The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 09, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 213.
siepublican State Ticket.
a rm tt it n in it mi at.
jytlegales-at'lMrgs to the Constitutional
WJ, 1. S01T.AFFEH,
T. V. roWDEBIiY.
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. B. Green.
Slierlff Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner Maj. William
Poor Director George Ueffner.
Unexpired Term Harry H. McGlnnis
Constitutional Convention Delegates.
B.llURD EDWARDS, PotUvllle.
J. U. POMEROY, Shenandoah'.
JOUN J. COYIjE, Mabanoy City.
Gen. Frederick E. Camp illod at Slid
dlctown, Conn., yesterday aftor a lluger
ing illness.
The tobacco crop oC Connecticut Is ona
of the largest eror known, and growors
expect excellent prices,
Koch's lymph Is said to have cured
Charles lialaam, of Bridgeport, when
first treated dying of consumption.
lira. Catherine Kelly, tlio old hermit
of Lincoln, Mass., is dylni; of starvation.
She will not disclose the hidlug place of
her money.
David Dudley Field, the eminont
jurist, has given a tract of llfty-oiglit
acres, known as the Ice Gorge, for a
public park for Stockbridgo, Mass.,
where ho and his brothers weru born.
Bodioa Found.
The doad bodies of four of the entombed
miners at Richardson colliory, were
reached at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday night.
They wero John Purcoll, John Lawlor,
"Michaol Shields and John Salmon.
Wators' "Weiss beer is the best.
Roilly sole agent.
John A
v iicnnetn 1'., son or Jacob B. and Mrs.
Annie Williams, of East Coal street, died
this morning, aged 3 wooks and 4 days.
Ladies, if you want fine writing paper
and envelopes to match, call on Max
Reese, tf
g I CENTS for a window auado
il Uk with fringe, others for65o,
l I 65o and up. Hhndes made
JL KJ for Btorea and private dwel
ings. A new lot of shad
ings and fringes to match.
Carpet Store, iO South Jardin St, near Centre
TUB 1'lItSl OF
We open to-day our first lot of
Wo handle no Common, Inferior Goods Ht low prices,
and confidently recommend our BEST MIRCE MEAT
to be the Best in the Market.
"Northwestern Daisy"- Flour
Always give satisfaction. So does "Riverside." lhey
MAKE WHITE BREAD and are Easy to Bake.
When you need
Don't forget to examine our stock. Over 30 different
imatterns to select from. All
Noway Lottor From a Roliab'.o
Tho omployes at Lawronce colliery re-
coivo their pay Saturday.
Lawyer Minoguo, of Ashland, was toon
on our streots on Monday.
Tho concert givon by tho Do Moss family
In the M. E. church, on Friday ovoning
last, was very much enjoyed.
Henrv Rosoworne. who was killed at
York Farm colliory last wook, was for
many years a respected resident of this
placo, and occupied the position of Chief
of Pollco for some lime, lie removed,
with his family, to Pottsvlllo a short timo
ago. His many friends in thoso parts wore
shocked to hear of his death.
William Murphy, employed at Noiors'
tailoring establishment on Water stroet,
mot with a pocujiar accident on Monday.
While pressing soma work, a suddonmovo-
mont brought his hand against a pair of
largo shears, tho point of which entored
his wrist just ba k of tho hand, making an
ugly gash and severing an artery. lie was
immeniatoly taken to Dr. Fotzer's drug
store, where tho flow of blood was stopped
and tho wound dressod. At last accounts
ho was none tho worso for his involuntary
Arthur Jonos, of Shenandoah, who was
recently appointed assistant outsido fore
man at West Hear Ridge, has moved his
family and household efiects to this placo,
and will occupy one of Frynuiro& Harris'
handsomo dwellings on North Main stroet,
During tho past week the P. & R. com'
pany has been making arrangements to
temporarily light tho plane and yards
with eloctricity, ponding tho completion of
the Frackille Electric Lighting and Power
Oo.'s plant, now in process of oroction. Tbo
railroad compiny will locato a portable
plant of aMlgbt capacity, probably at
head of plane. This plant is ezpectod to
day and, as the district, to bo lighted has
already been wired and lamps have been
placed it is likely that it will bo In opera
tion on Monday evening noxt.
It is about time for our local authorities
to make spmo movo towards suppressing
tho habit indulged in by a certain class of
young people of both sexos of congregate
ing in front of the M. E. church on Sunday
nights during tho progress of divine cor
vice, and annoying tbo worshippers by all
manner of foul language and abuse, quite
unfit to be put in print. Our Mothodist
brothcrn form tbo best and most respectable
class of citizens wo have. They pay their
taxes and abide by tho laws of tho land.
and are tboreforo entitlod to protection
from unmerited insult and abuse. They
also havo tho right to worship God in thei
own way.
