The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 07, 1891, Image 1

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    3th f
VOL. VI.-NO. 211.
Republican State Ticket.
jv UAVliJ BlUlUUlt J.Xtl.Ej UllliVJU
Xnlegatet-at-TMrge to th Contlltutlonal
jf tonrrniiunf
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. B. Green.
Sheriff1 Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner MaJ. William
Poor Director George Heffner.
Unexpired Term Harry H. MaQinnis
Constitutional Convention Delegates.
B.BURD EDWARDS, Pottavllle.
J. il. POMEROY, Shenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
STILL they comb.
ij Scol
Mr. Alexander Garvle, of Lelth,
Scotland, thus expressed himself to a
resentatlve of the San Francisco
'onicle t
On the steamer I was on crossing
the Atlantis was the owner of the
largest tannery in Glasgow, perhaps
In Great Brltlnn. Ho was coming to
America to establish a branch factory
to tan the leather required for his ex
port trade in this country. The worst
part of it was he found he would be
forced to employ American workmen,
because some contract labor law they
have here would not permit him to
bring his own experienced men from.
Scotland. He said there was no way for
him to get around building the factory
in America, for be could not possibly
pay the outrageous Tar in and soil his
goods here in competition with goods
made in the United States, Many
other manufacturers have determined
to build branch factories here for some
reason. To my knowledge there are
several in Glasgow and more in other
towns, and besld , of course, there
are a great many I do not know any-
about. One other man on tho
steamer was a lace manufacturer at
WF I CENTS for ft window shade
j lk with fringe, others for 65c,
f 65o and up. (Shades made
111 J for stores and private dwel
ings. A new lot of shad
ings and fringes to match.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
We open to-day our first lot of
We handle no Common,
m!t confidently recommend
to be the Eest in the Market.
"Northwestern Daisy" Flour
Always (jive satisfaction. So does "Riverside." OLhey
yiAKE WHITE EIlEAJy and are Easy to BaJie.
Don't jor.yct to examine our stocTc. Over 30 different
patterns to select from. All
Nottingham. His name was Cambell.
He was coming here to begin manu
facturing the kinds of laces that the
Tarlft prevented his shipping Into the
cbuntry from England. In toy line,
of course, tho Tariff makes no dlfler
once. We do not ship tea here.
The growing popularity of the new
Tariff la convincing foreigners that the
triumph of lying last November was a
snap judgment, and that the people
well never consent to the repeal of
that beneficent measure. The stream
of foreign manufacturers which was
checked by tho election of a Dem
ocratic House of Representatives has
again set In and blessings abound on
every hand under our McKlnley Tar-,
The following Shenandoah people wore
in .Philadelphia yosterday : lira. "Win.
Grant and daughter, Miss Bella Grant,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Titman,,Mrs. A.
J. Luburg, lira. II. C. Boyor and Miss
Virgie HollOpetor.
Mahanoy Olty Willing.
If built, and the Shenandoah Hkrald
a!sures the public there aro now no ob
stacles in the way, the Mahanoy City,
Shenandoah, Girardvillo and Ashland
Street Electric Railway will bo owned by
outside capitalists, the peoplo of Shenan
doah having failed to respond to repeatoJ
and urgent appoals to put up the capital.
Tho Hxeald Is anxious that the communi
ties interested will not throw obstacles in
the way of tho construction of any part of
the road. So lar as Mahanoy City is con
corned wo think wo can safely say that no
unreasonable restrictions will bo enforced
or demanded, and whilo the interests of
tho community will bo carofully guardod,
overy propor oncouragemant will bo
tendered the ontorprise, which Is bound to
be of groat valuo and convenience to this
community. Mahanoy Trv
Legal blanks of ail kinds for sale at tho
Herald office.
Caught by Cars.
James "Wilsoa bad one of his legs badly
bruised yestorday by bping caught botweon
cars on a slant in the Sbonandoah City
colliery. lie was removed to his homo on
West Cherry Btreet in an ambulance.
Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
The Vest Balvo In the world for Cnta
Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever,
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Uhllolalnx
uornB, aua unaaia .rupiionij, ana positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guar
anteed to elve perfect satisfaction, or monev
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
uy u. 11. juacenuucn.
BUKKE. On tho 6th Inst., at Glrard
ville, l'a., Owen Burke. Funeral will
tako place from the family residence In
Girardvillo on Saturday, 10th Inst., at 9
a. m., and the romains will bo interred at
that place. Friends and relatives respect
fnlly invited to attend. 10-7-lt
Inferior Goods at loio prices,
you need
Widths and JPr ices.
