The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 09, 1891, Image 2

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farmor Taggart Tolls Why They
Favor Gregg and Morrison.
a rioiiT roa tax equalization.
XVUnt the Itppnlillcnn Tarty Has
' Dono for tins Tlllern of tlio Soil
niul Wlint Ih Confidently
Counted on In tlio
Near Future.
Farmer Tnggart, that stalwart Mont
gomary county granger, who stood as
the champion of tlio rights of the sturdy
tillers of tlio soil in the legislature lait
Winter, hns met a number ot tho farmers
in difforent counties in tho state since
the opening of the political campaign,
und is weli posted regarding tho senti
tnent among this class of voters.
"I did not intend to he brought prom
inently into this campaign," said Far
mer Taggart, when aiiked about tho
political outlook, "but I find I cannot
Iceep out of the fight sinco discovering
how the linos have been drawn. I do
not see how any farmer in Pennsylvania
can support .tho Democratic candidate
for auditor general. The policy of the
Democratic lenders soems to be in direct
antagonism to tho interests of the
grangers, and for that reason I think it
would lie a grave mistake for any
fanner to voto for either tho candidates
on the Democratic state ticket.
"1 have jmrsoiial knowledge of the
record of Robert h. Wright, tho Doino
cratic candidate for auditor general.
He figured conspicuously last winter at
Jtarrisburg before a legislative commit
tco as tho paid agent of corporations to
light the grangers tax bill. They mnue
a very bitter attack on our bill. Ills
speech was one of tho most aggressive
A Nlhlllitlc Agent Ilnturnlnjr.
Bobtox, Oot. fl. L. ltotenfnrt, presi
dent of Section 11, of tho Nihilistic, or
der, ha received word from the ngont of
tlint section recently seat to Russia In
trusted with important niossnkes to tlio
effect that he hns already set sail for
America, and that he has been very suo
oesiful la the performance of tho duties
Intrusted to li Hit. Un ills return nu im
portant meeting will bo held,
Mnjror nionann ImtlPtf il nml Arraigned.
Nkw YonK, Oct. 9. The rumors of
the Indictment ot Mayor Uleason of Long
Island City wore confirmed yesterday,
when that olllcial arralunod to plead
to an Indictment for assault in tho sec-
nii'l decree Hall was fixed nt ll.UUU,
The oourt fixed next Monday as tho time
for hearing the plondlng. Mayor Uloason
nttcmptod to spoak, bnt was called to
rlrkpockrts 111 r.linhii.
Boston. Oct. 0. Cohen Iiarnott and
Lewis Smith, tho pickpockets arrested
voat.irilay. wero held for tho grand jury
In J1.000 each. Letters in llarnett's
nosossion show htm to be an old often
iler. who has sorved timo in Now York
nrlsom. Hmltli alleges tlint Jiarnott
was touching him to be a plokpocket.
Jlnda I'ronliluullnl Olllcoa.
Washington, Oct. 0. Tho following
fourth class ofllcos have been raited to
tbo nresidontlnl class and their Incum
bents continued: Jlalno Lisbon Falls,
Phillips, Woudfords; Massachusetts
Northborough; Maryland Snow lull
Secretary Iltilford'a Convalescence.
Washington, Oct. 0. Secrctnry Hal
ford is still confined to his bod, although
he seems to be improvine, and tlio doc
tors bono to bnvo him out by next week.
Ho caught a sovoro cold last week, and
this Is tho result of it.
coi.oit mm: imAWH.
Homo of the crn Mliila-ters nt tlio ninth
..dint Conroronon Cnmplnln.
Washington, Oct. 0. Some of the ne
gro ministers who are here attending
the Ecumenical Methodist 1'onicrence,
complain that thoy are treated unfairly
in public pfacos on acoountof their color.
Hev. J. (J. l'.mory, of Philadelphia, in
speaking of the matter said:
"Timo makes a groaf. many changos,
and it pleases its to know that wo sit
whore Gen. Grant once listened to tho
proachlng of the Word. And yot wo
had a very unpleasant incident happen
to us, J "
"Vopartook of the communion ser
vice with our whlto brethren on nn
equality, but whon wo went out to got a
lunch wo could not find a restaurant
which would servo us nnd wo finally had
to go to a railroad depot. Our money,
good United States monoy, was actually
not current in tho capital of tho United
"If wo wanted beer," said BiBhop Ar
nett, "we would havo had no difficulty
In procuring It "
"That Is trno,"sald Dr. Embry, "and
our experience horo seems stranco when
wo romembor thnt in London wo could
dlno nt the tnblo of tho Lord Mnyor."
