n V FY Vtt'tnlt in the men elegant form THK LAXATIVE A NO NUTRITIOUS JUICE or THE FIGS OP CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Coustl pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. Itls the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is llilioiu or Cuuslipated so THAT PURE: BLOOD, ntSFRBSHIflO SLEEP, -' HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DFIUOQ'ST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. HOUISVIUE, KY NEW YORK. N. t. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. I. Baker &Co;s from which tho excess ol oil lias beon removed, is Absolutely JPure land it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in Its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and i3 therefore far nioro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, ' strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons iu health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Main St., '.Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. Breakfast Cocoa II nmiin mmm CARTER'S iver PS MLS. feds ncaaacho and relievo all tbo tronblsa iccf dent to a bilious etato of tho system, suoh aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress afteff eating. Pain Is the Side, io. While their mosa jrejnartable succosa baa been shown iu carina Sleaaaelio. yet Carter's tlttla TAvec Pffls aw equally valuable in Constipation, curing ana pre venting thiaannoylnKComplalnt. while they alas correct all disorders of tho a tomachUrauIate tha liver and rcgulato the bowels, Evenirthe jonlj IiUiathoyvroTddboidmcistprieeleastoUioaawtio coffer from this dlatrcGlugcomplainti butforta Zi&tely their goodness docs notondhero.aud those) ,T?ho once try them will find theeo littlo pills valu able in bo many ways that they will not bo wll lling to do without them. IJut after allBlcls heat i lathe bane of so many lives that herolswhcro womake our great boast. Our puis euro it whlla Others do not. Carter'a UtUe Liver rills aro very small an! very easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose, tfhey aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or Tmrge. but by Uielrgentlo action please aU who usethem, Invial'iat!3cpn3i uveforSL, Sold 1 by druggists everywhere, or cent by mail. . CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now York. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE "For LOST or FAILINO MANHOOD, IptnfralandNEKVOUSDEBILITY, IWta.neia of Body and Kind, Effects Jof Errors or Excesses in Old or Vounp. llobust, , Hoklt atMllmo lull, llr.iortd. How lo r'nl.nt. aid HtrcnKlbraWElK.rhDKttMtl'ICUOIUIiKSAl'AllTHortiOUY Abtolalehr eafalllas HUSK Hlt.lTr.tNT-lln.Sli laadir, BleB L.ll'j trvm SO Stalra aa4 1 urvlg. CouatritB. H HI laeu Irtieripll. llih, tipUsalloa aad ruof matlrd (ealtd)rnu tAlnn ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N,Y. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream ! DREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to. Particular at tention paid to Balls, Picnics, Festivals, ete. NOUTU MAIN BTHEET, Nur Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNs FOE Mffl ONLY! AMBITIOH! AMBITION! Pattison's Presidential O'crlcaps Itself. Craze HIS LAST ACT CAPS THE CLIMAX. Popul nr Outbreak Over His Sensa tional Oall of tho Senate. GRANGERS IN A STATE Or MIHD. Already Heavily Taxed, Thoy nro In dignant nt tlio Governor's ltcck less UxtrnvnRnnt mill Unnco cssary.ActloiiIteiiubllcnns Prepared to Manfully Meet tlio Issue Tlicy Aro Delighted Over tlio ncmocrntlo Donmcrang, Speolnl Correspondence. PiiH.Anisi.rniA, Oct. 6. Now that the smoke of tho explosion of Pattison's first campaign bomb his call for an extra session of the senate has cleared away, people are beginning to see through tho Democratic plan of campaign, and aro prepared for any other sensational move that their am bitious young governor, or his wily sec retary of state, may make to advance the Pattison presidential boom. No one who has looked into this mat ter from a disinterested standpoint can come to any other conclusion. Patti son's doeijjns on the presidency seem to havo blinded him with the rankest kind of partisanship. To him there is but one end iu this calnpaigu. It is absO' lately necessary that this state shall go Democratic to bring him into serious consideration for tho Democratic nomi nation for the presidency next year. IIAKltlTV CAN GIVE HILL POINTS. To accomplish this result, schemes aro being resorted- to, most of them con cocted and set on