A Regular Mooting of tho Borough
Council Was Hold Last Even
ing Mr. Toolo Asks for a
Tho regular' mooting of tho Borough
Council that should have been held on
Thursday last, but was adjourned on ac
count of tho demonstration at Fotlsville,
was held last evening, Messrs. Amour,
Mnakler, Fhalen, Dovers, James, Gablo,
"Wurm, Coakley, Lamb, Hopkins, Bot
terldge, Portz; Uolman and Schcifly being
Clerk of tho Courts Toole was present
and made a statement In regard to tho
balance due the borough from him on an
old tax duplicate. He said the balance
agrood upon at tho tlmo bis term of office
oxplred was $311 and ho could not under
stand how the amount had increased to
$129, unless Council intended "to add in
torost. Tho matter was referred to tho
law committee.
Mr. Foltz appeared and complained that
a contractor for streot work bad fatlod to
pay him for labor. He asked that
Council protect him by deducting tho
amount from tho money duo tho cont-ac
tor from tho borough. The street com
mittee was instructed to investigate tho
Jonathan Rogers complained of a nuis
ance maintained on tho properly of Samuel
Roberts. Ho was Informed that tho Chief
Burgess had boen instructed to investigate
the matter.
Severallbills woro road and orderod paid.
J. B. Coylo, Esq., wr.s present to ask that
modifications bo made In) the ordinance
granting tho right of way to tho Mahanoy
City, Shenandoah, Girardvillo and Ashland
Street Railway Company, but it was
decided that tho matter bobiougbtup at the
next regular meeting night.
The balance of the evening was devoted
to consultations with witnesses for tho
borough in tho Walor Company caso.
New Restaurant.
Joseph Biokeri, of town, to-day ro
coived a licenso for the saloon and lostau
rant In Mabanov City lately controlled by
Roller. Mr. Bickert Is one of the best
restaurateurs in tho region. Ho is now on
gaged in preparing his new place for busi
ness and when ho starts in tbo people of
Mahanoy City will be able to boast of bay
ing ono of the best hostlries in thocounly.
Not tho Party.
Some peoplo of town aro under tho im
pression that it was Francis Stotler who
left town somo days ago with M rs. Bern
hardt. It was not Francis, but Charles.
As tho men aro brolhors and both aro
barbers, and as Francis happened to bo out
of town when his brother disappoarod,
soraopooplo wero mistakon in theirldontity
of tho parlies, but it is hoped that tills stato
monl will suffice to assure all that Francis is
with his family in town and was not the
party who disappeared.
Oysters are in season and tho best in the
market aro at Coslett's. 8 22-lf
A Prodigy.
Tho Herald can Justly boast of a
prodigy in its composing rooms in tbeshapo
of a cako-walkor, who is willing to meet all
comers, tho descendants of Ham not de
barred. We aro willing to wager our last
red applo that ho can "tako tho cake"
from anyone In tho county. Thoro are but
two considerations which are demanded in
case somo ono has the audacity to try con
clusions with this wonderful "find" of
ours, and tVoy are: there shall be no cor
ners to turn ; that this "wonder" shall have
the seloctlon of tho threo judgos. AY ho
will accept ?
A Kind Friend.
Is what they call that Famous Itemedy, Bed
Flag Oil, It quloaiy curat Jtheumatlsm,
Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, bores aud all
pain. It Is good for man or beaM. 25 cents.
AtKlrllu's drugstore.
Owen Burke, father of Patrick Burko, of
town, and brother of John Burko, of
Brownsville, died at his homo In Girard
villo last night of goneral debility, Ho
had been ailing for six months past, Tho
funeral will take place at Girardvillo at 9
a. m, on Saturday.
" Pay Your Taxes.
Notice is hereby given that all persons In
arroars for 1889-90 taxes must make settle
ment at once, as the undersigned Is deter
mined to make his collections completo In
the near future, even if arrests must bo ro-
sortod to. Chiust. Schmidt,
0-10-tf Tax Collector.
Sobool Board Mooting.
A regular meeting of tbo Shenandoah
School Board will be held'In Superintend
ent Freeman's ofllco this ovenlng, at
7 o'clock.
Fou tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. if
Organization of Anothor Water
Company Spoken Of.
