The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 15, 1891, Image 2

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Falso Reports that tho Anchor
Liiior Had Sunk.
.The Maudlin Story of a Sailor Whlofi
n Oauwd Muoli Anxiety,
k visual conti-ictino nnrortTs.
fhoro Is Strong: Reason to Believe
Thoro Was No Wreck at AIL
'At rirst It Tf Thought that the Ilia
l'natnnciir Ship 11 ml Onus to the Mot
torn Willi 400 Rouli Thnn Came the
Htorj that tho Foundered YeMel Was n
CfUtle Steamship from Sluntroal nnd
thai 43 Lives Hail Ileen I.o.t--Thl Wat
Alo Contradicted, and the Wreaked
fillip U IlelUrod to he the Durham City.
' New Yohk, Oct. 15. Telegraphlo dis-
f'latcues received from St. Johns, N. F.,
ate yesterday afternoon, reported the
big Author Line steamer City of Rome
n lost. It wm stated that the vessel
liad foundered oft St. Shotts, the scene
of many shipwrecks. Later dispatches
were ooutradictory, several stating tho
City of Rome, which had gone down,
hniledfiom Montreal. The?o were de
nied late last night, It being stated that
no vessel bearing tliat name had oleured
from Montreal.
. Telegraphic inquiries sent out by the
agents of the Anchor Line in this city
resulted in a denial from St. Johns that
the Anchor boat had been lost. The
agents were assured by this ilispatuh,
and announced that they had no foar for
the safety of their vessel.
The rlrst dispatch, whioh created in
tense excitement, read ns follows:
t-T Johns, N. F.. Out. 15.--It M uppod
that the Anchor Lino steamer City of Home,
taut. Young, which sailed fr im New Yor!
Out. IB for Liverpool, has been lot oil at.
St. 8hott It a hamlet four mllos from Capi
I'lne, uud i a place which has boon the iconu
el maiur lilpmeoki.
ft. Shotts is 85 miles In a dlreot line south
west of kit. Johns, iko Dearest p lnt of I in.
ortsnoe U Tropaetr, whioh Is at the of
the hy running between Cape Kaco and Pine,
and about Su miles from where the City o(
Homo Is (Mid to be lost.
Then came a contradictory dispatch
whioh stated that the City of ltomi
which was lost was u cattle steamer
bound to Dundee from Montreal; that a
sailor named John Urenuan had arrived
lit Trepassy, N. If., and stated that hi)
" as the only survivor of the foundered
vessel; that Uih officers and crew of th
vessel had all beon drunk, and were un.
uble to help themselves when the vessel
truck and that 48 men had perished.
Probably tho Durham City.
Another contradiction followed, Tilth
this dispatch:
MotanBAL, Oct. 14. Inquiries mndq
here with regard to tho sensational
stories, that the cattle ship which left
left hero on the 7th Inst., was wrecked
at Marine Cove, St. Mnry's Hay, New
foundland, and a cattleman named Jas.
Urennan of the crew of forty-threo soitla
alone escaped, revealed the fact that no
euch ship as the C'My of Homo left Mont
rc.l 'Wednesday.
The names of tho boats sailing from
heio wen, Surmatlan, Itoiaiian, Lako
Neplgon, Alcides, Thame), Sarnia and
It is bolioved hero that the wrecked
steamer Is the Durham City, which sailed
from Boston last Wert nosday for Loudon.
She had on board S14 head of cattle for
the latter port, und they wero shipped
by R. Bickerdlke of Montreal. The f oro
jnun In charge is named Iteilly, and tho
Durham City carried a crew of flfty
linn da.
Further inquiries have revealed the
faet that no such cattle ship as tho City
ef Rome exists It is just possible that
the wrecked vossel may bo tho City of
Liucoln, which is expected here in tho
course of a few days.
Another dispatch from New Orleans
said that the vessel might be the Citta
tie Roma, bound for Bordeaux, but what
the vessel could hare been doing so tar
north could net be explained... . "
It is JHUK-Mfcfou that there was no
wreck at nil, but that the story was
merely tho yarn of a drunken sailor.
Tho Atlanta Hare.
' Lewes, Del., Oct. 15. Tho United
States steamer Atlanta arrived here at
4 o'olock yesterday afternoon, after
having been out iu the gale for fifty-four
bourn. At 11:80 o'clock Monday night
she broke her hnwser pipe, which caused
be forward compartments to 1111 with
water. While lowering n lamp Into the
compaitments to examine their condition
an explosion occurred and six of the orew
were severely burned. Two of them ore
not expected to live.
l'srnchlsl and Public Schools to Cults.
