The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 08, 1891, Image 2

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Soldiers Enlisting to Tight
Gregg and Morrison,
A Ilaiidsamo Bnnnor with 1'ntrlotlo
Coloring Unfurled at Hondqimr-.
tcrs In I'lilladiilphla and Cor
' retpondenoa Openod with
Grand Army Men In
) the Several Counties.
There Is promise of a very pntrloMo
coloring boinf, given to the campaign in
thin state Wore November hnll roll
around. The nomination of two bravo
eoliliers by the Republican stato con
vention and a loyal deolaratlon in tho
party platform, showing appreciation of
tho services of tho veterans who de
fended the union, is in striking contrast
with the attitude of the Democracy.
The Democrats ignored the soldtor in
their nominations, and shut them out
of their platform as well.
That this will be resented on election
day is beyond doubt.
The war veterans are organizing im
they never did before in a political cam
paign. The call to arms was sounded
in Philadelphia. The old soldiers have
been responding nobly throughout the
commonwealth. Organizations are be
ing perfected in every county. Bat
talions of Gregg and Morrison sup
porters are being enlisted from the
ranks of the veterans, who will know no
liolitios in tliis campaign. Democrats
me just as enthusiastic as Republicans.
A well known soldier, who lias al
ways been a Demoorat, and an active
one, too, in Philadelphia, remarked the
other day that lie was confident that
thousands of Democratic soldiers in
tend to vote for General Gregg and Cap
tain Morrison. He himself served
with Gregg from the time ins command
was under General McClellan in the
Bwnmpsof tho Cbickahoininy until it
was a part of Sheridan's command in
frjnt of and beyond Petersburg. It
was his lot to bo thrown in the presonco
of Gregg most of tho time from that
oarlv June day in 1803 when, under tho
command of General Alfred Ploasonton
the cavalry of the Army of the Poto
mac fought the battle of Drandy Sta
tion, in Virginia, whero tho rebel cav
alry, under Job Stuart, met thoir first
ixwitive dofeat of tho war, and all
Jhrough the series of cavalry battles
that took tilace while the two armies
wore on the march to Gettysburg. Ho !
was with Gregtr when ho held the right
llankof Aleado'd army at Gettysburg
through three days of fighting, and
where, on the last day, Gregg's divis
ion defeated the cavalry of the south
under Stuart, Wade Hampton and Fitz
Hugh Lee in their desperate efforts to
turn Meade's Hank in order that they
might get possession of the Baltimore
road, the line of Meade's communica
tions in his rear, so as to mako the
charge of Pickett agninst Hancock's
lines in tho center a matter of compara
tive ease.
"How can a man who followed such
a lender during the four years of the
war," said this Democratic soldier,
"turn him aside and vote for a young
and unknown corporation lawyer? How
can the Lincoln Republicans who votod
for Pattison simply as a protest against
tlie means tliat maue uoiaimiter a can
didate cast aside a man like Gregg,
who fought so splendidly on an appoint
ment from Lincoln for a mere Demo
cratic politician picked out by Pattison
and Harrity to further a schemo for
their own personal aggrandizement?
It isn't possible I tell you that Gregg
will poll tho mass of the Democratic
eoldier vote.
"And now as to Captain Morrison,"
he continued. "I happen to know him
jiersonally. He served through the en
tire war in the famous "Roundhead
THgiment." In all the engagements and
sieges in which his regiment took part
the little captain bore himself like a
true soldier. You should heur the story
of the part he took in the iinal capture
of Petersburg. In that terrible charge
upon tho enemy's line, following the
famous mine explosion, Captain Morri
son was in the leading brigade and led
his company into that harvest of death
nud destruction with heroism that was
The War Vetaraus' campaign com
mittee have opened headquarters in
Philadelphia on Chestnut stroot below
Thirteenth, and the above out shows
the banner they have unfurled to tho
breezo. This oommitteo is in corres
pondence with veterans all over the
"Vhut Kvorybody Knows.
The Democratic plan of oompalgn in
Pennsylvania is to steal state viotory
upon local issues, and when they do
this one of their leaders, Congressman
Tilnisb, nil too frankly says they can
easily carry tho state in 1893. The bat
tle or this year is intended to control
that of next year. It scarcely neodod a
leading Democrat to tell tho people this.
In&t l)uy for Naturalization.
Attention is directed to the fact that
west Saturday, Oct. 8, will be the last
day for naturalization, for quullflontion
for this fall's election, it being required
that, a person must be naturalized at
least one month before he oan voto.