"Within the past few days a large number
of prominent mon havo oxprossed lndlgna
tion at attitude tho water company has
taken against the borough and yosterday
tho organization of another water company
was predicted. It is understood that more
than ono largo property holdor a"e prepared
to Invost ?5,C i In such an undortaklng.and
that any amount of subscribers for ?SO0 and
upwards stand ready to chip In. One
gentleman said last night, "In view of
tho understanding tho water company
had with tbo borough some years
ago, when the borough gave up tho
project of establishing water works of Its
own, tho company certainly has no moral
standing in its suit for $20 por flro plug,
and.I think tho result will show It has no
legal Btanding. But, however, that may
be, It looks almost coi tain that tho Indigna
tion aroused by the caso will result In tho
formation of a new water company."
A Waif Sent to tbo County Alms
bouse. Georgo Lynch is a hoalthylooklng littlo
Polish boy of tho Fifth ward, eight yosrs
of ago. For the past four months bis con
dition has been tho subject of commont.
Chief, of Police Amour and a Hkrald ro
portorspenta while yestorday afternoon
investigating the caso and, from tho facts
ftloaned. it aDDoars that tho hnv ha. hnn
the victim of a heartless step-mother. Ho
dreaded approaching what shoulrl hn lil
homo and cheerfully accompanied Chief
Amour. It was learned that during the
past four months tho little follow lfas beou
sooking shelter in stables, water olnapta ami
other outbuildings and has boon deponding
upon tho generosity of strangers for food.
A few mornings ago a Polish woman
carried chopped wood to thn bnlc n nvnn
and, as she Was about to build a flro, found
the IUllo waif asleep inside. Tho littlo
fellow became familiar with tho miners
who passed through tho Fifth ward to and
from their work and frequently asked
them for what remained In their buckets.
Chlof Amour took thobov to Poor DI.
rector Tracey, who harbored tho child for
the night, and this morning took hint the
Mr. Sblrey's Version.
In rofeionco to the caso of Savlla Rhlmv
reported in yesterday's HiRA.D, thofathor
oi tne gin wntoslho following lottor:
Editor IIehald: That storv vou had
in last night's papor wa3 not true and it
must bo differed, or it will causo trouble.
This Is tho truo story: Miss Shiroy belied
her parents and was eoinc to hn nunlshfrt
for it and when she saw hor mothor coming
with a stick she ran awav and ran down tn
tho Pennsylvania railroad and took out tho
railroad, when sho mot thoso two minstrel
men ar tl they asked hor to direct thom to
fcit. .Nicholas and Boston Run and sho
stoonod whilo doinir bo and f!nnila
Phillips could not find hor, and whon it
becamooark sho was coming homo and
Phillips caught her. And about following
tho parade sho did not. for sho was nt hnmn
with her mothor whilo tho parade was go
ing on and lots of witnesses for it. If it is
not fixed I will nrosecuto vou. Thn crirl
was not at tho dopot when tho mintrels
came in town, and sho did not say sho was
going oir with somo company. Sho said
sho would notttay at homo.
Jilt. aillHET
Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 7, 1891.
A Brilliant Affair.
The supper in Bobbins' opora houso last
night, under the auspices of tho English
Baptist church, was a grand success. After
tho feast threo cako walks wero arrangod
and flfteon couples took part In oach. Tho
first was closely contested and was decidod
in favor of Thomas Griffiths and Miss An
nie Thomas. Tho second was decidod in
favor of George Flock and Miss Hannah
Tunnah, and tho third in favor of Charlos
Binnoman and Miss Mattio Leo. Some
vory good walking was done and tho Judgos
had no easy time to arrlvo at decisions,
but they succeeded In making adjudica
tions satisfactory to all, Tho music was
furnishol b'y William Wators. Tho Judgos
wero John H. Koeso, Robert Lawson,
Enoch Davis, Tallesln Phillips and Ed
ward L. Thomas, A handsome sum was
netted for tho church fund.
To-morrow Night.
Tho now oporatlo comedy "Asloop and
Awake" to be presented at Ferguson's
theatre, Thursday, Oct. 8, will prove in
teresting to theatre-goers on account of tho
select character of the performance, the
now novelties introduced being a revolu
tion in so-called farco comedy, and tho
superior oxcollonco of tho artists whoso ap
pearance elsewhere has met with tbo
highest pralso from both press and public,
Seals can now be ongaged with out extra
The Supplies Coming.
A letter receivod this morning states
that materials for tbo Mahanoy City,
Shenandoah, Ashland and Girardvillo
Street Company were loaded nt Philadel
phia yostorday and tho; will probably bo
delivered at Kobinoor Junction to-morrow.
