The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 13, 1891, Image 3

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A Pennsylvania Convict tho
Tlio Man Who Resembles Jay
Gould Disgusted.
cfighest of all in Leavening Power. TJ.
S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Owner of a Great Estate.
Presents In the mot eleesnt form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It it the most cxcelltnt remedy known to
When one Is Ililious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
js-stx:l'o:e ore sr'xca-Gi
Finest brands of cigars always on band
Tne best tempern-ice drinks.
201 N. Main St., Shenaudoah.
Hie Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc.
felck-neaflachoana rolloVaaU tho troubles faef
ctent to a blUous etato of tho system, suoh aa
TJlzzlness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress nftej:
eating. Tain In tho Eido, to. While their most
remoiiablo success has been shown In CU1IB3 ,
Ecalacho, yet Carter's IJttlo Liver Tina Uv8
equally valuablo In Constipation, curing and pro
Tenting this annoying complain Mvhita they also
correct all dsordersofthostoinach .stimulate tho
Elver and rogulato tho bowels. Even If they 0BI3
leufer from this distressing complaint; but fortu
nately thelrgoodnessdoes notendhero.and thoso
tvhoonca try them will And those llttlo pills valu
.able In so many ways that they will not bo wll
UlBS to do without them. But after oUslck hoa4
is the bane of so many Uvea that hero la whera
vromakeourgrcatboast. Our pills euro 11 whlla
1 ethers do not.
Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills are very small ana
very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a doso.
They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripo or
purge, but by Uieir gentle action ploasaall who
use them. InvlalsatSScontsi llvoforfl. Sola
1 by druggists overy where, or sent by m&lL
TREATED FREE y-ift table Kenfedli
Have cured m.niv ;hoi
e patients uroiu im
t r u i.i I rnu tir.t data svinirli
raniilU rtisitiDear. ml in tun ..iv. tt Icam twtviliirrk nf
taonUlacf mil- TCU ftVth trmtiuiwl cftc by mill I
ftculouf cures. I til Utt! fwmUliett rftbU m aide
trul, er4 ten cents m UAnip, to ht Pbtve$ iJrtT?i
John R. Coyle.
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE Beddall's Bdiltjino,
Main and Centre Streett, SHENANDOAH, PA,
1 A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling house, with st ire-room and res
taurant. Located on Kant Centre street.
S A valuable property located on South Jar.
din street.
8 Beven dwelling houses at the corner of Gil
bert and Lloyd streets. Qoodlnvestment.
Terms reasonable.
When tivublei vrltU thoaaniinoyirift IrregalarUleneo
frequently followlnK n cold ortiposbre, or from Con
Btltatlonal Weottoeomn to p'ullar to their ui, ihcald
Ut DQ, DuCltOINC'O Celebrated
1 hey ara Strength-ifui.Lt u iLe eotir ejitM., impart
time, rigor and ioacP til lnrct t n) fnuctloni of IkmIj
Pidtolni. Hentnr&i , BtM'mWy mm ,), 1. Addruim.
Ur. HurtrirMf . i-ir ST-IOUIS m
Ho; U Baat Centre Rtreet; Mahanoy Olty, V
Hkln and all sonolal diseases it speolaltv
oaas Bedltll's building eoraer Main and CtnUi
carter's! -
The Stranga Story of El win Rt, Eayn,
Formerly an Actor, Now in Prison.
Iln Rrsoucit n Tlniiutlfill (llrl nnd Iter
Father from Humans In New Orleans
l.lnped Willi the Stallion, the rnthmr
Not Consoutlne to tho Unlon-A Sepnra.
tlou Knsurs, nnd St. Hnyn llecomcs a
lienor--Arrested nnd Convicted, Though
IunocontLr-ft n Fortuno ly tlio lUpcnt-
nnt Fnther or Ills Wife.
New YonK, Oct. 18. The good luck ol
Edwin St. Rayn, formerly nn nctor ol
this city, is just now much talked ol
among theatrical folks.
St. ftayn Is said to be the lielr to a for
tuno of over $1,000,000, nnd a firm of
New York lawyers, acting for tho estate
which ho has Inherited, have located
him nftor a long search.
II e is nn lnmnto of tho Western Peni
tentiary In AlUghony City, Pa. Ho al
leges that ho is nn Innocent man and did
not commit the crlmo for which ho Is
serving a sentence of ono year nnd a half.
