228 OW OW TJk AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, 1 Ou (lie ItlKlit Trade SKVKHN, tho Grocer, is still on Ilia HrM track nnd comin to tlmo with another train I load of Flno Orocorios, Uannod Goods, Meats, Flour, etc. Centre anil White Bis., Shenandoah. The Evening Herald. ALL THE NHWS I'OU ONE CENT. lias a larger circulation In Hhenandoah than any other paper published. Clrcu latlon books open to nil. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. "What News Gatliorora Tako a Moment to Toll About. Cider Is cheap. Full moon to-night. Stoves are going up. Suisage and scmpplo nre ripa. Bead necklaces uro again In fashion. Tho outlook for buckwheat cakes Is good. Wild geese are on their journoy southward. The par'or is the matrimonial mar ket. Now !b the time to fatten the turkey for Thanksgiving. The author who la seriously de pressed by unfavorable notices of his work may be said to he critically 111. People are gradually shedding their simmer ulotbini,nnd donuiug that of darker aud heavier material. Now is the time to see that all tho panes of glass are In the windows of vour dwellintr. before the sudden an near-mice of Jack Frost one ot thtse line mornings. Tho chalk fiend is abroad. lie makes n nractlco of marking houses, fences, etc., in some Instances his work Is of the moat obscene kind. Ho .should bo watched and run in. Coming Events. Oct. 20. Supper in Kobbins' opera houso under tho auepices of Ladies Aid Society, No. 13, auxilliarv to Sons of Veloriins. Oct. i'l. "Johnstown," in Presbyterian church. Nor. 6. Socond annivorfry ontortain rnont of Major Jonninns Council, No. 3G7, tr. 0. U. A. SI., in Ferguson's theatre Nov. 18 Grand supporin Bobbins' opora nou-o for tho benoflt of tho Trinity Ko formod church. Novombor 20. Grand supporin Kobbins' opera house: boneflt of Lady Harrison LodRo, No. 1G. A. V. L. A. Prime oystors, tho best tho market affords, always on hand at Coslott's. 8-22-lf OyBtors. Oystors are in season. Go to Schoenor's. Familios supplied. Parlors for ladios. 0-1-tf Socond hand school books eold at Max Koaso's. bought and tf Trottioat oil cloth in town Fricko's carpet store. at 0. D. 9-18 tf Phconix Phalr. Tho Thranix lioso Company will hold a ftrand fair In Kobbins' opera house, com mencing on Tuosday, Noy. 3rd, 1801. It will bo ono of tho largest and best fairs oyor hold in this cuunty. 1011-tf Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the- name Lussio & Co., Ashland, Pa., it printed on every sack. Z-3-"ilavi Stationary packago, C and 10 cents each, t Max Keoso's. tf Take your carpot rHgs to C. D. Friclfo's carpet storo and have them mado into a firat-olasi carpet. 0-18-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at Balnbrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL and WEST STS., nnd offers to the public tho finest lino of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Provisions, FJsb and Oysters, Green nnd Rmoaeu nam nuu I'lticu. Xlnnnxvaia. Xiomous. SCHOOL BOOKS. The place to buy your school Looks cheap is Also Hsholnr's Companions, nook Htraps, oonooi twj(, iaui(t, etc. ii.verytuiuf and anything required In ikliool. Slate, iwneils, ta, sold re tall aud wholesale. ' Hooks Suitable for East and West MaknojTifp. Don't forget the plane If you wish to save jltnuey. JUL. MBLLBT; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah. MAHANOYCITY.PA. THE COMING ELECTION. Beacons for Holding tho Constitu tional Convontion. In publishing tho tallowing artiolo, takon from the PotUvIHo Republican, tho IlEn ALD wishes to slate that it hoartlly ondorses all tho sontimenU contained in it : At tho coming election tho peoplo of this Blato will bo called upon to voto for ot against a Constitutional Convention, a nuostlon of moro than ordinary importance, but ono that has hardly boon consldorod. It is essentially ft political question, and yet not of a partisan character ; men of all shades of political opinion havo oxprossed thoir vlows as to tho necessity of holding a convention which vary without reforonco to the party to which thoy belong ; neither of the predominant political partios have committed themselves unrescrvodly in sup port of tho convention, tho Democratic party only going so far B6 to favor it in order to socuro Ballot Beform. Taking an impartial view of tho question, it seems that its uHitnato decision ono way or tho other will depend on tho weight of reasons advanced for or against holding tho con vention. . Thero seems to bo nn unaminlty of opin ion that poms changes ought to bo made in our preeont Constitution, but tho qua'tlon ariies how shall we make such change, by amendments or a now Comtitution ? The latter method would practically bo amend ment in another form, as it is rovilon of the Constitution that is contended for and not an entiro now instrument. To say tho least, tho wisdom of voting against a con vention becauso wo can oventually alter and improve tho Constitution by tho sub miwon of amendments is quo!tionablo. If ono or moro amendments wero pro. posod and agroed to by tho Legislature, it would cost