Prime ovslors. tho best tho market
affords, always on band at Coslott'e. 8-22-tf
Mr. Shlroy'a Vorsion of tho Caso
In Which tbo Mlnstrol Mtn
Woro Montlonod Cako
Policeman Conners very effectually
resented tho insults of a Ollborton resident
in Pottsvlllo yestorday, When Conners
and some of the councilmen of town were
in a saloon a fellow named Michael Kelly
of Ollborton, entered and said, as he
pased, "Hello, Connorsl" Tbo policeman
returned the salutation pleasantly and
said, "Como and have something, I'm
sotting them up."
Kolly turnod, with a scowl on his faco,
and said, "No, I wouldn't drink with you
and, what Is more, I can pay for my
0, vory well-" replied Conners, "I
wouldn't give you ono, now."
"You're a dirty ," con
tinued Kolly and, as ho uttorod tho words,
Connors gave him n Sullivanizor in tho face.
Kelly gathered hlmsolf up and hastoned
to'Squiro Hill's office, where ho swore out
a warrant for Connors' arrest on a chargo
of assault and battery. Conncra promptly
lurnisbed bail.
Tho councilmen who wero with tho po
liceman say that the Gilborton follow was
very properly punished. That no man
could havo resisted striking tho follow.
About two months ago Policemen Con
ners and Phalon arrested Kelly and others
for engaging in a fight at tho corner of
Centre and "Whilo streots and Kelly has
held a grudgo against tho two policemen
since thon.
A Now Oponing.
Tho Unitod Stntes Employment and
Business Agoncy of il and 40 Broadwav.
Now York, havo Just made arrangements
with Max Roeso, of town, to represent
them in this city. Their plan is so simple
yet so offectlvo that it surprisos us It lias.
not boon put in oporation boforo this time.
They do a businoss in buying, selling, and
exchanging real estato and business
chances, negbtiating partnerships, procur
ing capital for enterprises and also in pro
curing situations and holp. Tho'r agonts
in tho various citios eond reports to tho
control ofllco In Now York ovory day, of
tho wants in tho various branches of busi
ness they transact, which Information is
compiled and sont to ovory ono of tho
agonts throughout the country, of whom
thoro aro now over 60 in the various cities
and tho numbor is being increased daily.
It will bo seen at a glance that tho plan for
equalizing tho labor market and transact
ing other businoss, is thus mado vory
simple and effectivo and cannot fail to bo
Bucceeful, A small foo is charged, nt the
local ofllco, partios registering, which en
titles thom to tho privilogo of samo for ono
month, where corrected lists of situations
and other businoss aro kept on fllo. In no
way can tho territory bo covoroJ bo
cheaply and yot so off -ctivoly, as under
this system. Tho agonts aro all well known
responsible men in tholr respective com
munities and bovo tho confldonco of tho
peoplo that tho business will bo conducted
on strictly honorablo principles. This is an
ontcrprlso which wo think desorving tho
suppo t of tho pooplo of this city. For
furthv'j particulars call on or address,
Max Reese, Shenandoah, Pa.
Off for Dlxoy.
George and Albert Kurtz, of Frackville,
will leave town to-morrow with their
families for Ilarriman, Tennosseo, whore
they will locate. Tbo town is a young ono
with brilliant prospocts. Tho Messrs.
Kurtz havo al oady built residences for
thomsolves and are enthuiiastio in their
expectations. J. II. Kurtz, of town, the
father of tho young men, will accompany
them, but it Is not his intention to locate
there at proeent.
Always go to Coslett's, South Main
street, for your prime oysters. 8 22-tf
Burohlll's Restaurant.
Charles Buichill Is now locatod at oornor
of Main and Coal streets, Sbenandoab.
Uogular meals, at popular pricos, sorvod
any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached, 9-H-tf
Ladies, If you want flno writing paper
and envelopes to match, call on Max
Roeso. tf
Important Notico.
All members of tho Lakeside elstoddfod
committee aro requested to moot at John
n. Evans', 36 East Centre street, Shenan
doah Pa., on "Wednesday, 7th Inst., at 7 p.
m., sharp, to wind up tho businoss of tho
commiltoo. By ordor of
Edward Rkesb, Pres.
W. J, W atkins, Sec y. 10-5 3t
"Othello'Hoofupatton's gone." He used to
spend daya and ulgbU cunlng the fates and
the rheumatism. Now lie only lies down and
laugba to ttituk how easily he was cured by
Balvatlou Oil, at 23 ct.
