The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 05, 1891, Image 1

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V VOL. VI.--NO. 209.
jfaECE stibe boad to OPTJLEFOE LIES KFEE-DEEP THBOUG-H fbinteks ink
Republican State Ticket.
srirB TiiEASvjijan:
ft'Ptfi(eff-aiX4irtre fo f Constitutional
I war. B. ROGERS,
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. B. Oreen.
Sheriff" Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner Maj. William
Poor Director George Hcffncr.
Unexpired Term Harry H. McGlnnis
Conttlttttional Convention Delegates.
B, BURD EDWARDi, Pottsville.
J. H. FOMEROY, Shenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
A Wo
Woodruff, ex-treuBUter of Arkan-
Democrat, Is Bhort $250,000, and
reasury Is empty. The old say
ing that while a Republican steals
half a hog, a Democrat steals a whole
one, is exemplified in this case. This
increases the Democratic stealings to
52,604,000, as far as heard from.
The Ohio campaign can be denomi
nated "red hot." All the advices
seem to point at present to the elec
tion of Mr. McKlnley. The farmers'
party does not seem to have been as
formidable as it was predicted it would
be. The truth is that the farmer has
: been too busy gathering his crops to
I ' think of taking an active part In
? politics. The silver Issue has hand!-
ftnnwl finvnrnnr Pnmnnll nrwl Mm
t i " w ......
J Republicans are pushing it home on
the enemy's grounds with a per
tinacity that Is remarkable. That is
sue prevents the Democrats from get-
tfTlV mnnnl. "V VJ. 1 11
Jfr'e therefore embarrassed to that ex-
ivm injNew xoric tue campaign is
directed against Flower as the stan-
CENTS for a window shade
with fringe, others for 65c,
G56 and up. Khades made
for ntnrpci nnrl nrlvntp ilivpl-
Wk lima. A new lot of shad-
Zings and fringes to match.
4 (Inrnpt Slnpfl W Snnlh .Tamlm Sf iiaap IWm
We open to-day our first lot of
"IVa Imiulln tin ffntii ji on . Tviieflnv dnnilft nt. J.niii
V . . V . WWW I W s v. -
(m confidently recommend
Ito be tho Best in the Marlcef.
' Always (jive satisfaction. So does "Riverside." llicy
miAKE WHITE BREAD and are Easy to Bake.
When you need
4 Don't forget to examine
patterns to select from. All
dard bearer of Tammany Hall. The
Tammany crowd are given full credit
for making Mr. Flower's nomination,
and the Republicans are shrewd
enough to try and make tho people
understand that Tammany is reach
ing out for tho control of the state.
Even Harper's Weekly, chief of mug
wump organs, sees this and has come
out for Mr. Fassett.
"Honest clean politics," is now
what soino Democratic organs advo
cate. Buch a thing as "honest clean
politics" what a charming thing It
would bo in York city and York
county. Cut tho dirtiest, foulest,
most corrupt jobbery and boodling in
our politics would be defended as
political virtue and political honesty
by these same Democratic organs. It
is ono thing to live up to a profession
of "honest clean politics" and another
to only make profession to decelvo the
honest people. Politics in York
county liavo not been honest and
clean. The boss politicians huvo run
tho machine, for all that is in it, to
help tho bosses, and have taxed the
people to foot the extravagant costs
York Bally.
The Wilmington (Del.) Bepubltcan
says: "Besides Secretary Blaine,
Postmaster-General JohnWanamakor,
has been one of the most abused and
criticized members of President Har
rison's cabinet. But Mr. Wanamaker
minded it no more than tho moon did
the barking of a dog, and just kept
on the even tenor of his way in giving
the people safer and increased postal
facilities. His recent experiment of
extending the free delivery system to
small towns'hos proved an agreeable
success. They do Dot all pay the full
expenses but others pay considerably
more, so that tho government and tho
people both are the gainers by the
syBtem which Mr. Wanamaker will
recommend to Congress for adoption.
This Is an improvement of which any
man should be proud of having origi
nated, but It Is extremely doubtful if
tho Democratic House of Representa
tlves, with its accustomed polloy of
obstruction, will provide for it. If It
refuses to do so, it will be u strong
argument for the election of another
Republican House of Representatives,
and another Republican president
next year.
- PIES !-
. J - V V. ' " 1 " ' " " t - - w w vj
Daisy" Flour
our stoolt. Over 30 different
Widths and Prices.