foot by Harrity, who can give even the tricky David Bennett Hill points iu cunning and cralty polit ical machinations, the very thought of PATTISON AFTER THE PRESIDENCY. Which would havo fairly shocked the young governor before tho presidential bee turned his head. "The end justifies tho means" is now tho watchword of the Pattison administration, as the gov ernor and his cabinet sit down to play a desperato game at politics. The cpll of the senate was but a cam paign device. Tho sole object was to make capital in tho pending campaign. The next card played will be in the form of it sensational message to tho senate fashioned after the sensational platform of tho Democratio state convention mid which will reiterate the several counts that go to mako up tho Bardsley business. REPUBLICANS TO SHIRK NOTHING," Tho Republican leaders havo decided to meet tho issue with the full knowledge and perfect understanding that the peo ple of Pennsylvania see through the mask and appreciato the deep political game being played by Pattison and his udvisers. They do not pro pose to shirk any responsibility. ' Tho people of Penns'lVania aro just and honest, and do not desire, nor will they suffer their courts as legai tribunals to be used for partisan purposes," says Kcrublican State Chairman Watres. "The people will justly condemn and rli'litnnuHiv rebuke uv overwhelming da- f it any party instituting a' caso in the nope or securing political auvanfages, or any party deciding a caso by partisan pri j-dice. iubtead of by tho law and the evidence." At the same time the chairman main tains, and will insist, as long as he shall lie st the head of tho party organization, thin-'.here shall be a fair aud diligent iuve.stigation of every charge that may be b ought against any Republican ofll ciul. Tho Republican irty, he holds, is too big, and ; -on is too broad and far reaching to .lermit any man or set of men, who muy bo guilty of wrong do ing, to stand in the way of its onward inurch. Thore must be no hesitation in Republican ranks. Every guilty man in the way must be punished. The Re-' publican party has repudiated Bardsley and sent him to jail. The Republican party is prepared to deal in the same summary and impartial manner with any other oflicial who may be proven guilty ut like misconduct. That is the Republican demand. That is tho Re publican policy as expressed by the Re publican leaders aud the united Repub lican newspapers of Pennsylvania. aitANOEUS DENOUNCE PATTISON. Reports that reach here from interior counties indicate that thero has been a decided and growing feeling against the governor on account of Ills- partisan activity. No one attempts to criticise him for calling attention to charges against public officials, aud be would bo commended had he gone the right way about having a proper investigation made. Tha issuing of what is looked upon as a campaign addruas from the flighest of all in Leavening Fowcr. iir ' l lib AESGLUTEI PURE "Ood Sees Vou." As tho 4:30 train from New York reached Stamford Wednesday, an an tique looking dame thrust her head out of the window opposite the refreshment room door and briefly shouted, "Sonny!" A bright looking boy came up to the window. "Littlo boy," said she, "have you a mother?" "Yes, mam." "Do you love her?" "Yes, mam." "Do you go to school?" "Yes, mam." "And aro you faithful to your studies?" "Yes, mam." "Do you say your prayers every night?" "Yes, mam." "Can I trust you to do an errand for me?" "Yes, mam." "I think I can too," said tho lady, looking stead ily down on the manly face. "Here is five cents to get me an apple. Remctnber, God sees you." J. M. Bailey. tfOPYRIOHT.IGSI Stamped oat blood-poisons of every naino and nature, by Dr. Pierco'a Golden Med ical Discovery. It's a mcdicino that starts from tho beginning. It rouses every or gan into healthy action, purifios and enriches tlio blood, and through it cleanses and renows tlio whole sys tem. All Blood, Skin, and Scalp Diseases, from n common blotch or eruption to tho' worst Scrofula, aro cured by it. Por Tetter, Salt rlioum, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Goitro or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and Swellings, it's an uno qualod remedy. Don't think it's like tho sarsapa rillas. Thoy claim to bo good for tlio blood in March, April, and May. " Golden Medical Discovery " works equally well at all seasons. And it not only claims to do good it guarantees it. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you havo your monoy back. You pay only for tho good you get. A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE. We aro making a big drive In fur niture, but malicious desire is not Us object. Wo desire to dlsposo of a largo surplus stock, aud proposo to glvo our patrons tho benefit of some extraordi nary bargains. J. P. Williams & Bra, S011IU Main St., -FOR- SHERIFF, BENJ, J. SMITH, rnnsHNT deputy. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, dOE. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of cigars always on hand. The best temperance drinks. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest slock In town. Artistic Painting, Grai ing and Decorating ! J. P. GARDEN, '10.3.6m 231 W.Conje St.. SHENANDOAH. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Time lost can never bo retrained. therefore take good care of your time. Mothors, Be Patient. Tho littlo onoi tufler dreadfully when Wild Oolio HfllieU them. They Ret well quickly whon Dr. Hand's Colic Curo U given to thorn. Kroo gamplss at J. M. llillnn and 0. J. McCarthy's drug store. Some men think they are farmers when they cultivate an acquaintance. Height of Oruolty. Nervous women seldom reoolve Hie sym ptoms llii'v deserve. Will eol'eutbo pictures of health, they nro constantly allmif. To withhold symp.ithy from tie unfortunate Is tho height of cr.iolty. They have a weak heart, causing shortuess of btealb, llutterlua;, pain Iu aide, weak and hungry spells, and anally swelling of ankles, oppression, ebon in, smothering and dropsy. Dr Miles New Heart Cure Is Just the thing for them. For tho 1 ncrv usuess, lieulache, weakness, otc, his Kent ratlve Nervl n Is unqualed. Flue treat s on "Heart aud Nervous Disease" and marvelous testimonial- iree. Mold and guaranteed by O. It. ll.igeubuch. Plant an advertisement In the Unit ALD If you waut a big yield. Miles' ftorvo and Livor PIllo Vet on a new principle regulating the liver, Momach and bowels through lh nerves new discovery. Dr. Miles' IMUs speedily line uiuousnoag, baa taste, lorptd nver, piles, aonstlpatlou. Unequaled lor men, women, children. Smallest, mlliient.surestl aldoses, Sets. Samples Free, at C II. Uagenbuch's lrug store. E'ection day Is coming apace only two weeks from next Tuesday. A Mystery Explaiuod. The papers contain frequent notices of rich, nretlv and educated utrls elonlnz with negroes, tramps and cwwlimeu. The well- stlch Rirte m very imp istvo, unuauneeu; uuany suuieci 1 ucuve 11 ohuvkss hs ms eoueitguo on uie to headache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, lm- ticket. Thoy were both at Pottaville moderate ciylu or laughing. These show a 1 ,. t k ottlin nnvniliiiir of thosnlilicr's ivoafc nervous system for which there Is no I last weeK aiiuenmening or uie Soulier s remedv tqual to Itenora'tve Nervine. Trial monument aud the presentation of the bottles and a line boo', containing many medals to the "First Defenders." Thoy marvelous cures, free a' O. II. llagenlmch's .,.,. v(rv ,r,,eli hIphuimI with thn atten. drugKtoiu, who also Mil, and guarantee Dr. ele ,ver 11 nc" P'eatu Willi me alien Miles' .-elebratoi New Henri i'ur, the flnest tlon shown Luem by the war veterans, of heart tonics. Oures iliuterlng, stioit , Many Democrats among the old soldiers breath, etc. Bamboo is now used in decorating tho walls in lieu of paper. Oh, "What a Oougb. Will you heed the warning? The slgnnl per nans of the sure approach of that more ter rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can nflord for the aake of saving 50 rents, to run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from ezperlenco that Hhlloh's Ours will Curo your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million llottles were sold tho past year. It relieves Croup JUd Whopping Conga at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Bide or Chest, use Million's Porous Plaster. Bold by O. II. llagenbuch, N. E. corner Main nnd Lloyd streets. The Beason for the street sprinkler will soon come to au end. Specimen Cases. 