A Fow Intorostlng Points for Lo
cal Nlmrods to Mako a Noto Of.
The open soason is as follows : Partridge:
Octobor 1 to Deccmbor 15, inclusive.
Quail and rabbit : Novomber 1 to Do-
cembor 15, inclusive. Ponalty, ?20 each
and ovory offenso.
Grey squirrel : September 16 to Decem
ber 15, inclusive. Penalty, JJSO oach and
overy offense
"Woodcock! Julyl to July 31, Inclusive;
Octobor 1 to December 15, Inclusive Ton
ally, $20 oach and every offenso.
English snipn : March 1 to April 30, In
clusive; October 1 to December 16. Pen
ally, $20 each and ovory offenso.
Rail bird : August 20 to Decombor 15,
inclusive Penalty, ?5 each and every
It is unlawful to hunt with gun, or dog
and gun, on Sunday. To bo. found In tho
fields or woods on Sunday with a gun is
prima facio ovidenco. Penalty, $26 oach
and ovory offenso.
Stationary packages, 6 and 10 cents each,
at Max ltieio's tf
A Sito Solootod.
A H. Chadbourno, an eloctrical expeit
in tho employ of tho Thomson-Houston
Company, and Jonn F. Finnoy, Goneral
Manager of tho now Sbonandoah, Maha
noy City, Girardvillo and Ashland Rail
way company, wore in town on Saturday
aflornoon. Tho gontlomon had driven
over tho proposed route and locatod tho
Bite for the power bouse on Girard Eslatu
land at Girardvillo. In conversation witlr
a Teieqra.n scribe, Mr. Finnoy said that
thoro was no possibility of doubt as to tho
coming of tho now railway. Tho capital is
already socured, and most of tbo contracts
lot. The gentlomen at tho iead of tho
company are all monicd men, who repre
sent several millions of dollars, and who
aro largely interested in similar railway
schemes in oilier sections of the state.
They expoct to be represented at Wednes
day evening's meeting of tho borough
council whon the question of ordinance)
will be discussed. Ashland Telegram.
Prettiest oil cloth in town at O. D.
Fricko's carpot store. 9-18-tf
A Romarkablo Invontion.
The amazing statement is mado by Ed
ward Atkinson, tho eminent statistician o(
Boston, in Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Weekly this wook, that the invontion of
tho automatic, self-binding whoat harvester
onabled this country to rosumospocio pay
ment in 1S79 by making it pose i bio to
gather tho enormous wheat crop and get it
io market. Mr. Atkinson's contribution
on "Wheat Our Financial Anchor," will
bo road by ovory one with interest, and tho
pictures of tho wheat harvest iu tho "West
and tho groat Harvest Festival at Minne
apolis, Minn., glvo it special interest.
Boys who want.'a pair of line skaloa and
girls who want olegantly-dressod French
dolls should road Frank Leslie's Weekly.
Tbeso aro offered as pricos. Get a copy of
your nowsdoalur. Price, ten CentJ.
Buy Keystone flour. Uo careful that tho
namo Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., ia
printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Chlldron Enjoy
Tho pleasant flavor, gentlo action and
soothing offocts of Syrup of Figs, when In
need of a laxative, and if tho father or
mother bo costivo or bilious tho most grat
ifying results follow its use, so that it is tho
best family remedy known and every
family should have a bottle.
A Monstor.
Littlo Patrick Cantwoll, M years of age,
of 203 Gilbert street, Shenandoah, had a
tapo worm removed by the Indian doctor
who is now located at Frackvillo. Tho
doctor guarantees to removo head and all,
or no money to bo paid. 9-2-l-d&w-tf
A Young Lady
Between tbo agos of 1 1 and 10 years can
get a nico situation at Keagoy's photograph
gallory by applying at once. tf
Wm.II. Vanderford, Enq., Editor of the
Demooiatlo Advocate, Westminster, Mo.,
writes, that lie linn wed Vr. Hull's Cougu
Hyrup and knows It tn be a cood medicine.
Buy it. Try 11. 35 cents.
Tako your carpot rags to U. D. Fricko's
oarpet store and havo thom mado into u
flrot-olass carpet. 9-18-tf
For Breakfast? -A
MaQkpral? "
"Wo havo 'em.
White and fat.
Bright and sweot.
No oil. Nd'-rust.
lib, Hb, lib, 11 Jb,s li lb
No. 122 North Jardin Streot.