The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 06, 1891, Image 3

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10.23 !
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ester, 1
xcept n
Hons, -
p. UI.
Agt. '
ed oi
J. II.'
le, Fa.
. Pa..' I
all tori
Presents In the most elegant form
or TUB
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all arc
delighted with it.
MtHHourl, ICaiiHriH, ArUaiiHiiH
Texni NcliraHlcn, I.oiUHlniiu
Colorado, Utnli, cmitornln
Oregon, WiiHliliinUMi, Mexico
New Mexico or Arlxoisa,
and will send mo a postal card
or letter stating
"Wnero you are Rolng,
"When you nre going,
"Where you will Bturt from,
How many there are In your party,
"What freight and baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your how e and
furnish you with tho fullest Information
regarding routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive aud 11'
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Springs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan
J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Agt.,
Q.E. P. Agt., 391 Broad way ,Kew York
Iron Mountain Route,
BIc&IIe&dachoand relieve all tho troubles lncf
Hunt to a bilious state of tho system, BUOh as)
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after
eating, Fain In the Bide, &c. While their moaj
rmartablo success has been shown In cuiId;j 4
Ileaaache, yot Carter's Uttlo Liver Pills am
.-.ll.n1n.l.tnln nMaSnallM mm-
venting this annoying complaint, while they also
correct an oisoruors 01 mo b iouuicu,suinumio wa
liver and regulate the bowels. Evoa If they only
Achsthoy would bo almostpri!draatothosawha
leafier from this distressing complaint; but f ortu
Xtat6lythelrgoodnossdocsnotendhero,andthosa who once try them will find theso Uttlo pills valu
able In so many ways that thoy will not bo wit
illng to do without them; But after allslck head
(lathe bane of so many lives that hero Is when
7jomaxe our great ooosc. uur puis cure it wuuu
Others do not.
I Carter's Little Liver Fills aro very small and
verv cast to take. Ono or two nllls make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe cr
purge, but by their gentle action please all who
use them. Invialsat23conts; live forth Bold
by druggists everywhere, or scat by mall.
IlltnitU, V.etabfe Keci-dt,
II we cured mat
lit peleu by (hu
In UiJi-rl r'iiir n.irinl iir.i ,m.
J ituu first dose sympt
faultilvdlsapp! ,-, in in ten
al 1 fwn.llil.,1. '.U
lymptomt are rcumvid s.
1 t r PRifl BOOK of tes-t-
inonulsof mir
tch nnvs ence ivnii
aculous turei
, ienj trn rents In 'iimp t- iny i)UEH' VMOHni
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masteller's old stand,)
Corner Coal aud Jardlu Sts.
Mr. Bnyder will always keep;tn stock a fine
line of boots and shoes.
Custom Work nud Rcpalrltij;
done in the best style, lie guarantees to sell
cheaper than competitors on Main street who
have big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu,
ine bargain on every purchase.
Whan troubled with tboisunnoitnc Irrcealn.i
frMuentlr follow imr n col.ior'ipOriur, or tr"o 1
Use ORi DuCHOINE'S 01Ura'eU.
ThyaroStrDtheni tathv ntJri r .
1 a n a ofcmoanrl innirr-.t-tle tnrottn nil fa nations Ot
iV Now Jersey Murdoror Nar
rowly Escapes Mob Law.
Broko Every Eib in Her Body and Other.
wise Injured Her,
A Crowd of Indignant Quarrjmen At
tempt to Take the Low Into Their Owp
Hands-Only Prevented by the Arrival
or the l'olloe Tho Jlur.leror In His Cupi
When Ho Committed the Crime.
Avondalb, N. J., Oct. 0. Patrick
Brady, who works In the stone quarrlef
near this place, brutally murdered his
wife yesterday.
Brady apent Sunday with his wife
drinking. Monday morning Mrs. Brady
failed to proparo breakfast.
Brady therefore took his two young.
children to a neighboring saloon and
bought something to eat for them. At
noon Mrs llrndy failed to hnvo dinner
ready. Brady paid another visit to the
saloon and told several men that his
wife was still drunk.
