1 VlTT' QLhe .if VOL. VI.--3STO. 210. SHENAND O AH. PA.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER G. 1891. OKE CENT. THE SURE ROAD TO OPULENCE LIES KNEE-DEEP THROUGH PRINTER'S INK i i Republican State Ticket. AUDITOlt OENEllAI.! Gen. DAVID MoMURTIUE GREGG STATE TREASVJlEBl capt. John w. morrison. Helrgatet-at-Xarge to th Constitutional Lotiveiilioiu A. 8. L. BHIKLDS, ISAIAH C. WEAK, JjlVM. I. 80IIAFFER, 1II2HMAN Kl'.UAMEH fcoUIS W. HALL, M. Ii. KATJFFMAN, FBANK KEEDER, ir. M. EDWARDS, II. O. M'CORMICK, GEO. S. SCHMIDT, J. II. POMEUOY, CYRUS ELDER, JOHN CESSNA, JOHN S. IiAMBIE, WM. II. ROCJEKS, JAMES L. BROWN, JOHN ROBERTS, T. V. I'OWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge Hon. D. J?. Green. Sheriff Benjamin Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj, William Clark. Poor Director George Heffner. Unexpired Term Harry H. MeGlnnis Constitutional Convention Delegates. ROBERT ALLISON, Port Carbon. B. 11UI1D EDWARDS, l'ottsvillo. J. U. POMEUOY, Shenandoah. JOHN J. COYLE, Mahapoy City. POLITICAL DRIFT. Tho farmers of Pennsylvania are for Gregg and Morrison this trip. Scratch a mugwump editor in Penn i sylvania and you find a ring Democrat, flfe Vm order to suppress the Democratic Campaign liar it may yet become neces sary to erect turnstiles at the political meetings. The New York Press proposes as a design for the Democratic campaign badgo a barrel and a bung starter. That would be appropriate, oven if it is not pretty. Pennsylvania's campaign this year will go far toward determining results nest year. The Republicans know this and are not to be befogged by transient issues. Grangers of the Keystone state pro pose to stand by the Republican party. Thoy are pleased with the action of the last legislature in distributing mil lions of dollars for the schools and thereby reducing local taxation. Ho Would Bo a Protectionist. Labouchere, the great. English editor and Radical, was asked what ho thought t of the McKinloy bill. He replied: "I have never believed that the principles j of political economy are of universal application, Free trade suits us, but it I had been an American I should have been a protectionist twenty years ago." Bift cabbage heads are so common that they are scarcely worth noticing. 55 CENTS for a winilowBhade with fringe, others for 55c, 05o and up. Hhades made for Btores and private dwel- nigs, a new lot oi siiaa ings and fringes to match. C. ID. FBICKB'S 'Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre THE llltS'l OF TILE SEASON, New BUCKWHEAT JTLOTJE MINCE PIES, MINOE PIES. We open to-day our first lot of NEW MINOE MEAT ! We handle no Common, Inferior Goods at lotv prices, ti confidently recommend to he the Best in the Market, "Northwestern Daisy" Flour Altoays ylve satisfaction. So does "Riverside." Uiey MAKE WHITE BltE&D and are Easy to BaJce. When FLOOB OIL CLOTH Don't forget to examine patterns to select from. All AT KEITER'S. THE UNION VETERANS To Moot at Reading Half Rato Tloketu on the P. & R. Tbo National Encampment ot the Union Veterans' Legion will bo In session at Heading from the 13lh to the 16th of this month and a groat time Is anticipated. Thousands of old sold lore will gathor from all oyor tho country and nearly all of tbo surviving celebrities of tho war of tho Robelllon will attend tho encampment Tho organization is composed exclusively of men who received an honorable die- charge aftor at least threo years' service during that war and every man in its ranks has been a real fighter. Veterans and tho publio In goneral can purchato oxcurslou tickets to Beading at any station or ticket office of tho I'hilade'phia and Heading railroad at the rate of a single faro for tho round trip. Theso tickets will bo Bold daily October 9th to 13th inclusive and will bo good returning until October 19th. A Now Paper. Tho Camp Record, published at Maha- nor City, with Theodore Harris as business manager, is the latost addition to Schuyl kill county journalism. It is published in tho interest of the Patriotic Order Sons of America and tho Jr. Ordor Unitod Ainori can Mochanics, and will no doubt receive a hearty support from the members of those two organizations. Typographically tho Record presents a neat appearance, and its columns are filled with cbolco reading of intorest to tboco two Amor can organlza tlonB. "Wo bospoak for the Record a bright future. LOOKING TO '02. Republicans in Pennsylvania Now Well Equipped for the Skirmish. Everybody who has followed tho course of the Philadelphia Evening Tel egraph will appreciate that It is one of tho fairest and most independent jour nals published in this state. Probably there has been no paragraph written Bince the campaign opened which