The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 19, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 221.
-rxxxn aTTOtn. T?nA-n Tn fYPTTT ,TT!"Nrm:P, TTTHft TriSTTn"R-T)TnTRP TR "ROTTOT-T PmiSTTTT!"R'R T1STT?3
I 1 I I 1 yJ U O-llJLU JLVV-ZO-A-JL- O- W VX w o-" ' - ' ' ---vrw
ft Republican State Ticket.
AUDiroit ai:xm:ALi
JUegatcs-at-T,ar(i to Constitutional
III. o. m'cohmick,
t;Avjt. u. iioaEiis,
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. I), Ii, Green.
Sheriff Benjamin (Smith.
Jury Commissioner Moj. William
Constitutional Convention JHleyates.
HOBBKT ALLISON. fort Carbon.
S.mmD EDWAUDS, Pottavlllo.
J. II. 1'OMBIIOY, Shenandoah;
JOHN J. COYLE, Slahanoy City.
Gmuo In City Restaurants.
.' T oat many persons who go to rcn
l ? Jnts, In our largor cltloa, especially
tho bettor class of eating housos, for
their monls, wish to bo considered ex
ports In tho matter of dishes. They
talk with an air of authority about can-
Was-backa, quail, pralrio chicken and
ft English snlpo.and toll you that thoy drop
in to this and that placo so many times a
weelt to got Bomo of tho oholco game.
But tho restaurant pooplo could unfold
a tale which would make all tho
aabionablo gourmands fool very Billy
If thoy only told It. Tho truth of tho
matter is that one Tory soldom geta In a
restaurant in this country tho gamo
that is marked on tho bill of faro. Tho
choleo canvasbook duck is usually a
wood duck, blaok duck or common
barnyard duck. In nlno coses in ton
tho fashionable and toothsome; quail is
ft an old pigeon, a moadow lark or a robin.
4. aho pralrio chiokon Is on old hon that
'has dono duty as a domestlo fowl for
several soosons, and the doliolous reed
bird is nono othor than a common
f sparrow or thrush, which aro killed by
I tho thousands to supply tho tablos of
1 fashlonabln rostanmntq- Anil vnt rnt
y" v gamo dinners know tho dlfforenco.
Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each,
at Max Reese's, tf
a good home-mucle rug carpet.
It is one of those pxtru heavy
carpets, made of the best yarn
and clean raps. Finest line of Velvet
Bmssel and Ingrain Carpets In Shen
andoah nt
We open to-day our first lot of
We handle no Common, Inferior Goods at low prices,
and confidently recommend
to he the Best in the Market.
"Northwestern Daisy" Flour
Alicays ytve satisfaction. So does "Riverside." ILhey
MAKE WHITE BREAD and are Easy to Bake.
When yon need
Don't forget to examine our stoeJi. Over 30 different
patterns to select from. All
As tho Sonators wore leaving Harria-
burg Friday afternoon a resident of Har
riaburg visited their car and oxclalmed:
'Section third, Article 10, of tho Constitu
tion is horoby ropcalod Honsol."
Kvory county ofllcor over appointed by
Govornor Pattison to fill a vacancy in Phil
adelphia was defeated subsequently by tho
pooplo for oloction.
"Jack Smith" is of the opinion that tho
contest botweon Groen and Wadlinger will
bo very closo. Why, my dear follow,
Wadlinger isn't "in it" at all.
The Mahanoy Tribune wants Mahanoy
City to roturn to tho Kopublican column
whoro it belongs. The teachings of tho
Tribune and other journals of that ilk was
tho cause of tho chango last year.
To comparo Farmor Wright with
Colonel Morrison, tho bravo and fearloss
soldier, is rathorjfar-fetched.
Current Comment.
Tho olcctrlc rail ovidontly doos not suit
tho S'news crowd to a T.
For a paper havinp three editors, each of
whom havo a week in which to oxcrolso
thoughts brains would bo an unjustifiable
supposition tho S'news shows up as tho
poorest of our contomporarios.