Soveral professionals who woro seen
had no difficulty in recalling St. Rayn.
They said that five or six Years ngo he
was n fair nctor In traveling companies
starting out of New York. Hob Milliard
said that ho had known St, Rayn, and
Fiod lloud also recollected nn actor
whom ho believed to -be Identical with
the aliened heir to a great estate.
The story is a romantlo one nnd has
been Investigated by a reporter of
Pittsburg newspaper, who vouches for
Its accuracy. Ho also Interviewed St.
llnyn lu tho Western Penitentiary nnd
was furnished by tho prisoner with facts,
dates anil documents corroborating It in
its entirety,
Some months ago Louis Bo Ambolso, n
wealthy Cuban plante, mod In Havana,
leaving Ills fortuno of over a million dol
lars to one Edwin St. Rnyn, an American
Tno trustee of tho estate havo since
been searching for tho logatee and
believo that at last ho hits boon dis
covered. St. Rayn says that ho Is n native of
New York City, and that his real namo
Is J. Edwin Rayn. Six years ago tho
company of which ho was a member was
playing In Now Orleans,
One night after tlio performance, bt.
Rayn was going homo to his lodgings
when he cameu pon thrco roughs who
had attacked nu oldorly gentloman and
aiyoung lady who accompanied him.
It was in a dnrK ami unfrequented
street, nnd the assailants were rapidly
ovorcoming tho pedestrians.
Fortunately bt. liayn carried a heavy
walking-stick, nnd ho rushed to the res
cue. His blows caused tho roughs to
rush oil, but not before one of them had
severely stabbed tlio actor with a pocKct
knlfo. The gentleman proved to bo Louis
Do Ambolse, and tho lady was his only
daughter, Edith.
They loaded St. Rayn with protesta
tions of their gratitude, and insisted
upon conveying him to their hotol,
whoro his Injury was attended to. Miss
Edith promptly folf id love with the
nctor, but her father salt nay.
He desired tho girl to -marry Horace
Leigh, her cousin, whom sho disliked.
When St. Rayn had recovered ho iilQjnod
with Miss Do Araboiso and they woVo
St. Rayn lived in Cuba for a year or
two and then went oil with a theatrical
company. Ho says that In his absence
Horace Leigh convinced Sirs. St, Rayn
that her husband was unfaithful to his
mai-rlnge vows, and she socurod a di
vorce. St. Rayn travelled all over this coun
try and llnally turned up In Westmore
land County, Pa., two years ago. Thore
ho was charged with committing an
ofteuco of which ho asserts ho was en
tirely innocent, claiming to havo been
the victim of n conspiracy.
AVhlle in prison ha Ambolso and Mrs.
St. Rayn both died in Cuba. In his will
Do Ambotso states that ho did St. Rayn
n great wrong in helping to separate his
wire Irom mm, anil no desires to mnko
all tho reparation in his power. Ho
therefore left tho estate to the adventur
ous actor, whose whereabout." have Just
been ascertained.
It Is said that St. Ravn has secured
counsel, who are making efforts to havo
hini set free on habeas corpus proceed
St. Rayu's strange story Is corrobo
rated bysome poopla at Joanotto, Pa., to
whom he relatod the circumstances some
timo before the death of his weathy
Upon his release St. Rayn promises to
produce papers which will provo his Iden
tity without a doubt.
No Union to lie litl'ected.
Ddbli.v, Oct. 18. At an- Informal
meeting of the Farnelllto inembors of tho
House of Commons It was decided not to
accept uuy overtures for a- coalition with
the McCarthyltes, but to continue the
struggle for the loadersblp of tho Irish
Parliamentary party on the lines laid
down by Mr. Pamoll In his efforts to re
gain tho position from which ho had been
doposod by a majority of his former fol
II. .t O. Will Not Cut Ilntss.
BaltimoiiK, Oct. 18. First Vice-Prosl-
dont of tho Baltimore & Ohio Iiailroad
Col. Smith, says thore Is not any truth
in tho Chicago despatoh that his road
was to make a cut in rates to favor
Messrs Gill and Fisher, tits large grain
shippers of this city. It Is the same old
complaint, ho says, annually ruado and
annually denied.
NHW r.NGLANU llllllVITli;-i.
