0 SHEiTAND O AH. PA., TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1891. VOL. VI.--NO. 216. ONE CENT. THE STJEE EOAD TO OPULENCE LIES KNEE-DEEP TI-lBOUaH PEINTEE'S INK e5tu . t Republican State Ticket. AuniTon avtrmtAT,! Gun. DAVID McMURTRIE GREGG STATE IREASVUEltl Oapt. JOHN W. MORRISON. ffoatf J-l-Xf?rf to t Convent! tin Constitutional 'ton: A, S. Ij. SHIKLDS, ISAIAH 0. WEAR, WM. I. SCIIAKFEK, LOUIS W. IIAIjL, MtANK REEDEU, II. 0. M'CORMICK, I, II. POMEROY, JOHN CESSNA, WM. B. HOdEHS, J01IN ROBERTS, HERMAN KREAMER H. L. KAuTFMAN, II. M. EDWARDS, GEO. S. SCHMIDT, CYRUS ELDER, JOHN S. LAMUIE, JAMES L. BROWN, T. V. I'OWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge lion. D. B. Green. Sheriff Benjamin Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj. William Clark. Poor Director George lleffner. Unexpired Term Harry H. McOtnnis Constitutional Convention Delegates. ROBERT ALLISON, I'ort Carbon. S.111IUD EDWARDS, Pottavllle. J. a. l'OMKROY, Shenandoah. JOHN J. COYLE, Mahatioy City. It is learned from reliable source ; that the Democratic State Committee e'yds to inaugurate a mud-slinging campaign. Beginning this week it is proposed to circulate thousands of copies of the New York World and New York Evening Post which will be filled with slanderous attacks on the Republican candidates. This plan of campaign has just been de cided upon at a conference in Phil adelphia of Democratic bosses, at the inspiration of Harrlty, who has al ready enlisted the same newspaper Influences against that estimable gen tleman, George D. McCreary, the Re-"-"hjican candidate for City Treasurer I'"1- ' SsJ.'a' now'nB that not of PhJld!?S lix I'uiladehihla a single new8papeicrG1asll:ueirmo8S would say one word agW m j-y Creary, who is a well known busiuVw. man, and whose reputation as a phil anthropist Is known throughout the state, the Democratic leaders have .gone to New York, from which point f, fc have started 'in with their as- 2ults. The same tactics are to bo re- b i CENTS for a window shade ll Uk with fringe, others for 55c, I B 65a and up. Khades made mid nrlvate dwel- in. A new lot of shad ings and fringes to match. C. 3D. FKICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centra TUE HKbl OF New BUCKWHEAT FLOUR MDSTOB PIES, MINOS PIUS. Wo open to-day our first lot of NEW MINCE MEAT ! -' We handle no Common, M4,7i.f wrnmmend tvlf'w iinynvuin-vy - 1 to be the Best in the Market. "North-westexn Daisy" "Flour Ai,a ta vntiRtnr.tinn. J u uv MAKE WHITE BMEAD When you need FLOOB OIL CLOTH T. , t tn examine patterns to select from. All TTls and Prices. AT KEITER'S. sorted to In the state. The Demo cratic papers throughout thoCommon- wealth are expected to reproduco the slanders originated by the New York journals. The campaign of villlfica- tlon and mud-throwing is all ready for launching; but It Is believed that with tho knowledge of the source from which these attacks emanate, the people will know how to fully ap preciate their value. Aothew La.no, who tried hU own hand at versifying, utters this truth about poetry I "To rhyme is one thluff, to bo a poet qui to nnothor. A good doal of mortification would bo avoided If young men and maidens only kept this obvious fact well posed In front of their vanity and their ambition." How Tins Rothschilds aro housed atJ Ferrioros, near Paris, mny bo judged by their flvo establishments, worth S4,000,- 900, needing tho eerviccs of 160 pooplo. Tho stables contain 100 horses. When Louis Napoleon visited Ferrieros tho ttothschllds guv-o a grand breakfast In his honor, tho cost of which was $300,000. Meteobs of various sizes reach the earth in many places. Tho largest known is that which fell on tho plains of Incuman, In South America, which weighed about fifteen tons. A recent calculation shows that tho lncreaso of tho earth's