AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On tlic KlRlit Trnclc, SEVKHN, tho Grocer, Is still on thn right track and comm to titno with another tniln load of Fino Grcories, Canned Hoods, Meats, Flour, etc. (Centre anil White Sts., Shenandoah. The Evening Herald. ALL TI1K NEWS VOU ONE CENT. llajf a larger circulation In Hhenantloah than an; olbtr paper published. Circu lation book nptn to all. .AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. "What Nows Gathorors Tako a Moment to Toll About. Moonshine. Cider 1h plenty. Miliaria 1b about. Autumn like days. Heaters are being put up. Tho mush anil milk Reason Is here. One-third of October has almost gone. Tho teachers' institute sensou draweth near. "Bhut the door" signs will soon bo displayed. Our buhseription Hat is growing rap Idly, and our motto is upward and onwird. "We are happy to state that the pcHtifernus liy will soon tie numuereu Willi t no tilings ot tne past. Keep your eye on our advertising colunius, and you will keep posted as to who is oilerlng the best bargains in fall and winter goods. Do you want employment of any kind? Are you seeking for employes or business chances Y Have you any thing to tell, or want to buy anything' Then consult the large lists at AIux lteeso s. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you goon, ir you iinyo a uougu, uoia, or any troublo with Throat, Chebt or Lungs. Dr. Klne'a Niw Dlsrnviry lor Consumption. roughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will bo paid back. t-uITercrs from La Grippe round It Just tho thing and under Its use had n spei dy and perfect re covery. Try n (ample botlle nt our expense and learn for yourself Just how good u thing It In. Trial hollies free at C. II. Iliigeubuch's orug Btore. ivargo size ouc. ana ti.w. Stationary packages, 6 and 10 cents each, nt Max Hoeso's. tf Coming Evonts. Oct. 0. Supper in ltobbins' opera houso undor tho autpicos of Ladies Aid Socioty, No. 13, auxilliarv to Sons of Veterans. Nov. 6 Second anniversary entertain- niont of Major Jonnings Council, No. 307, Jr. 0 U A. M., in Ferguson's theatro. Nov. 18 Grand supporin ltobbins' opora hou'o for tbo bonoflt of tha Trinity lto formod church. Novombor 20. Grand supperin Kohbins' opora bouse: bonoflt of Lady Harrison JLodfio. No. 10, A. P. L. A. l'rimn ovslnra. Ihn hput thn market affords, always on hand at Coslott's. 8-122-tf Tho Dootor and Postmnstor were IuIIUiil- about n ease of serious Illness Awtbh neglected old and rapidly going Into consumption which was promptly cured by x-nu-iiuii uougu anil uonsumpiiou uure. Trial bottle liee at Itlrlln's drug Btoro, Second hand school books bought and cold at Max lteoso's. tf Frottiost oil cloth in town at O. D. Fricko's carpet store. 9-18-lf Burohlll's Restaurant. Charles lSutchill is now located at corner of Main and Coal streets. ShenMidoah Itoeular meals, at nomilar uricos. served any timo. Ladies' dining and rofrcshmont rooms attached. D-M-tf Oystors. Oysters are in season. Go to Schooner's Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 9-1-tf Best work done at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything whito and spotless Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Buy Keystone flour. JJo careful that the namo l,bsbiq & co Ashland, Pa., printod on every sack. S-3-3taw Tako your carpot rags to tj. D. Frioko' carpot store and havo tliem inado Into a first-class carpet. 