7- Presents In the most elegant form THE LAXATIVC AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA,. Combined with the' medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. 1 1 is the most excellent remedy known to CLEHNSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURL BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUn DRUQQ'ST FOfI MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. iOUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. It. I". JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, SQ E. CENTJRT5 BT SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Fluest brands of Gigar always on hand. j. no utwi lemperance uhuks. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT. 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. felritnnaAa.ch.aand relieve all thotrou'tlea incT dent to a bilious 6tato of the erstom, auch aa Dizziness. Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after citing, P&ln la the Sido, to. Whllo their mosS emuxacie success una uo;n suowa in cuosq SlpAflaphn. ret Oiirter'fl Llttla TAve? Pilla aril equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pro Tenting this annoying complain t.whllo they also correct all dlsordorsofthoBtomachtimulatotho liver and regalato tho bowels. Even li they only cures fAehethcy would boalraostprlcelcss to those who nnifer from this distressing complaint; but fortu nately their Goodness doca notond horo.and thosa Tvno once try mom ui uuu uiubemuu iuiisyiuu nhlAlnftnTnfLnvws.YBthatlher will not bo wit. 'JiBB to do without them. Bat after aUsick head rIa the bane of bo many Uvea that hero S3 whora wonuute our great coast, uurpiiiacuraitwmio ethers do not. i Carter's Little Liver Fills aro very small ana very easy to tftko. One or two pill3 mako a doso. They are strictly.Yegetable ana do not gripe or purge, but by their gentlo action plcoBoall who use them. In vlalsatas cents j nvo for ft. Sola by dxagglsts evtryvrhcro, or eeut by molL . CARTER fIEDIOItlE CO., New York! SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PR1GE WM. NEISWENDER Hub tho local agency for tho Thomas Coal Company this year, and Is prepared to fur nish coal of all Bizes at ratea lower than last year; Thos. Baikd, Bupt. Horses and Carriages for Hire AT ALT. TIMB3 AT Neiswcnlcr's : Livery : Stable, West Coal Street. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream I BRBAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to. Particular at tention paiu lo isaiis, i'lcnlcs, Festivals, etc. IP. KEITHAN NOKT1I MAIN STREET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH. PENN B. BIUCKER, M. J., PUY&IOIAN AND SDJtffEON, No'. 9 East Centre Street; .Matmuoy Olty, P tfKlD ana an special disease? a specialty. J H POlIKItflv, A 77 Oft HEY' A T-LA W, OOP. B44a11'j building earner Main u,4 Osntii CAM'S gj SHE IS PERSECDTED Tlio Strango Caso of Mrs. UominickEiulorlitz. ABDUCTED WHEN AN INFANT. Talion to Switzsrknd and Put ia Oaro of Crtiol Peasants. nionoy Sent From New Vork for Her Support - Told Slio Was the Daughter of n Wealthy Atnurlcan-.SInrrles, nud Determlue to Seek Her l'arouts-- Her KflorU lfrlng lrseculIon Upon Her and Frequent Attempts aro Made to fiteal Her Children A Homantlo and Mystarlous Story. New York, Oct. 15. A romantic story of the alleged abduction of a child of supposedly wealthy Now Yorkers, of her Isolation In a lonely spot In the wild mountains of Switzerland, of her subse quent escape from her cruel keepers, of her return to this city and persecution here by mysterious personages, came to light yesterday, through tho following advertisement which appeared In one of tho local Gorman newspapers: I LADY WHO WAS AHDUCTF.D WHEN a a child, about 3J years ago, from .Sew Tork I ity or vicinity, and taken to bwlteer land, seeks her paion(. Information mnv bo obtained from Mrs. BnderllU, .No. 40U East St. A reporter found Jlrs. Enderlltz in a mall, neatly kept room on the socond lloor at that number, wltu two pretty, dark-eyed and swarthy looking children tugging at her skirts nnd gazing at tho Intruder with awed astonishment. Mrs. Knderlltz said that she was the herolno of tho story vagaoly revealed In tho