VOL. VI.-NO. 220. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1S91. ONE CENT. THE SUBE BO AD TO OPULENCE LIES K1STBE-DEEP TPIBOUGH PBINTEB'S IKK ,1 if at;, t E I rco in- ho res Is. SI St. the ip. toty M Republican State Ticket. AUDITOR OEXEItALt GEN. DAVID MoMUJRTRIE CtREGG STATE TJtEASVJtEllt Oapt. JOHN W. MORRISON. Velegatea-nt-Znrge to the Comtttutlonal Convention! A. S. li. SHIELDS, WM. I. SCIIAPFEH, IX)UIS W. HALL, FRANK REEDER, H. 0. M'COKMIOK, J. It. P0MER0Y, JOHN CESSNA, wm. n. Rogers, JOHN ROBERTS, ISAIAH 0. WEAK, IIEKMAN KREAMEH M. L. KAUFFMAN, ir. SI. EDWARDS, GEO. S. SCHMIDT, CYRUS ELDER, JOHN S. LAMIilE, JAMES J,, BROWN, T. V. roWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge Hon. D. li. Green. Sheriff lienjamin Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj. William Clark. Poor Director George Heffner. Unexpired Term Harry H. MeGinnia Contlltutionnl Convention Delryutc.l. ROBERT ALLISON, Fort Carbon. B.BURI) EDWARDS, FoUsvllle. J. H. I'OMEROY, Shenandoah. JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City. A Oortalnty. A nnlinit in It.. f V, 1 1 t ,..!.., T h. jkijiisuranco Company is an absolute agreo- 1 to ont to pay a speciflod sum i tho coopora- tivo certificate simply entitles its holder to tho proceods, in whole or in part, of an assossmont, which will vary with tho nura bor of persons to bo assessed, or who may ehooso to pay tho assessment, and thoreforo cannol afford the slightest cortainty of any sum whatever. Tho Connecticut Mutual policy is real insurance : tho cooporativo cortiflcato is mero imitatign. David Faust Is the local agont of tho company. 10 17-3t Should bo Stopped. Thorois borough ordinance prohibiting the throwing ot papor, etc., on tho streets, Tho attention of the Chief Burgess is called to tho fact that a prominent Main street business man flagrantly violated the ordinanco yesterday. Tho object of pro hibiting tho throwing of papar on tlo streets is to avoid the frightening of horsts and, therefore, tho ordinanco should bo strictly observed. Coal Train Wrecked. As a loaded coal train was being sido trackod near tho red bridge last evening to givo tho passenger train duo hero at 0:35 a cloar track an axle broke, by which flvo ol -Ibo cars woro thrown from the track and f . A dly damagod. Tho passenger train got 1 ''lbund the wrocksgo by a turn-out track, but all tho oast-bound trains were dolayod for about an hour and a half. CENTS PER YARD FOR a good home mado rutf carpet. It is one of those oxtrn heavy camels, inadoof the best varn and clean raps. Finest line of Velvet Brussel and Ingruiu Carpets in Shen andoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. TUB JblJtSl OF 45 New BUCKWHEAT FLOTJE MESTOE PIES, MUSTOE PIES. We open to-day our first lot of NEW MHTOE MEAT I We handle no Common, and confidently recommend to he the Best in tho Market. "Northwestern Daisy" Flour Altvays flve satisfaction. So does "Illvm'side." lhey MAKE WHITE BREAD and are Easy to Bake. When you need FLOOE OIL CLOTH Don't forget to examine our stock. Over 30 different patterns to select from. All Widths and Prices. ' PERSONAL. Rov. H. O. James will preach In Audenrlod to-morrow. lion. D D. Phillips, of Gordon, spent a fow hours In town yesterday. Ex-roor Director Hefner was in town yesterday, shaking hands with his friends, It was Kov. Simpson, and not Vivian, that officiated at tho Huntor-Lowis wod ding. Bert C. Ilooks and John Kern, of tho Bloomsburg Normal school, arospsndlng a fow days with rolativos in town. M. M. L' Voile, Eiq , of Ashland, paid Shenandoah a professional visit yostorday. lie continues to improve in health. Harry M Ginnis, tho Republican candi date for Tour Director, was in town law ovouing. Ho tnado many new friends, Ho is a popular young man. Missos Kathorino Jamos and Lizzio Reoso loavo for Scrantou on Monday to represent tho Young I'ooplo's Christaln Union at th Slato Association. Judgo W. P. Sadler, of Carlisle, Pros! dent