The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 16, 1891, Image 2

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IKfJlMmn IT A TVTTrnnin ' Tim nr wurai, liunsi. i
00 . , , I
CO ba)'S tUO WllO Of OaUnda 3
SBt! tmmm iu vtmr rnnir nrmw
, 1,41. The ,,ead Rre. Samu,i Bunker, on-
. I glneer, Ada I Cram and Mamie Kean.
DanU. th. fJ( f..t CV. n.. 4-TI.1. following were Injured: Mary Mc
ueniM tho Btory that Bhe 0ms to Thti Nabb, Internally; Su.le Brookhotuo;
Country for a Separation- ',na M- French, Nolllo Hoardman, Mel-
'Ina Martel, Louisa Murtol, Lemuel
Mm. John Il.rc.rt Tells of the Thirty .
Y.ars.r nr Married Llr--r.rieutlou
by Her Attempts to Take
Away Her Chlld.-rCrtt toniaekam Iter
Good Nm.-IIMT She Bared Hazgart's
l'ropertyAn Inlarettlngt Stor.
New Yonit, Oct. 10. In East New
York on Stewart street thera Is a Httlo
two-stsry wooden cottage whloh. In snlta
of Its modest appearance, is at presont
iiib noma 01 mo wire or John Haggart,
tho I'ostmakter-Qeneral of Canada.
Mrs. Haggart Is a woman with beau
tiful hair, white as It la possible for hair 1
to become. Her face still has a youth
ful look and in spltn of tho fact that she ,
Is well on toward SO years of ago. Mrs.
Haggart Is still a beautiful woman. 1
Thirty years ago she was Catherine
Douglas, the belle of tho little inland
village of Perth, about 60 miles from Ot
tawa, i
As Is well known, Mrs. Haggart's life 1
has lieen a stormy one ever since she
married Canada's present Postmaster
General. When she left Ottawa a few
days ago otid it became known that she i
was comlnit to New York or Brooklyn !
It was Immediately surmised that the 1
object of her trip was to seoure a divorce
from her husband, with whom she has ,
not lived for nearly 80 years.
When R reporter broaohed tho subject
of dlvaroe to her yesterday, Mrs. Hag
gart laughed a little bitterly and said: I
ur snoum 1 want a divorce from
jrok- iiaggiirt, ru liko to knoivf I havo morning at u o'eloek, near Crete, HI.
got along without ne for twenty-nine The dead aro Leonard Washburn, sport
years, ami I think I can do so a llttlu Ing reporter for the "Inter-Oeenuj" Fred
Sf'i, W. Henry, reporter, and J. A. McAfTerty,
JJesirtes, if I wanted a divorco I artist for tbo same paper; James Clark,
..........i lunio uei iiiiu uih amies lo get
une. i was married :in Canada, inn
The present wife of Mr. Koster, ono of
my husband's associate officials In the
Canadian Government, was divorced
hero and marfied again there, and now
she Is not admitted to Kltlenu Hall.
"Besides, what good would a divorce
do mo anyway? I don't think enough of
njiin io caru to marry again, and 1 have
a fine house of my own in Ottawa left
uy my father to my sister and mvsolf. I
nii2 I havo money, too, from the cstato '
ana nearly tw j years ago I began an ac- I
non against my Husband which never
came to trial, as ho agreed to pay mo
$1,000 a vear. I whs satisfied with that,
though f could have had $3,000 had I
pressed the suit.
"When I married 'Jack' Tactzart near
ly 80 years ago I was only 19 ond could I
have married whom I liked in Perth. I
He owned a grist mill there und other
property thnt him made rich. 1 went to
live at his mother's house. It was not I
very long before I found that othor
women Interested him more than I
did and that he preferred hoteU and
barrooms to his own homo.
"It has been said that I used to fro- .
tiiisnt places of amuseuiant more than
I ought after my marriage
"Tho only place I ever wont to was
tho skating rink, and then I nlwayB wout
with I.IIna Haggart, my husband's sis
ter. The tickets ho gave us for the rink
represented all the money he ever spent
on us.
"Ono day after my child was born bo
Ktruck me. Then I left him and went
home to my father. Then when my bo y
wns a your old my husband camo
and toro him from mo and hid him. Ho
liad the child brought up on an Island
ond educated there by private tutors.
He was 10 years old when he came home,
and although everything had beon done
to nllenato him from mo, he used to
Htoal away at times to see his mother.
Ho died seron years ago.