List of letters romaining uncalled for in
tho post office at this place. Oct. 8, 1801
Robt. Grafton, Henry W. "Warfiold, W,
0. Lewie, Peter Litsch, Patrick Duffy, H,
O'Kano, Annio M. Kolloy (2), Mrs. A
Robin, Mrs. Margaret Reynolds (2).
The finest note paper and
tho country at Max Roeso's.
onvelopes i
Prime oyslors, the best tho market
affords, always on hand at Coslett's. 8-22-tf
IJ tdths and Prices.
Tho Tattle of tho Tattlors Tlmoly
Taken and Told Typograplcally
In a Tasteful and Tempt
ing Tone.
People who think tho members of tbo
thoatrical profession lio upon bodsofToses
should interview the remnants of the
"Asleep and Awako Company" in town.
The play was produced at Forguson'B
theatre last night before a houso amounting
to about thirty dollars. Tho performance
and the recoipts wore of equal standard
After computing his share of tho monov
the manager of tho company intimated that
he was what is termod in thoatrical parlance
as broke."
It Is romarkablo that Shenandoah is
convonltnt place for theattical people to
strand in. Tho town seems to bo tho ob
jectivo point of all the weak and bad com
panios on the road. If a troupe is at the
starvation point in St. Louts it manages in
some way to scramble hero and throw it
self upon tho goneroslty of tho people.
Last season several companies managed
to get here with just onoush monoy to
buy a few packages of cigarettes. All
actors who smoke cigarettes aro supposed
to bo prosperous and tho foot-sore thes
plans never fall to work tho fako on this
confiding community.
One thing is certain, tbo blttrionic ex
ponents must disabuse their mind and not
indulge Jn the false belief that they are all
Tony Farrells. Tony may como horo and
bo received with open arms, bo driven
through our picturesque vales and over ou
grand, broad-backed mountains in th
buggies of our enthusiastic newspaper men
but tbo reading public of this section is not
rich enough to support a carriage fund lor
all actors.
Stranding In Shenandoth is becoming
chostnutty and the thoatrical ponple now
plodding In this direction aro given tho
hint that ono of the greatest blessings of
this lilo is.tho possession of a railroad ticket
for home.
Theatrical patrons are numerous in'tbis
community and thoy aro generous, but
their generosity is not warranted to with
stand all attacks. Some of tho "Asleep
and Awake" people no doubt realized this
to-day. This morning several of them
wero at tho Lehigh "Valley depot and the
glances they threw at arriving and depart
ing trains epoko volumes. Two of them
wero fortunato to get away. Just before
the conductor gavo tho signal for tho 0:03
train to Etart for Now York tho managor
and ono of tho female members of tho com
pany hurried out of the ticket office and
boarded tho train. There was a smilo upon
tho faco of tho female which seemed to cay,
"I'm all right, anyway." Three male
members stood on the depot platform and,
as the train pulled out, they glanced at
each other In a "wo'ro-in-it" manner.
As tho rear platform of tho last car disap
peared around tho curvo they turned upon
their heels and sorrowfully wondod their
way up town.
Y" Programme.
Tho following will be tho programme of
tho "Y" meeting to-morrow evening :
Bcrlptural leason, Mattle Bees.
Beleotlon lioin "V bells."
Comlo recitation, Bella Brown.
Jottings of a week, Kdltb Morgan,
nolo, John l'rlce.
Critic. Marie Bayer.
Young people ure profited meruit? and
Intellectually by attending the "Y." All
Always go to Coslett's, South Main
street, for your prime oysters. 8 22-tf
"II a woman will, she will.'' If she utll
take Cr. Bull's Cough Byrup for her cold, she
will be cured.
Pay Your Taxes.
Notice is hereby givon that all persons In
arrears for 1889-00 taxes must make settle
ment at once, as tho undersigned is deter
mined to make his collect! ns complete In
the near future, even If arrests must bo re
sorted to. Christ, Schmidt,
0-10 tf Tax Collector.
A Now Doparturo by tho "Col
liery Engineer."
Tho "Colliory .Engineer" Company, of
Scranton, has decided to open asehoilof
mines with the o'ject of supplying n
thorough raining education which will bo
comprehensive and comploto at a tnvill
cost to tho student.
Tho '"Colliery Engineer" Company has
ontered into an arranzemont with Mr.
Alexander Dick, an efficient and oxicr-
ionced raining onglneor and colliory mana
ger, whereby be agrees to bocomo Director
of tho Colliory Engineer Scho. 1 of Mines.