For Travel Botwoon Glrardvlllo
and This To wn Tho Extensions
to bo Pushed as Soon Aftor
as Possible
Tho Hkrald has not boon blowing empty
horns over tho olootrlo railway. Tho pres
ent horaldlngs of tho ontorpriso aro baed
upon lads gleaned from an authontlo
sourco and tho parties giving thorn havo
followod tho famous advioo of Davy
Crockott, "Ba Euro you'ro right, thon go
Tho Information tho Herald has boon
giving the public the past wool; has boon
hold In resorvo until all possibilities of
hitches In tho construction of the road
soomod overcome. This courso was doomed
the most suitable for sitting down upon tho
low Blow-hards that lurk about tho town
and aro continually straining ovo.-y muscle
to down anything projected by tho pooplo
who first placod an electric road within tho
roach of tho pooplo of Shonandoah.
Work on tho Mahanoy City, Shonan
doah, Glrardvlllo and Ashland eloctric rail'
way will bo constructed with all possible
speed. Tho plant and most of tho matorials
havo boon contracted for and tho parts will
bo shipped horo as fast as complotod. Tho
Shipments will begin this week.
Tho contract for the olecrtic engines and
tho wiring has boon awarded to tho Thom
pson-Houston electric company. Tho track
and other work will be dono by the railway
The work has been mapped with tho do
termination of having tho cars running
botwoon Shenandoah and Girardvillo not
later than November 3rd, next.
Council will probable be askod at Its
next mooting to modify the grant" of tho
right of way and it is hoped thoro will bo
no dolay in granting any reasonable ro
quost of the company. Tho poople do
mand every encouragomont for tho com
Tho citizons of tho town aro again urgod
to diroct thomsolvos to tho establishment of
now industries. Tho olectric railway will
make this valley more livoly than it has
oyer been boforo and, besides greatly bono
fitting the business men, will groatly on
hanco the valuo of proporty. Pooplo liv
Ing two miles away will be within as easy
reach of thocentor of tho town, as those
living two squaros away from that point
Tho road will also opon a markot for build'
ing lots in-the suburbs of tho town and re
lieve tho now crowded tenements.
Frimo oyslors, tho best the markot
affords, always on hand at Coslott'e. 8-22-tf
Send TJa the News.
Wo aro willing to give place in our local
columns to the montlon of any visitors, tho
absence ot any citizen, his wifo or his
daughtor, but at tho samo time wo would
bo glad to havo tho item written out and
handod In, or mention mado of It at this
office. It is not snobbery to do this; It is
in no wiso Improper. People aro always
much interostcd in knowing tho absence .of
friends, and equally glad to know the
presonce of any visitor upon whom they
wish to call. Some very sensible poople
say tboy don't want their names In the
papers. This may bo true as to a puff or a
bit of evident flattery; but it can hardly be
true of tho simple announcement of a visi
tor's namo, or the temporary absenco of a
gentleman or lady. So bring in tho Items,
wo aro always glad to get thorn. No visi
tor is moro welcome to our 'sanctum than
the ono who brings In an item.
Children Enjoy
The pleasant flavor, gontlo action and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in
noed of a laxativo, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious the most grat
ifying results follow Its use, so that It Is the
best family remndy known and overy
family should have a bottlo.
Stationary packages, G and 10 cents each,
at I peso's. ' tf
Tho Water Caso.
W.J. and P. J. Portz, M. E. Doylo,
Plorco Walker, 'Squlro Shoemaker, J. J.
Powell, John Cathor, Morris Wurm, Pat
rick Ormsby and a numbor of other towns
men, together with J. J. Cardin, of Phila
delphia, wont to Pottsvlllo to-dy to testify
In the suit of tho Shonaqdoah Water and
Gas Company against tho borough,
7th Penn'a Cavalry Association
Will hold their Htu annual reunion at
Troy, Bradford county, Pa., Tuesday and
Wednesday, Octobor 27th and 28th, 1891.
Reduced railroad faro will bo furnished by
applyldg to Goorge P, Steahlin, Orwigs
burg, Sbhuylklll county, Pa.
Ho Says Downoy Know it Was
A few weeks ago Michaol Lalloy, whllo
on his way homo from tho Indian Rldgo
colliery, was mot by a young man named
Thomas Djwnoy. Lally a'kod Downoy
why ho was not out to work and tho reply
was "I'll shoot you." A revolver Downoy
bad in his hinds was discharged at tho
same timo and tho bullet, taking n down
ward courso, ontorod Lilly's leg, just bo
low tho knee. No arrest was mado until
Saturday night, whon Lally sworo out a
warrant. Downey mrnifhod bail for trial.