Then ho returned to the houso and a
short tlmo afterward ho went back to
the saloon and said that his wife was
dead. Ho made no attempt to got away,
and when tho neighbors and others went
Into the bouse they found Mrs. llrady
lying llfolegs In a pool of blood. Her
head was battered almost Into a jelly,
her Hps wore torn off, and her neck and
breast were horribly cut and bruised,
Word soon reached the qunrrymon, and
a crowd of fifty or moro tried to lynch
Some of tho men got a rope and others
surrounded tho now frightened murdoror
and struck him. The arrlvul of Con
stable John Conwny saved his life.
Ho arrostcd tho murderer and pro
tectod him with Ills club and revolver
until ho was able to get him away from
tho crowd. Ho took him to Nutley, and
there he kept him until County Physl
clan Wrightson and Prosecutor Crnno of
Newark were notllied.
Tho former saw tho body and had It
cared for. Bosldos the apparent Injurlos,
ho found that every rib In tho woman's
body was broken and that she was other
wlso Injured Internally. Tho mon says
that when ho returned to the house ho
found her dead body. Ho emphatically
donlos that ho killed hor.
"I didn't do It," ho said, "but I'm
glad she's dead; she ought to hnvo died
long ago."
Late last night he was taken to the
county Jail in Newark. Tho children aro
carod for by neighbors. Brady is 40
years old and his wife is 38. They hod
led aquarrolsomo me for some time,
Blood was found on Brady's shoos and
under his finger nails, and thero is
every evidence that he stamped and
kicked tho woman to death.
A New Vlllnge in New Jersey.
Jersey Cut, N. J., Oct. 0. A party of
cnnltallsts. most of whom aro Brooklyn.
ites, havo purchased a tract of land in
Bergen county, N. J., a short distance
north of Hlllsdalo village. This land,
which comprises tho hills In North
Bergen county, with a .valley on either
side, is being laid out Into building plots,
and already two-thirds of tho land has
been purchased by private Individuals,
who contemplate building summer as
woll as permanent homes thero. Many
Brooklynlte3 are among tho purchasers.
Thi placo Is to bo called Hlllsdalo Manor.
Costa lllca to Put In 8100,000.
Washington, Oct. 0. The Latin
Amorlcan Bureau of tho World's Fair
has received a cablegram from Lieut.
Scrivcn, Commissioner to Contral Ameri
ca, announcing that Costa Rica will
spend $100,000 on her exhibit at tho
World's Fair instead of $50,000 as origin
ally intended. The government has
officially applied for an acre of ground
at Jnckson Park upon which to orect a
building and display Its resources.
Thinks Thli u Great Country. '
New Yonif, Oct. 0. ilr. William 0.
K. Wildo, who has just marriod Mh.
Frank Leslie, in replying to tho usual
question, said: "I'll not tell you yet how
I I like America.
luls is my llrst visit.
I'm only a four-duy-old Amorlcan, you
know, aud ought not to say much.
Only this I must say: Your country
seems to mo to be just full of greatness,
kindness and courtesy."
Printing Olllcn Attached.
New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 0. Tho
property of the Journal Publishing Com
pany wat attached for $10,000 yesterday
aftornoon at the instance of Warron P.
Toboy, who is suing for damages for tho
death ot his son, who was killed at tl,
office last month. Bonds wero given. ,
A minister Sontencetl. '
Reading, Pa., Oct. 0. Bov, Phillip II.
Garrett, a woll known United Brethren
minister, was santencod to ono year's
imprisonment for defrauding an In
surance company. Ho broke down com
pletely as ho was led from court and
wept bitterly.
The Dory ltucers lluek Again.
Boston, Oct. 0. Copt. Lawlor of
Sea Serpent and Cnpt. Andrews of
Mermaid, tho dories recently competing
in un ocean race, arrived from Liverpool
on tho steamship Scythio. The dories
were sold In Antwerp.
Father of Thirty-one Children.
Etnosr, la., Oct. 0. Sauford Dowd,
an old soldier of Iowa, Is dead, age4 87.
lla was tho father of 11 vo children by a
llrst wife, ten by a second uud sixteen by
a third, making thirty-one In all.
Nuininee Flower Honored.
Albany", N. Xm Oct. 0. Tho Hon.
Itoswell P, Flower was last night elected
a life member of tho Burgess Corps, ttio
oldest military organization In tho city,
ni:v i:ngi.ani iihkvitiks.
The sloop yacht Brunette w ns burned
to the water's edge at Providence. Shs
was valued at $0,000.
