The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 07, 1891, Image 2

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A Woman Who Says Slio Was
Millionaire Allou's Wife
Allen's Bis tor Donounosi ths Claimant
a3 an Impostor and AdTentmeis.
' Wonts 19114,000 for anAlloged Swindle.
1'IItLADRiJ'tltA, Oct. 7.A sonsatlotinl
milt has been commenced against the
officer and stockholders of ths United
States Stnrch Company of Waukejian,
111., by Silas W. I'uttit, In which ha says
tho oillcers of tho company havo do
framled him and others out of $174,000,
which thoy persuaded htm and his
friends to Invest In ths stock of the
starch works. The swindle, It Is nl
lrjted, grow out of the sals of patents for
maklnti dry stnrch, which are said to
have turned out to be utterly worthless.
Xlio Mllllonalra ropnlarly Snppi4
Hare linen UnmarrladVTha Yfamnn
Said In Have l'rovad Coaolnalvslr That
&K5Wa Allen's Legal Wlr-lka TV opt
Oror the ()rTii or th Iaad Until
Guards Drnra Ur Awar.
Auousta, Mo., Oct. 7. When K. C,
Allan, tho millionaire publisher, died on
Aug 9 list he was supposed to ba .in un
married man and Tast fortuno was
being divided among his relatives
until a Tory recont date, when a woman
ippeared with papers In support of her
declaration that she was the wfe of tho
dead millionaire.
The mannor of hor appearing addod to
tho mystery of the case. Two guards
wore stationod at the grave to frustrato
any attempt to steal tho body. On tho
night following tho funeral a woman
heavily voilod appeared at tho gravo at
about midnight. Sho throw herself npon
the gravo and wept bitterly for about
half an hour. The two guards, thinking
he was a member of tho family, did not
Interfere, and slio was allowed to do
part unmolested.
On tho following night the woman
again appeared at tho samo hour and
wept over tho gravo. This time she was
challenged by tho guard as slio was
about to depart. She attempted to run,
but fell and was oaught.
Iler veil was torn by tho fall and sho
ivaH seen to bo a beautiful woman. Sho
demanded in French an explanation of
her detention. Tho guards told hor
what their Instructions wero. Then tho
woman suld sho was a rolatlvo of tho
dead mau and hail a right to bo thoro.
Sho was allowed to go.
The noxt day tho guards told Mr. Al
len's sister of tho oplsode, and sho de
nounced tho woman as an impostor.
Binco then tho woman has sought Miss
Allen, and It is said, has proved con
clusively to tho latter that sho was tho
legal wifo of tho lato publiihor. Mem
bers of tho family refuse to talk about
tho matter.
Oscar Holway, one of tho adminis
trators of tho Allen estate, says, how
ever, that no Woman has made any
claim upon him for a sharo In tho Allen
pstuto as Allen's widow.
Mathodlst Local I'rsaohern Adjourn.
HAnuiSnnno, Pa., Oct. 7. The oonven-
IMIt.r Sli Cants.
PoDonmsrsiK, N. T., Oct. T. W. K.
Tyler.edltorof the Ilhlnebeek "Gacatta,"
was on trial In ths drcult court yester
day obarged with criminal libel. In his
paper Tyler censured Charles Van SUsp
berg, a llhtnebtek constable, for making
an arrast without a warrant and charged
ths constable with bstng Intoxicated nt
the time. The jury brought In a Tr
dtct of guilty, and Tyler was fined six
Flow Arltona fttands.
WisniKOTOK, Oct, 7. The annual re
port of N, O. Murphy, Actlng-Oortrnor
of Arltona, shows that there Is fully
$70, 000,000 taxable property In ArUonn.
The total Indebtedness of the Territory
is placed at $855,230, and the Indebted
ness of several counties, $2,175,805. The
ostimatod output of copper is placod at
80,000,000 pounds; gold $1,812,055 and
silver ?1, 083, 585.
Butt for Infringing on "Ultra Dry."
Nkw York, Oct. 7. Petor Herman
Von Mumm and Max Von Guaita of
Frankfort, 1'russla, nnd Alexandre de
Ilury of Helms, Franco, hovo begun suit
in tho United Statos Circuit Court
against Morris Loob of this city for in
fringement of their trado mark on tholr
"Extra Dry" champagne.
Conf.srm to Wrecking tho Train.