advertisement, and then narrated her romantic history as she had gathered It here and there by bits and woven Into n coherent and plausible whole. Slio says that sue has a vacuo remem brance of having been carried away from her parents by strangors nnd taken across a wide expanse of restless waters. Slio was a child at the time, perhaps years of age. When she had grown up so that sha could appreciate lior sur roundings she found herself In the hands of cruel and rough peasants uway down In tho dale of an Isolated mountain In Switzerland. The nearest village was about Ave miles off, and could be reached only by a primitive, dangerous path along a stoep mountain peak. Thither the young girl had often to wander In winter tlmo through deep Bnows with a basket full of butter and eggs to tako to a merchant. While on theso errands sho picked, tip from tho villagers now and then slender threads relating to her sudden and mys terious nppsaranco in tho household of her keeper and of occasional visits to thn village of a well-dressed foreigner, supposedly an Amorican, who would bold conferences with her mountain keopor and give him money. It was common gossip among tho villagers that tho Durrs (that was tho supposed namo of her supposed parents) wera not her pnrents at all, as they had given out 'to tho village pastor when ho was called upon to christian her Annie. Besides this, Annio heard snatches of conversa tion now and then regarding her and tho money that the foreign gentleman was sending at intervals from New Yoik and other points in tho vicinity for keeping Annie. There cama a tlmo when this board money ceased to come and the peasants' treatmont of Annie became more and more cruel. Ono d Durr told her that ho would not keep her any longer, and came out with tho story that she was tho daughter ot some wealthy American. Annie was 15 years old when she left her bondage and started out in the world with tho hopo or finding her real pa rents. She worked for while In hotels where American tourists sojourn, hoping against hopo that sho might learn some thing or her parents through them. About ton years ago sho met an honest, Industrious young painter by tho namo of Doininick Enderlltz who was am bitious to pursue his luck In "tho prom ised land" of Amorlca. Annie oncour aged Doniinlck's attention to her and oventually accepted his offer of mar riage. They camo to this city, nut lack ot money prevented Jlrs. Enderlltz from at onco Instituting the search for her supposedly- wealthy parents. About ,two years ago she Inserted the first adver tisement in a newspaper. To the amazement ot tho honest couple, Instead of getting an Inkling of the identity and whereabouts of the sought for 'parents, they found themselves per secuted by mysterious persons who seemed to bo Intent upon stcallhg'one of their pretty, dark-oyed children. Lato one evening, upon leaving the Atlantic Garden on the Bowary, where they had gono with their two children to spend a pleasaut evoning, Mrs. Endor litz found herself followed by a well dressed, closely veiled woman. Her husband was a fow paces ahead of her. carrying the ydunger of the two chil dren, when the veiled woman rushed silently up to her and tried to snatch from her little Annie, who was walking at her sido, holding her hand. Aftor that similar attempts to steal Ono ot the children were inAda several times at their home. Mrs. Enderlltz in her despair finally went to Inspector llyrnos for protection. The Inspector advised hor to move and never to allow nor ennuron to run around in the street. The advice was Implicitly followed. Sirs. Enderlltz believes that these at temots to abduct ono of her children have somo mvsterlous relation to her efforts in finding her parents, but sho fondlv entertains the vauuo hopo that she will be In the end successful, and that a birr fortune will yet come to her. She tolls her romantic story in an In telligent, coherent and thoroughly plausible fashion. Neighbors oorrobor ate the Btory of the attempted abduc tion of her children, and fully believe In Jlrs. Enderlltz's other tale of her own abduction. A Valiinbln Hoc; Now. HARTFoaD, Conn., Oct. 15. -Mrs. Clara Louise