I'eMHL'V.gaHLW" Bwvw ncuni im TijMniH'f I pi AT ALL PRIHCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On tlic Right Trnclc, SKVRIIN, tho Orocor, is still on Iho riht truck and comn to titno with nnothor train load of Kino Groceries, Uannod Goods, Moats, Flour, etc. Centre and White Sts., Shenandoah. The Evening Herald. ALL TUB NEWS FOn ONn CENT. lias a larger circulation In Bhennndoah than any othtr paper published. Circu lation books optn to nil. AFFAIRS O AUGHT HASTILY. "What Nows Gathorora Tako a Moment to Toll About. Grnpes nro cheap. Nut brown October. Tho revival season approaches. Sliver beaded canes aro going out of lusinon. Society pcoi)le look forward to a gay winter Beaton. Fond of a nap, but seldom found Blteptng the moth. There aro a good many sidewalks mat need repairing uelore winter. Tough goat leather Is being used for men's shoes, it Is waterproof. A stlney man can be relied upon to Keep everything out lils promise. l'ut hops In yeast and they "raise" bread, l'ut hops in malt and they raise a (iisturuancc. The man who talks most about "How to Succeed, " Is neutrally a con spicuous lull u re liimselt. How many people would bo dumb If they were forbidden to natter them selves and slander others. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing nnil will rarely do you good, If yon linve a Cough, Cold, or any rounio wiin inroai, unesi. or i.ungH. ur. King's Npw lMsrorv lor CoiiHtnnntlnn. Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will bo psld back. Sufferers from La drlppe found It Just the thing and nndcritHUKo had a spe.dy and perfect re covery. Tryn sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself JUBt bow good a thing It Is. Trial bottles Iree at C. It. ilftgenbucu's ucug More, ijargo size wc. una si.w. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each, at Max Kecao's. tf OominsEvonts. Oct. 20. Suppor injllobbins' opora houso undor tho nufpicoa of'Ladies Aid Socioty, No. 13, nuxilliary to Sons of Veterans. Nov. 6. Socond anniversary ontortain mont of Jlajor JonninRS Council, No. 307, Jr. 0. U. A. 11., in I orguson's theatre Nov. 18 Grand suppor in Kobbins1 opora houso for the benefit of tho Trinity Ho formed church. November 20. Grand suppor in Jtoboins' opora house; benefit of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. P. L. A. Primo oystors, tho best tho market affords, always on band at Coslett's. 8-22-tf Oystors. Oysters nro in season. Go to Schooner's. Families suppliod. Parlors for ladies. 9-i-tf Tho Dootor and Postmaster were talking about n oaso of serious Illness due ton neglected oold and rapidly going Into consumption which was promptly cured by I'an-Tlnn Cough nnd Consumption Cure. j.Tiut uoities ii to nt turnn's arug store. Socond hand school books bought and cold at Max Kooio's. tf Prottiost oil cloth in town at 0. D, Fricko's carpet store. 9-18-tf Buy Keystone flour. He careful that the name Litsaio & Co., Ashland, Pa.-, it printod on ovory saok. 3-3-3taw Tako your enrpot rags to U. D. Fricko's carpot storo and havo thorn mado into a first-class carpot. 0-18-tf THE OLDjfe TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at Balnbrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL and WEST STS., and offers to tho public tho finest lino of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED! Provisions, Fish and Oysters, Green and Bmoked Ham uud Flitch. Saxiaiias. Ziomons, The place to buy your school boobs cheap is AIho Hcholar's Companions, Book Straps, Behool Uag, Tablets, eto. Everything and anything required In kebool. Mlateg, ponolls. eta., sold re tail urn! wholesale. Boots Suitable for East and Weil MnlianoyTwp. Don't forget lbs place If yon wish to save rauney. JsL. MELLBT; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shcnanooah. I j SCHOOL BOOKS, I 1 MAHAM (ffl, Pi. The citizens of Shenandoah will assemble in n Bobbins' AT 7:30 For tho purpose of taking rUiJLKJ WATJfilt WU1UU3. The result