The Kciimonlcnl Confcrcnrto.
Washington. Oct. 0. At tho after
noon session of tho Methodist Kcumcnl
cnt Conference the status of Methodism
In the western section was discussed by
lllshon Fowler ot San Francisco, Hov.
William Brlggs of Canada and Bishop B.
W. Arnott, colored, of Ohio.
Shenandoah Business College I
Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891.
W. J. SOLLY, President.
two iiisiiors isxri:i,i.i:r.
xitifl HiropranL' assaults airainst the melt-
Biire. It seems to hip that ho stands in
n very strange position today, appeal
ing for tlio votes of tho farmers of Ponn
nylvaiiia. I firmly believe he was nom
inated bv tho Democratic leaders with
-the hope of capturing tho support of
corporations, with whom he has been,
jind continues to bo, on tho most friendly
und intimate terms, for the whole Dem
ocratic ticket.
Farmers can mako no mistake in vot
ing for men like General Gregg for au
ditor general and Captain Morrison for
Htate treasurer. They wero both brave
soldiers, nnd in tho heat of this exciting
campaign not ouo word hns been said
ly their opnoneuts against either of
them. Their honesty and ability is not
irnoetioned. Then, too, I beliovo it to
bo to tho interest of every farmer to
unrmnrt. tho Itenublican party this fall.
AVo nre enlisted in a great battle for ii
-.odnptimi nnd eiiualizution of taxation.
"We have mnde somo progress in that
direction. Wo made a doterimnod fight
in rtm last legislature, and we succeeded
in getting substantial recognition from
lm Ip.kIci-s of the liarty.
That, nnrtv is in tho majority In this
state under ordinary conditions, and to
that party the farmers can be3t look for
fair treatment. We did not get nil we
;isked of the Republican majority in the
last legislature, but wo put iu the en
rlmr wimIl'h. which means a crent deal.
"Measures have been enacted whereby,
mninlv thrnmrh an increase in taxation
nn cnriKiratinns. the state impropriation
to tlio public schools has increased from
$2,000,000 to $5,000,000 annually. Tlio
iwii-snnnl uronortv tax returned to
counties has been increased from $500,-
000 to Sl.700.000. Tlio
provides for the return
linnor license monov.
win two. to the resneetive counties, cities.
linrrm ylis and townsbins. is also iu tho
line of relieving local tnxntion. Tho
Jlmiubllcan nartv is nleduod to renewed
efforts in the same direction, that our
revenue laws may be revised so ns to
Tfilinm the bind of tho fanner from un
fair discrimination. In viow of what
has just been accomplished through tho
UaiiiiliHrnnuartv. would it not boa mis
take to take an entirely new tack at this
time? We cannot further change the
laws until the next lecislature meets.
iet us then bo careful whom wo elect to
administer tho laws now In torce.
Mrs. MaryT. Burt was ro-olectod presi
dent of tho Woman's Christian Toinper-
nuco Union.
Tho Republicans of Wnrron County
nominated Howard Conkllng, a brothor
of tho late Hoscoo Conkllng, for tlio As
AiiKUst Belmont's mansion In New
York bumod yesterday. Sovornl serv
ants had narrow oscnps, The loss Is
Thoi-o was a split in tho Democratic
county convention nt Oswego yesterday,
the Clovolnnd nnd Hill men both nnmlng
The Democrats of tho Twelfth Sena
torial district nominated Cliatlos 1'. Mc
Clelland of Dobbs Ferry for Senator, at
Nyack, yoatorday.
Hon. James W. Hustcd was renomi
nated for tho Assembly In tho Third As
sembly district of Westchester County
by tho Republicans.
Tn nfruluht wreck at Dye's bwltch,
13 miles cast of Blnghamton, yostorday,
on tho Albany & Stisriuehniinn Railroad,
iinglneer James Patterson, of Oneontn,
was orushod to ueaui.
4 reEb-
Important Acltnn liy the Genorat Con
foreiit'u ut Philadelphia.
1'lliLAniarntA, Oct. 8. Yesterday's
executlvo session of tho General Confer
ence of tho Evangelical Association of
tho United States, which was held in
Christ Church, was probably the most
Important that the body will hold.
Bishops Bowman and Escher were ox-
pollod from tho church, and Bishop
Dubs, who was found guilty of certnln
chnrges by tho Trinl Conference, came
out ahead of his enemies, tho GonornI
Confcronco hnvlnu reversed tho finding
of tho Trial Conferonco nnd ordered that
be should be restored to the riuhts and
nrivlleces of tho bishopric.
