The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 10, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents In the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cum Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the mot cxcelltnt remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
so THAT "
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
Finest brands of cigars always on hand.
T le best temperance drinks.
tUcb Headache and relieve all tho troubles Inci
dent to a bilious eUto of tho system, buob ad
Dizziness, Nausea, nrowslnesn. Distress after
eating. Fain in the Btilo, &o. While tholrmosj
remarkable buccoss has been shown In curing j
XToaaaeho. yet Carter's Llttlo Liver Pins ara
eanallv valuablo In Constipation, curlnir and nro-
venting this annoying complalnt,whilo the? also
correct all disorders of t ho stouiaehtlmnlale tho
liver and regulate, tho bowolu. Even If they only
lAclm they would bo almco tprlcclcos to tli03a who
leuf for from this distressing complaint; but fortu
nately their goodness does uotend hcro,and thosa
who once try them will find theso llttlo pills valu
able In so many ways that they win not bo wll
.linS to do without them. DutaftoraUalc!chea4
(is tho bane of so many Uvea that horolawhero
: xsq makoonr great bout. Ourpilkicuroltwhllo
I Others do not.
Carter's Little TJvcr Pilla nro very small ana
very easy to talie. One or two pills makoa doso.
They are strictly vegotablo and do not grlpo or
purge, but by their gentle action pleasoall who
use them. In vials at 23 cents i live for $1. Boa
by druggists everywhere, or sent by moll,
riiiMly di-ni-pe .r.
n't in tctn 'ti lt,vi tna tMn of i!
to. eopi: t.f t if
A i ll&L. yoo Ardor
monulit-f mix-C , il.,' Ji- .unci
kculous cures. I Lw fmuiLrit
t i at nj
j50ol ana onoe otore,
(Masteller's old stand,)
Corner Com mill Jarclln BIh.
Mr, Bnyder will always keep In stock a, fine
line of boots and shoes.
Custom Worlt and Itcpalrlng:
done In the best Btyle. He guarantees to sell
cheaper thin compelltors v. Main street who
hive big rents to pay, aid guarantees a genu
ine bargain ou every purchase.
We, the undersigned,
nre entirely cured ni
Itunture by nr. J. II.
MAYER. Kll Arch Bt.. l'hlla. Tbomaji 0.
llartung, New Klnggold, l'a I. Pandt, Houlb
Kaston, ia., L. V. & O. A. Ueturck, Oley, l'a
It, U, Htanley, 421 Hnruce Ht , Ibannn, l'u., A.
Hclmelder. lxcut Dale, Fa., D, 11. Noll. Limn
kiln, l'a., Wm. E. Ilanenstlne, fhoenixvllle,
l'a W. M. I.Flnbacb, 621 Washington Ht.
Heading, l'a., J, O. L.yme. 1310 W. Howard Ht.
Ilarrlsbure, l'a., O. Keclm, Douglassvllle, l'fi.
Dr. MAYKIt Is at Hotel l'enn, lteadlnsr, Pa.,
on the 2nd Uaturday of each month. Call to
see him.
No: 9 East Centre BtreM; Mnhanoy Olty, ft
Hkln and all speslal mseftsea a snecUlty-
When truuMoil with those annorlni Iralritles(.
. nii.t .ni.ln,.,Mi.nn. nr f raui llia
U' jtlonal Weatoocw -1 p-cuHor to their wj, thoQld
Use DR. DuenuiHii't uriourunj
rr s-n
iver Wsm
ma Alt? DCnill ATlMfi D.0
Thrare Etrengthet ,n ta (Ue eotltf syiUr , flrri
tou,lBorn(iiiB.. l"t toMlfanctluss ot ';l
Or. Hartor petlMlno Co.. 8T.10UI3. E3
Fleldlng Amid tho Porlla
Thoorotloal Cooking.
riinacs of tlio Scrront-fllrl Problem In the
lturnl Ulittrlet Thirteen Nightmare
In Every lltcult, iinil Pmtry Jull
of I.ovu'n Young Uroam.
oorTtuattT, 1801.
