The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 12, 1891, Image 2

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--r . .. JKw
Tho PlaRiio That Has Coma
Upon Pliillipsburg, N. J.
Four Children Bitten and Snt to New
York for Treatment.
Two Itnlilfl Dojx. M.fiy Domes
lis Anlm.L In rhllllpeuurg: and VI-.Inlty-IIorif
and- uttl. (Jo Mnd In tin
FUliU.-lIuudrrcli of Doi Kllled--Cnm-
inltt... of Safety Ol luuli.d-.Tralnoil
Kurm to be S.nt lo the Hour.
Pniixirsuuno, N. J.. Oct. 1?. Mail
dogs havo so terrorized peoplo In and
about tills place, that many families
have sought safety In other places.
Before the people became nwnreof their
danger two dogs with tho most virulent
form of hydrdphobla bit a dozen others,
and they In turn iuoculntod oattle, horso?,
swine, sheep and ct.
This plague began about ton days nao.
nnd there Is soaroely a farm or homo In
Wnrren County that has not one or more
domostlc animal-) suffering from rabies.
Henry T. Snyder, of i'hilllpsburg, went
to New York Saturday with four pa
tionts for Dr. i'aul Ulbler's Pasteur
The patienUi are William Snyder,
12 year old; James V. Macoy, U yearn
old; Lena Volkuiar, 12 years old, and
Alice, Lena's sister, aged eight.
Mr. Snyder's son William was bitten
by a cat, and the others had their arms
and legs la.eratod by dogs.
The four little ones were bitten on
Friday and their wounds were not dis
covered until that night, when Mr. Sny
der volunteered to take the quartet to
New York for treatment.
Ten or twelve days ago n str.inge out
dog made its appenranoo lit the village
and took refuge in the barn of Jonathan
DuckwHlter, who owned a pointer, kept
in a kennel in the barnyard.
The vagrant our developed hydropho
bia a wflek or so ago and bit tho pointer.
Then the pair, raving mad, roamed about
the country three days, biting all kinds
of domestic animals, from pigs to horses.
In all, this pair of brutes bit 13 or 14
othor dogs, and people In town nnd coun
try have been in a state or terror ever
ninc-e. In fact, people won't go out of
doors if they can avoid so doing.
Twenty or thirty familie- have left
Pliillipsburg and gone for safety to other
towns. Dr. Horace Dltmus is repot ted
as saying that Jacob Jncobiu, a furrier,
r.f C'ooper.burg, five miles from here,
died two days ago from a cat bite, nud
that his son John is in convulsions from
the bite of a horse that went mnd In his
stall between ulght and morning, and
tore n piece out of the young man's
Dr. Dltmus has 17 patients In whom
rabies are apparent, llo hai no hopes of
their recovery.
There are soven doctors in and about
Philllp-iburg, and they aro all worked
night ana day attending to people
stricken by the awful disorder.
From three to live attendants are re
quired to control a patient in convul
sions, nnd gloom is settled over the en
tire county. Horses and cattlo by tho
doien have gone ma 1 In Held anil stable,
and tho ronrs and phrioks of tho crazy
animals toutiuuo night mid day. Thirty
odd horses and more than that number
of cattle, made mad by rabies, have been
shot, and scores upon scores of swine and
sheep have been slaughtered for the
same reason.
Hundreds of dogs In tho county lmvo
been killed, whether afflicted by hydro
phobia or not. In Sancon, where tho
lirst domestic animals woro killed, tho
carcasses were at once buried. A day or
so later it was discovered that the graves
had been torn open nnd somo animul had
fed upon the bodies.
Watch was kept on the ensuing night,
nnd dogs came from milonway andacross
tho Lehigh line to feed on tho c irrlon.
Now armed men guard every pit in which
tho bodies of mad brutes aro buried,
as it was feared that dogs who are of the
inoculated llesli would, in turn, go mad
and carry the dread distemper Into other
A number of peoplo In Warren County
who have relatives suffering from tho
first symptoms of hydrophobia have
written to Dr. "Glbler, tho hydrophobia
expert or Mew Vorlt. Tlio doctor, in
response to nil such applications, said It
would bo usoloss to send him patients .In
which rabies had developed, for he could
do them no good.
Comtntiteos of safety woro last week
organized in riiillipsburg, Diuby, Cen
trovllle, Iiloekertown, Cooporsburg and
Lower nnd Upper Sancon. They havo
taken charge of all the people bitten by
mad dogs, no matter whothcr tho symp
toms of hydrophobia huvo appeared or
Armed men patrol the roads and streets
night nnd day on tho lookout for rabid
When Mr. Snvder returns to Pliillips
burg he will bring 12 trained nurses with
him from New orlc. This was author
ized by the committee of safety.