of tho Electric Stroot Kailway, ar rived in town last ovoning and is stopping at tha Ferguson IIouso. Our good-looking friend Harry Uochtol, of Philadelphia; his brothor, Hon. O. Bechtel, and A. "V. Scha'ck, Esq., of Pottsville, woto in town on Thursday for few hours. Fluo Exhibits. Tho handsomest, and the most artistic of all tho exhibits at the great annual fair tho Amorican Institute in Now York this year is that of Walter Bakor & Co., th oldost and ono of tho largest manufacturers of cocoa and chocolate in tho world. Th utmost taste is ovmcod In tho construction of tho booth, which is a picture of white and gold; whilo tho tempting display of goods ploaso3 the cyos and arrests the stops of all visitors to tho fair. Samplo cup3 of W. Baker S Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa ate served free to all by two pretty young ladies attired in tho oxact costumo of Liotard'fl famous portrait of "La Bello Ohocolatiero," (adopted many years ago as the trademark of this firm) palo blue sn la gowns, waists of old gold satin, and laco caps of pink and bluo. Tho evolution of tho product is also shown, from tho in. monso cocoa pods containing tho bean to exquisitely colored powder which is so familiar to tho housewife, and, whensorved at tho breakfast tablo, so grateful to tho most fastidious palato. Taken altogether, it is a beautiful oxhibit and ono which do servedly rocoivos tho admiring attention o ovory visitor to tho fair. Oysters aro in season market aro at Coalott's. ana tne best in tho o A Great Sale. In order to dispose of a ten-thousand dollar stock of clothing within thirty days, preparatory to going out of tho business, we are prepared to sacriiico all tliat wo have. Wo guarantee a saying of 25 per cent. Call and inspoct our stock and get our prices before going olsowhoro. The Original Bargain Store (Red sign in front) 23, S. Main St., Shenandoah. 10-10-2t Ladies, if you want flno writing paper and onvolopes to match, call on Max Reoso. tf THE SEASON, Inferior Goods at low prices, ozir BEST MIR CE MEAT BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Where Thoso "Who Aro So Dis posed May Attond Dlvlno Worship To-morrow Othor Local Nows. English Baptist church, South Jardin stroot, Kov. H. G. Jamos, pastor. St vlcos to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Bro. Thomas, Hough will conduct the morning sorvico and Bro. Wm, Howells will preach in tho ovoning. Sabbath school at2 p. m. Deacon John Bunn, superinten dent. On Monday ovening at 7:30 Tho Young People's Christian Union will moot. On Wednosday ovoning at 7o'clock a general prayor meeting conducted by Deacon Pillingor. All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near Main, Rev. Floyd E. West, rector. Sorvicos as follows: Morning prayor and litany with reading and sermon, 10.30. Evening prayer and sermon, 0:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m, Tho rector officiates and preaches at tho morning service on the second and fourth Sundays of onch month and at tho ovoning sorvioo on tho lirsl and third, a lay reader officiating in hisabsonce. Ebonozor Evangolical church. Rev. H. J. Glick, pastor. Services Sunday at 10 a. m. in Gorman, and 0:30 p. m. in English. Sunday school at 1:30. p. m. All aro hoartily invited to attond. P. M. church, cornor of Jardin and Oak stroets. Sorvicos Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at G p. m. every Sabbath. Classes moot Tues day and "Wednesday ovonings at 7 o'clock and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Goneral prayor mooting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. H. G, Russell, pastor. Preaching in tho Trinity Roformed church to-morrow morning and ovoning by tno pastor, Rev. Kobort O Boylo. Every Doay welcome Welsh Baptist church, corner West and Oak streets. Rev. D. I. Evans, pastor, Sorvicos Sunday at 10 a. m. in Wolsh and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Prayor moeting on Monday