weight annually, from taoteorlo sources, is about nlnoty thou sand tons. It Is said that tho woods in tho Btato of Washington aro now literally full of girls, about one hundred and fifty young woman having taken timber claims there within tho last six months. Horace Greeley's advice to tho young men is as applloablo to-day as it was when that sapra first gave it to tho young mon of his timo. REGION 'ROUND. A Budget of Interesting Articles on all Topics. The Shnmnkln electric railway com- -viu extenu their tracks, worn to upon TiiUew uays. Kails navo whero his injur1 '.hnson & Co., hpl-i. J Edith promptly ion i" " Johnstown. -- ) )p, . , ablln tho Jewish calendar, and from sundown llTJt, ZU.nerease of biuM W'down food is net tasted, not oven by ness. From the day the line was opened to the public trafllo had been or sucu a grainy my umiuio i the company to lay piaus ior a iuuBiu- ening of the road. Patrick J. Brislin, of Summit taui.a well-known pack-peddler who has . nM... " ,i., vU1mt foil Into I", ""A " .rir Rnmmlt Hill, a 14 CttVClLl wi f v1 mviii - ; " .' 1 amtia tttlrrv I PPT.. UI1U WU3 1U" 1 ntnntlv killed. . Tnnltpr la Hfl hriirllt On these Clear evenlnRsastocatchine auunring eye V . . . , , "ue stars, even of those noi usuauy imcBu .u THE SEASON", Inferior Goods at low prices. our BEST MINCE MEAT ,. .. So does "MlVeraiue.- J.nu and are Easy to BaJce. our s'Zbul. Over 30 different BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OP REPORTERS. WHAT THE SGRIBES SEE AND HEAR Tho Perpetrator of a Theft at Mt. Carmol on Grand Army Day Arreatod In Town Last Night, Whilo tho celebration was in progress on Grand Army Day in Alt. Carmol David Daudrsy, a well known offender, under took a plundering expedition. Ho gained an ontranco to Al. TJmkoltz's houso and stole clothing, a watch and othor articles aggregating in valuo to tho amount ol $01. Duudray disappeared and his whoreab uts remained a mystery until yesterday, when tho town polico "spotted" tho man in town and plbccd him in tho lockup, Last night Constablo Jesse Neiswonter, of Mt. Car mol, arrivod in town and took chargo of the prisoner, Daudray was taken to Mt. Carmol on a lato train. Ho is an old of fender, having served ono term in Sun- bury, two in l'ottsvillo, one in Scranton and ono in Chorry Hill. Ho dresses well and travels about the country on his nervo Constablo Noiswonter oxprossod tho opinion that tho prisoner would bo a rosidont of Sunbury for about ton years hence. . YOM KIFPTJR OBSERVED. Ceremonials of tho Celebration of tho Jowlsh Fast Day. Yom Kippur, tho Day of Atonomont, was yesterday celebrated by Hebrews in all parts of the world, as noarly after tho manner of its observance in tho days of Moses and Aaron as the difference in the civilization of tho timo permitted, It was tho most important of all days in tho Jewish year. It was the day of atone mont for all tho sins of tho past twelve months. It began at sundown Sunday night and ended at sundown last night, and during that holy period evory Hebrew abstained from ovory act that would havo rominded him of tho world of tho prosont. No work, no-play, but humility and solf- abaeomont; the reading of the Law' in tho synagogues, and prayer for reconciliation to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob filled the day. The day falls on tho tonth day of Tishri to I- "zeiccpt under strict orders from a tho siciinsK.GJrls under twelve years of ago puyticmu. v. 