The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 12, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--NO. 215.
Republican State Ticket.
legates-at'Xargo to the Constitutional
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. if. Qreen,
Sheriff Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner MaJ. William
Poor Director George Heffner.
Unexpired Term Harry BT. MoOlnnis
Constitutional Convention Delegates.
J. a. POMEROY, Bbenandoali.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
We Rise to Remark.
That tho grading and guttering of South
"White street is a vory Rood move.
That the lowor end of Main street ia
much improved and is a credit to the
That tbo painters havo been and are un
usually busy.
That tho Fresbytorian and Methodist
churches look CO por cent, bettor sinco tho
pftintots havo had them in hand.
That East Coal street is not so much of a
swamp sinco it was filled up with cracked
That it ia now in order to get in your
wlntsr supply of fuel.
That the brokon windows in houses
ought to bo replaced with whole ones and
that too, at onco.
That the housewives better examino their
canned goods and see that they aronct
spoiled or Epoiling.
That stoves in your sitting room or parlor
bo put up at once, before tho stovo men
become too busy.
That tbo hydrants be looked after and all
leaks stopped.
That if yfur pavement is in bad condi
tion have it ropaired now.
It don't do to neelcct nature's wnrnlnff
nches through tbo system, cause Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia and-llackacbc. Try Red flag
OH. the Famous Paiu Cure. 23 cents at Klr-
un's drug store.
Pou tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. If
CENTS for a window shade
with fringe, others for 55c,
G5o and up. (Shades made
for stores anil private dwel
inse. A new lot of shad-
ingsand fringes to match.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jar-din St, near Centre
We open to-day
We handle no Common, Inferior Goods at low prices,
and confidently recommend our JiBST JLDTJV CB MB AT
to he the Best in the Market.
"Northwestern Daisy" Flour
t Always ylve satisfaction. So does "Riverside." OLhey
MAKB WJHTB BBBAB and are Basy to Bake.
Don't forget to examine our stock. Over 30 different
patterns to select from. All Widths and Br Ices,
Doings In tho Orders of the
Major Jennings Council, No. 807, Jr- O,
U. A. M., now'meots In Mellet's hall, cor
ner of Centre and Market streets. Tbo
quarters aro very comfortable.
Willard Post, Nd. G04, G. A. R., was
instituted at Ileglnsvillo on Satutday, by
William Thompson, of Post 171, Tower
City. The Post starts out with brilliant
pros poets.
To-morrow evening Camp No. 112, P.
O. S. of A., of town, will havo a lodge
room entertainment with a mock trial as
tho feature. Membors of ability from the
three local camps have been solectod to
conduct tho proceedings and all membors
of tho Order aro cordially invitod to be
prosont. Tho meoting will open at 7 o'clock
sharp, and all intobding to bo present aro
requostod to bo there early.
District Deputy B. A. Davenport, of
town, accompanied by ox-D. D , E. D.
Boddall, of 880; P. G., F. 0. Kooso.lof G15;
P. G., W. J. Evans, of 591; and David
Williams, G91, Josse Hughes, 691 and
Harry Rooso, 591, went to Heglnsyil'o, in
Deep Creek Valloy, on Saturday, by car
riage, and installed tho officers of Hegins-
ville Lodge, No. 720, I. O. 0. P. Tbo
trip was a delightful one and tho visitors
reached Hoginsvillo in timo to tako part in
j the public demonstration that proceeded
tbo installation, in which a number or
visiting lodges participated. A number of
mombers from a distanco wcro prosont
The officers of tho lodgo wero, installed by
District Deputy Davenport, with the as
sistance of G. M E. D. Boddall; G. W.,
A. S. Schley, of G18; and G. S., P. 0.
Booso. After the ceremony an excellent
supper was served and an interesting and
pleasing musical and literary entertain
mont followed. District Deputy Dsyen
port gavo an Interesting talk on the benefits
derived from membership in tho I. OO. F,
and gave a general outlino of tho work ac
complished by the order. Ilia remarks
mado an excellent impression. Ex-D. D.