The property at the corner of Main
and Sumner streets, Haverhill, Mass.,
has been selected as tho site for the
public building for that city. The price
paia is ?zu,uuu.
John P. Squire &Co.'e jacking estab
lishment in IJast Cambridge and Sotner
villa was partly bum4 last night.
flighest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
POt Powder
iookh 11AKK tor Mtionn.
Suspicion ttint Ho Wu In Irfiaeuo Wltn
tho Train llolihers (Irnwi Stronger.
Utica, N, Y., Oct. 0. Express Mes
senger 11, A. Moore, who says he was
held up In his car on tho American ax
press special train early last Wednosdny
morning, is still here, as are niso mem
bers of tho train crew who occupied tho
rear npartmont of Moore's car and
didn't know anything about tho bold
robbery until tho tralu was stopped and
the alleged robber had made his escape
While the company's olliclals still
maintain that their confidence in Mooro
1 unshakon, it is a fact that Moore is
practically under arrost.
The olliclals say that aioore ana tne
crow aro simply hold hero to answer
questions as tho investigation pro
gresses. But another man has been
placed on Moore's "run," and if he at
tempted to leave town tnoro is no aouut
thnt he would bo stopped quietly if pos
slblo, but publicly If nocessary.
A now light has been thrown over tho
peculiar "hold up."
When Moore nrrlvod in Buffalo ho
turned over to the superintendent,
among other things, a package of bonds
to tho amount of ym.uuu. These bonus
were non-negotiable.
Mooro said tho bonds had fallen on tho
floor of tho car while tho robber was at
work, and had been kicked under tho
safe and thus escaped the thlof.
Moore made a serious mistake In this
story, it is hinted, as an examination
disclosed tho fact that tho package had
been opened and the bonds sorted ovor.
That a robber would have timo toopon
such a package and sort over tho bonds,
rejoctlng those that were not negotiable,
in tho brief tlmo he had, according to
Moore'B story, is regarded as rather im
probable. This fact, and tho falluro to find any
bullet marks in tho car, which should
have been thero according to the mes
senger's story, make things look rather
dark for Moore.
The Heir to a Polish Title it Ftroman on
tho ranhnndle Itailroad.
Columbus, O., Oct. 6. Tho heir to n
title in the aristocracy of Poland is fire
man of a freight engine now making
regular trips between this city and Dent
son, on the Panhandle Hallway. His
name Is Ernest V. A. C. Grabowskl,
and if tho Czar had not brought Poland
under his sway he would now be a
Ho had been educated in German col v
leges to be an engineer, but anxious to
escape tho military service Imposed by
Gormany Hod to America. Ho arrived
here In 1884, but found his inability to
speak English a bar to secure employ
ment in his profession. Ho drifted as
far west as Detroit, and from there ho
went to Cleveland and in a fit of desper
ation enlisted in the United States army,
voluntarily accepting a lifo ho had lied
from Germany.
Ho served his term and was discharged
at Donvor in 18S0, but at once ro-enliBted
here. Soon after ho was examined for
promotion as a commissioned officer and
was successful, but tho fact that he was
not naturalized prevented his securing
tho commission, lie then asked for a
discharge aud it was granted. Then he
took the railway position he now holds.
Monaghnn's Whereabouts Still a Mystery,
New Yohk, Oct. 0. Tho mystery sur
rounding tho disappearance of ltobert
James Monnghan, tho prominent Demo
cratic lnwyor of West Chostor, Pa.,
seems as far from being cleared up as
ovor. He was lost heard of two weoks
ago, aud his friends both in this city and
I'onnsjlvnula fear that ho has been
foully dealt with. 'hey think It just;
possible that in tomporary mental aber
ration he may have sailod to Bermnda or
tho We3t Indlos, or bo straying around
Aew York or Pennsylvania. Ho was a
hnrd worker, and last year suffered from
insomnia. Of Into mouths, however, he
has been almost entirely free from that
complaint, and his friends, thereforo,
fear tho worst.
A Wonderfnl OH Well.
PlTTsnyiio, Oct. 0. Tho qreonlee and
Forest well on the Heuy farOTat JlfeDon
aid, is tho wonder of the world. It is
now doing 000 barrels an hour, or 14,400
barrels per day. It Is the greatest oil
producer tho world has ever known.
Tho owners yesterday orderod tho drill
ers to remove the tools from tho woll.