If Editor M. E. Doyle had the good
senso to put all tho matter ho writes for the
Chronicle into his own paper ho would bo
ablo to lay some claim to the ownership of
a newspaper.
The difference botwocn Uoyer's monkey
and tho S'news ape is that Franoy has tho
latter on a string.
Tho organ will do tho News and tho
public a favor by indicating what power it
is that wo aro afraid of, or what tho organ
thinks wo fear. functus. Tho power of tho
people. Will tho S'news now state why it
favored tho olectrio railway company i
fow months ago and why it fought the com
piny tho past few weeks?
The finest note pnper and envolopcs in
tho country at Max Heeso s. tf
A Wise Cow.
Even tho dumb animals recognize in tho
Herald a valuable advertising medium,
As Chief of 1'olico Amour, Councilmau
Dan Coakloy, a Herald reporter and
others stood on the cornor of Main and
Contro streets last night a largo rod cow,
which was ovidontly stray, walked up to
tho group and by a moo or two attractod
attention. Tho incident caused some mor-
rimont. Somo passersby advisod Chief
Amour to arrost tho cow, Dan Coakloy
said, "Perhaps she thinks I havo a balo of
hay in my;:pockot, purchased with tho
money tho councilmen are chargod with
receiving for their 'T' rail votes." But tho
most plauslblo thoory was that tho cow
wanted to bo advertised a; ostrayed in tho
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The UcBt Salve In the world for Cuts
Braises, Bores, Ulcers, Bait Klieum, Fever,
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, nud all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay requlrid. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For salo
hy u. 11. ungennncn.
Always go to Coclett's, South Main
street, for your prime oystors. 8-22-tf
Widths and JPrices.
Rov. Powlck's Interesting Sormou
in tho Methodist Episcopal'
Church on "Tno Wages
of Sin."
Tho sermons on Sunday at tho Methodist
Episcopal church woro from tho text "For
tho wagos of sin is death, but tho gift of
God is eternal lifo through Josus Christ our
Lord. Horn. VI-23. Attontion was di
rected to tho three pivotal words of tho
text: Sin, Death, Life. Men hold very
superficial viows of sin. Christ lodgod sin
not only in tho outward act but in tho sin
ful desiro. "Thou shalt not commit adul-
torj" means according to tho sormon upon
tuo mount: Jic that looketh upon a
woman to lust after her hath committed
adultery with her already in his heart
"Tho thought of foolishness is sin." Wn
often find very superficial views ot death,
which aro anti-scriptural and grossly ma
torialistic. That "death is tbo wages of
sin" is not a matter of dispute all are
agrood upon this point. Hut what is death?
"In tho day that thou eatsst thereof thou
shalt surely dio." liut tho doath inflicted
was not inconsistent with continued ox
istonco. Tho scriptures frequently spoaU
of thoso who aro both dead and alivo, but
in different sonses, at tho samotimo: "She
that livoth in ploasuro is dead whilo she
livoth" awako thom that slcopost and arise
from tho doad dead in trespasses and in
sins. "By ono man sin entered into tho
world and death by sin and so doath passed
upon all tnon." But whethor this moans
bodily or spiritual death, or both, is not
oxplicitly stated, Nor is it so easy to do
cido, as wo aro wont to think, whether
bodily death was included in the ponalty of
sin or whethor it was in tho original con
stitution of nature and only received its
"sting" from sin. Certain it is that bodily
doath did not pass upon either Enoch nor
Elijah. Tho only definition of death
which tho scriptures afford is' this "to be
carnally-minded is death tho doath which
is tho wages of sin. Carnality fieshliness
worldliness is death becaueo it oxcludes
from companionship with tho inflnito.
With this"! definition of death agreo tho
scriptural definitions of otornal life: "to
be spirtually minded is life and poaco.