8. II. Clifford. Now Camel, Wis., was Iroubted with Neuralgia and Hhetimatlmi, hU Htomach was disordered, his Ltver was at icted to an alarming degree. Appo'lto fell away, aud he wai terribly reduced In flesh a id (.trength. Threo bottles of Electrlo Hit icrs cured him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrlsburg, III , had a ruuulng fcoreon hlslerof e gin years' Ktnnd ing. Uhod threo boltles of Eleotrlo ilhttrs and soven bnx-s of KucRlen's rulea Halve, and his leg Is sound nnd well. John Bpeaker, O it iwba, O., had dvs large Fever sores on Ms leg, d clors said ho was Incurable. One bot tle Electrlo Hitters and one box lluckleu's Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Hold by C. II. llaueubuo1., Druggist. Everything is freo when it Is given away except a bride. Father Pablo Juarez Talks Don lUmon Alva. Dear Sir: I havo tho satisfaction or Informing you that the Cactus Wood Cure, of whl h you are tho ownei, hs produced ino most wonderful results for a irlend of mine who has sullered from her petic eruption, and I rouslder your curo a r. geneiaior without aniqual, Io the name of my Irlend I thauk you sincerely, and be sure I will recommend your valuable medi cine, as 1 have agtln seen Its results. Yours truly, II V.FA11LO JUAItEZ, Bold at Klrlin's DrugBtore,Fergusou House Ulock, Uhouandoau. Tho cold snap has greatly dimin ished the mosquito crop. Shiloh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most suc cessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a lew doses Invariably cure the worst oases oi Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won. lerful suocei-s In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel In tho history of medicine. Since It's tint discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. Ii you have a rough wo earnestly ask you tntry it. 1'rloe 10 cents, 60 cents, and I1.W). If your Lungs aro sore. Chest or IJaok lame, use Hhlloh's Porous Flatter. Bold by O. II. llagenbuch, N. E. corner Mala and Lloyd streets. Freckles and tan don't mar tho beauty that dwells within. .A poor unfortunate In Milwaukee Is said to have sneezed himself to dsnth. Alss I nnnr creature, living lu the light or the nineteenth century and never heard of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Well. this Is more than JSgyplUn uurane ss. A man will got over any trouble if he lives long enough. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surolydo you good. If you baye a Cough, Cold, or any irouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. ICIug's New Dlsvovtry lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will be paid back, t-ulfjrers IromLa Qrlppo found It Just the thing and under Its use had a tpe dy and perfect re covery. Try a inoiple botile at our oxpense and loam for yourself Just how good a thing It Is, Trial bottles tree at O. II. Hsgeubuch's drug store. Large size 60c. and J1.U0. Indian summer, yot to come, will give us some Hue weather before win ter sets iu. It don t do in nefrlpM. lintlirA's va.nlnir lushes through the tystem, cause ltheuraa- asm. Neuralgia and Uackache. Try lied Flag uVb drug store, u.uwrmuuua ram uuro. 3 ceutsai iur executive mansion, In the thitpe of a calltq the senate, is severely deunun ed. What will no doubt result in the loss of many votes, which the Democratio candidates might have gotten, is the feeling among the taxpayers, and par tii'iilurly among the now too heavily taxed farmers, that Pattison is putting the state to an enormous and utterly senseless mid unnecessary expense. The farmers recall the large sum, over $400,000, which Pattison's first extra ses sion of the legislature cost the state, with not the slightest benefit resulting to the commonwealth. They now see an additional expense of at least $40,000 for the reconvening of the sonat, and they do not know how much more this thing is going to cost before their am bitious executive gets through with his great gatno iu national Democratic lioll tics. The grangers are asking each other why Pattison could not have presented his case against the auditor general and the state treasurer to the committee ap pointed by the last legislature to investi gate such matters. This could lie done, they argue, with less oxpense to the lieople, and if the charges could be sub stantiated tho nttorney general could proceed against the accused before proper judicial tribunals. A DOUBLE BOOMERANG. The governor's notion proves a boom erang In another direction. Recognizing Pattison's call as a purely partizan move, stalwart Republicans throughout the state are writing Chair man watres that tins Democratio tnclt- ery simply serves to stimulate Republi cans and impell them on to renewed ef forts to get out the Republican vote this fall. One county committeeman's letter ran like this: Inasmuch as Oovernor Pattison has under taken to run this campaign with the people's money, 1 do not propose to sleep at nights until I am