Mcthouirht I hoard a voice say: "For,
oil, thoro's moo-oo-oo-oo-oonllghton tho
la-a-a-n-aUc." They talk everlastingly
about tho weather, In tho country, and
I suppose It Is only natural that thoy
should sing about It, but I personally
havo never shown Interest onough In
tho subject to warrant anybody In wak
ing mo at midnight for tho purposo on
Imparting information which belongs to.
Uncle Jerry Husk and hissigual bureau.
Neither Is my backyard a proper placo!
for discussing meteorological conul
tlons with a concertina accompaniment. '
Mv first idea on being aroused fromi
slumber by this unmelodlous weather'
bulletin was that my neighbor, bldnoyi
Drow, In a fit of mental aberration was1
serenading Cousin Nina. I had heard'
that this method of testing a young
woman's affection was still employed
In rural'dlstricts, and on general prln-
clplos I was Inclined to approve. L-cr-
i III 1 1
tatniy, it a man is iorgivon ior caiawai- the right side of Maude in order to Be
ing under a lady's window in tho dead , curo j,er influence with Nina. Ho ato
of night, ho should bo able at tho next 1 nmo 0f Maude's biscuits. There wcro
opportunity to approach tlio subject of
matrimony with sustaining confidence.
I grasped the first convenient mlssilo
and crept toward tho window. If tho
midnight visitor proved to bo Sydney
and I Inflicted serious injury upon him,
I could swear the noxt day that I
thought it was somebody olso and thus
restoro tho entente cordiale. My first
glanco from tho window showed mo
that I had grievously wronged my
neighbor. Thero was not so much moon
light In the back yarn as tlio minstrel ,
1 had led mo to expect, but there was tho poluti i)Ut it uia not penetrate Sid
cnough to show mo tho state of affairs. . noy noticed that something was tho
I perceived that our maid servant matter, and ho blushed sympathct
(called Nancy by those who did not feel ' icany, 1 tried not to catch Maudo's
well enough acquainted wlth.her to OVe. for n laush at that critical moment
raako it Nanco) was tho provocation
iui una uuuiuruuL uui&t, ui muiuiiy uuu
that she was enjoying it nt very closo
range. I replaced my missllo on tho
floor. Nancy and tlio midnight musl
clun wcro sitting on too small a sectirfn
of tho back doorstops to permit my tak
ing a shot at him without endangering
her; and I am too much of a gentleman
to throw a No. 0 shoo at 11 woman. I
returned to my couch and let tho con
cert proceed.
This is only ono of a series of inci
dents which have convinced mo that
tho servant girl problem is oven moro
darkly insolublo in tho country than in
tho city. Wo attempted to induco our
girl to come up with us from New York
but sho refused to go to a placo which
had no police forco and very fow social
advantages of any kind. Our first
country-bred servant quarreled with
Maudo over a question of salcratus, and
went homo to her mother. Tho next
ono was tho oldest of eleven sisters,
nino of whom had searlot fever, and as
she refused to submit to such a process
of fumigation as my wife thought nec
essary, we were forced to part witli her.
After sho was gone, Maudo burned
brimstono in such quantities that I
could hardly havo had moro of it if I
had caught tho fever and died of it.
Nancy was tho fourth venture. Sho
was a young worrfan possessed of largo
personal attractions which sho aggra
vated by alarming eccentricities of
dress. Ono day sho irot hold of a bacr
in which Maudo has preserved all tho 1
ribbons, artificial flowers, stuffed birds '
and other fashionable monstrosities
which havo done service on horhaU for
tho past four or five years. Nanoy ob
tained permission to draw upon tho
treasury in this bag, and began to trim
a broad-brlramod straw hat with tho
contents. Sho didn't stop till sho hail
usftd nvnrv flower nnd bird nnd ribbon! '
and sho woro
that Hat to eliurcli next
Sunday with utter disregard for tho
sacred character of tho services.
IJesidos tho young man who howled
about tho moonlight on tho lake, Nanoy
had another beau who played tho saino
tuno on a mouth organ. Oenorally thoy
camo on altornato nights, but some
times ono or othor of them luado a mis
tako in tho date, and then wo had a
duet or moro frequently fight After u
couplo of weeks of this wo dooldcd to
part with Nnucy, and try to iimko up
rVT. j "f " ""t'Y , ,
Then for a time wo hadn't any girl at
all. Maudo did our eoolrlnn-. I illra
n m.H Innl n,AAn
tlighest of all in Leavening Power.
