The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 15, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 218.
Republican State Ticket.
' Itelcgalfs at-Znrge to tho Constitutional
ekank Ki:nt)i:it,
u. o. m'coksiiok,
vrsi. ii. ltoaEiis,
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. B. Green.
Sheriff" Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner MaJ . William
Poor Director George ITcffner.
Unexpired Term Harry H, MoGinnis
Constttntlonnl Convention lietryates.
H0BEHT ALLISON, Port Carbon.
H. BUItD EDWAHDS, 1'ottsvllle.
J. II. l'OMEHOY, Shenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
' Coming Events.
jm Oct. 20. Suppor in Bob bins' opera house
-undor tho auspices of Ladies Aid Society,
No. 13, auxiliary to Sons of Veterans.
Nov. 5. Second anniversary entertain
rnont of Major Joanlngs Council, No. 807,
Jr. O. U. A. M., in lorguson's theatre
Nov. 18 Grand suppor in Bobbins' opora
houso for tho benefit of tho Trinity Bo
formed church.
November 20. Grand supporin Bobbins'
opera house; benefit of Lady Harrison
Lodgo, No. 10, A. P. L. A.
Actual Cost.
The actual cost of legitimate insuranco in
tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranco
Oompiny has been at least as low on tho
average during its ontira history of torty
flvo years, as in any other company; its
businoss is on such a basis that it is likely
to maintain its relatlvo position. David
Faust, local agent. 10-15-2t
A Surprise.
Keep your oyo on this local. Keagoy,
tho photographor, will havo his now open
ing in a few days and will havo something
interesting that will surprise tho people, tf
Ladies, if you want flno writing paper
I envelopes to match, call on Max
(4080. tf
B p CENTS for a window Bhnde
II p-y with fringe, others for 55c,
1 I G5o and up. .Shades made
JL. J for stores and private dwel
inga. A new lot of shad
ings and fringes to match.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, noar Centre
the 1'ijtsi ojp
We open to-day our first lot of
We handle no Common,
and confidently recommend
to be the Best in the Market.
"Northwestern Daisy" Flour
Always give satisfaction. So does "Riverside." lhey
j MAKE WHITE jBBEAI and are Easy to Bake.
When you need
Don't forget to examine our stock. Over 30 different
2)attern8 to select from. All Widths and Prices.
A Bare-Faced, Bull-Dozing Gamed Boldly
Played Last Night.
A Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing Fight Made Beware of Traitors,
Citizens! So-called Enterprising Citizens Take Ad
vantage of tho Public Water Works Meet
ing to Vent Personal Splto.
Tho mass mooting hold in Bobbins' opora
houso last night was ono of tho most dis
graceful ailairs over witnessed in this
WhilS a number of our prominontand
respected townsmen took cart in it, wo are
obligod to mako this statoruont because tho
causo for it stands out in bold roliof.
Tho Herald Bent a reporter to tho moot
ing for tho purpose of making a full and
accurato report of all tho proceedings; and
sont him thero to roako a roport of tho mass
mooting called for tho purposo of gotting
tho citizens to .considor tho advisability of
establishing now water works.
It is with "profound grief, sorrow and
indignation" (in tho language of tho resolu
tion adopted by the regular water question
meeting) that tho Herald announces its
inability to dovoto epaco to an extended
report of tho mooting, on tho quostion for
which it was called tho establishment of
now wator works.
Tho vindictivo spirit of some of our so-
called onterprising and progressive citizens
was so bold and tyrannical that tho Her
ald fools duty bound to spread it lully
beforo tho people, in order that they may
Judgo for thomsolves just whoro certain
mouth-pieces of tho pooplo stand.
The people woro slow in gotting to Bob
bins' opora houso last night, but wbon they
did got thero thoy formed a mass of
humanity. Tho main floor and balcony
woro crowded.
At ton minutes of 8 o'clock James J.
Franoy, with a cano borrowed from ex-
Chief of Police Roads, rapped upon tho
boards of tho stago for ordor and moved
that Monroe II. Kohler bo made chairman
of tho meeting. Mr. Kohler .was duly
olected by voico, and M. E. Doylo, of tho
Sunday Kevis, was made socretary,
Mr. Kohler mado a briof address in
which ho recitod tho substance of tho
notices of tho meeting and Mr. 'William
Kimracl moved that J. II. Pomoroy, Esq.,
tho borough solicitor, mako a statomont of
tho water company situation, as dovolopod
by tho'recent law suit.