Nkw Lisbon, O., Oct. 7. William Can
Hold has confessed to having turned the
nwitch which wrecked tho limited train
on the Pennsylvania road at Now
1'alestlno, a fow weeks ago, in which
three men wore killed. Ho says that ho
attempted to wreck tho train to plunder
It. He Is now in jail here.
I.tvcs Lost Off Franco.
Paius, Oct. 7. Many boats and llTes
havo been lost owing to tho sovere storm
at Brest.
7' the National Association of Moth-
odlst X-oC.1! Preachors adjournod last.
evening. Offtirs woro eiectea as ioi
lows: President, John K. Wright, D. D.,
of Washington; First Vied President,
Chauncoy Shaffer, L. L. D., of Now
York; Secretary, D. T. MncFarlane, of
"ow York; Assistant Secretary, George
11. Jones, of Philadelphia; Correspond
ing Socrotary, C. C. Leigh, of Now York;
Treasurer, James North of Baltimore.
Another llosorvattnn to Il Opsninl.
Wasiiinotok, Oct. 7 It Is report od
on good authority that tho Nor. Porcos
reservation will bo declared open by the
President In a vory short time. This
reservation lies In the heart of the Cher
okee strip, just wost of the Santa Fe
Railroad, and Is the richest land in tho
Territory. The tribe has had their lands
allotted and thore aro over 500 quarter
sections which tho President can doclaro
open at auy time.
llrllllnnt Soclotr Wedding.
THiriMOitr., Md., Oct. 7. Dr. Robert
Taylor, of tho Johns Hopkins Hospital,
and Miss Florence Tomploman, daugh
ter of It. W. Templeman, wore married
in Christ's Protostant Episcopal Church
lastovoning by Itev. William Hodlno,
assisted by Itovs. Klrkus and Graham.
The church was packed to overflowing
with Baltlmoro's most fashionable so
ciety. Mr. UliilneNot 111 Again.
Auoubta, Mo., Oct. 0. Tho report
that Mr. Blaine is ill again is unfounded.
The family physician, l)r. Q. W. Martin,
says that Mr. Maine is in bettor'health
than whon ho arrived from IUr Harbor.
McCormlck Maine, Emmons' little son,
has been dangerously ill, nnd this fact
probably gavo rlso to tho rumor of tho
Secretary's Illness.
Hell Tolephona Stilt.
Bosto-?, Oct. 7. Tho suit of tho
TTnlinil States of America versus tho
Boll Tolephono Company and Alexandor
Ball, as to whether tho patonts
nf tlm latter woro obtained from the
Patent, nm at WashlnEton by fraud,
nr nmv before Honrv L. Hallott, who is
uu oxamlner in tho caso and la taking
Tiro Klnj of Wurtmubom I)nd
Sthttoaht. Oct. 7. Tho King of
WnrtnmhBnr died vestorday morning.
(It voars of ago. and ascended
)l,o throne In IdOt. Tho boir to tho
thrnn Is Prinoa Wilhelm. The King
bad attracted much attention of late
years by his oocentricitlos.
Tho Mohonk Indian Conforonco Is be
ing held at Lako Motions;, tins weoK.
A mnvcutlon of typographical unions
of New York State is in session iu Syra
ClarrettJ. Oarrettson was nominated
for County Judge at the Queans County
Republican Convention.
Two operations will be performed upon
Lieutenant-Governor Joues' oyes In Now
York. He will havo to stay Indoors for
a month.
Tha eighteenth annual convention of
tlm Woman's Christian Temperance
Union of Now York State is in session In
Now York.
Mtaa Anno Johnstotio King, daughtor
Mr. f!luirls King, lato President of
Columbia College, dlod iu Paris Monday,
of heart iJUaase.
nimrles F. Brings, accused
heresy, has notified tho Now York Pres
bytery that no wm preseui m u
the case Novembor 4 noxt.
nv a collision of a train and a wagon
., rjinwil'o Stnten Island, yesterday .Tnnes. bis Blater. Miss Carrie Ed
wards, bar ono-year-old baby, and Anton
Uaotar, Jones' employe, were amou.
Senator Hoar has inaugurated a move
ment at Worcostor, Mass., to raise a
statuto to Gen. Bavins.
William McKay's boat building shops
and a largo dry house at Nowbury
port, Mass., woro burned yesterday.
