The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 07, 1891, Image 3

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Wesleynn Students Not in
Lovo "With a Ncvr Order.
WolirsUCPS Blacking
Truiiipl)our Tolls of tho Ul-
Stuxw can
JekATHER rREofjl?
stor Bank Wrecking.
Utted by men, women tvnd chlldrra.
Presents In the most elegant form
.. or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming ah agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is themott excellent remedy known to
When one It Biliout or Cooitipatcd
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
et-ETS-TTSF 03E 3?IC3rl3
DIlHHnitrl, KanHnH, Arkansas,
TexiiH, MeljraHlcn, I.ouiHlniin,
Colorndo, Utnli, cmilornlri,
OreRO it, WnHlittietnu, Mexico,
New Mc&lcd or Arizona,
and will send men postal card
or letter stating
"Where you are going,
"When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are In your party,
What freight and baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your houfe and
furnish you with the fullest Information
regarding routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and 11
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Springs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan
sas, Kansas and Texas.
J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav, Agt.,
3. E. P. Agt., 391 B roadway ,New York
Iron Mountain Route,
Nearly every pattern of Horse
Blanket is imitated in color and
style. In most cases the imitation
looks just as good as the genuine,
but it hasn't the xvarp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as much.
The fact that Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the $v trade mark is sewed on
the inside of the Blanket.
Five Mile
Extra Tost
at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get
them from your dealer, write us. Ask fot
the si. Book. You can get it without charge.
WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia.
TRE1TE0 FnEE.0ffi,'.:;
Have aired ftiaiiy thousand rates. juw tutlents nrcm.
hojwlcv. by me test ryici.mi I'roai firtt doMi symi-tnti-
rapidly liai ikm and in ten days nt leant two-third of 'J
nl. Send fn.
moflUUDfmlr-TtH It lUQ ircMmemt en rt? by mall, (i
Steal out cures. I Lfi Hill fnrnl-bcd Fit tt you order
trial, tend ten cm in siai'iu-, to imv 4-tAc Nnwr
i-if nil hook or te
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masleller's old stand,)
Comer coal mid Jaruiu BtH.
Mr.'Bnydor will always keepjln stock a nne
llue of boots and shoes.
Custom Work and Rcpalrluj
done In the best style. He guarantees to sell
cheaper than comtiotltors on Main street who
have big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu
ine bargain on every purchase.
)uen trjabied mta iboee annoying lrreguisriu.-
fr- uaontlr follonijua ccld or aipo-inre, or row r-
Ututlonsl WeHfcneirwwiMXaliartatlteir mx. ihvil
Ue OR DuCHOlNE'S Celebrated
Therare Etrttnstbanlnti to the c&ttrA traltf . ppar
tape, rigor and niAeniitlp fprra to all I onctlona of ImmI
and mind. Beat ur mail, ncuralr asaltd, (J. Addre-a
Or.Hartor MedlelnoCQ..6T.U)UIS. tit
house m
Pavored Young Men's VislU to "The
Boost" to Be Out Short.
Cadar III New Uw lb Teaa- Xalli-W
Cae fee nil Fair One Bat Oaee a Tf eek.
TU Glrlt Caa Itaatilve 11 at rkree Times
a fTeak, and the Yaaajf Man Shall Ila a
DlOraat Oaa at Koch BIIILaa--A Vler
aft irtet
Middletowk. Conn.. Oct. T. Wes.
leyan University has a lively tarnation,
and the young; weiasn student are. free
ly expressing tbelr minds regarding a
new order (ran the college au thorltles.
TVesleyan has many pUasaat young
men among; its students, and the girls
have found them agreeable companions
in their hours of leisure. The young
gentlemen have been permitted to esoort
the girls to entertainments and soolal
gatherings under the eye of a chaperon,
but also to call upon them at their dor
mitory, which In tho slang of tho insti
tution Is known as "tho roost."
President Raymond recontly concolved
the Idea that the calls of the young sen-
tlomen should be systematized and
brought under the colloge regulations.
Tho matter was talked over by the facul
ty, and It was concluded that soma plan
should be adopted whereby the president
might know which of tho young gentle
men wore frequenting "the roost," and
which of the young ladles were tua
special attractions to thorn. Tho out-
coma of the nlTalr was thnt a gonernl re
striction has been placed upon the calls.
lhe new rule requires tho tilling of q
card in this form:
Midiilbtows, Conn., , 1801.
