Seasonable CEsTOW OIST TjSvJP I es All kinds of spices, vinegar, sugar, etc., for the prescrv and pickling season. All p Swoet Pickles and Pickled Goods, Canned Goods, Cheese, etc., at SBYBRIT'S, AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAISER EXPOBT T 1 j S-JQ-T7uJXO.& BEIE, Dark. Clian MiHAM (ffl , Fi. flor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALL THK NKWS FOR ON1J CKMT. lloa a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any otbf r raper publltbx). Clrcu. latlon books opsn to all. .AFFAIKS O AUGHT HASTILY. What Ndws Gathorors Tano n Moment to Toll About. Sliellbarks nro plenty. Sauer krout Is ripening. The f 1 i es are not bo lively. Overcoats are out of camphor. Cocoa is saiil to be a sleep inducer. Now is a good time to put in your coal. Autumn leaf parties will soon be in order. A pantry is not the correct place tor pants. Price not only goetli before a fall, but after the autumn fushloiiB. There may bo tome pretty warm days yet, but autumn is here to stay. Klection time Ib drawing near, yet the people don't seem excited over it. A lump of BUgar eaturated in vine gar will euro hiccoughs. Application Internal. The ihlrd party is always in the way, wheihorin the parlor or in the political Held. Read our advertising columns. You will always Hud tomething there to interest you. The niau who will not believe what he cannot understand is a very doubt ful person to deal with. Now Try This. Jt will cost you nothing nnd will surely do you good. If you liuvu u Cough, Cold, or any trounle will. Tliroiit, Chest or Lungs Dr. King's New lllsiov.ry lur Consumption, t 'ought Rnd Colds Is nuaninleed to give re ller. or money will bo paid bnck. f-uiTtrers from La Clrlppe found It Just the tiling and under lUuso bud a speioy and perfect re covery. Try a nimplo bottle at our expense and learn for yourself Just bow good a thing It Is. Trial b't' Its li te at C. 11. llsgeubuch's drugstore. Large sl70 60c. nud 91.00. Stationary packages, G and 10 cents each, at Max lteoso's. tf Coming Events. Oct. 20. Suppor in Itob bins' opera house under tho nuiplces of Ladies Aid Society, No. 13, auxllliurv to Sons of Veterans, Nov. 6 Second anniversary enlertain raont of Major Jennings Council, No 307, Jr. O TJ. A. M., in Ferguson's theatre. Nov. 18 Grand supper in Rolibins' opora hou-o for the benefit of tho Trinity Ku formed church. November 20. Grand supporin Hobbins1 opera house; benefit of litiiiy Harrison Ludgo, No. 10, A. 1 L. A. A Kind Friend. Ts what thev call thul I'lUiiuus Iteuiedv. Itcd Flag nil, it quickly lines ltlitumatlun. Neuralgia. CuU. Urulkes. lli:rn.KoieK nnd all pain. It Is good l r man or bt-aet. cents. At Kirllu's drug More. Second hand cchool hooks bought Fold at Max lleese's. and tf Reduction in Rates. Commencing October Ut tho Providence nnd Stonington Slenmship Co. will roduco rates from Now York to all points East on both its line, by tho Providi nee Line from pier 29 old No., N. It , at 0:0J p m., and tho Stoninglon Line from new pier 80 North River at 6:00 j. m. Hutu to prin cipal points will bo tho tame on both line, viz: Boston, $8.00; Providence, $2'. Vi oreoster, 12.26. A. Momkbii, S, V. A. 9 80 If Prettiest oil cloth in town V i kij's earpet store. at O. D. 8-18 If Bur chill's Restaurant. 1 hurl .v I. 'ntd atebmer Mnii 11 T" ts M,tni.niMih, IC 'uuliir meals, at popular piiees, served r y time, lvulles! dining and refrealiment r iiis attached. "J-14-tf Best work done at Brfmnan't steitra laundry. KverythlnK wblUi and spotlose Laoe ourtnins a ipcialty. All work guar anteed. Take your carpet raus to U. D. FricWs carpet store and have them mudo into a fl rat-claw oarpst. 