Tho objects of tho school aro (1) by a
systematic courso of tuition by correspond
onco to thoroughly prepare candidates for
the annual mino foremen's examinations:
(2) to onnblo mino foremon who have al
ready obtained their certificates to roviow
their knowledge by methodical self-exam
Ination and to add to that knowledge and
keep thomsolvos abreast of tho times j (3)
to cnablo every ono connected with mining,
oven It they do not wish to socuro a cer
tificate, to broaden their experience, and
by a system of catechetical study to
thoroughly inform tbomselvesin the theory
and practice of mining.
Tho molhod of instruction will bo by
text bonks ; a judicious course of reading ;
by papors of instruction compllod In torso
and pimplo language by an elaborate sys
tem of question and answer accompanying
each instiuction papor, so that during tin
entirocourso each student will bo under
going a periodical examination upon what
ho has previously learned.
In addition to tbe correspondence courso
it Is proposed to conduct classes for the
active practice of surveying and drawing
so that ouch pupil may, without any oxtra
charge, attend ut tho school In Scrantjn, to
take a special courso in the uso of tho
transit, lovel, etc., and in tho traversing
and plotting of survoys. For this purpc
all the necessary instruments will bo at the
disposal of students under tho caro of the
teacher, also a complete roferonco library
of mining literature .
At tho end of tho courso tho student will
undergo an examination covering tho
branches studlod and on poising eatisfne
torlly will bo grantod tho "Colliory Engi
neer" School of Minos certlflcato. While
this certificate will not entitle tho holder to
act in official capacity at collieries In stales
whore tho mining laws rcquiro a govern
montcouifijato, yet tho course will be so
cornpleto and tho examinations so thor
ough that tho fact of holding ono of' tho
certificates will In Itself bo a guarantee of
tho ability of tho possessor. Any person
taking this courso of instruction who passe
tho examination and is awarded "Tho Col
liery Engineor" School of Mines certificate
will havo no difficulty in passing any of
tho government examinations.
Tho charge for a scholarship is $2G, paya
ble in advanco. Tho scholarship entit'os
tho boldor to instruction until he passes tbo
examination and is awarded tho "Colliery
Engineer" School of Mines certificate.
Tho student may bo able to take tho courso
in six months, or perhaps his studies may
bo interrupted and bo may not bo ablo to
complete it for a number of years. Never
theless tbo scholarship will ontitle him to
instruction and participation in tho classes
until ho can pass tbo examination and docs
receive tho cortificato. The certificate also
entitles tho holder thoroof (without addi
tional expenso excepting, tho cost of rail
road farn and board,) to como to Scranton,
and take advantage of tho classes for in
siruclton in tho practical uso of Surveying
Instruments and in Drawing.
Tho plan of correspondence lessons In
mining Is no experiment, but is an elabora
tion of a system which has worked with
groat success in Europe for tho past ten
yoars. In tho United Stales similar plans
aro now being conducted with complolo
success in almost every study with tho ex
ception of miolng. If in England, with
itl compact p 'pulation, tuih a method is
nocessary, and beneficial, how much more
useful will it bo hero, wboro scattered and
isolated districts procludo tho possibility i f
soparato toachors obtaining a sufficiently
largo class to warrant thorn devoting their
time to teaching.
No ono neod fear entering onthecourie
from want of sufficient education, asovery
subject will bo taken from tho rudiments,
and all that Is required Is that oach student
shall have a few hours every week to de
vote to tho work, with a purpose In view,
and a firm determination to suc.ccd.
To intending candidates for mine fore
men's certificates, tho school will honceforlh
bo a necessity, and to tboso who may have
already obtained that magic piece of paper
tho courso is recommended as a well
organized means of keeping tho theory of
their profession fresh upon thorn, and
maintaining thoir knowledgo on a lovol
with tbo times.
Children Enjoy
Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing effocts of Syrup of Pigs, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother bo costive or bilious tho most grat-
i'ylng results follow Its use, so that it is tho
host family remedy known and every
family should havo a bottle
Buy Keystone Hour. Re careful that the
name Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., it
printed on every tack. . 8-8-Staw
Ho "Will bo Buried In G!a?nevin
Cemetery, Dublin, on Sunday.
No Autopsy Hold Upon tho
Body, as Intended.
London, Oct. U. The announcement
that thero was to bo n post-mortem on
the body of Mr. l'arnoll created some
misgivings ns to the causa of death. Dr.
Gowers, In responso to a telegram of In
quiry, said that tho post-mortem had not
been ordered by any public authority,
but was to be hold by tho wish of the at
tending nhvslclnns. with tho consent of
frlendi of Mr. Parnell.
