The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 14, 1891, Image 3

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Presents in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition ol tue
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is lliliovis or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
Finest brands ol cigar always on hand. Den lempenvnce annus
201 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
"The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc.
Nearly every pattern of sa HorSB
Blanket is imitated in color and
style. In most cases the imitation
looks just as good as the genuine,
but it hasn't the warp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine itisn 't worth one-halfasmuch
The fact that s Horse Blankets
are copied is strong .evidence
that they are THE STANDARD
and every buyer should see that
the trade mark is sewed on
the inside of the Blanket.
Five Milo
Extra Test
at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get
them from your dealer, write us. Ask for
the sa Book. You can get it without charge,
WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia.
THPATFn pnr? rsiwiy cured r
Vflft table Kemedie
Havs cured many thouwi d
uil uatirilt iirorntinn
ianiJlv dlianrwar. ami in tu lav nt I t rirwililr.-l nt
licpeiets oy uie icst iu ,
Symptoms ore re moved. Sn1 for pREH ROOti of tes'i
Sxuloui cures. furiiWW
tiUJ, tend ten cents In "-tamtn u nay ftMtagc wn&KZKKt
. OA
John R. Coye,
tmbV r
horse m
$ Attorney-at-Law
I Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main and Centre Street', SHENANDOAH, PA.
l two and one-half story double frame
dwelling house, wltn st)re-room and res
taurant. Located on Kast Centre street.
H A valuable property located on South Jar
din street.
8 Beven dwolllns houses at the corner of Gil
bert and Lloyd streets. Cioodlnvestment.
Terms reasonable.
frnqaentlr followlnun cold or xpoure, or frou Con
titatlonai eakneancs so peculiar to tholr iuj, should
Use OR, DitCHOINE'S Celebrated
Tlieynr Btrengtbnlo to the entire tfuUf ijpan
tone, vtifor nnd mnHtHitin foroat all fancl loas of hod)
iiiintnd. Hentbyimi I. 6vurly Mtultxl, 1. Addruna
Or,HartrMpni-'-.. sf.lOUiS WO
Not 9 East Oentre Htreft; Mabanoy Oltjr, Ft
Hkln and all soeolal diseases a apaolaliy.
OHce BMlall'a building eoroer Vain toft Otnti
Ilonry Sun ford Now President
of the Adams Express Co.
Frederick Lovtjoy of Now York Mado
Vioe-Prcsident In Spoonar's Place,
A rubllc Rtntrniont la be Mmle by th
Couipiuiy The Daifnacl Olllcera Will
tint ho lrnceut-rt Crlmlnnlly llony'a
ltemurlf able Career- Cannclel With
the Company for Or.r 40 Yoara-Hla
Unique Home nt Hollywood, H. J--lIla
1-Jccciitrlrlty of Dl-eas.
Nun-YoitK, Oct. 14. Wall street is
fairly sizzling over the disclosures mndo
ycftcrduy In tho cases of President Hooy
and Vice-President Spooner, the deposed
olilcors of the Adams Express Com
pany. At a meeting of the directors yoator-
dny Rfternoon Henry Snnford, of lirldgo-
port, Conn., who has been Inrgoly in
strnmentnl In ferreting out tho charges
ugatnst Sir. llocy and Mr. Spooner, was
elected president in placo of Mr. Hoey,
nnd Frederick Lovojoy, of tilts city, was
chosen vice-president in place of Clapp
President Hooy had been with the
company for 40 years, nnd for three years
hnd been iti president. Vlco-Presldent
Spoonor had also been with the com
pany for many years. He Is a million
aire nnd lives In Bridgeport, Conn. So
fur as tho public knew, there bat nover
been a shadow of suspicion against tho
management oC tbo Adams l'.xpros3
Company, which has long been regarded
as ono of the mo't powerful and best
managed corporations In existence
1 he alleged malfeasance In olllco for
width President Hoey wns removed and
Vlce-Prendent Spooner allowed to re
sign whs tho sale by the two officers and
others of the lioston Despatch Express
Company nnd also of tho Kinsley Ex
press Company to the Adams Express
Company lor $"iw,uuu.