Snow foil throughout tho ncrthern
part of Vermont Sunday night.
William Heanoy, tlio ei:gl teer charged
with having caused tho lluwley villa, (Jt. ,
accident surrendered himself yesterday,
und was released un $J,0UJ bonds.
Tho Boston Amorlonn Association base
ball toam claim the chtimploashlp of the
world, because tho League pennant win
ners refused to play n turlos of games to
determine which Is the better club.
Tho British steamer Uollaglo brought
ll.ubo.uuu pounds of Java sugar, con-
.... ,1.1 n TJnal,, II.... S, r 1U9
ton. This Is said to be the largest car
go ol suuar over landod at that port,
train nonnr.ns aoain. 1
Tliey Wreck r Contrnl I'Rclflo Kxnress
Now Jorsoy Sinn Among tlio luj'irod.
Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 13. The fast
Westbound express on tho Central Pnclflo
due hero yesterday morning wns wrecked
when midway botwoon Colfax nnd Now
England mills. Tho train passed through
a duop cut nnd out on nn embankment
which had been thrown up topreservo tno
grade. Four Pullmans ami a caboose
left the track, but the biiggnge car nnd
two day coaches remained on the trnck.
Tho Pullman slcoper banta urux
turned on Its sldo nnd rolled down tho
embankmont for 00 feet before It stopped.
In the sleeper were ton passengers,
all asleep at the time of tho accident.
Thoy all receivod a lively shaking up,
but the only person Injured In tho car
was the colored porter. An investiga
tion showed that spikes had been drawn
on the outer odgo of the track whero It
makes n curve, nnd thore Is no doubt
that an attempt was made to wrecli tua
Tho Dalton gang Is supposod to have
hnd a hand In the nttemptcd wrecking.
It Is bolioved that tho robbers hoped that
tho engineer, flromnn and baggagemas-
tor would bo killed whon the train
struck the loosened rails, nnd then they
could loot tho train.
Tho passengors woro transferred to
another train and brought to Sacra
mento. It Is n miraclo that no lives
woro lost. Amon thoso Injured woro
J. C. Coggswoll of Nowark, N. J., con
tusion of tho btck.
The Southern Pacific Company has of
fered $5,000 reward for the conviction of
thoso causing tho derailment.
Didn't Know It Wns I. mid oil.
Rkadino, Pa., Oct, 18. Alvln Betz, 8
years old, was occldentally shot and
Instantly killed yosterdny by his
brotherCharles, who Is 1H years old.
Charlos'was cleaning a revolver and nt
tympted to frighten his little brothor by
polntlug It at him, when It oxploded with
tho above result. Charles gives tho usual
ploa didn't know It wns loaded.
Channel Will bo Open To-morrow.
Buffalo, N. -Y., Oct. 13. Advice
from Sault Ste. Marie say that four
dredges uro at work cutting a channel
around tho sunken steamer Susan E.
Peck in Luko Goorgo Chaunol, nnd navi
gation will be resumed uoxt Wednesday.
Secretary Noblo returned from Chicago
An earthquake shock was felt In Cali
fornia Sunday night.
Judge Goodrich has declared tho Allen
Land law ot Texas void.
Stansbury and Roach, the Australian
oarsmen, havo sot sail for America.
A type-setting machine contest is in
progress iu tho ofllce of the Chicago
"At the close of buslnoss yesterday but
5,7C9,l)Q0 4 1-2 per cent, bonds woro
Two of the crew of tho Ltzzlo M. Stan-
wood, of St. Mary's, N. F., perished at
soa during Monday's gale.
Secretary Tracy has decided to order a
court ot Inquiry to dotormino tho respon
sibility for tho loss of tho Unitjd States
steamship Despatch.
A $550,000 steel plant, owned by Eng
lishmen and oporated by Imported work
men, will soon bo oponed at .Mlddles-
burg, Ky.
Durliu; tho week ended Oct. 3, 7,100
pension certificates of all kinds were is
sued, the avcrugo paymont on oacli
amounting to $140.
Premier Jlorcler has requested ths
Montreal police authorities to send offi
cers to Tourveur, his county toat. Hs
fears assassination.
Tho Treasury Department yesterday
purchased 500,000 ounces of silver at
07.4 to97.5 cents per ounce. Tho offers
were 937,000 ouncoi.