Head l'rom lljilrophobla.
Elizabeth, J N. J., Oct. 12. James
Gtoebe, the eight-year-old boy who has
been au inmate of tho hospital here for
the past week suffering from hydro
phobia, diet yesterday morning at 8:40
o'clock. His nurse, who had stood at
the boys's bedside for the past week
said 'wheu he had breathed his Inst
"The Lord takes and tho Lord gives,'
for nt the very minutothe young sufferer
died wotd was received thnt his mother
had given birth to a child.
A vinegar vat has beon constructed at
Tuokertou whloh will hold 1,000 barrels.
Hart Ilrothers, the well-known oil
firm of Washington, havo failed. Lla
blHtles f75,U00.
Tho Walnut Strest Theater nnd tho
New Park Theater, Philadelphia, bo
longing to the estate of the Into
I'lelsUinan, have been leased to Harris
& liioh, the lioston managers.
M. H. Lowe, a ptomluent farmer nud
business mau of Corry, has beon arrested
charged with swindling by means of tho
green goods schemo and using tu
United States mall for fraudulent pur-
At tho doling session of tho East
Pennsylvania United Brethren Confer
once at Heading, Lebanon was ohosenas
the next mace of meeting. It was re
solved that the Lebanon Valley College
sliould still remain at Auuvllle, aouia to r incite.
Til V. S. St.snwhlp n.ipst.h will Mh.lj
bs k Total I.011,
Washi.votox, Oct. 12. Ltt de
spatches from Norfolk, Vn., are to the
effect that ths United States steamship
Despatch, for many years regarded ai
the official yacht of the 1 'res Id on t and
the Secretary of the Navy, which went
ashore on the Assntenquo Shoals, forty
miles north of Cape Charles, will be a
total loss, ns she is fast going to pieces.
Her commander, Lieut. Cowlos, and
tho crew, who wore rescued by tho life-
savers, were given quarters under can
vass on tno beach. Tho rescue of tho
crew Is said to havo been extremely haz
ardous. The Despatch was on her way to this
city, where sho was to tako on board the
President, Secretary Tracy, and some of
ficers of the navy, and convey them to
the naval proving grounds, down tho
Potomac, to witness experiments In test
ing some of the armor plate for use In
tho armnment of the now vessels. She
was expected to arrive on Monday, and
after taking tho President down tho
river, was to havo been placed out of
commission, as sho is old and in muoU
need of repairs.
It Is impossible to loam here full par
ticulars attending tlie vessels going
ashore, but It is surmised by naval
ofllcors that in her endeavor to hug the
const closely to nvold the heavy galo she
got too oloso In shoro, and when her posi
tion was discovered It was too late to
work olf with n northenst wind driving
hor shoreward.
The Omnlia Mob Att.inptii to Uoscuo Its
Arrestml Lender-.
Omaha, Oct. 13. II. 0. Iiloom, Captain
John O'Donohiie, H. II. Hrandlex, Hd.
Fititgorald, Ed. Netchaefer, Patrick
O'Horiio and John Fritz, seven of tho
mob that lynched Coe, were nrrestod
Saturday evening nnd taken to the
county jail. They are all charged with
murder in the llrst degree nnd were re
fused bail.
At 7:!J the jail was surrounded by a
mob of 500, nnd word was sent to County
Attorney Jlahouoy unless the men were
released on ball they would be taken
from tho jail by force. Mahoney replied
that under no circumstances would the
men be released.
The crowd at once made preparations
for storming the jail. They secured a big
steel rail and had started to use it as a
battering ram on the east door, when a
commictoj of citizens appeared at the
jail door and made a proposition to the
crowd to have a committee appointed to
go through the jail and ascertain if the
men wanted were inside. -
This suited the crowd and when tho
committee reported that ilvo of the men
hid been rele.ised and the other two had
been taken out of town for twfe keeping
the mob dispersed The city and county
officials seem to be utterly paralyzed
ovor the results of Friday night's work
nnd tho developments of Saturday night.
Tlio demand for Henaililn slmm Is
liicreaelni? nmoii-r women.
IPs .flllinn in the face
ot JNaturo to tako tlio ordinary pill.