At that time It was doing 400 barrels an
hour. ' Greit difficulty Was encountered
in removing tho tools on account of tho
immense flow of oil, and tho work had
to bo nbaudoned, tho production in
creasing to COO barrels un hour.
llght Children l'utsnned
Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 0. Eight children,
from throo to ten yottrs of ago, were
poisoned yesterday by eating the berrle3
of the wild parsnip nud are not expected
to recover. They were playing about
tho street, ami seeing some plants grow
lng with bright red berries on top, at
a quantity of the borriet. which wer
swoot and pluasaut. Shortly after all
the children wove taken violently 111.
Foul I'lny ftiM?eeti(l
DANVIsns, Mass., Oct. 0. Satnuol
Chick, who was found dead Sunday In
n stream In about 18 iuohei of water, Is
now bellovcd to havo boon tho victim of
foul play, as ho wan seen In the vicinity
carousing and dritikiug with a party of
roughs. In his pockets wero found a
Bible and a small roll of bills.
J. Sloat Fassott and party wero give n
a rousing reception at Syracuse last
James W. Wadsworth, treasurer of
tho Republican State Committee, has re
There were three deaths on the steam
ship City of Komeuurlng her lost pajsago
trom uverDooi.
The nights are training In length on
tho daya aud make larger light bills.
Many a Mothor Becomes a Bunch
of Norvos
In worrying along without sleop, attending
to a colicky baby. Sond to J. M. Uillan
or O. J. McCarthy, tho druggist), for a froo
sample vial of Dr. Hand's C lio Curo. It
always cures.
The frost will knock the mosquito
Billy lu n short tlmo.
Height of Cruolty.
Nervous women seldom receive tho sym
ptoms they deserve. Whlleotieu the pictures
of health, they are constantly ailing. To
withhold sympathy from these unfortunates
Is the height of cruelty. They have a weak
heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering,
pain In side, weak and hungry spells, and
tlunllv swelling nf Ankles, onnreeslnn. choK-
'ne, smothering and dropsy. l)r Miles' New
Heart Cure Is Just the
for them. For
tho r nervousness, headache, weakness, etc,
his Heat ratlve Ncrvl ie Is uuquuleil. Fine
treatise on "Heart and Nervous Disease'' nud
marvelous testimonials iree. Bold and
guaranteed by O. II. Il.igcnbuch.
Oyster plant fried In cracker crumbs
Is a fine thing.
Miles' tiervo and Llvor Pills
Act "on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the iien'M.
a new uiscovery. ur. aiues- mis specauy
euie biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Unequaled tor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! aldoses,
iwts. Hamples Free, at U. II. llagenbuch's
tints aro making their
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent notices of rich.
pretty and educated girls eloping with
negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well
known specialist. Ur. Franklin Miles, says all
such girls are more or less hysterical, nervous,
very lmm islvc. unbaiancea: usually Ruoiect
tt-i headache, ncurtdirta. sleeplessness. !tn
moderate crying or laueuing. inese6iiowa
weak nervous system for which there is no
remedy tqual to Restorative Nervine. Trial
bottles and a nno bootr, containing muuy
marvelous cures, free nt O. H. llngeubuch's
rlruir store, who also sell, nud cuaruutee Dr.
Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest
of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, short
breath, etc.
Soon timo to put aside gauze under
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
aps of the sure approach of that moro ter
ble disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can aQord for the sake or saving SO
cents, to run tho risk and do nothing for lu
we Know irorji experience luat nniioua uure
Will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
oxplalnB why more than a Million Bottles
were sold tho past year. It relieves Cronp
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Hack, Hide or
Chest, useSlilloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
0. II. Hagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
The bell Is rluclnir to call in straw
Specimen Cases.
B. II. Clifford. New t'assel. Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Klienmatlm,
his Hlomach was disordered, his Liver was ar
looted to an alarmlnir denreo. Annotlte fell
away, and he was terribly reduced In neth
and strength. Three bottles of Klectrlo Hit
lers cured him.
