v Pretnts in the moit elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OP THB FIGS OF, CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, fanning an agreeable and effective laxative tu perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. ln the men lixcelltnt remedy known to CLEUJSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious cr Constipated SO 1"HIT PURE BLOOD, REHHESHIKC BLEEP, HEALTH and STRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Kvery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUfl DRUaQiST FOI1 MANUFAOTUREO ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MUISVIUE. AY NEW YORK. ti. t. Grand Opening FALL AND WIN TKIl STYLES OF MILLINERY "TiT T A Tr 1iTJTTVT'MTnnMe9t degree vexoa. tvna my uoay was cov-. ulla jlyi. m mnnioo -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment in Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Onr line of Children's HUMMED AND UN TRIMMED 1IAT3 Cannot bo 33ciiifvlXocl. CARTERS IB STYLE 1 VlVER 6jcli Headache and relieve all the troubles !nc Arnt tn n blliona state of the avstoni. aucb BJ3 dizziness, Kaueca, Drowsloos3, Distress aftes eating. Fain in the Bide, bo. while thoir most i-cmurltoblo success lias been shown la cuxlag 4 Slealacbo, yet Cartcr'd Ltttla Llvor rills ara equally valaablo in Constipation, curing and pro Tenting thts anno jinn complain t.whllo tbeyulao correct all disorders or thestomach timulala tha liver and regulato tho bowel3. Even if thcyonlj cuica Acb they would bo almost pricelosa to thaso wha iimiter fromtMsdistressuiaoomrjtaint: butfortu- Ziatoly their goodness does notend here.and those who once try them will And thess llttlo pills vain able In so many ways that thoy rul not be wit aisa to do without them. But after allsick hetui S8 Isthebaneof so many lives that herols whera Others do not. . Cirtcrt uttle Liver puis are very urain ana 'vcryeasytotake, Oneor two pills inako a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not grips or purge, but by thoir gentle action pleasoall who use mem. inviusacvacemai nveior. by druggists CTerywhcre, or sent by malL CARTER UEDieiUrl CO.. Now Vorki SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Htveeured ininytiioubd.nl (Abet. Cui lotkiim i-fommtitc. nop-ic i'T ua. , iiui.i rnn1 nru 'low svirtn j lipidly dUf 'Cir, ani i,i ten .livgi: t-ac Iwo-lmr.K 01 a Ixul l. trb.res. I Lit v iu .ill t" L u i .r: trUl, st'ij tea cents u m nnp lo wv .i i i i i iwi i i inn. & ChtchcAlcr' EnclUh Diamond Urod. TNNYROYAL FILLS Original Bud Only Genuine. A nt "t, m) wvj rtilbl. la aic uk 2 UrtiKKlit for VhUhuteri Vjliak iv MondBrituHa Itctl fccJ C old D eumrjjQ boiet, fUi IUi ki jq rlbboa. Take Xr tutnt and imtidtiatu. At Draitaljfi. orii d.v lo iliort UT pinion's,!, teHiLOOQlU ni ' Ilcllef far IjUiIIc," in Utter, by return ' aiMb jv.uv j irnnuiuun, ,tam fytptr. 111 it W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Conl and Jar am HtB. Mr. Snyder will always keep.ln stock a fine line of boots and shoes. Custom Work and Repairing: done In the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who hive big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu, ine bargain on every purchase. SUFFERIflGWHS ' lie a tiMuhlad with tii annr- Ins IrrwolnrtH I -juntl follow ildor ipouura, or inn. autuUonal Weim-iium " pe ul'w to their mi shea) Use OR, DuCK VINE'S Oolebrntea FEMALE REGULATING PI LLC Thel are Etreng-t&imwa toUe enure ,!(' , .apsr toe., tlilj anfl io.!ut!e ft r.u tou roati'onii wt fa fc 3 .11 SHE WAS TORTURED Woman Maltreated iu an Insano Asylum. I KNOCKED -DOWN AND KICKED. Inhuman Treatment of Mrs. Stevena is the Danvera Institution. Her Shoulder Dislocated by One of tho Attendants, nnit Her lloily Covered With Utilises- While 111, I'lunged Into Until, unci Kept Thero sn luordlnate Length of Time The l'oorost Food Given Her Awful Abuse Hor Iloalth Shattered. IlAVBHBtLL, Maw., Oct. 8. The people of this oly Are agitated over the cruelty said to have been infllctel on Sirs. Eu nice B. Stevens In the Danvers Insane Asylum, a State institution. Mrs. Stevens says she went to tho asy lum suffering with nervous prostration anil with the distinct understanding that she was to be placed In a quarter of tho institution remote from the insane pa tients. Khn Knvn that she was strlnned of hoi own