Just consider liow it acts. There's
too much hulk and hustle, and not
enough real good. And think how
it leaves you when it's all over I
Dr. iiorce's I-'leasant Pellets act
naturally. Thoy help Nature to do
her own work. They cleanso and
renovate, mildly hut thoroughly, tho
wiiolo system. Kegulale it, too,
Tho help that they give, lasts.
llioy ro purely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, tho smallest, easiest,
and best to take. Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Constipation, In
digestion, Uilions Attacks, and all
derangements of tho Liver, Stomach
and Bowels aro promptly relieved
and permanently cured. One tiny,
sugar -coated Pellet for a gentlo
laxatives throe for a cathartic.
Thoy'ro tho cheapest pill you can
buy, for thoy'ro guaranteed lo givo
satislaetion, or your money is re
turned. You pay only for tho good you
llns is truo only of Dr. 1'icrco'a
rOv siftBSfTaEJfiiSSSS V'
Is and -will over bo tho
Komedy for
...- Tflitatr,n nnnlcnriltfi.
p uuuu xAii.uvuuf ------ , a
rT.j Riiln. nhant and"!
f BIUO n vww r " n.. !
Joints, liournigiu, -sprains, u ;
Bsfore you aeed to tray, otttaia
las' valuable bocki "Guide to i Health," wlty
ad ui ess: A
3IO Broadway,
NEW T U lift..
Prize Medals Awarded!
Vienna, league, Kotterdnm, Olten,
50 Cents a bottle, For Solo by I
x. I. J. ItllirTN.
R ?)5aotiiroruiana.i
C9, r
bciiksd tag MISSIONS.
Ths Cbln.i. OsImih Ibn-H. At
tempt Mad taPnalah tli
Sam FkANcikjo, Oct. 13. Further de
tails of the outrages in China are gath
ered from the papers published in that
countrjiand brought here by the City of
Peking. The steamer FaohUa arrived at
roukow September 0 with 20 Iohnng
refugees. Several bore marks of serious
violenco whilo all had lost their property
excepting tue ciotnes tney wore.
Tho riot took place at broad noonday
and came without warning or nrovoca-
tlon. It was carried out by a handful ci
men, ovldantly acting under orders, In
the presence of a number of Chinese
officials who know every one of the
rioters. Their mission of destruction
was oarrled out with the utmost speed.
A house belonging to the American
Episcopal Mission was ths first one at
tacked. Tho inmates lied to tho river for their
lives while the crowd looted and burned
tho building. Tho Itoman Catholic con
vent was next fired and the sisters, seven
in number, barely escaped to the river
where they woro taken in a boat to the
It is thought a number of children in
tho oonveut were burned to death. Many
othor houses were looted nnd burned and
ulthough no one was killed several at
tempts woro made to murder and threats
wero frequent. At tho old Consulate tho
foreigners kept tho rioters back with
bayonets. The landers of tho mob car
ried gunpowder nndkoroseuo with which
to fire the buildings.
Those having stolen property from tho
ruined building were arrested next day,
but no attempt was niado to capture tho
real leaders. On the third day when all
possible damngo had been done, the
military mounted guard over the black
ened ruins.
Alter l'lricen Years n lllnclinmlon Man
Itolurns and Finds Ills Wife Married.
UlNniiAMTON, N. Y., Oct. 12. Tho old,
sad story of Enoch Anion, with Its suf
fering nnd self-saorlilce, has beon re
peated here.
fifteen years ago Somuol Demoreo loft
his home to go to sea. Year after year
passed, but no mossago oame from him
to tlie watting wife. After llvo years
had rolled by, she believed that he was
deal, and she listened to the suit of
lllinin May. They were married, nnd
have lived together happily over since,
Mrs. May bearing her husband two
The other day n bronzed nnd bearded
man walked suddenly In the Mays' home.
"1 am bam Uemerool" he said quietly.
Mrs. Mny nearly fainted. Then tho
wanderer told how he had been seeking
fortune in China nnd Australia, and had
not written, because ho wished to be
rich before doing so.
Then Mrs. May told, amid sob, what
sho had done. Demereo showed at that
moment that ho was tho stuff of which
hero s are made. Ho merely patted her
on tlio bond nnd said: "IN ever mind,
don't cry I" and walked out the door.
And ho has not returned, lie hns left
his wife safo in hor pence of mind, ho
might havo claimed her, and caused a
scandal, but he choso that she should be
Another Ono Cnndomnod.
CniCAoo, Oct. 12. Ono more building
of tho World's Fair has been condemned
by tho architects us being unsafe. Tills
is tho building for thoelectricltydisplay.