"Everything has been done to catch
Tneln some indlscrotiou, but never has
one word been alleged against mo either
when I have been abroad or at homo.
Everything thnt has been said about my
having mado trouble for my husband or
having stood In the way of his advance
ment is wholly untrue.
"Years ago 1 saved his property from
his creditors by refusing to sign away I defraud his creditors, among whom Is
my right of dower. In fact, the whole V18 Insurance company. The Travelers'
Htory of my life with John Haggart Insurance Company alleges that Hatch
would fill a book; but again I say I , f indebted to thera to the extent of $23,
do not want divorce " 603 on account of frauds alleged to havo
Mrs. Haggart. however, gives no VPen . Praotloiiu upon the company by
plausible reason for her presenco horo in
New York just now when divorco pro
ceedings would be so detrimental to hor
husband's Interest.
IleulM tha Killing.
Boston, Oct. 10. Tho Woburn Chief
of Police now holds tho opinion that of
the four men said to have been in tho
Callahan house when Mrs. Grace Calla
han met a violent death, only one, Thos.
Mairln, was present. Marrin says that
he was on tho lower floor with two other
men when Mrs Callahan was killed by
tailing down stairs. He denies the
story that he pushed tho woman down
the stairs.
Colornd Knights of I'llilai.
Boston, Oct. 15. Tho session of the
Supreme Lodge of Colored Knlghti of
Pythias on the Eastern and Westorn
hemispheres, was held yesterday. Officers
wero olectod for two years, ltichmond,
Yi, will bo the place of meeting next
Th. I'rlno.'. HuitCuiesluFree.
wAsniNQTON, uct. it). Tho Treasury 1 t resident Hooy for tha money they be
Department has decided that a marble j Here to be duo the company from him
hust of the Prince of Wales, Imported by . on account of hU oonneetlon with the
Masonic society of Iowa, is entitled
to free entry,
Hon. Wm. F. Bheshan spoke at Al
fcauy last night.
Yesterday firemen from Sing Sing,
Mount Vernon, Peeksklll, Tarrytown and
Haverstraw took part in th firemen's
parade at Yonkers.
The conference committee of the New
York and New Jersey Bridge Company
of New York and New Jersey met yester
day and agreed to consolidate.
Rsv. Octavlus Applegats, jr., of Ellon
vllle, aad Miss Ada A , daughter of A.
II. Havemeyer, of Newhurg, were mar
rled yesterday at the latter place. I
Mayor Chapln of Brooklyn was no ml- '
qatsd for Congress by th Democrats to
oooeed David A. Boody, who resigned
ahs ofSco la aooipt the aoniioatioa tot
ZLtja. . , ... . . i
Tbrvn KIlloJ. nnd Many Hurt
IIi)i.lilr. Mill.
MANcntoTEn, N. II., Oct. 10. A 08-
loa llr wheel in tho Amoskeag Mills
uurn yesteruay morning, demolishing
that part of tbo structure In which It
was located and oauslng tho death of at
least throe persons.
imviu, ana Krall itaane.
The engineer wa killed Instantly,
and Ada L. Cram and Mamie Kean died
du ring the day of their Injuries. Miss
Onto bad an arm and a lee broken, and
Miss Kean was Injured about the head.
Two or three others of the injured may
die. Workmen are busily ensnged In
removing the debris, two or three others
being missing.
The Amoskeag Mills cranlov 8.000
operatives, but the only vlottms were
thoso employed In tho ono story above
'"8 engine room. The fly-wheel mado
00 revolutions per minute, but the speed
Increased suddenly about 0 o'clock,
when tho broak came.
Tho oause of the explosion Is attribut
ed to tho governor of theenglnes.s
Tho explosion shook the city and tho
report was like thnt of a cannon.
It being "merchants' week" thousands
of BtrnngiTS were In the city and crowds
flocked to tho mill gates, but few wero
allowed to pass In except surgeons and
those with ambulances.
The Amoskeng corporation, which Is
one of the richest cotton manufacturing
concerns In this country, Is looking after
me wounuou ana their tamlllos.
killed Timui! nupoivrnns.
Horrible Accident to a Party Who Were
Wrlllnir Up n Itnllroud lllrio.