Htili-watkh, Minn., Oct. 14. At tho
regular meeting of the school board last
evcifrhg it was decided to accept the
proposition of St. Michael's Roman
.Catholic Parish to turn over the paroch
ial schools to the olty. The buildings
will be leased for oue year for the uoinl
pal rental of $1. The present teachers
will he retained If found competent.
I The Pemmylruntii Ilit-eatlfrMtlon,
HAKRIsburu, Oct. 15. Tho Senate has
resolvod that the investigation of the
charges against the late Treasurer, the
Audltor-Qensrul and other oflloials shall
be eon tlu oted in open sasslou. Dally
sessions will be hold beginning at 10
.. m.
Clarendon Lord, agod 40 of Deerlng,
Me., hanged himself, early yesterday
Rev. Phillips Brooks was consecrated
Bishop of tho Episcopal diocese ot Mass
achusetts yesterday,
Hon. Thomas 11. Reed and Hon. Chas.
R. Allen spoko at th Republican mass
meeting In Uostou last night.
A urakeman named Corcoran was
killed nt East Cambridge, Mass., yester
day, on the Boston & Maine Railroad.
There is a rumor that the Searles will
case has been compromise J, and that
Timothy Hopkins gets between eight
sd tea millions.
The trial of Charles J. Tlgno for the
jnurder ot Peter E. Johnson, a Gay Head
Indian, is lu progress nt New Bedford,
nr. took 040,000.
Clerk stout end lh.i Way lie llent tho
Firm ot Kennett, Hopkins & Co.
New YoflK, Oct. 16. An Investigation
of the methods of Mr. T. II. Stout, the
employe of Kennett, Hopkins Se Co.,
who dtsnpneared last month, has result
ed in tho discovery of some interesting
Tho firm had a customer of tho name
of Thomas .1. Driggs, who deposited
oash and stocks with them. Mr. llrlggs,
thinking he had $00,000 with tho firm,
oalled for that amount and was told
that thoro was but $80,000 placed to his
He was much surprised, and produced
statements whioh he had received from
Stout showing that he had $80,000. Mr.
Driggs ooncluded to investigate and
plaoed the mattor in the hands of his
It is said that the investigation shows
that Stout sent Driggs fahe statements
and kept baok the regular statements
sent out by his employers. He took tho
checks deposited to Brlggs' credit and
also forged indorsements.
The checks sent from tho firm to Mr.
Brlggs were also appropriated.
Tho llrm name, with Mr. Stout's sig
nature beneath it, waH aill.xod to tho
chucks, and the trusted employe thon
negotiated them at tho Holland Trust
He manipulated chocks of both Ken
nett, Hopkins & Co., and their cus
tomers, Mr. Brlggs, for months in the
most reckless way to tho amount of S1B,
000 or $20,000.
It Is said that Mr. Stout also took
stocks and bonds deposited to Mr.
Rrlgg's credit, thus swelling the total
amount of his stealings to about $10,000.
No Credence 1'laced lu Mrs. Ordway's
Statement About Snell's Murderer.
Chicago, Oct. 15. A. J. Stone, son
in -law of tho murdered millionaire, A.
.T. Suoll, has this to say In regard to the
story from Baltimore to tho effect that
Mrs. Ordway's husband was concerned
in tho murder, and that W. B. Tnscott,
the supposed murderer, was strangled
io ueatn ty his pals.
he said.
am h i V ihji
i Knew HI -iiu was sur-
prised wli ,.uod of his death. I
usedtohaV .ny clothes made nt his 1
father's shop, on Madison street, and '
the worst thing I ever hoard of him was
that he was addicted to drink.
"Perhaps if I knew something of the
woman's character and reputation for
voracity I might oonsldor the matter.
But as the story now stands, unsub
stantiated, I would say that it is falso
and without foundation."
Fatal Accident on thu Italtlmore & Ohio,
nt litcltsvllle, O.
FoitT Waykk, Ind., Oct. 15. The Bal
timore & Ohio fast mail train No. 8,
from Chicago to New York, jumped the
traok at HlcksYillo, O., at 4 p. in.,, yes
terday, killing two passengers, wound
ing ono other fatally and a do.on
others loss seriously.
The wreck occurred on a sharp curve,
the expross, mail, buggago aud smoking
cars passing the curve safely, but the
sleepors jumped the track und were
piled up in a mass ot ruins.
Vico-Prosldcnt King of the Baltimore
& Ohio was In tho wrook, and was badly
(fc.Tb.o prlvato car of Emmons Blaine was
also In the wrock. The young mun was
slightly hurt.
Union Veteran I.eclon.
