baggage.
Seized with one of her sudden im
pulses, while at Taylor's Hotel, Joile
wrote a letter to Cornelius Vnnderhllt
requesting him to appoint some time
and plaue when she could have a strictly
private and oonll lential Interview with
hi m, having matters of tho utmost im
portance to reveal to him.
The letter was mislaid in transit nnd
was aocldently found a few years ago by
a party who still holds It ns a "ourloslty
of literature."
Josie was always opposed to Flsk hav
ing any theatrical sohemos on hand.
She did not favor Ills having to do with
actresses or actors. But this was one of
the very few points in which Flsk would
havo uls way, despite of "UleopAtra,"
as he was wont to call her.
Since tho death of Flsk, Josio Mans
Hold, tho indirect cause of his dentil, has
resided chiefly abroad. For awhile sho
was tho attraction at n private gaming
club at l'aris. For a spoil, goaded by
remorse, she was a rellgleuse. Then re
turning to the butterlly world once
moru sho formed a liaison with n cl-do-
vaut Marquis. All sorts of contradictory
rumors have been circulated regarding
her, many of Which have had their
origin in a fact not generally known.
Josephine Mansfield has a "double."
There is a woman who looks like her
and lias assumed her name, and who has
boon often mistaken for her. This wo
man was born in Ulster County, this
State; married a blacksmith, lived
awhile In several of the Hudson lilver
towns in succession, finally struck New
York and on a small scale imitated tho
career of Helen Josephine Lawlor Mans
field. This "double" has been the as
tral figure of various escapades In this
city, London, Paris nud Nice. And con
sequently deal of contradiction and
confusion has arisen concerning tho
whereabout and adventures of "the
Mansiield woman."
It was at one time widely published
V""1 '"le. -unnia was uv n in re-
"rement in Hew York oity. So she wns,
but that was "the double." Then it
was reported that she had been arrested
'n.Lmlon-. $ "Ile was ,)ut h. w
"" "T , So",B,hfY.e ov?u hlntf ' 1
tllat, a, "tbe double" and not the
pnal Mansfield woman who has lijte-
) n.ii ran nun Miunu uu
man. But the lntest advices servo to
demonstrate that the bride was the
former wife of Frank Lawlor, the actor,
and the idol of James Flsk.
How tlio Well-Concoctml liobbory
fjcnmton, i., was lr list rat ml.
SCBASTOS, F,i., Oct. 10. Tho nrrcst
f the robbers of tho pay office of A. U. &
X". M. Spencor, of tho Potts colllory in
Duninoro, on Saturday, was in accord
nnce with a plan formal two weoks ago,
jwhan tho polico first hoard of tho
I scheme Thoro were flvo men concerned
I In the robbary, four of whom woro nr
I rostod. Charles Englo nnd Wallace
Snow did tho nctunl work.
n. V. Tlnllistrvr first nrnnrwnrl thn
, T-.,l..1 ... 41.. ...
U1IUIUU. l-o ucvu Jung ii, mo wn.-
ploy of the Spencers aud was familiar
with tho preraisos. lie Informed llollls
1 ter thnt about this time of the month
tho Spencers usually had from- $13,000
to $14,000 in their office. Chief of Police
Simpson had prepared thoroughly for
the robbery, aud everything wus in read
iness to catch the robbers.
I Charles liowen was arrested In a bnrn
yard with Engle and Wnllaoe ns they
woro dividing tho littlo booty they had
obtained llolllster was arrestod soon
after. The $13,000 was so well concealed
that the robbers oould not havo found It
without a great doal of trouble.
WniUlns Women 'Want tho Ballot.
Nbw York, Oct. 10. It is just made
public that tho "Working Woman's So
ciety," tho centrnl body reprosHnting tho
organized working women of Now York,
last week pronounced for the first time
in favor of suffrage for women, passing
unanimously and heartily resolutions
suggested by Mr. Hamilton Wlloox of
New York making this demand. The so
ciety also endorsed Mr. Wilcox's bill
enabling all self-supporting women to
vote, which has heretofore been nppvovod
by sovornl central labor oianlzations.