Tho engineers havo discovered that all
the. timbers have been subjected to a
weight beyond their capacity, and thnt
the foundations Are not strong enough.
Whilo the engineers have not finished
their work, they have gone far enough
to show that $75,000 must be spent in
straightening tho building in order to
mako it absolutely snfo.
St-nmon's Untun of Atlantic Oonit.
Boston, Oct. 12. Tho Gcuornl Exocu-
tivo Board of tho Atlantio Coast Sea
men's Union met in this city yesterday
afternoon, representatives being present
from New York, Philadelphia, Daltimoro,
Wilmington, N. C, Portland and Ban
gor. The Board decided to increase its
membership by adding a representative
of each of the newly-formed fishermen's
unions and to invo-tigata as to tho num
ber of aliens employed In tlio fWhlug
trade contrary to law. Tho matter wll 1
bo called to tho attention of Congress.
U. S. Supreme Cuui-t In 8ohs1oii.
WabIIInqton, Oct. 'i Tho Suprome
Court of tho United States, began Its
October torm at noon to-day. Chief Jus
tico Fuller, who Is at tho bedside of his
daughter in Chicago, ami Justlco Uray,
who is recovering from an attaoK ot ty
phoid fever, could not nttend Tho ab
sence of a full bench will cause tho post
ponement ot sevoral cases of'ltnportance
befono tlie court nnu tne uoci'et is ueing
prepared wit i this view so that ordinary
routino can do proceeuoii witn.
The Graml Onleera Uphold.
GALUsnuna, 111., Oct. 12. Late Satur
day n'ght tho Trainmen's Convention
took n vote on the Northwestern troublo,
and acquitted, by a voto of UOi to 1-1, the
urttnd Ulucers nt limine anil conuamnou
tho action ot tho Supreme Council in ox,
polling th Brotherhood. The Grand
Ofllcors nrj jubilant ovor so swooping a
manifestation ot approval.
Buimnsr ltoldenco llurnoil.
Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 13. Tho summer Jameson, of Boston,
situated in Wnyland, was burno I yostor
day. Loss $13,500; partially insurad.
kkw ji-ksisv nniKi-a.
Cape May Itepubliians In convention
adopted a plntfonu pledging tho party
to Harrison In ia)i.
A Chlneso baby has jut beon born at
Atlantic City, the Urst Mongolia! ts seo
tho light in New Jorsoy.
The life-saving "crews near Asbury
Park threaten to leave the service if the
reckless llrlug of guns at Sandy Hook
Should not bo stopped.
The Camden county Kxclso Board has
stonnod issuing liquor licenses, as tho
courts have to decide which power is
paramount olty or oounty.
At Millvillo the saloon keeping bust
ness Is seriously crtpplod by a general
boycott of all persons Ulrectiy or Inui
reotly connected witn sucn plncos.
The properties of Anson 11. Hamilton,
the hotel proprietor aud of tho Capo May
l'olnt improvement -Jompuuy, hnvo been
seized by tho sheriff to satisfy a clulm of
Ariel C. Cotton, of Vlnelitnd, lias ob
tained a vordict ot $1,000 damagos
agalust Uhnrles Kelglily, the shoe ninnu
fncturor of that place, for refusing to
surrender to him the rink thoro after ho
had leased it to him.
nnd III 11.11 I I. Tin.. JX
As n rirnsont nn.l lV """"" . ,
effective Cathartic use H OOT I S 11(3
Shenandoah Business College !
Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891.
W. J. SOULY, President.
We aro making n big drive in fur
niture, but malicious desire is not Us
object. We desire to dispose of a large
surplus stock, untl propose to give our
patrons tlio benefit of soino extraordi
nary bHigulus.
J. P. Williams & Bro.,
South Main St.,
Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo.
W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., .
J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass-' t Cashier.
Oiicii Dully From 9 to 3.
Paid on Hiivlnurw ncpoHlttt.
Bank Counters. Tylor System, Po
ame, uncquaiecs in xyios,
Cnrt nnri Finish.
IfJOPaceftUloffueof CouoifM, 1U etc.. lUaslrtled la
Colon, Itoos Fit I-oiIi-fb 1&Cb1
Also 'lyier'si uoyui
Office lleiiksi and Type
writer Culilne., ao
MlilfH. Host nndcheaiv
out on enrili, -wtth groat
reduction in prices.
ISO ik ciLstluiiuo Fre.