Reading, Pa., Oct, 15. Tho National
Encampment of tho Union Votoran
Legion openoa hero yesterday. rhe
parade was participated in by about
l.oUU members of the order. Tho
national convention of the ordor mot in
minunl session in the afternoon with
National Commander G. J. R. Miller of
Philadelphia presiding. Ovor 250 dele
gates wero presont. The reports sub
mitted showed that 27 encampments
had boon organized during tho year, and
there had boon again in membership in
that time of over U,ouu. Iho order Is
distributed through 18 States.
In4laaGfuolU Accused of Anon.
Washixton, Ind., Oct. 15. Samuel
Harblne, a laborer, was arrostod Tues
day night charged with complicity In the
Dinning 01 tuo court house records hero.
After being arrested Harbine confessed
the crime and implioated several prom
inent persons In it, aud as a result Au
ditor Jamos O. Lnvolle and A. B. Hawes,
a resident ot Steele Township, were ar
rested yestorday and placed In Jail
Lavelle has been auditor of the county
for eight years. It is supposed he is short
lu his accounts.
Ocean Grove Curap Mooting Asioelatlon.
AsuuiiY PAUK, N. J., Oct. 11. Tho
Ocean Grove Camp Mooting Association
held IU twenty-second auuuul meeting
yesterday. Tho old board of olllcors was
rs-olected as follows: President, Dr. El
wood H. Stokes; Vice-President, Aaron
E. Ballard) Treasurer, David II. Blown;
Secretary, Qeorgo W. Evans. The vari
ous reports showod a very healthful con
dition of affairs. A floating indebted
ness of $20,000 has been paid oil during
the year.
The Hoston Oleomargarine Case.
Boston, Oct. 15. In the Supreme
Court tho case of Benjamin I'lumley,
who was released on a writ of habeas
corpus, after having been convicted of
selllug oleomargarine, was called, but
was postponed for two weeks. Plumloy
is agent for a Chicago firm, and sold
oleomargarine only in original packages,
Large husinoss Intorosts are involved in
the case as well as tho constitutionality
of tho recent acts of the Legislature.
llestored to Membership.
PniLADm.VillA, Oct. 15. At yostorJay's
session of tho Evangelical Council llov.
George llann, ot tho Wisoonsln Con
ference, who was deposed from Iks
ministry and oxpolled from tho Church
for having been a member ot the Trial
Conforenoe that suspended Bishop Bow
man, was restored to the full lunctlons
ot the Christian ministry iu tho relation
of an older In any olunch.
A Storekeeper Murdered.
BAT.T1UOUE. lid. Oct. IS. A SDeolal
I from Capo Charles City, says that Fanny
i U. f audou, u storekeeper, was round Iu
1 bed brutally murdered. An employe
named George Driver has boen arrested
aburged with the arlm aud the people
1 threaten to lynch aim.
Annual Ronton at Philadelphia Es
Pieitdent Iltiyes Made Commander
ridl.AUKl.rHiA, Oct. 1C. The Com-mnndcry-ln-Chlot
of the Military Order
of the Loyal Legion of tho United
States began its annual session liore yes
terday afternoon and olootod officers as
follows! Commaudor-ln-Chlcf, Ruther
ford M. Hayes; Senior Vice-Colnraander,
Roar Admiral J. J. Almyr '"Recorder,
Col. John P. Nicholson; Iteglstor, C'oh
Albert Ordway,
A roceptlon was tenderod the com
maudory in tho evening by the Union
Lo.igue Club, during which a beautiful
banner was presented to .the order by
George W. Chllds, on behalf of the
Comte do Paris. The banner was pro
sonted by the Count in recognition of the
hospitality tendered him by the com
mandery during his visit hore last
It is expoated that the question of
the establishment of tho Loyal Lesion
library and museum of war -relios will
be settled at tho present mooting of the
commandory-In-chlef. It is proposed to
erect the library and museum iu this'
city at a cost of between $350,000 and
(1300,000. Of this amount $ 150,000 has
already boen raised, and it is proposed
to secure the balance by popular sub
scription. WII15AT CltOT UUIMSD.
Ilia Yield Almost DoUrojod by the no
cent Storms.
ChicAoo, Oct. 15. A special from
Minneapolis, Minn., regarding tho re
ported damage of tho wheat crop, sayst
Tho suspense over the wheat crop of
North Dakota and the northern counties
of Minnesota has grown into positive
alarm. Up to Tuesday it was con
ceded that tho grain would bo threshed.
During Monday night, howover, heavy
rains sot In all ovor tho northorn coun
try, which changed to snow and kept
falling steadily.
