COFFEE CRAZED HII Tho Snd Fato of a Onco Sue cessful Physician. ARE WE i.jjnm jluiii, u iJLf flighest of all in Leavening Power. TJ. E. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Right Parnoll's Roraains Laid in mm Thoir Heating Place or cay I Presents In the mot elecsnt form THE LAXATIVE AND HUTRITIOUBdUlOE OP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habttual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. 1 1 i the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is lliliotu or Constipated so THAT PUnt BLOOD, REFRESHING SLERP, HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. .Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUOQ'ST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY QY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. UWISVIUE. XY NEW YORK. ti. t. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, SOE. OENTIU3 ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest' brands of cigars always on hand. Tlie best teuipemaoe drluks. OHRI3. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Mnln St., Shenandoah. Tho Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. Nearly every pattern of sa Horse Blanket i3 imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the trenu ine it isn't worth one-half as much The fact that Va. Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDAtiD, and every buyer should see that the trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five MUo Boss Electric Extra Test Baker ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. Ask foi thesi Book. You can get it without charge. WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. TREATED FBEE.W.te!fJSS Hive cured many ihoinand c c , C imients pron in ri hiDlSt by the bt physic art". Frt,".i first doe rapl-lly disappear, and m un da' v Vast two-thlts -t U tioptpms are removed. 'iend fnr FRSC moiiUlsDf rnlr- TtU nRVtMrratmeiuP Aculous cures. I fcn UUI 8 tWnUlitsl rllLC you order 1 rtluC. you order vnui, sni ten ceim in stamps to nay pjUn Koeccain John R. Coyle, Attorney-at-Law AND Real Estate Agent, OFFICE BBDDALL'S Buixdiko, Cot. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA, PROPERTY FOR SALE: 1 A two and one-half story double frame dwelling bouse, wltb store-room and res taurant. Located on East Centre street. X A valuable property located on Bouth Jar din street. 3-8even dwelling bouses at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment. On Terms reasonable. SUFFERINGW0MEN31' TO)tn tryubl! with those annoying Irregularitis t iMUfiuir loiiowinuii coir or xpuaure, or IroiP f atutioaHl WeukiiwffxcK m peculiar to their tex, ahouiu Utfi DW DuCHOIUC'S Galahrnttd FEMALE P.FGULATINQ PILLS. Ibnjan Straasiittiiuiifi u Ut ant he mlrM iapui WIMS Vigor Jim .iriciwin H 'Ull'i muDiioaiOIDUV a4 tntnd. Bant u rtu'L h-.-ur)'yslad. tl. Addnrtp Oi H. R. BHICKER, M. ., PHYMOIAN AND SURGEON, Bo: 9 Bast Centre Htreet; Mabanoy City, Vf Wn nsd nil special diseases a specialty J H POMEBOY, ATTORHEY'AT'LAW. Ottto-B44ill's building oorner Mnln sad Catn SIOUSE BLA ffSSC' THE FUNERAL VERY QUIET. Ho Disturbances of Any Kind Interfered U With the Obsequies. .. Forty Thouieml People Followed tho &ody to the OrAve Dillon, O'nrlen and Sexton Watched tlie Cortef; From Under Cover The Camatni Ley lu Stete t Dublin City Ualt Where They TVero Viewed lly nn Knormout Couoourse X Simple Rervlce at the Grave In Qlei tievln Cemetery-Mrs. Farnell'e Fltleblo Ccedlttats. Lohdok, Oct. 12. The Parnell funeral yoesed oft very peacefully. That there won no dltturbanco was owing to the wise renolvo of tho Anti-Parnellltos not to be present. William O'Brien, John Dillon and Sexton watched the sceno from tho window of n friend's house on the route of tho processlou. Tho curtnln was kept closed, so that tho threo M. F'a only had furtive glnnves at tho groat demonstration, while thoy theinsolves remained entirely hidden from view. It Is said that Mr. Dillon had ox pressed lili Intention of witnessing the funeral, whatever tho rosult to himsolt, and that it wns with some difficulty that ho was induced to run no moro risk than that of peeping Tom. In nearly nil tho churches in Ireland yesterday some al lusion was mndo to tho death of I'arnoll. In some instances the niontiou was charltabloj in other