I'fkiii it cUs lull Ht f
Dua-h Cbtlri, Tlle, IUk.1i
IftMprd, etc. ftiwijti tiotii,
finet 11 work msdo lo ordtr.
I Cbtckeatfi-i KnxUih Dlimanil IlroS.
Orl-flnni nnd Duly (Jen til no.
HFC IsJw riHalilfc. InJiCS Ilk
run 1 1 ! r ii i tfn -' 1 IHa-.
lujottii I and 1,1 itcA i,LtJ jou aJlia
'Hon HnJ inwufio 1 ai ru--KiJti,orieoi I
Id ttu' fir 1 .tii'ui i" ti'dmotilfJa uii
Ilelli'f fur T.wl 9 ' m '--itr, by rf-tara
Ttilflir-tler CLi!t-ul-ul "dl4un Knuara.
loll br iU Lol Prucciau. I'hIUJ.., l'v
Wutiavea iutuw Cure for theetfecuof Belf ftbui
JtiirlyKioer.Kinllon NerimlIeljllllr,LiM
of sexual l'owtr.fnipoteucj fto. Hoffn-Atlf fiurfallhltt
ourSiM-olllows wlllicnd one Full Muiilh'i Fileulcluo
uul iluch Vftluatltt lii(orinatit,& Sllll', Addreaa.
" ti. MUS Uruaitnuv. alewVttrk
First National Bank,
CLKAlt TIIT2 milPM-vinw.
iiiti(iiiTi:n the nvi:s,
HWBI-T1-N Till! imnATir.
S POCjOphyilm Pl'MS
Lohigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891
Passenger trains will leave Hheoandoah for
Mauoh (Jnunlc, Lehlt-liton, Slatlnetou, Cata.
sauqua, Allenlnwn. Upthlebem, Kaston, i'hll
adelphlaaud New York at 5.17, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
12 5'.", 8.10,6.26 p.m.
For llelvlilere, Delaware Wster (lap and
btroudsburg at 5.'7, a. m.-aud 5.29 p. m.
Kor Lambertvllle and Trenton, U.08 a, m
For Wnite Haven, Wlllces-Barre and Pitts
ion 6.47, 0.08. 1').41 n. m.. 8.10 and 5.26 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10,41 a. m 3.10 and 5.26
p. m
For Auburn, llhnca; Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. in., and 6.31 p. m.
For Laoeyvllle, Towanda. Havre, Waverly,
Elralra, Itocheeter, llull'afo, i-HaRarn FalTs,
'"Moafso and all points West at 10.41a. m.,ano
s.2 p. m.
For i- imlra und the West vlaaalnmanca at
3.10 p. m.
For vudcnrled, llazleton, Btocklon, Lum.
her Yard, Weatherly nndl'enu Unveu Juno
tlou at 5.47,7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.52, 3.10 and
5.26 p. m.
Kor Jonnesvllle, Levlston and Heave
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. in. and 5,28 p. m,
Kor ncrauton at 5.47 UOS, 10.41 a. m. 3.10 and
yXp. m.
For liable Drook. Jedcto, Drlflon and Free
land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.09, 10.11 a. m 12.62 3.10 and
5.26 p.m.
Kor Q,uaknko at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m and
MO p. ra.
For Wigqans, Gilbert and Frackvllle nt
5.50 and, and 4.10 p. in.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Weiano
5.47, 7.K), 'Mm, 10.41, 10,58 a. ra.,12.52tS.10.".26, 8,08,
0.2i and 10.27 p. m.
For Lost Cteek, 31rardvlllo and Aobland
I. 27, 7.48, 8.52, 10.16 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.S5
8.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Dnrftwster, St' Clxlr and Fottsvllle.
7.40, U.08, 10.58 ll. m., 122,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.0S
For Bnck Mountain, New Boston and
Moron, 7.40, 9.03, 10.58 a. lu., 12.52, 3.10, 5.28 and
For Haven Ron, Central In, ML Uarmol and
hamokin, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
J.nrt 8.03 p. m.
Trains leave Bbamokin for Bhenandoah,
r.5r. 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving
It Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12J52. 3.10, 6.28 and
II. 15 p. m,
For Lost Creek, Qlrardvllle and AfihlanC,
4.50, 0.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. 8t. Clair and PottsvUle,
160, 8.00, 90 n . m., 2.45 p. m.
Kor Yalesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
4.01), 11.15 a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Andenrled and Ilasleton, 8.0C
s- m 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Leblghton, Hlatlngton,
Catasanqua, Allentown, lietblehcm, Enstor
and New York, 8.00 a. ra., 1.10 p. m:
Kor 1'hlladelphta, 1.40 p. rn.