Signature of caller .
llosldenoo .
Evonlnir . Hour .
Gentlemen aro requested to bear In mind tho,
following facts:
1. The ladles do not roccivo later than 1(1
2. Tho Indies doslro oallcrto oonformto his
Not transferable.
Name of lady .
The members of the faculty claim that
tho use of those cards will operate ad
vantageously In several ways. They oan
ascertain whether certain students ara
calling too frequently; whether It Is ad
visable on account of the personal char
acter of any of them to shut off the priv
ilege, and also to'avert tho inconvenience
of a young lady having too many callers
in an evening.
A young gentleman can hereafter obtain
only one card a weak, on which is desig
nated the evening he may call. Each
young lady moy receive not exceeding
three evonlngB In a week, and the facul- '
ty, it Is understood, will favor a differ
ent caller for each evonlng rathor than
to permit a fair student's "best young
man" to monopolize her entire three
Neither the young gentlemen nor the
young ladles have objected to the
chaperon system, but they are agreed In
protesting against President Raymond's
new rule as an uncalled for Interference
with their individual rights nod priv
ileges. The Phllllpsharg llank Said to be Sound.
PmixiPSDUno, Pa., Oct. 7. Nothing
new has developed In tho nffalrs of the
troubled banks in this vicinity. It is
nM th. llMllr.tB nf thn Phlllln.lnirc
n.nir Mfin.nnn. a thn n. inn
000. An official statement will shortly
bo mads in regard to the banks' affairs.
There was something of a run on tho
Moshannon Bank, at Moshannon, Pa. ,
but all domands were promptly mot.
President Dill of tho Clearfield Bank will
have a hearing on Friday.
Ills Orlof I.od tn Suicide.
Erie, Pa., Oct. 7. Hon. R. F. Bole, a
prominent momber of tho Erie bar and a
resident of Corry, committed aulcldo yes
terday morning by shooting htmsolf
through tho head. Ho was n brother of
Hon. William Bolo, who fallod for a
largo amount a year ago and it is be
lieved that weighed heavily upon the
suicide's mind. Deceased had bean
mayor of Corry. He leaves a wife and
one child.
The Original of Sir Joseph Portor.
London, Oct. 7. The Right Hon.
William Sm(th, who dlod yesterday,
was tho living prototypo of Sir Joseph
Portor, K. C. B. Mr. Smith had a yacht
Galled the Pinafore, and the advice to
"stick to your desks and never go to sea,
and you all may bo rulers of the Queen's
navee," was the practice literally fol
lowed by Mr. Smith to attain the posi
tion of "monaroh of the sea."
Suing liar's l'aronta.
BlNOHAMTOff, N. Y., Oct. ,7. Mrs. J.
O. Eldrodgo of this placo has begun suit
against herhuBbaud'B parents for $20,000
damages for allonating her husband's
affections. The Eldredges are an old
and wealthy family.
Col. B. A. Loo, of the Thtrd New Jer
sey regiment, Is ill at his residence In
Robort Henry Siobold, of Hackcnsack,
N, J., fell overboard from a yacht In,
Jamaica Bay, and was drowned. .
Judge Llpplnoott in Jersey City, re
fused bail In the case of Thomas F,
Smith, Indicted for ballot box frauds.
The Citizens' Association for the Sup
presslou of Nuisances of Jersey City bai
raised $1,000 and employed counsel to
begin the necessary proceedings to abate
the nuisance caused by the hog abattoir
on tho Haokensack meadows.
John Kelly, of Jersey City, has ob
tained Judgment of $2,300 against tho
Central Railroad of New Jeraey in the
Hudson county circuit court for Injuries
sustained by being thrown from a plat
form of a train in rounding a curve.
Dissatisfaction is felt in Hackensack
aver the verdict of accidental death ren
dered by the coroner's Jury in tho case
of Peter Oonlln, found dead with a frac
tured skull in Demarest Van Rtper's
barn a week ago. Foul play is sus
pected. Joseph Puglla, the Patorson Italtat
whose wifo recently eloped with his
bookkeeper, taking $3,000 of bis, money
with her, has recovered the greater part
of the amount through the United States
Minister to Belgium, where the oouple
had fled.
flighest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
The afaaufaeturara' Prlco liaised, and the
Ututlra Prttle.