Tho proceedings wero hold with closed
doors, nnd when tho deliberations wore
concluded nono of the dolegntos would
give the details of whnt had bocu dono,
A Youhg Woman Commits Suicide.
Piiovidence, R. I., Oct. d. Mary Bren
ner, need 22. wifo ot Gustnv ISrenner
and mother of a week-old child, com
mltted sulcido yesterday afternoon at
hor residence No. 87 Milk stroot. Police
Investigation shows that Mrs. Brennor
bmiL'lit n box of Pnrls screen nt Coles'
ilruc storo to kill cockroachos, as she
said, and then went homo and took a
doso of It. No reason can be assigned
for her net. Tho nelahbors say the
Brenners nnneared to be perfectly happy,
nnd Brenner does not know why his
wife killed horsolf.
JMJJj '. I aj I I- -
'v -11
On the road
... . . i
to health tho consumptive who
reasons and thinks. Consumption
ia ileveloneil throuch tlio blood.
It's a
ELL S ioct,
will cunc
Ifrom aimplo r'lmpICH In olistinnte liCZUElAi
mac, ii-ciiics i'ii.iss.
B-8end f r'XHInts for ICItc'ien and Oleic.
Room," a handy book for tho household. JFKGE,
Nnlinnn Rnnlr
U 1
Capital, $100,000.00.
W. Leisonrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dnlly From 9 to 3.
lntcl uu HavIutH neposlts.
sorofulons affection of tho
Xhn JUtna Total Wreck.
AsmmT Park, N. J., Oct. 8 The two
innstod schoonor .ffitna, which stranded
nt Snndv Hook, will ba a total wreck.
Hor keel Is entirely gone nnd big holes
havo been torn In her side. uapt.
Comeau and his crow of six men wero
hrnnnht nahoro In the breeches buoy.
Tho ilJtna was built in ld75, is of 800
tons burden, nnd Is owned by jsi. r.
Kmhurv. of Now York. She wns bound
from Nova Scotia to Choster, Pa, with n
cargo of laths.
Almy's I.ojr llvokni by Trninforl,, N. H., Oct. f). It now
transpires that Almv's leg wns broken
whilo being taken to Woodvillo. The
log, which bad been enclosed In a plastor
nf TnrU cast, was examined beforo ho
tho train und found to do an
.... T-v. - i - iniL lor
lungs a Dlood-iailH. riuu u. per-1 r ht Tll0 fon0wlng day, howevor, ho
lect rcmeiiy lor soroiuia, in an ii complained of grent puln nnd lnvostlga
fnrma Hnmntliiiiir that, nitrifies tho tlnn dBvolonod the fact that tho cast and
........ r. a ----- , , ., .,, t
1 hat. 1 icir were oroKen, uui. nuw tuu aubiuuuv
if it's taken in time, will euro Con- occurred is not Known.
sumption. v.l,1iiri..!Mmi-1i.
Dr. Pierco lias found it. It's his
n irn..M nlff.
" Golden Medical Discovery." As . Rn!.1(i,,v,' 0f the executive- commlt-
n Rtronrrtll -restorer, blood - cleanser, t n, the Now York Uasobnll Club hold
. D. . .. 1 .1 . 1.1. !l . . 1 t.. .
and llCSll-UUlKlcr, llOtlling into n- i nn investigation yiuiui-unjr mi
known to medical Science. For j charges recently made the dub had
played with Boston thnt H was impossi
ble for them to win nny of thorn. Seven
of tha nlnvers wero examined. Tha re
sult of the investigation will bo made
public October IS.
Dunton th Penman llond
n.irmv. Mo.. Oct. 0. Alvlu It. Dun
ton, professor ot penmanship, died hor
unatordnv. need 70 years. Mr. Dunton
wn the author of tho Dunton system
ahln. Ho was champion of th
world nt middle ngo, nnd hud few oquals
with the nen. evon at nu advanced ngo.
TT lma tnucht lu nearly evory State In
the Union.
Justice of the Peace,.
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
aiarriage licensee anu irgai uiuiuin
luomptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance igeney.
General Klro Insurance Business, BeprcsentM
the Northwesiern l.ue insurance uo.
OFKICK-Muldoon's building, corner Centre
and West His., Hiienanaoan, ra.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sals.
A two story double lrame dwelling honse
Binrnnnd reatjLurant. on East iJentreBt.
A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre
3. Desirable property on oorner Centre and
jaratu streets, sunauie tor uuuiuero vuc'
,. A two-story double lrnme dwelling, on
Wnt. I.lnvri fiirnet.