Of this amount IKUU.UUU Is said to havo
been the actual value of tho property
transferred, and tho other 4000,000 wns
prolit, wlncb, It Is alleged, was divided
among tho men who made the donl.
Proficient Hoay's of tho profits, it
is said, was 110,000.
lie Is also charucu with maklnc the
purchase of the property of the two mi
nor companies against tho advice nnd
without tho consent of the manager und
directors of tho Adams Express Com
pany. The dethroned odlcers will not be pro-
iecuted criminally, but tho company will
bring civil action against them to re
cover the money they received as profit
on tho alleged deal.
llooy'a History.
John Hoey wns horn in Ireland sixty-
six years ngo. apd came tj this country
when hut a small boy. He knocked
about New York for several years, and
when a newsboy concoived tho bright
idea of adding to his sales by rowing out
to the steamers before they lauded.
Ills enterprise attracted the attention
of William S. Dinsmoro, who was then
in chargo of the New York olllco of tho
Adams lucpross. Alvln Adams, of Bos
ton, had startod the concern two years
before, and their only line rau from
Boston to New York.
Hoey was employed as porter nt tho
princely compousutlon of $1.00 per week.
Gradually, as tho time pnssod on,
Hoey camo rfteadily to the front. He
ran a branch of his own from Washing
ton south, which ho called Hooy's
Charleston Express. This was consoll
d: ed with the Adams Company in 1854,
and Mr, Hoey received a number of
shores of stock and the post of general
manager in the company.
Adams, Dinsmoro, Snnford and Hoey
remained cordial friends and business
associates from that time on. Hoey is
tho only ono now living, tho others hav
ing died in harness. Adams was tho
first president of the company, and con
tinued so until his death in 1857, when
Dinsmore, the vice-president, succeeded
him, Snuford coining on from Washing
ton to take DIasmoro's place. Sanford
diod in 18d'J, and Mr. Hooy was chosen
lu his stead, becoming president In 1838,
n month after the death of Mr. Dins
more. Tho namo of John Hooy will always
be associated with that of two enter
prises, tho Adams Express Company and
Hollywood. Both of theso he has seen
grow to great proportions.
H la Home at Hollywood.
Just after tho war Mr. Hoey wont to
Hollywood, which lies just west of Long
Brunch, and built himself a plain, sub
stantial houso there. At Hollwood ho
enjoyed his leisure hours, and was nover
so happy ns when roaming around the
placo looking after tho flowers and
plants. Although he had beon a poor
boy, with no educational advantages,
Mr, Hoey soon developed into n landscape
gardener nnd architect whose work was
well worth seeing.
In 1879 ho sold his houso in Now York
and made Hollywood his permanent
home. As soon us ho did so, Mr. Hoey
put into practice what had boon his
dream for years, the projoct of turning
Hollywood into the most beautiful park
along the coast. For the tlmo being hU
greenhouses wore neglected, and ho de
voted himself to drawing dosigus for a
dozou houses. When thoy were com
pleted, it was the unanimous opinion
that thoy wore Oner than nny others in
New Jersey, but people wondered where
tho money camo from. JjAn army of mrn
was working tlioi-e all through ons sum
mer, laying out roads, grading, etc., and
it is said by thoso In n position to know
that his expenses frequently icached
1,000 a day.
It was what he claimed it to b:, the
most unique place In America. Every
numiner ho introduced some original
feature. For examplo, five seasons ago
be kept tho cottages open all winter. A
iwimmiug tank was built 300 yards from
the sea and supplied with fresh sea wa
ter thr-iugh pipes. In addition to this
bo had sun parlors, supplied with di
vans, Turkish rugs, and all tho accesso
ries that could be thought of that would
tend to make lifo ploasant.
It was a matter of remark at Holly
wood that tho worst dressed and most
dlsreputublo man about the placo was
tho owner of all this maguillconco, IIo
was frequently taken for u servant, hut
never resented lt,"ouly smiling grimly
and passing on. Mr. Hoey's family con
lists of three sons and a daughter, tho
latter being the wife of Charles It. Hone.