All lllr tn 80,000,000 Iu n rmirhotne.
llUTTE, llont., Oct. 19. lira. Ann A.
Dodse, nn inmato of tho poorhouso ot
of this city, nnd who is 80 yours of
age, received notice yestordny that sho is
tho heir to an estute worth $9,000,000 in
Kngluiul. Tho story dates back two
canturloR, ut which timo her great
grandfather on her mother's sldo owned
a vast estato near London. Mrs. Dodge
has received letters oanllrmlng hor right
to tho estate and has forwardod docu
ments to prove hor claim.
The Mexican llcbolUon.
San Antonio, Tax., Oct. 19. Catarlno
I". Gnrza, tho Jtexlcnn revolutionary
leader, is in the neighborhood of l'iodrai
Negras, Mexloo, nt the head ot an armed
force of SOO mon Ho is committing
many outrages on the citizens who will
not join his standard, The Mexican
government Is sending rogimont nftet
regiment ot soldier to that section, and
will make every effort to quell tho up
rising. Vuur l'rlsnnor Ksviipe.
Bostos, Oct. 10. William Madden,
I He rbort Chase, Thomas F. Murphy und
Leonard Spry, four prisoners at tho (Jon
oord Iteforroatory. escaped from that in
stitution Saturday iiihU The mamiei
oi tueir escape is uuKuuwn.
msw ionic ni:ws in imiisi'.
Dr. John Hall has resigned from thi
directorate ot Union Thoologlcal Serntu
A sis days' bioyclo tournament if. In
progresi at Madison Square Qardon,
iiow x orn city.
A Btateinent from John Hoey, tho de.
posed pruiident ot the Adams ExpreBi
company, ts uauy oxpocten.
The brlckmnking season along thi
Hudson has closed and hundreds ol
Kouthern negroes und Canadians who
huvo hern employed In the yards hav(
s artcd for 111 dr homos. The season hai
1 eeu unusually dull.
In tho firo in the mill of the Lawrenci
C'eaient Company at Bintifwater, ma
chinory ot the Viluo of $d00y0d0 was do
How n Pennsylvania Widow
Was Victimized.
Wheedled Into Believing Sho was
Pormor Sweetheart's Hoiross.
Mrs. Ann AVnotls Took Stock fn a Clair
voyant's Game, and Now Mourns mi
Imaginary Fortune, llcsltlns ftO and n
Gold Wulch-Slio Had tlio "Deeds" 111
Her Possession A Slick Swindle.
Washington, Pa., Oct 10. Mrs. Asa
It. Woods, n respeotble widow of this
town, recently nstonishod her friends by
tolling them that she had come into n
fortune of over 1)240,000 In n vory unex
pected nnd romnntlo mannor.
Sho hns been considered a woman of
more thnu ordiunry good sense, and
when she told the story of hor good luck
the nolghbors beltovod her, ospeclally ns
she exhibited documents which appeared
to sustain hor statement.
Mrs. Woods's story was that William
H. Jasper of Lewiston, Idaho, was hor
benefactor. Years ngo, she said, beforo
her marringo to Woods, Jasper had been
hor sweetheart.
When she becamo a widow lie re
no wed his attentions, sent her handsome
presents, cam Enst to soo her nnd then
capped the climax by sending his attor
ney here with deeds and ohooUs purport
ing to qonvoy to Mrs. Woods real estate
and cash to the amount of $340, 0'K).
It has now baen discovered that Mrs.
Woods never got a oent of the big for
tune, and never will. There is not nn
atom of truth in it all from start to fin
ish. And yet, Mrs. Woods did not lie.