1 fwdfcir
Maude's cooking. It Is valuable disci
pline. If I should ever bo shipwrecked
nnd lorced to drift about In a long boat
with nothing to eat but marlluo spikes
or a few fathoms of wlro back-stay I
should probably survlvo much longer
than my comrades who had been ham
pored nil their Hvos with hard tacit and
salt horse. When wo havo no girl I al
ways think of theso things and read,
Clark Hussell's sea stories.
Cousin Ulna chipped in to holpMaudo.
Ilor forte was fancy cooking. She had
n vnluablo theoretical ltuowledgo of tho
subject but sho was diffident about ac-
unowieagmg uie practical results.
Nina had been experimenting with
pies for several days, and at last sho,
had constructed one which on tho f nco .
of It answered ovory requirement of'
the cook book. I caught her gazing at
It with honest pride, and I heard hor
ask Maudo if she didn't think wo might
invite (Sydney to tea. This meant, of
course, that tho pie was to bo cut for
Sydney's especial benefit. When a
young woman begins to acknowledge
a growing interest in a young man by
making things for him to oat tho affair
takes Dn a serious aspect especially for
Wo nsked Sydney over to tea. I havo
previously introduced him as a pollto
vouni? man:
and, in any case, solf-ln-
tegt would have urged him to get on
thirteen separate and distinct night-
mares in every one of them. I know.
for I ate two and awoke twenty-six
times In a oold perspiration.
Nina's plo came last. Sho prepared
to cut it with her own fair hands, as
sisted by a kulfe. As sho laid tho
edgo of tho blado on tho pastry sho
fixed her eyes tenderly on Sydnoy, and
ho returned the glance. I watched tho
knife. Nina sawed n few times with
its edge, but tho . top crust of that pio
rmr,nr.(i unscathed. Then sho tried
might have sundered two young hearts
Meanwhile Nina sawed and stabbed,
and stabbed and sawed, and tried to
look as if those were tho ordinary for
malities preliminary to cutting a real
nice pic. Sho offered a few remarks
on general topics at tho satno titno with
a dcslro to distract attention from that
mucilaginous upper crust. Sho asked
Sydnoy (who sat with his back to tho
western window) if ho had noticed
what a beautiful sunset wo wore hav
ing. While ho obligingly turned to
look at it Maudo passed Nina a steel
knlfo with a good, stiff wlro edge.
Nina grasped it nervously and aimed
so vicious a stab that tho pio camo out
of its plato altogether and struck tho
table with a thud that made everybody
jump. Hut thero was a gaping hole in
tho horny top now, and whon Nina had
hustled it back into its plato sho sue
cecded in dividing it Into irregular
fragments, ono of which sho offered
Sydney with tho srailo that tempted
Adam in tho garden.
I never saw anybody accept martyr
dom more cheorfully than Sydnoy did.
Ho ground up that pio as if it had been
tho broad of life and then ho asked for
"If sho rejects him now," I whis
pered to Maudo after suppor, "tho does
not doservo to bo tho wifo of a hero."
Sydney did not stay vory lato that
evening, but ho maintained a cheerful
demeanor to tho last,
"Good night," said ho, as wo shook
hands ovor tho fence which separates
our land, "whatovor happens to mo,
don't lot hor think It was hor fault.
Toll hor that I was always delicate,
and "
Ho was Interrupted by a desolato and
mournful howl, which oloft the still
ness of a Grlmeevillo night. A minute
later Nina uppaured at tho door, evi
dently in a Btnte of extreme agitation.
"Howard," said sho, "won't you pleaso
como and seo if you can do anything for
"What's tho matter with tho striped
, pup?" I asked, trying to bo cheerful.
"I I don't know," sho nnfcwered in
1 n i i . (i i ...i
u vunu lull ui icuiD, uuitao juoj wily
should I attempt to conceal it? I gav6
him what was left of that plo."
Howard Firlpixq.
Buoklen's Arnica Salvo.
The llest Halve In the world for Cuts
Ttrlllunu. Mnrru Ulcers. Hnlt llheum. Kpver.