Mr. Pomoroy nsconded to tho stago and
the season,
Inferior Goods at loiv prices,
mado an addross covoring a period of about
thirty mlnutos. Mr. Pomoroy complotoly
reviowed all tho circumstances of tho case
botween tho Shenandoah Water and Gas
Light Company and tho borough and
closed with a statomont tbat tho result of tho
special election hold in 1831, whoreby tho
pooplo of this borough authorizod tho
Uorough Council to increase tho public
debt to $15,C00 to create public water works.
holds good to this day and tho present
council can act undor it.
Mr. Pomoroy's addross was a very inter
esting ono, and tho Herald intended pub
lishing it in full, but tho subsequent pro
ceedings of the mooting doinand tho spaco.
Upon tho conclusion of Mr. Pomeroy's
addross Jamos J. Franoy arose and mado a
few remarks, in which ho said: "I don't
boliovo tbat any soulless corporation ought
to own us, to far as wator is concerned. I
boliovo this borough ought to own its own
wator works."
It will bo obsorvod that Mr. Franoy was
discrete onough to say that no soulless cor
poration ought to own us, so far as water is
Bev. John Gruhler was tho noxt spoakor.
Bev. Gruhlor touched upon tho rocont
wator company suit and was in accord with
Mr. Pomoroy's statomont of tho facts as
presented by tho borough on tho trial. Mr.
Gruhlor also said: "Thoro was hardly any
thing in tho statoment Mr. Pomoroy mado
that I didn't romomber, for I always take
interest in tho borough affairs, although it
is tho first time that I havo attended such a
public mooting, and I didn't fool groatly
disposed to como this evening if I had not
boea asked. Whon I camo in some ono
at tho door said, 'Mr. Gruhlor, this is no
placo for you,' and I told him I thought
that my right placo was whoro the question
of right and wrong is to bo docidod." In
conclusion Bov. Gruhlor said, "I am pro-
pared to present to this meeting short reso
lutions, which, i izius, will cover our
Tho following resolutions woro submitted
and adoptod upon motion of John F. Hig
gins :
"Whereas, Tho Shenandoah Gas and
Wator Company havo considered it
in their interest to sue the borough
of Shenandoah lor wator ront on publio
nro plugs; ana
Whereas, It is tho opinion of tho citi
zens who support said water company, that
they aro ontltled for a eufliciont supply of
water in caso of flro for tho protection of
their proparty without any additional
charge; and
Whereas, Tho said wator company
havo violated their promise, givon when a
great majority of citizens voted and de
clared themselves in favor of putting in an
additional supply of water by tno bor
ough, to tho effect, tbat tho company would
not charge extra for 11 ro plugs; therefore,
Resolved, Tbat this meeting express their
sense of profound grief, sorrow and indig
nation at the proceedings takon by tho
water company against tho citizens of this
borough; also.
Resolved. That we, tho citizens compos
ing this meeting, request the authorities of
tno oorougn witnoutaoiay to taKo tno nec
essary measures to supply this borough
with another sufllciont supply of good
Applause followod the adoption of tho
resolutions and thon, after a lull, during
which ono citizen seemed to bo waiting for
tho other to mako a motion to adjourn,
Mr. Higgins moved that tho mooting ox
tond thanks to Mr. Pomoroy for his full
explaination of tho water quostion, and tho
motion was carried unanimously.
Mr. Jamos J, Franoy thon jumped to his
foot and said that in viow of tho largo
assoniblago of citizens the mooting "might
bo prepared to got expressions on the
sentiment of "T" rail" and ho movod that
a committee of three be appointed to draft
resolutions on that quostion and that tho
resolutions bo read.
'Squire T, T. Williams mado a point of
order that tho mooting was not called for
tho purposo of considering tho eloctrio
railway quostion.
Tho chairman disregarded tho point and
put tho motion, which prevailed and tho
following committeo on resolutions was ap
pointed ; J. J. Franoy, B, W. Stout and
B. Stockor.
Mr. Franey called his colleagues behind
tho econos on tho stago and whon ho got
thom together ho pulled a sot of resolutions
from tho Insldo pockot of his coat and road
them to tho balanco of tho committee, who
bent over and drank in tho words of
wisdom from tho pen of M. J. Lawlor, a
eoriospondont of the Sunday iVeij.
Meanwhile Councilman Archio Lsmb
attracted tho attention of tho mooting by
moving that a committeo of five bo ap
pointed to act in conjunction with tho com
niltteo of Council on tho wator quostion.