What Democrats Dread.
The Democrats In Pennsylvania dread
tt hustling! campaign, av they know it
menna full vote; and that mMar
grea Ilopubliowi rloterft
two KiM.r.n, -rmtnit injuimid.
A Trntn Hun. Uimn Flto Track Walkvra
In n Tunnel.
lULTIMOFiB, Oct. 8. A trnglo acoidon
occurred in tho Union tunnol on th
l'ennaylvanla lUllroad yesterday after,
noon, in which two men were killed
outright nnd three injured, all probably
The victim woro trade-walkers,
who wero at work at the tlini
In the tunnol directly undor the bod oj
Argyle avenuo. The men lizard a Wett
ern Maryland Hnllroad train approach,
lng and stepped from the truck which
they thought it would tako to the othei
track on the opposite side of tho tunnel.
At this point In tho tunnel thoro is a
sharp curve, and the man could uolthot
see the train nor he seen by the train
hands until the locomotive was within n
fow yards of them.. When the train
rounded tho curve tho inun saw that it
was on the sumo track they were land
ing on. There was a rush to escape, but
it was too Into. The train sped by, leav
ing thorn mangled and bleeding on thii
The klllod are: Thomas Hughes, aged
15 yours, unmarried; Julius Miller, aged
25 years, unmarried.
Tho wounded aro: Fred Cappells, John
Zink and Henry Coleman.
kii,i.i:i hy unit huitor.
A Girl Who IIuil Itnjocteil n Young Ulna
I Shot by Him.
Lowkll, Mass., Oct. 8. Maria Clegg,
28 years old, was probably fatally shot
last night by Henry Eutwlstlo, 21 yours
old, a rejected suitor. Tho would-be
murdoror esonped. Tho girl was on her
way home from work whon sho was
stopped on the street by Eutwlstlo, who
renewed his suit.
The girl was firm in her rofusal to lis
ten to It, whereupon Eutwistlo drow a
revolver and flred throe shots in rapid
succession at hor. Two of the bulle-s
took effect, one in tho right lung nnd
the other in tho thigh.
Tho girl will probably dlo from In
ternal blooding. Eutwlstlo Is respecta
bly connected hut of unsteady habits.
Tho condition of Gen. W. II. P. Leo,
of Virginia, who is dangerously ill, is
somewhat improved.
W. S. Cleveland, tho miustrol man
ager, who was arrestod in Atlanta, On.,
by mistake, will suo tho city for $5,000
V. C. Latrobo has been nominated for
Mayor of Ualtlmoro by tho Deiuocrntio
City Convention. Ho has already boon
Mayor some half dozen times.
'4 lAm
Can he counted on
to cure Catarrh r. Sago's Catarrh
Remedy. It's nothing new. For
25 years it lias boon doing that very
thing. It gives prompt and com
ploto relief but you want moro
than that. And you get it, with
this Remedy there's a euro that
is perfect and permanent. Tho
worst chronic cases, no matter of
how long standing, yield to its
mild, soothing, cleansing and heal
ing properties. " Cold in the Head "
needs but a fow applications. Ca
tarrhal Headache, and nil tho
troubles that como from Catarrh,
aro at onco relieved and cured.
You can count on something else,
too $500 m cash.
You can count on it, but it's
moro than doubtful whether you
earn it.
Tho proprietors of Dr. Sato's
Remedy, in good faith, offer that
amount for an incurablo caso of
Catarrh. Don't think that you
havo one, though.
They'll pay you, if thoy can't
euro you. that's certain.
But thoy can euro you. That's
just auoui ns certain, too.
Can you ask moro?
itiUEsHU WnUQali D
IWeakness of Body and Kind, Effects
Jol&rrorAorcxceaaesinuiaor xoun?.
Itouuit, AoMo aUMtOOIl fully lie itorrd. How to Fnlanto ond
fcUrnglbtuM LAU.LoDM lAjfo U K(I JHS A I'AltTS eriiODY
Atuolulrlf unTolllnif IIOHK Tltfcll M LMltrurRU la idw.
Ben letllf from 60 Blotto ond foreign I'ouolrleo. ttrilelnem.
Klctrrlpllte llooli, riUaetlon nod proof! moiled (teoled) free
Wet,-, TnfliioriMi. nnoknolio.
m uuuv, - - .