5 Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen-
im Kirpnr.
r Tan 'i ntnrv Hornlllnir nn the corner Ol
Coal and uuestuui sueeis niore mum in
one. .
7, Two-Htory single house on North Chestnut
Rireel wun a large wareuouHo ub uio iwu.
8. Three two-slory double frame bulldluge
corner or Liinyaanu nuueniBirrev.
1 " f r- r 1 it..
legislation which every ionn 01 ncroiuia, ijiuuuiuin,
of all tho retail Throat, and Lung affections, Weak
aggregating $.3.- t c- nn,,r,ha nml timlrod
jjuiiLfa. uutuiu vwuuiiui i4
ailments, it's tlio only reraody so
suro that it can bo raarantcea. If
it doesn't benefit or euro, in every
case, you havo your money back.
"You cot well, or you cct $500."
That's what is promised, in good
faith, bv tho proprietors ot ur.
Sago's Catarrh Remedy, to sufferers
from Uatarrh. J lie worst cases, no
mnttur nf hnw hlllfr Rtandint?. are
..mi- T-,.. ....n ,.l-l.. oirt,i,nf1i V I -i i .1 T"l 1
luuueiiuKiocf mu uutiii oj- v permaneimy cureu uy tins xvumeuy,
win the interests ot me farmers, xueir
candidate for auditor general is Known
Your trade is what we
This Is how wo propose
to get it.
By selling you n llrst
class article j bysellingyou
for less than others; by
selling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
in the lino of household
We have a large nnd va
ried stock to select from.
No t rouble to show goods.
Cull, examine and be
.'UilacleJpuia and Eoading .Railroad
Time Table iu effect July 10, 1H01
Kor Now York via Philadelphia, week days.
2.10 5.36, 7.20 a. m. nnd 12IO ISO and 6.6J
m. nunaay x.iu ana a. m. r or new
"i rk, via Munch Chunk, week days, 5.25,
u. m, ana I2..sinmi i.myi, m.
For Heading and l'lilladolphla week day,
,10, 5.25, 7.2(1, n. m., 12.35 3 SO and 5.55 pim,
Unday. 2.10 and 7.13 a.m., 4.30 p.m.
for Hnrrlsburg, week dajs, 2.1U,7.20 a. m,i
',0, 5.65 p. ra.
i''or Allealown, week dnyif, 7.20 , m.f 12.31
'0 p.m.
" or A'oiinviiitf. woes aayR, j,ivt zni,
lZ3i X50 and 5.55 p. in. Sunday, 2,10 and 7.U
. IU., LOU '.111.
For Tamanim and Mahnoy City, week
ays, 2.10, bX, 7.20, e. m., 12.34 160 and 5.M
m. Hundav. 2.10 and 7.48 . m.. 4.10 n. m.
i.ddltlonal (or ilahanoy City, week aays 7.00
. in.
Kor lAnratcr and Oolnmbla, week days,
Ifla.m., 2.50 p.m.
i-'Ul IT 1111U111BL,U1 l, ouuuui; NUU UVUiaulUK.
veek days. 8.25, 7.20 and 110 a. m., 1.85, 7.00
ra. unoay 3:2) m. m , .vo p. m.
ror llahanoy Plane, weK days, 2.10 8.25,
J6, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 12.33, 1.85, 2.50, 6.55.
7 00anc -".'t tn. Sunday, 210, 3.25 and 7.18
1 m,1 z.05, 1.30 p.m.
For Glrardvllle (Bappahannock Ht"nl
U.33,185 2.50, 6,55, 7.00 RDd 9.25. p. m.&3
2-10. .2 7.48 a. m 3.05, 4.30 p. m. ..
K'nr Asniana ana tsnamoKin, ween, uujn,
'.2 1,5,25,7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 and $A
0. m, Hunday 3.2, 8 32 a. m 3.05 P. m.
LeaVe New York via l'hlladelphla, week'
lavs. 7.45 n. m.. 1.80. 4.00. 7.80 P. m 12.L
ughl, Bundy,.00p. 111., 12.15 nignt.
Leave New York via Manch Chunk, week
lays, 1.80, 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.0) p. m.
Leave 1'hlludoiDhla. week days. 4.10. and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 0.00 p. m..lrom Broad
via Caliowmll ana .;k a. m. ana p. m.
trom HthanO urecu streets. Hunday U.05 a,
m. ll.m 11. tn. from 9th and Wr.u.