9-18-tf The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Hcholar's Companions, Hook Htraps, uu.iwv,, ,mi, iHifiw, eiu. liveryming and anything required In school. Hluten, penolls, etc, sold re tail and wholwmle. Boots Suitable for East and West MahaiioyTwp. Don't forget tha plaoe If you wish to save money. jMl. MBLLET; UHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah. I T SCHOOL BOOKS. I i MABASOT Cm, Pi. The citizens of Shenandoah will assemble in 0 7:30 For the purpose of taldnp; Wednesday Eve.9October 14, 9: PUJiLlU WATliil WUKAS. The result ot the recent law suit turainst tho horouch by the present water company de mands that immediate action attend. Let There Be a JOHN BOBBIN, JAMES CHAMPION, M. MULLET, P.J. GAUGIIAN, WILLIAM KIMMEL, And Hundreds of Others. Have Ton Corns ? If you have, get a pair of solid comfort shoes,which wo guarantee to give solid comfort and solid wear. IB 1RL OWM9 Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. People's Oyster Bay EQAN' J1UII.DINO, 12 E. Centre St., Shenandoah GUISE & BEYRANT, Props. OYSTERS Iliw, Htewcd, Scalloped, Panned or Fried to order. Families supplied at tbeir bouse with tbo bcstoyMcrs the market u (lords. All Orders Promptly Filled. SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL ! Robblns' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September 20. ORCHESTRA OF 10 IMECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. Ladies' Coats. Largest Line in the County. at JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS obm O'CLOCK, action on tho ioiftblishment of bo taken. All are invited to General Turnout E. M. STOUT, GEOEGE FOLMEE, JOHN F. HIGGINS, EALPH OLIVEE, WM. KENDEIOK, J. J. FEANET, M. D. MALONE, LEWIS KLEIN, WM. NEISWENTEE, T. J. HIGGINS, Vsc rxsEt cuea tmlrirmwl mm WM. NEISWENDfl Has Jtjie.-Iceal'ngency for the Thomas Coal Company this year, and la prepared to fur nish coal of all sizes at rates lower than last year. Tnos. Baikd, Supt. Horses and Carriages for Hire AT All TIMES AT Neiswciiter's : Livery : Stable, West Conl Street. Grand Opening KALI. AND WIN TElt STYLES OI MILLINERY ! ELLAM. M'GINNISS -N0.2C-- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The tlnestand largest assortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's Till M MED AND UN T1UMMED IIATd Oauuot Too 33cxia.lloca.. aaSiainriflimtHms1 v n(aiE3 kbLsi WANTS, &o. Advertisement tn this column, i.ei eireedinn I 5 lines, 6".fr one insertion; 75c. for two; 81 for I nree; one weee, jkou; two weeks, w; one "WT ANTED. A clrl for ceneral T T houitwork. Good wcs paiu. Apply atllKRALDomee. v-iu u FOR KENT. Store and dwellluR, with si able, on Kant Coal street, near MhIu. orient to a cood chtIv. AddI? to Jonathan Rogers, 22) west Coal street, or at "TANTED- An ensitieer, married V I man irllh larea family pitferrtd, to run engine la a kulttluK mill. For furthr par ticulars addrtsa Ulngtonn Knitting Mill Co., Itlnxtnwn, I'a. 10 8 31 F'OK SALE. A store room and dwelling on East Canlr street. Good reason for s'lllng, Terms reasonable. Ap ply at J. It. (Joyle's office. 0 ai-lm "TTANTED. Good yragea paid to n T T good, experienced girl. Apply nt 301 West Cherry strett, corner of Chestuut r Ire et. I) ESTKAYED. To the premises of i lie undersigned, on the- lO'.li lust, a uica cow wun new-norn can. uwuer cau have hntno upon paying nil expenses to Cbarles Noderoskl, Turkey Kun. 1012-.1t jrOR HALE. A heatttiftil double 1 rod Iron fence, suitable for fencing ceme tery lots, or fur Rates around i wcIIIiiks. I" qulro of I'resbyterlan church trnslces. 0-0-tf FOR SALE. A largo "Moin tg Light'' double heater. Suitable f .r u storp. or dwelling. Apply to II. A. Nwnliu, South Main atrect. 10-Pl-ir Wi ANTED. Persons in want of help (male or female), n cltuntlnn. a partner, to buy or sell a business or real es tate, to call and examine ours' l-m Agenlrf In nl principal cities. Max Itcfso, Hieam lilp. Ticket and Agncy, "hi-nan-doah. Agent for tho United Htates Employ ment and lluslno'-s Agency, 41 and M Ilrond way, Now ork. 10 -.'I lm UfAAITCn DETERMINED, RELIABLE MEN AT VjnVi I CD OMCE to sell the CIinlccHl Gnarnnteed Nursery Miocltr. (lood pay. I'ermanent position. Very best fast selllug specialties and every po-slble aid to salesmen. We irtiarnntee -wliut we udverllie. Address t:i.3vi UHUH., ?iirHcriiion. Itocliester, IS. Y. (The house Is perfectly reliable. td.) 0 30-m rniiE