New Yoiik, Oct. 7. Thero is a deal of
grumbling among the retail cigar and
cigarette dealers of this city, and it Is
possible that on extensive boyoott will
be instituted against the wholesale deal
ers and manufacturers very shortly.
This will, of eourse. mean that no more
cigarettes will be 'smoked in New York
for n long time, and the retailors declare
that they will positively refuse to handle
"students' lamps" nnttl the manufac
turers reduce tho prlco to ita original
Tho American Tobacco Company
raised the price of cigarettes 30 cents n
thousand the first of the month. This
company In a combination of these Arms:
W. Duke, Sous & Co. of Now York ,
Kinney & Co., Goodwin & Co., Duke,
Sons & Co., Durham. N. C. ; Allen &
Glnter of Richmond, Vn., and W. S.
Kimball & Co., of Rochestor. These are
the loading cigarotte manufacturers of
the country.
The AnuUersitry Coinnimoratod.
New Yohk, Oct. 0. The Doutsche
Verolu of this city gave a banquet last
night in commemoration of the 203th
anniversary of tho landing of the first
band of Qermnn settlers in tho ahlp Con
cord nt Gerraantown, Pa., in 108'J.
Prominent among the guests were G. R.
R. Worniuth. World's Pair Commit
I sloner for tho German Empire; Consul
1 Gonoral A. Feigel, William Steluway, L.
Windmullcr, Chnrlos Stewart Smith,
Waldo P. Clomcnt, Dr. Tlmmo anjd Dr.
Flrn nt Ynlo.
New Haven, Conn., Oct. 7. Fire in
the attic of.tho Eat Divinity Hall, Yalo
University, damaged it to the extent
of $10,000. Tho fire was caused by a de
fective flue. AboutGO of the Theological
students, who roomed in tho building,
sustain losses of from $100 to $250 each
on books, and several prlvato libraries
belonging to professors wore destroyed.
Registration la New York City.
New Yohk, Oot. 7. Yesterday was
the first day of registration In this oity.
A comparison with the first day's regis
tration in 1890 shows an increase of
over 7,000 names. There were 78,740
names enrolled.
Return of an Indian Expedition.
Worcester, Mass., Oct. 7. The Salts
bury expedition to tho Callpagos In
dians, headed by Dr. Bawe, of Clark
University, has returned with a large
collection of specimens valuable to
Union I'nclflo Claims.
Boston. Oct. 7. More than CO
cent, of tho claims of Union Pacific cred
itors have boon exchanged for the throe
' : . Ioruou uy pcupio HUB
1 . - .. .1 , . 1 V.
.originally refused to Mgn tho agrooment.
Snow fell for an hour in Kansas City
Queen Liluoknlanl of tho KIngdo m
Hawaii Is dying.
It is snowing and field work Is sus
pended at Luvcrne, Minn.
Of the $51,000,000 four and a half per
cent, bonds ijlb.75U.klDU have been re
Several skeletons of British soldiers
who dlod In the wnr of 1813 were found
in n trench in Lundy's Lane, Niagara
raits, unt.
About l.OOO.mon, painters, plasterers,
carpenters, masons and metal-workers
are out on strike ut Halifax, N. S., with
no prospect 01 a souiement.
During a funoral procession noar Al-
toonn, la., a team of horses took fright
and running awny upset a number of
carrlagos. One man was killed, four
persons were fatally Injured and ono
woman is dying of fright.
Jockey Moore, who rodo several tlmos
at the beginning of tho Fall meotlng at
Latonla, died nt Cincinnati from pneu
monia, produced uy a cold caught from
the use of tho sweatbox in trying to re
duce his weight. He was twenty years
old anu a promising rluor.
Woather Indications.
Wasiiixotos, Oot. 7,-For Eastern New
York: Genornlly fnlr: stationary tempera
ture; northerly winds.
I'or Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
MnrjlimJ and Ilolawuro: Generally fulrj
stationary tompcratuio: northerly ulnJs.
For Wostorn Now York and Western Penn
sylvania: Showers; warmer Wednesday ulguti
northeasteily winds.
, For Now iinglnnds aenerallr fair, station
ary temperature; northerly wluds.
New York. Oct. fl,-- Money on call loaned
easy at & and 0 por oont .
Closing Closing
Yesterday. To-dey.
4 s, 1907 1 u
4 s, 1U07 Loop HUi 117
loalui: l losing
1 esioaiity. o- iy.