William Hoey is general superintendent
highest of All in Lcavcntng Towi r.
of tho Adams Express Company, Fred
crick Hooy manages Hollywood Park,
and tho third sou, John S., was form
erly an actor, but at present la doing
The directors, after a full investiga
tion of tho affairs of the company, claim
that its solvency is in no way impaired,
despite its heavy losses. The directors
havo takon tho most vigorous action In
tho Interest of the stockholders, and are
now preparing to mako a publlo state
ment, which will disclose the actual
financial condition of the company.
a omi, iNcnyniAKX.
She Tried to Hunt ti Honae llreause ol
8epArtitlmi fromn Trlcnil.
Philadelphia, Oct- 14. Elizabeth
Darby, n trained nurse, aged 21 years, is
under arrest at Media, Pn., clmrgod with
Betting lire to tho residence of Mrs. Cath
erine S. Latham nt Hosomont, I'a. Miss
Darby, who is conuectod with one of the
Philadelphia hospitals, was on Friday
last sent to Uosomont to nurso an invalid
Bister of Mrs. Latham.
On Saturday afternoon nnd night,
sovernl attempts were made to set the
house on llro. Ill each case tho (Ire was
extinguished bofore any material damage
had been done. Suspicion rented on
Miss Darby, and she was nrrested.
lestorday sbo confessed her guilt,
Sho said sho could not bear i-eparation
from a very doar friend who was ulso a
nurso in Philadelphia, and sho hoped by
destroying Mrs. Latham's house sho
would securo her return to Philadelphia.
The lives of half a dozon people 'wore
endangered by her attemptod crime.
an ixTiinr.sTiNa ouestion.
Anlifant Rent to 1'rlann With Its Motber
Cun the Keeper Ilecelvo It?
WnlTEtiAix, N. Y., Oct, 14. At Sandy
Hill yesterday, Mrs. Alice Harvoy, of
this city, was sentenced to tho Albany
Penitentiary for three years on her plea
of guilty of assault in the first degree
on Patrick Qarrigan, whom she accused
of drowning her husband In Lake
Champlaln about three weeks ago.
A feature of this case Is that Mrs
Harvey has an Infant under one year of
age. The Court directed tho Sheriff to
take tho child with the mother to the
That raises an interesting question
Can tho keepor of a prison receive within
Its walls a person not under sentence,
even if that person is the infant child
of a convict mother horn in froedom
and innocent of any crime?
The llank Wreckers In Conrt.
Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 14. During the
examination of grand jurors before
Judgo Fursman, yesterday, touching
their qualifications to sit upon the cases
of James E. Ostrander and Matthew T.
Trumpbour, the bank wreckers, tho
prisoners were brought into court, and
seatod beside their counsel. The court
room was crowded with people anxious
to get a look at the prisoners. No groat
change was noticeable in their appear
ance and, the excitement having died
away, the prisoners do not now fear vio
lence. Out of 20 jurors nil but three
were accepted and sworn. Sands Havl
land, a prominent fruit grower of Ulster
County, was made foreman.
Secretary Tracy at liotlileliem.
BETnXKHESt, Pa., Oct 14. Socrotary
Tracy and Commodore Fllger, of tho
Bureau ot Ordnance, made an official
visit to the Ordnance Department of the
Bethlehem Iron Company yesterday.
Thoy witnessed thej pouring of a hun
dred nnd eighty ton casting which is the
largest over made In th is country. Thoy
also witnessed tho forging of the first
thirteen inch gun made by the Bethle
hem Iron Company. Armor platos wero
also forged. The visit jrs oxpressod
themso'ves igh grallflo 1 with the pro
gress made ou tho four million dollar
Sancho Panza said It Is a blind man who cannot
sea through eleve. They are blind, indeed, who
Vail to recognize impure blood as tueoiigiuof the
ills that llwh is heir to. Health Is not possible
with fmpure blood. Cactus Mood Cure will posi
tively neutralize and carry off all blood poisons,
tone the syttcin, btreugthen the heart ana restore
Grand Opening
-No. 26
East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
The finest and largest assortment
In Hats, llonnets and Caps at re
markably low prices. Our line of
Children's THI1IMKD AND UN
Oaniiot Too 33cs.ix,lloci.