better Bizes up tho situation in this state than that In which this influential journal caid: "Another consideration, and one es pecially worthy of note, is the fact that before the people of the state this year the Republican party has acquitted it self with especial honor. Its nominees for state offices have a just right to ex pect the united support of the party in this great Republican city, and every one well knows that unwisdom in the local conventions would have had a most depressing effect upon the Repub lican prospects in the larger arena. So, therefore, the notion of the Republican nominating conventions is sucti that all Republicans and all good citizens can contemplate with entire satisfaction. In some respects the contest in Penn sylvania and in Philadelphia this year, preliminary to the great national battle of next year, is of exceptional import ance; and it is, therefore, the part of political wisdom, no less than because the public interests demand it, for the Republican party to acquit itself most worthily at this time." The trouble with the coming man Is, he's always coming and never gets here. our BEST MUSCE MEAT you need our stocli. Over 30 different Widths and Prices. THE COMING BOOM MORE NEWS CONCERNING- THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. PLANS FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION. Tho Borough Council, at ItB Moot ing To-night, Will bo Asked to Make Concessions on Lib oral Terms. No stones aro boing loft unturnod by tho management of the Mahanoy City, Shon andoab, Girardvllle and Ashland Street Railway Company in their efforts to bring about tho oarly construction and comple tion of tho eloctric railway. ... The materials, put of which aro to bo shipped this week, will be unloaded at tho siding of the Kohinoor colliery, and from thoro hauled to tho points In town and vicinity where thoy may be noodod. . It has been decided that tho tios of tho track will bo 7 inch faco, 6 inch thick and 7i feot long in tho ordinary highways; and in tho boroughs the sizo will bo 8-inch faco, 7 inch thick and 71 feet long. The polos in tho boroughs will bo 30 foot high, 7 inches in diameter at tho top, and ton inchos thick six feet from tho butts. They will bo planted six feet in tho ground and located 125 feot apart. Tho poles outsido tho boroughs will be 25 feot high. Tho contract provides that tbo polos shall bo as straight and neat as possible. To-night tho company will ask tho Bor ough Council to pormit tho layfng of "T" rails in tho town, providing tho members can bo satisfied that such a rail makes a track suitable for wagons and other vohlclos to cross easily. V This can bo demonstrated to tho street committee if Council will authorize It to visit Scranton and Wilkes-Barro, at tho expense of the company, to inspect tho electric railways of tho two towns. ... Tbo company is also willing to incor porate in its stipulation that at tho ond of six months, should Council doom tho fiat rail moro desirable, tho "T" rail will bo taken up and replacod by tho flat rail. And, further, when tho borough pavos stroots with block, cobblo, or asphalt, tho street railway company will pavo between tbo tracks and 18 inches on tho side with tho same material. . It will not bo long beforo one of these styles of paving will bo adopted by tho boroughs of tho valloy and tho company is satUfied that tho revolution will bo hastened by tho construction of tho eloctric railway. V Tho company is also satisfied that tho electric railway must incroaso tho business of tho towns through which it will pass, as tho facilities for travel afforded by such railways have demonstrated themsolvos beneficial to all municipalities that have boon fortunate enough to secure them. . It will bo very expensive to construct the road for traffic over the mountain" from Shenandoah to Mahanoy City but, in tho language oi the presidont and other officials of the company, "it can and will bo dono." Tho president of tho company writes to the Herald, "The first effort will be to gel tho railway west to Ashland, and da so at once." Let 'or go, Gallagher I Oysters are in season and tho best in the market are at Coslott'e. 8 22-tf O'Hara Loses. The case of Frank Garner, constable of Butler township, against Michael O'Hara and tho Lebanon Brewing Company, has been decided in favor of tho plaintiff. The Lobanon Brewing Company placod a team of horses under O'Uara's care and a short time after A. "Wolf, tho horse Jockoy, in company with Constabio Gnrnor and V. A. Marr, Esq., called on O'Hara and told him they were going to tako tho horses on attachment. O'ilora refused to lot them take horses and was sued for tres pass. Ladies, If you want fine writing paper and envelopes to match, call on Max Rocso. tf Important Notice. All members of tbo Lakosido eisteddfod committee are requestod to moot at John II. Evans', 80 East Centro street, Shenan doah Pa., on Wednesday, 7th Inst., at 7 p. m., sharp, to wind up tho business of tho commlttoe. By order of Kdwabd Beksb, Pres. "W. J, Watkihs, Soc'y. 10-5 3t Always go to Coslott's, South Main Btroot, for your primo oysters. 