'vqiriecnwcroaDsoiveairom ana boys under U Pluse of theabsoluto tn0 rjgors 0f tho fast bee '-y nceQ3 of tb0!rowingehild. T Shonfar was blown in tho synagogue, calling tno worsnippors vu hearken unto the Lord and renew their vows. A Common Sonse Remedy. in the matter or curauves wuaiyuu woui, . ,l,lil,.,t -,,,111 An Its wnrV whlln K I.UCU ..... " vou continue t0 do yoursa remedy that - inr,nnv0ninncQ nor inter- j foro with your business, buch a remody is Allcock's Porous Plastors. Thoso plasters are not an experiment ; they havo been in use for over thirty years, and thoir valuo hMteen attested bv the highest medical Company's assets on January 1, 1801, wore fornIa was forced to close Its doors, Rals has been attestea Dy ine nignesi raeuitai 44 It liaDiiity by its own ton made a deed of trust to Sharon of all """l ta;f;u-moro conservative than that of his property, and that 8b.ro f.dled to thoso who havo used them. Thoy require nocnangooi uiov ..u ato j; i. nH hn wetorcold. xnoir action aoosnownvunuro i.w , h,inHSs: vou can toil and vet be cured wane uaru ai wure. j."oj aro so pure that tho youngest, iue oiuosi and most delicate person of eithor sex can usa them with groat benefit. Bowaro of imitations, and do not bo deceived by misrepresentations. Ask lor Allr.nMf'. and let no solicitation or ex planation induce you to accept a suDHiluio. Wators' "Weiss beer is the best. John A' Roilly solo agent. 5-5-tf The Play To-night. Tho romantic play "The Boy Scout" was nresentod at tho National thoatrolast night. Tho titlo denotos tho adventurous quality nf tha nlav. but gives no Idea of tho amount of humorous character acting which orevados it. Tho audience enjoyed Itself thoroughly and gave frequent dem onstration to the fact. Philadelphia been- :n Tho Theresa Newcomb com- n, a Tlnttlvn" 1 nany win in uum-u j ' Ferguson's theatre to-night. Children Enjoy Thn'nlcasant flavor, gentlo action and I -nt i soothing offocts of Syrup of Figs, whon nonrt a laxative. Bnd It tho lawior or mother be costlvo or bilious tho most grat ifying results follow its use, so that it is tho best family remedy Known anu every family should havo a bottlo. Phoenix Phair, The Phoenix Hose Company will hold a oraml fair In Robbins' opera houso, com " n , ion, T -.onMnw nn Tuosdav. Hoy. oru, 1DJI. 11 will bo one of tho largest and host fairs evor tiolrf In ih s county. lu-n-u A Voung Lady nMwnen tho aces of 14 and 10 years can get a nice situation at Keagoy's photograph a nrv hv ariDlvlntt at onco. u Elootrlo Sparks. Tho argument that the "T" rail will bo cheaper for tho company is true in but one particular, and that is on tho principle that it Is cheaper when about to do anything to do it right. Mr. Eberlo, tho Philadelphia gontleman who is betake charge of tho olocttic rail way construction, is a most agreeablo gen tleman ahd lias made many warm friends hero. Hp was besieged by many of tho most fprominont citizens of the town who have at Ia9t awakened to tho truth of tho olectr(ic situation. For mouths there wero poople in this town who declared that it would bo im possible to run an electric railway through tho valley. Tho electric company has demonstrated thai it can be dono with the "T" rail. Tho "T" rail is used in Bethlehem, Wilkes-llarre and other largo towns and the teamsters do not grumble. Reader: A flange is a projejtlng edge, rib or rim of a car wheel to keep the car on tho rail. A car whool with a flango cannot run on a flat rail, honce that kind ol a rail makes a road on a sleep grade dangerous for traffic. Oysters are in Beason and tho best in tho market aro at Coslott's. 8 22-tf A Contemporary's Consistency. Judge Green and his Iriends feel confi dent that'he can bo elocted without tho aid of tho committee, and thoy aro, theroforo, indifferent as to whothor or not Mr. .Tamos commences a campaign. "With tho other candidates, however, it is different. Thoy feel that thoy need all tho assistance an ag gressive and woll directed campaign could give them, and thoy aro consequently dis couraged at tho situation. Threo weoks from next Tuesday will be olection day. 1'roni this timo until tho polls close on tho 8d of November no Democrat should wasto an opportunity to do what ever work is in his powor for tho Domo cratic ticket. It is no summer picnic that wo have beforo us for the next month. To raako victory BUre we will havo to work. Simday Snews. The finest noto paper and envelopes 1 the country at Max Keeso'e. tf A Live Lord Playing Orlokot. The visit of Lord Hawko's team of English cricket-players to this country has attractod the general attention of tho sport ing world, and very naturally tho enter prising Frank Leslie's Weekly this wook devotes considerable space to tho illustration of Lord Hawko's cricket club and a variety of amateur athletin sports. Tho pictures are uniquo in that thoy portray the sports men in tho livolieft attitudes. Politicians will be intorestod in the presentation of tho issues in Now York, Ohio, and Massachu setts by representative Kopublicans of theso states. Tho paper is full of good pictures Imipo reading matter. Special prizos a , '""""I oiKronch dolls aro offurod to of skates and i-H, . , . , . , , , , ,-Tf..to get up clubs, boys and girls who vfai... thoy should addross irann ljt.-,, Weekly, 110 Fifth Avenuo, New York City. 'If a woman will, sho will. ' If she will lako it. Hull's Cough Syrup ior ucr ram, ouu will be cuied. Its Assets. Tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranco standaru-moro department was $53,175, anv lnsurmiuu . ... ..,... . ar. r,79 nm in. David i,., - - :r . Faust is tho local agent for tho company. Newspaperdom. The Tottsvillo Chronicle and M. nnvln. of tho yNews. have formed a com' pact by which it is understood that Doylo shall eond to the cviromcie an common w n WrI affairs that ho li afraid to puonsn : i,ia own .mnnr. Miko h s holding nis ill Mia w.. end up admirably. Buoklon's Arnica Salvo. The Best Solve In the, world for cuts nmioi. Hnrea. Ulcers. Ban niwniu, p ?:., Sores, Tetter, unappea V"'Vivfilv ed It Is euar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money in,,TrtP,i. Prloa ffi cents rer box. For sale by C. II. Hasenbucti. Attraotivo. Tho Republican olub, or town, nas placed in front of their club house some at yu,J' """ . I D run K'n OtPflMlHra W1LU 1UUUUU3 VI I ..romint eamnaien, Eisteddfod Committee. A meetine of tho Ivoritos' oisloddfod eommitteo will bo held on Wednesday, 1 CyiUUItHivu nm uvi - 111 14th Inst., at 7i30 p. m., at tho residence of J. H. Evans. 30 East Centre street. By order of tho president. 10-13-2t m,. ,i nH,.i.A i inivB nuflcred with Ytt.& headaches for yar, and Have tried many vreo iJiKayette Mniket, ISalllraore, Md, Tim mnii who urowla tho loudest about the length of tho sermon Is tho Bume chap who thinks the circus per forinauce altogether too short, Always go to Coslott's, South Main street, for your prime ovstors. 8-22-tf Fou tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. A PROCLAMATION. GOV. PATTISON ISSUES HIS MANIFESTO. OFFICIALS SAID 10 BE DISHONEST- Said to Havo Paid Monoy to Bards- loy, tho Lato Treasurer, to In fluence His Aotlon Tho Sou ato Convonod to Invostlgato. 1IARRI3BUBO, Pa., Oct. 18. Oov. Pattl- son Uaucd another proclamation yastor day, Hiking the romoral of certain magistrates and constables of Philadel phia. Tha paper allsgsa that many of the magistriiUs of the courts, uot of record of police and civil causos, In Philadel phia, have been falthles and dishonest In tho porformanoo of their offlclal dutlos; that many of said magistrates, together with the constables attached to their courts havo been part lclpnnts In a con spiracy to cheat tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In connoctlon with tho collection of delinquent mer c.intilo Uceuso taxes in tho city and county of Philadelphia, by which large sums of money havo been lost to tha Commonwealth; and that many of said magistrates and constables havo been guilty of bribery by tho payment ot money to John