Latest Styles
Fall and Winter Millinery.
V S Gov't Report, Aug. 4.7, 1889,
A blnok llnlsh to tho solos of the
masculine sliou la tho latest.
Thoro's Nothing on Earth
So good for a baby suffering with Wind
Uoli: as Dr. Hand's Colic Curs. It
soothes and cures. Samples gratis ior a
few days at J. M. Uillan and C. J. Mc
Carthy, tho draughts.
Many a man in a steenlo belcuca to
a church but is never in it.
Height of Cruolty.
Nervous women seldom receive thsym
noms thy deserve. Whl enfieu tbo uictuios
of health, they nro constantly ailing. To
withhold sympathy from tlese unfortunate
Is Ibe height uf cruelty. They have a weak
heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering,
pain Inside, weak and hungry spells, aud
tlnally swelllug of ankles, oppression, phok
Hi, smotherlniritnd dropsy. Dr Miles' New
Heart Cure Is Just lie thin fortliem. For
the r nerv usnens, headache, wouktie, etc.,
Ills Ilsst ratlva Nervl n Is tinqualed. Fine
Ireat'seou "Heart and Nervoiu Disease'1 and
marvelous testimonials iree. Bold ana
guaranteed by C. 11. Ilngenbucb,
Now tho full htmie cleaning osm-
, ,1, i.. .
pnigu win uptu iu curliest.
Milos' Nerve una Llvor Pllla
.Vet on a new
principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels Ihrouah the nrrtvi,
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' 1'llln soeedilv
3ute blllousnesn, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation, unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mil. test, turest! aldoses,
Bets. Samples Free, at O. II. llagenbuoh's
inis; store.
Waterproof russet leather shoes arc
to oe woru all winter,
A Mystery Explalnod.
The papers contain frequent notices of rich,
pretty and educated girls eloping with
negroes, tramps and cinehmen. The woll
known upeclal st, Dr. Franklin .Mile., says nil
such elrls are inoro or lens hvstorlcal. nervous.
very Imp islve, unbalanced; usually subect
to headache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, 1m
moderate crying or laughing. Theseahoiva
weak nervous aystem for which there is no
remedy iqual to Itosiora'lve Ncrviue. Trial
bottles and a line boor, contnlnlng many
marvelous cures, free a' U. H. Hngenbuch s
drucr stoie. who also scM. nnd iMnrnntee Dr.
Miles' ..-elebratel New llo.i't Jur, the finest
of heart Ionics, cures fluttering, short
urcaiu, eic.
Jack Frost is about and will soou get
down to real work.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed tho warning? The signal per.
naps of the sure approach of that more ter
rible disease, Consumption, Ask yourselves
If you can nltord for the sake of saving GO
rents, to run the risk and do nothing for It.
We know from experience that Bblloh's Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Dottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Wbopplne Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Bacn, Bide or
Chest, use bblloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
U. II. Hagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Words hurt more than blows and
heal more than balsam.
Specimen Oases.
8. II. Clifford. New Casiel, Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia aud Kheumitl'm,
his titomach was disordered, his Liver was at.
lected to no alarming degree. Appollte fell
away, nad he was terribly reduced lu lleuli
a 'id strength. Threo bottles of Klectrlo Hit
ters cured film.
KdwardHhepherd, Harrlsburg, III , lmd a
running sorooa his le of e ghl years' land
ing. Uked tbrro bottles of Klectrlo llbters
undfeveu boxts of Uucslen's 'Vruica Halve,
nnd his leg Is sound and well. John Hpeaker,
Cat iwba, O., bad live large Fnver sores on his
leg, dictors said he was lucuratilo. One bot
tle Klectrlo Hitters and one box llucklen's
Arnica Halvo oured blra entirely. Bold by
C. II. HagenbuoL, Druggist.
Experience is the cream of life, but
it sours with age.
Father Pablo Juarez Talks
Don Uamon Alva.-Dear Sir: I have tho
sitlsfactlcuor Inlormlngyou that the Cactus
Blood Cure, of whl h you are tbo owner, hos
produced the most wonderful lesults for a
friend or mine who has suffered from her
petic eruption, nud I consider your euro a
r. generator without antqual. In tbe name
oi my ineno i luans: you sincerely, ana ue
Hire I will recommend your valuable medl.
cine, as I have agilu seen Its results.