"This is lifo eternal that thoy might know
Thoo tho only truo God and Jesus Christ
whom Thou hast sont." Thoro is no con
fusion hero botweon questions of oxistonco
and non-oxistonco and questions of lifo and
doath. And a hotter understanding of
certain old testament passages which woro
read and explained which havo soemed to
contradict theso definitions would havo
Bhown that thoy havo nothing to do with
thom. Paul's definitions agreo with such
passages as "he that believoth in tho Son of
God hath ovoriasting lifo, and he that
livoth and bolieveth in mo shall novor die."
liut if lifo and doath aro identical with ox
istonco and non-oxistonco "ovorlasting
lilo" does not last forever and its possessor
shall "novor dio" till ho dios. Spiritual
death oxclusion from companionship and
fellowship with God Is tho "wages" tho
daily pay for to the Greok signifies of sin.
Its final doom is something olso oven over
lasting punishment.
Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at tho
Bkhald office.
Loasig GlveB Notice.
Cbiof Burgess Lossig has served upon J.
I. Bobbins, tho representative of tho
Lithuanian church, the following notico
"Dkak Sin: Ploaso take notico that '.
havo boon directed by tho town council of
tho bnrongh of Shenandoah to notify you
and all othots concerned that tho usoof
brass bands, drums or other instruments of
music, on tho public streets in the borough
of Shenandoah, October 25, '01, on tho
occasion of tho colobration of tho laying of
tbo corner stono of tho Lithuanian church
of St. Georgo, or any other Sunday, is
prohibited by tho council as a public
nuisanco. Any ono violating tho subject of
this notico or oncouraging its violation,
will bo prosocuted according to law."
BurohlU'a Restaurant.
Charles Burchill is now located at cornor
of Main and Coal stroets, ShonMidoab.
Kegular meals, at popular pricos, served
any tirno. Ladios' dining and rofrcsiiment
rooniB attached, O-M-tf
Tho Dootor and Postmaster
were talklnc about a caso of serious nines
due to a neglected cold aud rapidly golne Into
consumption wnicn was promptly cureu uy
Pun-Tluu Cough and Consumption Cure.
Trial uoiucs nee iu ivmm uruK store.
A Surprise.
Koop your oyo on this local. Keagoy,
tho photographer, will bavo his new opon
ing in a few days and will havo something
interesting that will surprise tho pooplo. tf
Best work dono at Ilrennan's steam
laundry. Everything whito and ipotloss,
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
Mrs. O. A. Koim visited friends in Potu-
vilio to-day.
M. D. Mtsteller, of Shuman's, was in
town to-day.
Tim Grim, of Mahanoy City, spont this
morning in town.
Geo. lUhn, of I'ottsvilio, is doiDg busi
ness in town to-day.
Col, "Tom" Blekort, of roltsvillo, was
in town on Saturday.
EJ. Linker, of Sunbury, was tho guest
of F. Keithan to-day.
Mrs. David Morgan visited frionds in
Mahanoy City to-day.
Col. "Tom" Griffiths, of St. Clair, was a
visitor to town Saturday.
Letter Carrier Uartsch spont a few hours
in Ashland this moining.
KeosT. Davis, ono of Ashland's pioneers,
was a visitor to town yesterday.
Samuol Britton, of Mahanoy City, at
tended to business in town to-day.
John Oithor, Sr., and Constablo Tosh
woro at tho county sost this morning,
HecordorScheurman and Lawyer Sollen
berger, of Mahanoy City, were in town to
day. Captain Dan. Christian, of tho Coal and
Iron Police, of Pottbille, was in town to
day on business.
Alisees Annie Wilde and Mary Schmicke,
of Mahanoy City, spent Sunday with
relatives in town.
Mrs. II. 0. Boyer and daughter, Miss
Msrao B., spont Sunday at Scranton, th
guests of T. J. Foster.
li. J. Jvorlin, ol rort Clinton, was in
town to-day looking after a brick contract
with tho electric company.
Louis Iiolich, ono of Ashland's pros
porous livorymon, was a visitor to town yes
torday. Mr. Bolich is a strong ndvocato of
electric railway.
Edward lloborts will leavo town to-mor
row morning for New York, from which
plaoo ho will sot sail for Wnlos. Aftor
sponding a fow wooks thoro ho will return
horo with his mothor, who wont to Wales
eoveral months ago.