oi the recent Jaw suit against tho borough by the present water company de mands that immediate action bo taken. All are invited to attend. Let There Be a -SIGKLSTEID - JOHN BOBBIN, JAMES CHAjMPION, M. MELLET, P.J. GAUGIIAN, WILLIAM KIMMEL, WM. NEISWEKTEE, T. J. IIIGGINS, And Hundreds of Others. Oysters aro in season and tho boet in tho markot aro at Coslett's. ' 8 22-tf Powell's Management. Tho Pacific Northwest base ball loaguo ccason has just closed and tho Seattlo club, of .which Abncr 1'owell, of town, is cap tain and manager, has a rocord of 45 Rames won out of a hundred playod and a or contago of 460. Tho Portland club heads tho list with a porcenUgo of G92. Tho re sult of tho Seattlo club's playing is credit ablo to tho captaincy of Jlr. Powell and he ia down on tho list as tho best manager in tho loaguo. Managor Powell, during tho soason just closed, paid off nearly all of a largo indebtedness of his club, whilo tho othor members of the leaguo wont behind sovoral thousands of dollars. In writing to town frionds Manager Powell says ho may goto Sacramonto for tho balance oi tho soa'on and ho may winter In Seattlo, but it is moro likoly that ho wilt como east to groot his many frionds. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. Ladies' Coats, Largest Line in the County. JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS jLSJSCHa Opera fioose, O'CLOCK, action on tho establishment of General Turnout E. M. STOUT, GEOEGE FOLMEE, JOnN F. niGGINS, EA.LPH OLIVER, AVM. KENDEICK, J. J. FEANEY, M. D. MALONE, LEWIS KLEIN, A GOOD SHOE FOH FOR, $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Repairing Nently Dono. Common Sense Sfwe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah People's Oyster Bay ! KOAN' BUILDING, X2 53. Centre St., Sliciiaudoali GUISE & BEYRANT, Props. OYSTERS Itiw, Stewed, Scalloped, Panned or Fried to order. Families supplied nt their house with tho beBt oysters iuu juur&ei uuorus. All Orders Promptly Filled. SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL ! Bobbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September -0. ORCHESTRA OK xo PIECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. - BJX, 3PA. "WANTS, Sco. ;fin. tH.fnfiii m coiumn, no( exceeding three; one ueek, 51.60; two xvttks. 12; one "X7 ANTED. A trlrl for cenernl T v noUMirork. Good w209 paid. Apply B-lll tl At IlE BALD OltlM. w ANTED. A good girl for gen eral housework, Apply nt IIehai.p iu-11-tr FOU RENT. Store nnd dwelling, with stable, on Kat Cosl strtet, nfnr .Main, torrent to n bixmI party. Apply tn Jonathan Rogers, 229 West Coal street, or nt nj;uAi.n omce. iu "X7ANTED. An euiriueer. ninrrled T T man with large family pieferred, to nil englue lu a Itnlttlug mill. I'or furthrr pur- iiuuiur nuurcsB uingiown ivnimng Ann ct., ItlnKtnwn. I'n. 10 8 31 HALE. A storo room nnd 1 dwelllmr on Kast Centre street. Onod reason foi selling. Terms reosounblo. Ap ply at J. It. Coyle's offlco. fi 3Mm WANTED. Goi d vvnges paid to u tood, experlenci-d girl. Apply nt 301 n tl , r E8TKAYED. To the j.rentlsos of the undersigned, on the lOih Inst, u black cow with new-born call. Owuer con have samo upon paying all espensis to Charles Noderoskl, Turkey Run. 10-1241 FOU SALE. A beautilul drulle rod Iron fence, suitable for fenclne ceme tery lots, or fur gates around a writings. 1' quire of fresbyterlan church Irnsteee. 0-ll.tf FOR SALE. A largo "Mmn i p LlKht" double heater. Hultuble f r ii store, or dwelling. Apply to Jl. A Hwnlm, South Muln Rlrei t. I0-IU 1 1 E STRAYED COW. Strayed from the undersigned, 3.17 West Oak strict, bhennndoab, on Hundny morning, 1 ill lust, a small set cow, between a Jert-ey nnd A derney; dnrk-rcildUh color, n fheep bell and coin on her neck. Any person returning her or lurnlsh Information us to her where abouts will -tie suitably rewarded. 