8 22-tf Oysters. Oysters aro in soason. Go to Schooner's. families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 0-i-tf Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. if UPS AND DOWNS. How tho "S'nows" Contradlots It self by Paragraphs. Tbo reliability of tho Sunday Snews may bo gauged by tho following list of contradictory paragraphs, clipped from last Sunday's issue: Tho Republican county ticket is hopo lessly beaten, and no effort Chairman James and a disheartened pres can make can can change tho result. Wo un ders'and sovoral I'ottsvlllo lawyers of Democratic proclivitios Intond to cut tho bead of the county ticket. If they do a day of reckoning will como for them. Tho cutting of tho Democratic ticket certainly cannot result in a hopeless defoat for Chairman James. That Dnvo Llewellyn makes an excollont Supervisor. Even with tho stono crusher in working order, our stroots ro main in a horrible condition. It sooms there is no remedy for the evil. The S' news pats Llewellyn on the back with one hand and slaps him In tho face with tho other. Blowing hot and cold, as It were. Wo are Informed by our osteemod but not at all times veracious contemporary, tho Uxrald, that certain men of capital outsido of town bavo taken hold of the Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Girardvilln and Ashland railway, and will push the enterprise to completion. In fact our con temporary asserts that work will be com menced, inside of a week, on tho tracks, and that contracts for poles, motors, Ac, have been givon out. Wo aro g'ad to learn that tho venture is about to ma terialize into somothing like tangibility, and trust that tho talk of our contemporary is not wind, as is usunlly tho caso. Many people, however, believe that tho present movement is only a bluff in tho hopo of retaining the franchise grantod by the Borough Council. That franchiso gavo tbo promoters only ono year to have tho road in operation, and tho time Is almost up. Wo shall seo what wo shall eoe. A. II. Ohadbourno of tho Thomson Houston Company of Philadelphia, was in town the past few days to survey the route for tho now oluctrio railway. Ho states that no oxpenso will be spared to have the road in operation by Nov'embor 15. lie is ono of tho most skillful young raon in tho business and will personally Bupotintend tho construction of tho road. Tho "bluff" talk is very effectually settled by tho last paragraph. Tho Sneus roportors should compare tholr notes beforo putting them in print. WOODEN WEDDING. A Pleasant Affair at the Mullahey Rosldonco. Mr. and Mrs. Mullahoy, of West Cherry streot, wereBurprlsod last night by a num bor of their friends in commemoration of tho fifth anniversary of thoir marriage, or their wooden woddlng, Tho surprising party comprisod the following town people: Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. McCarthy, Mr. .and Mrs. O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. James Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reilly, II. J. Mul- doon, Miss Carrie Faust, Miss Mame Wasley, MiES Ida Bamberger, Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Langton and Messrs. Joseph and Thomas Scanlan. A number of out-of-town peoplo wero also prosQnl, among thorn : Mrs. Jamos B. Reilly, I'ottsville ; Misses Mullen, Shamokin ; Frank Lang- ton, Ashland, and P. A. McCabo, l'otts villo. The presents, which, of course, were all of wooden ware, wero numerous and in many instances uniquo and costly. Tho guests were royally entertained by tho host and hostess, and aftor a splendid repast dancing was indulged in. Tho guests woro so wolj entertained tho fostiyitlos woro Kept up until threo o'clock this morning. Mr. Mullahey and his amiable wifo aro among tho most popular .of our town people, and tho Herald joins with their friends, who aro legion, in tho wish that thoy may live to celebrato thoir diamond wedding. Primo oysters, the best tho market affords, always on hand at Coslett's, 8-22-tf A Monstor. Little Patrick Cantwell, 1-1 years of ago, of 203 Gilbert street, Shenandoah, had a tapo worm removed by tho Indian doctor who is now located at Frackville. The doctor guaranleoa to remove bead and all, or no money to bo paid. 0-21-diw-tf Take your carpet rags to 0. D. Frlcke'a carpet store and have them mado into a first-class carpot. 