Chicago, Oct. 10 A horrible accldont,
resulting in the death of three members
of tho "Inter-Ocoan" stnflf, occurred on
tho Chk'uxo & Illinois rond veatenlav
The train loft Evansvllle earlv In tho
morning and prooceded safely to Crete,
where it ran Into an open switch. Tho
three men who were killed were on tha
engin, Henry and McAfferty having
gono out for tho purpose of writing up
and illustrating a midnight ride on the
fast train, and Washburno, who was re
turning to Chlcaijo from an Indiana
trip, having joined his frionds on tho on-
cino. The accident uma without, wn,.,,
Ing, nnd as the locomotive plunged from
the track tho four men wore caught and
complotoly burled beneath the wreck.
New Wheat Tariff With Mexloo.
WAsniNOToJJ, Oct. 10. Mr. Thomas
Hyan, United States Minister to Mexico,
has sent a dlspotch to the State Depart
ment enclosing a decree by President
Diaz, amending the existing toll tariff
on wheat and wheat tariff. As amended
tho tariff law reads: "Wheat flour or
wheat grain for threshing ono hundred
kilograms, $1.34; wheat Hour In granule,
all classes.ono hundred kilograms; $1.10;
wheat, that which Is Introduced Into tho
city of Mexico, gross weight, 109 kilo
grams, 00 cents. This now tariff went
into effect Sent. 22.
He Hni Ktllad Fire.
Charleston, W. Vn., Oct. 10. Noah
Adair, one of the mysterious moon
shiners of West Virginia and who has a
' record of having killed five men, was
lodged in jail hare yesterday. Adair
was tho leader of tho famous Mlllens
gang and a yoar ago the gang routed no
, fewer than three posses of deputy mar
shals who attempted their arrest. Two
of the MlHoiin gang wero captured threo
. months ago nnd two others wero shot.
I Adair fled to Virginia, whore he was
i captured nfter a weok's chasa over the
Suit by ilia Travolom' Insurance Co.
B09TOK, Oct. 10. The Travelers' In
surance Company yesterday entered a
bill In equity in tho United States Cir
cuit Court, ngalnst Ellen P. Hatch, of
North Brooklleld, Mass., to obtain cer
tain securities which the company al
leges Wero turned over to hor by her hus
band, Oharlos W. Hatch, with intent to
To Contest H.r Father's Will.
Boston, Oct. 18. Mrs. Anna S. Rowe,
daughter of the late Edward A. White,
will contest the will of her father, who
left nearly the whole of $350,033 to his
widow, a second wife, and cutting Mrs.
Rowe off with "an umbrella," by reason
of his dislike to her husband. Mr.
White was a Boston Fire Commlsslonor.
American Shipping I.aague.
BATO, Me., Oct. 10. A council of the
Bath Branch of tho American Shipping
and industrial Loaguo will convene In
this oity next Wednesday. Reports re,
celved from Boston, New Yo k, Phlla;
delphia, Baltimore and other places indi
cate that tho meeting will roach large
and Important proportions.
Iloey Will Urn ProsseiiUd.
New YonK, Oct, 10. The dlroctors of
tho Adams Express Company had a coaM
sultatlon vestardav with their rmtnu
anJ j0CMe,l to bring suit aealust ex-
purchass of
tho minor New England
George AUgan's
South River were
Loss f 3,000.
hotel nnd barn at
burned yesterday,
Th cranberry crop In New Jersey,
which la just being harvested, will be
th largest crop gathered for years.
The condition of Monslcnor Doane,
who has been lying seriously 111 at his
home in Newark, Is greatly improvtd.
Daniel Bradr. of Newark, was veitar,
day sent to State prison for three years
for wife beating. HU wife tried la vain
to save him.
William Croaoher. ud 10. of Lanca,
hire, England, hangsd himsslf In abarn
at New llruniwlok yesterday, having
grown despondent from eoutlouod at-
taoKs ot maiaria.
Tho "Woman Kcsponsiblo for
Fisk's M ardor Married.
lis BcJiflvtd Josla Mansflold Alono Oould
Sara Him from Drtmkennsss.
II Has More Money than Urlnft-History
of the Woman Who One Was the Most
Talked of Person In the Country--Uer
Iiilrlffiie With tho Krle Kltie Itscnlled.
How She Camo to Marry Lawyer Iteade
-- Now the Stftter-ln-Law ofn Lord.
London, Oct. 1G. Joslo Mansfield Is
married. The woman who was more
discussed SO years ago than any other
person In the western hemisphere tho
woman who inspired Edward S. Stokos
to kill James FIsk, jr. has again be
come staid and domure.
Mrs. Lawlor, formerly Miss Joslo
Mansfield, was married last Friday at
St. George's Church, Hanover square,
London, to Mr. Robert L. Iteade, of New
York. Mr. Lawlor, brother of Lady
Falkland; his mother, nnd threo mem
bers of tho bride's family wore present.