Kelloce-Strakosch, who Is living at her summer home nt New Hartforl, was netting a strango dog two days ago, when be seized a diamond Ting she had removed from ono band and Was holding in tho othor. The dog swallowed the lewel. which had cost the owner $350, and the prima donna began negotiating for the purchase of tho dog. Tho owner auroed to nart with tho dog for 50 cents. which Mrs Strakooh gladly paid. Tho animal'a value has now risen to $350. JTlUt r,f nil in T nn.innlrfn T)nn TT C T) A ... .HO. I ASOOJTBQf PORE oouu niurariuuu, n stone uiasou ai Chtlllcothe, Mo., shot his wife, who had left him on account of his abuse, and then committed suicide. The October cotton report of tho De partment of Agriculture makes the gen eral averago of the condition of cotton 7S.7, against 83 7 a month ago. Congressman Cooper has recolved a vordict at Indianapolis of $300 against tho Union Railway Company for an as sault upon him by a guard of tho com pany recently. Three negroes Joe Johnson, Joo Speck and Henry Dlckerson awaiting trial charged with murder, and Joe Scraggs, white, forced tho locks of the Jail at Ocala, Pin., and escaped. The Bnltlmoro Hoard of Police com missioners have decided that the sale of Sunday uowspapers come under the law as a "work of necessity," and tho police are directed not to iuterfer therewith. A prize of $100 offered by the Urndley county, (Ark.) Fair Association to tho man oxhibiting tho largost family, was awarded to Donjiimln .I'arnoll. Ho was present at tho fair with his wlfo and ninety-eight doscejidnuts. Of these descendants twonty-ouo were his own offspring, fifty wore grandchildren and twenty-sovon were great grandchildren. A HMTtJIIT'H JIOSIANCE. On Her Dentk lied u llccluso Iloveals Her litre's Sucret. LlNCOtf, Mass., Oct. 15. Kathorine Kelloy, Lincoln's old horinlt, Is dying, and yesterday she told the secret of hor life. Sho was born In New Orleans In 1829, and in tho years before the war sho was tho belle of tho city. Her father's name was Samuel i Gibbons. At the ago of 18 sho mot a young man named Hiram Kelley, and clandestinely married him. The couplo wont to New York. Hiram was unfortunate in business ven tures and wont to sea. The ship was wrecked, and all but Hiram and one other wore lost. Among tho wreckage that drifted ashore was a largo box of gold. They saved this, and In 1830 reached Now York again. At tho beginning of tho war Kelloy enlisted and sailed undor Admiral Farragut. He was killed in the bom bardment of New Orleans. His wlfo returned to her nntlvo city nfter the war, but found hor family almost blot ted out of existence. Sho then returned North, came to this town, and has slnco lived a hermit's lifo. Sho has ronuosted that the trunk nnd Its contents be sent to her brother, Samuel F. Gibbons, Jr., in Now Orleans. Because of her miserly habits It is be- lievod it contains a goodly sharo of the $128,000 which she claims she possessed at tho-close ot the war. A Defaulter Gets Soven Tears. PonTLAND, Me., Oct. 15. Marshall O. Percival, the defaulting cashier of tho Shoe nnd Leather Hank at Auburn, was arraigned iu tho United States Circuit Court yesterday on two Indictments, charging him with misappropriation of funds and falso entry, lie pleaded guilty to both, and was sentenced to sevon years in tho State prison. Yfestern.Unlon Mooting, NkwYobic, Oct. 15. Tho old Board of Directors of tho Wostern Union Tele graph Company was re-elected at tho annual meeting yesterday. Tho report for the year ended June UU last shows: Gross earnings, $23,034,320; operating expenses, $1(5,428,741; net earnings, $0, C03,584. Tho plant, etc., Is valued at J, 743, BUI. rKNSSVLVANIA ItltlUFS. Flro damaged St. Ignatius' Oathollo Church at Kingston to tho amount of $0,000. Peter Sherwiok, of Pottsvillo, tbo Hungarian who killed his cousin in Mahunov City a few months ago, was taken to the Eastoru Penitentiary yester day to serve 13 years, Col. Charles G. McCawloy, who dlod at Itosemont, was rocently placod on tho retired list whllo holding tho ofBco of Colonel Commandant ot the United States Marino Corps. IIP YOU ATIE aOINOTO MjNSourl, KauunH, ArlcntiHnH, Texas, NeliniHlca, l.ouiHtimu, Colorado, Vlali, Colltortiin, Oregon, WaHltsuutoii, Mexico, Mew