Ho says that the shooting was purely acci
dental and that when ho said ho would
shoot ho did not know tho revolver was
loadod. Downoy is apparently vory much
distressed over tho caso. Ho says that his
last pay for two woolcs wa? ?10 and that
amount ho divided by giving $10 to Lally,
?5 to tho doctor, and kept 81 for himself,
Ho also oxprosses willingness to make more
paymonts, Lally is able to bo about, but
his log remains protty sore. Ho wont'to
tho Miners' Hospital an Saturday and,
aftor roop'onlng tho wound, Dr. Biddlo ex
tracted a piece of llannol about IhoBizo of a
dime. Iti3 boliovod that tho log will now
hoal rapidly.
Klllnl UN "VVlfn mill llnnnloi.
New York, Oct. 5. At n late houi
Saturday night John Osmondo, nged 2s
years, shot and killed his wifo at theli
homo on Third avenue, and also shot and
fatally wounded John P. Durcholl, n
boarder iu the house. Osmondo was a
hard drlnkor and had frequent qunrrels
with bis wifo. Ho loft hor live weeks
ago. She bad commenced proceedings
for divorce. Hm went homo and nues-
ttoned bis wife about tho mattor and to
trr and get her to live with hlui airaln.
When she refusod to talk about it ho
shot bor dead. Thon ho turned around
and shot Burcholl. Tho murderer was
Sotootlve Arretted for llluolf malL
Ciiioacio, Oct. 5. John T. Norrls, a
dotectlvd of almost national roputatlon,
is arrested on a charge of blackmail pre
ferred by a man whom he had been
shadowing. His acouser is John Snoarlv.
alias Jack Forbes, who was for a time
supposed to have been Implicated In tho
roouoryol TUoruas macKburn, a Missouri
rarmor, to tno tune ot $7, UUU. It is al
leged Norrls had Snenrly arrested know
ing him: to be innocent. Farmer Black..
burn failed to identify Snearly and he
was released. Norrls Is also called upon
to answer n suit for $20,000 damagos for
malicious procecution.
IiutlillDe n Ilnllroml on Prlvnto Land.
New Brunswick, Oct. 0. The Porl
Beadln? Railroad Company has bogun
tho work of lnyln? tracks on private
lands In Itarltan township. Tho owners
will sue for heavy daraacos. The Itarl
tan township committee has socured tho
tiling of a bill in cnancory to prevent the
encroachment of the road on a public
niguway at -uotuauen. Tno bill will 1)8
returnable on the 12th.
new jKiisKY immrs.
Tho new edifice of tho First Presby
terian Church of Jorsey City was opouod
yesterday with elaborate ceremonies.
Mrs. Wolues cotnphilnod to the Newark
police yesterday that her husband, Wil
liam, had deserted her, taking with him
$500 of hor mouey.o
Tho trouble in tho Willing Workers
for Christ Society of Marlon has been
sottled by the withdrawal of John H.
Peloubet's order of ejectment of the soci
ety from his hall.
Tabor's Market.
i. P. Tabor's moat market, nornnr nf
uontro ana Whito streets, is the place
whero you can cot choico beef. veal, mut
ton, lamb, pork, etc, at tho people's prices.
Everything about Mr. Tabor's markot is
noat and clean and all meats purchased
there may bo rollod upon as perfectly
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo.
Tbe Best Halve In the world for Cnta
Bruises. Bores. Ulcers. Halt Itheum. Fever.
Bores, Tetter, Cunjipei! Hands, Chilblains
Corns, aud all Slsln Eruptions, and positively
cures I'lles, or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. I'rlce 23 cents per box. For bale
Dy uuiieuuucu.
Burohlll's Restaurant.
Charles Buichill Is now located at cornor
of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah.
Itegular meals, at popular prices sorvod
any timo. Ladios' dining and rofrushmont
rooms attached, 0-14-tf
Prottlost oil cloth In town at O. D.
Fricko's carpet store. 9-18-tf
Oystors are in soason, Go to Schooner's.
Families supplied. Parlors for ladios. 0-i-tf
Enamel Photographs,
Go and soe Kcagey's Enamol Photos
Ho is certainly In tho lead, No stops to
climb. ICeaqey.
A Kind Frlond.
Is what they call that Famous Remedy, Bed
Flag Oil, It quickly cures Rheumatism.
pain. It Is good for man or beast. 3S ontB.
AtKlrlln's drugstore.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
namo Lxssia &, Co., Ashland, Pa.) It
prlntod on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf
Sorvicos in tho Methodist Episco
pal Church Yoatorday Throo
Now Mombors Taken in A
Vory Interesting Sermon.