The couple aro spending tho honeymoon
at Brighton,
Robert L. Reade, her husband, Is a
lawyor, but has always enjoyed too
much money and too merry associates to
become remarkably celebrated at the
Bar. Ho is a short, thickset man with a
rich red Burgnndian complexion. He
looks like a man who has seen forty-five
years or more, but his oldest friends In
this city say he Is much younger than
Mrs. Reade spent last summer at
Cailsbad with hor cousin, Mrs. Levi P.
Morton, and hor daughters. Lawyer
Robert L. Reade went over to visit his
mother in July. There ho met Joslo
Mansfield, who, in spite of her years,
was as much of n bello us aver. Sho
called herself Mrs. Frauk Lawlor and
tho number of her devoted admirers wns
legion. Lawyer Iteade was fascinated.
He urged tho fair Josie to marry him,
but sho was coy. Sho told him to take
uinple time and consider well what ho
was about to do. How well ho consid
ered Is told by the marriage Friday.
.Joslo Mtmiflold's History.
It is not fair even to guess at Mrs.
Robert L. Reade's ago. She is as charm
ing to-day as she was when she ensnared
tho gallant Col. JlmFisk, jr., moro than
a score of years ago. Her fame went
abroad, too. Her narao was as well
known In every backwoods hamlet as
John L. Sullivan's Is to-day. Bonnets
and gowns and a certain mode of dress
ing the hair wero claimed for her.
Then Josie Mansfield and Jim Fisk
quarrelled and parted. The King of Erie
was jealous because his handsome friend
and ex-partner Ned Stokes, was too at
tentive to Josio and spent too many days
and nights in the houso Jim Fisk's
money had furnished for hor. Then
came bickerings, a threat of publishing
nil of Fisk's letters and telegrams to
Joslo, au injunction by which Fisk pre
vented Stokos from publishing thorn or
any of them, and Anally the shooting of
Fisk by Stokes on the main stairway of
the Grand Central Hotel on Broadway.
Josio sued Col. Fisk's widow for $200,
000 shoclalmo'l tho dead man owed her,
but she did not win the suit. Josie
went to Boston, but sho found that city
to hot to live In. Crowds followed hor and
hooted her In tho streets. Soon she lied
to Paris. Thore sho made her homo, and
there vory likely she will carry on the
good work of saving her husband
from drinking himself to death.
Joslo Mansfleld wns married In 180-1 to
Frank Lawlor, an actor of some noto.
She was then living in San Francisco
with hor parents. Lawlor and Josio led
a happy life until 1808, when he found
that ho could no longer live wltu nor.
he was jrAi.ous.
Rfivanton Pattnm Muher Shoots Ills
Wife and liiidly Hurts Her Father.
Sckaston, Pn., Oct. 10. Stephen
D'Ayola, u pattern maker at the Wight
man Motor Works, shot his wife twice
through tho head last evening nt tbo
May House, where tho couple resided
with the wife's fathor. The woman fell
dead over her child which she was stoop
ing to pick up.
The husband, It Is stated, called from
bath room to his wife to come and
care for the child, and as she entered the
room he shot her.
The father of Mrs. D'Ayala and several
other persons who wero at the supper
table, rushed into tne hallway at the
Bound of tho weapon.
Tho murdeier attempted to escape and
a ncumo followed, In which the fathor
was badly injured. D'Ayala then got
away, but was captured in the cellar of
another hotel and lodged in jail.
jealousy Is tha allegod cause of the
Moro Victims ol the Green-nyed Monster.
Canton, O., Oct. 10. A 13-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Lottie Loey was shot
and killed here yesterday by Charles
Hawkins. Hawkins then tried to kill
himself by slashing three gashes across
bis throat with a razor and cutting four
holes in his head wltu hatobet. Ho
will hardly recover. Jealousy of a man
numod Whlto led to the tragedy.
Gov. Hill to Go to Atlanta.
Albany, N. Y., Oct. 10. Gov. Hill
will start on Sunday noxt for Atlanta,
(Ju., where lie is to deliver the address
at the dedication of the Grady monu
ment on the 21st lnst. The committee
ef arraugemsuts from Atlanta will con
vey th Governor and his party thither
in two private cars which have been
secured for the purpose. The Governor's
party will consist of Gen. Slocum of
Brooklyn, A. McCall of New York, Gen,
Austin Lathrop, Assistant Adjutant-
ueuerui McKwen. Uen. Ferdinand Y.