Tho motion was carried and tho chairmnn
appointed William Kimmol, M. E. Doylo,
J. J. Franey, It. W. Stout and John F.
Whllo tho appointments woro being
mado J. J. Franoy, B. W. Stout and B.
Stockor woro engaged in appending thoir
signatures to tho eloctrio railway resolutions
tbat J. J. Franoy had in his pockot when
ho asked for an expression of sentimonts on
tho "T" rail quostion and which had boen
written for tbo occasion by tho aforesaid
corrospondont of tbo Sunday News.
It might bo slated hero that thochairman
of tbo meeting was guidod in his appoint
ment of tho electric rosolution by a Blip of
paper handed him by M. 15. Doylo, the
secretary of tho meeting and tho oditor of
tho Sunday Kews.
Tho electric resolutions woro read as
follows by tho secretary, M. E. Doylo :
Whereas, It has como to our knowl
edgo that tho officers and agonls of tho pro
posed olectric railway aro endeavoring to
secure oy questionable methods the priv
ilege of laying a "T" rail track thro'!en
tho streets of thi borough, and.
Wuereas. Tho lavine of tuch "T" rail
track in the streets would bo detrimental to
tho best Interests of tho borough and
equiyalont to the abandonment of the
streets upon which mch track might be
laid. Therofnro. bo it
Resolved, That wo, tho citizens and tax
payers of tho borough, in mass mooting as
sojibled. warn tho mombers of thn Hor-
ough Council that to grant tho privilego of
any ono of thom, will bo a violation of tho
righU ot tbo peoplo and in direct antago
nism to tho public sentiment of tho bor
ough. Resolved, That a committee of thrco citi
zens bo arjnointod bv this mnetinr In urn
sont the forogoing proamblo and resolutions
to ino next mooting ol tboltorougb Council
J. J. Franey,
B. W. Stout,
B. Stooker.
Tho resolutions woro writton with ink and
tho signatures to thom woro in lead poncil.
showing conclusively that tho resolutions
wero not drafted at tho mooting of tho
committee bohind tho scones. It may also
bo added that, aside from tho signatures,
thero was not a load pencil mark on tbo
as tno reading or tho resolutions was
concluded tho anti-progress sympathizers
in tho hall applaudod and ono of thom
moved that tho resolutions bo adopted.
B. J. Yost jumped up and advancod to the
stago. Ho mado a vigorous protost against
tho proceedings and askod, in tho namo of
justice, that tho railway company bo given
a hearing boforo tbo adoption of such reso
lutions. Cries of "near I Hearl" "That's right,"
"Givothem a squarodeal," etc., woro heard
from all parts of tho hall aftor Mr. Tost
spoko and Chairman Kohler announced
that ho would sustain tho point raised and
declaro the resolutions out of older.
Franoy, Higgins, B. G. Hess and oliiors
who aro ongaged in fighting tho eloctrio
railway jumped to thoir feot and protottod
against tho ruling, but tho chairman
answered, "1 havo doclnrod tho resolutions
out of ordor. I agree with Mr. Yost that
tho railway company should bo givon a
chance to be hoard."
Tho sentiment of tho mooting turned
almost unanimiously in favor of tho rail
way company when tho citizens fully
understood tbo triok that had boen at
tempted, but thero was so much disorder
tbat a motion to adjourn was a rolief.
What's better for a wound thnn Balvatlou
Oil? Keho answers: "What." We answer:
"Nothing." "Ho say we all of us, so say wo
all I" only a cts.
Better Mall Faollitlos in tho Noar
Thanks to the co-operation of tho post
masters along the lino, tbo suggestions re
cently mado in the Herald regarding
bettor mail facilitios aro about to boar fruit.
The superintendent of tho division and his
assistant have tho mattor undor advisement
and a radical change for tho bettor in tho
systom is expected at an early date. Tho
acquirement of theso changes will bo an
other illustration of tbo value of a homo
paper like tho Herald.
Waters' Weiss boer is the best. John A"
Kollly sole agont. 6-6-tf
A Stunner.
J, Coffee, having purchased tho greater
portion of Goldman's slock at sheriff's salo
recently, consisting of woro than 2,000 pair
of boots, shoes, etc., he is now prepared to
sell tbo same at prices not to bo beaten in
tho county. Como early whllo tho sizes
remain unbrokon. Don't forgot the place,
81 South Main streot. Look for canvass
sign. 10-10-Ct
Phconlx Phalr.
Tho riiconlx Hoso Company will hold a
grand fair in Bobbins' opora houso, com
mencing on Tuesday, Noy. 8rd, 1891. It
will bo ono of tho largest and best fairs ovor
hold in this county. 10-11-tf
Best work done at Bronnan's steam
laundry. Everything white andspotloss.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar-antood.