ovon ing, at 7 o'clock. Class moeting on Thurs day ovonincr. at 7o'clock. Presbyterian church. Rev. "W. McNallv. pastor. Proaohintr at 10:30 a. m. nnd fi Rn p. m. Tho sacramont of tho Lord's supper at the close of morning Borvico. Prayor mooting on Thursday evoning at 7:30, All aro cordially invltod to those sorvices. Rov. U. M. Havice, of Muncy, Pa., will preacnlnthe English Luthoran church to morrow at 10:30 a. in. and C:30 p. m. Sun day school at 1:30 p. ra. as usual. All mombors aro requested to bo prosont. M. E. church, Rev. Wm. Powick, psstor. Sorvicos to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. .Morning subject : "Tho Wages of Sin." Evening subject: "ThoGiftof God." Sunday school at 2 p m., to bo followed by the devotional mooting of tho Epworth League Quarterly conforenco Tuesday evening at a o ciocic. uonoral prayor mooting Thursday ovoning at 7:30. Boats froo. All are wolcomo. A Common Sense Remody. In tho matter of curattvos what you' want is something that will do its work whilo you continue to do yours a remody that will give you no Inconvenienco nor inter fere with your business. Such a remody Is Allcock's Porous Plasters. Thoso plasters are not an experiment j they bavobeenin uso furjovor thirty years, and thoir value has been attested by tho highest medical authorities, as woll as by testimonials from thoso who havo used them. They require no change of diet and aro not affected by wet or cold. Their action does not interfero with labor or business : you can toil and yet be curod while hard at work. They aro so puro that tho youngest, tho oldest and most delicate person of eithor sox can uso them with groat benefit. Bowaro of imitations, and do not bo deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for Allcock's, and lot no solicitation or ex planation induce you to accept a substitute. Important Call and Beo tho list of openings and businou chances at Max Reese's. If you are out of employment or In want of some ono to fill a position, you can bo accom modated at onco. A small feo is all that is required for tho services of tho agont. Pension Renewed, Ex-Burgoss D. J. AVilliams has had his pension renowod undor tho now law. Ho will recoivo $12 por month horoaftor, be sides back ponslon amounting to about S1D0. Children Enjoy The pleasant flavor, gontlo action and soothing offocts of Syrup of Figs, when In neod of a laxative, and if tho father or mother bo oostivo or bilious tho most grat ifying results follow its use, so that it is tho host family remedy known and ovory family should havo a bottle. Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at the Herald office THE WATER QUESTION. Tho Now Worka Should Bolonff to tho Borough. Soma people who havo not been plr-afed with the stand tho Herald took on the eloctno rail question aro now trying to create prejudlco by asserting that tho papor is against tho establishment of now water works. The Herald has always boon and is now ready and willing to advooato and help along anything that will benefit the town and tho people. It can point to its record with pride in support of this asser tion. The Herald advocated and fought for a eoworago system, but tho cranks, drones and skeptics won. Tho Herald advocated and fought for a city charter, but tho crauks, dronos and skeptics won. The Herald advocated and fought for a Board of Trade, but tho cranks, drones and ekoptics won. Tho Herald advooatod and fought for tho establishment of sufficient homo in dustries to mako tho town, in somo measure at least, independent of tho coal industry, but tho cranks, drones and skoptics havo always grasped the movumont by tho throat. Tho Herald advocated tho olectrio rail way and hammered away for months at tho idea that it would bo ono of tho greatest achievements in tho history of tho borough, but tho cranks, dronps and skeptics grappled that, too, by the throat and smothered it for all the time they thought but, Phoo-nix-like, it aro-o