Hores, Tetter, Chapped lUndt, unllblalnu
LU 111 U I1U 1,11 OH 1 11 I'llMU.. Kill, inmil ,VU
I cures 1'llos or no cas reoulrid. H It gimf.
unteedtogivo perfect Batn-ractlnu, or money
. n lU"'Ld. l'rloe Cfciits .crbox. For ku.o
' by u, II. llageuunob,
U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Some people cay that the rntblt crop
will be big (his year.
Thoro's Nothlntf on Earth
So (rood for a baby suffering with Wind
Colh M Dr. Hand's Uolio Cure. It
soothos and cures. Samples grails lor a
few days at J. M. Ulllan and 0. J. Mc
Carthy, the drusgUts.
There Is a mellow tinge coming over
1110 luce ni nature.
Height of Cruelty.
Nervous women seldom receive tho Hvm
proms they uscrve. Wnl'eol'en the picture
of heiillli, they are constantly ntlinsj. To
withhold sympathy from thene unfortunate
Is the height of crjelty. They have a weak
pain In Hide, wfrtk and hungry spells, and
llnnlly swelling or nnKles, oppression, i-tiok.
inn, smothering and dropsy. Dr .Miles' New
Heart Cure Is Just Hie thin? forthem. For
Ihernerv uneR, heidache, weaknes", 010.,
lili Rent ratlvo Nervl n In unqualed. Fine
Heat s on "Il'art and Nervous Disease" and
marvelous, testimonials tree, bold anil
guaranteed by U. 11. 11 lirenuuch.
Don't take tno large a bag when you
go cliestnuttitig.
Mlloa' foerve and Liver Pills
.Vet on n new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through lite nerivt
A new uisoovcry. Dr. .Miles' fills speedily
line blllousueis, bad taste, torpid liver, pllos,
jonstlpatlon. uneqnaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest I 5)does.
Hots, Samples Free, at U, II. Uagenbuoh't
Irug store,
Tho Ice cream girl has bail a good
long seuHon.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent notices of rich,
pretty and educated girls eloping with
negroes, tramps and otauimien. The well-
unowu apeunii si, nr. r rauKiin .mii, says an
such girls are tnuio nrhfs hysterical, nervous,
very Imp' islve, unbalanced j usually subiwl
to headache, ueurnlgla. sioepiensuow, Im
moderate cry I ni; or lauglilnn. Th.'se shown
weak nervous system lor tvhich there Is no
remedv equal to IteioraUve Nervine. Trial
bolt lea ami a tine boot, containing many
mnrvolous cures, tree n V.ll ltagenliuch's
drug ttoro, who also sell, ml guarantee lir.
Miles' jelebratod New llejrt Uure, the Knout
of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, short
breath, etc.
Public men who get on the fetico
must expect to be railed at.
. i
Oh, What a Cough.
Will yon heed the warning? The tlgnal per
laps of the sure approach of that more tcr
rlblo disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can atlord for the sake of saving 60
cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It.
Wo know froin experience that BhlloVs Cure
will Cure your Cough, It never falls. This
explains why more than n Million tiottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
Jiid Whopplni; Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For name llacir, Hide or
Chest, useShlloli's Porous Plaster. Hold by
U. il. flagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
The cold wave was rather a too sud
den change for inopt people.
Specimen Cases.
R. It. CllilbrJ. New ("asl. Wis., wbr
troubled with Neuralgia ami lllienm.itl-.m,
his stomach was disordered, his l.Uer was ai
fi"-ted to aa nlnrmlnic degrte. Appo'lte ff-ll
away, and he wn terr.bly reduced In Hei-h
a id strength. Three bottles of Klectrlo int
ers cored him.
Edward Hhopherd. llarrlsburg. Ill , had a
running soronn Ills lex of ogni, years' ttnuri
Ing. UtoJ three bottles of Klectrlo Ill'ltri
and toven boxts of Uucalen's Arnica Halve,
aud his leg Is sound nnd well. John Hpenker, iwba, O., had dvo large Knver sores ou Ms
leg, doctors said he whs IneuraMo. One bot
tle Klectrlo Hitters nud ono hot Ilnclileu's
Arnica Hilvo cured him entirely, bold by
C. II. llagenbuoli, Druggist,
Calendars and almanacs for 1802
have mudo their appearance.