9-18-tf California Farm Products. Cost of Production ; Not Profits : given by a thousand farmers. Also hundreds of questions answered about ualirornla. Bent freo on application to A. Phillips & Co., 101 Clark street, Chicago, 111., or 200 Washington street, Boston, Maes. 10-0-d4w-2t A Kind Friend, la what thev call that Famous Remedy. Heel Flag Oil, it quickly cures Hlieumutlsm, Neuralgia, Cuts, BruUes, Burns, bores and all pain. It Is good for man or beast. 25 oents. At Klrlln's drug store. Pay Your Taxes. Notice is hereby givon that all porsons in arrears for 1889-90 taxos must make sottlo raont at once, as tho undersigned is deter mined to make his collections complcto in the near future, even if arrosts must bo ro sorted to, Christ. Schmidt, 0-10 tf Tax Collector. "Othello'i oocu nation's cone." He used to spend days and ulgbU curnluK the ftes and ine rneuinausiii. nuwnu uuiy iitwuuwuunu laucrbs to think how easily he was cured by Halvullon Oil.atiScts. The hard 09 1 battles we have to fight aro those we fight with ourselves, BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SGRIBES SEE AND HEAR A Stripling Who Has Become Infatuated With tho Theatrical Profession and Its Expo nents -An Escapado. A young girl named Savila Shlrey, rosiding on North Whlto stroet, bocamo sixleon yoars old to-day. Sho closed her fifteenth year by figuring In a sensational affair, In which twamembors of tho Arling ton Minstrol company figured. Tho minstrols arrived in town yostcrday morning and Savila, who has been making a rendezvous of the Lehigh Valloy depot, was among thoso who watched thorn lcavo tho train. Tho girl is undor size, but has a plump figure, a faco that is not unattrac tive, and sho drossos neat. She soon had a speaking acquaintance with tho minstrols and sho followod them during tho parade. At about 1 p. m. sho left town with two members of tho company. Her mother, who had boon warned, started in pursuit with Constabio Phillips. Tho girl and tho minstrols woro found conversing at tho watch box on tho Penn sylvania railroad, southeast of tho Shenan doah City colllory. As tho mother and constabio approacbod Savila ran over tho hill in tho direction of St. Nicholas, while tho oxpononts of negro minstrelsy gavo n natural imitation of two men hurrying off in opposito directions. Constabio Phillips had no warrant for tho mon, so ho startod after tho girl, but lost her in tho brush and returned to town without her after a three hour soarch. Whllo tho performanco was 8oingonintho theatre last night Savila was arrested by Phillips at tho stago door. Tho girl was taken to hor home. In ex plaining her conduct sho said sho was de termined to go off with some theatrical company. Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the narao Lessio & Co., Ashland, Pa., It printed on ovorv sack. 3-3-3taw Nothing In It Two fomalo cigar makors of this town bavo been on tho outs for a long time and had many hard thoughts against ono an other. Testorday ono manifested a desire to fight it out and tho othor ono not having any particular objections, thoy both wont together. Oh, but it was fun for the lookers-on, hair pulling, cat scratching, biting and what not all that mado up this awful abmo of Marquis of Queensbury rules. It as a hard fight and had it not been for tho interference of some of tho shop hands, ono or tho other would havo boon hurt. Tho most offonsivo languago was usod and was hoard fully a block away from tho scrap. Shenandoah correspon dence to the Republican. Tho writer of tho above drew largely upon his imagination. Tho only two young ladios who work to gether as cigar makers in town called at Herald office yesterday and pronounced the articlo false in eyory particular. Thoy said tbo best friendship oxists between them and thoy oxprossod surpriso that a newspaper laying claim to respectability should give space to such trash. Prettiest oil cloth in town at C. D. Fricko's carpot storo. 9-18-tf A Blowhard. Ono who blows hot ind cold on oyory project that b gotton up to bonoflt tho town and peoplo. Ono who can coo no good in others. Ono who will talk all day on subjects ho knows nothing about. Ono who "knows It all" and does not attempt to give "anything away." Ono who preaches ono thing and prac tices another. Ono who thinks ho Is tho "Great I Am" and nothing at all. Ono who protejids ho owns tho earth when, In roality, ho would not havo enough left to buy a square meal if ho paid his honest debts. Ono who is continually telling his friends about tho advantage of this and that project, but will not tubscribo a cent, or help along tho enterprise. Ho is all blow. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents'oach, at Max Reeto't. tf Grand Supper. Tho ladies of tho English Baptist church will give tholr annual supper at Bobbins' opera houso this (Tuesday) evonlng. Bxtonslvo preparations havo boon mado to mako tho affair a grand success and over 600 tickets have already boon sold. TickeU for tbo suppor, 30 cents; tco cream, 10 cents. Burohlll's Restaurant. Charles Butchill ii now locatod at cornor of Main and Coal streets. Shenandoah. Regular meals, at popular pTicet, served any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment rooms attached, 9-1-J-tf The finest nolo paper and envelopes In tho country at Max lteeso'a. tf PERSONAL. Hon. John T. Shooner, of Orwlgsburg, was a visitor to town yesterday. William Mason, of Wost Oak streot, loft this afternoon for Newcastle, Washington, to Join his lathor, who has been thoro several months. William was a popular young man here nnd ho leaves a largo number of frlonds who wish him success in his now home, Ono of tho most polite, gentlemanly and agreoablo traveling passenger agonU who frequently visit the leading town in the coal region, is Frod. L. Chase. He is a hustler and his trips hero in every instanco provos successful. The company has an ablo lioutonant In him and it would bo bard to find another to fill his place woro ho to tako a notion to quit tho business. Bowaro of This Swindle. Friday a man entered tho flour and feed storo of Andrew Hoover, in Sunbury, and ordered somo goods to bo sont to John Wagner, in tho Fifth ward. In payment ho tendered r oheck dhwn to John Wag ner for f 10.85. The signature was very poorly written. Wagner said ho was ft carpentor and worked for a man named Bonn, and that tho check was given to him by Ronn, ns pay for his work. Mr. Hoovor gavo Wagner $5.60 change When ho went to deliver tho goods Satur day morning ho found that no man named John AVagner lived In the Fifth ward. A Wife's Treachery. A Polish man of tho First ward, over CO yoars of ago, was beforo 'Squire Monaghan last night, charged with committing a rapei upon a 12-jear-old girl, but a hearing of the caso established tho man's innocence and ho was discharged. It appears that tho man quarreled with his wifo and she, in a spirit of rovongp, told tho marrie I sistor of tho littlo girl who was brought into tbo caso tho story that led to tho arrest. Upon thp bearing tho wifo declared that her story was groundless. All tho parties concerned, woro Polish. Tho Ouslck and Burns Trial. 'Squire Monaghan loft town at noon to day for Richmond, Virginia, where ho will appear as a witnoss in tho caso of Cusick and Burns, former rosldenU of this town, who aro chargod with post office robherios. The 'squire has a document signed by a nutnbor of town peoplo, certifying to tho previous good character of tho accused. Ohildron Enjoy Tho nloasant flavor, pentln action nnrt BoothlngoffocU of Syrupof Flga, when in neea ot a laxatlvo, and it the father or mother bo costivo or bilious tho moat r.rnf ifying rosults follow its use, eo that it is tho oesi iamny remeuy Known anu every family should havo a bottlo. School Board Meeting. A regular mcoting of tho Shenandoah School Board will bo held in Superintend ent Freeman's offlco to-morrow evening, at. 7 o'clock. Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. The Best Salvo In tho world for Cute Brulbos, Hores, Ulcers, Halt Itbeum, Fever, Korea, Tetter, (Jimmied Hands, Uhllnlulns Corns, nud nllBktu Kruptlone, and positively cures 1'llpn. or no pay required. It Is guar antredtogtve perfect saUnfiiellon, or mouey refuu'.vd. l'rlea '23 cents per box. For feulo by U. II. Jlagenbucb. Warning to Boys. Tho practice of boys climbing the scaf folding at tbo Mothodist Episcopal church is bocoming dangerous for tbo workmen, tho boys, and neighboring properties. Should tho scaffolding become loosened by tho climbing and fall tho rult would bo disastrous. Complaint is also mado by residents in tho vicinity of tho church against boys who play ball and other games In tho neighborhood. It is hopod tho police will givo their attontiun to theso evils. Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at tho Herald office. A Young Lady Betwcon tho ag03 of 11 and 10 years can get a nico situation at Keagoy's photograph gallery by applying ot onco. tf i Wm.IL Vanderford, Km., Editor ol thet Demoorutlo Advocate, Wwtmtuster, Mo., writes, that be lias used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and knows It to be a good medicine. Buy It. Try It. 25 cenU. Frosty mornings will popularize tho buckwheat cuice. WANT A FISH ? For Broakfast? A. Mackjptl? "Wo havo 'cm, IWlrite and fat. Bright and sweet. No oil. No ru3t. lib, lib, 111b, 1J lb, lib, GRAFS, No. 122 North Jardin Streot. 4 It