The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 14, 1891, Image 1

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tl Fill 110
vol. vx-sro. 217.
Republican Staie Ticket.
statu TiiUASvnniti
Vlegatt3-at-lMrot to tho Constitutional
County Ticket.
Judge lion. I). Ji. Qreen.
Sheriff Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner Maj. William
Poor Director George Mcffner.
Unexpired Term Harry U. McOinnls
Constitutional Convention Dcleytttes,
B.BUBD EDWAKD3, Pottsvillo.
J. II. l'OMEUOY, Shenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
jfa xjiu xauudq cviuciuiy uunuvua iu
good cheer. At least hero is ono of
tho recent sparks from his anvil
;in tho Now York Observer: "If you
would havo moro good cheer, instead
of talking over so often your trials,
your persecutions, your losses, your ex
asperations, rovivo tho pleasantries. I
warrant that in your llfo thero havo
ibeen comedies as well as tragedies.
lYou could toll mo if I wero seated
'In your homes of scenes iu your lifo
enough relaxing to evoke a guffaw that
would mako tho chandeliers rattle. On
proper occasions bring out theso old
itimo scenes for tho regalement of your
self and friends. Do not get dried up
'beforo your time. Do not shrivel. I
do not caro how long a man has lived,
ho has no right ever to ijrnoro than
New Orleans has started a now in
stitution of learning which is to bo
called a ladies' college It will striko tho
lavcrago man that this is a modern af
fectation which would much better bo
rchanged for women's collego, not only
(as a matter of tasto, but because of it3
f loffect upon tho pupils. Thero is no
r $ '(higher word than woman, as thero la
-' mo nobler qreatipn of tho Almighty's
CENTS for n window slmdo
with fringe, others for 55c,
G5e and up. Hliades made
for stores and private dwel
incs. A new lot of shad
ings and fringes to match.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
We open to-day ottr first lot of
We handle no Common, Inferior Goods at lotv prices,
and confidently recommend
to he the Best in the Market.
"Northwestern Daisy" Flour
Alxoays give satisfaction. So does "Riverside," lhcy
MAKE WHITE BEE AID and are Easy to BaJte.
When you need
Don't forget to examine our stocJt. Over 30 different
patterns to select from. All ITtdtJis and Prices.
nnnu man a irooct woman, loo oucn
tho dressrnnkor and milliner mako tho
lady and tho word has, becomo of no
moro meaning than female. Qlrls'
schools and women's colleges aro tho
best titles that can bo used.
AN English syndicate recently sent an
export mining engineer fo look up tho
old gold mines in Portugal. Ho struck
ono of tho old Itoman mines worked In
tho days of Cmsar Augustus. In tlioso
days thoy cut down to tho vein, and this
vein was ilvo hundred feet deep beforo
pay rook was reached. Tho mlno was
open for an area of ton acres or moro
up to the surface, every foot of ground
having been taken off. Tho debris
around theso old mines could be worked
over nt a profit woro thoy In America,
but in Portugal it would cost too much
for tho transportation of machinery.
Stahtliso information is furnished In
tho recent census bulletin of erimo and
its punishment in this country. Tho
statistics of tho penitentiaries show that
no less than 45,223 persons aro convicts,
shut up in theso prisons. Of theso 53
wero not sontencedi 2,480 wero serving
sentences of less than ono year; 80,767
had been sentenced to Imprisonment for
a definite teim of years; 2,088 for llfo; 12
during their minority, and 02 wero un
dor Bentenco of death and awaiting exo'
The first Indian tobacco sign erected
In America was put up In Baltimore and
is said to bo still standing.
Tho Show To-night.
Harris' was crowded to tho doors both
afternoon and ovonlng yestorday, tho oc
caslon being tho production of "Tho Boy
Scout" which was given by an admirablo
cast. Thoso who witnossod tho perform'
unco pronounced it ono of the best over
seen in tho city. The charactorof tho hero
Lightning Low received careful and forcible
treatment by tho star. Baltimore Daily
Nexos. Tho Thoroaa Nowcombe company
will produco "Adrift in Now York" to
Good Goods, Low Prlcoa
J. Uotioe hiis had a big rush on gro
ceries since hisoponlngon Tuesday. Do not
fail to take advantage at onco of tho bar
gains offered, as they will last but a low
days. .Now Orloans molasses, WM. per
gallon; Oolong, Japan, English Broakfast
and Gunpowder teas at 25c. por pound;
Bico, 6c. por pound; bo3t barloy, 3Jc;
largo-sized chimneys, 4c.; medium size,
2 for 5c; best sweet corn, 7c. Space will
not permit a detailed account of our gro
cory Btock. J. Coitee,
10-15-41 20 and 31 South Main street.