Leave Heading, week days, i.s. 7.iu. iu.v
tud 11.50 a. iu., 6.65, 7.57 P, m. Hunday 1.3o and
iti.43 a, m.
I .tv.ivn l'nttivllle. week davs. 2 40. 7.40 a. m.
8.11 i. m. Bunday. 2.40, 7,00 a. m. and
3.06 ,.. m.
' 2 a. ra., 1.21, 7.13, and S.18 p. m. Bunday 3.20
7 43 i. na.and2JK)p. m. ..
,.ave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
ind 11.47 n. ra., 1.61, 7.42 and D.44 p. m. Bun.
3 y, 3.40,8.17 turn., 8.20 p.m. .,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-45, 4.C0
9.35. 11.69 a. m.,1.115, 2.06. 6 20, 6 20, 7.57, and
'MBiTi. 111. aunuuy &if, s.w, uv d.m,m, uii
3 37,0.01,
1 12, 5.W, (C32, 8.03 and 10.W p. m. Hunday, 2,47,
. n H M a. in. K.41.5.07 O. m.
Leave WlManMpon, week days. 8.00,9.45 and
il,bj a.m. 8,85 and 11.15 p. 111. Sunday 11.15
11. alt 1
I'm Kaltlmnre. Washlnirton and the wcnl
ip. R. o. li. K.. throuEh Trains leave Glrard1
v.venue station. Philadelphia, (P. & B. K. It.)
it 4.16,801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.34, 4.21, 6.55 an -i
,24 p, m, .onnuay, .io o.v 4i.
..65 and 7.21 p. m, .
1 cave Phlladelnhla. Chestnut Street Whai t
a la Houtn nireet w nan.
Vav AttKUtlc Cttv
1' (Sirardvllle (Happahannock Htatlon)
ays, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, and 9.41 a. m., 12.05,
J. P.Williams & Bro.,
South IllaluSt.,
T - .. nrv a.rvi
i.'K', 6 00
m. and 4.15. (1 30 m.
etuudaya. lixpress, 8.00, 9.00 a. m. A0.1
rnmmtMHLIflD. k.OII a. m. and 4.45 D. m. 1
Katurnlug, leave Atlantlo City, depots
tmntlo ana ArtcannRS avenues ween-ww
RTtiress. 7.O0. 7.30. 9.00 a. m. and 3.15. 4.00. 6.1
n. m. Aoaommodatlon 0.00. 8.10 a. m. an!
4.30 pm. Sundays Express, 4.00, 8 00 p. m.
AnmmmnfLtlDn. 7.30 a.m. and 6.05 t. m.
O. O. H ANOOCK, Gen'l Puis'r Act. I
A,. A. MOIjKAJU. rrea. flt uaii-i wHBHuer.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1891.
Passeneer trains will leave Shenandoah for
Manch Chunk. LehlKhton. Slatlnsrton, Cata-
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil,
adefphla and New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m.,
I2B2.R.10.5.28D. m.
HOT ueiviuere, AJCittwi a
Water Gap and
atroudsburg at 5.47, a. m-and 6.28 p. m
For Liamiienviuo auu renuju, v.vxi , iu,
wnr WhltA Haven. Wilkes-Barre and Pitta-
ton 5.47. 9.08, W.41 a. m., 8.10 and 658 p. tn,
For xunanannocK, iv.u a. u,ld.iuHuuo.
p. m,
. . .... TIIi.m, flsnu,. nnA amA r.vnn.
ana o.-v p.
to be friendly to tho cornorations. Let
s elect uregg ami iuotriBou mm imim
the politicu.ll bo.ssisiu of the Democratic
party and strengthen tho cause of He
publicani9ui, through which we may
.xnect greater reforms iu tho liuo of
equalization of taxation."
What Thoy Aro HankliiK On.
The Doraoorats are looking hopefully
for more campaign thunder from their
gdvernor and his cabinet nost week,
and until than they expect to do very
little in the canvoss. They arc congrat
ulating themselves on not having to puy
for a hall for their opening meeting.
They look on It as a good joke on tho
taxpayers to have them pay for tho
jiTtrn omsslnn of the Bonato. where the
Democratic orators are expectod to do
as good part service as though they
wflrn nut. on tho stumu. with the Demo-
nrnHn nmnnnltrn committees bearing the
- T. . i . "mi.-
expense of Hail rem nnu pouters. m
governor will advertise tho meetiug
suiliciontly, they think.
A Tip on tho Tailir.
One of our Democratic contempor
aries notes that unprecedented quanti
ties of fruits are being preserved for
household use this year, and attributes
it chiefly to McKinley sugar. Thnt Is
correct, and every housewife ought to
linow that Ave cent sugnr is a boon she
v. t ti,r,v tim Renuhllean nartv for.