Yostorday morning tho rifxht hand of
fellowship was extended to throo now mom
bors in tho Mothodist Episcopal church.
An appropriate sormon was preached by
tho pastor from Hob. II-l : "Thoreforo wo
ought to givo tho moro oarno3t hoed to tho
things wo havo heard lost at any timo wo
lot them sup," or as tho rovisod vorslon
reads: "lost happily wo drift away." In
cortalnconditions of wind and tido vossols
which aro being brought to tho wharf drift
away from it just whon thoy aro about to
bo socured and tho maslor finds itnocossary
to turn tho vossel around and stem tho
current in order to land his passengors.
Just so mon and women are brought up to
tho wharf of christian privilege and duty.
but just as we think tho connection is about
to bo made thoy "drift away." Somotlmos
it is a current of worldly caro and anxiety.
Business and housohold cares go far to ox
cludo tho "oarnost hoed" to tho things on
joined upon us in tho word of God. Or it
may bo a current of frivolity. This is tho
most formidable foe wo havo to oncountor,
light, trilling, shallow-mindod individuals
who havo "no root in thomsolvos" aro
never eminent for goodnoss nor for bad
ness either becauso thoy lack tho raw
material of which rigorous character of
any kind is mado. Spocial emphasis was
laid on tho fact that tho starting point in
oither mental or moral dovolopmont is
serious thought and deliberate aim that is
"earnest hetd." Of tho moro than ton
jhousand businoss failures last yoar in this
country only about four por cont wore do
liborately planned so as to choat creditors
and enrich the bankrupt And thoro aro
just as'.fow deliberate failures In tho ro-
ligipus world. Forty por cont. of tho bus
inobs failures wore duo to a lack of capital.
And this is tho cause of most of tho re
ligious failures. Tho businoss of otornity
requires a largo capital. But if wo ask wo
shall receive. Of tho easily prevontiblo
causes of business failures "outside specula
tion" heads the list with thirteen por cent.
So ontoring upon forbidden paths, tamper
ing with harmful Indulgoncios. squander
ing our spiritual resources upon what can
not profit aro easily prevontiblo causos of
religious bankruptcy. Tho euro for all
this is "moro earnest hood to the things wo
havo heard." In tho ovoning a now de
parture was taken. The soryico consisting
of tho Hallelujah chorus by tho choir, fol
lowed by fcripturo readings, and brief ex
positions upon tho subject of "Kepontanco
Us Nature and its Sourco." Those wore
interspersed with congregational singing
and prayor, thus affording a pleasant
variety without detracting from tho in
structivonoss of tho sorvico. Noxt Sunday
ovoning tho Junior Tomplo of Honor will
attend and listen to a special sermon at
their own request. Tho subject will bo
"Tho greatest curso in tho world and
what to do with it."
Ladios, if you want fine writing papor
and envelopes to match, call on Max
Reese. tf
Baso Ball.
The Shonandoah and Lost Crook clubs
played a gamo at tho latter place. Tho
lattor club won by a score of 9 to 0, soven
runs boing mado In tho ninth inning.
Ihe St. Nicholas club disappointed
Manager Sampsoll on Saturday. It was
not fair treatment in view of the fact that
the St. Nicholas players pestered Manager
Sampsoll several weeks for a date.
Tho Ashland club defeated Shamokln at
tho former place on Saturday by a score of
4 to 1. "Jack" Stivctts, lato of tho St.
Louis Browns, pitched a great gamo and
scored threo of tho four runs for Ashland.
Oysters aro in season and tho best in tho
markot aro at Coslett's. 8 22-tf
Orand Supper.
Tho ladies of tho English Baptist church
will give their annual supper at Bobbins'
opera houso to-morrow (Tueedaj) ovonirg.
Extenslvo preparations havo been mado to
mako tho affair a grand success and over
COO tickets have already boon sold. Tickets
for tho suppor, 80 cents; ico cream, 10
Guaranteed Ouro.
We authorize our advertliert rinipplftt in raII
II, VllnrlH.I1tlBiDaru In. I u ... n. I n..
Coughs aud Colds, upon this condition, ll
you are atnicUd with a Cough, Cold or any
Lang, Throat or Client trouble, and will use
this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial,
and experience no benellt, you may return
mo uoiue tin uuve your money reiunaea.
We could not make this oiler did we not know
that Dr. King's Nt w Discovery oould be relied
on. It never disappoints. Trlul bottles free
at O. II. HogenbucU s drug btoro. Idrgeslzo
60c. and 1.00.