Beddall also addressed tho meeting. Tbe
district deputy's party left Ileginsville at
10:30 yesterday morning and arrivod hero
at 4 p. m.
Theresa Newcomb To-night. B
The audience last evening at the Opera
House to seo thia popular company prosont
"The Boy Detoctivo1' was a very onthu
elastic one, and fully appreciated tho real
istic manner in -which tho various cbarao
tors of the play wero rendered. Tho
drama is replete with econea that portray
life in the great metropolis, and shows to
what extent man's perfidy will lead to gain
a desired objoct. Theresa Newcomb in tbo
many characters she fills throughout tbe
play proved that sho is an atro;s of more
than usual merit, and tho romaindor of tbo
company ably supported her. This even
ing "Adrift in New York" will be the at
traction, and a good and entertaining per.
formanco may bo oxpoctoJ. Tho troupo
merit a good house, as thoy are all first
clais. Go and seo them this evening.
Pottstown Daily News. Theresa New
comb will begin a three-night engagement
at Ferguson's theatre to-night, presenting
'The Boy Scout."
our first lot of
you need
Rov. Powlek Preaches a Tompor
anoo Sormon for tho Benefit of
tho Junior Templars of Honor
and Tomporanoo.
Last ovoning the Junior Templars of
Honor allendod tho Methodist Episcopal
churoh in a body to hoar a sermon on tho
groatost curso in tho world. "Woe unto
him that givoth his neighbor drink, that
puttest thy bottle to him and makest blm
drunken also," Hab. 11-15. The great
Gladstone is creditod with tho statonent
that "the ravagoa of strong drink havo
been greater than those of war postllonce
and famine comblnod." No ono will
doubt that it blights and blasts ovorything
ittouches without conferring a singlo com
pensating blessing. Its offocts aro 6oon
upon tho drinker in his shatterod hoalth
and broken moralfi and in tho povorty of
nls homo and tho sufforines and Inhoritod
taints of bis childron. We seo somo of its
effects upon Bociety in tho accidents, in
sanity and crime of which it is the fruitful
source. It has moro to do with the unrest
and poverty of the toiling masses and in
tho conflict between labor and capital, both
in thi3 country and in Europo, thanhas the
tyranny of capital. It lays its hands upon
tho Uongressos, Legislatures and Courts,
and often shapoa our governmental policy
and controls the administration of our
laws. And in spite of ourselves, it is onjtlie
increase. Tho production of beer last year
in our country was C0,C30,0DO barrels
about a half barrel for every man, woman
and child. The increase over tho previous
yoar was 3,000,003 barrels. Wo hear much
of tho raerita of high liconse, but its chief
merit is in reducing tho numborof saloons,
not tho amount of liquor that is consumod.
Pennsylvania, with its so-called high li
conso law, consumed moro beer last year
than evor before in any year of its history,
and nearly 00,CCO barrels moro than tbo
year before. A real temperance measure is
ono that roducea the amount consumed, not
merely tho number of saloons. So that
high llcenso is a demonstrated failuro and
an unmitigated humbug so far as tompor
anoo ia concerned. And no bettor proof of
this could bo had than tho fact that rum
sollcri are its best trionds. It is not sur
prising that men of tho world favor such
measures, but tho only consistent thing for
ono to do who believes in God and in tho
triumph of right ia to sot his face against
any law that rccognlzis its right to exi't,
and to dotnand the repeal of all our lleonso
laws in order to dlssolvotho partnership of
our government with tho traffic. Tako
from it tho snnction of law, for "it can never
be legalized without sin." Personally, ho
favored any and every method that was
not poia ned with tho permissive feature
Organize temperance societies, freoly use
tho pledge, apply moral suasion to tbe
drunkard and let prohibition be the policy
of tho stato.
Waters' Weiss beer is tho best.
Reilly solo agent.
John A.
Part of tho Water Company's
Claim Allowed.