The s.orm oxtonds as far south as
Minneapolis, and all threshing opera
tions nro suspended, nnd will not bo ro
jumed until next woek, even if thoro bo
no moro rain or snow. MIR aud eleva
tor men declnro that from ' 8,000,000 to
5, 000,000 bushels of wheat will bo utter
ly ruined.
Uol. V. it. Walker said of the situation
tfetorday: "I have just roturnod from a
'"p through mat seotlou. It made my
heart ache to witues the ruin. In order
to appreciate It ouo must actually see it.
There are thousands of simply wondor-
I1" whoiitliolds almost utterly destroyed
by tho rains. The reports ptiblishoddo
not cover halt tuo devastation."
But Noro Drown SurprlNes Kveryono by
Suddenly Coming to Life.
JtrtsEY City, N. J., Oct. 15. A col
ored man, named Beverly Brown, who
has boeu confined iu tho Hudson Couuty
jail awaiting examination us to his sani
ty, was taken suddenly ill on Tuesday
evening, Yosterday morning he was
ouud iu his cell motionless and, appar
ently, inanimate.
After a hasty examination the County
Physician pronounced tho man dead,
l'he body was removed to tho Morguo,
and was being prepared for the colllu
when signs of life wore detected by the
Morguo keeper.
Aphyslclan was called who pronounced
tho man alive ami ordered his removal
to a hospital. Up to a late hour Inst
night Brown had not rocovered con
sciousness, although undoubtedly allvo.
Wcathor Judications.
Washington, Oct. 15.vFor Uastorn Now
York: Fair, stationary temperature, south
erly winds.
For New England: Generally fain Bllghtly
wnrraor; southerly winds.
For lSasteru l'ounsylvuula, Now Jersey, Del
aware aud Maryland: Generally fair; station
ary temperature; southerly winds.
For Western New York and Western Teun-
'rlvanla: Light rain:
slightly oooler; south
westerly. , 'J winds, Dscommg
Tho oyster dredging season boglns to
Relatives of President Polk wlll'cou-
tost tho will of tUa Into Mrs. Polk.
Li?Tofnall thnt can ba loarnod tho Ger
man concessions on American meut and
farm products will be about 80 par
Sir Edwin Arnold sailed from Liver
pool for the United States yosterday on
tho City of jsew Yoric.
It is said that a cut ot wages, averag
ing 10 per cent, for the entrie force of
men, will soon us mado at the Uarmigls
Steol Works at Pittsburg. -
Nfw YortK. Oct. 14. Moner on onll loaned
cay a ii uud a per cent.
Closing; Cloning
Testorday. To-day.
s, 11)07 lteg IVtH 11014
s, 1U07 Coup 1101 118
Uoslnsr Closing
Yesterday, lo-day.
Canadian l'aclflo BHi bU
Central memo Jl UJ
Cbloaio, llur. & Qulnoy UHl-4 OTfi
Delaware & Hudson U3i V.Wi
UhL Lack. Sc Wusteru HlW H'-'W
lino , aoil 2073
lirlopref 7011 C8
Lake hhoro lvii
LouU&Nasli 78 7U1
MloblnHii Oontml JJ 101W
Missouri l'aoino M &4(
New Jersey entral II7i 117
Noithmwteiu US UH
OreiroK Navigation 77U 74
PsulUo Mad... 30!l 38M
Houdtilif -V&k Q
Hock Island 81H BHi
8t Pau 7aji TA i
Union 1'aoHlo -iOH 30,
Western Union S'ifi $4
Wheat closed mm. Ko. 2 red" wlntor 107
Deo. 104 if.
Ooruoioesd weak. No. S mixed Ot : Nor.
Oats alow! arm. No. 2 rolie'J 81(: Nov..
3UH; DecSGM.
Creuuiorjr, State & I'enn.. extras. S3 o.a?8 0.
L'lwauw, western, cms ,.37 o.a!9 0,
Croamery, woiturn. scoonds 23 o.a'Ju o.
State dairy, a. f. tubs, ex tret,,., Ho c.a 0,
Hlal" factory, full cream. Sent, fsnoy..0al0
State fuotory. full cream, Aiiar. fauor...u6al)'i!
Hats factory, full or am. line S .a'J
btaio factory, full cream. yoodtopnmo3a!))4
State lac lor, common to fair,., T aSl
N. Y. State, new laid, nor doj.,.,3.1 o.a
lean, now laid ,. , ..,.'M o.a
Western & Nortnwostem. irood to
prime , ,,.2lo.a21Ha
ersor ltose, perbbl.., 1 17al 37
Sweet potatoes, ViC clioice.., ,,1 Seal U7
Lira ronuTur
bprlnir ctilekoiis. choloe. larse per lb.. 1
bpnnz oblokuns, prime , 13
ion-ls, Jersey, Statoai-a,, per lb 14
Turkeys. inlxod weights, par lb. ,1
U?'t obit's, ftduu a at lbs to pur,.,.