The Domocrnts in cougress, true to their
ires trading principlea, voted soUdly
Is and will ever bo tho
Bomody for
vrlrJr.'jt. sunn, nhost ana
Joints, Mouralgia, Sprains, Sto
Beforo yoa aeel to toyi owuu
310 Broaaway
Prize Medals Arardedl
50 Oonts a bottle, For Bala by
x. x. i. 3tiiir-.iiN.
m4 Mkar tkrteSUM-
Florida tu Have aS100,000 Kxlilhit.
Obxanda, Fla., Oct. 0. At a mooting
this morning tha Florida Worlds ialr
Convention voted to raise $iuu,uuu ior a
State exhibit at tho Columbian exposi
tion. .
Secrotary Foster to lo to Ohio.
Warihkotos. Oct. 9. Secretary Foster
nvnorfa tn ao to Ohio on Thursday, Oo-
1 o. !.!.,.. 1
tooor to oegin ui upuecuuiuiuB m
the campaign.
Bank Countors, Tyler System, Port
able, Unequaled In Stylos,
Co3t ond Finish.
ISO Tun C11o8db or Coanlrn, " IUiltruea la
Cvlon Itooi., frtt Toitags 16 OnU.
AlBO -j.yier- J."i
Oalce I)ek and Type
writer CiiljtiietB, SOt
Nlylr. llest und cheap
est on earth, with great
rcilnctlon In prices,
iso p. c.uiokii Fret,
Tohtage 11 tt. ull llBf. of
llcbk., Chairs, Tablfa, Honk
'aa, CaUorta, Lryal lllank
Cabloeta, etc, alwajaln aloek,
SurcUl work nada to order.
li DESK CO.. Ht.X.uiila, Mo., U.H.A.
injla m..iuidb.2Un.m.
For Lacojviue, -rowanaa. tsayre, waveny,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
R 9 ti. m.
For Klmlra and the West vlaHalamanca at
3,10 p. m.
For Audenrled, Hazleton, Btockton, Lum-
, . ... uann...l ti u.nn Hnvan .Turin
tlon at5.U, a. m.and 12.62, M0 und
"For" Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavei
Llaarinw7Ul.HmA.m. Blld D. HI.
For ocranion v.w, w,ou
' xtx nrnrOr. .Tftrtdn. Hrlftnn and Free
land at 5.47, 7.10, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 1SL52 8.10 and
8'2ForQiiakalte at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and
linn m
'For Whreans, Qllberton and Frackvllle al
5.47, 7.10, 9.08, 10.4l, 10,58 a. m.,122,8.10,56, 8,03,
For 1.061 urees, jireniviiw auu .iwjtwiu
137. 7.48.82. 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0.85.
f. 1 1 1
For uarawater, oi.. i;iHir auu ruiwiui
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.01
P'Fo'r liuck Mountain, New Uoston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. n.., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
8'For'ltavenllun,Centralla,Mt. Oarmel and
Bhamokln, 82, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
and 8.08 p.m. , , .
TralnB leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoan,
75 11 J5 a. m., 2.10. 40 and 90 p. m., arriving
at Bhonandoah, 9.05 a.m., 1252. 8.10, 6.28 and
11.15 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland,
Eonrnrmm. division,
On and alter September 1, 1391, (rainj udl leav 1
SheHundoah at fotlowv I
FOI VVIKKUU, utuuurLUii, c ic.i;jkvii.r, lien.
JrsUo, Bt. Clair, and way points, 0OW, 9.101
m ana p m.
Bandays, tuu, v.ili a m ana a.i u p m.
For Pottsvllle, 8.00, 9.10 a m and 4.1Sp m,
Sundays, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 p m,
For Beading, 8.00, a in and 4.15 pm.
Hrmdnvs. 600.9.40 a.m. and 3.10 nm.
For I'ottstown. 1'hoenixviUe. Korrlstov
inrt Phllndelnhla (II road street station). 6.00.!
a.m. and 4.15 p m wees aaya
Mil nniivH. buu. u.iu a in a.iu n m.
Tmins leave FrackvlUe lor Bhenandoan all
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m, BundaysJ
11.13 a m ana o.u p m.
Leave Poitavllle lor Bhen&ndoah, 10.15 anC
11.48, a za 7.15, v.a p ra. eranaays, iu.iu n i
i IS ti m.
