Seasonable Okies ! All kind3 of spices, vinegar, sugar, etc, for the preserr and pickling season. All pu Sweet Pickles anS Pickled Goods, Canned Goods, Cheese, etc., at Cor. Centra and Whito Streets. AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, , Light. tjaajarC JJJj Dark. KMSEB EXFOBT MAHANOY CITY, PA The Evening Herald. ALL THF, NKWS FOK ONI1 CENT. lias ft larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books optn to all. AFFAIRS OAUQHT HASTILY, "What Nowa Oatbororo Tako a Momont to Toll About. Leaves uro coloring. The rabbit crop Is promising. This moon 1b tbo huntur'n moon. Jack Frost'H reign will soon begin. Tbo "turtlo bat" is a new sort of toque. Tbo crysnntbemum plants uro now budding. Housuwfves are pickling tbo yel low tomatoes. Tliere Is entirely too much pro- iuuuy on ino Bireeis. Hens always lay eggs in the day lime, .tinigni iney are roosters. Iilack Blockings are still in vogue for uay wear, uut mo evening siocKing niupi iniucu me gown. Perhaps tbo charm of tbo summer girl is the real cause of the phenom enal reluctance 01 me summer to go. Now Try This. It will cost ynu nothing and will surely do yon good, If yon hayo n Cough, Cold, or any trouhle with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. Kings New Dlsiorrry lor Consumption, Coughiand Colds Is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will bo pnld back. MifTercrs from La Clrlppe found It Jnst the thing and under ltd mo hml n speedy and perfect re covery. Try a wtmple bottle at our expense and learn for yourself Just how good a' thing It Is. Trial Ix'tllos Ireo nt O. 11. Jlngcnbuch's urug store, i.nrgc size ouc. ana 31.UU. Stationary packaRoa, 5 and 10 conts each, at Max llcoso's tf Coming Evonts. Oct. 20. Supper in Kobbins opera liouso undor the autpicos of Ladlos Aid Society, Ho. 13, auxilliarv to Sons of Veterans. Nov. 5. Socond anniversary entortain- mont of Major JonnlnRS Council, No. 307, Jr. O U. A. M., in Ferguson's theatre Nov. 18 Grand supporin Bobbins' opo-a homo for the benoflt of the Trinity Ilo formod churcli. Novomber 20. Grand supporin Kobbins' opora house; bonoflt of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. V. Ij. A. Second hand school books bought and sold at Max Itoeae's. tf Reduction In Hates. Conunenoinit Octobor 1st the Providence and Stonington Steamship Co. will roduco rates from New York to all points East on both its lines, by the 1'rovidrnco Lino from pier 20 old No., N. It., at 0:01 p. m., and the StoninRton Line from now pior 30 North Itivor at 0:00 p. m. Ittto to prin cipal points will We the samo on both linos, viz: lioston, 18.00; l'rovidenco, ?2.25; AV orcesler, 2 20. A. Molskkd, S. 1 A. ' 9-30 tf Prettiest oil cloth in town at C. D. Fricko'e carpet store. 9-18-tf Beet work done at Brennan's steam laandry. Everything white and spolleM. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Buoklon'B Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve In the world tor Cuts Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Salt Hheuni, Fever, Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cullulalna Corns, and ullBklu Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requlrtd. 11 Is guar nnteedtngtve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by O. II. llngeubuch. OystorB. Oystors aro in season. Go to Schooner's. Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 0-4-tf Fall and winter millinery opening at tho Misses Lessig's, 10 North Main street. 9-23-4t The worst danger nbout neglecting a Cough or Cold Is Consumption, Wo can assure our readers that no medicine equals l'an-Tlnn Co igh and Consumption Cure, Try It. Tilal bottles free at Klrlln's drug store. Tako your oarpot rags to O. D. Fricko's carpot store and liavo thorn mado into a flrst-claw carpet. m 9-18-tf Waters' "Walse beer is the best. Koilly sole agent. John A-0-0-tf The plaoe to buy your school hooka cheap is 3VIE!XjiXj3SIlX"ffiS. Also Bolialar's Companion, I look Htraps, Bohool llagu. Tablets, eto. Kverylhlng and anything required In Mbool. bluten, pauolUi. eta, sold re tail and wholokule, Books Suitable for East and West MalianoyTwp. Dou't forget the plee If you wish to save money. IK. MBLLBT; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah. I T SCHOOL BOOKS. I 1 REGION 'BOUND. A Budgot of Interesting Artiolos on all Topics. The latest scheme for