Gen'l Pass. ArL. Bethlehem.
Alt 11 aOINO TO
-tllHRuurl, ICaiisus, Arlcaiisim,
Texas, Nebraska, I.ouiHlaiia,
Colorado, Utali, Cnllloriiln.
Oreiton,Vanlilutoti, Mexico,
New Mexico or Arizona. ,
and will send me a postal card
or letter stating
Wiiere you nre Kolng,
When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are in your patty,
What freight nutl baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your hour e and
furnish you with the fullest Information
rcgardlDg routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and 11
luUralel land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Bprlngs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan
J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Ant.,
G.E. P. Agt., 391 Broad way, New York
Iron Mountain Route,
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
marriage licenses auu legal Claims
promptly attended 10.
Real Estate, Collection aud Iosuranco Agency.
General Fire Insurance lluslness, RepreaenU
vue orvawesieru ijiie insurance uo.
Oitfick Muldoon'a building, corner Centre
anu wesbois,, ouenanaoau, ra.
Good Properties ol All Kinds For Sale.
L A two story double frame dwelling bouse
storoand restaurant, ou East t'entreBt.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on ISast Centre
3. Desirable property on corner Centre and
Jardln streets, suitable for business pur
poses. 1. A two-story double frame dwelling, on
West Lloyd street.
5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on Weit Cen
tre street.
6. Two 2 story dwelling' on the corner ol
Coal and Chestnut streets Btore room In
7. Two-story single house ou North Chestnut
street with alarge warehouse at the rear.
8. Three" two-siory double frame building
corner 01 iwiuyuuuu-cjuuertsireeiB.
Wa 4t.a .,
are entirely enred ol
ituiiture iiv Dr. J. u.
MAYKR. 8.11 Arch Bt.. l'hlla. Tlinmss II
Hurtling. New llluggold, Pa., I.tandt, Hontli
t-.asiun, ra., li. r. a u. a. iieiurca, uiey, ra,.
It. (1. Bfanlpy. 421 Hnruce Ht.. Iibannn. Pa . A
Hchnelder. Ixieuot Dale, Pa.,D, U. Noll. Lime
kiln, Pa., Win. E. Ilanenstlne, Phoenlxvllle,
Heading, Pa., J, O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard HI.,
Ilarrlsburg, Pa O. ICeelin, Douelassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER Is at lintel Pcnn. Iteadln?. Pa..
1 a., tv. ai. i-iueucjl, vn vv hmiiukuiii rn.,
on the 2nd Baturday of each month.
uaii in
see mm.
Philadelphia and Reading Bailroail
"rviMe In eOeti July 10, 1801
, 5?Saw,Yr Via Philadelphia, week days.J
tl0JWfr T. . m. aud 1285 Lm and 6.3
i .!' Kuu ',a a- m f or awn
: 3i ' iucu uflsni, weeit aays, b.S5j
.'KeaJInir arid Phllndelphta weekdays,
ipari 2.10 and 7.48 n. m.. 4.80 n. m.
ty. jgnrrlshurit, week days, 2.10,7.20 a, m,.j
'0 A"estown, week daym, 7.20 i, m., 12.33
I-, ir nnlt.Mii,. . , . . . 1
f m.4 30 p. m p-m" Buny. 2.10 and 7.4i! (
..1L'ir1Jiln?9? nd Mabanoy City. weoJ
57' Vfr! ".,m-- 12-3 2.60 and 5.661
... m. Bnnday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m.. t ai n. m.
Aaoillonal tor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 $
M0ara2r)frn,a--d lamWa. "k days,
ForWlillanifport, Mnnljury and Lewlsbnru,
peek days. 8.25, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m 1.35, 7.5)
m. Hunday 3:2S , m 3.05 p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2.10 8.25.
J M. 7-20 and 11.80 u. rn.. 12.85, 13.5, 2.60, 65
7.00 ane ., n. m. Handay, 2.10, 3.25 and 7.43
a. m.- 86, 4.30 p.m. ,M
Tor Glrardvllle (llaiipahannock Station)
12.33, 1 35, 1!.60, 6.55, 7.00 and 9.25. p. m. Bunday!
2-10, .2., 7.48 R.m', 8.05, 4.30 p.m. '
for Ashland and Bbamokin, week days,
3.25, 5.25, 7.20, 11.811 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 and tM?
in, ounuay 3.a, 8.32 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
Jrfave New York via Pntladelphla. w
ys.7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12.11
liBui. onnciay, o.uo p. m., iz.15 nicnt.