While on his way to a funeral at Boa
rah, Conn., the Itev. George Cryer, aged
74 years, dlod in h(s carriage. With one
hand ha was holding the reins and with
the othor his bible.
Fifteen hundrod live hogs woro roasted
to death during a tiro in J. 1'. aquire
Ss Co. 's packing establishment In Sonv
urvllls. Mass. Tho flames caused a dam
age of about $1 50,000.
rT l xTSv f A I- I
' r
1 L 1-
roou nooMK iiaidci).
An Effort to llreak U thn llmlnrsa Com.
mlmlnns it Ilylh.
NEW YonK, Oct. 7. Tho pollco raidod
tho pool rooms yesterday nnd arrostod
thlrty-flvo persons Interested or employed
In tho rooms. This action on tho part of
tho authorities was tho result of a con
sultation between Inspector Byrnes and
District Attorney Nicoll.
Hitherto under existing judlotal de
cisions ths pool rooms bar been mabled
to do business on the supposition that
the transactions ware on a commission
basis and that orders givan in ths rooms
would be taligraphed to agents at tha
track where they would ba exseuted.
Of conns It was wU known that none
of tha 'money taken In at tha rooms
found its war to th track, but this was
difficult to prove.
Th inspector triad a plan wnereby ne
xpscU to gst eTrol convictions and
thus break up th pool room business.
II had mn at th traek aad othars In
all th pool rooms an 4 ther accurately
noUd th Urns th her started at the
track and up to what tlm th pool
rooms took bt oa th racss.
In this way It Is hopd to prov money
was taken lu on raes at the rooms
uftor the horses had started In th differ
ent events, and thus show that th com
mission business Is a. myth.
lenandoah Business College !
Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891.
W. J. S'OLLV, President.
No Pnatlbllltr or Finding the Kntomhenl
Minors Atlv at Ulencurbon.
Pottsvillk, Po., Oot. 7. All hope has
boon given up of reaching the ontombed
minors allvo. Tho work of the rescuing
party is vory slow on account of the
treacherous condition of tho roof, which
threatens to fall at any moment. Super
intendent liolly, who was injured in tue
cave-in Saturday, is diroctlng his men,
in spite of tho fact that his brUlses give
him much pain. Michael Grant, who
had his skull crushod in. Is dyiug.
Xtie relatives and friends of tho en
tombed men refuse to (tlvo ud bono and
still linger about tho mouth of tho slope.
inoiriacos light up cagorly when any
ono omor'gos from tho mine, but a sim
ple HnaKing or the head is sulliciont to'
inako them rolapso into a condition of
watching and waiting.
Tho coroner yesterday lmpannelled a
Jury and began an investigation into tut
disaster. Tho body of ono of the victims
was viewed, but the jury reserved Its
verdict and was continued until after the
bodlos of tho other six men ara recov
ered. Tho Jury will also Investigate tho
rumor that the Philadelphia & Heading
uoal and iron Uompany, tho operators of
tho colliery, neglected the usual precau
tions to prevent suoh an accident.
Gerraun Day Celebration.
WisnittOTOK, Oot. 7. German Day
was celebrated In Washington with ap
propriate ceremonies. A large military,
civlo and trade's procession paraded tho
streets of the city, being reviewed by
the President as it passed the Executive
ManBion, and disbanded at the Seheut
r.on Park, where a promenade concert
and varied amusements took place. Hon.
L. W. Habercom, Fifth Auditor of the
Treasury delivered an address In German,
and Hon. Simon Wolff, ex-Consul-General
to Egypt, followed with a spoech in
English. A pyroteohnio display con
cluded the day.
In the place of a woman
wlio'u weak, ailing, and miserable,
why not be a woman wiio 8 ncaitiiy,
happy, and strong? You can bo.
You needn't experiment. Tho
cliango ia made, safely and surely,
with Dr. Picrco's lavorito Prescription.
It's a matter mat rests wiui you.
Hero is tho medicine tho only ono
for woman's peculiar weaknesses
and diseases that's guaranteed to
help you. It must give satisfac
tion, in ovcry caso, or tho money is
promptly returned. Take it, and
vou'ro a now woman. You can af-
L . . i . i r 1
lord to maKO tuo inai, iur you vo
nothing to lose.
liut do you neea to do urguur
W 11
ItromSlmplcPlmnlcR to nrmtlnnte UM A i
S-Bend for'ISlntn for Kltclicn nnd nick.