clothing almost as soon as she en- tored. and was given State dress and sent to a cell five bv nine In slso. whora h wh, frlvnn n. nlntn of beans for sun. 1 per, which she ate with her- ungors, not -f . . . -. being allowed a Knife or fork. She remained in that word for three days and was then removed to another, a raving maniac ward, where thero were thirty-seven lunatics, bho says: "Tho treatment was inhuman, tor a sheet a rubber blanket, three-nuartora of an inch thick, was provided. The food was tho cheapest and coarsest tho mar ket afforded, and the abuse was awful. One day In tho midst of my sickness, In spite of my condition, I was plunged Into a bath ana kopt thero longer than usuni, and scrubbed so that when I was finally thrown back upon my bed, I was too weak to.movo. 1 have novor been a well w oman since. "My shoulder to-day U out of Joint, i pulled out by Mrs. Goodspecd, tho at- la nn,nA tr,l,.imnn front. mailt. I was struck, kicked and knocked V , , , , ,1 1 down by htir, when sho wailn tho slight- ( h"."" ... made by Mrs. Stovcns, whose roloase was secured a tow days ago by a Lawrence, lady. An Investigation 18 demanded. UE KN1SW NAPOtltON. I Septuaffonarlans Dear the Dody of Cen tenarlan nrundenateln to the Grave. New Yomt, Oct. 8. At the funeral of l Ilsaal Urandonstein, four pall bearers, I each over 70 years of age, carried tho ' coffin containing tho body of a man more than old enough to bo tho father of them I all. Mr. Urandcnstolu was 101 years of ago. The old men who bore the casket wore strong and well and their countenances bore llttlo evldenco of the ravages of time. Thoir friends, indood, would not be surprised if they, too, should attain : the agvanood ago of their departed Mend. There were some other features pocu ;i i m fw rout of tho I liar to the faith of the doad I rendered the obsequies rathe: ordinary. Mr. Drandenstem was born November 0, 1700, in QroTjonstcin, Hosse-Cassel, Germany, 100 years, 10 months and a I I day prior to tho time of hU doath. Ho I had many times given an Interesting do I scrlptlon of Napoleon Bonaparte, whom I he saw on his return from tho disastrous Invasion of Russia. His wife died seven years ago In her UOth year. Ho married her In Germany. '1 ho centenarian came to this countrv 60 years ago. In 25 years ho had accu mulated a fortune In tho dry goods busi ness. Tho old man nover used a enne or re- I quired assistanco In going up or down stairs, until no was stricken with sick ness, two weeks ago, he was as hale and hearty as tho men who boro him to his grave. Mr. Brandenstoiu was n llvlncr contra diction to tho bolidf that smoking and longovity are incompatible. Rarely was he seen without a cigar In his mouth. Ten a day was his average, and occasion- ny ne usea a pipe, lie was an ofttbusl tlo card player and a devout Hebrew. In disposition he wus always kind and cheerful. Doesn't Think Muah of Now Hampshire Hanover, N. II.. Oct 8. The authori ties being satisfied that tha woman ar rested the other day at tho Whden resi dence was Dr. Mary Walker beyond a doubt, ordored her roleaso. She ox pressed contempt for New Hampshire, Its people and its laws, but declared Bho was roady to leave tho Stato. She was escorted to the depot by the sherltf and took io evening train for Boston. Hunt 111 Own Itecord, London, Oct. 3. Q. P. Mills, tha En glish champion bicyclist, who holds the English record from Land's End to John O'Oroats, has now beaten his record, Mills has just ridden on a pneumatic safety hlcyole from Land's End to John D'Groats in four days, four hours and fifteen minutes, beating his previous record by twenty-one hours. NEW YOUK NEWS IN URIEF. Ex-President Cleveland and Gov. Hill will both speak at the Flower demon stration In New York city tho 27th inst, Henry F. Hardy, tho bank sneak and robber, who escaped from Clinton prison Thursday, has not yet boon recaptured. It Is announced that Assemblyman Frank P. Demarest, of Nynck, is not now in tho race for renomlnatlon to the As sembly. At the Hocklutid County Prohibition Convention, at Haverstraw, Duane F. Knapp, of Thlells, was nominated for Assembly. Horace L. Green, editor of the Fort Plain "Register," is dead, aged 53 years, lie was a well known Republican and a prominent man, Judge Maurice L. Wright, of Mexico has been nominated