..UtB, JNOUrOJglU, opriu u
Before you aoea to buy, outrun
il laWe looki."(Jniae to i Hf aUV' wit!
loraomenta of prominent payuclaiiB.
310 Broadway,
Prize Medals Awarded.
-0 OorttS a bottle, For Sale
jfcHmd will overbottaffl
hjgLjJir Bomedy for
i a
Ho Sy tho Ijtmitor of thn 1'uturo Must b(
Uollincrntlc, Not Arlatonmtlc.
New York, Oct. 8. Michael Davltt
makes tho following statement on Mr.
I'arnell's death !
"My feeling about Mr. Parnell now la
ono of unmixed sorrow at his suddon
death. The ocoaslon demandt tho ex
pression of deep regret that ho should
have bean cut oil at a comparatively
early ages.
"We should romerabor only tho good
work which he performed for Ireland, in
a career of usefulness and distinction
foi his country.
"Ill rocont unhappy conduct, will, I
am sure, be forgotten by a grateful peo
ple. "His death will put an ond to tho un
happy diffusions by whloh the Irish
movement has been torn during the last
twolvo months.
"Now that his lips aro sealed In tho
silence of death, I feel that our rnnks
will bo closed up again in a solid move
ment for Irish National solf-governmont.
"Wo huvo liono with one-man poworin
tho Irish National movomcnt forever.
"Tho leader of the future will be dem
ocratic, not aristocratic. Ho must be
the mouthpiece, and not the maUor of
the movement for Home Rule.
"Mr. Justin McCarthy did not desire
tho post which was forced upon him. Ho
would gladly huvo glvon it up at any
tlmo since, if his doing so could have
put an cud to discussion.
"It McCarthy consents to contlnuo it
will, in my opinion, bo tho most prudent
policy to pursjo.
"Ho has nover uttored a word In tho
recent controversy which could givo of
fonce to ono of Mr. Famuli's followers.
"He is a man of conciliatory manners,
and, as tho fight for Home Itulo is now
nearlng a scccossful close, such a man
will fulfill all the nooissary qualifica
tions of Parliamentary leadership.
"Hut whethor the futuro leader be Mc
Carthy, Sexton or Dillon, it doos not
matter very much, now that tho Irish
raco aro about to bo rounited. That
unity will mako ovon Jbrlghtor and more
hopeful still tho nlroady bright pros
pects of Homo Itulo."
Tho "Clllzcn" Announced Mint rnrnell
Would lllo Within n Wnelt.
New York, Oct. 8. "Iloulanger is
doad, Iialmacoda is doad, and Parnell
will bo a corpse within n week."
This was said by Qeorgo Francis Train
last Thursday night during his speech at
a midnight supper glvon by Huber, tho
museum man, to a, nu rubor of newspaper
men and well known men about town.
Psycho Train was in tho midit of ono of
his most impassioned harangues when ho
mndo that remark.
A number of tho party laughed, nnd
than Train thundered, "Ye aro idiots
Who laugh. The revolution is on. Tho
pooplo will rlso. I am tho npostlo of
hypnotism. Doath, devastation and dis
ease aro in tho air. Two adventurers
are dead; tho third, Parnell, has run his
course, and will die within tho woek.
Tho transatlantio-hypnotlc-psychlc cable
brings mo tho nows. The whole world
is a conductor, and I am the key," and,
rapidly snapping his fingers, he wound up
with: "Iloulanger, boaster) Balmncoda,
bandit, nnd Parnell, poltroon all dead,
atop ot tho smokliiK heaps of the nm-
bitlous of tho chivalry of tbreo gallant
nationalities Chilians, Frenchmen and
Action of tho Irtfth Kiitlminl l.oticuo.
New York, Oct. 7. Tho Municipal
Council of tho Irish National Lenguo met
last night nnd adopted resolutions ex
pressing its sonso of the profound loss
which tho cause ot Irish nationality has
sustained in tho snd and unexpected
demise of Charles Stewart Parnell. It
was further rosolvod to sond messages of
condolences to tho mothor and widow of
tho deceased statesman. A committee,
was also appointed to confer with organ
ized bodies of Irishmen in this city and
vicinity 'and arrange for a memorial
mass meeting to be huld in Cooper Union
within three woelcs.
Lieut. FnrrowM Trial liy Court Mnrtlal.
New Yoiik, Oct. 8. Uout. Edward J.