Iave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
lays, 4.80, 8.45 a. ru 1.00 and 4.0J p. m.
.JiSav6 PhlladOlphia. wees days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and B.oo p. m fr-nu Broad
uid Callowhill and 8J8 a. m. and 11.30 n. m.
from Bihaufl Hreen su-eeui. Munday 0.05 a, (a
ui. ii.-Hi p. m, irom Kin ano -.rieii.
Leave Keading, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.05
uu u.raa, m o,m, ijai p, m. nunaay i.iij nno
.0.48 a. m.
Leave PottsvUle, week days, 2 40, 7.10 a. in.,
HO, 6.11-p. m. Bnnday, 2,40, 7.00 a, m. and
,1.06 TO.
1 -wve l-umaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48 and
2 . in., 1.21, 7.13, and 9,18 p. m. Bunday 8.i0
7 43 in. and 2.60 p. tn.
-oave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.10, D.V8
Ji't ui i.oi, .uana p.m. onn.
Ixir, 8.40,8.17 a. rn,, 3.2.) p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dnys, 2-4 ), 4.10 1
V.9J,3. ll.iiOa. m., 1.05, 2,06. 5 20, 0 20,7.67, and
"innn. m. Hunday 2.4J, 4.00, and 8.27, a. m.
3 37. 5.01 n. ra.
Lttiave Glrardvllle (Rappahannock Station)
vek d iyB, 2.47. 4.07, Ji8. and 9.41 a. m 12.05,
- o.m, nan iu,ud p. m, noaaay,
0 ,8.83 a. m. 3.41,6."7 p. m. j
Jjeave WllUamsport, week days. 3.0u,9.45anQ'
lfih. m. tt.a-1 ana p. m. ounaayii.i:
Kor Baltlmoie, Waehlnirton and tho wests.
. in n. ix v. n. it., inronau rrains ic ive u irarn
vonue station. Pbtladelnula. (P. at It. U. K.
-t 4.16,801 and 11.27 a. in., 1.84, 4.24, n.55an-i
ai p. in. .-Mraoay, cui ij.ct a. it , f.-i
c -nn j. mb. m.
l cave Plilladelphla, Chestnut
a in .-kiutti street Wharf.
I' or Atlantic i Itv.
Veek-davs Kxerew. 8 00. (MW a. ra
3.00. '.-, 5 00 . a. AOOOJiaiodaltjUA'
in. and 4.15, 0 30 . i. W
-luuuds. cixpress, 8,00, 9.U0 a u . Ao-
co nrn--!iou, k.uu a. m, aa -.u p. m.
Keturnlng, leave Atlanil 'uy, dtpot
Mantle fln-1 Arkansas venoep 'Vp k -. i
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m and 3 15, 4.00, 5.301
u in. vcuumimiuauuu u.uu. . lu a. m. ana-
4.80 p. m. Bandnvs -Express, 4.(KI, 0 P0 p, vaS
Accomaioa.uiou, i m a. m. ana a.ub ti. m.
U. U. ilAMOOUK, ueu'l i u-,u r AM
bohuti.kii,i. urvisioN.
In untl alter September 1, 1891, iro(n it'll lem
anenanuoan as fouows:
Vox Wiggau, Ollberton, Frackvllle, NssM
UBlle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.U0, gjp
', xu auu .iq p m,
Uundays. 600. 9.40 a m nnd 3.10 ti in.
For Pottsvllle, 6.00, a m and 4.15 p m.j
For Heading, 8.00, a m and 4.15 pir
UumlayB. 80U. V.4U a. m. and 3.10 Dm.
For Potuttown. Phoornxville. Ni-n-itlo-
kort phlladnlDhta (Kroa.1 street station), ,i
uacdavs. 600. 9.40 a m 3.10 a in.
Trains leave FrackvlUe lor Bhenandoab?
10,4'Jam and 1-H, 7.4Z, io,09p m, Bundi
il.18 a m ana e.w p m.
Leave Pottovllle lorBheuandoah. 10.15
.i.4S, am 7.15, 0.12pm, Bunday s, 10.40 a
5J5 p ra. 4
Lieave Phllodelnbla (Broad street ntatli
'tr Potlsvllle and Shenandoah, 5.57, 9.3 nt;
4.10 and 7.00 n in week days. Bnnday 6 60. ss
"'Kor New York, 3.30,4.05 M.i, 6.35, .50,?5$j
(limited express, 1.01 4.50 p m.) 12.21. 12.44," I
j.oi , h. a), f .ua , u, B.i i, 0.3U s.u ana lu,
oi, 12.01 night.