from the ashes, independ ent, strong in pluck, onorgy and financial back, and froo and cloar of tho barnacles that previously hindered its progross. And tho cranks, dronos and skoptics who oppose ovfrything tho Herald advocates, "on gonoral principles," flocked to a paper that has never boon in the rank3 of thoso who have boon trying to build up tho town and joined hands with it in a fight which thoy boliovcd would bo a death-blow to tho electric railway ; but tho Herald stood by tho railway and tho dronos, cranks and skoptics wont down for onco. There noed bo no doubt about tho stand ing of tho Herald on tho water quostion. Tho Herald is willing to advocate tho establishment of water works to be owned, controlled and managed by the people. Tho Herald is not in favor of any movement that is to sololy benefit n clique of skinflints and misors who aro waiting to fish tho gold out of thoir mouldy socks and put into a sure thing for largo dividends, but who will not part with ton cents to built up the town. Tho Hkrald favors waterworks "of the people, by tho peoplo and for tho poople," and no other. Now, if all tho parlios who havo or ganized tho movemont for new water works are acting in good faith thoy aro in a position to show it Tory soon, Wo say all the people because wo havo knowledge that many of our most prominent and re spected citizens woro at tho public mooting in a spirit of good faith, but that tho ro suits of tho mooting strongly ovidoncod a schemo on tho part of othors to uso tho mooting as a pretext to Btab tho oloctrio railway project in tho back. We havo tho statements of two of tho most prominent and highly rospocted gen- tlemon in tho town that thoy wont to tho mooting on Wodnosday night to favor the water works and everything done in that connection met with thoir approval, but whon the attempt was mado to irjoct tho oloctric railway quostion into tho buslncs, without giving rcasonablo notice that such steps would bo takon, and without giving tho electric peoplo an opportunity to bo hoard, they left tho hall disgusted and im pressed with tho idea that tho citizens had boon called togother undor tho mantle of tho water question to injuro tha cause of the electric railway company. It is quite likoly that some of tho cranks, drones and skoptics will jump to tho con clusion that the two gontlomon roferred wore electric railway poople. But the Herald statos with all tho force of truth that tho two gontlomon aro in no way con nected with tho railway project and that the statements were unsolicited and wholly voluntary. The rosult of Wednesday's moeting loft tho Herald undor tho eamo impression that tho two gentlemen recoivod. But the Herald did not and does now bolievo that all who c&usod that moeting to bo called, or who participated in tho wator proceed ings, had a hand in tho scheme. For Sale. Two barrols of Now Orloans and baking molaseos and two barrels of minors' oil for salo to dealers at a low flguro. J. Coffeo, 29 and 31 S. Main stroot. 10 IG-'Jt BurohlU's Restaurant. Oharlos Burchlll is now located at corner of Main and Coal stroets. Shonnndoab. Regular moals, at popular pricos, sorvod any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-11-tf Tho Dootor and Postmaator ' were talking about a case of nerlous illness- no uj u ueifiecieu oia una rapiaiy going Into consumption which wuh promptly cured by .IM.u".1inl.. wish ana I'misuniptloa Cure. Trial bottles lite at Klrlln'g Urug store. Bost work done at Brnnnan's steam laundry. Evorythlng white and spotless. Lace purtalns a specialty. AH work guar-jutoodi MIDNIGHTALAEM A DRUNKEN POLANDER IN A STRANGE HOUSE. AN ELEGTRIG RAILWAY MEETING. All Contracts Awarded Work Will Begin Next Wook Maha noy and Glrardvlllo in Lino. Ashland Expootod. Botwoen ono and two o'clock this morn ing tho residents of tho First and Second wards were aroused from thoir slumbers by a woman's crios of "Murder I Police I" Tho woman giving tha alarm was