Yours truly.
Bold at Klrlln's DrugBtore.Fergusou House
lie pure to keep your feet dry, your
body warm, aud head cool, ai'd then
as the cold weather ndvauces you will
be ready for it.
Shlloh'a Oonsumption Ouro.
Ibis Is beyond question the most sno-
jessini liougn itieaicine we nave ever sold,
low doses Invariably cure the worst oases of
ojgh, Croup, and Uronchltls, while Its won
lerful succes in tbe cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in the history of medicine,
ilnce It's first discovery It has been sold on a
juarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly
ask you to try it. 1'rlce 10 cents. 60 cents, and
1 1 -DO. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or ilaok
lame, use Bblloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by
Q. II. Hagenbuch, N. 10, coruer Main and
iiiuyu sirecu.
Iliickwheat cakes are ripe.
jriiA ke iHTra. r imiijiu'i
Qt QgS- fTTTTt BBSBSM ITSriTWflWtlli Bsa
Has tho local agenoy for the
Thomas Coal Company this
year, and Is prepared to fur
nish coal of all sizes at rates
lower than last year.
Thos. IUini), Bupt.
Horses aud Carriages for Hire
Neiswonter's : Livery : Stable,
West Coal Street.
Groat Itamngo Dono by tlio
Heavy Gales.
Numeroc.3 Wreoks Along tlia NawJeraay
and Now England Goasts.
Fears. Ilnlerlalneil for Nornrnl Vessels
The Atlantis Thuui-Iit to lluvo Weiitli
eced the btorra Washouts att Aabttry
JL'ark-Hie Camden Atlantic Itnllroiul
Submerged Heavy latiiiige,Kt SeubrlgbL
Sufferluca ot 1'aaaeugora. ua lteeentty
Arrived Meamera.
New York, Oct. 14. Tho storm of tho
past three Unys has caused widespread
damage. Ueports are coming In hourly
of dlsastoss on soa nnd land caused by
wind and ram, Tho severest sufferers
by tho hurricane are tho transatlantic
steamships. The Alaska from Liverpool;
Polynesia, front Stettin, nud thu City ot
Pnrn, from Colon, arrived yesterday after
rough and tompostuous voyages.
I here aru nearly a dozen ocoau liners
overdue, amongthem being the Ethiopia,
from Glasgow nud MovlUo; Alsatia from
Gibraltar; City ot Washington, from
Havana; Narmandle, fioin Liverpool;
Saale, from Uremon; Flnauce, from St
Thomas; Persian Monarch, from Loudon;
and Spain from London. They should
have arrived yesterday.
The Alaska reported mooting the cy
clone lu all its fury, hut no damge was
done to tho vessel except tho breaking ot
a coupling of the machinery while off the
banks of Newfoundland, which com
pelled a delay of lour hours. The as
sistant purser hail two ribs broken by
being knocked down by a, wave which
struck tho ship. Halt a dozen ut tho
passengers sustained severe bruises
about the bonds by being thrown against
settees, tables uud hunks, while tho
storm raged.
The steamship Polynesia, from Stettin,
carried only stoerugo passengois, and
their sufferings uffectod ovou the stony
hearted officers. Tho ship's surgeon
worked hnrd to give thein roliof.
Tho Stouiugtou liuo's sidowheol
steamer Connecticut is disabled at City
Island. Sho will be towed to Now York
to-day by four tugs, which wore sent to
her assistance yesterday nftomoon by
the company. Tho steamboat loft this
city at 5 o'clock on Monday night, carry
ing 300 passengers. While off City Isl
and tho piston rod snapped. The vessel
could not proceed, nnd anchors wero
droppod to prevent here from drifting,
At 0 o'clock yesterday morning tho
Massachusetts of the sama lluo passod In
on her way to this city. She was sig
naled, aud went alongside theConnecti
cut and took off her passengers. They
woru forwarded io their destinations last
night by the Massachusetts,
The Great Storm Cauaea 31uny IVrecka
Damage Alone tbe Cnaat. c
Vineyaiid Haven-, Mass., Oct. 14. Tho
Northeast galo continues and is raging
furiously to-day. No mall has reached
this place slnco Saturday, stoamors being
unablo to mako the run. A largo sura
bor ot vessels aro anchored horo.
further disasters nro reported.