Farrow's trial by court mnrtlal on tho
clmrKO of illscrachiK his nosltlou as an
olllcer o tho United States military ser
vice by raising money upon fraudulent
commercial papor was continued yostor.
duy. C. F. Sclirumme was the chief
witness, ana ho tostllled tnat lie uau no-
gotlatod some of the alleged fraudulent
paper for Farrow. iout. sorrow is ino
treasurer of the Barueaat Park Com
pany, of Now Jersey, and tho charge on
which ho Is now bolng tiled grow out ol
his connection with tho oompany.
A Ill-each of I'romUo Suit on Trial.
Middlktown, Conn., Oct. 8. Tho trial
ot tn"o breach of promises suit of JIlsi
Jonnlo Walkley, of Haddam, against
StorrsL. Hubbard, of tho samo place, 1
in progross in the Superior Court at
Haddam. The plaintiff claims $10,000
damages. Hubbard is a wealthy farmei
and Miss Walkley had hor wedding
trousseau prepared wheu liubbaru ills
continuod his attentions.
No Moro llle CruUora.
Wasiiinoto.v, Oct. 8. Seoretary Tracy,
in his forthcoming annual report, will
opposo tho construction of any more big
cruisers llko thoso 01 tno wmto bqiiaii
ron, and will recommend instead a fleet
of small gunboats of the Petrel typo.
The Secretary thinks it a mistakn to Uu
plicate these big vojsoIb when moro ser
viceable, but less expensive ones, are
what is needed.
Cases of the Butponded HUliops.
Philadelphia, Oot, 8. The case ot
Bishop Bowman, the third of tho ac
cused aud suspended bishops, was taken
up by the Evangollcal Conference yester
day nnd discussed behind closed doors
The cases ot Bishops Dubs and Esher
have been fully discussed and siltod,
and tho Conference now only awaits the
report of the committee.
Chlof of l'ollou In Trouble.
BociiESTnil, N.H., Oct. 8.Chlof ot Po-
llcu liorry was yosterday caargad by ax-
Police Olllcer Greenfield with receiving
mouoy tor allowing a gambling game to
bo run in the city. Chief uerry was lm
mediately arralgiied before the Select
men and pleaded uot guilty to the
charge. A hearing will be held next
A Mute ILgulus Ills Speech. ESS9
YouKOHTowN, 0., Out. 8. Aftor bolng
iipeechless tor nearly 17 years, the effect
ot illness, Otto Wlrthner, a well-known
German, surprised himself and his
frUods yesterday by conversing fluently
In both English and Qurtnua. He had
lorU'EnaUsh; bj hrlng It spokea.
rurov rnnu
Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891.
W. J. SOLLY, President.
National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A.- V. Leisenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Lesenrnq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass 't Cashier.
Open Klnlly From 9 to 3.
i'alil on Hnvln UcpoHltH.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Lenses, Mortgages nnd Bonds written,
Mrrlago licenses and legal claims
promptly attended to.
Ileal Male, Collection and Insurance Agency.
Genortil Fire Insurance Business. Represents
the Northwestern Life Insurance Co.
OrriCB Mnldoon's building, cornor Centre
and West His., Bhenandoah, l'a.
Good Properties 0 All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two Btory double lrame dwelling bouse
store nnd restaurant, on East Centre St.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre
3. Desirable property on corner Centre and
Jardln streets, Hullablo (or business pur
poses. 4. A two story double lrame dwelling, on
went Lloyd street.
, Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two i story dwelling on the corner ol
uoai ana uuesimu streets more room in
Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street with a lame warehouses at the rear.
8. Three two-9iory double frame buildings
corner or Lloyd and Hubert streets.
Danlt Counters, Tyler System. Port-
aoio, unoquaied in sxyics,
Cinn nnrl 7nlRh.
1E0 Poare CtUtoone of I'onoitro, llrkko etc., Illaitrotod la
Colon, llooko, Froo ToktoKO 15 Crnts.
Also Tyler's jtoym
Oulce lleok and Type
writer CuMiieU, l!0(
Hfi-leo. Uest nnd chean-
cut on earth, vrltb great
reduction la prices.
ISO eiLlofruo Frro.
Toklos Ifl cti. r'ull lloeo of
llei, Choln, Tablet, Itook
(oio, CoLlocti, Urol Blaok
Cnltlnrlo, etc., olnljo in tlork.
bucriol work made lo order.
TTl.Klt DESK CO., 81. J.oillo, Mo., V.8.A.