Ieave c nuaueipnita uilwi bueei, i-iuujifl
nr PnttavlllBand Bhsnnndoah. 6.57. 835 a nl
4.1 1) and 7,00 p m week days. Sunday 8,60, aniS
p or now i uijl, o.Mj. i,ut' u.o, ,.w,
.9m.:ti JT.l. H.Mlnndll.l4iLll35am.l2.00noorj
lllrallArl rnrmi l.iVI 4.511 n m.l 12.21
2.30,1.20,4.02 5,0,6.2), 8.50 7.13 8.12 and UMXTfJ
m. 12.01 nlghU ,,,
U 35 rn. nd 12 21, 12 44, 2.30, 4 02. aS
4.n. 5 2S. 2l. .- . ' i.u n m and 12.01 nlKl
Pnr Bea Olrt. lone Ilranch and lntermedlau
stations 0.50, 6.25 and 11.39 a. tn., 3,30, 4.00 p.
For ll.illlmore and Wasnlngton, 3.50, 7.21
PV1U nuu .1,10 "... -s, V M , I ,'. o,uu - J
...... U If, OA.. ... in: Mlinltd
lllBUl, urtiiy nuu o Mi, Au.ww. iiw ,,i..,.vb
express with dlutug car tollaltlmore)1.30, S.Q
p. in. wee k days. For lialtlniore only 2.02, 4.l
vrcnic M.ivn. fins. 11.80 ii. ra. daUv. 1
i or mcuinouu, Ml u. iu. uuu i&mo uiim
dally, 1 so p. in, uauy, except Hunauy. j
irHiosiVHVB UUKI.UUIK LUi ATibiauuik; mm
, he west every day miriisna a.iu a ra oil
i HO (limited) and 3.40, 8-30, 9.83 p m. Way f
Altoonn. - i a m ana .iu p ui every any. i
For PlltsburR only, 11.20 a iu dally iviid 101
m woes: uayn.
l.cnvn Miinimrv tor Vllliaminort. Elralr
'anandalgna, Hochcstcr, BtiOaloand KlrgaJ
"'alls, s,mum aauy, ana i.npm weeit uu; j
for Watklns,s.S0im week days.
Fur Krlfi and lnterinedlato lioluls. 5.)n a 1
lally. For Lock Uaven, 6J0, und VS.H a il
lallv. 1.42 and 630 p. m. week days, l
.-&nOVaO.LU H 111 Ufi auu OVw ll Ul IVOIU una
,ic a, ra unnnays. -i
a.8. t;. e u uu, j.itwuuu(
Thousands of Now Jersey firemen held
a reunion and parade at fclliauotu yes
A Mlaa Turner, formerly ot bnRland,
hut. nnw nf Arlington. W. J.. took tno
oath of allegiance to the United States
before Judge lloltman lu jersey uity.
Drdinrr. 'Matthews, a Little Falls drug'
r.i.t U nccused of assaulting Lizxie
Uodd, lo. lie was arresieu itwn j
a similar offense, and was accused ol
assaulting a little clrl In Patlsou some
months niro.
Joel R. Bryant, of Halnflold, a book
keeper iu the Bank of tha Republic, N.Y.
city, was last night thrown from his
carrlaie at Plalnueld and draggod 80l
feet, inlllottng probibly fatal Injuries.
His horsu was frightened by tho head
llaht of a bloycle.
Thomas Thompson, of Mav' Landing;,
tried to commit suicide by cutting his
wrist arteries yesterday. When found
he said a younjt man who was with him
had killed Himself in me kooos. no
body has yet bsen found, and It
thought Thontjrson Ulntkn.
Rl OKI II TY1 . v.dS n.
For' Darkwater. Bt. Clair ond PottsvlUe,
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
B.uu, llu a. m., l.iu,, o.wj p. iu.
For Lofty, Audenrled ond Harleton, 8.01
Foriiauch Chunk. Lehlchton, Blatlngton,
Catasauqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, tuswi
und New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m;
For i-niutaeipnia. -;BYINtlxoN
Uen'l rasa. Aet., Bethlehem.
Or tlio atiiiiiiur llnbll. I'oNlliti'ly Cureu
mannriintHMd AM & CQWdlr. Which I1 bSfflVilfl
lu a olaa or beer, ft cup of eofloe or tea. or In lood,
without the knowledpo ot (be patient. It i abaoluUly
harmless, and will elfeot a permanent and epeedy
ure.whether the patleut la a moderate drinker ol
aa alOOUOllO wrBQK. HUM ocou bitcu iu iuuuiuu
of cases, and in cverr Instance a prleot oure has fol
towed. It MevF Full. The system once impregnate
(or tho liquor appetite to exist.