Schooner Mary E. Oliver, Kimball,
of and from Georgetown, Me., for Now
York sprung aleak while off Nausett,
uape uou, on tue inn inst., uut by Keen
ing the pumps going constantly she was
ab'e to rench hsro where sho sank. Tho
captain and crew escaped. The Oliver
lies in six fathoms ot water in the ralddlo
of tho harbor.
Schooner Magnolia, Greenlaw, of and
from Booths Hay, for Now York, with a
cargo ot picKieu Herring anchored Mon
day night, but yesterday morning both
chains parted during tho galo and sho
was beached ou tho east sldo of tho har
bor. Sho was afterwards floated and
appeared to bo all right.
Schooner Montezuma, of Bovorlym
Gott, Bangor, for Now York, with a car
go of slate, encountered tho gale on
Nantucket Shoals. Lost anchors, Rev
ered sallsaud boat. Sho rau ashoro at
Edgarton, where sho now lies. She will
probably bo floated without much dlfll
Grent Dnmagn by tbe Storm Many Cot
tages ltiilued und Tratllo Delayed.
Asnunv Pahk, N. J., Oct. 14. Tho
storm has done groat damage along tho
Northern New Jersey coast. At Asbury
port the surf swept up under tho board
wulk and toro out some plies nnd washed
away parts of the beach lletwoen Long
Branch and Seabright the surf mado
several breaks ovor into Ocoau avonue,
carrying all sorts of dobris over into the
At Soahright tho most dnmago was
dono. Several cottages and many bath
iui; houses were badly torn nud under
mined by tho stronj surf. Tho railroad
tracks at tho dopot wero uudor water
and traffic was moro or less dolayod.
Damage ul Pluua.iutvlUo, N. J.
Pi.kA8antvil.le, N. J., Oct. 11. Since
daylight yesterday mornitir a furious
northeast storm has been racing with
unabated force Considerable damage
has been dono to snlltug crafts at unchor
in the hay. Sevo.-al thousand maish
hens havo been killed during the high
tides the lust two days, The Caiudon &
Atlantic Kail road ran n good part ot
their trains over the West Jorsoy yester
day, as tho Camden & Atlailtio tracks,
about a mile and a halt this side of At
lantic City, have been under water dur
ing tho high tides. Exposed property
has sufferod considerably around tho bay
The Atlanta All Illghr, Probably.
New YoliK, Oct. 14. Captain Erbon,
Commandant of tho Brooklyn Navy
Yard, has received a telegram from Dela
ware Ilroakwator to the olTeot that tho
IT. S. cruiser Atlanta, for which grave
fears had been entertained had been
seen. He Is of the opinion that tho
Atlanta had kept woll out to sea owing
to rougli weather, and has uo fours for
her safety.
The I'oatmaater-Guueral u Sufferer.
OAr-E May, N. J., Oct. 14. Heavy
northeast storm tldos yesterday oarriad
away tho front brick wall of Postmnstor
General Wanamaker's Cape May Point
cottage yard, and with It three feet ot
beach front. There is somo loss of short
line at other plaoes between jetties.
IV vong?
A Shoe Dressing mis restore the bril
liancy of a worn shoe, end at the same time
frturve the softnti: of the leather.
LADIES will the Dressing you arc
using do both ? Try it I
Pour a deuert sTwinfnl nf,-i. rv
into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for
a few days, and it will dry to a substance
as hard ami hrittlA n. -r,t.l.A.1 r--
such a Dressing be good for leather?
Wolff's ACME BlackiiV
will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily
film which is as flexible as rubber.
25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for-
Z5 Cents. HOW? B painting
25 square feet of OU Furniture with
vr. ul-" "AN DO LPM,
037 north Front Street, rrHLADELrnLa..