Father Pablo Juarez Talks
Don ttunon Alvu.-Dear Sir: I have the
sitlhr.icllcn of informing you that tho Cactus
Dh od Cure, of will h you nre the owner, h is
produced tne most wonderful results for n
Irlend ot mluo who has sullered from her
petic eruption, and I consider your cuio a
rigenetuiur without nmqual. In Die nnniB
of my friend I lhantr. you sincerely, nnd be
mro I will recommend your valuable mcdU
cine, as 1 have nguln seen Its results.
Yours truly,
Hold at Klrlln's DrugHture.fergusou House
The demand for sensible shoes Is
Increasing among women.
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
This is beyond question the most snc
ceshtul Cough Medicine wo have ever sold,
i few doses Invariably cure the worst oase of
'oogh. Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won-
lerm! success in the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel In the history of mudlclue.
sinoe It's rlrst discovery II has been sold on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
an stand. Ii you have u Cough w e earnestly
Mk you to try it. I'rlcel0ceuts,50oents.nnd
11.10. If your Lungs are Bore, Chest or ilaci
lame, use Hlilloh's Porous l'laster. Bold by
0, it. Itagenbuch, N. E. corner Main aud
Uoyd streets.
Jupiter Is so hrleht on these elear
evenings as to catch the admiring eye
even of those not usually Interested In
tne siars.
It Is said will sell 'anything, this is
true in a measure; but for ktaying
qualities,- merit is the test. Extent! r
advertising may sell anything when
It Is now or unknown, but after It
ocmes into general use, It U judged
according to its worth. The continued
and steady growth of Swift's SpeoiU
ts the best evidence of its excullenoa.
It ts most popular whoro It Is best
known. Every botUe sold, sells tea
others. Every ono that takes it be
comes its friend, and recommends II
to their acquaintances.
Treatise on Dlood and Skin DUeaau
uiled free.
Bwirr Srxcnrto Co., Atlanta, O
with onejcgord;
Pattison Oondemncd by tho Press
of Pennsylvania, '
Keystone Stnlo Keillors Agieo In
Pimliiij tho Governor's Action
)uo Kitllrolyto Ills Anilil
tlou to Help Along Ills
Presidential lloont.
With one accord tho newspaper press
of Pennsylvania, except where biased
by Democratic partisanship, promptly
characterized the hasty action of Gov
ernor Pattison in culling the senato in
oxtru session as a political 'campaign
move. All agree that, prompted by his
ambition to secure the Democratic nom
ination for the presidency, Pattison has
gone further than his bettor judgment
under ordinary circumstances would
lead him. Ho is now playing for politi
cal effect, nnd the prevailing impression
is that he will soon discover tho great
blunder ho has made. Public sentiment
has alroady set ill strongly sgninst him.
Hero nre some press comments!
J I r, I'uttlsim'H ltoomerang.
The proclamation of Governor Patti
son is already developing the symptoms
of a boomerang through the state. Tho
cull of the extra session of the senate
hits so many marks of rank partisanship
about it that it is little wonder that the
governor is charged with furthering his
own designs unou the nrpsidencv. It i
absolutely necessary that fhe state should
go jjejuuurauc to maice uie governor a
hopeful candidate before the Democratic
convention, and to secure this result
overy Democratic expedient must bo
The governor refused, to go into court
with his charges against the auditor
general. He refused to tHketho con
stitutional course and summon the leg
islature to impeach. He preferred to
restrict the inquiry to the narrowest
limits, and therefore took a course ,
which is of doubtful legality. He chose
to become the prosecutor in a campaign
address stuffed with expressions bor-1
rowed from the 'arraign and condemn"
resolutions of Mr. Hairity's convention.