satisfied that I can get out every Itepubllcau voter In my township solid for the Republican ticket. .That is simply a sample of many com munications from active Republicans, indicating the temper of the rank and file iu the organization. The fact that the thousands of formerly stalwart Re publicans, who were either openly against the head of the ticket last fall, or who were lukewarm in their support of the Republican candidate for gov ernor, are now among the most enthusi astic supporters of Gregg and Jlorrison, will bo an explanation of the heavy Re publican vote that is bound to come to the polls at next month's election aud stand loyally by the party nominees. OREQQ AND MORRISON ON THE GO. General Greirir and Captain Morrison I were both in the city last week. The t general has not been" making quite as greeted them warmly and said thoy were going to lorget pontics tins tan, aud vote for "Comrades Gregg and Mor rison." Captain Morrison left hero for home with so many invitations to visit differ ent sections of the state that ho was in a quandary where to go next. Orator George B. Orlady insists that ho shall make a tour of Huntingdon county with hun. Then he has accepted an invita tion to go to Mercer county, where tho One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Penn sylvania Volunteers, Colonel Collier's old regiment, have a reunion next Fri day. Captain Morrison enlisted from Mercer county and i3 pe?tionally ac quainted with many of the veterans who will gather thero this week. From hero he will go down into Armstrong and In diana couutios. NON-PARTISAN SOLDIERS' MOVEMENT, Tho war veterans' movement is spread ing. It is organized on a non-partisan basis. Democrats and Republicans alike standing shoulder to shoulder for "the soldier ticket." The Democratic party ignored the soldier both in the platform and the nominations. It presents no attractions for tho war veterans this fall. A. P. Burchlield, who was elected president of the Gregg and Morrison War Veterans' club in Pittsburg last week, is one of tho leading wholesale merchants iu Allegheny county. He represents the type of men who are prominent in tho luovoment. Though the organization started in this city it is said that western Penn sylvania, where a preliminary canvass was made by old soldiers iu favor of Captain Morrison's nomination, is even outstripping the eastern counties iu en listing veterans for active work at tho polls. This week will mark tho opening of headquarters in this city for tho State League of Republican clubs. President "Jack" Robinson is determined that the Republican League members shall do their share of the labors of the cam paign. to orcN CLun lcaoue headquarters. "I think," said Congressman Robin bon, "that tho League members can do a considerable amount of intelligent missionary work during the present camjuiign. I propose to secure head quarters in Philadelphia within a few days. We will got a modest room some where in u central location and do all iu our power for the success of the state ticket, Thero will be no flourish of trumpets, and what we do will be done quietly and persistently. The manly aud honorable maimer in which Mr. Dalzoll has turned in for party sunoess is bound to have n good effect in every part of the state. His friends have fol lowed his example, aud none aro more anxious to work for tho success of the ticket. The League was formed to aid tlio regular patty organization, and we proposo to do our full duty iu this can vass," THOMINENT lmrUBLIOANS ACTIVK. Ex-Auditor General Jerome B. Niltw, of Tiogn, and ex-Lieutenant Governor Stone aud Ex-Senator Alien, of Warren, and E. P. Kingsberry, of Lackawanna, were among the scores of prominent callers last week at the Republican state headquarters. Nile guys his section will stand loyally by the Repub lican ticket. "I am satisfied wo will get a good vote," declared "Governor" Stone en thusiastically to Chairman Watres. "Republicans in our part of the state feel that wo have two honest aud cup able candidates on our state ticket and we proposo to give them our earnest support. Command mo if I can bo of auv service to you or the committee," Tho situation in this city is daily be coming brighter for a big Republican majority. There is no doubt now about the election of Mcl'roary, the Republi can nominee for city treasurer. It is expected that theJ!uommeea on the Re publican ticket will havo at least S0,000 majority iu Philadelphia. ARB WE Right or W rong? i A Shoe