Yesterday's session of the Ecumenical
Methodist Conferenco at Washington
was devoted to essays on the religious
press and tho religious uses of tho secu
lar press.
Weather Indications.
WAsnmaTox, Oct, 13. For Now Enjlandi
Clone-rally fair, ozcopt light rain oa tho coast;
warmer; northeast wlndi,
For Castorn Now Vork, IVistorn l'onnsyl
Vttul.i, Now Jorsey, ilarylaud and Dela
ware: Light rain; slightly wurmvr, north
enstorly wlndj.
For Western Now Vork nnd Weatorn Penn
sylvania: Generally fair, winds beoominij
southrustorly; slightly warmer.
New Yosk, Oct. 1--J..-Monoy on call lo.nol
easy at 4 uud 5 por oent.
s, 1007 Hoar inj:
n, iuoi coup , liu.
That men aro tllllcrent from women
Is considered by the men us u sulllcient
warrant Tor all their follies.
COFFEE HOUSE, 32 N. Main St.
Families supplied with raw oysters by the
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where he will be plea-ed to meet the wants
01 iiisinenas auu tue punuo in
Everything in tho Drinking Lino.
The crank with a theory Is like a
dog chasing hl toll It's nothing new
when ho grasps It.
Thoro'a Nothing on Earth
So good for n baby suffering with Wind
Oolh a Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. It
coothcj and cures. Samples gratis lor a
few dnys at J. M. Hlllan and 0. J. ilc-
Carlliy, tho druggists.
Salt Is said
tooth powder.
to mnko an excellent
Holght of Oruolty.
Nervous women seldom receive the sym.
p'oms tlify dexerve. Whl'eof ten the pictures
of health, tliey are constantly ftd ng. To
withhold Bympathy from these unfortunates
Is the height of cruelty. They have a weak
heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering,
pnin In side, WKtk and hungry spells, aim
ilnnllv swelllnir of ankles, nmiresftlon. rhok
in, smothering and dropsy. I)r Miles' Now
Heart Cure Is Just the thlnii forthf-m. Kor
Hie r uerv usneas. hetdache. wettkness. olc.
his Itest ratlvo Norvl ie is uuquitlert. Fine
treat 8r on "il-art und Nervous Disease" and
marvelous testimonials Iree. Bold and
guaranteed by U. II. lijgcnbuch.
We lip tne scales to learn nur
weight and Up n wnlter to avoid a wait.
MUetV INervo und Liver PIHa
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, Ktotnach and liowels tirouph tne nerres
a new aiscovery. nr. Mites- rws specauy
cute blltousues, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
oonstlpallou uneqnalcd lor men, women,
children. Bmnlkst, mlldest,surestt Sldwes,
ZcUi, Ham pies Free, at V. 11. llAgenbuch's
dm? store.
A ring nround the moon Is n sign of
rnl u, und u ring tiro u ml the eye Is a
slgu of blow.
A Mystory'Explainod.
The papers contain frequent notices of rich,
pretty and educated girls elopluu with
negroes, trumps and oiuehmen. The well
known specUl'St, Dr. Franklin Mllo", ssys all
such girls are more or Ihss hysterical, nervous,
very imp tslve, unbaUncod: usually tubleet
to headache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, lni.
mod. rata crying or laughing. These show a
wo,ik nervous system' for which there Is no
remedv equal to Itesmra'lve Nervine. Trial
bottles and n line boo-, containing many
murvelous cures, free a O. II. ilttgenbuch's
drug store, who also sell, and guarantee Dr.
.Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, tho finest
of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, short
In cal li, etc.
Tlio long winter nights will soon be
upon us.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
haps or tho sure approach of that more ter
rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can nllord for the sake of saving GO
rents, to run the risk nnd do nothing for It,
We know from experlenco that Billion's Cura
will Curo your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million llottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough at onco. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Back, Side or
CheRt, useBhlloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by
U. II. Hagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
Buckwheat cakes
coming into season.
nnd sausage are
Specimen Cases,
B. II. Cllirord. New Tassel, Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Khenmutl-m,
his Htomacli wns disordered, his Liver was at
lceted to a i alarming degree. Appo'lte fell
away, aud he was terribly reduced In fledi
a id strength. Threo bottles of lSlcctrio Hit
ters cured lilm.