cases it win a ro floctlon of tho language of Archbishop Walsh in tho Dublin "Cntholio." Friends of Parnell claim that tho blhop had glvon secret instructions that his memory should bo attacked by tho clergy, with tho view of injuring tho Parnelllto cause i much ns possible. In several instances admirers ot Parnell left thoir seats in the churches when they heard anything of an oftensivo character. Tho funeral and advices from all parts of Ireland show that tho Parnolliteoause has beon strongtlionod by his death, aud that he lias loft a party that will go on under n new loador. Tho Obsequies. Pnrnell's remains arrived at Kingston at 7 n. m. yesterday. 'There was no demonstration along tho lino from Loudon until Chestor wns reachou, when denuta tions from Liverpool, Manchester, Pre-i- ton and Newciistlo, all destined for Dublin, joined tho train. Tho Parlia mentary colleagues of Mr. Parnell, in cluding John Ilodmoud, John O'Connor, Joseph Nolan, Dr. Fltzgurnld, James O'Kolly and Henry Campbell wore among the peoplo that greeted thu deputations ou their arrival at Holyhead, whore tho train got in at 2 o'clock In tho morning, in wet and hazy weather, that well bo camo tho mournfulness of the scene. Groups wcro collected on the imay to watoh tho transfer ot the coffin from tho train to tho mnilboat Ireland. It was a depressing spectacle. The coffin wns deposited In nn enclosure specially fitted up (or it. Throughout tho voyngo across the stormy and dark wators that separate tho two countries, some ot tlie Parnellltes wore all the tlmo on guard over the remains ot their beloved lender. Among tho wntehors was the Lord Mayor of Bubllu, High Sheriff Meade aud J. II. Parnell a brother ot tho departed. At the Kingston pier a multltudo was gathered to receive the remains. With tho Irish members who had fol -lowod tho body from Eugland, tho group at Kingston Included nearly every Par liamentary adherent ot Parnell. They all gatherod around tho colliu in abso lute silence until niter the remains had been transferred to tho carriage of tho train for Dublin. Tho "Westlnnd Row Btatlon In Dublin was reached at 7;30 n. m. A vast silont crowd awaited with uncoverd heads, as tho train steamed into tho station. Timothy Harrington, M. P., was thoro, nnd Dr. Hackott, who attended Parnell when his eyes wero nurt at Kilkenny, and thoy joined tho band of mourners. Conspicuous in front of tho dense ma sos of people wore mem burs of tho Gaelic and Athlotlcsocloties, with their hurlors used in their sports, draped black, and tied with green ribbon. The representa tives of branches of the National Lcaguo woro black badges, on which wero tho dying words of Parnell: "Give my lovo to my colleagues and the Irish nation." When the remains had been removed In solemn silence from the train, tho coffin was taken from tho case that en veloped it nnd wns lifted into the hearse, tho glass panels ot which permitted a full exposuro of tho coffin to public vlow. The caso in which tho coffin had boeu enclosed on tho wny to Dublin was laid aside. Tho crowd Immediately seized upon and broke it into small pieces, to carry away as mementoes of tho dead. As tho hearse moved from the station a body of pollco formod heforo tho pro cession, which, without any design or marshaling, appeared to fall into an orderly lino in purely extemporized fashion. A band and the YTorklngmen's Union, followed next nf ter the pollco, tho band playing tho dead march in Saul. Then came the 'Gaelic and Athletic so cieties, with their hurlers reversed, after tho manner ot soldiers carrying reversed arms, The City Hnll of Dublin was reached at 8:30 a in. The front of the hall was" covered witii combro draperlos, and a dense ralu streamed down as the coffin was borne Into the hall toward tho cata falque. Tho rain did not diminish tho vast concourse that thronged toward tho hall, Ignoring tho elements In their anxiety to show their esteem for their beloved leader. It was an assemblage ot remarkable sureulty. Reverential quiet pervaded ths crowd, unbroken by partisan crios, or the remotest symptom to disorder. At 1U o'clock the gates were opened and the people poured into tba interior. The body lay In stato In tht council chamber, a large circular room, now heavily drapad in black, relieved