Mexico or Arlzoun, and will send me a postal card or letter stating Where yon are going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there are In your party, What freight and baggage you have, I w HI write you or oall at your taoufeund furnish you with tho fullest Information regarding routes, lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan sas, Kansas nnd Texas. J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT, Q. E. P. Agt., 391 IJ roadway ,New York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES I AT TBB COFFEE DOUSE, 32 N. Main St. Families supplied with raw oysters by the uuuurcu, MK8. FEItaUHON, Prop, i Tho heavier underwear la bcluc brought Into service. Mothors, Bo Patient. Tho Uttlo ones suffer dreadfully whon Wild Colic i flllcU thein. Thoy got well quickly whon Dr. Hand's Collo Cute Is given to them. Free samples at J. M. Lillian and C. J. McCarthy's drug ttoro. Monday was a real autumn day with cold piercing winds. Height of Cruelty. Nervous women seldom receive the sym ptoms thoy deserve. Whlleof en the pictures of health, they are constantly ailing. To withhold sympathy rrom toese unfortunate Is the height or cruelly. They have n weak, heart, causing shortness or breath, lliillerlns;, pain In side, weak and huugry Rpells, and llually swelllug of ankles, opprunalon, chok inir, smothering Rod droiwy. I)r Miles' Now Heart Cure is Just the thing for llicin. For tho r nervousness, hetdache, weakuens, etc., his Itest iratlve Neivi e is unqtinled. Fine trcat sfl tin "H.-art and Nervous Disease" and marvelous ictilmonials Iree. Bold and guaranteed by O. II. ILigenbuch. Tlio great vvlutr-liko null sleeve Is growing iu disfavor. Mlloa' Rerve and Liver Pills Act on n new principle regulating: tbe liver, stomach and lwwels thrown, and liowels fhrotiuh the hi nervet. A uewniscovery. nr. Miles' l'liis speeniiy sure blllousueis, bad Uwte, torpid liver, piles, oongtlputlon, Uncqualed (or men, women, children. Smallest, mlldest.Hureetl 51doe, JActs. Samples Free, at U. 11. Hagenbucu's drug store. The Blovo men were than they are just now. never busier uBn I A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent notices of rich, pretty ana eaucaiea gins eioping wnn uegroeH, tramps ana ciBtiiiuien ffi'aiiift ! known snechilt. Or. Fra such clrls are more or less hysterical, nervous. very Imp islvo, unbalanced; usually sublect to headache, neuralgia, Bleepleestiesri, Im moderate ciylng or langhlna:. These show a weak nervous system for which there Is uo remedy equal to Itosiomiive Nervine. Trial boiler. Doubtless, too much steam wa boll les and a tine boo-c, containing many . 1l un . marvelous cures, rree a' C. It. llagenbucls I P"' on, for tbo hollor oxploded with ter druii store, who also sell, and gimrnuteo Dr. i riblo effect. Miles' oeletmitod New lloirt Cure, the finest of heart tonics. Cures Quttorlng, Miort1 brouth, etc. i Cliestnuting parties mako the woods vocal thtse day. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal per ips of tbo sure approach of that more ter ble disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can afford for the sake of saving 50 rents, to run the risk and do nothing for it. wo know from experience that Hhlloh's Core will Cure your Cough. It never fulls. This explains why more than n Million Dottles were sold the past year. It mlloves Croup and Whoppinc Cough nt onco. Mothers do not be without It, For lame Hack, Hide or Cheat, use Hhlloh's Porous Piaster. Bold by C. II. Hagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and Lloyd streets. Tlio soda water and ness is diminishing. lee cream bual- Specimen Cases. 8. H. Cllirord. Now Cassel. Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia aud Kheuniatlmi, his stomach was disordered, Ills Liver was ar locted to a.i alarming degree. Appetite fell away, nnd he was terribly reduced lu flesh u'Kl nr-ngtli. Three bottles of Electric Hit lers cured film. Edward Hhenherd. Harrlsburg. Ill . had a running Bore on Ills lot of e'ghi years' stand log. Uted tlmo bottles ol Electric lllittrs and wnen boxes of Itucalen's rnlca Halve, nut ins leg Is hound and well. John Hoeaker. Cat iwua, 0., had Ave large Fovcr sores on Ids leg, ii jomrs miiu lie was incuraoie. une uoi tlo l'lectrlo nittei-M and ono box Ilucklen's Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Hold bv C. II. HagenbuoL, Druggist, Time and tide wait for no man's three month's note. Father Pablo Juarez Talks Don Usmon Alva. Dear Sir! I have the satisfaction of inlormlngyou that Die Cactus iiiooa uuro, oi win u yon are mo owner, nas produced tho most wonderful results for a irlend ot mine who lias Bunerea rrom her petic cruptlou, nud I ronslder your cuie a rt generator without an canal, fa thename of my Irlend I thank you Hlncerely, and be mro I will recommend your valuable medi cine, as i nave ug tin seen us results. l ours iruiy, . It V. PABLO JLTAUEZ Hold at Klrlln'g Drug B tore, Ferguson House tjiocir.wncnauaoao. The turkeys will soon bo taking to Higher roosts. Shiloh'o Consumption Cure. This Is beyond question tbe most suc jeaslul Cough Medicine we have ever sold. lew doses Invariably cure the worst caees oi Joutju, Croup, and Bronchitis, whllo Us won lerfu! Bucoewf In the cure of Consumption is without a jiaraiiei in tne nistory oi meaieine, Slnoe It's llrt dlhooverv it has been sold on n ;uarnntee, a test which no other medicine -an Btand. It you have a Cough wo oarnefetly ask you to try it. I'rloo JO cents, 50 oents, and 11.00. If your Lungs aro sore, Chest or Back lame, use Hhlloh's l'orous Flatter. Ho u bv 0. II. Uageubucb, N. E. corner Main aud Uoyd Btreets, Gurnet tints are said into favor again. to bo coming A poor unfortunate In Milwaukee Is said to have tneezed himself to death. Alas 1 poor creature, living lu the light or thn nineteenth century and never heard uf Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup. Well, this Is inoro than Egyptian aurauess. A little over a month and Thanks giving Day will be hore. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do trouble with Throat, Chebt or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give re- lief, or money will be paid back, sulfdrers from La Grlime found 11 lust the thine and under Its use had a spetdy and perfect re covery. Try a jatnple bottle at our expense and learn for yourself Just how good a tiling It Is. Trial bottles free at C. II. Hngenbuch's urug fitore. iirge Bize ouo. nua ti.w. .Ronsted chestnuts somewhat curtail tho sale of peanuts Just now. It ilou t do to neulect nature's warning acliCB through the tystein, cause Rheuma tism, Neuralgia and Backache. Try lted Flag Oil, the Famous l'aln Cure. 25 cents at Klr- lln's drug store. A blaok finish to the soles of tho masculine shoo 1b the latest. 1IKY HAD SOU! OUT. Uocy A Bpoener Now Own No frtoek In the Adnms TJxprete Ots Nbw YonK, Oct. 15. President San- ford and Vlee-l'resldent I)Yeioy and most of the directors of the Adams Ex press Company are making a thorough investigation into tho company's af fairs They will be unable to tell ex actly how matters stand for several days to come. Examination thus far, it is said, has revealed irregularities, though to no great extent. Mr. Lovejoy says that misappropria tions, other than those nlready known, have been found. Ho refused to glva any Information as to their extent, but says there Is no telling what the future will develop, and it will be some time next week beforo It enn be told how much the ex-prosldent has taken from the company. Mr. Lovojoy says that, though the company is out a large amount of monoy, It will In no way effect the value of the oompany's atook, Mr. Bandford ssysi "There Is no In clination on tho part of the directors to relax any effort In prosecuting to the ex tent of the law, for the malfeasance against this company by Its officers, and in securing all that has been wrongfully taken by these olUcors. " Ho refuses to say whether Messrs. Hoey and Spooner will be arrested but says It will be left to tho counsel of ths compauy to take the most eilectivo moans of securing tho misappropriated funds. It wa learned late yesterday that John Hoey, the doposed President, had sold out every dollars worth of his stock In the corporation just before tho Hoston Dis patch and Kltmsley Exprots negotiations. Clapp