1 anadlan I'dglfto... buu
teutrul l'walBu..... .11 3-iU
I hioatfu. Htlr. k Q.lfiWir Uj t8
Do ttwaro & IIu-ISuii i;is
D.I. Luck. Wotioru W'J IUH
Urie .u2 ;il9i
i-.rlupref ua 7U
ljut- Mioic liMi m.yii
Loilla & Nlisll BlH BOJ-J 1 uutrai 10 - , 10 .'
Missouri 1'auillc uotj ulli
New Jersey 1 eutrul U" ItlHk
Northwuatein 118,11 110
Oregon Nalj:ution TO 8U
I'ueilleMail 37(4 37 U
Heading l!j -t lji
Hook Island MH 8.12
Ht l'aul 74 74)2
Union I'aolllo M 41M
Western Union. S3j 83
Wheat closed strong. No. S rod winter 103i
Oct 105; Dee. 108V.
Corn fairly stesdr. No. 3 mixed 00i: Oca.
tou Dec. f4H.
uiu oiosea auiet. rtos muea j: oot. 33.
If beauty h Bkln deep what a pretty
animal tho rhinoceros must be. It's
Bkln Is about two inches thick.
Thoro'a Nothing on Earth
So good for a baby suffering with Wind
Colh ai Dr. Hand's Colic Curo. It
Booth os and euros. S&mplos gratis tor a
fow days at J. M. Uillan and O. J. Mc
Carthy, tho druggists.
Parodoxlcal a man of sound nenee
Is generally a silent one.
Height of Oruolty.
Nervous women seldom receive the sym
ptoms they deserve. Whlleoltculho pictures
of henllh, they aro constantly ailing. To
withhold sympathy from these unfortunates
Is the height of cruelty. They have a weak
Sain In side, weak and hungry spells, and
uallv swelllni- of ankles. onnreRslon. chok
n, smothering and dropsy. I)r Miles' New
Heart Cure Is Jnstthe thing forthem. For
tho r nervnusnefis, headache, weakness, otc.,
his Hest 'ratlve Norvl 10 Is unqualed. Fine
treat'seou "Heart and Nervous L)lsoae" nod
marvelous testimonials Iree, Bold ana
guaranteed by (J. 11. Hugenbiich,
The song of tho
fainter tuid fainter.
mosquito gets
Miles' Norvo ana Llvor Pills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach nnd bowels thtouahthe nerves,
A now discovery. Dr. mhos' nils speeuuy
cute blllnusneis, bad tftt-to, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Unequaled lor men, women,
chlldreu. Hmallest, mildest, surest! aldoses,
25cts. Bumples Free, at U. II. Hagenbuch's
arng store.
Tho ice cream nnd soda water sea
son is departing.
A Mystory Explained.
The nnners contain frenuent notices of rich
pretty and educated girls eloping with
nesroeft. trnmns and coachmen. The well-
known specialist, Dr. Kranklln Mile, says all
such girls are more or less hysterical, nervous,
very Impi islve, unbalanced; usually subject
to headache, ncuritlela. sleeplessness. 1m
moderate crying or laugmug. mesaBnowa
weak nervous system for which thero Is no
remedy equal to Meliorative Nervine. Trial
bottles nnd a due boot, containing many
marvelous cures, free at fj. H. Hagenbuch's
drucr store, who also sell, nnd iruarnuUMi Dr.
Miles' celebralod Now llourt Cure, the finest
of heart tonics. Cures lluttcrlug, short
breath, etc.
Prospects for a good trade in fall goods
aro looking up.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
haps of the sure approach of that more ter
rlble disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can afford for the sake or saving GO
cents, to run the risk and do nothing for 1U
We know from experience that Hhllon's Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Uottles
were sold the nast year. It relieves Croun
and Whopplne Cough at once. Mothers do
not bo without It. For Lnme liack, Hide or
Chest, use Bhlloh's Porous Piaster. Bold by
0. 11. Hagonbach, N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Squirrel hunting has thus far not
been a success.
Specimen Cases.
S. H. Clifford. New Cosset, Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia aud KhoumatUm,
uia oiuuiucu wus uisimierea, niB 1.1 ver was ai
locled to au alarming degree. Appellto fell
nway, and he was terribly reduced In tien
and strength. Xhrco bottles of Klectrlo Hit
lers enred mm.