raising money by lodges and other organizations is the unsxei party, 'me young latues bring to the meeting small baskets filled with fruit or other edibles, which are to be eaten by the donor aud purchaser. These baskets are auctioned oil and fair prices realized. Purchasers are plenty, as besides the contents, tbo basket Is good for future U8e. When the Mollio Mngulres existed In the coal regions, Henry Huflord, a prominent citizen of Wllkos-Harre, was one evening returning homo from tbe mines. He was within a Bquare of his residence when several masked men supposed to be Mollies who lay in nmbusb fired at him. One of the bullets penetrated bis abdomen, and It was thought he would die. For sev eral months he struggled between life and death, and finally recovered. Some years later he moved west and now the news comes from Oskaloosa, Iowa, bis home, that he has died of the injury he received from the bands or the Mollio Maguites. The Supreme Qourt has decided a Sbamokiu case which has been In ex istence for two years. In 1889 Mrs. Catherine Doylo, of Excelsior, took out a J3.O0O life Insurance policy In tbo Pacific Mutual Life Insurance of California in favor of her daughter, Mrs. P. A. Mahon, of Shnmoklu. Six months later Mrs, Doyle died, nnd soon afterwards Mrs Mahon requested the Insurance company to pay over tbe J.3,000. She was informed that tho company hud decided that a mis take in tbe policy rendering it worth less. The sunerintendent of public schools of Luzerne county is a great friend of uie iree scnooi hooks project, anti cues as proof of the economy of it, that tbo Plymouth township board is now buying geographies at 90 cents that used to cost the scholars $1.20; Susnr Notch, .Newport, Hanover and Ply mouth towusbip are now furnishing their scholars with free books and, so far as can be ascertained, tbe rule has proved a very popular one. James Shelly, of ramaqua, the boy who bad his arm cut off at the rail road crossing on Kim street a few weeks aco, died from bis Injuries. It Is said that when a drunken man nassed Shell v's home on Mondav evfen- iiiK veiling very loudly, the boy. who whs sleenini! at the time, was sud denly awakened, and In his excite ment, grabbed bis injured arm, caus ing lilni to bleed to dentil. A Kind Friond. Ii what thoy call lint Fnmous llomedy, Hed rill I. n..ll.1.. DI.M.n.nll.m 1' lllg VMI, II- IIIIIUJ' WIICD A, llt.M.U, lOlll, Neuralgia, Cuts, llrultcs, Hump, Bores and all pain, ilia goou ioi man or uiubi. m cenu. At Klrlln's drugstore Oystors aro in season and tho best in tho market aro at Coslctt's. 8 22-tf BurchlU's Restaurant. Charles lluichill i now located atcornor of Main and Coal strocts, Shcnundcah, Kejtular moals, at popular prices, served any time. Ladies' dining and rcfroshmont rooms attached. 9-1 1-tf Lniios, if you want flno writing paper and envelopes to match, call on Max Iteoee. tf SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. OF FIFTICKN DOZES All-Wool Hose! C PAIR Just what your 0 to 12-yenr old children want for i chool wear. 1'r ce will be 25o a palrulter Balurday, October 10. Morgan1! Bargain Bazaar! WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest slock in town. Artistic Tainting, Graining and Decorating! J. P. CARDER, 10-2-6m 231 W. Cenlro Bt HUENANDOAn. JLI5 Lad ies' Coats. Largest Line in the County. - AT - JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS . ASHLAKTD, PA. Have You Corns ? If you have, got a pair of solid comfort shoes,tvhich wo guarantee to give solid comfort and solid wear. 3ES 2FS. 0"W:DJ, Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Grand Opening FALL AND WIN TEH STYLES OF MILLINERY! ELLAM. M'GINNISS' -N0.26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN TKIM.MKD IIAT3 Onnnot loo lEIciUfvllocl . PAItTIES in need of of stove repairs ri of any dc crlpllou should call n (j on me, as I beep constantly f on hand n full supply Buy A I he best range In tho n It maraet. NEW CT u WH perfect work. As fr &Tf C to th0 Price, it will O J VIZ sult yu- Tllls excellent Btove be had only irom WM. E. PBATT, TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING, ROOF PAINTING promptly attended to. 7-6-3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah SALLE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH, HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream ! BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to. Particular at tention nam 10 nans, nemos, Festivals, etc. if. lEciEiTiei.A.asr NOUTII MAIN BTHEKT, Near Corner of. Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA DO TOU "YANT A GOOD FIT ? and well made, fashionable clothes? If fco, call on W. J". JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of the latest eoods and tbe styles. Good wurkmanshlp, promptness -GO TO- PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S, 111 EA8T CENTRE 8T For Fine Pears and Btst California Grapes. BEST CELERY IN TOWN. WANTS. Sco. AtiverHemenl tn thit rnlnmn. nnl f-rf0tlinn 5 line , We. for one intrrlloti; 75c. tor two; II for i.rrc,- tn.c wih, i.ou; two uttKt, one nonth (X. TfOn SALE-Old bottlea, Biiltablefor X.' boltllng catsup, Ac; can be had very cheap ui.M min; a iiuui DIUIV, O Aril WANTED. Washing; to do nt home. Apply at No. til Mnyberry Al loy. NWlw WANTED. A girl for general housework. Good wages paid. Apply nt Herald office. 9-10 it vyANTKD. An engineer, married i i " miso iMiiiii uieieuuu, iu iuu enKinelu a kultting mill. For further pat' tlenlars address Ktngiown Knitting Mill Co., AGENTS WANTED. Free pre Ild outfit to energetic men. Bevernl of our salesmen have earned from J70 to HCO a week lor years past. 1. O. Box 1371. Nw iora. uuiw DEBIBABliE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply nt Kowse's grocery store, cor ner j arum ana uax sireeta. nuennnaoan, ra. FOR BALE. A store room nnd dwclllnir on East Centro street. Good reason for selling. Terms reasonable. Ap ply at J. II. Coyle's otlljo. 0 -Mm ANrfeD. Good wages paid to a eood. exnerlenocd cm. AdpIV at 0i West Oberry etroet, corner of Chestnut frtrent. FOU SALE.- Cheap, a kind, gentle and true horse. Anybody In need of n good looking, fust horso for light work cu get one cheap at J, T. Graf's, Mieuandoah. FARMS FOR SALE. Areyou look lnc tor a tarm? If so call on or write to J. J. Kchlcr, Frackvlllo, Pa., as to where they are looiuea ana lor terms. o--u FOR SALE A lot of household furniture, including severnl bookcases. Must be fold at once on account of removnl from town. Apply to nr. Thomas rovany, 17 South Jardln Htreet. 10 2 2t FOR SALE. A beautiful double rod Iron fence, suitable for fencing ceme tery lots, or fur gates around dwellings. In quire of Presbyterian church trustees. 9 9 tf I" OST. In the neighborhood of the i vacant lot on the east Bide of South White street, a silver watch. Five dollars reward for return ul samo to Hf.hald office. 10-5-31 FOR SALE. A nice 28 acre farm lor sale. Hix miles from Hhenandoah. Beautifully sltnaled od a publlo road Good dwelling. Good barn. Fruit trees beginning to bear. All young. Bplendld stream ot water running through the the land. This is a good cnanc for a man who wnnta a small farm. Inquire of Janes G. Ilutton, post office bulldli g, room 6. W tf WANTED. Persons in want of help (mule or female), a situation, a partner, to buy or sell a business or real es tate, to call aud examine our system. Agents in nil principal ernes, juax ivoese, nicum shlp, Ticket and General Agncy, Hhenan doah. Acent for tho United Mates Employ, ment nnd llu6lue Agency, -11 aud 4(1 Broad way, New ork. 10-3 lm WANTED DETERMINED, RELIABLE MEN AT ONCE to sell the CliulceHt f : ti n imi 1 1-1 (1 i 11 rK' r v Ntoclc. Good pay. Permanent position. Very best last selling specialties aua every posiuio am to salesmen. We gnarniitcc vlinl we ndvcrtlic. Adaress r.l.l!N UKOH.. Kiirsen nif n. uuclicHtcr. r. v. (Tbe house Is perfectly reliable. Kd.) 0 30-121 CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is berebv elven that an annllcatlon will be made to the Court ot Common Pleas of Hchuylklll county, ou.Monduy .October 2(lth, A. I).,lb91,at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, under llio "L'orpi ration act of tho Commonwtalth of i-ennsyivnuia, aproveu April zv, 1B-1," anu the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "St. Kasl jner's Catholic ilenellcUl Hocietv of Shenan doah, Pa." Hald association Is to be located nt Mhenandcah, Pa., and to have for Its object the inalutennnce of a toclely for social, edu cational nnd beneficial purporesto Its num bers from funds collect! u therein. B. G. M. 110IJ.OPKTKU, Att'y for Anullcant". Siiknandoah, Pa Sept. 2i, 1891, 9 28 3w AMUSEMENTS. JJIEKOUttOKi'M H'tlBAXIti;, I. J. FERGUSON, MANAQER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1891. ONE NIGHT ONLY. The Satirical Comedy Drama, Asleep and Awake j Under the management of Max Lowcnthal ana iawiu Young, A Comedy on the Fads of the Times Introducing M1B8 JEAN . V0IUIKE8, the iiuecn 01 t-omeuy, ana jmii. tiLnyiN yOUG, the Kccentrlo Comedian. Seats on sale nt Klrlln's drug store. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! AT TUB COFFEE HOUSE, 32 N, Main St. Families supplied with raw oysters by the nuuureu. MRS. FKJtGUriON, Prop. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specially ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps e BAST CJHisrTrtia ST. j it roaumor, A TJORNEf'A T'LAW,-9Soe-Be44all' building earner UalnaaACtBkt Reduction A fev' patterns of White Embroidery, Flouncingg, Plain and Plaid Mualins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteens, Chintzes, also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress G6ods of all kinds, which are . ' oftored regardless of cost to clean out. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. TANING THE CAKE. Our clothing takes the hon ors wherever it goes. It needs no praise it speaks ior itseli. Our stock represents Phila delphia's best production. In variety it is unsurpassed in excellence it distances all com petition. Tho prices aro al ways moderate. A. C. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. medals: Doylestwn, Pottslown. Trenton, Mount Holly, Wilmington, Dover, etc, etc rjeHt-macIc Clotlmiir Tn rMitlnclclpltln. A NTIQUITY can be tolerated In almost any thing but hats. If the head Is out of date the rest ot the body Is pretty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can n fiord to wearanclem hcndgear,and ovon they take a good many chances when they do It. It will cost you no more to be up with the times than it will to be half a mile behind them. Kverythlug about our 81,60 hat is hand some but the price, and 11.60 forsucli a hatcan scarcely be called anything but a ridiculously low figure. The same can be; said of our25o neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest priced In the market. 13 1 Main SI, S0ANLAN Shenandoah New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Fainted, Papered and Renovated. No, I IS EAHT CICIsXIlIC 8XXIKUX, . Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. HasUey would Inform his many friends and the publlo that he will cater to their wants tn tbo same flret-claut style that he has done In tho past. None but the best brands of for' elpn and dominate wlnos. liquors end olgnrs will be feept in stork. Choice temperance drinks. Fine old stock ale Tlleeatlnirba Is supplied with everything in tbe eating line served In the best style. Steals served at all hours. Pine private rooms attached. Q. M. HAMILTON, ii. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OfflceS West Lloyd Htreet, Blienanotoab "A. SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL ! Bobbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING I Commencing September 28. Oilt-Ii Si!S i 11 A OK IO PIECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. COAKLEY BRO.'S! -FOR- BEST FLOUR! AND ALL KINDS OF Cor!cemeandlWha?e18ts., SnENANDOAU.Pl LEATHER anU SHOE FINDINGS Is. J". CLEARY, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class slock. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson Heuso building, SHENANDOAH, PA, CHAS. STETLER, Tonsorial Artist I (Townsend's old stnnd,) 117.N, Malu St., Shcnnndonli, Parties desiring a flrst-olass shave, shampoo or bair cut thould call at my new shop which ha been refitted and thoroughly renovated. Special attention Is given to ladies' hair cutting. A cordial invitation is extended to my old latronsand the publlo In general to call nnd see me at my new quarters. Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS SIX L.W311SrC3r Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I BIIAMrOOINO, ETC., BY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under Fostofflce Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. S-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and careful attention. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleaied to meet the wants of his friends and the publlo In Everything in the Drinking Line. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. 4A