Sho has been mnde tho victim of one of
the sharpest conlldonoe games that has
been played in Washington County in
It appears that she corresponded with
a clairvoyant, and who promised her a
largo fortune from "some one" within a
specified time. Sho began by sanding
f iv to a uesignatea place, when hor cor.
respondent promised sho should receive
xnis went nu right, for the- corre
spondence resulted in bringing, iu rctum
for letters sent in various directions, nu
merous sums of money nnd various
pieces of jewelry. Finally a man pur
porting to be tho attorney for William
H. Juspor came to town with the checks,
deeds, etc., nnd, aftorjeavlng the papers
with Mrs. Woods aud reoelvlng generous
treatment nt hor hands, succooded iu
getting $500 nnd a gold watch from her.
Sho bnd been ko successful with the
clairvoyant ftntt had so often had monoy
sent her nnd had seen the promised
fortune materializing so much quicker
than sho expected that sho was nn easy
victim when tho demand wns made upon
her bank account, which by tho way,
wns a vory comfortable ono.
Mrs. Woods is unnbla to givo a vory
correct description of tho fellow who
called upon hor, but sho says ho took
the deeds back to Lawistown for record.
When sho deposltod tho checks and
drafts tho bank reported that they woro
Iucorporntlon of u Company to Usn One
of Edison's Inventions.
Trenton, N. J., Oct. 10. Articles of
Incorporation havo beon recorded in tho
ofllco of tho Secretnry of State by tho
Edison Illuminating nnd Power Com
pany with a capital of $500,000. It is un
derstood thnt the capital will bo in
creased to $1, 000, 000 at an oarly date.
I The ostensible object of the now cor
poration Is tho introduction of nn olec-
trie light system in the city of .Newark.
According to tho projectors it is pro
posed to erect on entirely new plnnt to
conduct olectriclty underground nnd to
furnish incandescent lights and power
for small manufacturing plants. It is
believed, however, that the company is
formed to eventually put ou tho market
n system of electric motion for street
and other railroad cars without trolley,
invented by Thomas A. Edison.
Cor. IlIU On for Atlanta.
Albany, Oct. 19. Gov. Hill loft this
city ut 2:38 p. m. yestordny for Atlanta,
Ga., where ho deliver an addros at tho
unveiling of tho mouumont to Henry W.
Grndy, ou Wednesday of this week. Tho
covcrnor was accompanied by a delega
tion from Georgia, headed by Governor
Gordon. Thoso accompanying tlio gover
nor are Col. Mob wen, Col. Jiiuson, lion
John A. McCull, Superintendent of State
prisons; Austin F. Lathrop, Gen. Hor
dlnand F. Eurl, Gen. Honry W. Slocum,
and Dr. Henry Plorce.
Shot In a Quarrel.
New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 10. Frank
Butler and William G. Jones woro shot
early yesterday morning near a notorl
ous rusort In tho town of Humdeu, by
Elmor A. Thombs, who has recently
boon oinployou as a liquor spotter.
Tliomlu claimed that he win sot upon
by two of tho mon, aud that in self-do
feiiBe he Boot tliem. itutler's wounds
are of a serious uaturo, but Jonei is only
slightly wounded. Thomb3 is under ar
llnlfnur Will Sucoeeit Smith.
London, Oct. 10. It is oflloially stated
that Chief Secretary Balfour will tako
tho place of the late Itlght Hon. W. II.
Smith as First Lord of the Treasury,
carrying with It the Conservative leader
ship lu the lloiuo ot commons.
nkw j husky lmniKS.
Chnrles II. Houdrlckson, a well-known
merchant of Itod Bank, died of heart
failuro yestordny morning at his home,
Domlulco JJorruno, ot Now lork, was
run down by a train on the Centrnl Hail
road of Now Jersey yesterday at Newark
aud will die.
Charles Vnllrnan, who has beon jailed
nt Now iirunswicK, Is accused oi om
bozzllng $1,000 ot tho funds of the Cor
amlo Company.