Mrs. Eborharl, a widow residing in tho Com pany houses bordering tho Lehigh Valley railroad. Adam Mort, "Doro" Hydo and othor mon wont to hor asdstanco and cap tured a drunkon Polo who had forcod an ontrance to tho kitchen of tho widow's homo Tho Polo was takon boforo Chief Burgess Leesig who committed tho man to tho lockup on a chargo of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, Mrs. Eborhart was not disposod to mako more serious chargo and said sho would settlo the case upon pay ment of damages done to her furniture. The man was still in the lockup this after noon. GETTING IN SHAPE. Elootrio Railway Work Will Bo- gin Noxt Wook. Judgo W. F. Sadler, of Carlislo, Cum berland county, president of tho Mhanoy City, bhonandoah, Oirardvillo and Ash land Stroet Railway Company, arrived in town last night and registered at tho For guson Housa to await tho docision of tho Mahanoy City and Girardvillo borough councils on tho "T" rail quostion. Tho special committoo appointed by the Mahanoy City council to visit Bothlohom and Allontown mado a unanimous roport in favor of tho "T" rail in proforenco to tho flat rail and reported that tho docision was arrived at after a careful inspection and consultations with a number of tho prominont citizens and business mon of the two placos visited. Upon this roport tho "1 rail was adopted. 1 ho Girardvillo borough council also met last night and not only adopted tho "T" rail , but also gavo tho railway com pany tho option of puttingiin a 4 foot 81 inch gaugo, or a 6 foot 21 inch, as tbo company may doom advisable Tho council also decided to givo all tho oncouragoment in its power to tho company. no Asniana borough council will nioet Tuosday evoning and its docieion is ex ported to conform with that of tho othors. This morning a meeting of tha company was held in its offico in tho Baddall build ing, Judgo Sadler proslding and contracts for tho steam plant, rails, ties, polos, etc., were awarded. Tho contract for tho steam plant was awarded to tho Frick Engine Company, of Waynesboro, through Mr. G. L. Jones, of Philadelphia. Tho supplies aro expected by next Tues day, or Wednesday, and work on tho Una wiil commence immediately thoreaftor. In conversation with a Herald re porter to-day Mr. Eberie, superintendent of construction for tho company, said: 'Tho stoam plant will bo tho fintst over seen in this section of tho state. Tho en- gino will bo COO-horso power and of tho Corliss make." Tho finest note paper and onvolopos i tho country at Max Reoso's. tf New Shoo Storo. I wish to inform my patrons and tho public in general that I will opon a shoo storo in tho room formerly occupied by L. Goldman, cornor Main and Oak streets. In my new quarters I will carry tho finest lino of footwear in tho county, and will continue to sell tho samo at groatly roduoed pricos. I will also carry a full lino of dry goods, and thoso wishing anything in this lino will sayo monoy by purchasing tho samo lrom mo. 10-10 2t J. Coiitee. What's better for a wnnnil flinn Knlvnffnn Oil? Kclio answers : "Whut." Wo answer: Tuotulnir." "riosavwn all nf n. uihat wn all I" OnlyaScts. ' Stereoptioan Looturo. Prof. M. AV. Oleavor, ,B. A., will givo a very interesting and muoh lauded lecture in tho Presbyterian churoh on Wednesday ovoning, noxt. Tho subject is "Johnstown and tho Connemaugh Valley." The views aro realistic, and will bolexbibited by a whito, oalcium light. In will be Instruc tive and Interesting, and somo things will bo thrown in to oxcito tho risibilities and send ovory body away fooline cood. Tickets adults, 2Co. ; children 16c. Property Sold. Joseph Rynkowicz has purchased the property on South Main street owned by Mrs. Tobin for ?G,300. Elootrio Sparks. The Electrio Railroad Company appear to bo la earnest and should have all tho oncouragemont wo can givo thorn con sistent with tho borough Interests. Maha noy 2Vi- Weekly. READ THIS. Elootrio Railways are Real Estnto Boomoro. Tho Herald