A Coroner's Jury Pronounces Them
to bo Robert Ray's Identified
by tho Teeth and a Frnc
turo of the Leg.
Market Lake, Idaho, Oct. IB. Coro
ner Henry Code, of KvRiitton, Uintah
County, Wy., arrived here yesterday
after n journey of two weeks' duration
to Jackson's Lake, In what Is known at
Jackson IIolo in the nortlnvoit corner ot
Wyoming, whero he hold u inquest over
the body of tho lato Robert Bay Hamil
ton, of Now York, who was drowned lu
Snnko Klver moro than a yenr ago. The
story of thu last days of Jlr. Hamilton,
already partly known to tho public, is
now complete.
The story of Hamilton's llnsou with
Eva Mann; tho latter's attompt to mur
der a nurse; tlje trial, and the disappear
ance Of Hamilton from public view, aro
all too wnll know to need repetition.
Sept. 15, luUO, n clispatch from Helena,
Mont, conveyed the startling intelligence
that Robert Kay Hamilton hail been ac
cidentia drowned in Snake Klver, In
Jackson's Hole, somo three weeks be
foro. Tho story seomod so vague and in
complete that people soon coinmoncod to
doubt it, for several reasons, uuioug
them tho Kbrief announcement of his
death; that his fathordid not seom much
worried over the account; and because of
the statement of Henry Strom;, of
Greene, Chenango county, N. Y., who
had boon In tho Yellowstone Park, camo
East and declared , that ho had seen
Hamilton allvo In the park, having
recognised him by his voice as well as
his feature-?.
Tho Hamilton family trlod to keep tho
matter quiet, but It would not down.
On the contrary, as time passed tho ba
llet that Bobert Bay Hamilton was allvo
grew stronger lu those who thought
most about the facts. Tourists return
ing from the region brought strango
stories. The men .who conducted the
search were, with ono or two exceptions,
not acquainted with him in his lifetime,
and not willing to swear the body was
Thursday, Oct. 1, to set all doubts at
rest, Coroner Code left Market Lake
Station with a party to disinter tho
body and hold an Inquest. Tho body
was exhumed, and certain marks upon
it agreed so exactly with tho description
that had been taken alon that all fur
ther doubt that Hamilton was dead was
forever sottlod.
The distinguishing marks wero the
front teeth and a fracture of the leg.
The witnesses were all reputable citi
zens. Thu jurors In the Inquest were
Iiobert 1. Miller, Andrew Mattson, and
O. F. Humin. Thuy rondor the following
Stuto of Wyoming, County of Utnlu
We, tbo t oronur's Jury, empnnnellel to In
quire into the causo, time and invnnor of tbo
uoutli of the person who-o body lies beforo n
do flii-J that tho name of the dcco.iw.-il whs Hub
ert Hay Hamilton, a native of the United
States, KgoJ about 3D years, and that he oauio
to his O'-a'l; in the Slate an.l county aforesaid,
by being iicclueulml lrownoil while attempt
ing to ci-o&fc Snake ltlvor, be!cw Jackson's
Lako. According to tho ovUonoe iurnUhnd
by bis watch, which had stopped whon ho en
tered tho wator, and by a no'o which ho left
on a tug at tho south end of the lake, Uobcrt
Kay Hamilton was drowned at l:3d o'olook on
Saturday night, Augustus, 1S00.
"Thoushalt not steal," Is tho Chronicle's
stock in trade How Bbout tho Democratic
treasurers in a dozen or moro Domocratic
slatos, who havo stolon ovor two millions of
dollars ? Havo they boon punished yot,
liko Bardsloy ? No. Will thoy ovor bo?
That's doubtful.
Tho Chronicle's wild nnd unsooniingly
attacks against Judgo Groon will provo
regular boomerangs. Tho raud-sllnging
campalKn openod in Schuylkill county,
from tho Democratic mud battoiios, earlier
than was arrangod for by tho Harrity ad
ministration. If Bon Smith was a good onough deputy
under soveral sheriffs, of both parties, why
will ho not mako a good enough sheriff?
Ben has mado a record tbnt will be en
dorsed by a largo majority next month.
W. Lloyd vans,of Wilkes-Barro, Bpont
last uvoning in town.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Williams havo
movod back to town from New Philadel
phia. Martin Gruhlor, of Philadelphia, is visit
ing his rolativoa in town. He is on the
sick list.
Good Goods, Low Prices.