JoiopU Donberger, of Jorsey City, was
struck by u Now Joraoy Central Rnilroad
train nt Qreonvlllo Saturday ovenlng
while lighting the signal lamps along
tne tracKs, nna ratauy injuroa,
John Meyor, Gorman, of Hackensack,
got into a nuarrel at the railroad station
At that place yesterday with some New
xorer, one or. whom Knocicou him un
conscious with a spade and scaped.
Meyer it bad y hart.
As she enters
womanhood, ovory young girl needs
tlio wisest care. Troublos beginning
then may m.iko ber wholo hfo mis
erable. But tho troubles that aro to bo
feared have a positive remedy. Dr.
Pierco's Favonto Prescription builds
up and strengthens tho system, and
regulates and promotes overy proper
function. It's a gonerous, support
ing tonic, and a quieting, soothing
nervmo a legitimate medicine, not
a bevorago, freo from alcohol and
injurious drugs. It corrects anil
cures, safely and surely, all thoso
tlelicato dorangemonts, weaknesses,
and diseases peculiar to tho box.
A remedy that does cure is ono
that can bo guaranteed. That's
what tho proprietors of "Favovito
Prescription " think. If it doesn't
givo satisfaction, in overy caso lor
which it's recommended, they'll re
fund the money. No other modioino
for women is sold on such terms.
Decide for yourself whether some
thing olse sold by tho dealer, is
likely to bo "just as good" for
you to buj'.
"Wo aro making a big drive In fur
niture, but malicious tleslre Is not its
object. We ileslro to dispose of a largo
surplus stock, nnd propose to give our
patrons the benellt of some extraordi
nary bargains.
J. P. -Williams & Bro.,
Soutlt Main St.,
shs 3sr.ism o-A-ia:.
Justice of the Peace,
Deedi, LeoGei, Mortgages and Bonds written.
Aiarriage licenses ana legal ciuims
promptly attended to.
cal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency,
dcnoral Fire Insurance Business, Kepresente
tne jNoriuwesiem i,ne insurance uo.
OmcB-Muldoon'sbnlldlner. corner Centre
ana west his., nueuauaoan, ra.
Cooo Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale.
-A two story double frame dwelling house
store and restaurant, on East ilentre St.
:. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
. Desirable property on corner Centre and
jarain streets, RuiiaDie lor Business pur
A two story doublo Irani e dwelling, on
west l.iova siretl.
5, Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
8 Two 2 story dwelllncs on the corner ot
tre RLreei.
Coal and cnostnut streets more room in
Two-story single house ou North Chestnut
street, with alarce warehouse at the rear.
8. Three two-story double frame buildings
corner oi ijioyuana uuoert sireeis.
ffllHSourl, KatisaB, ArlcniiHan
Texan, NfliriiHlta, i.ouihIuihx
Colorado, Utnli, C"llloriln
New Mexico or Arlioim,
und will send me a postal card
or letter stating
Wliero you are going,
When you ore going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are In your party,
What freight aud baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your lioute und
furnish you with the fullest Information
. regarding route, lowest rates of all
classes, bsaldes maps, descriptive and It
ltutrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Hprlngs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arfean
J, P. MoCANN, Eastern Trav. Agt.,
a. E. P. Agt., 801 IJ road way ,New York
Iron Mountain Route,
4 T7 OR NET' A T-LA W.
ngoe-BU'jsU's bnlldlnc corner UikuutlDoaUf
Lohigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891. '-
Passenger trains will leave Bhenandoah for
Mnucli Chunk, LehlRUton, Blallngton, Ciilfi.
aauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Enslon, 1'hll
adelnhtaand New York at 6. 17, 7.10, 9.0s a. ra.,
12.52, 3.IC, 5.34 p.m.
For Helvldere, Delaware Wster (lap and
atroudibunt at 5.17, a. in., and 6.20 p. m.
For fjambertvllleaud Treuto i, D.W a, m
For White Haven, WUSesJIarro and I'ltu
ton 5. -17, 9.W, KM I b. m 3.10 and S3 p. m.