tho slate almost if not as much to advertise tho amendments in tho manner rf quired by tho Constitution, nnd pay tho expense incident to their submifsion, as to hold a convention, besides what wo could now accomplish at onco by a convention, wo would have to wait at least until 1895, for delays nro dangorous so if there are to bo any changes mado in tho Constitution they hnd bettor bo mado now. Tho ncccs'ary legislation has been enactod for holding tho convention, tho expense in curred to voto thereon, and It would socm almost liko' an act of folly to defeat tho convontion without sooing what boneflt could be derived therefrom. If it is doubted wherein cur prosontCon stltutlon is dofoetivo, a superficial examina tion of tho articles on tho judiciary, suf frage and olections, taxation and finance and railroads and canals will affjrd tho most notablo oxamplcs. Twenty yoars have expired since its adoption and during that timo wo havo experienced tho greates progross in human affairs that has boon known in tho world's history and it is but just to say wo must adapt ourselves to now conditions that havo not heretoforo boon provided for. "Without rofornng at length to defects in tho Constitutional articles mentionod, th peoplo of this county in particular need not bo reminded of tho weakness of tb judiciary artielo which guarantees us soparato Orphans Court but makes us do pendant upon tho Legislature to get As tho Legislature did not soo fit to pass an onabllng act, wo havo not got a separato Orphans' court which ovorybody says i nocossity lor a county ol this sizo an which tho Constitution says wo shall have; our prosent system of establishing courts of Common Pleas is questioned and tho hotter plan would no doubt bo to allow tho Legii laturo to crcalo judicial districts of two or moro counties evou though ono of them may contain 40,000 or moro inhabitants; the business of somo counties containing that number of peoplo hardly warrant soparato judicial district although th Constitution says they shall havo it. As long as tho ballot numbering fealuro exists in tho Constitution, ballot reform impossible; vith both iho political parti favoring it, how nnyono professing to bo Bepublican or Democrat can oppose uhang.) in tho Constitution is hard to Im agino. Beform in taxation and tho powors Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, I Where lie will be ploa'edto meet tho wants or 111s irienas ana mo putuio in Everything in the Drinking Lino. Ladies' Coats. Largest Line in the County. JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS conferred upon corporations need also bo olfoctod in order that tho cardinal prin- plo bo carriod out. While a convontion, If hold, may not to any groat oxtont ohango tho prosont Con stitution, tho peoplo will moro than bo ro- pald if some of the loast defects now ap parent are cured which will certainly be e caso. In this county tho Republicans bavo nominated good men for their representa tives. In this district Mr. S. Burd Ed wards and Capt. Robort Allison, and In tho 30th district, Mr. John J. Coylo and Joseph Pomeroy, dologate-at-largo, nro tho candidates and thoir olectlon would Insure to tho pooplo of tho coal region threo rep resentatives in whom tho pooplo could avo the utmost confiednco. Tho Republi can is lor tno Constitutional convention, for tho nominees abovn mentioned. It is for ballot reform with a big B., nnd those who aro not for it nro encmios of tho peoplo and friends of tho monopolies and corporations of this Commonwealth. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. A GOOD SHOE FOB MEW 2 OR $1.75, WORTH $2,25. Repairing Neatly Done. Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. A FIIL1, JUINIS OF CLOTHING "rcTrcr a ovf.t? no a ts Ladies' and Children's Coats, Dry Goods, Shoes and Underwear For ladles, men and children. All of which will be old a percent, cnenperluan they can bo bought elcewbere. ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. mWatch for the HED h-lGN lu front.-Ca SALLIE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. B I CEf 4i3 B CENTS for 11 window shade with frlnue. others for 65c, anu up. "liatles made Btores and private dwel- inns. A new lot of shad- Inra onrl frlncrMi in mntnli O. 3D. FHIGKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL near Centre -1 ' V asm Dniraa V uimwwuibbsv n'piBi rvoBgrtixucn rasrsirrriiMrad n&a nSn anion BcorLa W "WANTS, &o. Advertisement! In this column, not exceeding 5 linen, 6l'e. for one insertion; 75e. lor two; il for three; one week, J1.C0; two weeks, 12; one nonth. '). WANTED. housewortc. at IIkiiald ofSce. -A girl for genera! Good wages paid. Apply 0-llS tl KENT.-Store and dwelling, stable, on East Coal strtet. nc-nr JL with stable, on Main, lor rent to r Erod burly. Annlv to Jonulhan Ilogers, 22. West Coalstreei. or at UERALD OIDCe. 1U 1KW r ANTED. Good wages paid to n 7 V good, experlenctd girl. Apply at 301 west uuerry street, corner or jjuesiuut. ireei. T7OR BALE.