phii7adelph lATtrtEADiNcTcoAL X AND IKON COMPANY. PROPOSALS T KOU SUI'I'LYINO THE MINES OPEH ated by the Phllsdelphla & Heading Coal and Iron Company, with mlnleg timber, laggings and sills, will be received at the office of (lm Purchasing Agent, 227 South Fourth street, flilladelnhla. untli November 1st. lot. Forms ot proponls, specltlcatlousandllstof cojueries 10 ue huppiiea, win ue lurnisneu on application to H 0. l.UTUEU, Uonernl Su perintendent, Pottsvllle, I'a. ALBEHT FOHTEll, 10 13-15-17-20 22-21 Parcbaslng Agent. G00L WEATHER! Reminds the careful parent that Mio won inta Hi a it n t tltf UUUSUUU1U HUUU1U uo. Properly Gloified. Ve are now prepared to show the finest line ever seen In the city, of Woolen Sacks Jersey Sacks Woolon Bootees Woolen Leggings &; SJiirts. Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLOES ! 13X1 J.-KrXTSTGr, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I BIIAMI'OOlNa, ETC., BY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under 1'ostofllce Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. S-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and careful attention, W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Conl mid Jardltt HiH. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a One line of booUt and shoes. ' Custom Worlc and Repairing done In the best style. lie guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who have big rents to pay, und guarantees a genu ine bargain on every purchase. SALLIE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAO. ssO' ova d llXTn R New Broadway Ornamental Slelf-OKrxi7 SSQ-Becotatei Skirt'g All kinds of stove repairs kept on hand. JL. It i9 not necessary to go about It surreptitiously, as do the gamins In tho picture, if you would take a peep nt our elegant distJuy of the latest novelties hi dress goods, cloaks, wraps and rugs. Our Btore is a little world's fair in It self and visitors may freely lunpeet the exhibition without being importuned to buy. Wo have some attractive specialties this week lu the Hue of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. Old 113 North Main Streot, Shonaiidoali, Pa. A NXIQUlTYcau he tolerated tn almost any thing hut hats. If the head Is out of date the rest of the tody Is pntty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can afford to wenrancleut headgear, and even they take a good many chanoes when they do it. It will cost you no more to be up with the times than It will to be half a mile behind them. Everything about our 11,60 hat lshand- some but thn price, and 11-50 for such n halean scarcely be called anything but a ridlculonsly low figure. The same can bejsaldof ourffio neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest priced In the market. 13 S, Mala St, SOANLAN Shenandoa! LEATHER and SHOE FIIID1S IP. J. CLEAEY, Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! .Large and Unit-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE 8T., -Ferguson Ilouse building, SHENANDOAH, PA. , Light. !3EiL Dark. Kindly soliciting your order, respectfully, 331 i Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa. PEEP I- Reliable Stand, The manufacture of good Clothing Is not all fufr sailing It Is full of in tricate detail. The proper laying out, cutting and maUl iik up all reoulro judgment apd careful treatment to ob tain u satisfactory flnlah. Good ready-made Clothing Isa scarce article. Our long experience In man ufacturing enables us to produco tho best our extensive business insures the lowest prices. A. C. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY Cor. 13th Z Chestnut Sts. ncHt-matlu Clotlilnj; In iMilliuteliililn. QO TO PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S, HI EAST CENTRE ST., For Fine Pears and Best California Grape?. BEST OBLEHY IN TOWN. Q M, HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUR0E0N. OfflO0fl WPHt T.lvrt DM., at. ..nan A W fa. .v.,