ForTunkhannock, 10,41 a, m 3.1U and 5.26
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons
10.11 a. m and 5.20 p. in.
ForLaoejvllle, Towauda, Bayre, Waverly,
Klmlra, Rochester, Ilullklo, Niagara Fulls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a, tn.,and
5.24) p. m,
For Klmlra nnd the West via Salamanca at
8.10 p. m.
For Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton, Lum
ber Yard, Weatherly and Peun Haven Juno
tlon at 5.47,7.10, 9,03 a. m.and 12.52, 3.10 and
5.29 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Ueavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9.03 a. m. aud 5,20 p, in,
ForBcrantonato.47 U.0.S, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and
5:20 p. m.
For Hazlo llrook. Jeddo, Drltton and Free,
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62 8.10 and
6.2A p. m.
Forttuakako at 6.47 and 9.03 a.m., and
8.10 p. m.
For Wlggans, Ollberton and Frnckvllle al
5.00 and D.03 a. m., nnd 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvlllo, Mahanoy City and Drinno
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,63 a. m.,12.62,3.10,5.9, 8,03,
02i and 10.27 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Slrardvllle nnd Ashland
1.27,, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.10,4.10, 8.86,
8.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Uarkwatcr, 81. Clair nnd Fotlsvllle,
7.10, 9.08, 10.63 a. m., 12.62, 8.10, 1.10, 6.28 and 8.09
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
More, 7.10, 9.08, 10.63 a. u.., 12.62, 3.10, 5.24 aud
6.08 p. m.
For ltaven Kan, Centralla, Att. Carmel and
SbamoKln, 8.59, and 10.16 a. m., 1.10, 4.K
and 8.08 n. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoah,
7.5.') 11.55 a. m., 2.10. 1.30 and 9.80 p. m., arriving
at anenanloab, 9.05 a. m., 12.32, 8.10, 6.28 and
11.10 p. ui.
For Lost CreeK, Glrardvlllo and AshlanO,
8.50. 9.10 11.35 a. nr.. 2.14 1. ra.
For Daritwater, Ht. Clair and Pottsvlllf,
ii50, 8.0U, 9.10 s . in., 2.15 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
s.w, uua, m l.iu, s.'W, u.uop. m.
For Ixfty, Audenrled and Hazleton, HfX
a- in.. 1.40 n. m:
For Maucn Uhnnt. Iiehlahton, Slatlntton,
uatasauqua, Allentown, iietnienem, isasuu
ana fiew xora, .w a. in., i.j p. m.
B or K'luiaaeipnia, p. m.
tien'l 1'ass. Art.. Hethleliem
'irst National Bank,
Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo.
W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
S. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Paid on HhvIiiits IJenoHlts.
Supcosoor of tho Unabrldgod.
Tar tlio X'niully, tho School or the Library,
Tho work of revision oocuplcd over ten
rears, more than a hundred editorial la
Hirers liavlnir been cmnloved. and over
C3.iuu,uuu expenueu ueioro ine urst copy
Mas primeu.
A Pamphlet of ebeclmen tibecs. itluatrattoni.
testimonials, etc., sent free by tho publisher!.
Caution Is needed In nnrchfislnff a dictiona
ry, as photOKraphlo reprints of a comparatively
worthless edition of Webster are being marketed
uuuur various names, ouen uy misrepresentauon.
The International, which bears tho imprint of
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO.,
lias tho local agency for the
Thomas Coal Company thla
year, and la prepared to fur
nish coal of all sizes at rates
lower than last year.
Tiioa. Uaihd, Supt.
Horses and Carriages for -Hire
Nciswonter's : Livery : Stable,
West Coal Street.