takes plwsuro in calling; tho attention of tho backsliding, non-pro-grcsMvo and anti-electric (railway citlzona f town to an interesting paragraph clippod from tho Bethlohem Time 'ot Thursday last. Somo of tho skeptics who have fought tho eloctric railway bocauso thoy believed it was In tho hands of "wind pipes," and becauso thoy could not soo whero tho monoy to build it was coming from, woro temptod to smilo a fow days ago when thoy read tho assertion in tho Herald that tha railway will boom roal ostate in and about tho towns through which it will pass. Tho attention of thoso skeptio is particularly callod to tho paragraph quoted and it is hoped thoy will understand just what is therein contained. Tho paragraph roads: If South Bethelehem's onuncllmon havo still a linge.-ing doubt as to the utility of tho oloctric railroad thoy should mako an investigation of West Bothlohem's r- al estate boom. A largo number of building lots havo boon sold ou tho strongth of that railway and the prosperity of tho western borough was never more pronounced. In fact, there is a tendency all over town for property adjacent to the olectrio mad to increase In value, and tho bom lit that has accrued to tho community during tho rail way's brief oxistence is unmistakable. It is impoasiblo to deny that Suuth Bethlo hem would reap vast benefit from tho ex tension of tho road into hor domain. And It will bo a suicidal policy for tho borough, through hor servants, to provont this beno fit by opposing tho erection of tho Main stroot btidge, which is tho means and tho only means through which tho olectrio road will come." To Your Intoroats. The prudent buyor always makos his pur chases whore ho can savo tho most money. That is tho reason tho storo of J. Coffoo is always crowded. His lino of footwoar Is unsurpassed for quality and stylo, and bo low all competitors. Ho is soiling child ren's doublod-soled shoos at tho romarkablo low prico of C0c, and Woonsockot boots, bost mako, at ?2 2-5. For bargains call at J. Cofteo's, 31 S. Main stroet. 10 10 2t . i ... i Lottor List. Tho following letters romain uncalled for In tho Shonandoah. Schuvlkill nnnntv 7V . post offico, October 17, 1891 : Kelley, Daniel Russell, J. W. Young, Thomoa Parties callinir for advertised lnttora should please say "advortisod." Ono cent will bo chargod on all advortised letters. U. U. BOYER, P. M. Buoklen's Arnica Salvo. Tlttt Mailt Onlpn In . 1.1 e ... . Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Salt llheum, Fever. Moms. Tnllpr f'hu.i.iori llnHa r,iK,ni. Corns, ami allSblu liruptlooB, and positively cures Piles, or no ruy requlrtd. It Is guar antf ed to give perfect satlslUotlnn, or money ,v,.i.ucu a iito 4u wum pvr uux, iur buio by C. II. ilacenbucb. Y" Programmo. Tho following will bo tho programmo of oxercises at tho "Y" meeting to-night : No. si, "Y Bolls." Bcrlpture kiwn, Comic recitation, T. II. Hopkins. Mu-lo ou kuzo), Male quartette. Munroe Doctrine BUI, A. O. Morgan. Declnmntlon, J. T. Lawsou. Crl'lc, V. Heevcs. Selection Jroui "Y Bells." Waters' Wolss boor is tho best. John A' 6-6-tf Roilly solo agent. A Slunnor. J. CoiTeo, having purchasod tho greater portion of Goldman's stuck at sheriff's salo rocontly, consisting of more than 2,000 pair of boots, shoes, etc., ho is now prepared to soli tho same nt pricos not to bo beaten In the county. Coma early whilo the sizes romain unbroken. Don't forgot tho place, 31 South Main street. Look for canvass sign. 10-10-Ct A Surprise. Keep your eye on this looal. Keagey, tho photographer, will have his new open ing in a fow days and will havo something interesting that will surprise the ixtople. tf Always go to Coslett's, South Main Btreet, for your prime oysters. 8-22-tf Fou tintypes for 25 conts. at Dabb's. if WANT A FISH ? For Breakfast? A Maclcernl;? Wo havo 'cm. White and fat. Bright and sweet. , No oil. No rust. Hb, lib, i;ib, li lb, nib, GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Str