Tho race of tbo Shenandoah Water and
Gas Company against the Borough of Shen
andoah, in which tho oompany makes a
claim of twenty dollar! for each fire p'ug
used in the borough, tho wholq claim
amounting to about $1 C 33, was given to the
Jury at 1:30 Saturday afternoon, The four
lawyers in the caso each consumed an hour
in their closing arguments. After the
jury retired an adjournment was ordcrod
until 0:30, when court ro-convened to ro-
ceivo tho verdict. At 7 o'clock the jury
filed into tho room and after tbo regular
questions returned a verdict in favor of
the water oompany for 81,331.62. Johh W.
llyon and J. II, Pomeroy, Esq., represent
ed tho borough; and ox-Judgo Itvon and
D, C. Hennlng appeared for tho water
T.Hilinfl. if vnu wnnt. Ann writtnp nanflr
and onvolopes to mulch, call on Mux
Reese. . tf
A Stunner.
J, Coffee, having purchased tho greater
portion of Goldman's stock at sheriff's sale
recently, consisting of iiioro than 2,000 pair
of boots, shoes, etc., ho is now prepared to
sell the same at prices not to bo beaten in
the county. Come early while tho sizes
romain unbroken. Don't forgot the place,
31 South Main street. Look for canvass
sign. 10-10-Ct
Always go to Coalelt's, South Main
street, for your prime oyitors. 8-22-tf
Buoklon's Arnica Salve,
Tbe Dent Salve In the world for Onto
BruUen, Hores, Uloers, Halt lllieurn, FW,
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, OullbMlns
Corns, aud allHklu Eruptions, Hurt positively
cares l'llen or nu ia required. It Is guar
antecdtoglve ptrtert Eat uracil' n, or money
refunded, Price 25 cents por box, for safe
by O, II. Uagenbueh.
Reasons Why tho "T" Rail Should
be Adoptod.
Tho chlof reason for tho rcquost by the
MahanOV Citr. fthnnnmlnali f'.lriirlvlll,.
and Ashlaid Street Railway Company for
permission to use tho "T'' rail instoad of
tho "flat" is that tho former U hrtlnr
adaptod for perfect safety.
in ascending grados tho "flat" rails
aniWOr tho PUrnOSO. hut in nMOnmllnw
grades tho "T" rail is, by far, tho safost.
a. pocDie, or slightest obstruction of any
kind, is liablo to throw a car from a "flat"
rail on a hoavy grado, bocauso whoola
running UDon such mils mntini havn
fUngos of eufficijnt depth. But in tho caso
oi "i" rails tbo wboels of tho cars must
havo flangos that are largo enough to pre
vent such accidonts.
Tho argument that tho company wanta to
uso tho "T" rail because it is cheapor than
tho other lacks foundation. It dooa not re
quire the intolligonco of an oxport to see
that it costs moro to manufacture the "T"
rail and that, theroforo, it would cost tho
company more to uo men a rail.
Tho alarm tho A'cws is sounding is un-
provokod and wholly unnecessary. The peo
plo need not fear that tho railway company
will tako any advantago of them through
the councilmen. or that the rnmininr 14 An.
sirous of having any action taken by
Council that will not bo in accord with the
intoresta of tho neonln.
Tho company la dosirous of constructing
a railway mat will bo safe and ondurable
ana u nas ampio capital for such an equip
ment. Tho grades between Mali
Ashland, and particularly in and about
Ol ...
ouenanuoau, aro many and steep, and to
guard against accidents in descending these
grades tho company recommends the "T"
rail to the noonlo. This nntnrmisn is In il.n
hands of men who havo a knowledge of
mo manner in which oloctrio railways
should bo constructed and thnw hon iho
successful operation of olectric railways at
lYiiiios-aarro, Allontown, Uethlehom and
other largo towns to back wlmt ihntr nmn
rocomm;nd to council. The company is
aiso preparoa to point out town3 having
heavy-grade electric railunra iht am
to abandon tho "fiat" rails and adoptod the
i" pattern.