10-H-lf W. B MORGANS. WANTED. Persons In wont of help(mnlo or female), a situation, n partner, to buy or sell a business or real es tate, to call and ezamluenursyntem. AgcnU, In all principal cities. Max Reese, Hlcnm ship, Ticket and General Agmicy, Hhennn donh. Agent for the United Htutes Employ ment nnuiiusines Agency,- ana-ii uronu way, New Kork. 10-3 1m Af AMTCI1 DETERMINED, RELIABLE MEN AT WlllH LU Onar ONCE to sell the Cliolcem " - fitni-mif or, -1 -v Ui.w-lr Good pay. Permanent position. Very best iiiah Hviuug Bpeciaiues nna every posiDie aia to salesmen. We giinrantcc Tvluit wk uavertme. Aauress GI.F.N 11HOS., MurBoryiiieji. UochCHter, IM. V. (The house Is perfectly reliable. lid.) 9 30-12t G00L WEATHER! Remlnd3 the careful parent that the wee tots the joy of the household should bo Properly Glothed. We are now prepared to show the finest line ever seen in the city, of Woolen Sacks Jersey Sacks "Woolen Bootees Woolen Leggings & 8111118. A FINE SHOW If you want to see a fine display of Boots and nnoes, go 10 W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal and Jaretlu 8ta. Custom Work aud Repairing Done In the best ttyle. Newly Refitted and Renovated, tonsorialT PARLORS ! S3 IX Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing ! SUAMrOOINO, etc., liy E. G. J.- WADLINGER, Under PoslolUce Building, Main anil Oak Sts., Shenandoah, S-Hot nnd cold baths, Polite, prompt and vuiviui uucuuuji. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! AT THE COFFEE HOUSE, 32 1 Main St, Families supplied with raw oysters by the uunureu. MRS. FEnQUHON, Trop. Hasremoved to Bill 'Jones' 'old 'stanti 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleated to meet the wants or ins irieuas ana me puuno in Everything in tho Drinking Line. No. 8 New Broadway Range r film All kinds of Btovo repairs kept on hand. AfM. R. PRATT, -TJLICE 1 zfMT It Is not necessary to ko about It surreptitiously, ns do tho camlns in the- picture, if you would take a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in dress goods, cloaks, wraps and rugs. Our store is n little world's fair in it self aud visitors miiy freely inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We havo some attractive specialties this week iu thelineof Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, eto. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. ( J 'SOttWf A NTICiUlTYcuu bo tolerated In ulmost any thing but hats. If the head Is out of date the rest of the body Is pretty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire ora genius can afford to wearauclent headgear, aud even tlioy take a good many chances when they do It. It will cost you no moro to be up with the times that It will to be half a inllo behind them. Everything about our $1.50 hat Is hand some but the prlee,and S1.60 for such a bateau scarcely bo called auythlne but a ridiculously low figure. The snme can bej said of our 25o neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods is the lowest priced In the market. 15 S. Main St. SOANLAN Shenandoah LEATHER and SHOE FIHDItlGS SIP- CT. OLSA.E,"5r, Dealer lh all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Largo and flrst-clats stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, A. Kindly sallcltlns your order, respectfully, 331 S, Jardin St Shenandoah, Pa. 4 PEEP!- Tho manufacture of good ClothinV is not all fafr sailing it is full of in tricate detail. The proper laying out, cutting and making up all require judgment and careful treatment to ob tain u satisfactory finish. Qood ready-made Clothing lsascarce article. Our long experience in man ufacturing enables us to produce the best our extensive business insures the lowest prices. A. C. Yates & Go. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. licHt-iiiaclc Clotlilni; Iu lMitliirtclplUn. -GO TO- PETER CECCHIN1 & BRO.'S, IU EAST OENTHK BT For Fine Pears and Best California Grape?. I1EST CELEHY IN TOWN. Q M. HAMILTON, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (0 Offlee-26 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenonooah 3