by scrolls ot wliite satin in looped festoons, bearing in black lettors tho last word of Parnell. Tho coffin, which rested on a ralewl dnls in tho centre ot tho chamber, was burled under massoi of wreaths, floral crosses, Irish harp-, aud other floral designs. Conspicuous on the clUu wero threo wreaths from Mrs. Parnell, a cross and anchor, and olrclo, with inscriptions, From 10 o' cloak until 3 a continuous stream ot people poured Into tho City Hall. It is estimated that the people who paid their tribute ot respect to the dead numbered at least ;fony tlounnd. At 2:15 the funeral cortege stuited for ABSOLUTE! the grave in Glasnerlu Cemetery. It wai led by tho executive of the Parnell leadership committee, and following came the blor. drawn by six black horncs, Uurroimdlng tho bier wero the Parlia mentary colleagues of Parnell. Parnell'i favorite horse followed the blor. Then came a strong body of Gaels, headed b) James Stephens, tho famous Fenian or ganizer; Parnell'i brother and sister, and then the Lord Mayor Dublin, in official state, preceded by tho City Marshal, and sword and mncobearers. Noxt came tht representatives of tho principal Irish towns, and the various trade societies, then the Foresters, the Homo Hulors, and a lino of prlvnto carriages. As the procession started tho rain ceased and the sun came out. All windows and housetops were packed. Tho pro cession wemlod Its way by a clrcultou; route to tho cemetery, the circuit making It scarcely possible to reach the cometerj before six o'clock. Perfect ordor pre vailed, although the vast line of mourn ers surpassed auy spectaclo ever seeu la Dublin. At Glasnovln crowds hari nil day boeu inspecting the turf-lined tomb, guarded by a small group of pollco. Tho grave was about seven feet deep, and had been cut out of an artificial mound covering tho plot long used to inter tho poorest ol tho community. Tho coffin wns re moved and placed on a platform, es pecially oonstructod in such n way that the procession could lilo around it and havo n view of tho bier. At 0 o'clock or ders were given to remove tho coffin to the side of tho grave. A body of Gaeln cleared the way to the grave nnd formed a circle, within which the Lord Mayor and civic dignitaries, aud Pamell's ool leagues and relatives stationed thom feelves. Tlie crush on all sides was terrible, and the noise of shrieking women, nnd ot children squeezed in tho throng, nnd Che shouts of men struggling amid the crush made inaudible the voices of the clergy reciting tho ritual of tho church of England. Kev. Mr. Vincent, of the Rotunda Chapel, tho Rev. George Fry, an Irish Protestant clorgymon, ot Man chester, Eng., ollioiatod. They had ta cut tho sorvico short, ns the crowd broko through tho protecting circle, and overwhelmed tho inner group. Sometime after, in dead darkness, whon tho crowd had thinned away, tho friends grouped again, nnd took n last look nt tho coffin. It was 7 o'clock whon tho mourners startod to return to the city. Apart from accldeutnl disorder at tho comotery tho day was without incident. Must of tho public houses remninod closed in respect tor tho dead. MltS. 1'AIlNHr.VS CONDITION. It Is (In, wins Worse Instond of Ilottor flravo Foars KntrrtulUfcl. London, Oct. 12. Advices from Brigh ton state that Mrs. Parnoll's condition is pitlablo, and grows worse Instead ol Improving. Immediately after ParneM'a death sho was in better coudit'on than now; for although she fainted she recov ered sufficiently to haVo some communi cation with friends, and, through tholi medium with the outside world. She has boon growing worse every day, until now sho only moans in reply to ques tions, and is unable or refuses to speak. Tho doctors who tiro in constant atten dance, groatly fear that her condition may grow moro critical, and are doing ovorything posslblo to restore her, but apparently without effect. The only in telligible sounds that she has uttered In hours havo boon Jplnintivo cries for her husband. A MATHI'USTO ISSUUD. Tho National I.uuguo Kulrlz(ia Parnell nnd Culls for a New Election. London, Oct. 12. Tho National Loague In Great Britain has issued a manifesto, which, after rocitlng tho results accom plished for Irolund by Parnell, says: "It has beon said that wo fought for a man, not for a principle. It