Kdward Hhopherd, Harrlsburg, 111., had a
ruunlug bore on Ills lo of eielit years' stand
lug. Ufcod three hollies ot Klectrlo Illiters
and Fovcu uoxis or uucsien s Arnica salve,
aud his leg is sound nnd well. John Hpeaker,
Cat-iwba, O., had dve large Fever sores on his
lee. doctors ld he was Incurable One hot-
tlo niectrio littters and one box Bucklen'B
Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Hold by
u. iii iiagenuucn, Druggist.
Winding up makes clocks go, but It
nas an opposite eiiect upon au insolv
ent concern.
Father Pablo Juarez Talks
Don Kimon Alva. Dear Blr: I have the
satisfaction or lulormingyon that tho Cactus
Mood Cure, of whl h you aro the owner, has
produced the most wonderful results for a
irienn ot mine who has sutiered from her
petic eruption, and I consider vour curo s
r generator without antqtial. In the name
of my friend I thank you sincerely, nnd be
sure I will recommend your valuable incdi
cine, as I have again seen Its results.
Yours truly.
Bold at Klrlln's l)rugHtore,Fergusou House
I31UCK, oueuuuuuuu.
Notwithstanding some rot, tho pota
to crop will be a large aud profitable
one mis year.
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
in is is oeyona question the most suc
cessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
i few doses Invariably cure the worst cases of
Cough, Croup, aud Bronchitis, while Its won
Jerful success In the erne 01 uobjuiptlon is
wuuuui u imruuei in tue nisiory ot meaicine.
Since It's first discovery It has been sold on a
juarantee, a test which no other medicine
can staua, 11 you have a cough we earnestly
ask you to try It. Prioe 10 cents, 50 cenU, and
I1.U0. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or liack
lame, use Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
0. it. iiagenbucb, N. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
The turkey Is undergolrnr .the fat
tening process for tho coming Thanks
giving Bay.
jhould be displayed In buying media
tine above all things. In selooting
remedy for any disease, you should be
positive that it contains nothing Inju
rious to the health. Many renvxiiesT
on the market leave the patient in a
much worse condition, than befoct)
taking them,
S' s s
b purely vegetable, and jverfectty
harmless; the most delicate child can
take it with absolute safety. It contain,
tu mercury or minerals of any kind,
and yet It never falls to cure the dis
eases it is rcooinmendod for.
Book on Blood and Skin diseases free.
Swift apoctUo Co., Atlanta, Qs
IIo Was Led Into the Orime hy Oitruder,
mo, He Save, is "Slick."
Oatraader Uaed tha Moaey la Baaeala-
MenA Nembar ef Others IaaplUatoa
Cawutor Yaa Xaalrasd Aeeuavd ef Kalp
lag to Coaoaal toe Thefts Treuapbeer
l)o.a Net Una Whathar Aayaaa IUae
llealdae Oalraadar Stwle Aay Meaaf
rbe Total Saartea)a BlS.OSe-.galet
Ken la Klngetaa.
Kixobtok, N. Y., Oet. 7.M. T.
Trumpbour made a f nil confession of his
crime yesterday. Ue talked fully and
freely, giving lu detail the manner In
which he and Treasurer Ostrender plun
dered the Ulster County Barings Insti
tution and covered up their operations
for more than 20 years.
He throws most of the blame on Os
trander's shoulders. It was Ostrander,
he says, who got most of tho $518,000
ttolcn from tho bank. He also Impli
cates several others.
Ostrander bad beon stealing three
roars before Trumpbour found It out.
When remonstrated with, Ostrander
plended for tho Bnko of his wife and
children not to be exposed, nnd un
folded n plan by which tho defalcation
could bo mado good.
"Ostrander Is ono of the finest book
keepers I over knew," said Trumpbour.
"His plan was to mako false transfers
from tho depositors' lodgers to tho trial
balance sheets."
"Of course, It was was almost Impossi
ble to dcteet tho fraud. His scheme,
which wns slmplo, though very in
genious, amounted to nothing more than
representing to tho examiner that our
deposits were smaller than they actually
"Wheal Ostrander unfolded his plan to
mo I at first rebelled against becoming a
party to it, but at last I yielded, OBtran
dor promising to mnko up the shortage
as soon as ho could. Ho did not make it
up, but on the contrary continued taking
more and more or tho bank's money ana
losing it in gambling operation.