Or tlio Mqnur Habit I'lutltltvly Cureu
ujntEininibtertiiK in, iiaine'
ol!i'ii Hjwlilt?.
It Is manufaotured as a powder, whloh can be given
In a glass of beer, a oup of coflae or tea, or In iood.
without the knowledge of tho patient. It Is absolutely
harmless, and will eiTecfc a permanent and speedy
cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or
an olooholio wreck It hai been given in thousands
of cases, and la ever? luitanoe a perfect cure has fol
lowed. 1 1 iiovrp FmIIm. The system onoe Impregnat
ed with the becomes aa utter Impossibility
Cor the liqaor appetite to exist. 1
49 pace book ol particulars frte. To be hod of
C. H..HAGENBUCH, Druofllat, Shenandoah
A UMcfce.Ur'. Encllth IlluucBd Brnnd.
'ehnyroyal p.lls
Original nud Ooly Genuine
oir. rollbli. units sik
Prucglst for Chicoctttrt Km.h VU'A
HititXtYaiMSln ItoXl -D1 Ouu &ituula
m alal v'th Mi.b HI Sun 1'iila
rK4 K4ioit-n At iMvgf lot. or aoo 4o.
IS IV MKHcr fur Ill,"n tnffw, by return
v ChlehcUvr Cutwlecl iMMlnan tiauarei
J tr all IMsl DratfK'fttj. lhlld.
Largest and oldest reliable purely oah com.
pauien roprescuivu ujr
120 S. JardmSt, Shenandoah, Pa,
r r-
. ... . ,,, vm- oioaiiw lisVKIUlEaiVaK,,
FroiafllmpierinMilcs to otintltintc C2;ikai
wtJSV?,"? tot"mntH for ICIIcticn ana f31cU.
Elooni," bandy hook lor tho houtchold. Fkujj"
Co le
Your trade Is tvlint we
This la hovr we propose
to get It.
By selling you a flrst
olass article ; by Belling you
for less than others; by
selling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, a Bewlng
machlno or anything else
In the line of household
Wo havo a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
J. P.Williams fe Bro..
South Main St.,
she o-xac.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891.
Pfleneer trains vrill leave Bhenaudoab for
Mancb chunk, liehlehlon. Slatlneton. Cata
gauqua. Allentown. Bethlehem, KaAton, Phil
HdelphlaandlVew York at 5.47, 7.40. 9.C3 a. ra.,
VCJiZt tJ-IU, O.iO p iu.
For llelvldere. Delaware Water Gan and
tdtroudsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. m.
For uimuertvino ana iTeuiou, a, m,
For White Haven. Wllbes-liarre and Pitts-
ton 5.47, y.08. 10.41 a. m.t 3.10 and
ForTuusnannocK, iu,ii a, m., s.iu ana
. m,
For Auburn. Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m., and 5.2rt p. m:
For acoy vine, xowanaa. oayro, waveny,
Chicago and all points Went at 10.41 a. m.,and
vvrt Tl. Tl.
For h.lnilraand the Wc.t viaS&lamanca at
8-l2P'?.: t
r Ol Auuem icu, jinoioiuu, piuuuwu, ..uui-
hnrViirri. Weatherlv and Penn Haven Juno
lion at 5.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.62, 3.10 and
! p.m.
Dor Jeanosvllle, Leviston and Beavei
Mnnrinw. 7.40. 9 08 a. m. and 58 n. m.
for Hcranton at 5.47 0.0X, 10.41a. m, 3,10 and
yxap, ra.
..nT- iinrlA llronk. Jndrlo. llrlfton and Free-
land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. ru,, Visa 3.10 and
E9An m
For Ouakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m and rt m.
For Wlceans.Gllberton and Frackvllle at
5.00 and D.08 a. m., and 4.10 p. rn.
For YateHVille, Mahanoy City and Delano
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.11, 10,58 a. m.,lZ52,3.10,5.28, 8,03,
9.21 and 10.27 p.m.
For lost Creek, Slrardvllle and Ashland
1.27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0JS5,
8.10 and 9.14 p. ra.
iriir nnrkwnter. Rt. Clair nnd Pottsvllle,
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.0i
For Back Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.03, 108 a. m., 12.62, 8.10, 6.28 and
8.03 p. m.