Edward Shepherd, Ilarrlshurg, 111 , had a
ruuulng sore on his lo of o ght, years' stand
ing. Utod thrto bottles of Ulectrlo llbtirs
and seven boxes of Biic&lcn'it arnica Salvo,
and his leg Is sound nnd well. John Speaker,
uji iwua, u., una live large f over sores on his
leg, dactnrssald he was Incurable One bot
tle Electric Bitters and one box liticklen's
Arnica Salve cured htm entirely. Sold by
V, II, llagenbtiob, Druggist.
The forests In
the country aro fast
turning yellow.
Father Pablo Juarez Talks
Don Ramon Alva. Dear Blr: 1 havo the
satisfaction of lulormlngyou that tho Cactus
muouuurc, 01 win n you are ine owuer, nas
produced tne most wonderful results for a
Irlend of mine who has Buttered from her
petic eruption, and I consider your cure
rrgenerator without an equal.
the name
,,r IvinMnn, I llmnl. .'nl, .In...!,. n t. rl
sure I will recommend your valuable medi
cine, as 1 have ngMu seen Its results.
inurs iriiiv,
Bold at Klrllu's DrugBtore.r'erzuson lloaee
Slock, dhenaudoati.
Politicians havo only three weeks to
work on.
Shlloh'u Consumption Curo.
This Is beyond question the most sno
eful Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
i lew doses invariably cure the woist casosot
ugn, uroup, ana iironcnitis, wnue us won.
lerful succets In the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel In tho history of medicine,
jluce It's first discovery It has been sold on a
fiiarantee, a test which no other medicine
;an stand, Ii you have a Cough we earnestly
isk you to try it. I'rlce 10 cents, 50 cents, and
ILK). If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
aine, useBhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv
1, II. Hagenbuch, N. K, corner Main aud
bloyd streets.
He must bo an obscure and common,
place person who has no enemy.
Swift's Specific is tho groat
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to 5. S S
Send for our treatise on Blood a4
Bkin Dlsoascs.
Swirr evsuirio Co., Atlanta, Q
Says Being Taken for the Great Financier
Has Docomo a Burden to Him.
How Sam Loopnld, Gould's l'xnct Coun
terpart, Ilefusod 930,000 to Iorsonato
the Spoctilntor A Grout Scheme to Do
morallzo tho Market by Iluslng Leopold
Itopreseut Gould nnd reign n ratal In
jury Mtight Havo Consontod, but Feared
11,-lng Mobbed.
New York, Oct 13. Pam Leopold of
No. 81 Broadway, tho brokor who for 15
yoars has enjoyed the distinction ot be
ing Jay Gould's double, has altered his
whiskers lu order to partially roinovo tho
Mr. Leopold has long been in doubt
whothor this strong rosomblnuce to tho
millionaire has been a benefit or a dis
advantage to him. It has cotno to be a
great bore. Now Mr. Loopold is tired,
and his dotormlnatton to escape tho dif
ficulty ot the situatl on has taken form iu
prompt action.
In 1881 he had n hard strugglo in re
fusing $20,l'00 to porsonnto Sir. Gould.
A party of speculators cooked up a
scheme to knock the stock market into
smlthoreens. Prices were extremely sen
sitive at that time, nnd It was pretty
well understood thnt only a strain or
two would be nocossary to turn the bal
nuco nnd produce a financial crash which
might echo over tho world.
Tho conspiring brokers proposod to
Leopold that ho smear somo blood on
his face and roll on tho sidewalk near
tho corner of Wall and Broad streets,
protending to be dangerously hurt. An
nmbulnncu was to havo been summoned
two minutes ahead of the "accident,"
so that tho vehicle could dash up to tlio
scene soon after a crowd gathered.
A dozou confederates were to be on
tho scone to keep tho crown back, to
partially shield tho "injure I man'' and
to ropoat occasionally, "That's Jay
Gould; ho is futility hurt."
Further details of tho plan were to
have a carriage near Chambers Street
Hospital for the purposo of taking "Mr.
Gould" to his house. Of course, Leo
pold's remarkably close resemblance to
Vould would be sufficient to make the
scheme work well.
Thou tho telograph wires woro to bo
"grounded" f. r n few hours. Tlio tre
mendous excitement would naturally
depress the Gould stocks, and, In sympa
thy, about everything would go down
with a rush. The sohemors were to take
advantage of this by selling short, and
thoy expected to havo at least from 10 to
2 o'clock In which to work this peculiarly
daring manipulation ot tho mnrket.