J. Coffee has had a big rush on gro
ceries sinco his opening on Tuesday. Do not
fail to take advantago at once of tho bar
gains offered, ns thoy will last but a low
aays. ixew urioans molasses, .'oc. per
gallon; Oolong, Japan, English Breakfast
and Gunpowdor teas at t!6c. per pound;
Blco, 6c. per pound; best barloy, 81c;
largo-sized chimneys, -lo.; medium sizo,
2 for 5o.; best sweet corn, 7c Spaoe will
not permit a detailed account of our gro
cory stock. J. Coffee,
10-1-1-lt 29 and 31 South Main street.
The finest nolo paper and envelopes i
the country at Max Beeso's, tf
Frojudloe or
Good Sonso
Provall ?
To-night the important railway quostion
ill bo submitted for council's considera
It is hoped tho councilmon will act
intelligently and liberally, and not bo
Influenced by tho silly prejudices of a
oliquo of disappointed dividend grabbors.
The question to bo decided is whothor or
not tho borough ordinanco granting tho
right of way to the Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah, Girardvillo and Ashland Street
Bailway Company shall bo modified so
that tho "T" rail may bo used.
Tho petitioning conipany shows very
satisfactorily to all minds open to convic
tion that tho "T" rail is safer for travol
over heavy grades and bettor timocanbo
mado over them, and that vohlcles will not
bo endangered by thom. With the re
presentation is an offor to agree that if, at
tho expiration of six months, tho "V rail
Is not satisfactory tho company will roplaco
it with the Hat patcrn.
Ono of the few who are fighting tho "T"
rail is a disappointed speculator who is one
of the loudest-mouthed fanatics in tho
town. It is hoped that none of the coun
cilmen will allow any of that ilk to influ
ence them in anyway.
Hio man referred to Is so well known as
a positivo onemy to homo industries th a
his namo noed not bo mentioned. Ho has
already displayed enough of his cars to
mako known his identity.
A Common Sonso Romody.
In tho mattor of curatives what you wnnt
is something that will do its work whllo
you continuo to do yours a romody that
will givo you no inconvonienco nor intor
fcroith your businoss. Such n remedy is
Allcock'B Porous Plasters. These plastow
aro not an experiment j they have been in
uso forjovor thirty years, nnd their value
has been attested by iho highest medical
authorities, as well as by testimonials from
those who havo usod them. They require
no change of diet and aro not affected by
wet or cold. Thoir action doos not intorforo
with labor or businoss ; yuu can toil and
yet be curod whilo hard at work. Thoy
are so puro that tho youngost, tho oldest
and most dolicato porson of oithor sox can
uso them with great boneflt.
Bowaro of imitations, and do not bo
deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for
Allcock's, and lot no solicitation or ex
planation induce you to accept a substitute
.. -1
Ovsters nro in season and tho best in tho
markot aro at Coslott's. 8 22-tf
Birthday Party.
Yosterday was the 21st birthdayof nn'ry
L. Boxby, and in honor of that event Mr.
Boxby gave 8 birthday party last ovening
attho home of his parents, on West Coal
street. There were present about twenty
flvo couplos, and all enjoyod thomsolvos Im
mensely, and voted tho young man, who
has just passed tho twenty-first milo-stone,
an entertainer of tho flftt order. Among
thoso proeont from out of town wero tb.3
following: Misses Carrio Morrison, Mag-
gio Ormo, Sallio Lewis, and Harry Davis,
St. Clair; Missos Mary and Emma Bracoy,
Girardvillo, and Walter Beddall, Potls-
Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at tho
Herald office.
Burchlll's Restaurant.
Charles Butchill is now located at oornor
of Main and Coal stroels, Shanhndoah.
Begular meals, at popular prices, served
any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached, 9-1-J-tf
Buoklon's Arnica SalvrV
The Bent Salve In the world for Cuta
Uralses. Mores. Ulcers. Bait Hheum. Fever.
Hon, Tetter, Cbapiwd Hands, Chilblains
Corns, nud ullBkln Kraptlons, and positively
cures l'lles. or no pay required. It Is guar-
anieeauJifive peneci saiiHiaoiiou, or nuuey
refunded, l'rloe IS cents per box. For tao
by C. II. Haeenbucb.
Always go to Coslott's, South Main
streot, for your prime oysters. 8-22-tf
Fou tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb'a. tf
For Breakfast?
A Mackeral?
Wo liavo 'em.
White and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. Wo rust,
lib, fib, lib, 11 lb, li lb,
No. 122 North Jardin Str