Second hand school books bought ant
sold at Max Reese's. tf.
mi. r. . . i i
xuo uut'fiv umu uupur mm uuvuiupua in
the Country at Max ltceso'e, tt
B. F. Laudig lelt for Beading this morn
ing. Christ Gruhlor ret'irnod to Caradon to
day. Bishop Kulison.of tho Protestant Episco
pal church, was in town yostorday.
D. J. Davies, at ono time a rosidont of
town, but now of Philadelphia, spent Sun
day in town.
Hon. D. D. Phillips, of Gordon, and
Postmaster Eborle, of Girarivlllo, wore in
town yesterday.
Miss Annlo Clausor ontertalnod a num
bor of her frionds Friday ovoning. All
had an onjoyablo time.
Mrs. J. U. Pomeroy, and Misses Mary
B. Boyor and Jonnlo Beddall aro visiting
frionds in tho city of Brotherly Lovo.
iliss Mary Jano Lewis and Cornelius
Davenport, both of South Jardin street,
were married on Wodnosday evoning, last.
William E. Davis, of Pottsvillo, Intends
to movo to Shonandoah shortly, having
accoptod a position of shipper at tho
Knickerbocker colliery.
Miss Millio Umstoad Lswis, daughtor of
Supt. William U. Lewis, of Win. Ponn,
ond Mr. Harry Hunter, of Ashland, will
bo married at the Mothodist Episcopal
church at William Penn at noon on Thurs
day, October 15, and the cards for tho ovont
are now out.
Roductlon in Rates.
Commencing Octobor 1st tho Providence
and Stonington Sleamship Co. will reduce
ratos from Now York to all points East on
both its linos, by tho Providenco Lino from
pior 29 old No., N. It , at C:00 p. m., and
tho Stonington Lino from now pior 30
North River at 0:00 p. m. Itato to prin
cipal points will ho tho samo on both linos,
viz: Boston. ?3.00; Providence, 2.25;
Worcester, ?2.25. A. Molseed, S. P. A.
9 30 tf
Arlington's Minstrols.
Itemembor this great minstrel company
will exhibit nt Forguson's theatre to-night.
Tho Bennington (Vt,) Journal says: A
full houso grootod Arlington's Minstrols at
tho opora houso last evening, for their open
ing porformanco. The company is mado
up of tho host matorial that can possibly bo
collected togethor in tho minstrel lino.
There is nothing coarse or rough in the
performance. Everything goes with tho
perfect smoothnoss of well oiled machinory,
and tho result i3 tho perfoct satisfaction of
the audience.
Tako your carpet rags to C. D. Fricko's
carpet store and havo them mado into a
first-class carpet. 9-18-tf
Important Notice.
All members of tho Lakesido cistoddfod
committeo aro requested to meet at John
II. Evans', 30 East Centre 6treet, Shonan
doah Pa., on Wodnosday, 7th Inst., at 7 p.
m., sharp, to wind up tho businoss of tho
committeo. By ordor of
Edward Kee8E, Pres.
W. J. Watkins, Soc'y. 10-5-3t
Always go to Coslott's, South Main
streot, for your prime oysters. 8 22-tf
Pay Your Taxos.
Notice is hereby given that all porsons in
arrears for 1689-00 taxes must mako settle
ment at once, as the undersigned is detor
minod to make his collections complcto In
tho near future, ovon if arrests must bo re
sorted to. Christ. Schmidt,
9-10 tf Tax Collector.
Ohuroh Suppor.
ThoEnpHsh Bsntists will vivn ft ffrnml
supper in Bobbins' opera houso on Tuesday
ovenicg, next. A general invitation is
oxtondod to all.
'Othello's occupation's cone." lie used to
spond days and nights curbing the futes and
lue rneuiuausm. now no oniy nos aown ana
lauebs to thins: how easily he was cured bv
Salvation Oll.ut 23 cts.
Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at tho
Herald office;
Council Mooting.
A regular mooting of tho Borough
Council will be hold to-morrow (Tuesday)
ovoning, at tho usual hour. As important
businoss is to bo transacted all members
aro requested to bo prosont.
Wm, II. Vanderford, Km)., Editor ot the
Democratic Advocate, Westminster, Mo
writes, that he has used Dr, Hull's Couth
Hyrun and knows It to be a good medicine.
liuy iu JTy u. .so cenn.
For Breakfast ?
A Mackorul ?
Wo havo 'om.
White and fat. , i;
Bright and sweu.
No oil. No rusty I
ilb, Hb, 111), Hlb, lfp,
No. 122 North lardin Street.