Ily tho tlmo tho truth would bo known
tho bold plotters would turn and go
long of tho mnrket, on the recovery from
tho tomporary shock, nnl nt least two
or throa good-sized fortunes wero ex
pected to bo realized by tho double deal.
Sam reluctantly declined the tempting
oiler. Although ho wanted tho 'JO,000
awfully bad, ho feared that he might bo
mobbed aftor tho fright was over, and so
tho schomo foil through.
At length Loopold has concluded that
notoriety as Jay Gould's doublo Is not
altogether pleasant. For years ho has
been tho target for correspondents of
rival newspapers. Now ho will huvo a
Williams, tho African ISxploror, Loft His
Wlfo lu Poverty.
WortCESTEii, Mass., Oct. 13. Informa
tion has just boon received hero that
George Williams tho well-known Afri
can explorer who died In England on
August 1, abandoned his wife nnd child
henj. When tho wlfo heard of her hus
band's death, sho wroto to England con
cerning his estate, but tho only reply re
ceived was a lot of unpaid bills.
Williams mot a hnndsome English
girl, Alice Fryar, In Egypt, who, know
ing him to bo murriod, becamo ongagod
to him. Thoy wont to London, nnd
Williams 1 said tohavodlod In her nrms
nt Hartport ot pneumonia, loaving her
all his elfocts. Miss Fryar then disap
peared. Mrs. Williams Is lu destltuto clrcum
stancos. Testing a Ilnplil Firing: Gun.
Annapolis, Md., Oct. 13. ThoDrlggs
Chroodor rapid firing gun was again
testod at tho proving grounds hero yos
terdny. Thirteen seconds olapsod be
tween the shots. Difficulty was experi
enced in oxtractlngtho empty cases after
tho shots wero fired.
ltov. Dr. ltookor Arrives.
New Yonic, Oct. 18. Among tho pas
sengers nrrlvlng from Hnvro by the
Btoamer Le lltetngno was tho Eov. I)r.
Ituoker, Ylce-liector of tho American
College, Home, who was commissioned
by tho I'opo to bring over a present from
him to tho venerable Archbishop of St.
Louis, who will colebnito his golden
jubilee iu November next, The gift will
bo couslguod to Cardinal Gibbons, who
will make the pieieutatlou when the
event takos place.
The C'lorlc n Defuultor.
Chicago, Oct. 13. Henry Bast, clerk
of the Circuit Court, stated that Josoph
L. Wilson, tho fugitive clerk of Jutlgo
Tuloy's court was a defaulter to tlio ex
tent ot $ IS. 000 at loast. All along it has
been tho opinion of Wilson's friends that
he had goni on a protracted spree and
that h would return shortly. Mr. Best,
however, 1b aonvincad that hU trusted
clerk is gone, never to return, unless
compilled to do so by due process of
ni:yv jijitsnv lmicrs.
Tho cotton storage sheds of Ilaspln &
Co. nt Camden, were destroyed. Loss,
John Perkins, Janitor ot Public School
No ot Jeraey City, died suddenly In
tne school uuiiiuug ol apoplexy yester
day. E. T. McLaughlin, the Democratic
nominee for Assomly In the Second Hud
son county, N. J., district has declined
tho nomination.
Tho ofllcials of tho New Jorsey and
New York Itallrond, who wero arrestud
Sunday morning, whilo removing the
old depot nt Oradeil, wero discharged
A Shoe Dressing mutt restore the bril
limey of a worn shoe, and at the same time
fretetvt the solnm of the leather.
LADIES will the Dressing you aro
using do both? Try it I
Pour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing
Into a ssucer or butter plate, set it aside for
a few days, nnd it will dry to a substanco
ns hard nnd brittle ns crushed glass. Can
such a Dressing be good for leather?
woirrs ACME bws
will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily
film which is as flexible as rubber.
25 0oars ivorfA of New Furniture for
25 Cents. HOW? By painting
25 square feet of Old Furniture with
ACWr'Wfff.'A , TRY lY.