Earle, ( the Governor's staff and on or
two oths .
Uamago Caused By th Storm.
New Yokk, Oct. 10" The storm along
mo coast has done considerable damage
way and other seaside reports. The bluff
at Long Branch has been damaged to the
extent of $10,000. Bulkheads in front
of several of the hotels there have been
destroyed, and the sea has carried away
tons of earth along the shore. Pavllllon
and bathing houses at Rockaway have
been swept away, and several Summer
cottage at Southampton have been un-
acnninea Dy tne mgtt tldrt.
I 1 L7VP1S V
OPYRI&Ht 1891
I'lxed jtist right
juivcr, otomacii, ami Jiowels, by
Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets. They
do it in just tho right way, too
by tiqing Nature's own methods.
That's why they're better than tho
dreadful, old-fashioned pills, with
their griping and violence.
But they're better in every way.
In size, for instance, nnd dose.
Thoy'ro tho smallest and tho cas
jest to tako ; only ono little Pellet
is needed for a jcntlo laxative
threo for a cathartic. Thov cleanse
and regulate tho system thoroughly
but it's done eas'ily and naturally.
Sick Headache, Bilious Headache,
Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangements of
tho Liver, Stomach and Bowels aro
prevented, rcliovcd, and cured.
They're tho cheapest pill you can
buy, for thoy'ro guaranteed to givo
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. You pay only for valuo
Something else, that nays tho
dealer better, may bo oifercd as
" just as good." Perhaps it is, for
him, but it can't be, for you.
W. Baker SCo.'s
from which tho excess of
oil has been removed, is
Absolutely 1'ure
aud it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is therefore far mora
economical, costing less than one catt
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digester,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro.
V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
First National Bank,
Capital, $ IOO,OOO.OD.
A. iV. Leiscnrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrnq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass 't Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
rnld on Savin kb IJcpobUh.
Dank Counters, Tyler System, Port
able, Unequnlod in Styles,
Cost and Finish.
HO re Catttoru of Faamten. Dtfcka tie.. Ill ai tilled In
Colon, HooU. frft Pott age IS f fait.
Also Tvief a IE oval
Office llealta and Type
writer CuMueU, WOO
Ntyles. 11c b t and cheap
ct on earth, with great
rcauciionin prices,
ISO r caulDsu Fret.
robUgt it ctt. lull lUta r
lltxki, rhtlrs, Ttblea, Book
CaMitU, Us! Mi nk
tauiKMa, tit. aiwiiiork.
TVMUt DESK CO. 1 HI. r.on!, Mo., U.S. A.
Largest and c lieu pent Block In town.
Artistic I'aintlog, Graining and Decorating
10-3-em Canto BCBUBNAHBOAUi
We aro making n big drive In fur
niture, but malicious desire Is not Its
object. We desire to dispose of a lnrco
surplus stock, and propose to give our
patrons the benefit of some extraordi
nary bargains.
J. P. Williams & Bra,
Soulli Main St.,
Lohigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1891.-
Paaoeneer trains will leave Blienaudnnh far
Utuich Chuuk, Ijelilghlou, Hlatlngtou, Cats-
.auquu. Aiieutuwu. iMHuienem, fusion, I'llll
.delphia and New York at 5.17. 7.40. 9.08 a. m..
12.52,3.10,6.20 p.m.
For Uelvldere, Delaware WMer dap and
itroudsbnrgat5.47, a. m., and 5.26 p. ra.
r or uamnenviueano. xrenion, .us a, in
For Wlilto Haven, Wllkes-llarre and F11U
on 5.47. B.0H, 10.11 n. m 3.10 and 6.2(1 p. in.
KorTunfcfmimoclr, 10.41a. m 3.10 and 6.26
i. m
10.41 a. in., an i 5.20 p. m.
vorijftcstviiie. Towanaa. sayre, waveny,
Ilralra, Kochee'er, ltullulo, Niagara Falls,
'tiloaeo and all points Wt at 10.41 a. m..nnd
i.aip. m.
For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at
1.10 p. m.
ror yvuaennen, nazieion, nioaKion,
ier Yard, Weathrly and ienn Hven June
ionnt6.4r.7.40..08a m.nnd 12.52. 3.10 and
5.26 p. m.
ror jainesviue, ljeviHion ana iseavor
Meadow, 7.10, .08a. m. and 5,24 n. m,
ForHcrautonat6.17 U.0S. 10.41 a. m. 3.10 and
i-.'M p. ra.