For Haven Hun, Centralla, Mt. Carrael and
Hbamokln, 8X2, and 10.15 a. in., 1.40, 4.11
anaB.uop.m. , , ,
'rino lravB Hh&mofcln for Bhenandoah,
7. a 11J5 a. ra., 2.10. 40 and 0.30 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.20 and
11.15 p. m,
For Ixjst Creek, Olrardvllle and Ashland,
w 0 10 11. tt. Til.. 2.4.1 n. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle,
5,50, 8.00, 90 .m.. 2.45 p.m. .
Kor Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
,IU II n, 1 An A Al U fl'l n m
For Lofty, Audenrlod and llazleton, 8.0C
m 1.40 p. in: . .
Knr Aiaucli Chunk. Lehiehton. Slatlneton, Alleutown, Bethlehem, Eantos
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l Pass. Act., Bethlehem,
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE Beddalii'b BaiLDiNa,
Car.Mtln and Centre Streeti, SHENANDOAH, PA
I A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling nouee, wun siore-room and res
taurant. ocaiea on asi uenire street.
S A valuable property located on Bouth Jar
ain sireeu
3 Heven dwelling houses at the earner of Gil
bert and Lloyd streets. Good investment
Terms reasonable.
Finest brand of clears alwayt oo hud.
xue ueb wiuxx9io$ utiujia
hilndelpliia and Beading Eailroad
rime Tails in effect July 10, 1801
Kor Now York via Philadelphia, week darn.
MO 5.25, 7.20 a. ra. and 12.3.5 2.W and 0.5a
- m. ounney z.iu ana 7.48 a. m. or New
ork, via Mauoh Chunk, week days, 6,25,
, a. in. nnd 12.85 and 2.60 p. ta.
JJo Beading and Philadelphia week days,
-rmdav. 2.10 and 7.48a.m., 4.30 p.m.
For Harrlsburc. week davt. It 10.7.20 a. m.i
JO, 5.56 p. m. ...
n Aliealown, week days, 7.20 .. m., 12.88
0 d. m.
inKS .oluVl'il week ayj 2.19,,a. m:,
125 2.50 and 6.55 p. m. Hnnday, 2.10 and 7.8
. m., 4.30 p. m.
Kor Tamaoit nnd
lamaqua nna uahanoy Cltv. week
ays, .iv, t., l.3.
U0, 5.25, 7.20, a. m., 12S 2.60 and 6.511
Ounday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m.. 4.30 d. m.
on) for Mahanoy City, week aays 7,00 1
Kor Lancaster and Oolumlta, wuk days,
For WllllamiltKirt. Hnnbnrvnnrl Twlnhnrt,.
Teok days. 3.25, 7.M and U.30 ft. m 1,85, 7.55
v . BnndAV 3:21 a. Tn.. n m.
Vat Mabauoy Plane, woek days, 3.10 8.23,
7.00 and o. m. Hunday. 2 10, 8,it5 ana 7.4
hi, i.tMj p.m.
For Glranlvll.e (RAnnnhi-nnnrV J"V '
125. 1 35. 160. JLM. T.rtl anil fl.IV n. m. - -w
I'or Ashland and Bhamokln, week dayl
i,qo ft, m, 6,vo, p. m,
aa- 1
,25, 5.25, 7.20, 11.30
i, i ,v, ii.ojaM. in,, i.u!t, .uu ana
p. m, Bunn&y 6,-L-t, a, ni.. 3.U0 p. m, t,
Jxjave New York via Philadelphia, wef
aysf7.45 a. m 1.80, .0U. 7.30 p. m la..
uRuu Hunaay.B.w p.m., 1.15 nlgnt. j
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week 4
ays, .30, 8.15 a. m 1,00 and 4.00 p. m. jf
Ivoava l-nimnnlnrtln. miur rlnvu A in aMii
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 0.00 p. m.Y from Broad
;nd Callowhill and 8,t5 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.'
from nth and Ureen streets. Hunday P.03 a.
in, 11.91 p. m. irom via tno wr sen.
a-WHO AWChUlJJKj WWB. UHfD, A.OJ. ,.IU, ll.Ua
nd 11.00 a. m.. ft.K. 77 r. rn. Hnndv anT a, m.
i.H0. (Ill 1). m. HlindftV. 2.4o! 7-flo'ft" m. ani
I n V lt(ol!1a waAlr - .1 -r-.i njn m ,n M M
t. 01
ijaVBTamaqna, week d,ys, 8.20, 8.48 an
Attn. U1..X.. BDQV.1B Ti. m. HUI1UAV X.V
7 43 . m. and 1160 p. m.