He believed tlmt the people would be
satii-fted to listen to a campaign address
by his uttornoy general delivered to tho
senators in a hall hired for campaign
purposes at an oxpense of $-10,000. . If
the call w.i.t not intended ior partisan
purposes way summon tho senate at.a
tinn so near the election that 11 careful
examination could not be made? Why
did ho not give notice that ho would sum
mon tlio legislature the day after elec
tion, thus making it apparent that tho
inquiry was to bo conducted uuon u fair
and genuine basis, and not to bo sub
jected, in the midst ot a campaign, to
the chargos of partisanship which are
now hoard upon every side? Tho moro
tho case is looked at the plainer be
comes tho conviction that tho governor
is playing a very sharp trick, with tho
presidency as the objectivo point. Phil
adelphia Inquirer.
Simply a Useless Ivponsc.
The calling of the senato at this time
is so evidently for political buncoinbo
that it will fail of its intended effect. It
is simply meant to attract public atten
tion to the inattor, and keep it awako
until after tho election. The senato
cannot impeach any officer. The con
stitution vests that power solely in tho
house of representatives. The house
must prosecute; tlio senato is tlio court
that sits upon tho case. There is no
ill r lirnnrinrv in lmviivi' th snnntn
m IO luupriuty m niWlll tne SOIUUO
COllUUCt ft preliminary inveiitlglltion Of
its own accord than there would bo inn
juror investigating the facts of a cnuso
uolore going into tlio box to pass judg
ment upon it. Pittsburg Times.
1'nttlqon's Presidential Ax.
Governor Pattison's presidential ax
appears to have been in desperate need
of grinding when ho was eompollpd to
resort to the expedient of getting tho
state to pay $10,000 or $.10,000 for that
purpose. Evidently tho Democratic
state platform, with its claptrap and
falsehoods, had not taken hold of tho
people as was expected, and another
movement has been made necessary in
tho interest of tlio Democratio state
tickot. What a great timo tho Pattison
presidential ambition would Have if Now
York shouU go Kopublican and Penn
sylvania could bo choated into going
Democratic! Philadelphia Press.
A Political Dodjio.
As there is already a committee of
tho legislature in oxisteuco investigat
ing the conduct of theso officials, and
coming as it does just on the eve of the
btato election, this proclamation looks
like n sharp political dodge to make
capital for his party. It must not be
forgotten that all the developments thus
far brought out in the Bardsley matter
and tho state officials has been tho work
of a Republican district attorney, and
now nt this lato hour, a moment before
the state election, the tnrdy governnor
niovos and calls an extra session of tho
senato. York Dispatch.
Tlio Governor' Hky Itooket Game.
Governor Pattison has called an ex
tra session of the senato fpr political
purposes only. In doing so he has not
surprised anybody who has kept watch
on the administration since it entered
into possession of the highest offices of
the state last January. It has been a
political administration from tho outset,
aud every one of its actions has been a
means to an end, and that ond tho polit
ical advancement of Governor Pattison.
Tlio governor is playing a sky rocket
gttmo. Harrisburg Telegraph.
A Cheap Vurloty Show.
Tho extra session will fail in every
thing except great expense to the tax
payers. It is the prico they pay, how
over, for putting into tho executive
chair a man who is playing the state for
presidential stakes; for voting into
jxiwor a party that has no principles
which can win voters aud must pluy
for political capital of a cheap variety
in the hope of winning support from
those who nre too apt to be caught by
such claptrap. -Easton Free Press.
A Shoe Dretsing niAt restore the bril
liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same time
frtttrve the lofttttss of the leather.
LADIES will the Drawing you are
using do both ? Try it I
Tour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing
Into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for
a few days, and it will dry to a substance
as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Can
sucli a Dressing be good for leather?
will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily
film which is as flexible as rubber.
25 Dollars worth of New Furniture (or
25 Cenfs. HOW? By painting
25 square feet of Old Furniture with
'eistv. is:. . V rnr ir.
097 North Front Street PHILADELPHIA.
tlio skin
eruptions upon
such as nearly all
sarS.'ipai'illa lllixtUTCS do;
drives the impurities from tlio
blood through tho proper
channels, tones up the system,
increases appetite, and rapidly
cures dyspepsia, constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and
all diseases depending upon
an impure conaition ot tno
Sold at Klrlln's Druj Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, l'a.
Aslc my ngents for W. I.. Hnuglns Shorn
If not lor mile lu your place iikU ur
(Irulcr to Mentl for catalogue, Nccuru the
uuency, mul get iliriit lor sou.