Electric Sparks.
Tho section of street railroad put down
on Main street continues to attract atton
Evon tho Polandors and Hungarians aro
dolightod at tho prospect of Boon riding on
tho electric cirs.
Tho first month's buslnoss on tho now
road will bo immoneo and at all times
travel will bo great.
In tho First ward noonodaro talk againtt
the olectric road. Thoy all want it, rail or
no rail.
Tho public is satisfied, and will always bo
when anything is gotton up for thoir intor-ost-
A fow bloated bondholders cannot
change them.
Lot us havo peaco. Now, all togethor,
for something else in tho direction as a bolp
to tho town.
J200.000 outsido capital will bo oxponded
on tho electric road through the Shenan
doah and Mahanoy valleys.
It was rcportod in town yostorday that
electric railway rails wero being laid at
Shonandoah. Tho company will bo doing
tbo samo thing in Ashlnnd Eoon if the
Town Council knows a good thing when
thoy soo It Nothing should stand
in tho way of tho speo jy construction of
tho olectrio railway in Ashland whothor it
bo by tho homo or foreign company. L3t
tho road bo built and tho sooner tho better
for Ashland. Ashland Record.
Six Election Tickets.
Thoro will bo six tickets to bo voted this
fall as follows: A stato tickot to contain
tho namos of the candidates for Stato
Treasurer and Auditor General j a ticket
containing tho names of tho candidates at
lurgo for dolegates to tho Constitutional
Convention ; a tickot containing tho names
of the Senatorial district candidates for
dolegates to tho Constitutional Convention ;
a ticket for or against tho Constitutional
Convention; a Judiciary tickot, and a
county tickot. It will bo woll for voters to
koop this fact in mind.
Second hand school books
sold at Max Boose's.
bought and
At a meotlng in Mollot's hall last night
the bhonandoah Choral Union was re
organized with Prof. Thomae B. Hughes as
loador and Mr. William" Wators as assistant-
Tho choir also oommonced to practice
on "Glory to God in tho Highest" and
"Tho Lord Gave tho Word," two com
petitive piocos by Handel, for which a
prize of f 100 will bo offered at tho Ivorites
eisteddfod to be hold in this town on
Christmas Day.
Children Enjoy
The ploasant flavor, gontlo action and
soothing offocts of Syrup of Figs, when in
need of a laxativo, and if tho father or
mother bo costive or bilious tho most grat
ifying results follow its use, eo that it is tho
best family remedy known and overy
family should have a bottlo.
Pension Agonoy.
It was through 'Squiro Dengler's agency
that Ex-Burgoss Williams secured his pen
sion. Tho 'squire is fully equipped for that
kind of buBlnoss.
Ladies, if you want lino writing paper
and envelopes to match, call on Max
llooao., tf
The Men Had Roslstod a Sheriff's
Posse and Killed Two The
Mayor and Sheriff Power
less to Restrain tho Crowd.
CL1FTOM Forge, V., Oct. 10. Aftor
tho fight hero on Snturdny, botwoen of
ficers nud oolored men, In whloh V. A.
Bowling nnd Fred Wilkinson, membars
of tho Shoriff's pot-se, were killed, the
oxcitemont In tho town baoutuo intense.
Tho negroes hnd coino down from tho
Bill mlno with tho avowed purpose of
orentlng a disturbance.
ThonowBof tho frnens spread llko
wlldllro, aud in a short timo oO men
woro Boourlug tho mountains near by
who.o tho oolored gang took rofugo,
hunting thom down.
In a fow hours all of the colorod rami
woro brought here and placed In jail,
after a desperate struggle for their lives,
and after rocelvlng sovernl wounds.
The prisoners were Charles Millor, a
notorious character from Bedford Coun
ty, shot three times before being
oaptuerd; Wllllnm Martin from MhcM
1 on County, shot, twice; llob Durton,
shot in the leg in the first fight and a
Great oxcltoment prevailed nil tbo
afternoon, nnd there was talk of lynch
ing Millor, who was tho ringleader, nnd
who Is supposed to have shot Howling.