la not true. Wo fought for tho principle which the man embodied. Tho man himself was Indeed a principle, tho principle ot self rullanco and independence which nothing could sap. To that prlnclplo wo are staunch. "It is now nocessnry for tho members of this organization to elect a new presi dent aud a new oxeoutlvo committee, and wo Invito the branches of tho Na tional Lcaguo In Groat Britain to uinko immediate stops to this end." si'i:NoouAi'i(i:it huhkk aoxrc. Tho Man Who Had tho Minutes of (he llardsloy investigation Missing. PhiladeU'IIIA, Oct. 12. It has been whispered about for several days that Mr. liurko, tho official stenographer to tho legislative Investigation committee boforo which State Treasurer Royer ond Auditor General McCamant gave testi mony, could not be Jouud and that his notes had disappeared. Representative John H. Fow, a mem ber of the Investigating committee, pub licly asserts that Uurko has fled, taking ills notes with him, to prevent the evi dence ot Boy or and McCamant from be ing submitted to the special session of the Senate which Is to meet in Harris burg to-morrow. Ilurke Heard From. Pittsburg, Oot 12. James F. Burke, official stenographer ot the Treasury Investigating Committee which heard the testimony ot State Treasurer Uoyor and Auditor Gouerul McCamant is now at Ann Arbor, Mich, where he loft for last week to study law. Mr. Ilurke telegraphs that ho mailed 84,000 words ot the report of the investigating oommttteo to Sena tor Qeorgo Handy Smith,chairman ot the committee and n copy to W. U. Hensel, Attorney geueral on Wednesday last, and tho batnnco of the report was mailed a day or bo later. Jupiter Is bo bright on Ihese clear ovenliiKB us tn catch thu admiring eve even of those not usually interested In the stars. PURE A woman cannot bo altogether un happy when tho woman hIiu has lnvltetl to supper asks to write down hei-iecipe for that cream pie. Thoro'a Nothing on Earth So good for a baby suffering with Wind Colis ns Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. It eoothos nnd cures. Samples gratis lor a fow days at J. SI. Hillan and 0. J. Mc Carthy, the druggists. That men are dillereut from women Is considered by tlie men ns a euillclent warraut for nil their follies. Height of Oruolty. Nervous women xeldnm receive the sym ptoms tby deserve. Whl'eof 'eu the pictures of hoaltn, they are constantly allmir. To withhold sympathy from these unfortunates Is the lieUlit of cruelty. They have a weak heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering, lwln tu side, woak and hungry spells, and finally swelling of nnklen, opprsston, chok Ins, HinotheriuK aud dropsy. I)r Mllfs' New Heart Cure Is Just tho thing for them, for too r nerv msness, hetdaohe, weakness, etc., his U"st ratlve Nervl ' Is unqualed. Fine treat on "Heart and Nervous ulsene" and marvelous testimonials Iree. Sold and guaranteed by O. II. H.igenbnch. The year 1801 is now ou the homo stretch. Mile' fterve twia Ldver Pills .vet on a new piluclple regulating the liver, stomach and bowels thtough the nervet. A miw discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily jure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, oonstlpatlou. Uueqtialed for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest I 5) doses, Sets. Samples Free, at U. II. llugeubueh's drag store. The government will weigh whisky hereafter. . A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequeut notices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, lnunpn and o'ltwhmen. Tbe well known, Dr. Franklin Mil, says nil such mrls are more or I'M hysterical, nervous. very Imp tslve, unbulmced; usually sublect tt headuclie, neur.tlglH. sieep essnes, Idi modi rat? crying or laughing. These show a weak nervous system lor h'cli there Is no reineuv tquai 10 iieiraitvu ervine. Trim bottles and a Hue boo. contaiuliiE manv mnrvelous cures, free a' O. II. Hugenbuch'H drugstore, who nlso tell, and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, tho finest of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, short breath, etc. Pheasant hunting legally com mences on October 15. Oh, What a Cough. . Will ynD need the warning? The signal per uana of Uie sure approach of that moro ter rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can allord for the sake of saving 60 'ents, to run the risk and do nothing fur It. Wo knowfroci experience that Hhlloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Bottles tvere sold the past year. It relieves Croup nd Whopping Cough at once. Motners do not be without It. For Lame Bide or Chest, nse Hhlloh's Porous Waster, bold by U. 11. llageubuch, N. K. corner Main and Lloyd streets. Thanksgiving day, tho next holi day, is rapidly coming. Specimen Cases. 