llardsley, lato Treasurer of the city and county of Philadelphia, In order to iullucnco tho official action of tho said John Bardsley and others for the purposo of obtaining control and jurisdiction of tho suits against delin quent dealers In Philadelphia. It Is alleged and bolievod that tho sum of $350 was paid by each magistrate bo fore whom tho suits wore brought lu the yar 183S), and that in tho year 1800 to the said John Bnrdsloy, for the personal ujo and private gain of himself and others. The doourasnt further alleges that In the year 183D tha sum of $31,811.83 wa3 paid to Israel W. Durham, Horatio P. Hackott. William H. I.lslo, Jsmti P. Nsall, Johnson Honor. Benton O. Sovern. Robert W. Smith, Thomas V. South aud John T. Thompson, magistrates ot Phila delphia, as magistrates and constables, insults aanlnst dellnnuont dealers In Philadelphia, from which cults no collec tions TThatoyer were made for the use of the Commonwealth. In the year 1890 tho sum of 431,194.30 was palit to William U. Ahern, Israsl W. Durham, tloratlo 11. iiackett, James i. Neal, Ambrose P. Pulltuger, Thomas Rnndoll, Johnson Koney, Ilobort It. Smith and Thomas W. South, magis trates of Philadelphia, as magistrates anil constables' costs in suits against de linquent dealers la Philadelphia, from which suits no collections whatever were made for the use of the Commonwealth. The Govrnor convenes the Senate to meet for tho purposo of considering whether rfcas mable cause exists for the removal of nny of the magistrates and constablos of Philadelphia. Au Eight Million Dollur Suit. San Francisco, Oct. 13. In tho U. S. &rKHit"Se4irt.y08torday the suit of Liszio F. lialstou against the trustoes of tho es tate of William Sharon was taken up. The action referred to asks for an ac counting of tho estate of Ralston, which, It Is claimed, was In the hands of Sharon, and which has passed Into the hands of tlmRdefendants. The amount Involved Is about $8,000,000. The complaint sets forth that at tho time the Hank ot Call return the deed or make proper restitu. tlon. An Important Arrost. Pnnwv. Ta.. Oct. 13. The arrest of U. B. Lowe, here yesterday by United States Morshal llarlng, proves nn importnut one. The nuiuaruies uvtmm w.u has been acting i a "louco la ma groou goods aud saw dust Ueals oi no or, ons Harnoy jjcuuire, on of the llrlct crooks in the country. Lowe's immcillntB sunerlor in tho crooked wors la nniil tn he ii luuu named Drown, alias Wilson. who Is now In custody al ocran ton, where Lowe has been taken. A I'rlui-ess Who Wnu't Vay, London-. Oct. 13. A case of scandal In high life that Is ottractmg soino nno i- tlon is the failure ot tho 1-rincons jmry liohan to pay a debt due to a f,,lBMm.,n. si, Iimrrled, In 18S8, Prince Haoul UoIihh, n family that holds n iifoli i.liioo uinonu the princely houses nf Hnmn. Sho lun gonu to the castle . i . 0I her uusunna turner m ui,u,..i.., . Dublin tra.l?nn recover 41,160 ho . . it claims sho owes mm. The Umbrla's Itmigh Fnnsage. New York. Oct. 13. During the re cent voyage of the Umbria sevoral of the pas&eugers were Injured. The weather during the entire trip was very squally. Henry Harrison, ex-jiayor 01 oueiueiu, Vnir. was thrown from a sottoa in the smoking room ana uaiuy injureu buuui the head. Mrs. Moorman, 01 ijouisviuo, K Be),,e(1 jtj, apoplexy during the folo, was knooked down and received a severe scalp wounu. A Murderer Surrenders, fHMWEjf. N. J.. Oct. 18. Jockey An nersnn. who shot and killed Win. Robin son in a drunkon row lu a Gloucester dlvo. some time In September last, sur rendered hlmselt ' to 1110 auiucrmtn av Gloucester yesterday, and wai taken to the Camden county jail and was looked tip- tf PERSONAL. Chiof Hurgess Lessig spent part of yes terday at l'ottsvillo. Miss Mame Wasloy returned from a visit to Philadelphia on SurieViy. Thomas