Edward Bhepberd, Harrlsbtirg, III., bad a
running soroou ids lo of e gin years stuud
lug. Utert three bottles of Klectrlo in ters
and Foven boxes of llucRlen's Arnica Halve,
aud his leg Is souud and well. John Speaker,
Catawba, O., had Ave large Kover sores on his
leg, doctors said he was Incurable. One hot
tlo Rlectrle Hitters and ono box Uuclilen's
Arnica Halve cured him eutltely. Hold by
V. II. Hagcnbucb, Druggist,
The bald head will soon get a rest
from those pesky flies.
Moxloan National Engineers Speak
We, the undersigned, englnoors of the Mex
ican Natioual Hallway, nud members ot tho
Hrolhernood of Locomotive Engineer. of
Mexico, certify that we have used the Cactus
Ulooduuie forblool diseases, and wo can
truthfully say that, with ours- Ives, us well as
with our acquaint luces, the remedy has ef
fected a perfect curo when other medicines
have failed.
1'lease use this certificate for the benefit ot
our biother onglneers and the general public.
Members ol the Brotherhood or Locomotive
Eagtneers, Acamtiaro, Mexico.
Bold at Klrlln's DrugHture,Kerguson House
Block, Shenaudoan.
The fever for rug furnishings Is
greater tlmu ever before.
Shiloh's Consumption Curo.
This In beyond question the most suo
oesslul Cough Medicine wo havo ever sold,
t lew doses Invariably cure tho worst cases of
Cough, Croup, and Uronchllls, while its won
derful success In the cure of Consumption Is
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
Since It's first discovery It has been sold on a
uarautee, a test which no other medicine
.an stand. Ii vou have a Cough we earnestly
isk you to try It. Price 10 cents, 69 cents, and
11.( 0. If your Lungs ars sore, chest or Hack
lame, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
0. 11. Hagenbuch, N, E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
The milliners are now displaying
the full styles In head gear.
It U laid will sell anything, this la
true in a measure; but for utaytcj
qualities,- merit Is tho tost. ExUdaIt
advertising may sell anything whero
it is now or unknown, but after II
omes into general use, it U judged
according to its worth. The continued
and .toady growth of Swift's Speclil
! the best evidence of lis uxcolleaoa.
It is most popular wlicro it is best
known. Every bottle sold, sell Um
others. Everyone that takes it be
comes its frioud, and recommends it
to their acquaintances,
Treatist) on Blood and Skin Diseases:
tailed free.
Swurr Smccuic Co., Atlanta, Go,
rjut on tho Dofonsivo Charged
with Heresy
The Whole MatUr Oama Very Near Doing
Dropped by tha Presbytery,
Over On. -half th. BUnUterlal
Favored Abandoning th. Case, but the
Lny Delegates Cnrrl.d the Day Tha
Vot. nu Indloatlou as to Uow th. Mem Stand on th. Qu.stlon of Dr. Ilrlggs'
Guilt or luuoconce.
NewYokk, Oct. 0. Ovor 100 staid
Frosbyterlan olergymen of the Now York
Conference met at the Scotch Presby
terian Church on West Fourteenth
street yesterday to discuss tho case of
tho Bev. Dr. Brlggs, charged with
The supportors ot Dr. Briggo nnd his
opponent wero almost evenly divided.
A commltteo was appointed sovcral
months ago to consider the charges aud
it was to rccelvo this report that the
mooting had been called. The report ot
tho commltteo recommended that Dr.
Ilrlggs should bo placed on trial for
The report chnrged Dr. Brlggs with
preaching doctrlno which Ireconcllably
conflicts with Holy Scriptures nud the
standards of the Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Brlggs' causa was supported by
Rev. Dr. Alexander, who movod that the
commlttoo bo discharged nnd its report
tabled. Thero was a hot llht ovor this
motion, one member nsscrtlng that It
was an attompt to whitewash Dr. Brlggs.
Dr. Aloxnndor's motion was discussed
for several hours and finally defeated by
a vote of 04 to 02. The report ndvorso
to Dr. Brlggs was then adopted by n sim
ilar vote.-
Dr. Briggs has ten days in which to
put In an answer to the charges. At tho
end of that tlmo tho Presbytery will llx
a date for his trial. Dr. Briggs' friends
said that it must not be supposed that
tho votes against him wero on tho
charge of horesy. They only signified
the consent ot tho voters to try him.
Rev. Dr. Page, of tho Now York Pres
byterian Church, In Harlom, attempted
to resign from tho Presbytery, as he Is
going to enter the Episcopal Church.