Hlooru." a laandy look for tho household. ntEE.
First Nationa
Capital, $ioo,ooo.oa
A. Mr. Leiaennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashrer,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier,
Opeu Daily From 9 to 3
Inld on HnvtHEM DepoBlts.
Yoii don't want size in a pill it
means disturbance. You want re
sults. With Dr. Picrco's Pleasant
Pellets, smallest, cheapest, casicst to
take, you got tno bosi results, oiuk
Headache, Biliousness, Constipation,
Indication, and all derancements
of tho Laver, Stomacn and uoweis
aro prevented, relicvcu, anu cured,
Mothodltt Eoumenloal Conference.
Wasiiinoton, Oct. 6. The .Methodist
Ecumenical Conference, which opened
horo to-day, is to be one of tho most re
marknbla religious gatherings ever con
vened In tha United States. Tho Ecu
menical Conference, as its namo implies,
is composed of the representatives of nil
the various branches of Methodism es
tablished throughout tho world. This
will bo only tho second conference of tho
kind, the ilrst having beon hold in Lon
don ton years ago. Tho London gather
ing was a groat success, to which tno
American delegates largely contributed.
Tho conforonco hero will bo on a larger
Chrlttlnn Kndeavor Convention.
WiLLiAMsroiiT. Pa., Oot. 7. Over 000
delegates woro In attendanco when the
fifth annual oonvontlon of tho Christian
Endeavor Union opened horo last ovon
lng. Eov. Julius A. Herald, pastor of
the First Proibytorlan Church, delivered
the nddross of wolcome. Eov. Dr. Hen
der, of Altoona, vlco-presldent of tho
Union, respondod. iho auurcss 01 presi
dent Itev. Goorge B. Stewart, of Harris
burg, was tho event of tho evening. Re
ceptions were held at a number of tho
lty churohos. xno moraine win con
tinue to-day and to-morrow.
Tho Tellod Fropuet Celebration.
ST. Louis, Oct. 7. Last ovenlng tho
great pageant of the Veiled Prophet
passed through the principal down-town
streets to tho Chamber of Commerce
building whero His Highness was ten
dered a reception and ball at which the
beauty, wealth and aristocracy of St.
Liouls were nauasomeiy represeniou.
The subject chosen for tho floats in tho
pageant was sconos from tho works of
popular wrltors of Action. Thore were
twenty-two floats in tho procession,
each Boat drawn oy lour norses, anu in
beauty of design and decoration sur
passed all tabloaux of previous years.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Donds written.
aiairioge licenses ana legal claims'
promptly attended' to.
Real Estalor Collection and iDwranco Agency.
General Fire Insurance Business, Represents
the Northwestern Lire insurance Co.
Office Muldoon's bulldlngPoorner Centre
aDd West His., Bhenandoah; Pa.
South- main St.,
she 3xiA.isr:D o -A.:h:.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two-story double irame dwelling house
store and restaurant, on East Centre St.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
8. Desirable nrouertyon corner Centre and
jurain streew, xmiaDie lor Dnsmess pur
-A two-story
went Lloydstreet,
two-story double frame dwelling, on
5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on WeBt Con-
6. Two 2 8torv dwelllnes on tbe corner ot
Coal and Chestnut streets More room In
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
sireei, wun a large warenouse at wie reitr,
Is and will ever ho tho
Bomody for
ITIlllLi .Lllll U W - M V
DnUo ft, tlm Rtdo. Chest ana
Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Before you aetd to buy, obma
wenire np OHARCECft
ths valuable book! "Qolde to Health," wlthj
endoitements 'jr5,n Phyelclul1' A
310 Broadway,
prize Medals Abided!
Vienna, Vragne, Botterisru, Olteai
50 Cents a bottlo, For Sale by
PL . ...
mr 7mz. mnit ntnr nntmni
Bank Counters, Tylor System, Port"
ablo, Unoquolod in styles,
Hnfit nnri p I n I R h .
ISO Tare CaUlonu. of Coonten, etc, Illutrfctad la
Colon, noflli, Fit. Pof aso It C.nta.
Also 'iyier' jioyui
ORlce lletki and Type
writer Ciililncta. SOO
Htylea. llcst aud ehoap
est on earth, with groat
reduction in prices.