For Har.lo Brook. Jeddo, DrlJlon and Free
land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.06, 10.11 a, m 152 3.10 and
p. zn.
For Uuakabo at 6.47 and 9.03 a. m.. and
1.10 p. m.
ror wigsano, uuuercuii huu rracKYliie ul
1.50 and tf.08 a. m nnd 4.10 p. m.
or xaiesvine, aiananoy uuy ana ueiano
47. 7.40. 9.0S. 10.41. 10.58 a. H1.. 8.03.
4.21 and 10.27 p.m.
rorijosi Lreea, diraraviiie ana iismana
i.27. 7.40. 8.52. 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.10. 4.10. 6.35
4.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For uarKwater, Ht. uiair ana roiuvme.
.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. in., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.03
For buck mountain, jNew isoaion ana
Morea. 7.10. 9.08. 10.63 a. n... 12i.2. .3.10. 6.26 and
3.03 p.m.
For ltaven Kun, Centralla, Alt. Carmel and
jbamokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.10, 4.40
ina p. m.
Trains leave Bbamokln for Bhenandoah.
' t ll.tAJ . .U.. 6.1V, LOU MUU UmIV p. JIJ., UII1V1UK
at Bhenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and
u.ia p. m.
avrtuAX 1 iw ill n.
For Lost Creek. Oirardville and Ashland.
1.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.15 p. m.
For Darkwater. 8t. Clair and PotUvllle.
xbO, 8.0n, 9.30 a . m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Alahanoy City and Delano,
S.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.10, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Hazleton, 8.01
a m 1.10 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Iiehlghton, Blatlngton,
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kattor
and Mew York, 8.00 a. m., 1,10 p. m:
j? or I'uiiaaeipnia, i.iu p. in.
Uen'l Pass. Act., Bethlehem.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written,
Marriage licenses ana legal claims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency.
General Fire Insurance Business, Represents
mejMormwesiern i,ne insurance uo.
Office Muldoon'a bulldlncr. corner Centre
and West His., Bhenandoah, Pa.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
I. A two story double Irame dwelling house
store and restaurant, on Eafet. Centre Bt.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
3. Desirable property on corner Centre and
jaruin streets, suitaoie tor Dusincss pur
1. A two-story double Irame dwelling, on
West Lloyd street.
6. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two 2 story dwelling"! on the corner of
uoai ana unestnut streets Micro room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street with a large warehouse at the rear.
8. Three two-siory double frame buildings
corner of Lloyd and Gilbert streets.
People's Oyster Bay !
12 E. Centre St., Sltcnnuilouli
II iw, Btewed, Scalloped, Panned or
Fried to order. Families supplied
nt their house with the best oysters
iue inarxei auurus.
All Orders PromptlylFilled.
UIilelMUia EU.k DImm Ilrui.
Original and flnly Vendue. A
marc. Ut; rellfttttt. laoic tik J&
UroKKlit for OtUkeMttr Snplith a-?
mond brand In K1 ud OM wetMif
ib-vscb. acuw hu Dm nooon. M ake
fwmj end itUatcmt. Al UraggUu, r lead -ta
ltUr fp lUdlc," n letter, br rfdnl
Largest and oldest reliable purely eaih com
panies represented by
120 S. JardinSt, Shenandoah, Pa.
Philadelphia and Beading Eailroad
Tine Table in eeet July 10, 18D1
nJfi.ewAork via Philadelphia, weekdays.
t'05?? 7:a) S'. m- and "S MO and 6M
m. Bunday 2.10 and 7.1S a. tn. For New
k . tic, vis Mauch Chunk, week days. 6.23.
W, a, m. and 12.35 and 2.50 p. m.
in SiifJIi! 8ua lhllBdolphla wtk days,
I?;3o7,?) nv-m- li33 bd 5.55 pim
aDaay, 2.10 and 7.48 a. in., 4.30 p. iu.
rn" el"if bur wook y". aiv.7.20 a. m,i
,tu, 0.00 p. m,
Jo. m-"eaU,wn woek day. hm 12.8S
iKmX'tJ11 ?ayJ 2-l.7.!l0,n. m.,
.7m ''4L8U p. m. P" m' Bon(layt 2-10 and 7.48
For Tamtii and Mahanoy city, week
"f1 aJS'-S-3 7n,! 12.3? 2& and 5?M
vr., 'l.""""11 a. in., 4.S0 p, m
Additional for ilahanoy City, week days 7.01
For Lancantar nnd nninmi.(n ..