027 North Trent Street PHILADELPHIA.
superior to vmm
Causes no eruptions upon
tho skin such ns nearly all
sarsaparilla mixtures do; but
drives tho impurities from tho
blood through tho proper
channels, tones up the system,
increases appetite, and rapidly
cures dyspepsia, constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and
all diseases depending upon
an impure condition of tho
Sold at Klrlln'3 Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa,
Aslt my agents for AV. L. Dniiffln Shoes.
If not tor mile In jour plnco link your
denier to until for ciititlou tie, Mveuro the
tiucticy, and vet them lor you.
It la a Boan.U'Hs.ioe, with no tacks or wax thread
to hurt tho feet mado of tho bebt tlno calf, stylUb
nnd ensy, aud because ttv make vmre shoes of this
(trade than an other manufacturer. It equals hand
teuod Phnt'i cost Inn from $UJ to S.'i.OO.
SK IK) (cniiliin llnnd-eut'd, tho finest calC
Hjm chow over offered for; equals French
iinpnrteil (dines hieh cost from (.(fi to $ViAi0.
CtJi Oil Iluiiit-uvvrit WHt Shoo, Iluo calf.
IItb 6tjllsu. comf (triable atuLdurablo. Tho best
etioe ever ollrrcd at tliU price ; sumu Kmdo as cus
tom ninde shot" eosiiiiK front fHMW to $ uO.
CQ 3' Ilie Short Farmers. Kutlnmd Men
4Oa mid Li'tter ('.trrleri-nll wcarthem. tlno calf,
Bcamlcss, binooth Inside, houty three soles, uxtcn
ftloiicdKP. tmc pair will wear u your.
GSO 30 fliii cnlfi no better bIioo ever offered at
nSJfSmm thli prlco; one trial will couviuco ttiosa
who want a slute for comfort an1 service.
Sff-it 3 nut! W'oi'ltliiLtmiiii'rt shoes
d aro very btrotii; and durable. Tlicso who
havu given theni a trial wilt wear no other make.
ESftUte' SS'J.DO nnd S1.7.T school shoes nrt
uUjf O worn by tho lMijsepry where; they Bell
on tueir nierus, as me inereusinR saieaBiiow.
1 QjrlSac -blH) iiiiiiil-Hi'U-i'ti Biioe, nest
KaiClU IU5 lotiLrohi, verv Btllsh; enualsFrcncU
Imported shoes oostliiK from 81.'" t S'V".
Kndlrn AU) nnd SI. 7. shoo for
MietHOSare tho best llneUongola. htyllBh und durable,
Oiuttoiu feeo that V. L. DouKlas' name and
prlco arostanipod on tho Itottom of each shoo.
523.oia.ci3a.3.oiA3. IPo.
lortn rpunn ot.
,1. lirrcn. Puilauklcuia,
th only ffDulna utrmu Jttuincu
B'K'clsiUit lu UieL'nlUd bilt noli
fcblc ui euro DlOOd POlSOHi
Nervous Debility d spe
cial Diseases f "
bkia plM-uea. Itt-d bjiott PtJni a tb
tKm.SoroThront Mouth,
Blotch s, llmj,-t( i, ErupUoni iolt or
hril IWn, HwtlUntji, IrriUtioni,
InrltmuatloDi n1 Kunolcgt,
diT, toit memory wtk bunk, mentl snilrty Kllncr
It t IMteue nd tUt IltMMwi rnuUf Qf fr'jni V ' '
In ll eralon or Overwork Reotnt currd In" n
rtllef it once Do not low Imp', to mn r bv i
tt.lns !.ctor, qauk. Fsmlly or Ilwlui) rhylolP i m far t.
Dr. TithKL cur-a positively l,A ho1 d" ' " n "'n
tOSlrjf If. OLP, YO0W, MtDOLl At TH 0 KTMlii tl IM
i amu Aot ri h or poor ini at p pnon
iWw uht rr..m 9 to a, rvjw t w. u u
Iv'M to 10. Sun-tav B Ullll TTrtf or eall n4 b
For Kefarcnoca aoa Wdn. Strd Fbll. Tunc
Baker & Co.'s
from which tho cxn sa of
oil has been removi d, la
Absolutely Puro
and It is Soluble,
No Chemicals
nro used iu Its preparation. It lins
more than three times the strength ot
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd is tlioroforo far mora
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily Diai;sTia,
and nilmlrably ndaptcd for invalids
ns well as for persohs lu health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass