The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 13, 1891, Image 2

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    nonoiis oNir.5iNi;t).
Kiintlnti rU Over tile
Vpnli Little Jump Hleelie,
Et.iKABKTH, N. .T., Oct. 18. Tlie pliy
Riciaiis attlie Rllanlietli Hospltnl and tlirj
County I'll j-Hlcinti, wlio ordered the au
topsy on the body of llttlo .lames Steolie,
the supposed hydrophobia pnllent who
ill (id at tjie hospital, have laid tliem
elves open to grave censure.
When Vndertaker Mlrhael DurnliiK,
Who had been ongaKed by the boy's
father to Ret the body and bring It home,
rent his assistants to tha hospital they
found the remains still lying on the dis
secting tnblo, tho bodycut open from tha
throat to tho wnlst, back and front, and
tho Intestines scnttercd.
No attempt had been made to restoro
tho condition It was in before tho au
topsy. The hospital surgeons snld It was nono
of their funeral, as the County Physician
hurt taken tho matter entirely out of tha
hospital's hands when he ordered tha
There Is great Indignation nt Elizabeth
port over tho matter, nnd tho pcoplo are
loud In their condemnation of tho doctors
nnd surgeons concerned.
It Is now thought that young Steebo
did not die of hydrophobia at all but, ol
spinal meningitis.
Till! I)15A1 AM VI!,
A Cnrtlnml Ml
Wlm Hni tlm Pleasure ol
lira, line Ilr ()nn (lliltitiiry.
Coim-AXi), X. Y., Oct 13. Mrs. D. J.
Uostwlck died here Friday of malignant '
uipumeriH. nor (laughter Larrio was
also sick nt the time with the snmo dis
ease and Snturdny it was reported that
she was also dead.
On Sunday her death was announced
from the church pulpits and yesterday
morning Dr. Cheney, of the Stato Nor
mal School where Carrie attended, eulo
gized her memory in nu ulurjueut ad
dress, which brought the class to tours.
The papers yostordny also contained her
It now appears that sho is not dead nt
all, but in a fair way to ontire rocovory.
How the report ot bar doatli was spread
cannot be learned. Many of the girl's
classmates sent funeral flowers.
Troop, Flrod Upon
Ill Molllevldvu
Oral Insurgents Killed.
Montevideo, Oct. 18. There was n
serious attempt nt revolution here Sun
day evening. The members of a revolu
tionary club in the suburbs of tho city
fired upon the troops stationed uoar at
hand. The latter returned tho volloy
with deadly offect.
Several persons wero killod outright
and many wounded. Many ot tho ring
lenders of tho assault, Including a priest,
have been apprehended.
Attempts woro made to assassinate
President Obes and to capture mombors
of tho Junta, but they wore unsuccessful
Suliscnuoiitlv. the Insurgonts wero dis
persed nnd tho city became quiet. The
troops In the neighborhood number
about 8,000.
Trying to Slop AH fiunrtny Work.
PiTTBBUHn. Oct. 13. liev. Wilbur F.
C. Crafts, D. I)., of New York, who is
nt the head of the Sabbath Ik-form Asso
elation, Is in this city in the Interests ot
tho work. He states that a movement
will be started at an early day that vill
startle tho citizens of the United States.
The movement lins not yet beon fully
outlined, hnough is known, however,
tlintnu effort will be made to stop Sun
day work of all kinds oxcept works of
necessity. Pittsburg has been selected
as tho starting point for tho reform
wave, which is to swoop tho country. II
is now proposed to stop street cars, Suu
day trains, sunilny newspapers, etc.
VIcc-rrrnMmit Murtnn's At'tlnn nlsralasori
New Youk, Oct. 13. An action which
Levi P. Morton, Vieo-Prouident ot the
United Stntcw brought to enjoin tho city
from the maintenance of a high pressure
pumping engine on Nlnoty-eight street,
was yosterday dismissed by Judgo Truax
of tho Supremo Court Mr. Morton owns
twelve houses in Ninety-eight street,
near tho engino house, and claimed that
Us vlabratlon interfered .with tho qulot
enjoyment of his hnusos by his tenants.
He asked for $'20,000 damages. Tho com
plaint was dismissed on tho ground that
tho engine station wns maintained uudci
an net of tho Legislature.
llrltleli Sclinnner Sunk.
Boston, Oct. 13. Tho liritlsh schooner
Daphne, ot St. .lohus, IV. J., struck a
rock in llroad Sound early in tho morning
during a gale, and soon after sunk. The
vessol had a cargo of liino nnd laths
Captain Gavan and his crew of four men
bnrely escaped with their lives. Thoy
wero obliged to cut away tho 'boat from
tho davltts as volumes of xmoko kept
pouring out of the vessel ns she wag
sinking, tho limo having taken fire.
Erie County Democrats nominated
Matt. End res for sheriff yosterday.
Flro did $10,000 in tho building of J,
W. Lyons & Co., rag dealers, Urooklyn,
yostord ly.
There wns a heavy frost In tho violnlty
of Silver Creek Sunday night, spoiling
several thousand dollar' worth or grapes.
An electric street car in Flushing, I I.
wns run Into by a frelghttrnin yosterday,
nnd three persons were seriously injured,
Tho Sooond Westchester Assembly Dis
trict Democratic Convention yesterday
nominated llllam liyan, ol lire, for
the Assembly.
In tho third Senatorial District Re
publican Convention, held In Urooklyn
yesterday, Jinepli Asplunll was nomlnat
od far tint Senate.
All tho liuioiiitiijt steamers raport severe
weallter. A number ot passengers on
tho Augusta Victoria receive I severo in
juries from the pitching of tho vessel
Superintendent of the Census Porter.
denies that It will take four or five years
to llnlsh the work. Ho says it will bo
ready for tho printer by the end of
The body ot a young girl, about ten
or twehe yours old, was washed ashore
nt Liberty island yesterday. It was
badly mutilated. Foul play Is bus
Tho wife of John Meyer, a saloon
keeper, of Williamsburg, reports that
her husband has lieen missing since Oat
1. She believes that hu has committed
John Hocy, president of the Adams
Express Company, was yosterday Je-
prlvuil ot his poslttou as prosldout and
trustee by tho unanimous vote ot the
full Board of Managers. Hooy was
charged with malfeasance in ofUce.
Much tnil
There's a wide difference
between tho help that's talked of
and tho help that's guaranteed.
Which do you want, when you'ro
buying medicine?
If you'ro satisfied with words, you
get them with every blood-purifier
but one. That one is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. With
that, you ect a guarantee. If it
doesn't help you, you havo your
money back. On this plan, a medi
cino that promises help is pretty
suro to give it.
But it's becauso tho medicine is
different, that it's sold differently.
It's not liko the sarsaparillas, which
are said to bo good for tho blood
in March, April, and May.
At all
seasons ana m all cases, it cures
permanently, as nothing clso can,
all tho diseases arising from a tor
pid liver or from impure blood.
It's tho best blood - purifier, and
it's tho cheapest, no matter how
many doses aro offered for a dollar.
With this, you pay only for tho
good you get.
Can you ask more?
Commencing Monday, October 12.
Tho tnlontrd and accomplished actress,
Theresa JNewcomb I
In N. B. Wood's sensational dramas:
Tuesday "Tlio Jioy Detective."
Wednesday' Adriftin New York"
Special fccenery, elegant cos'umcs. calcium
Pi-loos, lO, SO, QOo
Reals on bale at Klrlln's drug tdoto
W. II. I'o-ver.'
Company in the romantic
I mil drama,
Entire now production this season.
Mncnifleent Bcenerv.
Mill -ucauuiui usiuiiifH,
i . . r. .
and a first-class company of .
Comedians, Vocalists and Dancers
Beits on sale nt Klrlln's drug store.
and well made, fashionable clothes?
If so, call on
Fashionable Custom Tailor,
8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah
Cull and see samples of the latest goods anf
me siyies. uooa worninnnkuip, proiupiueu
and tatr prices.
Pure Ice Cream
Orders promptly nttonde d to. Particular ai
leniioxi imi(i u iuiis, i leuira,
Festivals, etc.
Near Corner ot Lloyd, SHENANDOAH. PENNi
New Saloon and Restaurant
Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated.
Tht'eo doors above Kendrlck Iloute,
Mr. Hasltfy would ln'orm his many frlendi
and the pulme that be will rater lo their wanU
in me same nrst-ciahs siyie inni nonas annc
in the nasi. None but the best biunda of for
eleu aud domestic wines, liquors and cigari
will be kept In stork:. Choice tempeianw
drinks. Klnnold e'ock ale
TheeutHiE ba is supplied with everything
in ine eaiimt line bi-rven in me uesisiyie
hi i ais set vt u at uu uours. v ine private room
Largest and cbeuptBt stQch In town.
jirlisfic PainliDg, Graioing and Decorating !
A Proposed Treaty That Will Kmiro a
Spi-iilal Ilaln fur Amor lean Orculs.
Wabhisoito:, Oct. 18. Tho negotia
tions have been comptoted in regard to
tho proposed commercial treaty between
the United States nnd Germany, but ttn
dor tho law they cannot go Into ofTect
untUJanunry 1,1892. Tho proviso un
der which President Harrison has been
noting Is contained In tho Tariff Act ol
lb'JO, Section U, Schedule N.
Unrtor this section tho President, nboni
Jan. 1, can impose tho duty on German
beet sugar, which finds nn extensive
mnrkot here. Germany has boon es
pecially anxious to make a troaty, Blnce
ono has been made with Spain, to allow
Cuban sugars nud other products to
come In.
Up to Jan. 1. tho United Stales can da
nothing in tho matter, but Germany al
once saw Its advantage In mnking a
treaty now, so that It can go into effect
on the first of tho year Count Von
Milium began negotiations with the State
Department, nnd through Secretary
ltusk and Gen. J. M. Foster, noting for
tho State Department, tho treaty hns
beon brought to successful completion.
It was signed Inst month at Saratoga,
when Qenernl Foster and Count Von
Minimi p'lld an unexpected and hurried
visit to that place wliou President liar
rlson wns thoro as tho guest of Mr. Ar-
Ono proviso In tho treaty, which lias
prevented tho publication of tho treaty,
and which will perhaps delay the pro
mulgation of the full contents, Is that
Germany claims the right to first an
nounce the signing nnd promulgation ot
tho treaty. At present1 German beot
sugar comes into tho country free uudor
tho now tiirilt law, and nothing can pre
vent1 it until January 1, when tho
President is given the power to shut it
off, on tho ground that Germany im
posed duties on agricultural and other
products of the United States, which, in
vlow of freo Introduction of such sugar,
etc., into tho United States, ho deems
to ha reciprocally unequal nnd unreason
Tho treaty will not allow tho freo en
try of American coreals, becuuso to do
that would givo Amoriea monopoly,
and, besides, Germany could not dis
criminate against other countries nnd
mnko the United Stntos a most favored
What tho treaty will accomplish, how-
over, is tho securing of a special rate for
American cereals Hour, ryo, etc.
Messenger Monro Not SiiMx-ctcd.
Uukfai.0, N. Y., Oct. 13. Superin
tendent White, of tho American Exnross
Company, makes tho positive statement
that Messengor Moore Is not suspected
of tho recont robbery near Utica, and is
not under surveillance. "We have got a
pretty good clue to tho robber," said
Suporlntondent White, "nnd wo ore go
ing to get him. It may take time, but
wo will run him down if wo havo to fol
low him to Kingdom Come. We fol
lowed that Canadian robber for threo
yonrs, but wo got him at last. No, I will
not toll tho amount stolon. We aro pay-
lug up the losses and will huvo them nil
adjustod soon. Watch us while wo nab
tho robber."
1'afal Holler Kxplotlen.
PiTTsnuno, Pa., Oct. 13. Park Bros.,
Black Diamond Steel Works, nttfOth nnd
Smalliunu streets was the scene of a
terrific explosion yosterday. The large
'triple" valve, used to lulect steam from
the main boiler into flfty-four smaller
boilors, oxploded by reason of tho pres
ence of condensed steam. Huge pieces
of boiler plate aud debris were scattored
in all directions, b. U. Killing, an em
ploye, was fatally crushed. Sovoral
other employes wero b.idly hurt and wero
removed to tho West Pennsylvania lllos-
pitol. bixteon hundred men will bo
thrown out of employment until neces
sary repairs aro mauo.
In llahy CIoveliiml'H Honor.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1U. The yoiyiE-
(lniiRliter ol ex-l'resment uieveianiTis to
bo tho object of special iittehtion nt tho
dinner of tho Ulover-Club next Tuurs-
daJiightr1F Is expected that the young
lady will bo represented by her father's
old and time-tried friend, Daniel I.a-
mout, who will accept congratulations of
the club members for the entire (Jlevo
land family. Baby Ruth is to bo pre
3cnted with n gold spoon, which is to bo
something unusually clnbarato.
The Student Seen at Htirtfortl.
Middixtowk, Conn., Oct. 13. Tho
Wcsleyan University student, Xnrra
mour, whoso disappearance September 30
created a sensation at tho college, was
seen nt Hartford, it is reported, on Oc
tober 4, by college students. The faculty
havo sent parties to Hartford to see if
anything can bo learned of his where
Itconlved Ituelc Their AsHpfmtiionts.
Boston', Oct. 13. Five hundred mem
hers of tho Order ot tho Wonder of tin-
World yesterday received buck their as
Bossments, ns tho order volod to wind up
its allalrs. ilio total returned so far tc
tho members is 813,000, There aro some
2,000 certificate holders, aud $21,000
ready to mcot their demands in full.
Curtis IIi-lil fur Munler.
SAN Fiuncisco, Oct. 13. In tho Su
porior Court, yosterday, Maurice B. Stro
linger (M. B. Curtis) was hold for tho
grand jury to answer tho chargo of mur
der. In killing i'ollcoman Urnnt. Henry
Unrduor, a former employe of ijtrellugor,
testified that tho latter habitually car
rled n pistol.
New York Customs Ilecolpti.
Washington, Oct, 18. Tho customs
receipts at the port ot Now York for tha
first ton days ol Uotoljor wero 9H,8evi,o5u,
or the same days last year thoy wcr,
The National Prison Congress is in ses.
slon nt Pittsburg. Kx-l'residout Hayes
is tliu presiding officer.
The I'an-Iiepublio Congress and the
Human Freedom League aro holding
convention in Philadolhhla.
The isardsley investigation was re
sumed at Philadelphia yesterday after
noon, and continued ut Hariisburg las
Eaflllv. Oulnklv. PflrmnnAntlv Raatoruri.
AVeukDeu, NerToumni, Debility, mid all
the train of evlln from early errors or later excesse
ttte results of overr, ork, sickness, wurry, etc Full
etroegtb, derolopment, and toao Klren to every
organ and portion of the body, Blmpte, natura'
methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure
Impossible. 2,000 references, look, explanation!
uu uruuia utmiau touniou; ruu. Auurvvs
nnd IILII.II 11. Till! unm. u'V,'"" " ' VJL'J''1 HOWlSIS,
As II I'leasnnt nn.l . . . ?
Hoof land's
effective Cnttiartlc uso
Shenandoah Business College
Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891.
W. J. SOJLIYV, President.
We aro making a big drive lu fur
nlturc, but malicious desire Is not its
object. We desire to dlppose of a large
surplus stock, and propose to give our
patrons the benefit of some extraordi
nary bargains.
J. P. Williams & Bra,
South Main St.,
she KrAitriD o yn.
First National Bail,
Capital, $100,000.-00.
Mi-Lsttfenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Ialtl oti HnvliiGTH nepotillti.
Bank Counters, Tyler 8y6tem, Port
auiOi unequaiod in styiosy
Cntt nnrl Finish.
ICOl'iKO Catftloxne of Couotrrv Deiki etc lilnilrttel la
L'olora, Itooltf Frt robltre lSCtntf
Also ryier Jioyai
Olltco Dctki and Type
writer CublneUi HOO
Htyle. liest nnd cheap
cit on earth, wtth great
rcaucuonin pnees.
18U iiav ratkloffu Fpm.
ra.ltpt 1 eU. Full Hari of
tlvkka, (htlra, TLlMt Hook
ClblBCts, LffU blank
hiirrlKl work mad to ordrr.
latibulfr". FnilUb Ilmond Drui
OrlfflnMl and llnl Crnulne. A
ire ulwtv. rila... LMDilt uk f
Urtwirti,! lur Ckkl.itr t 1 .A DnfAf
noui BranJ I; li,tu. I,. U 'llloXft
Uoxe. tlo4 wnh 1.1 u rll. ,t. Take
moothrr. H'wcdu j run aubititw V
tmmtint lfKir4l,c, n, urugpijtt, orKnd4&
In lUiiiii t I jutM , ir, t .ttuuDlt kb4
'llUor tor I.Ai11,'a," in btfrr, b, rlor
Chl,lirterCtivuK'iil "ilUnn Mquarnj
rr fnr thflfiltiMna of Milt ftbUM.
)Enrlylto,asi.a,Knilu,loui,lVorvuila Unllllllr.Luas
of Siual 1'ower. inopotencjr AO. Socrratlf ourfaltala
oiir Sntvl (low will tttudeDi, full Slum lis MadlolDO
mid Much Valaable Infonnatioa yilUK. Address,
u, Pi. t.w. ono urvBHiiAT, boh xvrat
imiCJHTKM tiii; i:yi:s,
hwi;i:ti:n tub iirtHATii.
TUNIS Tllf! Tllt .
' l HI5AI.TII.
PodophyUin Pills
Lehigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891
I'asienger trains will leave Hbenandoah for
Uauch imnnK. L,emeotoo. Hiallngton.
link, LchlKhloo, Hiallngton, Cats-
sauqua, Allento-wn. Bethlehem, llaston, I'hll
adelpMaaud New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
1152, 8.10, 5.20 p.m.
For Helvidere, Delaware Wnler Gap and
Stroudsburg at 5.4T, a. m., ana 6.20 p. m.
For Lambertv llle and Treofo i, D.US a, oi
For Wlilte Haven, Wlltes-Barre and Fltt
ton 5.47. 9.08, 1J.41 a. ra 3.10 nnd 626 p. m.
ForXankhinuock, 10.41a. m., 3.10 and 5.26
p. m
For Auburn, Ithaoa, Geneva and nnd Lyon
10.41 a. m and 5.20 p. m.
For L0Bvville, Towanda, Bayre, Waverlyi
F.lmlra, Itochester, Itttmuo, Masara Falls,
Cblcao and all points West at 10.41 a, matd
5.28 p. in,
For Minlra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p.m.
For Audenrled, lliueleton, Btoefcton, laun.
ner Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
U'inat5.4i,7.40, ,oa. m.ana i..t'J ;iiu ana
1,20 p.m.
For Joanesvllle, Levlston and Heave)
1 endow, 7.40, 9.03 a.m. and 5,28 p. m,
KorMcrantonat5.47 a (W, lU4Ia. m. 8.10 and
i:2p. m.
For liable llroott. Jeddn, llrlflon and Free
land at 5.47, 7.10r V.0M, 10.41 a. )n 1152 3.10 and
5.26 p. m.
For Quakatto at 5.47 and 9,08 a. m., and
(.10 p. m.
For Wlgijiins, Otlberton and Frackvllle at
5.00 and n.03 a. ra and 4 JO p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano
v47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,08 a. m.,12.52,3U0.5.2t, 8,03,
w.21 nnd 10.27 p.m.
For Lost Creek, airardyille and Ashland
1.27, 7.40,82, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.3J
i.10 and 9.14 p. la.
For Darkwatcr, Bt. Clplr and Pottsvllle
r.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m.. X22, 8.10, 4.10, 6.26 and 8.K
For Buck Mountain, Now Boston and
ilorca, 7.40, 9.08, 10Ja. n.., 122, 8.10, 5.28 and
I. 03 p. ra.
For Haven Kun, Centralla, ML Carmel and
Shamokln, 82, and 1005 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
ind 8.08 p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoah,
TJSb llJbS a. m., 2.10, 4.B anil 9.W p. ra., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.32. 8.10, 6.2H and
II. 15 p. m.
For lost Creek, Ulrardville and Ashland,
4.50, 9,10 11.35 a. m., 2.15 p. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle,
UiO, 8.01, 930 a. m., 2.4p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
4.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.10, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and llatleton, 8.00
t m.. 1.4(1 n. ml
For Mauch Chunk. Leblgnton, Blatlngton,
'jatasauqua, Allentowi), uetnienem, casion
ind New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m;
l' or l-nuaaeinuia, p. m.
OenM Pass. A(rt -.l&lBtiem.
IMIsNoitrl, ICaiiHnH, ArtniiHiiH,
Texan, Nebraska, I.omHlntiu.
Colorado, Vlnli, ClIloriiIii,
Ore(ton,Wnsliliiutoii, Mexico,
New Mexico or Arizona,
and will send me a postal card
or letter stating
WHere you are Khlg,
When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are iu your party,
What freight and baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your homo and
furnish you with the fullest Information
regarding routes, lowest rates of all
classes, betides maps, descriptive and Il
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Springs guides, eto.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan
sas, ivansas aim i exas.
J. P. HcCANN. Eastern Trav. Agt.,
Q. E. P. Agt., 301 Broadway ,Now York
Iron Mountain Route,
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written
aiarnage licenses ana legal claims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency
Qenernl Fire Insurance lluslnesn. Represent!
menonnwesiern ijiieinsuranoouo.
OrFiCE-Muldoon's building, corner Centre
and West Bis., Bheuandoan, Pa.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale,
I. A two story double frame dwelling house
store and restaurant, on East Uenlre St.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centn
3. Desirable property od corner Centre and
Jardin streets, suitable for business pur
two story
two story double frame dwelling, on
Weil l.lovcl strett,
-Two 2-Btory frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two 2 story dwelling on the corner ol
uoai anu uueaiuui streets ntoro room in
7. Two-story single bouse on North Chestnut
street with a large warehouse at the rear
8. Throe two-story double frame bulldlngr
corner oi jjioyuanu iiiiueri streets.
II U I I U It Ll Itunlure r-V Ur. J. U
MAYER, 8.U Aroh St., l'hlla. A'liomas 11,
tiartung, wew Kinggnia, -a i. uat, ho
Kastun. Pa.. L. I". a O. A. IleturcS'.Oley. :
It. (1. H tan Icy, 421 Spruce Ht., I.ehamm, Pa , A
oiuiuciudi, mjvu,i i,aie, i rt i. jpuii. 1.1111
kiln, Pa., Win, B. rjartenstlne, t'hOenlxvllle,
la., w ni l.cino&cn, (ut wnainuEum ni
Heading, Pa., J, 0. Lyme. 1311) W. Howard Ht.,
llarrlsburK. !'., C. Keelin, uongi&ssTllle,
Dr. MAYEIt Is at Hotel Penn. Iteadlne.
on the 2nd Saturday ot each uioutu. Call to
see nun.
'hiSadelplila and Reading Eailroad
Time Tabh in ejjeel Jiij 10, 1891
('OrKflW Vn,h Via PhllartAlnhtn ir,.AV
2. 0 3.25, 7,20 f. m. and 12 35 i.zn nnd ttJ
m. Btiudsy 2.10 and 7.48 a. ra. For New
rk, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 6.25.
', a. m. nnd 12.31 and ih p. m.
.10, 5.2j, 7.20, a. to., 12.35 2.M and 5.55 PS m.
u-.uuy. x iu ana 7.4S a, m., 4 SO p. ra.
n Jfrisbnrg, week days, 2,10,7.20 a. m,i
o, o.(v p, ra.
opr m eatown' week Aay 7-20 m-i l2JSS
or. .-PottaTliw, week days, 2.10. 7J..
2 . Z50 and 5.65 p. m. BanJay, 2.10 and 7743
. nv, 4.50 p.m.
For 'luniHoua and Mahanoy city, week 9
ays, 2. 0, 6.25, 7.20, a. m.. 125 Z50 and oTsSW:
,u. uuuuhv. z.mnnn i.Mi.m . .n M
Additional, lor MaUonoy City, week days 7.00
hot .Lancaster ana Columbia, week days.
2da. m., 2.60 p.m.
ror WiUlamsport, Bunbury and Lewlsbura.
f, ok days. 3.21, 7.20 and lt.33 a. m 1.85, 7.53
in. Bunday 3:25 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 8.25,
via, 7.20 and 11.83 a. in.. 12.JU. I.3.V im r. kr
7.00 and l n m. Bunday. 2 10. 8.25 and 7.48
a. m. !.(.5, 4.30 p. m.
2'10. :2 . 7.48 a. m.. 8.05. 4.30 n. m.
nu ounaay, axis, m S.Vit p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
ys.7.45 a. m., L80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.1B
UghU Bunday, 6JX) p. m., 12.15 nhznt.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
lays, 4.30, 8.45 a. in., 1.00 and 4.0J p. mi
laVA Phtlalnlnhla. wtcr rtnvu j in an A
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., from Broad
t id Oallowhill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m,
from 9th and 'Jreen streets. Bunday 9.05 a.
m. ll.W p. m. from 9tli and Ur.ieu.
Iai&vh Heading, week days, 1.33. 7,10, WAS
.ndll.Wa. m., 5A5,77psm. Bunday 1.35 anO
10.43 a, m.
lAave Pottsvllle, week days, .40, 7.40 a. m.,
3d. (Ill d. m. HUllduv. 2.40. 7.00a. In. anrt
2.C5 . m.
eave Tomaqna, week days, 8.20, 8.43 and
2 i a. ra.. 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 n. m. Bnndav 8.20
7 43 . m. and 2i0 p. m.
,iava Mauanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
'.uuji.ih. m., i,oi, v.iaua w.m p.m. oan
lay, 8.40,8.17 a. ni., 3.20 p. m.
Iisave Mahanoy Piane, week days, 2'43, 4.10
1.30, 9.35, 11.09 a. m.,1.05, 2.06. 5-SU. 6 20, 7.57, and
(Mliln. m. Hundav 14.'. 4.00. and 8.27. a. m.
3 37,5.01' p.m.
uuave oiraraviue (itappanannocK aim oni
lc days, 2.47. 4.07, 8.89, and 9.41 a. m., 12.04,
12, 5.26. 9.32, 8.03 and 10.08 p.m. Bunday. 2,47,
0 .8.83 l.m. 3.41.5JI7 n. m.
ttsavu irlllIambport, week days, 8.00,9.45 and
l.55a.m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.15
j. in.
tor Baltimore, Washington and the west
la B. & O. It. K., throuxb trains leave Olrard
V venue station. Philadelphia, (P.& K. K, K.)
it 4.16, 801 and il.27 a. m 1.34, 4.24, 6.65 anil
,23 p. va. Bunday, 4.10 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4.2i
.55 aud7.2Jp.rn.
A 'P I . A NTIrtdlTV TlTVTHinN.
s eave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreet What t
a iu '3ouiu citreet vuarx. t
Fur AtlHtUIC CItT. V m
WAnKrfl4miltnrMG. K (Ml. ,(Kl a. m
3.00. -iH', 6 00 ,. a. Aocoinmolatlon, 7.40a.
ii nnd 4.15, 8 GD . in.
luudAs. nixpress, 800, 9.01) a, ra, AO-
-o nm, ,atlon. s.00 a. m. ana 1.4) d. m.
iteturnln;, leave Atlantis City, depot
"aatlcaad Arkansas avenues. Wek-flars
Express, 7.00, 7J, 9.00 a. m and 3.15, 4.00, 5.30
p. in. Accommodation 5.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p m. Sundays -Express, 4.00, 6 00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.39 a. mi. and O.Oo p. m.
U. U. UANCOU&, Uen'i f ass'r Ajt.
. , MoliKOD. Hras, Hen'l Msnaeer.
On unci afttr Saaltniber I 131)1, 'roini will leav
bixenanaoan at fouowt:
For Wlggan, Ullberton, FraoKvllle, New
Clastic, Ut. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.13
, in anas. 10 p m,
Hundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 8.1 0 p m.
For PottsviUe,.B.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m,
Sundays, 800,.40a m and 3.10 t m,
For Keadlne..(L00. a in and 4.15 nu.
Bundays, 800, 9.40 a. m. and 3.10 pm.
For Fotutown, PhoenlxvlUe, NorrV
.nd Philadelphia (Broad street ' :,.'" SE?
a.m.and405n ittwcciar' -' station), e.rjo,
nucdays, boj, 9.40 a mJJ5!!?
J&TA iS&fS lPor Uhonandoah nt
rSif52a-TM, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bundays,
Jmir&m and 6.40 pm. '
Lave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.16 and
U.43, a in 7.15, 9,42 p m. Unndays, 10.40 a m
S.15p ra.
tieave Phlladolpnia (Broad street station),
'or PotlsTllleavnd Uhenandoah. 6.67. 8 35 a m
uu ana y.w o zn wees uavs. uunaai u w. ana
t'OI HOW YOTK, 3.20, 4.05, 4.411, 5.35, H.NI, 7.30,
in Bnnaays, 4.05, 4.40. is.85. R.1Z, 8.30, V.ou;
11.3a m. 'ia izzi,, stu, (limited,
a,, a "j K tt . . .n a..., inn,
For Hea Girt. Lone lira rich and Intermediate
stations B.60i8.'Zj and 11 30 a. m.. S.30. 4.00 11. 111.
O III unrt 11 IS m. ,n 4 i It F.7 1 ill n ,n nnH1,
uigniaativ ana 8 31, lu.L'oa. iu.,r3 (limited
weeicdiys, 6.08, 11.80 p. m. dally.
I'ur luuuiuuuu. (.11 u. 111. uuu iiiifu
nnllv. 1 .ULn. ni. millv. nl. Hilnn.iv.
uuj'Hin 'i a m ana uu p m ovBry aay.
m wee it days.
jiQvalintihnrv In, WllllDmennri Vlmln
jananoaigaa, nccnesier, imnaioana niaeara
- or naiKiss, D.aip 111 weenuays.
1 1 l.U.LUj UU, V.UV C
flnn'a. A.lll a. m 1.42 and SJtn n m wwr nnviL
lua. ra hud nave,
1 r . .1 ... 1 n.rl 1 1 t T . . 1 . r . r ,
n. nann r wan, trpss. aki
Jl,a,uuie V, tu crct juuy, 1V) toot..
ueiu. nuyuesuuix uuuciiuu. uuuieaviue. n
nTMn, Mnnnav n , ll 'a a rrt K yti am annx
P. m. nuuaay only ai a.uo p. m.
r in wMiwiuft. nui tiom uiu iiiieiuiouiu
Knr Hirrihltnrn nnd InlermprifntA Slny,aal
Saturday only, at 12 m.
and 3.15 p. in. Bunday onlr ai 8.05 n. ra.
Trains arrive at Reading (P. & IU station)
from Wilmington, li. & O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Coatesvllle. Waynetburg Junction,
U..rl.,,nal Wnn. llpHal.m (lir,R,llur Uot.
fen and Intermediate stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. ra. 5.52 and 8.17 p. in. Bun,
day only at 11.21 a. m.
From Bl. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.21 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p. ra.
From lilrdsboro and lntermealate btatlonB,
Baturday only nt 1.40 p. m
From Waahlncton and J
aahlngton and Raltlmore. dally ex-
cepl Bunaay, 10 J) a. m, 6.52 and 8 17 p,
Bundav onlv nt 11.21 n. in.
110WNBW.S llltlOOS, Gen'I Pass, Agt.
A. G. McOA UHLAN D, Bupt,
Ortlio I.liiir II unit, aolllL'ly C'ureu
ItywIuiIiiKlrrlns Dr. llulutV
iulilen hiiecllle.
It lsxn&nufaaturedaaapowder.whlob oan bstivsn
In gtaas of beer, a oup of eoltee or tee. or In food,
without the knowledge ot the patient. It li absolutely
harmleae, and will effect a permanent aud speedy
ture, wheiber the patient la a moderate drinker or
an alcoholic wraok It has been elven In thousands
pi oases, and in every Instanoe a perleot oure has lot.
lowed. It uercr I'alla. The eystem onoe Impreenae
eawlth the tipeoiflclt beoomes an utter ImposslbUlty
(or the liquor appetite 10 exist.
48 page book or partioulare fr(.e. To be had o
C. H HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
Largest and oldest reliable pnrely caih com.
paules represented by
120 S. Jardin St.. Shennnnnnh. Pa
for utraraville (Itappabannock BtallonI m
12.35. 1 35 2.60. and 9.25. n. m. HnnriAvl 1