48 Dasa book of paxtloulars free. To ba bad c
C. H.jHAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
Cblebeatcr's Knlth Dlaaend It rant
Urlirlnal ana tmiy vrnaine.
ire. fclwtM reiUU. LADiia sbx
ltauft fur Cklchtn$rt VniUth Via-.
mo-ul Braiut la ICel tti Ui u tueisnu
IfOics, iftvleJ wlih Una Hi txn. TnLo
uo other. Refvt langrout $ubtuw
1. 1 -?j
'fxiMi end UnittUtoK. Ai Urursins, or md4 4e
, al&njrJ i it iiriiouiri wiumooisu iat
Itrllcf fur Ladle, in lr, by rrtnra
' Alall. JiWO ifiwwmi'i. a"t jupcT,
1 Urei im. J'klladaM im.
Largest and oldest reliable purely cwh oom-
120 S. Jardm St, Shenandoah, fa
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent
Cor. Mtln Mi Centra Street!, SHENANDOAH, PA
7ima mnf in rneri mail. iu. ifiai,
Trnlns leave IleadTnir (1. Alt. Btallon) .
Gibraltar, Beyfert, lllratboro, Joanna, Bpr'J
fleld, Waynesbnre Junction, CoateBVllle.Wj
unesier,unaasiora j uuuiiuu, u,au.duuv.i
Wllmlnirtnn and Intermediate stations. dJ
except Hunday. at 8.25 and 8.80 a.m. andt
p. m. ruiuuuy uuiy ui a.w p. ui. j
For Warwick, 8U Peters and lnlerme'i
Rlallonn,Qaiiy ezcepi ounaay, at k.i- -
un.m. Hunuav odjv fi.ia a, m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate Jfatlol
Saturday only, at 12 m. i
X or jiauimoru anu wuiiuiiiguju ipwk vl
R.l dally except Bunday at 6. and t t
nnrl H.lfi n. m. Hundav onlv al 8.0S n. IfL.
l rains urnvu hv xvchuiuu tr, a. xv. dm.
trom wnmiusujn, u. x u. .juuuuuu,
cnamn, unnousiora junciion, weei i.ue
Ienape, Coatesvllle, waynesburg Juueii
Hrrlmflplrt..lnnniin. liirdBboro. Gibraltar. It
fen and Intermediate stations, dally eirl
Hundav at 10.KJ ir. m. o.m ana b.ii p. in. aa
aay only si u.ii u. in. , , ...
From Bt. Peters. Warwlok and lntermed l
stations, dally except Hunday, at 8.23 a.
and 2.25 p. m. Bunday only at 0 p. m. i
mrusDoro ana lntermeuiaie stun
l A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling nouse, wun stire-room una res.
laurani. Liocatea on jcasi, ueuire street,
9 A valuable property located on Bouth Jar
din street.
3 Beven dwelling houses at the corner or Oil
bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment,
Terms reasonable.
Flant brands of elnrs aUwoys DD bADd.
nm. Msn'i
Onn. Pass, Ar
RntnrrlifcV nnlv at 1.10 d. m.
From Washington and uaitimore, oauy '
cent uunoay. iu m a. m, o.ta ana v.u v
Hundav onlv at 11.21 a. in.
HUWKK'-ia liitiuuu, uen'ir&ss. ai
We, the nnderslf
are entirely cure
Ilunture by llr. .
MAYER, t Aroh Bt., Phlla. Thomi
Hartung, New Klnggold, Pa., I. Bandt, t
Easton, Pa., L. P. A C. A. Ueturck, Oley
H. G. Stanley, 42 Spruce Bt., Ibanon, P'
Schneider. Locnt Dale, Pa., I), U. Noll. I
Kim, ra., wm. k. iiarieuuun. niueui
Pa W. M. Lelnbach, 621 Wathlngto.
Reading, l'a., J, 0. Lyme. 1310 W. Howaj
Uarrlsbure. Pa., O. Keehn, Douplassvlii'
Dr. MAYKR Is at Hotel Penn, lteadlnf
on the 2nd Saturday of each mouth.
see mm.
Ho: 8 Kast Centre Street; Mahanoy CM
Hkln and all polal iUwf it ntwrUrl
VobaTea lueltlvo Cure Cor tbeetftci
Ol bttiual l'owvr.lmpoiency Ae. SoKrva
fHirBnteifla will tMfldon Vull Monti
ttnA ilnk TaJufthU InforfflktiOD STItBIB
in ri Wif imrni