You're through
with Catarrh, finally and completely,
or you have $500 in cash.
That's what is promised you, no
matter how bad your case or of how
long standing, by tho proprietors of
Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy.
Catarrh can bo cured. Not with
tho poisonous, irritating snulls and
strong, caustic solutions, that simply
palliato for n time, or perhaps, dnvp
tho diseaso to tho lungs but with
Dr. Sago's Remedy.
Tho worst cases yield to its mild,
soothing, cleansing and healing prop
erties. "Cold in tho Head," needs
but a few applications. Catarrhal
Headache, and all tho effects of Ca
tarrh in tho Head such as offen
sive breath, loss or impairment of
tho senses of taste, smell and hear
ing, watoring or weak eyes aro at
onco relieved and cured.
In thousands of cases, where ev
erything else has failed, Dr. Sago's
Remedy has produced- perfect and
permanent cures. That gives its
proprietors faith to make tho offer.
It's $500, or a cure. Thoy mean
to pay you, if thoy can't euro you.
But thoy
mean to cure you, and
tncy can.
r. J. FEnncsos, manaqkb.
W. II. Power'
Company in tho romantic
Irish drama,
Entire now production this season.
Magnificent Scenery,
and Beautiful Costumes,
and a llrst-class company of
Comedians, Vocalists and Dancers
Bests on sale at Klrlln's drug store.
Capital, $100,000.00.
W. Leisenring, Pres.,
J. J.-Fvrgusotr,- V.Pcas,,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
S. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally Prom 9 to 3.
Paid ou UavtucH Deposits.
SoftUlOOl wct tb ftDolentifor BtalwHttain thU
ponj bojaat biitu wcr put to death.
bvery had can t cXauhu
and VIQOK0CS in all reipicti,
inffarlnK from KEEV0U3 DE
BILITY. Lost or rallies Man
hood, fhvilcal Exetiin. Mantal
Worry, fetunted Dvlopmint, or
reatorad to PERFECT HEALTH and
UEH. tht Trldo and Powtr of Mattoni.
We claim by years of practice by
our exclusive methods a uniform
uonoroLY of SUCCESS" in treat
iiiifuii mmcmutm. n hmsiiiii UL1U
Affllctloniof Mm. Testlmonlalb
7. ' ' ' frrmWBtatonana Terrltorloa,
OUR NEW BaOKi'fflSjiSRlSlerea
It while yon can. mil Explanation! for HOME TREAT
UEMT. Ton can bo FULLY RESTORED a Tboniandl
SiaTt boon by n. Road anr taitlmonlali. Addren at onea
Vhavia liiltltoCltro for tbectfuciM ut pelt abuse,
Knrlyliacasf a.Kmlssions.IVerTuuallebllll j.Loas
pliual I'ower, Jmpolency rt:o. SorentU otiriatthla
OurHncl1owe wilt send one full ftlnnt h's Rlpdlclno
13 na. CO., ttU3 Uruudfiav Snw Vor
Largest and cheapest stock In town.
Artistic Painting, Grai ing and Decorating
llO-2-em 221 W.Centro8t.,8IIENANr)0An,
First National Bank
We nre making n big drive in fur
11 It lire, but malicious desire is not its
object. Wo desire to dispose of a large
surplus stock, nud propose to give our
patrons the benefit of some extraordi
nary bargains.
J.. P. Williams 8c Bra,
Soutlt main St.,
Lohigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.-
I'asseniter trains will leave Shenandoah for
ifaucli Chunk, LchlKUton, Hlatlngton, Cats
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaslon, Phil
adolpulanndNew York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.0Sa,m.,
vti, e,iu, o.w p. ui.
For Helvldere. Delaware Water Gun arid
Htroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 6.20 p. m.
hot uamuerivuie ana rrenion, v.w a, in
Knr White Haven. WllfeeH.RarTB and Pitt
Urn 5.47, 9.bS, 10.41 B. m., 3.10 and 528 p. lu.
For Tuukhaunock, 10.41a, m 3.10 und 5.26
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m., aud 5.20 p. m.
ror jAcevviue, lowanaa, tsayro, waveny,
Chicago and alliolnts West at 10.41 a. m.,aud
i.m p.m.
For Klmlra and the West vlaUalamanca at
1.10 p.m.
Tor Andpnrled. Hnzlet)n. Ktonkton. Lurri.
her Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
tlon at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 12.52. 3.10 and
5,28 p.m.
tor jeanesvuie, Jjovision ana ueavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9,0t a. m. and 5,28 p. m,
NY1T Krmntnrl at fi.47 9 (IX. 111.41 a. m.S.IOund
iSWp. m.
toriiasie lirooa. jeaao, uruion ana fTee
land at 5.47, 7,40, 9.08, 10.11 a. m 122 8.10 and
,7H p. m.
For O.uakake at 5.47 and 9.08 a. in., and
3.10 p. ra.
For Wlgcans, Ollborton and Fracitville at
.SO and D.03 a rn and 4.10 p. m.
.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41. 10.58 a. m..l2.5Z3.10.5.26. 8.03.
9.2: and 10.27 p. m.
or iiosi ureex, jiraravine ana Asniana
.27. 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 6.35.
8.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Darkwater, Ht. cialr and l'otlsviue.
40, 9.08, 108 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.03
P.m. .
i(or iiuck jviounmm, jew liosion ana
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.63 a. rr... 12.E.2. 3.10. 6.26 and p. m.
For Haven Bun, Contralla, Mt. Carmel and
Hhamokld, 82, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
ana b.uo p. m.
rrams leave oaamuKin ior oneuanuoau,
V USA a. m., 2.10. 4.30 and 0.30 p. in., arriving
at Hhenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and
11.15 p.m.
For Lost Creek. Olrardvlllo and Ashland.
.W, 0.10 11JB a. m., 2. p. m.
For Darkwater. St. Clair and Pottsvllle.
5.60, 8.00, 90 . m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yntesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano.
8.00, 11.35 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. '
ror jjouy, Auaenriea una uasieion, o.m
m 1.40 p. in:
For Mauch Chunk. Lehlehton. Slatineton.
Catasanqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Iiaatoi
and Mew York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. mi
c or rmraaeipuia, i.ij v. m.
Uen'l Pass. Attt.. Bethlehem.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written.
juairiage licenses anu legal claims
promptly attended to.
teal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency.
General Fire Insurance Business, Represents
the Northwestern Lire insurance Co.
OFFIGE-Muldoon'abulldinir. corner Centre
and west am,, unenanuoan, ra.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
1, A two story double lrame dwelling bouse
store and restaurant, on ICast Centre Bt.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre
3. Desirable property'on corner Centre and
jarain streets, smiame ior uusiness pur
noses. 4. A two-story double lrame dwelling, on
West I.lnva strati t.
5. Two 2-i.tory lrame dwellings on Wett Cen-
ire sireou
6. Two 2 story dwelllnes on the corner ol
uoai ana unesinut streets nioro room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street, wnn a large warehouse at me rear.
8. Three two-story double frame buildings
corner oi jjioyaana-uuoensireeis.
People's Oyster Bay !
12 E. Centre St., Slicunndoali
Itiw, Btewed, Scallopod, Panned or
Fried to order. Families supplied
at their house with the best oysters
me market auords.
All Orders Promptly Filled.
CLkliMttt' EudUk Plui4 lliul.
OrljpnBl nad Only Venalne.
MFC, fclwJt relUbl. ladicv aik
Drn?lt tor CkUHttttr LigtU Pin-,
mend Brand la ICed asl tiUd aiPtalUa
Imim, BP&led wita bine HMjon. Take
lao other. Kehu dtnaeroua ubaiiru.
ntu and imUntiont Ai UrogU(.oriend-l.
la lUlIDI IM tltrtiauir. tullimnnlili
IteUcf fo JJiAtr in tter, by return
f amiu x iwvu iuuioddiui, jfamt J'aven.
Chfb-.tfrtLlcJtk.,15-dteoB KqaVrl'
Mai Druiitiu. riiiudjtU r2
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com.
120 S. JarxfinSf., Shenanooah, Pa.
.Philadolphii and Eoading Railroad
in exreel auly 10, 1891
9 EB&ew,?1 via PhllAdolphla, weekdays.
a. rq. nnd 12.85 2.60 and SM
' rk, via Mancli Chunk, week days, 5.SJ,
SI. to. and 12.3-. nnrt ain n r.i ' ' '
o mVle and Pl'llftdefnnia week days,
2.10, 1 b35, 7J, a. m., 12.85 2.60 and 5.65 p!mj
illirtfiV O in o Tl rl Till'. M t n,
Harrisburg, eek days, 2.10,7.20 a. m.i
M, 5.55 p. m.
For Aflcatown, woofc dayu. 7.20 . m., 12,33
jn.S0 p. m P" m" 8nu"ay' 2'10 ftha
ror 1S;mflaa nn Malianoy city, week
nys, 2.10, 6., 7.20, , m., 125 2 and ISo
m. Bnndav. 2.10 nnd t.Jr n n, .
Additional lor Malianoy City, week days '7.00
p. in.
rat utneoster ana Columbia, week day.
20a. m., 2.60 p. m.
For WuIIamsDOrt. Hanbnrvnrtd UwlEhn..
t-eek days, 3.25, 7.20 and ,11.30 a. m.. 15. 7.M
m. Sunday 3:2? turn.. 3.5 n. m.
rur uiraraviue (HappnuonnocK Hlatlonl
nK days. 2.10. 8.21. 6.25. T.!M and lLKOa. m.'
12.13, 1 35, z.50, 5,65, 7.00 and .25, p, m. tjundnv.
10, -.2 ., 7.48 a. m S.05, 4.30 p. m.
i or Ashland nnd HhamoKtn, week days,
,23,, 11.30 a. m 1.85, 7.00 and V.ii
in. Hnnday 8.25, 8 32 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
xiw.issa I'ou HHKMAmJUAii!
tave Now York via Philadelphia, wee
' w, ,,ov J. 111., X.1S
ishU BnndHV, g.oo p.m.. 12.15 nlsnt.
Leave Near YorE via Mnucli t!hunlr. mat
lays, 4.30. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.01 p. m.
tfCSXe l'hlladnlnhlR. WW7 flavn. A in a-nil
10.00 a. m. 4,00 and 6.00 p. m.. (mm Brnad
i-idCallowuill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
Tom 8th am) Hroen Btreeta. Miinnnv nm a.
m, 11.S0 p. m. from StU and limn.
mvb jteaaing, wees anye, 7.10,10.08
ad 11.50 a. m.. 6.43. 757 D. m. Hnndav 1.83 ana
'1.44 a. ni.
ueare roltavllle, week days, S.40,7.40 a. m 11 n. m. Knnrinv. 2.40. 7.(10 ft. Tn. nnil
hvo Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48 and
2! i. m., 1.21, 7.18, and 9.18 p. m. Sunday 8.20
43Xm. andliiOp.m.
ieavo Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
ad 11.47 a. m LSI, 7,42 and . p.m. Bun.
jy. m.. 3.20 n. m.
Leave Mahanoy Wane, week days, 2-45, 4.C0
.80, 9.S3. ll.o9 a. m.,1.05, 2.W. 5 20, 6 28, 7.57, and
p. ui. Duaaay.1', 9.w, ana t a. m,
37,6.01 P.m.
uavo Ulrurdvllle IKannahannnck Blalmnt
eek days, 2.17, 4.07, OJfl, and 9.41 a. in., 12.0 i,
d, u.mi, v.36. d.u.) unu iu.m ii, m, Bunaay.
0 . 8.33 a. m. 3.41. 5.07 n. m. '
tieave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 and
..56 a. m. 3.35 and 11.16 p. m. fannday 11,15
. LU.
For Baltimore, Washington nnd the west
B. & O.K. K.. throueh trains leave (1 Irani
ivenne station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. K. K.)
it. x.iu, ovjl nuu u, m., .tH, i.zt. o.oo anfi
.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4.2t
1W MlIU .41 I,. 111.
eave Philadelphia, Chestnut Htroet Wharf
;u rtoath street WTiarX.
For Atlnutlc Cltv.
Week-dips Exnrese. 8 00. 0:0O a. m. 2.0H
1.00, 500 : ai. Aooommodatlon,740ilJi
a. and 4.15, 6 30 . m. Vat
tuudaya. Kinresa. 8.00. 9.00 a. m. An.
eonmtxatlon, 8.00 a. m.and 1.45 p.m.
ttemrning, leave Auanuo uity, aepot
f'autloand Artcansas avanueF. Wnkn-B
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. nnd 3.15, 4.00, 5.30
111. iUXUIUIUUaUUUU U.UJ, O.JU n. m- aaa
30 n. ra. Uuudavn -Eioress. 4.00. am n. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. ra. nnd 5.0j p, m.
A. MoLKOD. Pres. A Oen'l Manager.
n and after Sejitember 1, 1891, rn(iu win lean
tiheHantioah as foiloict;
(Tor Wlggan, Gllberton, FracfevlUe, New
Jastle, 8t. Clair, and way points, 6.W, 9.W
11X 1IUU 1 IU,
jJunduys, 800, 9.40 a m and 8,10pm,
For Pottsvllle, 8.00, 9.10 n m and 4. 15 p in.