8. ir. ClllTorJ. New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia nnd Kheumstlm, his Htomai'h was disordered, his Liver was al luded to na ularmlng degree Appotlte ftll sway, aad he win terribly reduced In llou a id strength. Threo uottles of Klectrlc nit ers cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Ilarrlsbnrg, 111., had a iuuuiuk ouruuu uisiuui egui years, sianu log. Usod thrro holtlos of Electric Uhttrs and so veil boxes of Uucklen's rnlcn Halve, nnd his leg Is sound and well. John Hpaaker, Cat .who, O., had Ave large Knver sores ou his leg, doctors said he was Incurable One bot tle Klectrlo Hitters and one box llucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Bold by C. II. Hagenbucu, Druggist. Pineapple juice Is said to ha a sure cure lor (iiimiueriu. Father Pablo Juarez Talks Don lUmou Alva. Dear Blr: I have the sitlsfacllcn of Informing you that tho Cactus Mood Cure, of whl h you are tho ownei, has produced tne most wonderful results for n ineua oi miuo wuo nas suttured from her peiio eruption, anu I ronslder your euro a r generator without anqual. In Hie nnmo of my frleud I thank you sincerely, and be uro 1 will recommend your valuable medl- cine, us i uavo agsin seeu us results. Yours truly. It V. 1'AIILO.IIIAIIRZ. Bold at Ivlrlln'8 DrugHtore.Fergusou lioiue Qiucii, oueuuuuoau. The coal dealers are kept busy de livering black dlnmonds, Billion's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most suo--wseful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, i lew doses Invariably cure the worst oases of w'ougb, Croup, and Urouchltls, while Its won. leiralsucce-slnthe cure of Consumption Is without a parallel In the history of medicine, since It's first dlsoovery It has been bold on n uarantee.a test which no other medicine ran stand. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly isic you to try it. l'rloe 10 cents, 61) cents, and I1.H). if your Lungs are sore, Chest or llaok 'ame, use Hhlloh's I'orous Plaster. Hold by 1 If ll.fninhilnli XT U .......... .(..I.. Uoyd streets. If people do what Is right, In time uiey eonie to lino uoiug it. Judgement ihould be displayed in buying nwxJW lino above all tilings. In Bolccttig a remedy for any dUease, you should be posit! vo that It contains nothing Injo rioua to the health. Many remedies on the markot leave tho patient in u much worse condition, than bofara taking them. s. s. s. ti purely vegetable, and porfoofij; harmless; the most delicate child can take it with absolute safety. It contain no mercury or minerals of any kind, and yet It never fails to cum tta dis eases it Is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin disease fro, flwlft Spedflo Co., Atlanta, GU A SLAVE TO THE BEVERAGE. Eb Drank From Three to live QaU i Day aud It Was aa Strong u Lye. A Fine Tortune liipnided tu SntUry IIli t t'ravllie fur tho llrluk-So Addicted Hud lie llecomo to the llublt Hint When lie prlved of CofTeo lie Would Trr to Main Viiy Willi IIIiuioir-The IlfTects Muct the Seme ns Those of Alcohol Bed Hud ofallrlght Cnreer. New Yohk, Oot. 12. Tho death on Saturday of Dr. K. C. Fownes, caused bj an lnordlnato slavery to strong coffee, was no surprise to his large circle oi medical acquaintances In this city. He at ono time lived nt 80th street and Lexington avenue, and his practice wai one of the largest enjoyed by any homeo pathic physician In New York. In the course ot his practice, some 30 years ago, he beonme addicted to the use of coffee, and tho taste grew ou him tu such an extent that he drank from thioi to flvo quarts n day. Tho cotleo was made almost as strong as lye, and oould not lo swallowed bj auy ono but himself. r. Fownos became such k slave to th drink that he gradually lost his practice, and at the time of his death was re .Hood to