Wedding To-morrow.
To-morrow Miss Millio Umstcad Lowis,
tho Accomplished daughter of Supt. "Will
iam II. Lowis, of Wm. Penn, will bo
wodded to Air. Harry Hunter, of Ashland.
Tho coremony will take placo in tho 11. E,
church of that placo at noon.
Tho Wator Company Question
Remains tho ProvaUIng Local
Toplo for Discussion Tho
Mass Mooting To-night.
Appearances indicate that tho call far a
mass mooting of citizens of town will be
responded to by tho attonaanco of a largo
number in liobblns1 opora house to-night.
Whio there seems to bo a strong senti
ment in favor of tho formation of now
water works, many of thoso in favor of it
will sanction tho movement upon ono con
dition only, and that is that tho now works
shall bo a public undertaking; that tho
borough shall take hold of tho pchemo and
issuo bonds to defray the oxponso.
This viow is held by many who say that
to mako tho proposed now works a privato
undertaking would bo a firco. A pub'io
water works alono can bo oxpoctod to ac
complish tho object for which tho mass
meeting for to-night has been cal'.ed. If
now works aro established and loft under
the control of a privato corporation what'
over relief may bo afforded trio peoplo will
only bo temporary, for tho history of
privato local corporations is that thoy can
not withstandjtho temptation to pool their
issues. As an Instance, tho consolidation
of tho ga3 and oloctric light cotnpanios may
bo cited.
It is understood by most of tho pooplo
that tho meeting to-night is culled for tho
purposo of having public expressions of
sentimonts on a proposition to organize
public water works to bo ownod and con
trolled by the borough and thero ore many
warm eupportors of the proposition; but
should tho meeting dovelop an undertak
ingto organizo another privato company it
will bo found that few people will bo ready
to encourage it.
If water reform Is wanted the peoplo
must control tho now plant.
William Shaw shipped his housohold
goods to Latrobo yestorday.
John E. Phillips yesterday moved his
family to Perth Amboy, N. J.
Miss Libbio Faust, oi Scranton, is visit'
ing friends and relatives in town.
Ex-Councilman John W. Williams loft
for his homo at Cramor Hill, N. J., on
Mrs. Wra. Phillips, of South Jardin
street, wont to Scranton this morning to
attend tho funeral oi tho infant child of
hor daughter, Mrs. T. S. Lowis.
.bx-Uouncilman Ted llurloy came up
from Philadelphia yostorday. Tho City of
Brotherly Lovo seoms to agrco with him.
Lodgo Pastimo.
Washington Camp, No. 112, P. O. S.
of A., conducted a mock trial last night in
lieu of its usual musical and litorary on-
tortalnment, Tho case was one based upon
a chargo of assault and battery, with intent
to kill. S. L. Brown wa3 accused and
William Bachman personated Policeman
D. J. Conners, tho supposed victim of tho
assault. The officers of tho court wero
Judge, W. N. Ehrhart; Prosocuting At
torney, S. G. M. Hollopeter, Esq.; Attor
ney for the defenso, H. E. Dengler; Olerk,
L. A. Freoman; Sheriff; B. J, Yost; Tip
staffs, John G. Thomas and S. W. Yost.
Tho proceedings woro both Interesting and
amusing. The accused was found guilty,
tho assaulted policeman was sontenced to
pay tho costs and tho prosecuting attornoy
was censured by tho court. Tho result of
tho trial was a witty reflection of tho tor
ruination of somo trials at tho county seat.
Children Enjoy
The'pleasant flavor, gentlo action and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, whon in
need of a laxativo, and il the father or
mother bo costive or bilious tho roost grat
ifying results follow its use, so that it is the
best family roinedy known and every
family should havo a bottlo.
Burohill's Restaurant.
Charles Burchill Is now located at corner
of Main and Coal streets, Sbonandoab
Itogular meals, at popular prices, eorvod
any time. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 9-11-tf
Miss Bella Dulcamp and David Mc-
Cutchoon, both of town, woro married this
aftornoon at tho rosidonco of tho brido, on
EaULloyd street.
Best work done at Bronnan'a steam
laundry. Everything white andspotloss,
Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar
I onteed.
Two Marrlago Ooromonlos In tho
Annunciation Church.