Finest brands of cigars always on hand.
iuo uDsi Kmpemuca una 119,
err. 9 East Centre Btrest; Mahanoy Olty, 1
Hxln and all special dlseates a speglalt,
PWladolphia and Reading Hailroad
awns ZlaMe n effect July 10, 18V1
F'OfNnv Vnrhr via tn,lfa!.htn M.Aw..n.
2.10 .!, 1M) n. m. una lias inn anil ZrA
, m. Buntlay 2.1U ana 7,w a. m. BorNew
' ' via Munch Chunk, week days, 5.28,
.;, n. m. and 12.8 and 2.60 p. m.
2.10, c.26, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 zV) and 5.6S p:ml
unay. a.iy ana 7.4i a. m., 4.30 p. m.
garrubnrg, week days, 2,10,7.20 a. m,i
iUf 0,00 P, 111.
i- or Allentown, week days, 7.20 . m., 12.8S
. u p. m.
TOT PottSVliiA. ttAHb flnvn Din tin. M
12.3 im Hnd (5.55 p. tu. Hnndar. 2'.l6and7.1
n , 4.8U p.m.
la 'raraaqan and Mahanoy city, week
y, 2.10, 7.20, a: m., 13.81 2.60 and Sbs
' m. Hnndav. 2.111 nnrt 7.4S r. m.. imn n
Additional lor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
ivor incaior ana uouimiila, week days.
.20 a, m., 2.60 p.m. '
Kor Wllllamsport, Hnnburyand Lewlsburk,
reek days, 8.21, 7.20 and a. m., 1,35, 7.8)
m. Sunday 3:2S a. m., 3.0S p. m.
K o- Mahanoy Plane, week daj n, 2.10 8.2J,
'i 7.20 and 1 1.3 1 a.m.. 12.15. l.a- URn a
7.00 and m. Sunday. 2,n. S.iij and 7.411
, m. 1.05, 4.30 p. m.
Tor Glraraville (Itappahannock Htatlon)
. t.JAt nuu xi.oua. m..
12.33. 1 35 2.&0. 6.8ft. 7.011 ainl.2R. n. m. Hunrtr - 1
a-xu, i.iaa, in., a.uo, p. in. f"
or Akniand and uhainnkln. week daf
:.2 1,5.25, 7.20, 1U1 a. m., 1.35, 7,00 and ,
uu ouuiwy tf,-, o i, m., s.uo p. m.
lvNew York via PnPadelphla. week
'ft" ouutuiy, q.w p, m,, u.13 sigtiu
IVeave Ne York via Mnurh nlimilr. nnt
lays, 4.80, 8.45 a. m., 1.00 and J.0J v. m.
Ijfiave Phlldslnhln. trnol (tiivn. .10. nnit
10.00 a. in. 4.00 and 3.00 p. in., lV'tn Broad
wi IMIOwmll and 8.86 a. m. ond ll.ffll n. m.
m. U.H0 p. m.from Blh anf ur i-u.
Iiva Kulln. wmk rlnvn. 1.3,. "7. in.
iuxuu.wm. ui,, o.oo, t&i p.m. Dunaay l.30 anc
. a. m.
1 M it tjinllla muV ........ nil, y An n .
ift. H.ll n. m. Hntiilav. 2.1:1. 7 m nnrt
8 m.. 1.21. 7.1X. unit !.IHn. m. Mnnriiw H wl
7 43 ui. and iSOp. m.
lave Mahanoy City, wek days, 8.40, 9.18
au ii.ti p. in.. r.i.aua h.ii n. m. son.
I ty, S.48,8.17 i. m.. 3.2J p. m.
lieave Mahanoy Plauo, wosk Oays,2-4J,4.t0
l., 9.3), 11.-9 1. m.,1.06, 2.06. 5 20v6 2'l,7.57, and
n.nbn. m. Bundav 2.4.'. 4.00. alfd 8.27. a. m
3 37, 5.01. p. m.
ijeave uiraruviiio (iiappaoannocif ntationi
vies. days. 2.47. 1.07, 6.86, and 9.41 a. ra., li.O.,
' '2, S36, D.82, 8.08 and 1D.W i. m. ttunday, ,47,
0 . ! 38 a. m. 8.41. 5.U7 u. in.