It Is ft seam K' hj hlioo, wtu nuUc-ksor wax thread
to hurt tliefft't; miide of tbc host Mm valT, BtyliH.i
tttiU erwy, tint I Deed use nv mnkt more shoe of I lit
artt(h' than any otVu'r mantifafturer, it eciuuls liauj-wi-'wert
ftlKM-4 co-it hit; fmm to 8'i.UO.
ffiffi OlMicituim' llrtiiil-Nim iit, tho Annst cnlC
Pw shoo fvi-r niTercd fur $.1.(11); eiuali lreuclx
imported Hlioes which i-nt from $H,iMtu SU'K.
3iA 00 lluin.fWMl Welt Mine, tlno calf.
SPVm stIUh, (mi.rnriul.l.' uud durable. The best
shoo over nirtrid ut thW prim ; saino grado as cus-
min iiui'if hiiui'i ftistiiii i nun fft w in ?'.' 1 J.
mixm farmcra. uaurnnu stem
undLftterCairlL'rHnllwcarthein. iluocair,
scnmli'sa, uimutb lu-dd. heavy threo Boles, uxtcn.
SlSl!Sii ftS?.
tlll-l price; une trial will cnailuco thosa
win, want a slitM) rnr coinrui 1 nnd service.
flStt 5 nml &'J.0l WorltlnuiiiiurN slwca
S?nva are very htrotiK nml iluralifc. Thnc who
Invo given tlii'in u trial will wenr no ntherniako.
ESauqI isi'i.00 find $1.75 school slu cs am
ESVJo worn by the boysi'verywlieroi they sell
ou their merits, ni llu' lueri-aslng Hiili-s show.
II arlica $:l.( lliiml-M-M'i'i! -.line, best
ttnidUl 19 lloimola, veiy stllHli; equals 1 rcucU
IniTKirtei' shoes enstlniTfi mn SUM to Sr.ul.
l.nillri,' '-Mill, fe'J.DO uud 1.7,1 shoo for
Misses aruinu neiinnououtfoia. r.yiiniiiiu(iuurnoie.
amnion. oeu unit ... uougiaa- uamu
Drlca nro slam Deil on tho iKittnm of eneli shoo.
W. L. nuUULAS, llroclcton, lluss.
Tai3o;3pla. DEI rail,
koq North Fourth at.,
OuO tut. iirtfo, rHitiPiimu,
tli imlf ffnulnn (Jtrniu Am fie
Hpfcilit In Ihrl'nUed btatu who U
tilu V) mru Blood Polaorit
Nervous Debility "4 Spe
cial Dlseusea ih .
8klu DU.4 t. Ui-dbpoUPtlmla th
boni'i.SoroThront Mouth
ftlttvhe, rituplt'i, irurU(iu. vort r
hrJ liner, WwtlUngit, lrrittloni,
luHiruiiutloui n4 BunotDf (
buloiurv. Wcknci ttid tifly
dsr lost memory tttiV hek( raentid ftnileir Kl.ioej
nUliiT Dlsiawi ai U DIih'M"! rfnuUiiiit frum
IntlUcrtlin tr Orcrwork. Recmt ctutt currl in i t'1 10 l5
rtHef at one to not low hrtpo. no imxifr utifct r r
tUlnf tlwtnr Qniwk, FimtlT or HniiittiriiM.l. i0 fn
Pr. TIIKKL cur-i pOltvnly r1 thm '1 unii'O
tuilnea. nt, toixi, Hii-nia or mi TM' oiHtTiMPtiTlna
HtRHiidt ri h -r yor, M i iwnp for bonk.
"TIlUTrl" expo Inn Qavl oirl-r wrn tmUmotilftla.
Xr'M 6 t 10 fqnU 9 (HI U M'rih' nr rail M
For Kbruw km Wtdo. J htturday I'tll. Ctily Time
W. Baker & Cos
from which tho oxcess of
oil hns been removed, is
Absolutely luro
anil It la Soluble,
nro used In Its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nml is ihoreforo far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily dijksted,
nnd admirably ndaptod for Invalids
as well as for persons In lioaltli.
Sold by Crocora ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.