The electric railway peoplo moan busi
ness and only ask reasonable cnnnirlnrnllnn
and tho public mav rest nsniirnrt Cnof n nt.
tempt will bo mado to induce any of the
councilmen, who are, of course, publio
servants, to vote away any right of tho
peoplo. It is hoped tho public will be
oqually considoralo and not th rnw nl
stacles in tho way of tho entorpriao on ac-
c iunt oi any potty jealousy, or on account
of any prejudice that mav eyUt. n,n.t
any one who had or may have anything to
uo wuu it.
Tho rail ouostion is tho nnlv nMa in
tho way of immediate construction of the
road. Tho towna throuehout the vnllnv
are anxioua f ir the advent of the great
reyolutionizor and it will certainly bo an
outrage if the jealousy and prejudices of a
fow will be allowed to deprive tho majority
of the peoplo of the great benefits so near
at hand. All opposition to tho proposed
chango Ukca root in self intercut.
Tho company's oiler to talto nn tlm "1 '
rail at tho expiration of six months, if nit
saiistaciory, and roplaco it with the "flat,"
ia certainly a very fair offer, hut. of
those who w,ill not see, won't seo.
Don't boa "flat."
Harry naffnor spent Saturday in Pott-:-
Mrs. James Stein visited friends in Potts-
ville to-day.
M. Mellet attended to business in Girard-
ville to-day.
Charles Nleco, of Pottsyillo, spent yes
teiday in town.
E. J. Davios transacted business at tho
county seat to-day.
Sirs. J. W. Ferry, of Hazleton, is tho
guest of town friends.
John II. Stiifole, of Tamaqua, was a
vititor to town Saturday.
Mrs. Stanley P. Allen, nee Foster, of At
lanta, Ga., it visiting relatives in t jwii,
Manager T. II. Hutchison, of the Fer
guson House, spent to-day at Shaniokin.
Dr. M, J. Flannigan.of the state hospital,
wasjthe guest of tbo Misses Miles, Saturday.
Mrs. Kuv. Powlek returned homo on
Saturday from a two-weeks' visit to her
homo in Chester county, Pa.
Mitt Minnie Dipper, one of Mahanoy
City's accomplished school teachers, spont
Saturday ovoning in town with her slater,
Mrs. Mary Schmidt.
John Kotz, a private of tbo U. S. A.,
who spent tho past few days in town with
relatives, on furlough, left town to day to
rejoin his oompany in tho AVost.
Itev, II. G. lluxoll, of the P. M. church,
of town, llev. Aoornley, of Mahanoy City,
the Schoenor family and a number of other
town peoplo wont to St. Clair this morning
to attend tbe funeral of (ho late John
Phoenix Phair.
Tho Phoenix Hose Company will hold a
grand fair In Uobblns' i pera house, com
mi ncing on Tuesday, Nov- 3rd, 1801 It
w ll be ono of tbo largest and bot fairs ever
bold in this county. 10.11-tf
An Engineer's Series of Mishaps
on Saturday What is Going
on In the Secret Societies.
Othor Nowo.
William Arner. ol Mnucb (!tiiinlc. It
engineer of the Lehigh Valley passenger
train that leaves hero for Sbamokin at 8:00
p. m.
Saturdav nicrbt. as Arnnr'n trflln wn
noaring Kaven Hun, ho observed an ob
struction on tho track nud, bolioving tho
objoct was a man. ho applied tho air brakta
and stopped the train.
Arnor left tho engine in chargo of tho
fireman and started un the tmnb in ihn
obstr ction and, as ho approached, ho found
that tho obstruction was the body of a
man, who was evidon'ly slupifled by drink.
Approaching nearer tho encineor henrrt nn
ominous growl and, as bo apprcachod a
fow steps noaror, ho found that an ugly
looking bull dog was lying upon tho
prostrato Dooy.