!.65 a. m. 3.35 and 11.15 p, m. bumUy 11.15 '
For Baltimore, Washington and
the west
la B. O. R. B,, throti
mill trams it
trains lene Ulrard
wenuo statlou, Phlls4olphla, (P. A a. I. It.)
.t .18, 801 and 11.27 a. m,. 1.84, 4.24. .&5 an
.28 p. m. Kunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m 4,24
55anI7.Up. m.
. ' l 1 . umi riTirv nn-iuuiv
eave eMljdelDlila. Chestnut tstiel VtWn
a y boath Htntet Wharf. Wf I J
for Atlantic O'
waak-duvs KriirosK. K 110. 9:00 n. m. 2 rn.
3.00, !.0P, 5 00 -. d. Aoooaini.j(UtlQn,7.40ii.
ru. iiDu ?.io, o ao . m,
Sundays. iStpress, 8.00, 9.00 a, m. Ar
ooaamtMAMOB, 8.00 a. m. and t.45 p. ra.
rMaurnmg, leave Atlantlo I'lty, depot
ttaatloand ArkausaB aenuou. Wr-"tt-o.-b
Hipress, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3.15, 4.00, 5.U0
P. m. Aooomiuolallou 0.00, 8.10 a. m. aud y
n.ou p. 111, ouuuuyH E.iiiumH, n.u-i, u.uu l. ill.
Accommouatiuu, i.ii a. m. aua o.tu p. m.
u. u. nAauoun, uen-i rass-r Agi.
1 . A. MOLKOD. Pre. &, Ghui'l Munaser.
i and after September 1 1591, '.raim will teae'l
anetKMiaoan at loitows:
Kor WlesKUi. Ollborton. rrackville. Now
Jabtlo, Ht. Clair, and way points, G.tiO, 9.19 I
1 m ana 4.15 pm,
liundnyH, 600, 9.40 a m and f.10 p m.
For Pottsvllie, COO, 9.10 a m and 4. 15 p m.
Holidays, 600, 8.40 a maud 3.10 p m,
For B?adlnB, 6.00, a in and 4.16 p u
9nndayS. (ffl. 9.40 a.m. audaioom.
KOr Potutowa, Phosuixvllle, JSorrlstovmJ
aa iJniiaaBinnia niiaa Bireot suiuon), o.w,r
wi a nil i ll; n m WMtf 1B I
yuEUays, bOU, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m- f
Trains loavn Frackvlhe lor bhenandoah at .
..0.40am and 12.14, V .42, 10,09 p m. Sundays,'
.1,13 am and 5.40 pm. '
bes.v Pottsvllie tor Shenandoah, 10.16 ana
a.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m. (Sundays, 10.40 a n;s
ueavo I'muMieipiiiH ixiruuu streei Kuiiiuujr
)i- Pottsvllie and Bhenandoah, 6.57, S.Si a m.
4.n and 7.00 p ra week days. Bundaj 0 50, and.
siS am
nrneif iqrit. .au, 4.uo, 4.111., "iiws-m, .
.20S.SU J.50. ll.OOand 11.14. 11.85 im.lSfiSVv
(Uniltsd ex-rese, 1.03 4,50 p in.) 12.21 l?JW) H, K'A
J.3C, 4.20, 4.02 1, 6, 6.2), 6.50 7.13 A. Li and THM' h i3
ra, 12.01 nlsht. 1
1 "1 tsanuuys, n zn, 1.110, i.o, iji, n au, w.-ii
11.35 in. i-'irt 1221, 1211, 280, 402, (l'niltPtlf
,ii, " Wi. ' 21 'i 1 , - . - a an 1 12.01 nli 'OU
For Bea QirLLonirllranchand Intermedial I
stations 6.50, 8.25 and 11.30 11. m., 8.30, 4.00 p. mi
week days, aunday- 8 25 a. m. J
Vot Bdltlmoro and Wnsulneiou. 3.50. 7.2'A
O.lOand 11.18 u 111., 1 41, 0 57.7.4J p.m aud 12.01
n!i;Ut dally am. 8 31, io.ju a. m., 12 J (l niincl
express wun aiumg car 10 11an.uu irej a.v?