penury, for he had became a palsied wreck. His sister sent Dr. Fownos monthly reinitances, nnd as soon as ho got ono liu began a coffee spree aud continued in n maudlin, semi-unconscious oouditioc until tho money was gone. After one of thew continuous periodi of Intoxication he became so weak, nerv' ous and depressed that Iil had to bo con lined for fear he would make away with himself. Dr. Fownes acquired the ojffee habit through taking a cup of that beveragu whenever he was called from home at night. Within flvo years thu poor fellow had become such a sla e to tho colfue drinking habit that nearly all his patio nn deserted him. This, however, did not disturb him. for lie had about $-U5,000 In bank, and his sole extravagance wns coffee. fl WKtkX He spent hundreds of dollars in per fecting mechanical pots in which lo dis till coffee, aud while hie money lasted ho imported tlie berries nnd roasted them in an air-ti ,-lit iron globe) he had made for that puipose. He took the drug without suaar oi milk, and it was almost strong enough to bear up an ogg. Fownels would boll it down, boiling hot, omptying oup nftet cupful Ho would ompty half a dozen cups of tho coffee, nnd rotlring to bed, sloep off its effects llkoau old topor mad( torpid with spirits. . nussiA's btaiivi.vo mortis. An Example of Economy Sot by a Prlnei llurlng tho Fumlno. St. rr.TEHsiiuiiaii, Oct. 12. Sonatoi Darnnoff Bays that thero are no fowei than 32,000,000 ot peasants In Russia nowdestltuto, aud must bo providod foi for the noxt ten months. It will ro quiro 820,000,000 poods of grain to food them. ' Tho American Church in this cltv hat started a subscription to roliovo this mountain of misery. Prince Korsakoff, tho hend of a great family, lives on Koosewort bread, ns an example for his sorvnnts and othors to follow during tho national affliction. Talten C. ?r!son In llor Oravo Clntho., Vn., Oct. 12. It is' not often that a person is taken to tho pon Itcntiary in his or hor grnvo clothes. Tills was the case of the colored woman, Jackson, who recently oscnped tho gnl lows inChnrlotte county. Her garments woro proparod for the oxccutlon, nnd she wns attlrod in them when the commuta tion came. Aa soon as tho nnnounco mont reached tho Sheriff, of tho Govern or's notion, the woman was hurried to tho prisou. Jrunkon IlruwIKuds In Murder. SIamjioiso, JIass., Oct 13. Lowiii jossoo was shot dead yesterday afternoon by 1'otor llonley In tho lattor's house. Both wore drunk and Bonloy ordered Jesseo to loavo. The latter refutod and iionley shot him. KKW YOKIC NKWS IN UllIBF. W. Bourko Corcoran has been nomin ated for Congress by tho Democrats of The daughtor of Gen. Ira It. Hedgo3 win oo married to Mortimer Washburn, at Nynck, tho 31st Inst. Tho Domocrnts ot Brooklyn nominated David A. Tioody for Mayor. Tho Repub licans iidiiry a. Aioyer. William Davis, a millionaire iron merchant, ot Brooklyn, was drownod in the east river yesterday. Thomas Finnsgan, of Haverstraw, was nominated ror Assembly by tho Demo crats of IlookliuiJ county. No arrangements have yet been made lor the chrlstenmg of llaby ltuth, ox President Cleveland's daughter. Elizabeth Lace, 18 years old, of Brook lyn who was accidentally shot early Sun day morning by her brother Kobert, will dio. Levi M. Bates, formerly tho hend ol tho well-known dry goods firm ot L. il. Hates & Co., of New York was drownod Saturday evening in Bowery liny. Nicholas Iirodlieal will remain re ceive! of the wrecked Ulster County Savings Hank, the motion to oust him having been overruled by Judge Furs man. The players of the New York league base ball team say that if certain state ments' made about them by the Chicagc mnnagemeut aro not retracted, that they will bring ault for libel. Judge Heury Wilder Allen, of the Court ot Common I'leas, who was strick en with apoplexy In the Court House, New York city, Is greatly Improved, and will bo all right lu a few days, his phy slclans declare. Tho Frnnelsonn Order of St. Mnry, In New York, which for the lat six years has existed by special dispensation ol Archbishop Corrlgau, has withdrawn Its religious connection from the church and is now a purely s.