"Yes, I continued year after year to
falsify tho depositors' balances. Of
course I was a fool to do it. I was not
tho only one, however, whom ho used in
coloring up his dofnlcntlon. Alfred Van
Nostrand, the chief bookkeoper,;was Just
an guilty an I, If not more so. He also
used the bank's money, and at tho time
of my arrest his account was overdrawn
lor a far greater amount than mine.
I don't remembor tho exact amount, but
it was over $3,000.
"Andrew Scott, colloctor for the bank,
was also fully aware of the condition of
1U affairs nnd ustrander's deficit.
sneak the absolute truth when I say that
I had no Idea the shortage was anything
like $018,000. Van Nostrand, who
helped mako up the trial balances, must
have made many false transfers that I
knew nothing about. It may be that he
worked exclusively under Ostrander's
direction, or It may be that ho was cov
ering a separate defalcation.
Mob Fury Una Subsided A I.ogal Fight
OTor the Hecolverahlp.
i. Kinobtos, N. Y., Oct. 7. The seonos
of turmoil ond chao9 which havo reigned
nro now transformed Into quiet calm
ncsa and the usual tranquility nnd order
aro restored. Ono can scarco imagine
such a complete transformation in so
brief a period of time. Wall streot, the
principal thorough faro, on which is
located the courthouse and the insolvent
institution, which Monday was Oiled
with an excited mob, is now almost de
serted. There havo been no now developments
as regards tho amount of stolon funds.
Hank Examiner Judson says it will tuko
about two weeks moro to complete tho
investigation. In his opinion the total
dofulcation will not exceed tho sum first
reported. Tho misslug trial balanco
books havo been, found, secreted in a
drawor. It has nlso boon discovered that
the balance sheets hnvo boon falsified.
Ycstorriiy at the request of Ostrander
and Trumpbour they hud on Interview
in Jnll with Alfred Van Nostrand, tho
bookkeeper of tho Insolvent Institution.
Sheriff U11I was prosent at tho confer
ence. Tho culprits asked Van Nostrand
how tho publlshod amount of the defal
cation was reached. Ho replied that It
had been discovered by a thorough ex
amination of the books. Trumpbour
stated that tho deficiency was not so
ConHdenco bos in part been restored
by tho appointment of County Treasurer
Brodhcad as receiver. Loading deposi
tors and buslnoss meu fool assured that
bo will hcrvo the best lntorosts of all
persons. There is, however, noma dls
upproval over tho Belectlon, nnd a legal
light over a permanent receiver will bo
At tho request of the trustees of tho
Kingston Savings Dank, Supt. Piston
has put a,i export examiner to work on
tho accounts of that institution to as
certain Its condition.
Union Workmen an n Strike
Dobto.v, Oot- 7. About 100 union
workmen employed on tho Columbus
Theatre utrnek yesterday morning bo
cause tho nnmo of tbelr union superin
tendent, G. W. llrown, ' appeared on tho
programme of tho opening performanco
on "foreman of the maioii work," when
ho Is general superlntnndont of the job.
It seems that Mr. Urown, the superin
tendent, had somo words with the own
ers of tho building about the mlstnko ou
the programme, and was discharged,
whoreupon all tho union men quit work.
lted Croaa Society Klijotnoif,
Boston, Oct. 7. The Order of the Red
Cross was enjoined by the Superior
Court from paying out its funds lu any
bank and from disposing of its fuuds iu
the State treasury. The plalutltts ara
holders of matured certificates. A con
spiracy and confederacy is alleged on
the part ot tho oillcers and certain un
known persons for tho purpose of de
frauding. A rocelver Is nlso asked for.
Ksteeand Cheney, Probably,
VasiiisotoN, Oct. 7. From an In
spired source It was learned Jato last
night that the I'restdent has decided
upon Estee, of California, and t'henoy,
of New Hampshire, to fill the two Cab
lnet vacancies to occur in November by
the withdrawal of Proctor nnd Miller.
Hn-ithnr nnrnn not nil lot trm Ka ItmMa Wfll tn
fjioe mid h&ndki lo rtvl, Ukj 7
Ot cotiTM thpy will tUnter, becaum Papft painted
the window TiUi
10C. A MOTTLE 10C.