- A largo "Morning .' l.li ilKht" double healer. Hullablo fir a store, or ilwolllug. Apply to 11. A. Hwalm Eolith Main street 10-13-tf j'.iijiaimj uw. Dirayeu irum li I lie undersigned. 3X7 West Oak street. Mheuanclonti, cm Sunday mornlug, lull lnhl., a Siuull net, cow, ueiwoen a jeisey ana ai derneyj tlark-reddlih color, a Miccp bell aud c uin ou tier uecic. jny pcrhun ru'uniuiK ber or lurnUh Information aft to her where abouts will be suitably rewarded. 10-H-tf W. B MOHGANS. w r ANTED. Persons In want of lieln (male or female). situation, partner, to buy or Fell a business or real en- Into, to coll and examine oun-yi-tdn. Agent iu nl principal cities. Max Itoise, Hteum blp, Ticket und Gencrl Agency, Iberian dciHli. Agent for the United mates Employ ment and lluslnois Agency, 41 and M llrond way, New 1 ork. 10-3 Ira mllE rUIIiADELI'HIA A ItEADIf.G COAL X AKU1IIOM LOMrAMlC. PROPOSALS T FOR SUPPLYING THE MINES OPKIt- atrd by 'be HhlbidelplilA & H-ndlngCoal nnd rou Company, wltb mining timber, lagging and illln, will be received at the onlce ot the I'lircnumns Agent, '.'.7 fount t ouriii strcot. t'miaaeii'1114, until novenioer tsi, tsui. Kormsol nroDO-als. Kpeclflcttlmsutidllstof Icolllfns to be hUpplled, will bo Airnlshcd ou application to II C!. l.UTHElt, Central Hu- Iperinienaent, tousvuie, i n. ALHEItT KOSTEIt, 10 13-15-17-30 2J-2I l'jrclmslug Agent. LADIES The cool evenings should remind you that something light iu weight is suitable for you to wear for head-coverings. We have the largest stock from which to select your Nubias and Fascinators, and the real beauty of them are tneirsnape anu THE LOW PRICES. "We also have an elegant line of Silk and Wool Mittens. S i BARGAIN : BAZAR Grand Opening! FALL AND WIS TKK STYLES OF MILLINERY ELLAM. M'GINNISS1 -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Tho finest and largest nsortmeut In Hals, llounets and Caps at re markably low prlcei. Onr line of Chlldion's THUIMED AND UN TKIMMEI) IIATd , Cannot Too Equalloci. SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL! Robbms' Opera House, . EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September 2d. ORCHESTRA OF io PIECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. T..,t l)f!a,l ,,,1 D Allnlin lBW V llli ILbU U U IlUUUVa L'U. I u TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! 13 IX AVXjNTG-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SHAMl'OOJNO, ETC!., )1Y E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under PostoitlceDulldlng, Main nud Oak Sts., Slicnandoah. -Ilot and cold baths. Polite, nromrtund caieiut utieniion. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest aud oldest re'lahle purely cosU com. paniea represeuiea uy 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanaoah, Pa. at No. 8 New Broadway Range ! OraaraeiihlShelf-OSariaTr SS3- AH kinds of stove repairs kept on hand BAIT, 331 -TA.SZII3 .A. It is not necessary to go nbout It surreptitiously, as do the gamins in the picture, If you would take a peep nt our elegant display of the latest novelties in dre.-s goods, cloaks, wraps and rugs, Our store Is u little world's fair iu It self aud visitors may freely inxpect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We huve some attractive specialties this week iu the line of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. - 5 urn 113 North Main Street, A NTIQU1TV lam be toieia'ed In almost any tl,nl.l l.nu Tf la ... f tliercbt of the body Is prttty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire or a geulus can a (lord to wearancienl lieudgenr,and even they take a good many chanoe when they do It. It will cofct yuti no iiuiro to bo up wiin the times than It will to be hall a mile behind them. Kverythlng about our I 50 hat Is bund- some but thn price, and 11.60 for such a hat can Bcaroe ly be called au lbluir bnl u ridlculonsly low figure. Tho a me can bo,, said of ourSJo neckweur. Our Hue ol gents' furnishing goods is the lowest prld In the market. 13 S, Mala St, SGANLAN Sfcenanioak LEATHER and SHOE FlilDISCS J". CLBAR-Y, Dealer In all kinds ol Shoemakers' : Supplies ! . Large and fl rst-olass stock. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA Light. Dark. Decorated Skirt'g Kindly sollcltlBB your order, respectfully, S, Jardin St Shenandoah, Pa, PEEP!- neiia Shenandoah, Pa. The ninnufuelure of good Clothin Is not nil fafr SHllInK 1' is full of In- trlcate detail. The proper laying out, cutting und tusking up nil require judgment aud care fill treatment to ob tain u satisfactory ilnlsli. Good ready-made Clothing Isa scarce article. Our long experience In man ufacturing enables us to produce tho best our oxtenslve business Insures the lowest prices. A.G. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. Ilcst-miicle Clotliiiifir In Vlitliiclclplilu. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! COFFEEHOUSE, 32 N. Main Si families supplied with raw oysters by tho hundred. MRS. PmiaUKON.rrop, Q M. HAMILTON, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. omag ra. 28 West Lloyd Street, Bhenandoal p t: T: E ii w B n fa If m rc tb cl TV bi th m he ee ep th t at nn lit aui c. an to Ah Ms pat