Spooner, ithe ex-Vice-President, also disposed of his holdings at the tame time. Tho investigating committee nnd the friends of the deposed officials wera thunderstruck nt this discovery, and much unfavorable comment is heftrd be cause the men retained their positions ot trust and drew salnry long after their other financial interest iu the company hud ceased. It Is said that MY. Hoey will shortly make a statement that will explain his side of the case. FATAI. BOH. ICR KXPLOSION. All Olil i:nvlnM I" TEnmilr Nlinn f Rf. auce ut Hamilton from putilwHavur. t" tin.. .....I! OA.t 'U. I.. fore i orAv.. dispatch fronMay&i. a torribln exnlrnlnn YfcrfJIug lu it '(ft IhVl !;oi8Tot the cl,l0H0' st- g4 The omployes in the shops had bes"n repairing an old engine, and having com Dieted the work, decided to test thn Kleven poisons wore Injured, three ot them futally. Flvo of tho victims wera terribly mutilated. Tho three who aro badly Injured are. John Clowry, Charles Nouman and John Jlny. A Clergyman's Son Missing. Bosiox, Oct. 10. No trace has yot been found of Arthur D. Mayo, tho son of Ilev. A. D. Mayo of this city, who has been missing from his homo since Sun day last. He was a lecturer on edu cational topics. Ho has been 111 recent ly nnd it is believed that ho has gono Wost whllo suffering from montal aber ration. Funeral of a Illoyotlst'. Coktland, N. Y., Oct. 15. Qua Hud son, who was prominent In bicycling circles throughout the State, was burled yesterday. Tho remains wero oscorted from his lato homo to the depot by tho members of tho Cortland Wheel Club. His own wheel, heavily draped, was led behind the hearso. This wni done In compliance with the dying re quest of the dead wheelman. Capt. lllaaler on Trial. Elizabeth, N. J., Oct.15. Captain Herman Iilazior, who shot and killed Thomas Wilson May 11 last, was put on trial yesterday. Wilson was a bystander uurinj a quarrel between lilazler and n neighbor, nnd was hit by a bullet in tended for tho other man. Owing to tho prisoner's ill hoalth tho trial was ad journod till January. X.Iffht House I'stllllntes. Washington, Oct. 15. Tho estimates of tho Light-house establishment for tho coming year, to be presented to Congress at its meeting In Docembor, call for tho appropriation of SJ.'J33.U00. Tho esti mates last session called for about 2,000,000. lied Cross Can't Colleot Assessments. Boston, Oct. 15. The officers of tho Order of tho Hod Cross wore yostordny enjoinod from collecttug assessments aud from interfering with tho assets of theordor until further orders of the court by Justlco Dunbar in the Supremo Uourt. Chem leal Company Huruod Out. SrniKOFtKLD, Mass., Oct. 15. Tho main building ot tho Hampden Paint and Chemical Company on Armory street was destroyed by lire last evening. Loss SHO.OOO; fully insured. The tiro was causod by tbe explosion ot a lamp. NEW YOI11C NKWS IN 11KIBF. Governor Hill spoke at Itochostcr last night. Ex-Presldont Cleveland spoko at tho Democratic rally lu Brooklyn last night. Henry Canuall, a music teacher of Now York, committed suicide yesterday. Tho monument to IUd Jaokot, tbo In dian chief, was unveiled at Cauoga yes terday. L. N. Cleveland, of Central Square, shot himself In the Itingland House in Oswego yesterday. Four hundred young ladle3 were un able to gain admission to Vnsaar College at roughkeepsle this year. Tho annual couvcntlon of the societies for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals, is being neia lu Syracuse. William M. Ely, a prominent mer chant of Bingbamton, committed sui cide yesterday duiing a lit of temporary insanity. Major Throckmorton, the commandnnt at Fort Soliuyler, who is under arrest for duplicating his pay vouchers, declares that ho can vindicate himself. The story published somo time ago that Paulino Hall, tho opera singer, had been married to George I). MoClelJau, the manager other company, and which was denied at tha time, U now con firmed. ARE WE Right or A Shoe Dressing- must restore the bril liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same time trturve the loflntss of tbe leather. LADIES will the Dressing yon ara using do both? Try ill I'our a dessert spoonful of your Dressing Into a saucer or butter plate, set it nsido for a few days, and it will dry to a substance as bard and brittle as crushed glass. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? Wolffs ACME Bbcting will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Old Furniture with WOLFF RANDOLPH, 027 North Front Street PHILADBLPHIA. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARILLA Causc3 no eruptions upon the skin such as nearly all sarsaparilla mixtures do; but drives tho impurities from tho blood through the proper channels, tones up the system, increases appetite, and rapidly cures dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and 9.11 diseases depending upon an impure condition of tho bloouV' Sold at -Write' Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel liloek, SAtnmttnh, Pa, . ir n for ngrntM Tor W. L. Dnllglna Hlioea. r Mule In mi i- itlncn iimIc vmir it lint lenler lo Heml fur mtiiloiriip. Mccurc thn agency, and set thein inr nu. CF-TA14.E XI MJIIhTlTUTII. -23 S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLU FOR THE MONEY? It ta a Hi'amlfsd Kho. w It li no tucks or wax. thread to hurt tbo LVct; inaUo of tlio liust line coif, sty Hull niid euiy, and because nv make mure shoe of this grade than any utfur ma tnif act uter, It equals hand newt'il flhiics rostlUK from $4.00 to $ 6EE ill fsifiiimit Iiumi-Ncurii, 1110 nneai cait Klioit evt-r oiTcretl for evmi; equalit Ficucli Imported Mhi 104 which cost from $S.ui to 81 J UU. ($2: A Miunl-Seuril Welt Hioe, (Inn calf. SDmTm t INh. nmifortolilo nnd durable. Tho hohl fthoo tner oiftrrd at this prlct-; Home urade ad cus miii-nuiii" hnncs cohuuk inni jtn uo io jjtmaj. SV .in l'oiift! Mioit) mrmors, uaiirnau .ncri wvi and Ia tterCnuliTHull wciirtbem: II no calf. Bi-'nmU", smooth Iiihi( lit'Oy tlireo fcoles, extcu Blun odKo. 4 me pair will wear a, eitr. scQ t)ii li no cniii no neiter siiooovprorrernii as iOtAti til Id nrieo: one trial will couvluco tlio u who want a shoo for I'ninfort and wrvlco. wsfii nro itv m n m j- nnd dtinihlo. Tliotta wtia have Riven tliem n trlul w ill wear uo other mako. HAUsfi' nnd si.7 sonooi bums am lollj y O worn bvtho lrseervwhere: tbevsull on thcTr merits, an Hit Inorcusliitf sales utiow. tal3 It33S lxniitila, verystiiinh: eouaUFrencU Imported aUuesooHtlinrfnmi Sl.tjo toM.jtt, ljIUllt'N' V.. J". BYtUll "nil MiiM iur Miflseaaro the best tine Utniyola. st lish aud durable. Caution. Se thut V. I. Doug la namo and price are. stamped on tbo bottom of each alioo. DO YOU WANT AGOOD FIT? and well made, fashionable clothes? If fco, call on Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jai'din Street, ShcnandoalL Call nud see Ramples of the latest goods nnd the styles. Good workmannhln. nrouaDtn.-ss' and lwlr pi-low. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated. No. us IU8T CKJVXIIB STItlJCT, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskey would In'orm his many friends and the public that he will rater lo their wauLs in too same nrei-cias siyio inai no uas none In the Hast. None but the best brands of lor- elgu and domestic wines, llquora and cigars will be kept In Moult. Choice temperance drinks, l' lhe old stock ale Theeating ba is supplied wltu everything lu tbe e-itlng line served In the bent stvle. Meals served at all hours. Flue urlvate rooms attached. DR. THEEL. 538 KP9Wr!5JlSa Mi. d, nutria (it-rmftn Ammtva pii.xiilUt tn th. rolled biUi bo U kbl W -ure BlOOd PolBOI1 Nervous Debility J Spe cial Disena8 "f Hkiu Din ut a. U4 ftpU PkiDt to th b.,ULs 8oroThroatMoutht Uli-U-lii'si, rimnlea, Kruptlcu iiflOf hud fieri Hwelltnga, lrntiH ma, Ititlniiufttioo e.nil Eunnlngi, tr, lot mwory wtk b iiwUl twltw. i.iny Illsvldtr DIuwsm kni tUt II - tnh from lodlwrvUon or Urerxorh. IfaMu: mee t In J1 ?I relief ftl ohm Do not f hop. no Uaiof Doctor, Quek, Fmllv or lloapiltM Ulut I'M UlKO. nr. tiikbl oufM positively honl dBl6aon rrom tmilBOl OLD WfM, NIDDt.1 Kr T""i fO.n-RMFfciTIW isisuuAi.1 rl.H r p. or wl U ump book "TRUTH" fliK'-iitut Unukt Und -r twoni UlUnmll4. iTo'SA'AllT film to. rrtn 6 W 9. Wed. d 84L lfi6Wl0. Bnnittlllll. WHw or eU n4 bt . for lubKBoua m wdo, "4 8uudj rtlUk. 411 Time W L0WDOUGLAS