-cular organisation. A Shoe Dressing nutt restore the bril liancy of a worn shoe, nnd at the tame time fresttve the softness of the leather. LADIES will the Dressing you ara Ming do both? Try it I Tour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, nnd it will dry to a substance ns hard and bnttle as crushed glass. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? WolffsUGME Bluing will stand this test and dry ns a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Old Furniture with ss v. it, ly . WULFF & RANDOLPH, 037 NorUl Front Street raiUDBUIM. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO StRMLU Causes no eruptions upon tho skin such ;is nearly all sursapnrilla mixtures r'o; but drives the impurities from tho blood through the proper channels, tones up the system, increases appetite, and rapidly euros dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and all diseases depending upon an impure condition if tho blood. Sold at Klrlln'a Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenantl 'irh, Pa. Ask my n Rents for W. I,. Dnuglns Hhncs. If not for enle lu sour pluci- usU our denier In eend fnr cntnlogur, secure tho nzeucr, and get lUem lor nii. WTAKK NO HUBSTITUTK.ja WHY IS THE WD L DQUCLAS S3 SHOE cEN?8t?Mi?H THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE Willi J It Is a seamless uhn. w lili in, Un-kscr w.ix tl:r (id to hurt tbe feet; made of tho best Hue calf, slvli b aud oniy, aud bccaime nv ,nite more ehoc of this yrctile llutnauy other mttmtrtn'tuier, Itequals hand sewed sllnea ciHtlnif from to Q ti). 4SS OIHJeiiuliic Hand-new rd, tlie flnent calt PJJm shoe ever nfTereil rnr e-VHl! equals I rench Imported shoes w hleh coht from ei.o ' to 61- IU. 4C1 Oil llnud--i'tfil Well Whin-, lino calf, HSr stilish, comfortable and durable. Insbst shoe ever olVeretl at this price ; same urado as cus tom made shoes costing from to $ i'I. CXIO .10 Poller shooi Farmers, Itnllroad Men uleja and LetterCurriersall weiielhnm. lltif-rnlf. . seamless, Bluool Ii lhhiie, heavy three sl'S, cxtcu 1 slon edae. (mo pali w 111 wear ayoar. 1 .10 lint-rnlfi no better shoe evnr offered nt I sX)im this price; i lie trial will c idviu;o thuJO I ho want a shoo for comfort and servlee. i fiiG -!5 nnd S.0O Workiiiuliiuu'H shoes j P5s nio very stromt and durable. 'Ilro who bavo given them a trlul will near lioolh-T malic. Bl rtlc' $-.Ot) nnd tel. 7.1 school -1 j are I QUI C worn bythe boyseverywhr ri . theysell i on their merits, us the Increasing salei Miow. IP H iaa fcl.OO llnnd-Hl-wi-d nil''--, bent j bwCH vi itO Donitnla, ervstyllsh;(qual3lrcach Iniiiorted shoes costln,' from gun) lo I I. miles' V!.30, tS'J.OII mid l.75 shoo for misses are ine nest iiaciionuoia. rawisiinuuuuranie. t'uutlou. See that W. L. DoUKlas' ltamo and price aro stamped on the bottom of , aeh i hoc. V. h. DOUULAS, lirookton, Mass. 3"osop3a 33 evil, DR. THEEL, Pilfi North Fourth Qt. the iidIt genuine (i rnn An rieaa bpecUlftt In tht Unit- d ttt-i who If bio in euro UIOOU PolSOn, Norvoua Debility "J Spe cial DiBOnsea f bcth m, Skin UUlucm, K d tijotc Palm In tb buma.SoreThroat Mouth, Illutuboi1, HuJiiUfl, ruU tot or Imrd Ukera, Bwtllti:t.H Irrjlktton. InHuiiuUtjni ftiij, Runnlnn, (sirioluret, WekntM bdJ Kttiy doey. Ion rosjinorjr, wwk iwk, mcnUl milttf KUnny ao4 liUU-r IilifkMi nd lt Pitt) n-iuHluR tt m t lu titcrLtIon or Offrworlt. Brnt etici cm 1 In 411 10 I riUof kt onoB. pit riot lose hoc, no nutt. r n-i t adTer Ulti? I)-wtr, QnMk, KimilT or l(r-p1tal rh -i i i t' J. ir. THi:kl cum positively ,,r, t',"", ' ' ' tonlnft old, roi'KO, Mfnni.i Aflin ad Tin" r ' 1 himuhi rloh or h)ot n-1 9c inf ' ( t -tc ''TRUTH e'poMnn QnariVi unrlT mnr HfnM rtnllT fr"tn t . Kv'm 6 to II V i I lTi C m 11 Hui rlav 9 lill ll Writer cU ' ' ' 1 Fftr lluftirono Km Wedn. (4mrJa lhll dtvliv nr. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1S78. W. Baker & Co.s from which tho tnr of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Puro aud it 18 Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in Its preparation. It Una more than three times the strenq'h of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, nnd is tlioreforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, iiasii.y dioksted, nnd niliiilnibly adapted for invalids as well as for persons lu health. Sold by Crooora ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Breakfast Cocoa L. - .............. .