As tho engineer continued tn ftnrrnpli
tho bull dog grow moro vicious in i's
demonstrations, but refused to leave tho
body until Arner got nuite close, whnn It
gave vont to several savago growls and
maaoa spring. The ongineer turned and
ran back to his oneino and thn d
turned to the piostrato form of its mastor.
Tho cnginoer, accompanied by mombers
of his crow and sovcral passengers, po
parod for a skirmish. As they approached
tho p'aco whore tho man lay they found
tho dog full of fight, encouragod by tho
niss -em" ot nis inloxlcatod master.
Tho enginoor tried to oxnlain ihn h.i.
tion, but tho man was too drunk tn nnHnr.
stand and persistod in hissing on tho dog,
wnicn succoedod in keeping tho train poople
at a distanco.
All stratocv to cot the llop RWftV nnl lint
near tho man failed, until ono of tho
passengers, who recognized tho man, went
to Wild Cat, a patch noar Haven Run, and
socured tho assistance of a vounc mnn thn
could oxoiciso influence over tho "drunk '
and his faithful protoctor. Tho train was
dolayed fully half an hour by tho incident.
The finest note paper and ouvelopos i
tho country at Max Keeso's. tf
Discouraging Exporionco of an En
gineer on Saturday.
Engineer Gouldner, of Delano, who baa
charge of the short line Pottsvillo passen
ger train, was very unfortunate on Satur
Whonhetook charge of ongino No. '106 he
found it in need of rouaira. The engine was
put in the Delano shops and Gouldner was
givon No. 118. As the engineer pulled out
from tho Lehigh Valley depot at 9.(8, pre
paratory to backing down to tho Pennsyl
vania depot for the trip to Pottsville, a
spring of tho engine broke and Gouldner
was obllgod to side-track the train until
tho arrival of another engine from Dulano.
Tho train loft for Pottsvillo half an hour
behind time.
Tho train reached Frnckvillo without ad
ditional trouble, but as it doscendod tho
grade a serious accident was narrowly es
caped. Goufdnor received orders at Krack
ville that ho tad a clear track and ho
started down tho grado at a livoly speed.
lie did not go far when ho saw a coal train
ahead of him. Tho air brakes wero put on,
but, in spite of Gouldner'a efforts, his train
crashod into the rear end of tho coal train.
Tho cow catcher of Gouldnor's ongino end
tho platform of tho first car wcro wrecked.
Fortunaloly tho cross-ties of the traok wore
ploughed up and splinterod. Had they of
fered any resistance tho passenger train
would have been thrown from tho rail
and very likely hurled down the embank
ment. Tho passengers wcro shaken up
considerably and many of them did not
recover from the fright until they wero
safely hauled into Pottsvillo by anothor
"II a woman will, the will.'' If sbe will
tako nr. Hull's Counh Bymn fur her cold, sbe
mil be cured.
A Minors' Fall.
Frederick Taylor, a miner residing at
Turkey Hun, met with a serious accident
in the Gilborton colliery on Saturday. As
ho was ascending steps made of laggings in
an old breast, ono of tho lagging gave
way and, as Taylor slipped ho threw his
arm around a prop, which also gavo way,
and tho unfortunate man fell down tho
breast, whioh pitched at about fifty degrees,
a distance of over one hundred feet.
Taylor was badly cut and bruited and had
to bo taken to hit home in an ambulance,
Take gcod advice.! have Bnflerdd with bod
htwdacbes for y. are, and have trim maoy
leiutdltm without obtaining relief. Iwiuwf.
vbed to give alvatluu Oil a trial, and It baa
entirely cuiea me,
i:i)WAHD UALTZ. miitcher.)
IjaFaycite Market, llulllruore, Md,
Oysters aro in si ascn and tbo best in tt o
market aro at Coelttt's. B 22-tf
Ho is Spoken of In Glowing
John J. Coylo, our townsman, who was
nominated by tho Hopublicans oi this dit
trictas a dolegate to the Constitutional
Convention, If such is held, is in all ro
spocts fitted for the position. Ho Is intelli
gent, industrious and earnest, and whatia
still more to the point, he is in full
sympathy with tho interests of the pooplo.
liaised in tho coal region, educated as it
were in the coal breaker till ho becamo a
school teacher, hia disposition is to sustain
tho claims of tho laboring peoplo and sen
that Justico is dono them In tbo revision of
that most Important document from which
emanates decisions for tho good or detri
ment of our common interests. Knowing
tho intorost we tako in this mattor we havo
been asked our opinion of Mr. Coylo, and
wbother ho would support tho interests of
tho workingmen should ho bo oloctod.
Our answer has invariably been, "Yes.
John J. Coylo can bo rolled upon. Wo
have talked with him on tho subjoct and
wo aro tati-fied that, if olectod and called
upon to attend to tho duties involved In
thoposi.ion ho will not bo round want
ing when tho test comos." Wo
would riot say this much of Mr. Coylo
if wo did not beliovo it, Wo look upon
this matter ot holding n Constitutional
Convention aa ono of tho greatest import
ance Honest, independent voting, in tho
first placo lomands it, for not until tho
presont system is changed can tho work
ingmen as a clas, go to tho polls with tho
full knowledgo that they can cast a freer
and independent voto, uncontrolled by iiid
fear that such voto cast in opposition to
ttio wishes ot their employer, or somo of
hi3 moro unprincipled whippors-in, who
disgraco themselves by interfering with
tho most sacred right of an American
workman and control his right of citizen
ship to suit their own partisan desiros, and
failing to induco him to bo their sorvilo
tool, annoy or prosecute him in ways fa
miliar to themsolvos, which thoy pos ess by
virtue of tho petty authority with which
thoy aro clolho I as bosses of coal mines
or somo other publio works. Also,
it is needed to protect tho honest but un
wary voter from tbo tricks and machina
tions of tho unscrupulous politician, and
put an ond to his schemes and political
speculation. But, as wo havo said in pre
vious articles, thore aro othor things rcsido
the ballot that need to bo revised, and for
that purposo wo need to sond men who
understand the wants ot the pooplo, and
-pecially from tho coal regions wo need to
send men who undo stand our needs. Aa
it has always been, tbo lawyer o omont will
predominate and good lawyers of the right
class, if not too many, will be useful, but
othor kind of men are needed so that tho
people bo properly represented, and
pec' ally, do we urgo on tbe workingmen
that they vole fur the men only who can
be depended upon to look their inter
ests. Such men as Powderly, Pomeroy
and Coyle. Whatever you do in tho way
of voting for men to fill the state and
county offices, do not forget to cat your
vote for the Constitutional Convention a: d
for good men to represent you when it
meets. 2Vi- l(Vt'y Hetord.
Children Enjoy
The pleasant flavor, gontlo action and
soothing ellocts of Syrup of Fig, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mothor bo costive or bilious tbo most grat
ifying results follow its use, so that it is tho
best family remedy known and every
family should havo a bottle.
Auction Goods.
I borr to Inform the . miblin tlmt I havn
nurchascd at sheriff's salo a bie stock of
grocorios, otc, which will bo openod for
sale by Tuesday morning noxt. Now
Orloans molossos, 26c. per gallon ; Oolong,
Japan, English Ilroakfait and Gunpowder
teas at 2Sc. ner pound. Dealers in need r L
show casos, toa cans, quart measur e
shovels or scales, will save nionoy by
purchasing from me.
J. Cofkkk,
59 and 31 Soutli Main St. 10 10 3t
A Young Lady
Metweon the aires of M and 10 years can
get a nice situation at Ketigoy's photograph
gallery by applying at onoe. tt
Lgal blanks of all kinds for tale at 'ho
IIkkald office.
Tor Broakfaat ?
A Mack oral ?
Wo havo 'om.
White and fat.
Bright and sweot.
No oil. No rust,
ilb, a lb, lib, 14 lb, lilb,
No. 122 North Jardin Street.