Tho oxcltoment grow us ovonlng oamo
on and by dark tho streots woro full of
mon crying for ruvonso.
About 11 p. m. a mob of liUu Bur-
rounded tho Jail.
Tho Mayor and town officers urged tho
men to lot tuo law take Us courso, point
ing out tho danger of mistakes and tho
bad nnmo a lynching would givo tho
place, but tho mob would not listen and
mado an attack on tho prison, a frail
Btructuro, easily ontorod.
Onco in possession of tho prisoners the
mob roloasod tho boy and attempted to
soouro from tuo otnortureo n confession,
but tno men stoutly denied having com
mlttod any orime.
Tbo lynching was n torrlblo affair.
Three of the oolored men wero taken to
a desolate place known as 'Slaughter
House Hollow.' about, a miarter of a
lnllo from tho Chosapeake and Ohio de
Tno mob tied thom to tho samo ropo
and swung tnam up to tuo troo.
Before their hools wero two foot from
the ground the llrlng bogan and thoir
bodies wero riddled with bullets, tho
foot of ono ot them falling off.
The excited crowd now thirsting for
blood returned to tho jail nnd took tho
wounded man to tho samo nlaoe and dis
patched him in tho samo manner.
Tho boy thoy hold to the spot, and af
ter showing him how a colorod man is
treated for killing a whito thoy and let
him go.
Women I'rUonera In I'lltiburt: Settle Ilr-
ffli'cucoi In their Own Peculiar Wuy.
TiTTSBuno, Pa., Oct. 10. It has just
leaked out that a free for all fight oc
curred among tho fomalo prisoners of the
Clnromont Workhouse, two nights ago.
Two women In tho knitting department
had n quarrel, which resulted lu an in
clplout riot, frionds of both woman In
terfering and taking opposite sidos.
For ubout half an hour the twcnty-flvo
Infuriated prisoners fought each other
florcoly, scratching ono another's oyes,
tearing each others' clothes nearly off,
and pounding an odvorsary whenever an
opening occurred. Tho three mntrous in
charge could do nothing with the
women, who acted like wild animals.
Half a dozen ofilcors of tho prison were
finally summoned by tho matron who
succcoded in escaping from the room
and tho belligerents wero placad In dun
goons. During the light two of the
worst i prisoners, Maud Hutehlnson and
Mamie White, oscapod from their cell,
their door being carelessly loft unlocked.
They scaled a 20-foot wall to liberty and
havo not yet boen apprehended.
Oystors aro in season. Go to Schoenor's.
Families suppliod, Parlors for ladies. 9-1-tf
To Organlzo a Stock Company.
A meotlng of thoso interested in tho
formation of a stook company to place
John L. Tempest's border drama, "ilonost
Bubo," on tho boards will bo hold in Fer-
guBou's hall on Wodnoeday ovening next.
A Iareo number of gentlemen are expected
to attend, and it is altogether likely the
meeting will bo a successful ono and that
tho drama will rooeivo tho necessary finan
cial backing. Tbo notice calling for tho
meeting in Bobbins' opera houso was in
correct. Oysters aro in season and tho best in tho
markot aro at Coslott's. 8-22-tf
Phconlx Phalr.
Tho Phoenix Hose Company will hold a
grand fair in Bobbins' opera house, com
mencing on Tuesday, Noy. 3rd, 1801. It
will be ono of tho largest nnd bost fairs eyor
hold in this county. 10-11-tf
Prettlost oil cloth In town at O. D.
Frlcko's carpet store. 9-18-tf
Mrs. Levi Dornslfo died at her rosidonco
on South Jaedin stroot this morning.