.Wa.m..2.60p. m7 '
For Wllliannport, Hunburyand Lewlsburk.
veek days. 8.25, 7.20 and 11.31) a. m., 1.85. 7.CB
w. Unnday 3:25 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
'"or Ilahanoy Plane, week dayn, 2.10 8.25.
25, 7.20 and l(M a.m.. VIM, 1.35 2.50, 555
7.00 aufl ha r m. Buuday, 2 10, 8.i j anil 7.4(1
m. iJ.05, 4.30 p. m.
or Ashland and Bhauioktn,
.2), 5.25. 7.20. 11.30 a. m.. 1.35. 7.
" coa uujr n,
,00 and V,3
m. Sunday 3.25, 8 82 a. m 3.05 p. m. Vr
Isxive Now York via Philadelphia, wej '
thi. Bnnday, 0.00 p.m., 12.15 night.
Ieave New York via Jianrh Chunk, week
lays, 4.80, 8.45 a.m., 1.00 and 4.0J p. m.
mm Te """OJlPhla, ween days. 4.10, and
ii10allowhilland8.35a. m.nnd 11.83 p. m.
rrom uthand ireen streets. Uundajr 9.05 a.
m. 1I.S0 p. m. from th an i-ej.
Leave Heading, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.06
ad 11.50 a. in., 6.55, 7.67 p, m. Buuday 1.85 and
0.45 a. m.
Leave Poltsvllle, week .days, 7 AO, 7.10 a. m.,
' JO.ftll p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. and
.05 m.
ettve IVunaqua, week days, 8.f0, 8.48 and
2 ' u. Hi.. 1.21. 7.18. and B.1S n. m. Hnnrtn v !t pn
7 43 .in. and 20 p. m.
enve Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
.Jd 11.47 . m., 1.61, 7.12 and 9.41 p.m. Bun.
., il.18,8.17 1. m 3J0 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-4 3,4.00
vJ0,.35, 11.40 a, m.,1.05, 2.00. 5 20, 8 2d. 7.57, and
00 n m. Hnnriav .4 1. uin. and 97. i. m
3 37, 5.01, p. m.
ueave uirarnvine (itappanannocc Hiatlonl
"pk days,2.47 4.07, 6.8ft, and 9.41 a. m Uuj,
'2, r,.w, 0.32, 8.08 and 10.08 p. in. tsanrtay, 447,
0 , 6.33 i. m. 8.41, 6.'7 p. m.
ixsvo Wllllamstiort, week days. 8.W,9.45and
J.66 a. m. 3.85 and 11.16 p. in. Unnday ll.lj
'. m.
for Baltimore, Washington and the west
is. B. it O. It. B., through trains leave Ulrard
ivenne sUitlou, Philadelphia, (p. a It. It. it.)
't 1.18,801 and 11.27 a. la., 1.31, 4.21, 5.65 an
23 p. iu. Sunday, 4.13 8.02 11.27 a, in., 4.21
.55 and 7.24 p. m.
11JUAHX1U uitx m VISION. I
. Gave PhllftdAlDhla. PhMtnnt
a id south Hlreet Wharf.
For r,
Week-d 'vs Emress. 8 00. fl:IX) n. m
11. and 4, la, 0 30 . ai.
-iuatty. rtiiDress. 8.00. 9.00 a. n..
cooiin-!4iiou, s.ou a, m. iaa 1.43 p. m.
rtciuimug. icuvu Auamia uity, aepot
''3'itleonn rlt(inpw. ivnnnpu 'AbVn. a
Express. 7.00. 7.30. 0.00 a. in and 3 15. 4.00. S.SO
p. m. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10 a. in. and
4.80 p m, Sundays - Express, 4.00, 0.00 p. in.
Accommodation, 7.30 a.m. ami 6.0a p. in.
. atPLEOD. Pres. 4: Oen'l Manazor.
Innnd after September 1, 1891, (roliw tvttt teat
Bhemtniloah at fotlowt!
For Wlseau, Gllberton, Frackvjlle, New
iistle, St. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.13
. m and 4,16 pm,
Sundays, 000, 9.10 u in and UOp m.
For PotUvllle, 8.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p tn,
Sundayo, 0CO, B.4U a m ana 3.10 p m,
For Reading, 6.00, a m and 4.15 pm
Sundays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 8.10pm.
For PotMtown, PhoenlxviUe, Norrlstowi
nd Fhlladelnhla fBro&d strnnt Rtatlnm. ft.m.
a. m. and 4.15 p m week days
ttunaays, uw, v.iu a m b.iu p m
Trains leave KrackvlUe lor Hhennndnah k
10.10 am and 12.11, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bundays.