"n Hunaavs. W. 6.S5. R.12. 8.
11.35 . m. -.d 1221. 1241. 2.30. 4 02. (11
(.ft ii. 5 OT. 2). 0. . m and 12.01 nTTbi
For Bea O I rt. Long Hi anch and Interna edlatel j
stations S.50, 8.25 and 11 3D a. ra., 3.M, 4.00 p. mSM
week dnys. Hunday 8 25 a, m, w
For llalllinoro and Waslilnston 3.50. 7.20.!
9.10 and 11.18 a. m 4 41, 0 57, 7.10 p. in and 12.PK,'
nlgntnauy una 8iii, lu.uu. m., izn ti mite
exnrebs with dlutue car toltaltlm rel 1.30. 3:4-
p. m. wo k days. For Uultlmore only 2.02, 1.0-
wcdK uye,, p. in, uaiiy.
For Illebmoud, 7 20 a. in. aud 12.03 nl.
dally, 1 30 p, ui, ually, except auuu.iy.
: rins leave llarrisburii lor Plttstjuri;
,ne wesi every aay ati'.Hna u.iu a ra
., m (limited) and 3.10. 8 30. 11.35 p m. Way i
Alliiomv mam and 4.10 i) ui every day. W
L- oi pittstiurg oniy, a m aany ana is)
m week days. ia
l.esvo Bnnbnrv tor Wlllnunsncrt. Kli
anaodalzua. Hochester.DuSaland Mlaa
- alls, 5.10 a m dally, and 1.42 pm week Oi
or V.'atElns. 6.30 x m week days. K
For Krle and lnferuiedlate nolnU. 6.1o al
tally, Fr Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.60 aj
tally, 1.42 and 5.30 , m. week days.
ittJiiava is. to a m 1.42 and 6.80 p m week (
villa. mBundavp.
a. Man" 'Jen. Pass. .
Tralns leave ReadTni? li & H. station) a
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Btroi:borof Joanna. BprJ
neia, wuynesuure j uncuon, uoaiesviue, i
CbeHter.rlmdsfora Junction. H, kO. Juuct
Wllmtneton and Inlenncaiate stations. C
except bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a,m. and!
p, m, tsuuuay ouiy ai s.uo p. m. .n
For Warwicfc, Ht. Peters and Intermedl
Riauons.aauy except nunaay, at v,vj u,m.,j
0.IV p. in. nunuay uuiy u. 111. m
For Blrd&buro and luternieaiate stall a
Saturday only, al li m. i
U.I dally except Bunday at 6.23 nud 8.1
u nr ka aim ru ana wasnminonfu. i
and 8.15 n. m. Hunday onlv al S.05 n. m.
x rains arrive hi neauiuc itr, a if tmiwrn
from Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Moii
chanln,Chadd8lord Junction, west Chtsu
Lenane. CoateBVllle. Wavnet-burir Juncun
fen and lnlermedlalo Btatlons. dally exced
Hnnaay at a. m. o.o ana b.i p. m. cju
oav ouivai uJi a. m.
From Bt. Peters. Warwlok and Intermedlafl
siaiions, auny except ounaay, ai o.j
and 2.23 p. m. Bunday only at (J p. m,
From Birusboro and intermediate sta
Baturday only at 1.40 p, m. m
From Wasblngtou and Baltimore, dally ea
cent Bunday. 10 20 a. m. 6.52 and 8 17 p. nl
uunaayoniyHi ii.zi a, m. ji
HOWNKia tuuuus, uen'i rasa. Agt.fl
a, u. oiuuAunjuAriii,upi,
Or tlio Lhiuor llubti, loUItely Cureul
It Is manufactured m a powdor, wUleh can be Severn
in & glana ot beet, a cup of coffee or tea, or In foot
without tho knowledge ot the pa? imu is abBolutell
harmless and -will elftut a permanent and rpeedl
on aloohollo wreck It has been civen in thousand
Of oases, and in every imtauae a surfoot cure has fol
lowed. It never Full. Theuyatera anoe imprecnl
4b pase book or partioulari free To be had ofl
C. H. HAGENDUCH, Druaglst, Sbenandol
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash cod
panies represented uy
120 S. Jardin St., Shenandoafi,t