.jive Mahanoy Ulty, wook days, 3.40, B.l
na 11.-17 a. in.. 1.51. 7.1a ana u.u n. m. Hun.
lav, 3.4U,H.17 a. m., 3.20 p. m,
eavo jinnsnoy i-iane, weeK oays,'4 1,4.11
.S0.1W5. 11.69 a. m..l.05. 2.00. 5'20. 828.7.S7. an
UW 1). m. Mundnv 4il. 4.00. and H.27. n. ni1
3 37, 6.01, p. m. '
uuhyo uiraravino utappanannocs: uiaiion
j7ek days, 2.47, 4.07, (I.S8, and 9. 11 a. m 12.0
i-o, 0.01, o.oi, ana p. m. ounaay, 4
0'. 8.33 a. m. 3.41. 5.U7 d. m.
1 iirininH.. . n nmnic.
1.55 a. in. 8.85 and 11.15 p. in. tlunday 11.1!
ror Baltimore, Washington and the weal
- la B. i O. R. K., throngh trains leave Olrari
tvwiuo auiLiun, x'xiiiuueipnia, 1 r. a i.. i
a, boi and 11.27 a. m., 1.84, 4.24, B.'i5nr.
.a p. ui. ounuay, .ie D.uo a, m., t,:
o una p. in,
leave Philadelphia. Chestnut tJlroetWnar
huu ouuianiroeo wnarz.
Par Atlantic Clla.
Y'eefc-diVH Exnreus.. 8 80. 9:00 a. un
3.00, i.m, 5 00 m. Aooommodatlon, TJ(
in. and 4.15, 0 30 . m.
aunuays. isxpross, 8.W, v.W a. rn,
comruti-iatlon. H.O0 a. ni.itnd
Atlantic and Arkansas -vtiiiue... -k-iRti
(returning, leave Auanur, i;hv. aeTM
Kxpress, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. and 3.15, 4.00, SA
. in, iiunjiuiuuuauuu u.wr D.1U u. III. an
4JSU p. m. auuaays -xpress, 4.00, 6.00 p.
Accommodation, a. m. ana &.u n. m.
j. ur. xi-ivuuA, uea-i riuniTAn
v. I'luurnju. riw. i,u-i niRD&cer.
On and after September 1, 1891.(ran uili leu
ttnenanaoan at fotlows:
(TV, Tiriru. 12ll,,A-1n.. irr,.,l1 Kt.U
Jitsue. Hi. ciair. ana wsv noints. s.oo. 9.1
4 UI UUU 1.1U i, 111,
Holidays, uuu, tf.iu a m and 3.10 n m.
For Pottsvllle. 8.0U, V.10amand4.15pm,
For Head Int.', 6.00, a m and 4.16 pin.
Bcndav3. 600. 9.40 a.m. andSJunm.
For rottstown. Jfhoenlvillo. Norrlstoc
tnd Fhlladelnhla (ISroad street utallnni. .(
a. jii, uu y ti itod utijro)
nunaavs. euu. v.iu a m a.iu d m.
Trains leave FraoltvlUe lor Bhenandoah s
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Hnnduya
1 1 . l .1 a in anu d.u ii m.
iave roiuviuo ior anenanaoan, miu anri
ia. a m n m. ounaavs. iu.t u a
515 n m.
ueave icniiaaeipnia (tiroaa street niationjl
'or Pottsvllle una Shenandoah. 6.57. 8.3 id
4.10 and 7X0 t m week davs. Bundav 0.60. and
J am 2
l- Or JN6W lOrE, 4.ISI, 4.411, B.S5, H.50, 7.3.
9.4IUU.I1U, f.ou, xi.uuanu ii.14, ix. aril , juunooi
iinniieaeinreHS, i.ui p in.) J zi iii.n, l.l'J
2.8V. !.20, 4.02 5, , 8.2), 6.60 7.13 8.1a and jW fj
m, iui menu j
n u,.n......u 0,1 A ns A An lie Din I
11.35 m. and 12 21. 12.41. 2.30. 4 02. (fi
4.MII. S.M. 21. B.v . i v u a al ana 12.01 nlirifl
For Bea Qirt. Lonellranch aud Intermedial!