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m,
For Heading, 0.00, a m and 4.15 pin
Sundays, 000, 9.10 a. m. and 8.10 pm.
For Pottstown. l'hoenlxvillo. Nnrrlst.nwn
ua Phlladelnhla (Broad street atat.lnni. S.00.
a.m. and U5 p m week days
ucaays, bw, v.rj a m a.iv p m
Trains leavo Prsckvllie lor Hhenandnah m
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 pm. Banc ays,
A.IO U IU HOIH o.tu y 111.
ueave i-ousviiie ior unenanuoan, lu.iaaca
t.48. a m 7.15. 9.42 p m. Unndavs. 10.40 a m
5.15 p m.
ljuave rniiaaeipnia (uroaa street station),
jr Pottsvllle and Bhonandoah. 5.57. 8.35 a m
40 and 7,00 p in woek days. Hundaj 6.50, and
i. or New York, 8.20, 4,05, 4.40, 5,85, 8.50, 7.80, I
s.WS.SH, d.50l11.00andll.l4,11.35(ira.l2.00noon, i
(limited exoress. 1.08 4.50 j in.) 12.21 12.44, 1.40, I
.V6 t, v. d,i, o.ou o.ia auu xu.w v.
m, 12.01 nlzht.
an aundayo, 8.20, 4.05, 4,40. S.35, 8.12, 8.80. " v
i ii km tea r. . .. rt ...., Wm m
rot aea uirt, uongnrancn and Inlermedl.., '
stations U.60, S.2ri and 11 39 a. m., 3.30, 4. 00 p. m.
week days, auuday 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50, 7.20,
9.10 and 11.18 a. m., 4 41, 6 57, 7.10 p.m. aud 12.03
ulL'ht dally and 8 81. 10.20 a. m.. 12 ;I (1 mlted
express with dlnlugcur tollaltlmure) 1.30, S.48
Weekdays, 5.08, 11.80 p. m. dally.
For Ilfchmoud, 7 20 a, in. and 12.03 night
dally, 1 30 p. m. dully, except Hunday.
.luiiui leave xtarrisDuru .or i-itwouarz ana
le wool every day at 12.3"! and 8.10 a ra and
0 tllmltedl und 8.40. 8 30. 0.35 n m. Wav for
Altoona and 1.10 p ui every day.
ror f itleburg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.20
m week days.
Leave Kunbury tor WllllamBport, Elmlra,
'anaadalgua, Kochester, Buffalo and Niagara
a lie, 5.10 n m dally, and 1.42 pm week days,
or atklns, 5.80 p m week days.
For Urle and Intermediate points, 5.10 ami,
tally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.56 a ra.
lally. 1.42 and 6.30 v. m. week days. For
Uenova U am L42 and 5,33 p m week days,
s.10 a. m Sundays,
!i Ati. . f UUU. J. It WOOD,
dsn. Man'' Hen. Fans. Agt
ztmetaoie tnrrreel May, 10, inu.
Trains leave Keadlmr (P. All. station! for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, lliraitboro, Joanna, Spring,
field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatosvllle.Weat
,. ... 1 T.....l II .It T ....... I .
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except ounaay, ai 00 ana eu a.m. cnas.13 ,
p. m. Hunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate
BtatloDs, dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
o.iv p. iu. nuuuny uuiy 0,10 a in.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
r or iiaiiimore una wasmnirura ill. a. ult.
dallv exceDt Sunday at 6.25 nnd 8.30 (Ii
and 8.16 p. m, Sunday only at 3.05 p, mAIl
Trains arrive at Keadln? (P. A It. static
Imm Ullmlnntnn It A, i TnniiHiii Wraif..
cnanin, uuuuasiora junction, wesi.unesier,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction
Hprlugneld, Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey
fert and Intermediate stations, dallv excer'
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sua
uay uuiy at a. in. "
From Ht. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Hunday, at 8.2J a, m
aud 2.25 p.m. Hunday only at 6 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Hunday, 1020 a. ra. 6.52 and 817 p.m.
Hunday only at 11.21 a. m.
B0WNBS8 BHIGGS, Gen'l Pass. AgU
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent
Cor. Main and Centre Street. SHENANDOAH, PA
I A two and one-half story double fran;
dwelling house, with store-room nnd ro
taurant. Located on Kast Centre street.
8 A valuable property located on Houth Jp
din street. 1
8 -Beyen dwelling Jiousea at the corne4iV
bert qd Lloya etreeU. Good InveiSiinlJ'
.Terms reasonable, "