WOLTJ" & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Causes no eruptions upon
the skin such as nearly all
sarsaparilla mixtures do; but
drives tho impurities from tho
blood through the proper
channels, tones up the system,
increases appetite, and rapidly
cures dyspepsia, constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and
all diseases depending upon
an impure condition ot tno
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Moefc, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ank my ngrnts for W. T. Ilniislnn Shoes.
If not lor snlo In jour place nfdc your
denier to send ftn- cutnlouiic, rtccuro the
ugener nnd get thcin lor 3oil.
(VTA Illl 0 SI)
S3 SHOE centIm EN
It U a Boamlesa shoe, with no tnclcs or wax thread
to hurt the feet; mado of tho bent lino calf, sty Huh
aud Ffifly, aud because tre make more thoen of this
grtiiU than any athrr tnantifavturer, H equal baud
Eovvcd Rlim-fl eosthitf from 34.00tod3.tA).
CjC 1)0 eJcniihio Ilnud-Hcued the finest calf
Zpij. Bhoo over offered for $i.uoi equal French
Imported alines hlch cut from to $12 ia).
& A OO ilnnil-Srued Writ Slioo, ?,nrt calf.
fityi!ifi.017ir;ulttnml durable. Tho best
ehoo over offered at thU prleo i ame grado M cl,$
tnm-madti sbofn costlnn fruni 6-1.00 to fj.'jd.
flJO 30 I'nltrn Hlmrt Farmers, Hailroad reri
a? uud LettcrCarrlemall wear them; Una calf,
eeamlt'RS Kmouth lusltle. lieavy tbreo soles, cxten
slon edpo. Ono pair will wear nyear.
C5 50 linn calfi no better Bhoo over offered at
UttSmm thU prleoj ono trial will couvlum thosa
w bo want aelioo for comfort and aervjeo.
nnd 5.00 WoiUliiBiiiitn'. hoca
jSmm aro very strung nnd durable, 'tlmso who
li.ivo given them a trial will wear no other make.
Rr&Vffi' SeOO and school eh . t am
Bvj E worn tiy the boye everywhere; they sell
on their merits, an the liu'reaslng sates hIiow.
B ftrfl Sor1 t:i.00 Ilnnd-Hewcd )ioe, best
&nC4vl i v3i D( ii ola, veryHtyll6b;equalsFrcncli
Imported aboo o-mtlnst from l.t)u to 8G.m).
litidlvN '-J.30, J.00 nnd 1,7,1 hhoo for
Mlsm-Hnro tho best llnoDongola. HtylUhaud durable.
(!nutloii, See that W. L. louKlas' namo and
prlco aro stamped on the lottom of each shoe.
W, Jj. DOUULAS, Urocktou, JIosv
5aoxixxca.cs!5tto. DEsC
RQ North Fourth St.v
th onlT ge&ulo Gcr&iia AtueHou
ripJcUlll In Uta UlIuJ Httb i who U
kblo U enr DlOOd PolsOnf
Norvoue Debility m Spe
cial Diseasns
Bkla DIiwilso-. Ited HpoU Vtiat la tht
niololtftfl, IimiU', Lruitloni, Mf or
hrti Utoora, UWdlltDgi. Irritattont,
IntlanimiUoni and Baotlofi,
tiUUturu, WeklsM an! Early
4ey, loit mmor. wak hv mczU aniletj. WlnT "1
msiiiT nucMti an4 ail pucaaoa rrnniunB irum
Inlt.or Uon or Ortrwork. lUosnit ea cro4 In 4 to 10 ' ayij
n-Kcf al cnoe. pa out 1dm hop, no matu-r what a-lrtr
tUlnit Doctor, Qoaci, Family or llotrlLal Vhyitctan baa railed.
at': rirh or poor, an4 1c. itamp ft bOOK
'TnUTH" tiMilT Qnaoka nnrtcr iworn tentlnifuUta.
IIooim, rJUlr from 9 to I, Kr'M to 9, M'rt. and
It'Ci 8 to 10 Bandar 9 Ull II. Writ or call and bo aavad,
For lurerauoua aoa Wedn. al eaturday PUla. dally TlmV
W. Baker & Co.'s
from whish the oxc - I
oil ilea bean reuiow .1 .1
Absolutely Pare
audit i Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used iu Its preparation. It has
more than time times the strengtli of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is therefore far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cuj). It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
nnd admirably ndnptcd for invalids
ns well ns for persons in health.
Sold by Crooors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mm.