Rov. II. P. O'Beilly, offlciatod at two
marriage ceremonies In tho Annunciation
church this morning. At 11 o'clock
Senator B.J. Monaghan and Miss Lizzio
E. SIcAvoy were wedded and immodiatoly
aftdr Dr. P. J. Gallaghor, ot Washington,
D. O., and Mils Katie Monaghan, sister of
tho Senator, woro mvlo ono. Tho couples
served as bridesmaids and groomsmen for
each othor. Tho ceremonies woro of a
privato charactor and only a fow intlmato
Iriends of tho contracting parties witnossod
thorn. This afternoon Mr. and Mrs-
Monaghnn and Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher
left town on tho 4:10 Pennsylvania train
for Philadelphia, from which point thoy
will start on an eztensivo wedding tour.
Pr. G&llaitbor and wifo will locate In
Washington, whilo tho Sonator and wife
will continuo residonts of town.
The finest note papor and onvolopes i
tho country at Max Hoeeo's. tf
Who Killod tho Cat ?
A bachelor resldinir on West Centre
ftreol is soroly distressed oyer tho death of
his pet cat. Tho animal was trainod to
perform many tricks and, it is Enid, it
coultl toll the timo indicated by its master's
chroiiometer and upon tho approach of the
mill man it would perform acrobatic feats
of a 1 kinds. Monday evening a couplo
whil d away a few hours sparking in the
basement of the bachelor's houso and yes
terday morning tho cat was found doad on
the sofa. The bachelor assorts that tho
cat was sat upon, but tho fair damsel who
had a hand in tho sparking pleads total ig
norance of any circumstances leading to
tho cat's doath. Tho residents of thonoigh
borhood find tho mattor a refreshing sub
ject for gossip and tho prevailing topic of
that portion of tho town is "Who Killed
tho Cat?"
Wtors' Weiss boor is tho best.
Beilly solo agent.
John A'
Daudray Acquitted.
David Daudray, who waB arrostod In
town Monday night by Constable Nois-
wentor, of Mt. Carmol, on a warrant
charging him with stealing clothing and
jewelry, roturned to town yesterday, hav
ing been acquitted of tho chargo after
hearing beforo a justice of tho pcaco. Mr.
Daudray called nt tho HjcitiXD office to
day and asked that a correction bo mado
regarding his past history. Ho admits hav
ing been in tho Pottsvillo jail, but donios
all knowlodgo of tho "coolers" of Sun
bury, Scranton or Cherry Ilill.
Property Improvements.
John L. Uasslor Is now ongaged In im
proving the appoaranco of B. W. Stout's
property on South Whito stroet by artis
tically decorating tho building with tasty
shades of paint. Tho work is being done
under instructions to spare no oxponso in
having everything dono right, and that is
an excellent oxamplo to follow.
Keagoy has put a new and improvod
skylight in tho roof of his photographing
ostablishmont on West Coal street. His
placo is now ndmirably adapted for his
work and is equal to tho best places of tho
kind in tho county.
"It a woman will, she will." If she villi
tako Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup for her cold, she
will be cured.
A Stunner.
J. Coffoo, having purchased tho greater
portion of Goldman's stock at sheriff's sale
recently, consisting of woro than 2,000 pair
of boots, shoes, otc, ho is now prepared to
sell the same at pricos not to bo beaten in
tho county. Como early whilo the sizes
remain unbroken. Don't forgot the placo,
31 South Main street. Look for canvass
sign. 10-10-Ct
Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at'tho
Hekald office.
Its Assets.
Tho Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insurance
Company's assets on January 1, 1801, woro
?58,747,707-ll. Its iiubility by its own
standard-moro conservative than that of
any Insuranco dopartmont was 563,175,
707.25, and its surplus ?5,572,000.19. David
Faust Is tho local agent for tho company.
A Surprise.
Keep your eyo on this local. Keagoy,
tho photographer, will have his new open
ing in a few days and will havo something
interesting that will surpriso tho people, tf
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salve In tho world for Cuts
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Bait Klieum, Fever,
Bores, Tetter, (Jimmied llandH, Chilblains
Corns, aud allSklu Kruptlons, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
rerauded. Trice ' cents per box. For sole
by U. II. ifagenbuch.
Eisteddfod Commlttoo.