12U bar. eauloaua Free.
rotlag. 18 eta. Full llaee cf
ILtaa, Cbalre, Tatlea, Hook
ri.a, Calilaela, l.ftal Illaak
lablneta, etc., alwajalu atuta,
Sbetlal work mad. to order.
New Translation of the lllblo.
nALTiMonu. Oct. 7. Prof. Paul Haunt,
chief of tho Semitic Department of
Johns Hopkins Universlt, has just re
turned from London and Berlin, whero
he had a conference with noted scholars
in reference to a new translation of tho
Bible. It is proposed to include In this
translation not only the Old and the
New Testaments, but also tho Apocrypha
and Psoudeplgrapha, The character of
tho work will Uo international, though
tho nroieot Is to bo brought out under
American ausplcos.
Tho sovontoonth annual convention of
tho Catholic Young Men's National
Union is in session at Philadelphia.
John Sullivan, foreman for tho Head'
lng road, was run over and instantly
killed at Goron Plane yesterday.
Mrs. Arthur O'Donnell's murder ox
cites Wilkesbarro. She was found dead
In bod yesterday with stab-wouuds In hor
Daniel, tho lB-vear-old son of Ilov. A
li. Chllcoat, of Orlblsonla, l'a., felt from
a troo yesterday a dlstanoa ot 45 foot and
was instantly hiueu.
A woman from Brooklyn, N. Y., has
boon sentonced In Heading to two years
In prison and to pay a fine of $50 for
passing counterfeit money.
Jamas Brennau, aged 63, a section boss
on the Lehluh Valley road, was struck
and killed by a paBsengor train at Big
Mine Run, near Ashland, yesterday.
Three two-slory double frame bulldlns
corner or ijioya ana unuen streets.
Or the Liquor llnlill, I'ntltlirly furcu
by aumiiiutcriiif? ir. isniiic'
Uoltlen riie-rlllc-
1f I. mBnnfnntHrM Am a. nowder. whlah e&n hm fflvATl
IU u. veer, a inj,, v uuuo. . wo, w. u .wwu,
without the knowledge ot the patient. It Is absolutely
Darmiesa, ana will eiieoi o poriannouc buu
mirn. nhnth-r the natlent Is a moderate drinker or
en alooholiowrcolt It has baen siren In thousands
ot oases, ana in every instance a pcrtect cure aas 101
lOWea. Itliererravlia. inBByBicraouuoitupwBuar
ed with the tipeolnclt becomes an utter Impossibility
tor me liquor npputiia iu nxiai.
48 pace book or parUoulars frt-e. To bo h&d o
C. H..HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shonandoah
1 tjllclietr's EneUsh Dlttmevd Rraad.
Ortginnl nd (rtilj- Cenntne. A
$,vz, tUwttj r-lUblt,. (.aoics fcaS
raertrt fur VhUhitttrt Enqluh Jf?V
na other. Auie difTjM auattitu V
I ton j and inutuon Al tlroiie1iti.orienlJ(
la rttuntx for parHouUrt. iMtimouUli ttni
tttUtl' fui Iudli,nin Utter, by retnra
f ji-Hit. ii".v fisiui"ii1, ram uorr.
oil ttf UlU'il DrucKtiM, I'h;iJa Vm,
Largest aud oldest reliable purely ooeh oonx
120 S. JardmSt, Shenandoah, Pa,
Your trade is what wo
This is how we propose
to get it.
By selling you a first
class article; by BeHlrjgydu
for less than others; by
gelling you furniture, an
organ, n piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
in the line of household
We have a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
Philadelphia and Beading .Railroad V
JtVme Ifc&le fti effect Jttty 10, 1891 f
rn ItlTP f rIrfn nrtnt 1 vrin lit l n nnt t nma T
tutuna LMTfi iiiMAriuuAii as ruhiiUua
ror New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2.10 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 12A5 2.G0 and SM
p . m. Hunday 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. For N(
Vork, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 6
IM, a. m. and 12.85 and 2.60 p. m. 1
tar Iteadlno- anrl PhllcLrlolnhln wnaV r1n..j
2.10, 5.35, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 2.S0 and 55 p: mV
S. fr .io. m., sju p. m,
t fr""ure, wees: aays, iiu,7.JU a. m,t
i 5.65 p, m.
Ailcatown, woes- davK. 7.30 t. m.. 12.85
I.'O o. m.
,.Sr. Poltsvllle, week days, 2.1,7.20,a. m!.
M H nd 5.5S p. m. Bunday, 2.10 and 7.18
. m , t Ju p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, weak
toys, 2.:0, 65, 7.20, a. m., 1255 2.60 nnd S.D8
. m. Hunday, 3.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4 30 p, m.
Additional for Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days,
'.20 a.m., 2.50 p.m.
For Wlulamsport, BurAury and Lewlsbura,
s-eek days. 8.25, 7.20 and M a. m., 1,35, ijji
a. m, Bunday 3:25 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2,10 8.25.
S 25. and 11. 3.1 a. m.. lias. 1.35. 3 hi. .
7.00 and V.25. d. ra. Bunday, 3.10, 8.23 and 7.48
a. m.-1,05, 4.30 p. m.
For GlrardvUle (Rappahannock Btatidn)
-s?k days, 2.10, 8.25, 6.25, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m.,
12.35. 1 35. 2.50. 6.55. 7.00 and 9.25. n. m. Hnnrt av.
. iv, , .ao ia. ui., 1,J u, ua.
for Asmana ana unamokin, week aays,
2S. S.25. 7.20. 1I.IK1 a. m.. 1J15. 7.m anil D.ul,
p. uu nuiiuftv o.x), Oiua, m., o.uo p. IU.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, weak
lays, 7.43 a. m 1.80, 4.0U. 7.30 p, m 12.11
olcht. Bunday, 6.00 p.m., 12.15 nighU
leave Xec York via Maueh Chunk, weak
lays, 4.80, 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.00 p. m.
1oave Philadelphia, wees days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m from Broad
tad Callowhill and 8.83 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from Uthand Ureen streets. Bunday 9.03 a.
m. 11.30 p. m, from Btli xnd Ureen.
Leave Heading, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.06
and 11.50a.m., 635, 737 p.m. Bunday 1.85 and
10.43 a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.,
'a.!, (i.ll p. m. Bunday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m. and
2.06 ..m.
iwavoTomoqua, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and
' 2 1 a. in., 1.21, 7.13, and v.18 p. m. Bunday 8.20
7 43 i. in. and 50 p. m.
jae Mahanoy City, week days, 3.40, 8.18
ud 11.47a. m 1,61, 7.42 and 9.11 p.m. Bun.
lay, 3.40,8.17 a. in., 8.20 p. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days,2'40,4.CO
1.80,.M,11.6Ba. Di.,1.05, 2.08. 6'20, 628,7.57, and
ki.OiId. m. Bunday 2.4H, 4.00, and 8.27, a.m.
3 87,6.01, p.m.
ijaavo Ulrardvllle (Ilappahannock Btatlon)
week days. 2.47, 4.07, 8.36, And 8.41 a. m 12.05.
. 12, 5.21, 6.82, 8.03 and 10.0(1 p. m. Bunday.2,47,
u , o.oo a. ia. 0.lirO.uf p. m.
Leave WUUamsport. waolc days.
tjuu u. in, a.oo anu 11.117 p.
P .Williams oro.
Bunday 11.15
not Baltimore, washinzton ana the west
la B. & O. K. K.. throueh trains leave Utrard
'VOUUtl nijttLiuu, X X111UU11U1U, IX . Oil A. IV. A.. I
at 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.84, 4.24 , 6.5an-t
r.23 p. m. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4.24
i.65 and 7.23 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreet Whai I
and rioath Street Wharf.
Kor Atlantic Cltv.
Week-dflVH Kxrtresfl.. 8 0f. 0:00 a. m
8.00, 4.10, 6.00 o, el, Aoootnmodat;on,7.sRr'
01. and 4.15, 6 30 a. m.
duailays. Express, 8.00, 0,00 a, m. Ac
commodation. ts.00 a. m.Kud 4.45 p.m.
Itoturnlng, leave Atlanllo city, depot
Mlantloand Arkansas avenues. week-oai s
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. ond 8.15, 4.00, 6.30
p. m. Accommodation 6.00,. 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p. m. Bundays -Express, 4.00, 6.00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 5.05 p. m.
C. G. HANCOCK, Qon'l Pass'r Act.
A. A. UaLEOD. Pres. A Gen'l Manager.
Leliigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10; 1891.
Passenser trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Chunk. Lehigbton, Blatlnston, Cata-
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eoston, Phil,
adelphia and New York at 6.47, 7.40-, tf.08a.rn.,
v&uz. o.iu, p. m.
For Bolvldere. Delaware Water Gap and
Btroudsburg at 5.47, a. ra and 5.28 p. 111.
Ifor ljamueirviue auu irenuju, vu a, in.
For White Haven. Wilkes-Barre and Pitts-
ton 5.47, 9.08, 10.41 a.m., 3.10 and 626 p, m.
r'or TUQKriaunocK, 1u.11 a. m., a.uu anu
, in.
For Anbnrn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m and 6.28 p. m.
For Iacoy vine, lowanaa, oayre, yaveiiy,
Chlcapco and all points West at 10.41a. m.,and
,ztj p. m.
p'or Klmlra and tho West vlaBalamanca at
1.10 p. in.
Wnr Anrtenrled. llaileton. Stockton. Lum
ber Yard, Weatherly and Penu Haven Juno
Hon at 6.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.62; SJ0 and
Meadow, 7.40, 0.08 a. m. and 6.26 p. m. u.uo, wua, au. o.ijmuu
w& fiaVin Tirnnk. Jeddn. Drlfton and FreO'
land at 6.47. 7.40, 9.08, 10)41 a. m 122 8.10 and
6-MPam. ... ....
r or ituaitaJiB w.v ou huu u.vo . "-
'OP-H?; r, ill. ..... . W.,, .,
5.50 and 9.08 a.m., and 4.10 p.m. ,
For YatesvlUe, Mahanoy City and Delano
5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41. 10.68 a. m.,12.62,S.10,5.26, 8,08,
9.21 and 10.27 p.m.
ForIx)Sl ureeK, jiraruyiiie turn wamauu
4.27. 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 85
8.10 and 6.14 p. m.
For uarawaicr, ni. ma iwhovimd.
7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 122,8.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.0!
ror IJUCK muuuuaiu, nvw ..unwiu uu
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10& a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 5.20 and
For Uaven Ruu.Centralla,Mt. Carmel and
Bhamokln. 8.52: and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4f
and 8.08 p.m. , . ,
Trains leave Bhamokln for Shenandoah,
7.55 11.65 a. m., anu ujiu p. Hi., larraviaiK
at Hhenandoah. 9.05 a. m.. M, 8.10, 6.26 and
11.15 p. m.
a" ' ....... . mil . T.TU
For Lost Creok. Girardvllle and Ashland,
d an Q in 11 Wn m.. 2.45 n. m.
"For" Darkwater. Bt. L'lalr and FotUvlUe,
5.50, 8.00, 90 a.m., 2.45 p.m. ,
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and Delano,
ij.uu, 11 J a. m.,, s.w, o.uj p. m.
I'or Jjouy, Auueunea huu xib&iomju, d
For Mauch Chunk. Lehighton, Slatlngton,
Catasauaua. Allentown. lietnieuem, atavoi
ana siovr itiu, o.w a. iu., a..u y. m.
or r,pma' "u&. B-BYINGTON.
Uen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem
On and after September h 1891rtran urttl leav
Shenandoah at followt:
For Wlggan, Ullberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.13
a m and 4.15 p m,
Bun days, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10pm,
For Pottsvllle, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p in.
Bundays, 000, 8.40 a m and 8 JO p m,
For Reading, 6.00, a m and 4.15 uni .
Bundays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 8.10 pm.
For Pottstown, Phocnixvllle, JS orris town
and Philadelphia (Brood street station), 6.00,
s. m. and 4.15 p m week dayo
Bondaye, boo, 9.40 a m 3.10 p ml
Trains leave Fr&okvlUe lor Bhenondoah at
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bnndays,
11.18 a m and 5.40 p m.
Leave Pottsvllle lor Bhenondoah, 10.16 and
tl.48, a m 7.16, 9.42 p m. Bundays, 10.40 a m
5.15 p m.
Leave Philadelphia (Brood street station),
for Pottsvllle and Bhenandoah, 6.67, 8 35 a in
4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 650, and.
9.21 am
For New York, 8.20, 4,05, 4.40, 5.85, 6.60, 1110,
$.20 8.3U, J.50, lLOOand 11.1411.85 am. 13.00 noon,
(limited express, 1.0l 4.50 p m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.40,
2.30. 5.20, 4.02 5, tl, 6.2), 6.50 7.138.12 and 10.00 p
m, 1X01 night. ,
On Bunoays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.8K fed
11.85 a m. aad 12 21, 12.44, 2 SO, 4 02. (Um.VJ I
4JU, 5.SH, B 21. h. ,' ix u in and 12.01 nlbr
For Bea Ulrt, i.oncurnneu and intermediate
stations 6.50, 8.25 aud 11.31 a. m., 3.304. 00 p. m.
week days. Sunday 8.25. a. m.