1 1.13 am and 5.40 pm.
Leave roitsvuio lor unenanaoah, 10,15 ana
.13. a m 7.15. 9.42 n m. Bnndavn. 10.40 n tn
1.15 p m.
t,ave i-nuaaeipnia (iiroaa etreei ntntion),
or Pottsvllle una Bhenandoah. 6.67. 8 35 a m
4.' 0 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 8 60, and
.2a am
hornew York, 3.20, i.w. 4.411, 6.85, 8.53, 7.80. 1
1.20 8.3U J.50. 11.00 and 1 1.14. 1 1.35 a m .1 2.00 norm
2.31', 1.20, 4.02 5, (J, 8.21, 6.50 7.18 S.U and 10.00 p.
m. 12.01 nleht.
' n buuanvH. a ai. 1.115. -1.411. r.Ks. k.i j. h.
11.35 i m. nnd 1221, 12.11, 2,30, 4 02, (lltta
l.vii. S 2H. 21. H.i , 1 . o ui and U.01 M
For Sea Girt. LonirDrnnch and InlprmpV
stations ISM, 8.25 and 11 80 u. tn., 8.30, 1,00 p. m
week days, sunduyi 8.Z5 u. ill.
For llaltlinore and Wasnlnnton. S.B0. 7.20.
9.10 and 11.18 a. m., HI, 0 67, 7.40 p.m. aud 12.03
nigubuuuy uuu o ,i, tu.oa. 111., 12 81 (Wnitea
express with dining car to liaitlraure) 1.30, 3.40
p. m. we-k days. For Baltimore Only 2.02, 4.01
weekdays, 6.08, 11.80 p. m. dally.
For Hlchmoud, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 night
dally, 1 30 p. m. daily, except Sunday.
iruin leave uurriiDar lor nusDure ana
he west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m and
".00 (limited) and 3.40, 3 30, 9.83 p m. Way for
AHoona. -(tam and 4.10 1 tu every day.
For Pltlsburc only, 11,20 a ni dally and 10.20
- m week days.
Leave Bnnbury lor Wllllamsport, Elmlra,
"JinandRleua. Kochester. ButJaloand Nleirora
falls, 5.10 a m dally, and 1.42 p m week days. ,1
'.for Watklns, 5.80 pro weekdays. 't
v or line aua lniermeainto points, 0.111 a mi,
hilly. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.E8 a m.
dally, 1,42 and 5.50 p. m, week days. For
Kenova 6.10 u m 1.12 and 6,80 p m week days.
n. Man'r Hen. Pass. Art
Time table in effect Mnu. 10. 1R91.
Trains leave Reading (P. It. station) foi
field, Waynesburg Junction, 'coattsvl'lle, Weal ,
unesir,v;uau8iora junction, a, a u. Junction, 1
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except aunuay. at o.. ana &.SO a.m. ana 8.1a
p. in. ciunaay only at .ua p. m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermedial
statlons,dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
6,19 p. m. Sunday only 8.15 a, m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations'
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For llaltimore and Washington (B. OjR.
iv.j aauy except unuay atuiana SuHi.
and 3.1S p. m. Bunday only al 3.05 p. in!
Trains arrive at Heading IP. & It. staTTbn
(mm Wllmlnrtnn Tl . Y T,. 1 ,
. . .. ,, ..... 1 1. I,. 11. J . . u J . ,UUV,1UII, 1UUU
Lenape. Coatesvllle, Waynes'bure Juuctloii'
Dpringneia,joanna, iiirasiioro, uioraitar, se
Ten and Intermediate stations, dally excer,
uuuuy ui, im.m u. m, o.o ana e.u p. m. oia.
dav onlvat 11.24 a. m.
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
Bunions, aauy except ounaay, at e.xi a. ve
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 6 p.m.
From lllrdsboro and Intermediate station!
Saturday only at 1.10 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m
Sunday only at 11.21 a. m.
John R. Coye,
Real Es'tate Agent
Cor. Miln and Cenlte Streets, SHENANDOAH, PI
-A two and one-hair story double Xrarc
dwelling bouse, with store-room and rei
tauront. Located on East Centre street.
8-A valuable property located on South Ja
din street. . ,
3-Seven dwelling houses at the corneiffe'l T! iOk
bert and Lloyd street Oood InvesVi-Int fj( !
Terms reasonabla. 1