p. 111. we it uuys. ror u.til.iuiure ouiy,
week diys, 6 03, 11.80 p. m. dally. f
Fur Ilichmoud, 7 20 a. m. und 12.03 nlgbl
uauy, 1 3U p in, aauy, except ouuu iy. i
iraiusieMvti naj-ruiuurK lur jriiinuarK acf
oe westeverv day at 12.2s and 8.10 a m i ;1
(limited) and 3.40. 8 30. 9.35 n m. Way fof
Altooua -nam and 4.10 11 01 every dav. v
rat ntlsburz 0111 v. 11.2a B. ni d&llv and 10.V1
m we$k days. Ii
anandalKua. llochester. Butlaloand Nlata.t
allS; 5,10 a m dally, and 1.42 p m week day
ifor atklrjs. 60 n m week da vs.
for iirie and Intermediate points, 6.10 a a
tatlv. For look Haven. 6.10. and 9.D0 a 1
tally, 1.42 and 5.30 p, m. week days. X
Lienova 6.10 a m 1,42 and 6,30 p m vreek da)
1.10 a. m fiunjcys.
i. c ruuii, j.n. woujj
Hen. Pas1
atme raoie tn fneci juay, iu, jsui. 1
Trains leave Ileadlng (P. ft II. station) fr
Qlbraltar, Beyfert, lllrafcboro, Joanna, Bprlcl
neia, waYiiesuurg juuciiou, uoaiesvuie, vtv
cnener,tjnaoi.iora junction, 11. u. Juucnis
l.iiciir,uuauDjuiu juuhiuu, x, a j. .j uubvu
Wllmluctou aud Intermediate stations. da
except Bunuay, ai u.2j ana .au a.m. auu
r. m. nuuuay only ai A.1U v. in.
For Warwick, HL Peters and lnterosdli
siaiions,uauy except nuuaay, at v.w
n.uf n. m. nunoav omv u.ia a. m.
For llirdbboro and intermediate vTalo
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For llaltlmore nnd Washington (B. O.
It.) dallv exceDttiunday at 6.25 and 8.S0 a.i
1 ann. p. m. unaay only ai p. w.
trom WllmluEton. B. & O. Junction, Ml
irains arrive ui iieauiui? ii . is it. btui
chanln. Chuddslord Junction. West Chetl
Leuape, Contesvllle, Wayuesbure JunctitJ
Bpringfleld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, tf
lertana loiermeaiuie niuuuun, uuiiy vxig
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 and 6.17 p. m. bf
anv omv nt 11.Z1 a. ui.
From Bt. Peters. Warwlok and IntermedJ
aiaiinn8. aauy except nunaay. at k.2 j a 1
and 2.25 11. m. Bunday only at 6 n. m.
From Blrdsboro and intermediate stall
1 Saturday only at 1.10 n. m.
1 - 1.. .-. . . .. ... . .,
rrom wasiuncion ana jiauimore. aauji
cent Hunaay. iu -1 a. m. o.&2 aua 817 pi
oium&y uuiy hi iui a, m, s
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agei
(ai Ul A tM..i. c r si a ki nn X L? J
I A two and one-half , .......
f story doahla. tF
h t ro-rooi 1
in Kant Ceiitft- !
unDMIIIg UlfUlK will.
tanrant. Lqcatodon
-A valuable property located ou Bout' I
din street, I
1 8-Heven dwelling hoAsei at the corner oi
bert and l.toyd street.
Uood invent' I
i ru roaaonauio.
. J