For Baltimore and Wasnlngton, 3J, 7.20,
9.10 and 11.18 a. m.,4 41, 6.57, 7.40 p.m. aud 12 03
nigoiuouy anu o ji, ivtoru. ni., icu (iimiiea
express with dlnleg car to Baltimore) 1.30, 3.46
p. m. week days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01
week days, 6.03, ll.S0p. m. dally.
ruriuvuuiuuu, u u. iu. uuu is.uj nigni.
dally, 1 SO p. ni, daily, except Bunday.
xruins itjaYtj jxarritiuuri; iur i ikuiuurK una
be west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m and
'.00 (limited) and 3.40. 880. Ijjpm. Way for
Allooua. loam and 4.10 P m every aay.
For Pittsburg only, Il.aj a m dally and 10.20
m week days.
Loave Bunbury lor WIlliamBport, Klmlra,
'anandalguo, Kccher ler, Bnttaloand Niagara
alls. 6.10 a m dally, and 1.42. pm week days.
"'or Watklnn, 6.30 p rit week days.
For ICrle and Intermediate points, 6.10 a m.-,
tally. For Lock Haven, 6J0, and 9.C6 a mt
tally, 1.42 aud 6.30 p. tn. week days. For.
ftenova 5.10 am 1.42 and 60 p m week days,,
4.10 a. m Hnndays,
Hn. Man'' nn. Pass. Ant,
John R, Coyle.
Real Estate Agent
Cor. Main and Centra Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA
-A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling house, wun siore-room ana res
tauraut. Ijooaieu uu juvai wcuaiu Birvet.
-A valuable property located on South Jur
ain street.
-Seven dwelling bouses at tbe corner of Gil
bert ana Lioya streets, uooa investment
Terms reasonable.
Finest brands ot cigars always oa hand.
iJiD iw tcuaiAattuix? uaiuaua,
ivmeiaDie tneneci juay.iv, inui.
Trains leave Headlnz (P. a It. station) for
Gibraltar, Seyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Spring
Held, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvlue, West '
Chester,Chadsford Junction, B. A O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. and 8.15 ,
p. ra. Bunday only al 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Bt. Peters and Intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, al 9.20 a.m., and
o.itr p. iu. nuuuay uuiy a. in.
For Blrdsboro and intermediate stations
Saturday only , at 12 m .
i-or isaiumoro ana wasnington tii. s. js.
It.) dallv excent Sunday at 6.25 and 8.80.
and 3.16 p. ra. Bunday only al 8.(5 p. in.
xraius arrive at neauing (tr. cz iv. suiliuuj
Irom Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Mont
chanlu, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester,
lnape. Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
BprIugneld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Sey
fert and Intermediate stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m, 6.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bun.
day only at 11.24 a, in.
From Bt. Peters, Warwick and intermedtaU
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.2.! a. m,
and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
rtaturrtav onl V at 1.40 n. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 5.52 and 8 17 p. m,
Sunday only at 11.24 a. m.
BOWNK8S BR1GGH, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
A. G. MOO A UBLAN D, Bupt,
We, the undersigned,
are entirely cured of
Itunture bv Dr. J. B.
MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., Phlla. Thomas B.
iiariung. aew itinggoiu, ra., i. r-anui. pouiu
Utl.UDIUGi, iwt u., 1JUID, i f... u. .lull, u.iun-
kiln, Pa., Wm. E. Harienstine, Phoenixvllle,
Pa., W. 11, Lelnbach, t4 Washington St.,
Beading, Pa., J, O. Lyme. 1310 W. UoWard Bt.,
Harrlsburg, Pa., O. Keehn, Douglassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER is at Hotel Penn, Heading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Saturday or each month. Call to
see blm.
J It. BKIOKER, M. ).,
No:9F.aat Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa
Mkln and all special diseases a speolalty,
Weliaf.a ft'u.lllva Cure for ths&llectsof selt-euse.
cU Valuable Information VIIKK.,Addr('
tl. tn. CO., ao uroadnav. aen erk