Ho was frowned upon by tho ministers
and com pel led to wnlt for several hours
beforo his resignation was nccoptod.
Tho proceedings were turbulent at
times and soverul members asked that
more brotherly fooling be exhibited.
A Number of Kxottlng Contests Over Lo
cal Issues lu tho Nutmeg State.
New Havbs, Conn., Oct. 0. Yester
day was town election day all over Con
necticut, except in New Haven and
Bridgeport. Ono ot the hottest fights
over known lu tho town of Hamdon,
near Now Haven, resulted In tho triumoh
of the Republicans. I.-
Tho town, however, voted by the big
gest majority over known there In favor
of license. East Haven, also near Now
Haven, had a big contest over the license
question, voting strongly for license, af
ter a year's trial ot no Uconso, and the
election resulting in a victory this timo
for tho Democrats.
Mcrlden went Democratic, North
Haven Bopubllcnn nnd no license. A
big revolution occurred In tho town of
Orango. which votod no license. Tho
olections throughout tho Stato woro
chlolly fought out on local isiuos.
Testified Through 1'enr of tho Police
San Fhancisco, Cal., Oct. 0. Tho con
tradictory testimon) of Henry Jernnson,
formerly a gardener for linurlco B.
Strolllngcr, (Curtis, tho actor) cnusod
something of a sensation in tho court
room to 'day. On Saturday Jernnson
testified that tho pistol found near tho
scene of tho murder of Officer Grant be
longed to Strellingor. Yesterday Joran
son took tho stand and said that his tes
timony of Saturday was false, and that
he testified then through fear of tho
police to what they hud told him to Bay.
Ho said that ho had nevorseen tho pistol
lu Strollinger's possession. Tho caso was
put ovor for a week.
Natlonnl Convention of Trainmen,
Galubiiuro, 111., Oct. 0. Tho National
convention of tho Brotherhood ot Train
men oponed hero yesterday morning be
hind closed doorsi Four hundred delo
gates are in attendance at the Court
Houso. Tho city Is decorated In their
honor. Tho convention continue for tho
entire week. The most Important ques
tions to bo doclded aro tho recent switch
men's strike on tho Northwestern Hoad
in Chicago, and the authority of Qrand
Master Wilkinson tor removing tho
board of trustees and appointing a now
ono beforo tltolr tlmo ot ofllco hud ex
pired. 'lo Itevolutlnnlse Itnpld Trnnslt.
New Yonic, Oct. 0. Thomas A. Kdl
Bon, tho electrician, claims to havo just
perfected a now system which he can ap
ply to nny streot car aud which will rev
olutionize rapid transit. Ho says ho has
just finished tho texts; thnt they wero u
grand success, nnd thac tho North
American Company Is going to use the
system. It li a trolloy system, only tho
rails aro uod and thore Is no slot. It is
not a storage buttery system eithor.
Held In SB.000 fur Assault.
MinDLKTOWN, Conn., Oct. 0. Carroll
Burnham was hold In $5,000 yesterday to
answor a charge of felonious assault on
Mrs. John FraUlll. Burnham entered
Mrs. Frutzlll's house and demanded $25.
The woman refused his demand and
Burnham . assaulted hgr She offered
him $5 to go away, vVlifch he aoeopted.
Mrs. Fratzill then caused Buruham'a ar
rest. .
Workmen's I'ay Will Not II Contrasted,
Chicago, Oct. 0. Director General
Davis denies that there is foundation tor
tho reports published that "American
exhibits .are to bo ticketed with Inscrip
tions showing the amount paid to work
men far producing the samo tor the pur
pose ot making a contrast with the pay
given to Europeans for similar work."
Tho Dresser Firiu Sold.
Orbat BAltm.NQTO.f, Mass., Oct. 0.
The Dresser farm ot 110 acres, at Curtis
ville, has been purchased by Anson
I'helps Stokes, ot New York and Lenox,
for $19,000. About 700 acres ot land
have been bought in that vicinity by
summer residents within the lost month.
Show! c&n
usoa dj mn, women ana calluirn.
Brotbrr coma out and let inn be inside, WQl my
facfl and band bo rwl, too?
Of ruarse thfr will sister. Localise Fftpft painted
77J.V IT.
10c. A llOTIXE 10c.