D. Davies, and his son, Evan J. Davies, were at tho county seat yesterday. Mrs. J. Roxby and daughter and Mrs. Charles New attended tho lunoral of John Wylaai at St. Clair, yesterday. Robert Binning, salesman for Robbins & Qousnick, left town yesterday to transact buiincss for tho firm in the far Vet. Miss Elizabeth Hopkins, aflor sponding soveral weeks with her undo, Frod. II. Ilopklns, of town, returned tohor home la Silvor Brook, yesterday. Elootrlo Sparks. Now that etroet cars are running round tho New, Church and Main; street circuit wo aro as eagor to commend as wo wero previously ready to find fault. The tardi ness of this arrangement was naturally irksome. It had long ago been promised that tho cars should epeodlly run over thot courso, and tho; doiay of fulfillment ren dered citizens justifiably impatient. Now that tho cars aro actually running at tho earliest possiblo dale, tho officials assure ub it dovolvos upon the peoplo to witness thoir appreciation by liberal patronngo. There havo been not a few annoyances connected with tho inauguration of our electric railway, but its benefits havo far outstripped its disadvantages. licihlehetn Times. As soon as tho l'ottsvillo eleetrin street railway company got upon its feet tho poo plo who were opposed to tho enterprise commenced to put on tho screws. Tho bjrough now wants., tho company to pay 57,000 for tho use of tho 10,000 bridge. Tho company can put a trestle ovor tho creek, and bo independent, for much loss than that. It is difficult to pleaso tho Mahanoy City Tribune. Tho learned contemporary feels aegrievod because tho headquarters of tho electric railway are in Shenandoah and fears that the location may load to discrim ination. It is hoped our contemporary will educate itself to tho truo situation and becomo convinced that tho company is not governed by prejudice, but intends to cater to tho wants of tho public in general. Ladies, if you want fine writing paper and envelopes to match, call on Mai Reeso. tf A Stunnor. J. Coffoo, having purchosed tho groator portion of Goldman's stock at sheriff's salo recently, consisting of inoro than 2,000 pair of boots, shoes, etc., ho is now prepared to sell the same at prices not to bo beaton in tho county. Como early whilo tho sizes remain unbroken. Don't forget the place, 31 South Main stroct. Look for canvass sign. 10-10-Gt Tho Water Question. Tho Borough Council held a secret ses sion last night. A Herald roporter button-holed somo ot tho membors aftor tho meoting and loarnod that tho mooting was called to consider tho water company question. Ho nlso learned that Council had authorized a commit too to havo a quantity of dodgers printed for the pur poso of calling a meoting of tho citizens in Robbins' opera houso to-morrow night, to give oxprossion to thoir vlows on the action of tho water company In suing tho bor ough, and lay a foundation for tho forma tion of public water works. An advertise ment of tho meeting appears in another part ol to-day's Hkrald. Auction Goods. T heir to inform the public that I have purchased at sheriff's salo a big stock of groceries, otc, which will bo opened for salo by Tuosday morning next. Now Orloans molasses, 25c. per gallon ; uoiong, Japan, English Breakfast and Gunpowder teas at 25c. por pound. Dealers lu need of Bhow cases, tea cans, quart moasures, shovels or scales, will save money by purchasing from mo. J. Coffee," 29 and 31 South Main St. 10-10-3t it. don't do to neglect nature's warning aches through to. neu.u- Horn Nonrnh-la. and Oil, the Fumous l'alu Cure. lln's arug sioru. Legal blanks of all kinds for salo af.tho Hkrald ofUco. WANT A FEE ? For BreaWast? A Mackeral? Wo havo 'em. White and fat. Bright and sweet. No oil. No rust. 4 lb, Ub, lib, lilb, Hlb, GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Street. v..