0-18-tf SCHOOL BOOKS. Tho place to buy your school books cheap is Also (Scholar's Companions, Hook (Straps, ncnooi jius", iauiem, eio. ivveryuuug and auytulug required In school. &luls, iwnolln. etc., so.d re tail unci wholfefcale. BooksSyifaHe for East and West Alahanoy Twp. Don't lorget the plane II you wish to save ( inouey. JLr MBLLET: clAB. T, KlUt'i 0L0 STAND. 22 East Centre St, Shenanaoah. BOUND. A Budgot of Intorostlng Artloloa on all Topics. It was murder, but the .result of drunkenness. So much has como to light with reference io the death of Mrs. O'Donncll, of Wilkes-Barre, and the mystery is almost cleared. There were it few small woumls on the iln gera nnd on the breast, but It was well known that those could not have calmed death. The onlv way to ac count for them Is that the body was attacked bv rats either after death or wlille she was dying in a drunken stunor. The woutuls.were rrBKert nnd the Heidi on fingers looked us if it had been liltten by small leeiu. Hon. Kckley IS, Coxe received a patent on Tuesday for a new drilling machine. Howard Koch, 10 years of age, was killed in the Iluruside colliery. Sim moklti.oti Wednesday. As Koch and hh father were about to quit work a long Hat niece of coul in the roof rapidly worked iteelf loose and with unerriui: precision dropped on the nick of the youiiK man. liinninc mm to too misty lloor. The stattled futher knew not what second another fall would take place. Grabbing a pick he made n I o'e in he cral large enough to pull his son out only to Hud that he was dead. His neck had been broken. Toe worst danger about neglectluga Cough or Cold Is Consumption, We can assure our readers tlint no medicine equals Fun-Tina Co nn and Consumption Cure. Try it. Trial bottles fiee at Kirllu's drug store. Oystors. Oyeters aro in season. Go to Schountr's. Farnilio9 supplied. Parlors for ladles. fl-4-tl YOUNG MEN OLD MEN Oil 11 THE TOILS OF THE SIRTIB 15 Ul UUISJI. Iter herolo elfortf to frea thtmnlrei. DO D01 Knowing now to ucecsiiukjt SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES mey jit up in aerr na in into n ur llUiU inuvui imriuHtw QUit NEW BOOK ant frae. TiOt-rkU. (Kklad) tarallmllcd (me.IIlln tho phltviophT o( Olilfti .nd Affliction! of tna Orttani of Med, indnowty unMF TREATMENT. mothodi exclnilvoly onr own, the vtorst com-boI Loit or Tnln8 Mitmod, Oindtl nd Mottoii D. tllHv, WoallMll of Body ftndMlsd, Effect! of Errors or Eiee Stunted, or Bow to Inl.rse end Stren BthenWEAK.UMDEVELOrEn 0E0AN8?ABI3 0fB0DVDdepUlnto.Illn u.o te.u t w",.s.'.:;.v7,Stoi You nan wrlw ttinn. ror uoo, , u l"u"" -- '- i ii V ERIE MEDICALCO. BUFFALO, N.Y. First National Haul Tii:--.,vTitiv nun.uiNO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $ioo,goo.oo. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dully From 9 to 3a 3 PER CENT. INTEREST Paid n Having DepoltHw. "fire insurance. Jjargeitaud oMest numb'e uely cwU com DAVID FAUST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa, WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where lie will be plea1 ed to meet tho wants uf his Iriends and the public In Everything in tho Drinking Lino. BBQION For men mu 6 1 1 a. Ladies' Coats. Have You Corns ? If you have, get a pair of solid comfort shoes,tvhich Ave guarantee to give solid comfort and solid wear. B 3RL OWKT? Common Sense Swe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Grand Opening FALL AND WIN TEH 8TTLE3 OF MILLINERY ELLAM.M'GINNISS' -N0.26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment In Huts, Bonnets nnd Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Child ten's TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED UXT4 Oaunot loo Xjcfuallod. HTIKS In need oi of stove repairs r of any do cilpllou should call nj on me, as I keep constantly on hand a full supply. Buy A I the best range In tho n " market, N E.W IT BROAD- n C nnteed to do WAY. l perieciworK. as cTf 1 1 FT to ue P'lce " will win i O L V CL suit you. This excellent stove do uaa only iroui "WM. E. PHATT, TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING, ROOF PAINTING promptly attended to. 74-3m 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah SALLIE SENIOR'S! Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. 111 N. iMAIN ST , SHENANDOAH. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Oream 1 BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, Orders promptly attended to. Particular at tention paiu iu uuiih, ncuiCB, Festivals, etc. KBITHAIT NOKTII MAIN BTUEET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and veil made, fa-hlonsble clothest . If so, call on W. J JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardiii Street, Shenandoah. Call nnd see sample of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness ana lair prices. -GO TO- PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S, 111 1JA8T CENTRE BT For Fine Tears and Best California Grapes. I1KST CELERY IN TOWN. WANTS, &o. A dvtrtutmenlt in IMt column, not nllun 15 lines, b.s.(or one inttrlton; 75c. lor luo: 91 foi thrte; one wtth, 11.50; two uittki, t2; (me nonth, t. FOR SALE-Old bottles, euitablefor bottling catsup, Ac, can be bad very rheaj ut J. A. Itellly'ii liquor sto a, 8 28-tf X7"ANTJID.-Washlnir to do at bom. Apply at Ho. 221 Maybtrry AJ- ley. 10-0 lw WANTED. A girl for eenera bonsawork. Good wages paid. Applj ut Hera 1. 1) oltice. v-iv II WANTED. An englueer, married man with larirn famtlr meferred. 1o rut engine In a knitting mill. For lurthfr par ticulars address Ulug. own Knitting Mill Co., umgEown, i-a. iuai tTOH BALE. A store room and dwelling on East Centra street. Good rensou foi selling. Terms reasonable. A- ply at J. 11. Coyle's ofllce B28-lm "VXT'ANTED. Gotd wages paid to n I tV good, oxperlenc.d girl Apply at 301 west uuerry Birosi, corner 01 untsmuimeei. "ANTED. Persons in want of lale), a iltuallon, a business or real fs- ialo. to call and oxanjliieoursylm Agent" lual principal cities. Max Itese, Hlenm thlp. Ticket and C.cnerM Agncy, henan doah. Agent for the United males Employ ment nnd lluMne-s Agency, 41 nnd -hi uroaa way, New York. 10-3 lm WANTED ' Guar DETERMINED. RELIABLE HEN AT ONCE to sen ins sjiioicchi irntiteetl Nurnery Mock, wood pay. .rermaneni posuion. veryoes tasL selling specintuf aun every wsuue aiu 10 saiesuieu. we jiunrniiice -wiiiii w iidvcrllse. Adaress GI.F.N illtOH., Nurserjmeii. itodieHii-r. r. V. (The house Is perlectlj rwlub'e Ed.) 9 30-121 AMUSEMENTS. F IUtGUsUN'ti TIIlJATIli;. r. J. rEnansoN, manaqeh. THREE NIQtlTS ONIiY Commencing Monday, October 12, Tho talented and accomplished actress, Theresa JNewcomb In N. B.Wood's sensational dramas: Monday "Tho Boy St out." Tuesday "The 15oy Detective." Wednesday ' Adrift in New York Special scenery, elegant costumes, calcium vnecis. I PricoH, IO, BO, QOo Beats on sale at Klrlln's drugstore TjlERGUSO.'B THKATIIH, P. J. FEKQUHOX, aiANAUEll. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, '91 AV. II. I'OTeri' Company In the romantic Irlth drama, THE FAIRIES WELL- Kntlre new production this season. Magnificent Scenery, anil ueanuiui t,osiunies, nnd a tlrtt-elnss company of Comedians, Vocalists and Dancers PRICES OF ADMISSION, 25, CO, 76c. heits on sale at Klrlln's drug store. SPECIAL SALE! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. OF F1PTKCN DOZEN All-Wool Hose! AT C PAIR PBIOB, 2B O. Jnst what your 0 to 12-yonr-old children want lor icuool wear. rrrowni ub-joo a pair after Saturday, October 10. Morgan's Bargain Bazaar! OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! at Tan COFFEE HOUSE, 32 1 Main St Families sunnlled with raw oystere by the I hundred. Aim miiuuruii, rrop. WAIT PAPPR RARRAIMQ1 Largest and cheapest si ock In town. Arlislic Fainting, Graining and Decorating! 10-S-Om 231 W. Centre HU, 8IIKNAND0A1I, J H POMKROT, ArroRNEr-AT.uw. J jam B44U s balldlns comer lltln Utcu Reduction A fow patterns of White Embroidery, TTlouncings. Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteons, Chintzes, also, remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kinds, which aro oftcred regardless of cost to clean out. 1, J. PRICE'S Old 113 North ITain Stroet, Shenandoah, Pa. A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE. We aro making a big drive in fur niture, but malicious desire is not its object. We desire to dispose of a largo surplus stock, and propose (.0 give our patrons the benefit of souio extraordi nary bargains. J. P.Williams & Bra, South Main St., she 3sr.isriDo.i-a:- SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL Robbfns' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September 0. ORCHESTRA OF 10 1'JliCES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. LEATHEB and SHOE FINDIIIGS Dealer la All kluds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and flrst-class stock. A II Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA, Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONS 0 RIAL : PARLORS SIX A.VI3STG, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SHAMl'OOJNO, KTO., BV E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under 1'ostofllce Building, Main aud Oak Sts., Shenandoah, 49-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt und CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 01 N, Muin Bt., Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. HIST PRICE, Reliable Stand, TANINQ THE CAKE. Our clothing takes the hoiv ors wherever it goes. It needs no praise it speaks for itself. Our stock represents Phila delphia's best production. In variety it is unsurpassed in excellence it distances all com petition. Tho prices are al ways moderate. A. C. Yates & Co. HOW ONLY Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. medals: I Doylestowi, J roiisto tii, w Trenton, Mount Holly, Wilmington, Ujver, etc., etc. IICHl-IUIUlC ClotlllllK Til I'lillatlelpliln. A NTIQUI'l Veal. l,etoli' tbi'ic Imt tm's II II i i i lI u. uli.i uy In 1 1 ! i Ml ul time tlif r.M ol 'lie 1 ik p in si.n 'i, lullu-i suit. oImii1 tun a ii'''lii nra eulif can fl fluid lo wt-ui uni-1 ni heuilyi-a ,and evetiT tUey tulcea tfiMid ma'.y i liancts '.vui'Q tuydo It, It will cost y .iu no mine to bo up with the linns than It will to be half u mile behind them. Everything nbontour JUSOliatishand some but the price, and 1X0 for such a haicnu scarcely be called anything but a ridiculously low figure. The same can be, said of ourSx neckwear. Our line ol gems' furnishing goi.d is the lowest priced In the market. 13 S. Main St SOANLAN Shenandoah New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Paided, Papered and Renovated No. US EAST CKNTttK BTItEIST, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskey would In'orra his many friends aud the public that he will cater to their wanU In the same firei-class style that he has done inthepst. None but the best brands of for eign and domestic wiues, liquors and clgain will be kept in stock. Choice tempeiance drinks. 1'lue old slock ale The eating ba Is supplied with everything in the estln lino served in the best style. Meals seivtdatcll hours. Fine private rooms attached. Q M. HAMILTON, M. P., rliTolUIAff ANU SUHOtON. amm-K West Lloyd Htree', BlienandoaLj j v "