Bullions o.uu, ana iiiu a. ill., 4.00 p.
wmo uuvn, nuuuuy. o u. 111.
llillttnrtrM a,,H Uuch1ni,,n ORI T n,
0.10 and 11.18 ii. in.. 4 41. 6 57. 7.40 nud 12.1 J
iiigiii uuiiy uuu o oi, iu.iu. in., iz Itimiiew
express Willi dlnlnir car to llaltlmore) 1.30, S. 1
p. in, week days. I-or llaltlmore only 2.02, 4.i
For Itlchmoud, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 nlgli
dally, 1 30 p. ru, dally, except Hunday.
xruius leave iarrisouri lor .misDurff ai
' lio west every day at 12.25 nnd 8.10 a m ail
I' Kiimitea) ana .4U, so, ii.35 p m. way f
Altoona, -loam and 4.10 n ui over? aav. I
h'or l'lttsbnrg only, 11.20 a lu dally and 10.1
iil wesK aays.
Leave Bunbnry for 'Wllllamsporl, Elmln
'anaudaleua. Rochester, llu Halo and Nhurai
'alU- 5.10 a m dally, and 1.42 pm week dayj
or vui&ins,o.aup ui weesuays. a
For Krle and Intermediate points, 6.10 a nl
lally. For lyiea Haven, 6.10, and 8.B8 a )1
Uily, 1.42 and 5.30 p. m. week days. Kl
llsnova 6.10 a m 1.42 and 6,30 p ca week CUJ
UA8. P. 1'OGU, J. lt.WOOD.
f4n. Man'r Men. Pass, As
"ylLMINGTON A NOltTUEltN It. 11.
ixmeiaoie in effect May, 10, issi.
Trains leave IleadTns (P. A 11. station)
neld, Waynesburc Junction, Coatsville,W-i
Cbester,Cnadsrora Junction, U. O. Juuctloj
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dof
except nunaay, ai,u.iana a.ov a.m. anan
p. m. Hunany oniy at s.U3 p, m.
For Warwick, Bt, Peters and lnterme'
Ftatlons,dnlly except Hundny, at 8.20
5.19 n. ra. Bundav onlv 8.16 a. m. .
For Dlrdsboro and Intermediate statloi
Baturdayonly,atl2m. !
For llaltlmore and Washington (B.LJO.
u.) aauy except Hunday al 6.25 and aw
and 3.15 p. m. Hunday only al 8.05 p. nr.
Trains arrive at Heading (P. S It. ewlli
from Wilmington, 11. A 0. Junction, Mol
chunin, Uhaddslord Junction, Wcbt Ubest
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junctl'
Bprlngneld,Joanna, Dlrdsboro, GiliralUir, H
rcrt and Intermediate stations, dally exec
Hunday at 10.20 a. ra. 6.52 and 8.17 p. ra, Hi
day only at 11.24 a. ra.
From Bt. Peters, Warwick and Intermedtr
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.21 ft
aud 2.25 p. m. Bundav only al 6 p. m.
From Hlrdaboro and Intermediate statu
Saturday only at 1.10 p. ra.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally
cept Hunday, 10 20 n, ra. 6.52 and 8.17 p.
Hunday only at 11.21 a. m.
IlO WNKSS BHIGG8, Qen'l Pass. At
A. Q. MoOA UHLAN U, Bupt.
R 1 1 P T 1 1 R F . entirely1 cum
II U I I UliLl Uupture by Dr. J,
1IAYKK, R31 Arch Bt., Phtln, Tbomas
Hartung, New Hlnggold, Pa., I.andt, Hi
Easton, Pa., h. P. A C. A. Ueturck, Oiey,
It. Q. Btanley, 421 Bpruce St. Ieba.i. J'
Bchuelder. liocust liale, Pa.,1), II. Noll, I '
kiln, Pa.. Wm. E. Ilarienstlne, I'hoenl v
l'a., W. 31. I.eluLacll, U24 Wnmiugtl. '
Heading, Pa., J, 0. Lyme. 1310 W. Howai f
Harrlsburg, 1 ., O. Keebn, Dopglassvllli' 1
Or. MAYER Is at Hotel Penn, lleadlni.. W
on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
see nun.
.No; East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City
Hkln and all special diseases a spmMW
We bare a 1'umKKo Cure for thecH-oi t ijfTV !
lCarlyUxce0aeKmU-ion8,lVerruull mtjr
ot tteiuu lowr Iraiwteiicjr Ao. 8n rat i Jj?V
-urciwiuowa -riti wiu vn r uii tbuiii n'j
Ud Much Vmlu-bU Itifornwttcn
' Ot Aft. CO.. WHO UroaiLvr jra MJ