Causes no eruptions upon
the skin such as nearly all
sarsaparilk mixtures do; lut
drives the impurities from tho
blood through tho proper
channels, tones up the system,
increases appetite, and rapidly
cures dyspepsia, constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and
all diseases depending upon
an impure condition of tho
Sold at Klrlh's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
Ash my agents for W. L. Douslns Shoes,
If tint lnr unle in your place iisk your
ilenler to cml for catalogue, secure tlio
agency, and uct them for 3011.
It Is a seamless slioe, ulth uo tacks or wax thread
to hurt tho feet, mado ot tlio heat lino calf, etvlJsli
and easy, nnd because tee make more shoe efthta
grade than any other manufacturer. It equals Laud
sewed slmcs costing from to $5.u0.
CJK OO (iciiiiliin llmnl-Howi'.!, tho finest call
hhoo ever offered for 8V00i equals FrcucU
Imported shoes which coat from S'toCI-i.W.
CiA OO llmitl.fucd Welt Hlinf lino calf.
y t? st llsh, comfortable and durable. The best
shoo over offered at this prlco t flamo grade as custom-made)
Bhoes costing from Sti.00 to ftu.iXX.
QJQ 50 I'olici Mimn Partners, Hall road Men
JJn nnd IjCttcrCarrlersall weartheni; line calf
eeamless, smooth inside, heavy threo soles, exten
sion edKc. One pair will wear ujenr.
(! rj aJW 11 HU I'llll I UU Hl'lUT MIDI! IT UUt'ICH n
DdLa thU nrlen; ono trial will convince thoflO
who want n shno for comfort and service.
fl!n nud tJ.OO orklneiiiiitrN stioci
D(Em nro verv Htrotm and durable. Those who
havo given them n trial will wear no other make.
PAiinl nilit 51. 7. Rcnooi euoei aro
EZJ V T) worn livthit hovHoverv where: the v sell
on their merits, ns the Increasing sales show.
fmtt U 1 1? Duimola. very stylish; equals Frencb
imported shoes coatlntjfrom 81.00 to 6.00.
I.iulU'h' ti.50, &J.00 and 81.73 shoo for
Misses aro tho best line Dongola. MylUh nud durable.
Cnutlou.Seo that W. L. Douglas uamo and
price nro stamped on tho !ottom of each shoe.
coo North Fotmn tM
DOO Ul. Grtfti, Phikuiu-hia,
tlx only guDuta Uermm Atutrlu
(Jp'-clavllit Id tbe fnlttd Statci wbo ll
bio w eort Blood Polsorti
Nervous Debility Spe
cial Diseases
Sklo Dl Hoi. Hid Hpoti Pilot la th
boDcu.SoroThront Mouth,
Blotche-., riiDUi, rnjtloDi, 4wrt er
turd Ilea, Swilling, IrrltktloDf,
IaHmniftUini and RuddIdsi,
Slticturci, Weiknti nl Kulf
dcsy, lost memorj. waak fewk, mental MiUty, Ktin'T
llltvl-li-r DiieMfti and lt Uln-uoa rulilm from Kicims.
IndlMritlon or Orerwork. Rvoent ckmi curwl In 4 to 10 "J
relief at ooee. Do not loo hope, no mutwr htt mt
tlilnc Doctor. Quack, Family cr lloirlt! Phyilclan hu railed.
Dr. THKKL enrca positively nd HJt fleuntlon from
tutlneii. old, TflDiifl, wiDtLi .win ikdthoi cowTanTiAtimi
muuini. rifli or poor, anJ 2c alanip for book
"TRUTH" eiroiln Qoacki unArt aworn trail BxiiilaU.
llor., rtallr rrom 9 to 1, Fv ft to 0. WM. aril Ct
If'M e Ui 10 flunrtiii fl till 11 Wrile or call and U aatai
tot IlefvroDOs tut. VTodn. Saturday i'tlla, dally Thu
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which tlio excess of
oil has beon removed, is
Absolutely Puro
aud it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in its preparation. It lia
more than three, times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrotvroot
or Sugar, nnd is therefore far mora
economical, costing less than one coat
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily diqustioi,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well ns for persons in health.
Sold by Orocora ovorywhere.
W. DAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.