A meeting of tho Ivorites' eisteddfod
committeo will bo held on Wednesday,
14th inst., at 7:30 p. in,, at tho rosidonco of
J, II, Evans, 80 East Centro street. By
order of tho prosident. 10-13-2S
Always go to Coslett's, South Main
atreot, for your primo ovstors. 8-22-tf
Fou tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf
What la Bolng Dono at Mahanoy
City and Ashland In Roforonco
to tho Admission of tho
Eiootrlo Road.
From the "Trl-Wcokly Ileeord."
tin Important conference took placo at
tho Union National Bank on Saturday
evening botwoon tho special committeo of
Council on oloctric railway, Messrs. O. O,
Lewis, Jacob West and B. T. Lowis,
Solicitor T. H. B. Lyon and Secretary E.
S. Belnhold, and tho following gontlomon
representing tho propnsod buildors oi the
Mabanoy City, Shenandoah, Ashland and
Girardvillo Electric Hallway, Messrs. J. K
Coylo, solicitor, J. F. Finney, of Shonan'
doah, and C. Eberlo, of Philadelphia.
It dovolopou in the courso of tho con
ference that tho Oirlislo gontlomen who
aro putting up tho capital for the road are
interested in sovcral oloctric railways
throughout the state. Porsons familiar
with their commercial standing speak of
them as mon of largo means, abundantly
able to carry to a successful issue tho enter
prise. Mr. Ebcrlo, electric cnginoer, is tho
gentleman who constructed tho Pottsvillo
oloctric railway, and who paid a visit to
town whon tho projoct of building a road
was under consideration by town parties,
llo is an electrical export, whoo knowl
odgo of things in connection with work of
this character is comprohensivo. Mr,
Finnoy, who was with him, and whoso
presonco is accounted for by tho rumor that
bo is to bo secretary of the company,
yory much intorosted in having a favorablo
consideration of tho petition prosontod to
Council by tho company.
It is, porhaps, no longer a secrot that tho
capitalists back of tho entorpriso aro rosi
dents of Carlisle, Pa., among them such
well-known men a3 Judge Wra. F. Sadler,
President of tho company, Messrs. J. II.
Baslor, M. F. Thompson, Dr. Neff, E.
Biddlo, and others. Not a dollar of tho
stock is hold by Shenandoah parlies, and
whon it was montioncd to Mr. Eborlo that
thero was fear that the road would bo run
in Shonandoah's interest, ho laughod at the
Tho company proposes to run a line
straight from hero to Ashland. A branch
of tho road will start off at St. Nicholas,
going over tho hill to Shenandoah. Every
second car coming up tho valloy will movo
directly up to Mahanoy City. Tho num
bor of cars, frcquoncy of trips, &c, will bo
regulated by tho exigencies ol the business.
Tho object of tho company in asking for
tho right to lay tracks on Main stroet, is
with tho intontion to extend tho line via
Park Place, Delano, Grior City to Lake
side Tho rnuto to Lakeside, via Buck
Mountain, has boon gono over by tho en
gineers and pronounced impracticable on
account of tho steep inclino of tho hill on
the castsido. Tbo largor population on tho
lino of tho Dolano routo is also an essential
consideration in its favor. It is also a very
dosirablo thing for our business peoplo, as
it opens up to moro convenient communi
cation a district tributary to Mahanoy City
trade. Thoro will bo throe power stations
on tho routo as above outlined. Ono at
Itappahannock, ono at St. Nicholas and
anothor at Shoemaker's.
About tho only hitch botwoon tho oloc
tric railway peoplo and tho committeo in
conference was on tho question of rail.
Tho company deslro3 to lay "T" rail in tho
borough and tho commitloo was inclined to
insist upon flat rail. Mr. Eberle explained
that if compelled to use flat rail in the
borough, it would bo nocossary on reach
ing tho limits of tho borough to stop tho
cars, take off tbo wheels and put on wheels
suitable for tbo "V rail which would bo
used on tho township road, as thosamo
wheols will not do for both rails. Tho
advantago of tho "T" rail was that it
pormitted faster running of tho cars, is
safer and in ovory respect moro dosirab'.o.
It was decided that tho committeo should
visit Allontown and Bethlehem to-day at
tho exponeo of tho oloctrio railway com
pany and mako inquirlos of tho peoplo
thoro, whothor thero was any objection to
tho "T" rail, and investigate the subject
From Ashland Telegram.