Valunblo (?) Corner Lots Freo
One of the latest dodges for trapping un-
vary mortals is the offer of a corner lot in
Florida to overy ono who will solve a rather
simple spocies of rebus. As soon as- tho
answer is forwarded to tho New York
agoncy, a printod circular Is returned stat
ing that the guesser is entitled to an ex
ceptionally ftno lot valued at $100, and an
a (joining ono valued at ffJOO, which will be
knocked down at tho trifling sum of $10
considering tho brilliancy of tho solver of
tho rebuB, along with $1.25 as a fee, pre
sumably for tho payment of freight. Jutt
how many corner lots of this sort the fako
firm has disposed of it is Impossible to esti
mate, but judging from tho gonerally
gullible nature of human kind tho fakir
will eoon bo able to rotiro on an ample
fortune. Tho remoteness of Florida and
iho absurdity of purchasing a $100 lot for
$11.25 never seems to dawn on the impress
ible bargain hunters. Thoy would buy an
orange grovoin Iceland or a French flat in
heavon if some oily-tongued senmp should
assure them that it bolonged to A job lot,
with only a few more loft, and that it was
being sacrificed at one-tenth of its original
cost out of personal admiration for the
mentioned bargain hunter.
Polish Gambling House on
Lloyd Street Raided
Saturday night the po'ice were notified
that a gambling don was in full blast in the
old lockup building on West Lloyd street.
Savoral ottlcors were called together and
tho placo dosignatod raided early yesterday
morning with excellent results. Thirteen
men woro arrested and all had their pockets
filled with cards and money. ' 'Squire
Williams rcquirod each of tho men r
furnish $100 bail for a hcarinz to-night, at
7 o'clcck.
Glvo It a Trial.
Have you tried tho now agency to socuro
employment, etc. 1 If not, do not hositato
any longor, In looking ovor tho lists wo
find that machinists, tumors, druggists,
farmors, superintondenls, salesmen, domes
tics, waitroeses, laundrymaids, cooks,
oporators on neckwear, underclothing,
slippers, stenographers, typowiitors, otc,
aro wantod. Among tho business chances
offered aro: Machine shops, foundrios,
dry goods, grocery, bakories, confectionors,
milk routes, restaurants, cigar, &c. Tboro
are any number of purchasers for busi
nesses of all kinds, monoy to loan, proper
ties for salo. For n small foo you can
sccuro what you want. No humbug. Call
on or address Max Bcoso, Sbonandoab, for
furthor particulars.
AVators' Woiss boor is tho best.
Reilly solo agent.
John A
"Little Nugget."
Tho happy farco comedy, "Littlo Nug
get" has been hero beforo, but tbo most
efficient company that has evor handled it,
is the ono which will be at the theatre noxt
Friday night. New specialty pooplo havo
been engaged, who assist in making an
ovening of reflnod enjoyment and hearty
laughs. H. S. Cawthorn still plays Harney
O'llrady, and any one who has Eoon him
onco will wish to eoe him again. There is
a peculiar humor about Cawthorn's Irish
man. It is dolightfully quaint and original,
and thoro is a confusion or blundoring in
ids uttoranco that is positively irrosistiblo,
for tbo reason that it suggosts a typo of
character that is now to tho stago, yot too
truo to reality. This is tho impression that
lingors from sooing him horo last soason.
What's be tier for a wound than Salvation
Oil? Echo answers : "Wht." veanwr:
"Nnthlne." "So soy wo all of u, so sy wo
all I" OnlyiSScts,
Hand Broken.
Augustus l'billiix, of St. Olsir, while on
his way along Junoborry nlloy, Saturday
night, to visit friends, slipped and foil
against tho scraper lino fonco and broko his
right hand. Ho was attended by Dr.
Fctzer and loft for his homo yesterday.
Call and seo tho list of oponlngs and
business chaucos at Max ileeso's. If you
are out of omploymentor in want of somo
one to fill a position, you can be accom
modated at once. A small fee is all that la
required for tho sorvioes of thoBgent.
Fou tintypes for S26 cents, at Dabb's, tf
For Breakfast?
A Mackoral,?
Wo havo 'om.
Whito and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. No rust.
Hb, 31b, 1Mb, 111b, li lb,
Nc. 122 North Jardin Str