He stnted that tho death wa ns plain
a cose as he had ever attended. Par
nell died of rheumatic fever.
The doctors, aftor examining tho body
of Mr. Parnell. concluded that It was
not necessary to perform an autopsy, and
therefore rofrnined from doing so. Dr.
Gowers and two other physicians mado
tho examination. The remains had un
dergone a rapid change, and it was
found advisable to close the shell.
As far as known, Mr. Parnell did not
lenvo a will or a political declaration
Ho had no perception of tho gravity of
his Ulnoss or any consciousness of tho
npnroach of death.
During his delirium, shortly beforo ho
died, Mr. Parnell talked about Irelnnd,
and what ho would do for horif he lived.
Almost his last words wero: "Lot my
love be conveyed to my colleagues and
the Irish people."
Tho Messrs. Redmond & Mahony re
arranging for tho funeral. Tho body
will arrive In Dublin on Sunday morning,
and be takon in state to the City Hall
from which the funeral will proceed to
Ulasnevln comotery, tho placo ot Inter
ment. Extensive preparations are being
made for tbo obsequies.
There will bo no rollglous ceremony at
Brighton. Tho body will bo conveyed to
London on Saturday in time to catch th
Irish night mall.
Ilia Estimate of the Donil
Leader Ko
Union Llkoly.
London, Oct. 9. In an lntorvlow at
Brighton Captain O'Shea said that ul
timately it would be seon that tho death
of Parnoll would not result In a reunion
of the Irish Homo Rulo party.
"in mo last conversation, but one
that I had with Parnoll ho assented with
obvious pleasuro to my suggestion that
among his political friends tho most false
was John Dillon, the lowest Tim Healy
and T. i: U'Uounor, nnd the most con
temptible Justin McCarthy. I have
nothing now to say about Parnell.
"It was In April. 1880. that! found
mm out for what ho was.
Pnlltlxnll,. ,n
was never a man of Ideas. His was not
an original mind. But ho was the most
Bklllful assimllntor of the Ideas of othors
that I ever knew."
Comments on the Continent.
London, Oct. 0. The views of tho
Continental press and public opinion ns
to tho effect of I'arnoli's death aro large
ly colored by local political interests.
Tho general Impression on the Continent
is that Parncll's denth will strengthen
tho Liberal party, and therefore have an
indirectly unfavorabloiulleunce upon the
foroign policy of Lord Salisbury. Hence
in Germany tho news is received with re
gret, whilo In Franco nnd St. Petersburg,
where tho return of Mr. Gladstone to
power Is desired, there is a disposition
rather to oxult over tho death of tho
man who stood in his way.
I'arnoli's I.ant Rpeech.
London, Oct. 0. Tho last publlo utter
toronce of Mr. Parnoll was at Groggs,
County Galway, Ireland, ou Sopt. 27.
when ho addressed a meeting of three or
four thousand people. Ho was nt that
time far from well, and said, as ho be
gan his speech, that his physicians had
ordered him not to leavo his room, but
he would not disappoint men of Galway,
elso tho socoders would say ho was
Oldeat College Gruriunt In Amorlrsu
FlTZWlLLIAM, N. II., Oct 9. A. A.
Parker celebrated his 100th birthday
yesterday. He graduated from tho Uni
versity of Vermont In 1813, and is said to
be the oldest living college graduate in
America. He was intimate with Daniel
Webster. As a colonel tu the Governor's
staff in 1820, ho acted as escort to Gen.
Hon. Charles II. Alien Serlouily III.
Boston, Oct. 0. Tho non. Charles
II. Allen, tho Republican candidate for
Governor, is sick at his home with acuta
tonsllltls. Ho has notified the Republi
can State Committee to cancel his dates
for tho present week, but hopes to be
nblo to take the stump again by next
Kriwln Arnold to Lecture Tlore.
New YonK, Oct. 0. Sir Edwin Ar
cold, tho noted English author and
editor, will lecture In this city on No
vember 4. Sir Edwin will sail on the
14th Inst., arriving horo on tho 21st.
Always Prompt.
Tho insurance companies represented by
David Faust, Ni. 120 Scmth Jardin street,
wero all tested by tho largo ftro in 183 and
since, and aro afwayi prompt In paying
their loss's satlffa lorl'y 10-8-3t
Oysters are In season
and tho boat in the
8 22-tf
-feet are at Coslett's.
George Schoener is in Phltadelphln
selecting the cholco products of tho market
for his oyster bay.