Tho Electric Hallway ordinance pasted
second reading beforo Council last night,
and was ordorod to bo published according
to law, and tho body adjournod to meet
again on Monday evening, Oct. 10th, for tho
purposo of granting tho franchise
Mr. Beiland, Chairman of tho Ordinanco
Committeo, was tho first to tako tbo floor,
and moyed that "tho resolution granting
an ordinanco to tho Ashland-Centralia
Eloetrio Kailway Company, which passed
Council on Sept. 2nd, bo, and is horeby
roscinded, and that tho initial linos of the
ordinance that wo shall pass hero to-night
shall be loft open." This motion passed
with tho unanimous voto of tho body.
Tho Hon. D. D. Phillips, who ropro
sonted tho Shonandoah, Mabanoy City,
Girardvillo and Ashland Electric Hallway
Co., was then granted the floor. He said
that his company wanted the ordinance,
Thoy were now fully organized with suffi
cient capital to prosecute the work and had
already given out the contracts for motors
and machinery. That their engineer was
now at work, and tho Ashland line will bo
begun just as soon as they can secure this
ordinance, and that they now stand roady
to accept tho ordinanco and to give bonds
in any sum that council may desire from
810,000 to J15.000 or upwards. Ills com
pany are very desirous of getting to Ash
land, and will, just a3 soon as tho right ot
way is secured. If thoy do not get ordi
nanco thoy will not build this side of Gl
rardville. Tho company is a bona fldo
concern, and ready to push ahead at onco
with tho work clear through from Shenan
doah to Ashland. Mr. Phillips mado n
decidedly good caso lor his company.
After discussion the body adjournod to
meet again on Monday evening . when tho
quostion as to who will or, who will not,
run electric cars through this borough will
bo definitely decided.
Rail and Wator.
Tho Beading's now dopot and elevated
road at Philadelphia is progressing rapidly.
By tho Pennsylvania Bailroad you roach
quickly, safoly and choaply all tho be.-t
autumn pleasuro places, tho mountains,
springs and seashore and all the favorite
hunting grounds.
Alraady ronovation is in progress at tho
southern winter resorts.
Tours to tho south to see the picking of
the cotton are now in order.
Octobor is a lovely month for lifo at tho
For this season tho travel to Europe is
yory hoavy.
Atlantic City, N. J., is having a vory
lively fall season.
Suporb gunning and flshiug at all tbo
Jersey coast resort".
Mr. 0. II. Briggs, Genoral Passongor
Agont of the famous Providonco and
Stonington Steamship Company, announces
a gonoral roduction of passongor rates for
tho remainder of tho year on both tho
Providence and Stonington linos.
Will wo havo tho now trains over tho
popular short line of the I'ennsy ?
Quito a numbor of Important ohangcH
aro in contemplation on the Beading road
botweon Tamaqua and Wllliamtport.
Somo Things Likoly.
A now opora houso.
A now water company.
An electric railway.
Sovoral industrial establishments.
Tho boundaries of tho borough enlarged.
A city cbartor when next voted upon.
A bettor and moro liberal fooling among
our peoplo.
A now picnic park.
Paved streets aftor thotroet railway ia
Bettor class of dwellings.
Council Mooting.
Thoro will bo a regular moetlng of tho
Borough Council to-morrow evening ot
7:30 o'clock. It will bo an interesting
meeting, sod ovory member of that body
should bo present.
Ladies, if you want fino writing papor
and cnvolopes to match, call on Max
Kooso. l'
An Improvement.
A now board walk has been laid from tho
foot of Main street to tho Pennsylvania
depot. The walk is a docldod improvement
on tho old ono.
Take good advice. I have sulTered with bad
headaches for yiars, und have tried many
remedies without obtaining relief. 1 was ad
vlted to give Mdvatlon Oil a trial, and It has
entirely cured me,
EDWAHD BALTZ, (Butcher,)
La Fayette Market, Baltimore, Md,
A Nulsanco,
The residents of West Conlre street com
plain that the ill-mated couplo who adjourn
to the stroet to finish thoir family quarrols
aro becoming an unbearablo nuisance.
It don't do to neglect nature's warning
aches through tbo yetem, cause ltheuraa-
usm, neuralgia ana lsacKacue.
Try lied Flasr
Oil, the Famous l'ulu
Cure. 20 cents at Klr-
Un's drug store.
Phconix Fhair.
Tho Fhamix Ilose Company will hold a
grand fair in Bobbins' opera house, com
mencing on Tuesday, Noy. 3rd, 1891. It
will bo ono of tho largest and best fairs over
held in this county. 10-11-tf
For Breakfast?
A Mackeral?
Wo havo 'em.
White ancTfat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. No rust.
41b, lib, lib, li lb, lHb,
No. 122 North Jardin Str