DrcHlng mutt restore the bril liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same tune priurve the soInns of the leather. LADIES will tha Dressing you aro using do both ? Try It 1 Tour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, and it will dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? W'frs ACME Bug will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture (or 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Old Furniture with Tity it". WOLFF 4 RANDOLPH, 087 North Front Btreet PHILADELPHIA. CACTUS 3L00D CURE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARILLA Causes no eruptions upon the skin such asncarly all sarsapai'illa mixtures do; but drives tlio impurities from tlio blood through the proper channels, tones up the system, increases appetite, and rapidly euros dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and all diseases depending upon an impure condition of tho blood. Sold at Klrlin's Drug Stere, Fergnon's Hotel Hloek, Shenandoah, J'a. Aslc niv nffftlltn fin- W. 1.. Ilnitalnn Slinpa. If not tor nnlc iu jour pliicu nsU your denier to send for rniulogue, secure the 1 ugener, mid art tlicni lor ou. I WTAKIi y SUBSTITUTE. -4 S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It U a fu'rtmleiw Rbin?, w 1th im tack, or wax throail to hurt tlio feet; niwtu ut tho bi&t lino calf, stvli.sli nnd easy, ami bt cause iv make more that of this ; prune tnan any or iter mtnnfttctutet; it equals uauu StiWtMl kIxk t'tiatltlff fioill $t.U) to 95.01). ffiK OlMJciiuliH- llfiiiil-KtMwil, tlie fluent calf Pa hui L'Vi-i nfl ml fop SMI); rqilalH ircticli i imiort'(l HhiX-B whirl, cost from $Ht t$U "-). I A OO lluii.l-cir.l Welt Mimes tlno mlf, htjlMi, ioi.ifurt..t..fautilurablo. 'lUi i, I I bIioo eer ofturi'tl at (lit prlcv ; came Rraiie as c tout mii'l' sin k h rusting from .() to fc'U'O. CCO "0 l'oli Mkh-i 1. timers, Hailmul n n ami) ctU'r'aiili'rrrtll wcartlietn, tin. . df, Beam lens, smooth Ini.ir, htnvy thruu sulet, t'ic ! sl.in Ian. Ono jialr urarnjenr. tSQ AO fliii r n If no hotter HlnoevorolT rrl at i iff Am this priei; one tilnl will eoiivlueu tii iso w Iio want a elioe for comfort ami Hrrvioo. &0 3 n"'l -.00 orltli.ifiitfi.rf hn 9 i Jraam nro very tttromt ntul ilu ruble. Hio1 wtio lia.) given them n trial will wear no other m.iko. SSi'Mtfi' $00 mid W Kohool Bhot s nro WUsO worn by tho boynevery where; tLuysull im uieir mi merit, an i lie Itti-rcivtmr ttula show. kClU l?0 Monola, very rityllsii; equal i l'r.nrU Imported oboes cosIImk f rom jl.OQ to ftiUi). Mlwien are the best line UougoU. Stylish nud durable. rniitlon. Seo that W. I DoukIba' name and pricu are stamped on the bottom of ouch shoe. V. L. Do UU LAS, Urocktou, Mass. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well made, fashionable clothes? If so, call on w. a-. crjaoBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jnrdiu Stieot, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of the latest goods and the styles. Cloud workmanship, promplnexs and fair prloes. DR, THEEL, KQQ North Fourth St., UOw Ur, Pmiui lu-HU, thi' only (ftiulti Gmu Amuku Pur.-l.llit to tha Unit! Uuim r la b.o o core Blood Poison Nervous Debility Spe cial Diseases of "t bk.iii bi-t. K4BoMPftl(itir.Ui tn.iHi SoreThroat Mouth, rtl.tli-- l'iiiiLN l-r.plioh wfl or hftnl llor-. hwililnfi, -i(ii.il. ni, IniUtniintioui ftml llunDlnti, tiirlolurLi, Wekut-t( mil lailj 4mt tort memorv wk Wt ntntal fciitlctjr Wlm rl lUifli-r t(lM-af nut ll 11' mulilnr n " 1 lLiUi-r.tioiioiOi.rBi.rIji rU-omt tlM r-uml In 4 l' I' Fll'-f t UI1CV lti tint 1(1 Ml hopt), DO DlftttT ht ' I Uiinit Doctor, ijuMk Ftmllv or llmpttal PhyuMMi ti ! Pr. THITBL earn positively Rnd hhont d.iruihn f ra tUlHMI. OLD, TOl'HO MIUDtR JUttO AND THtuit eoiTlstft 1". IK NiUlivi rtnh ur vW, 'oiid J. itrnmp ft bOOVt "TRUTH" eiWMinu Qufteka no r wnrn U rt i ib. AtiuiM, rjftllr from 9 to I, 6 to 9, Wed nfl Hftk Xv'M 6 o W. fluntl? 9 till II Write r t u4 h rr RHhumw tw Wda. M BfttaM; PUItv. UMr Tito J R. BRIOKER, M. -D., PJZYSIOIA N AND & DiJffOiV; J rC-it Oonri-H Htrtt, Mttuuaoy City, Va Hktiu and all Htoa! rtleti a tiM.titLy T i:nrlylWoeMea,J.imriimri.Hert.jiji Debility,! as Vohv', lui(lft Cllro fi theetr i if abuni. vi i i i r, i iiiiit'ii rt r" k" i 1 luinm cirbjH oic. Mil m mi !- 1 1 nioiiih Aiedlclna OAd ilu 'i ulu .til.. Jul. uiml ii Fill :, A Mr. , (it M. CO.. cilia l.ruudwnv, .Vet Vurk j J H FOMKUOY, A T70RNEYA T-LA W, OOloB-Bt4airs building; corner Mla aad OfiuU WHY IS THE WB L, DOUGLAS