General William Lilly, of Mauch
Chunk, and Major HoberlS. Thomson, of
ottsvllle, groetod oach other cordially ia
town this niornb g.
F. J. Mooro, agent passonger department.
and P. B. Maxwell, traveling passenger
ancnl of the New York, Chicago & St.
Louis II. It., (Nickle Plat"), wero In town.
yesterday transacting business.
Ex Councilman John V. Williams,
now of Cramer Hill, N. J , came up yos
tordsy as a witness in tho Wator Co. case.
Mr. and Mrs. Goldman, Ilorman Soff,
L. King, Lawyer Lautorstino and Miss
Sallie Cannon were in I'ottsvlllo on Wed
nesday on legal bus! nets.
Among tboso li attendance at Pottsvillo
in the suit of the Borough vs. Shenandoah,
Water & Gas Co., aro Oouncilmon Pottz,
Wurm and Lamb; Ex-Councilmon Shoo-
maker, Ornisby, Garden, Powell, Will
iams, K nipple, Masters; Clerk of Council,
Ports-.; Ex C erk Williams; Chief of Police
iVmour and Lieutenaut Connor.; Ex-Uur-
gess William; !5x-suporvisor nugnes;
Cnpt. Johnson, Messrs. Stout, Barnbergor,
Ilnyor, Duto, Cather, Hess, Uollopoter,
Doylo and Pomoroy.
Favorable Sentiment.
Tho Mabanoy City, Shenandoah, Ash
land and Oirardvillo Electric Hallway
begins to assumo tangiblo shape. It mado
its bow to tho people of Mahanoy City on
Tuesday ovoning last in tho form of a
petition to lay trucks upon Contro and
Main streets. Tho attorney of tho com
pany, J. It. Coyle, Esq., of Slienaiidoaf
wcu'd have been present in porson at the
mooting of Borough Council, but urgont
business demanded his attention olsewhoro.
A committee was appointed to moettha
representative of railway company to havtf
them submit in dotall tho privileges they
do-lro tho borcugh to grant. The com
milteo consists of Messrs. Lowis, West and
Lewis. Tho sentiment of Council was in
fuvor of granting tho request, with suitable.
provisions to protect tho interosts of thei
borough and guaranteo tho- proper caro ot
tho ttroots. TVt- Weekly Record
The; following citizens of Shenandoah
have boon drawn as iurors for' tho Novem
ber term of court:
Grand juror Daniel Anspacb.
Potlt jurors Michaol J. Lawlor, M. P.
Fowler, James Ilurn, Mayl'orry Hofnor,
Clayton;Folmer,;james Duffy, Carl Coo
gan, Patrick Hand, T. G. Sluttory, Edward
Dowling, Mathow Delanoy, Joseph Shup
poll. Travorso jurors Harry Muldoon, Law
renco Bradigan, Jacob Barnbergor, John
Kelty, David T. Jonos, Michael Whalen,
i lionry
Shaefer, Joshua Tumpest, John
Odntwell, John Hughes, Thornton Stout,
John Mauley, AV. II. Shoemaker,
I .
Harry, tho young son of f hornss Mc
Donald, of Soulh Jardin street, dlod yo
torJay. Jamos Richards, of South Jardin streot,
mourns tho death of his infant child.
Take good ndvlco. I have snllered with bad
heudaolies for y am, and nave tried many
remfdles without obtaining relief. I was ad
vlted to give i-alvution Oil a trial, and It bos
entirely cured me,
EDWARD I1AI.TZ, (Uulcher,)
Ia Fayelte Market, lialllmore, Md,
A Monster.
Little Patrick Cantwell, 14 years of age,
of 203 Gilbert street, Shenandoah, had a
tapo worm removed by tho Indian doctor
who is now located at Frackvillo. Tbo
doctor guarantees to remove head and all,
or no money to be paid. 9-21 dw-tl'
Pottavllle Ahead, aa Usual
Tbo jury commissioners mae the draw
ing of tho grand and petit Jurors for tho
Novambor term of court and, as usual,
Poltsvillo emerged from the contest with
flying colors. Tho reprtsentation is ap
portioned as follows: I'ottsvlllo, 64; Shen
andoah, C; Mhanoy City, 10; Ashland,
17. i
A young Lady
Between tho agoe of 14 and 10 years can
get a nlco situation at Keagoy's photograph
gallory by applying at once. tf
Legal blskaki of aU kiU he sa at th.
Fou tIntyflflfcr,8,Pfltt.P't'- f
For Breakfast ?
A Mackcral?
Wo havo 'em.
White and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. Isro rust.
Jib, Hb, lib, XI lb, 111b,
No. 122 North Jardin Street-,