WOUV tt RANDOLPH, rhlladelp hlo
Causes no eruptions upon
tho skin such as nearly all
sarsaparilla mixtures do; but
drives the impurities from the
blood through tho proper
channels, tones up the system,
increases appetite, and rapidly
cures dyspepsia, constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and
all diseases depending upon
an impure condition of tho
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ank my ngentH for Vv L. Douslnn Shnes.
If not fur snlc In jour pluco nsk your
ilenlcr tn ncuiI fur cnliilnKiie, secure the
ngeucr, ami eet them lor u.
It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacltsor wax thread
to hurt tho feet; uiauo uf the best rlno eatf, styllBli
nnd easy, aud became tee make vwre iltuea of f Afs
grade than any other manvfartut er, It equals hnnil
soweil shoes costing from $l.u to 83.U0.
CJK OOtJenulne IIiiikI-m-mi'iI, tho finest calf
iifmJm shoe ever offered for $W equals I'rcncU
Imported shoos which eottt from $$U.U).
QL IIuuiI-M'SiimI Well Mine, lino calf,
tip,, stylish, eomfortuljle nnd durable. The best
shoe over ufToreil at this rlco t same grade as cus-toui-mnilo
shoes coMltix from St;.uu tol).i).
CfiS .10 Police Sline, Farmers. Itailroad Men
TOa). nil. I I J.,,.. -nfrl... j nil li-ns, ,1ir... Ilnannir
' BeamU-As, smooth Inside, heavy threo soles, exten
I stall etltfe. Due pair will svearayoor.
I RO ( I"1' enlfi no hotter shoo ever offered at
Clsa this prli-o; one trial will convince thosa
!v ho want a shoo for comfort and service
CIO and &J.UO VfirkluuiiinuH shoes
iJSmZa aro very strung and durable. Hioso who
have given them n trial will wear no other make.
S&irfctfc' nud SI. 7.1 school shoes nrn
t uiuVS worn hy the Ijoys everywhere, theysolt
en then- merits, ns the lut-rcuslng sales show.
P Qfliac ?;i.utl Illlllil-Nesseil suoe, oesc
uhCIU OS bomfida, very Myllsh-, equals French
Imported shoes costing from 81.00 to Siijui.
l.udliV 'J.30, S-'.im nuil SI. in shoo for
Misses are tho best lino bougola. ht) llhh and durable.
C'uiiliou. Seo that W. L, Douglas' namo and
price are stamped on the hot torn of each shoe.
. W. U DOVULAS. IJrockton, Jlass.
eTo303plx DBoll,
cqq North Fourth St.,
UUO bul. UtMD, Trill AD KU-MU.
Ui only ReDulac Germm Anjrit
Hr.UUt tu lbLntU-d fciU fcnU
ibie to cure Dlood Polaon,
Nervoua Debility "J Spe
cial Diseases .
fciklD Dlctf. tied trU Ptlni la tb
boou'.SoroThroat Mouth,
ftlotche, rtmplei, Kruptlooi, toft or
hurl I'loeri, Swelling!, IrriUtloDf,
InrUmruktion- n4 Rtioalnii
tmioturei, Wefcintii tDl Kurlf
Iki?, loll roemor weak buk meoUl tnitatr. Kllntj n4
Illotlir IHeM Q1 til Diituu rtulttn from h. .
Iii'iiTUoftorUr-rvork Ktonl eawi curnl in i u 10 Sjt
nlicf sti hoc. Do not Ima ht-r- no mitter ht sviitr
UilnrDwtor. Quack, rtrallTor llfupltiU Pbjilrlto h ttiti.
Dr. TIlEbl, cam positively ithua di fntjon from
uiuiini ri-h -r p-ir " n 1 i lUmp fbr bOOlC
"TRUTH" ipO"'" Q'iMat uniT w"rn tnnmttU)av
Holm, rtnilf from to I, Kt'ki to , W4. nl HU
Zf ft tn 10 Runilar 8 till Writ or nd t
for tUfereoooa im Wcdo. "S Baturd fbll. dfcllf TUn
W. Baker & Go.'s
from which tho ox. i t
oil Iim heeu ram(i ,
Absolutely Pure
aud it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in 1U preparation. It lias
more than three times the tlrewjth of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, anil is thereforo far moro
economical, costing iess than one cent
a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, kasily diohst-iid,
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
as well ns for persons in health.
Sold by Crooora evorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mast.