by the Republicans f the Fifth Judicial District as a Jus tice of tho Supremo Court. At the session of the Geneseo confer mce at Danville, a vote was taken on the admission of women as delegates to highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE MA SKUA I.I. RCOKKS. I Chicago Defeatad by Cincinnati mid Hot ten Wlna Another (mme. AT KBW YORK. New Tort. 0 0 0 0 OO0O b-fl Urooklyn 4 01001!IOx-8 Ikitterles-Couffhllu and Uurrell; Jnkt and Daly. AT l'llILADBLrHIA. Philadelphia 1 10 10 0 0 Boston 0 1 0 1 1 0 a Ilutterloa01oaon and Clements, and Honuett. AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 0-8 0 X- 5 Nichols 3 0 S- 0 0 0 0-1 King and ritteburif 0 0 0 0 1 0 Uattorles-Gruber and Doylo; Miller. at cihcauo. chlcauo. 2 o 3 3 -18 - 17 Clnoinrmtl 4 3 18 0 Butteries-Vickery, Luby and Sohrlvori Crime mid Ilnrrl itfton. iintin nnn i nfti . trrn canon, uaruuoss, National Lenizua Ilooord. Par Clubs. Won. Out. Ct Uoston b7 AO ,035 Chicago... 82 52 .012 NewYork.70 01 .5J1 l'nua'nhln.07 00 .403 Cludi. ipi. LniL crt Clevcland.01 74 .404 llrooklyu.ui 7o Plttuburn.53 70 ClD0lu'atl.6o 81 .440 .410 ,404 Alncrleun Assoolntlou Gamos. AT BALTIMOnn. Baltimore. 0 0 4 8 1 0 8 0 e Athlotlci 0 0000110 -8 llattcrles-Hoaly and Koblnson; YVoyhlng and MUllgau. Called, darkness. AT BT. Louia. 0 3 11 Bt. Louis 2 0 I Q 0 B-1B 5 3 1-8 Fitzgerald wu'jv-iiic ) 0 0 0 Munyan; cUhoniSseJ: AT MINNEAPOLIS. UI8 LOIUmUUlMMM.tl.U U U W V V V V V V nattcrios Killoti aoa Vaushnt Eastou and Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dowao. AT BOSTOS. Hoeton ...0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 WMhlnstou 8 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 Uattcrles-O'Brlonand Mutphyj Foreman and Murray. Amorloan Acaoclatlou Rooord Per nuta. IVin. rvuL (? fTU&t. n trtin. Loit. 0' n.mn ni 41 .080 MtlwnuV'o.U;) 7 .407 Et. Louis. .84 61 ,0i:9 Columbus,. 81 T6 Baltimore uu u-J .our ijou'viua... o Atulotio..71 03 JbU3 Waih'toa.,43 63 THREW Till! APPl-KS AWAY. Two Prohibition Fanatics Destroy the Crop of a Z.urs Orohnrd. Chester, Conn., Oct. 0. Preacher Hall and his two sons aided Deacon Hung- orford and his hired man to destroy the blgnest and finest crop of apples ever grown in Deaoon Hungorford'e orchard. Proacher Hall, his sons, arfl tho dea con aro ardont temperance men, and when tho Lord blessed tho latter wish mora npplos than ho could eat ho was In snrn straits. He did not want to turn ' '"em into cider, for that was tho bano of , the farmer's life, especially of tor it had Ho consulted with his pastor, and sug- ; gested giving tho fruit away, but jrreacner xiau aisciaimeu agninn. iuhl, lest some one else mlaht make cider of them. It was finally decidod to throw away the whole crop, so tho four men, with the help of tha hired man, who silenttv nrotosted aaalnst tho work. stripped the orchard and dumped every apple into the village mill pond. The wator was covortsl with them and when the miller opened the gato to his wator wheel, tho next day, tho apples filled tho ftumo, rattled into the wheel pit, and wcro ground up, making tho water foamy with indignation at this waste of excellent fruit. NEWS Off TUB DAV. Tho new Venezuela bill of rights bollshos the aoath penalty. Director-General Davis, of the World's c air, is informed by the fatiite Depart I ment that Bolivia and Uruguay have i fotmally aoceptod tho invitation to taka part In the exposition. The revenue cutter, Busk, has arrived at San Franclsoo from Behung Sea one brought down the olcurath party, wno nave been f two years In up' per Alaska, about Fort Yukon, survey' mg nie united states boundary line. Weather Indications. Washinoton, Oct, 3...Kor Eastorn Now Vork, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jcrooy, Maryland and Dolawaioc Fair till Sunday olgbt: warmorg southerly winds. Por Western Now York and Wostorn Ponn- lylvnaiai Qonorully ruin stttlonarr tern, pcraturo, oxoopt watmor In Now York: south' erly winds. For New England: Fair till Sunday uljhti warmer; southorly winds. NEW YOItK MAHKET8. New Tonic. Oct 8. Money on call loaned easy si s ana u per coat. BONDS. Closlnz Closing YatterJnjr. liar lirw lu-aay, 110M i i8of Or Coup....... 117 STUUK MAUKRT. OtMlnsr Vestertfay. Canadian l'aclftc aw Central I'lioiflo,.,..,. 34 Closing xo-u.iy, HS 35 Chioniro. nui'. SOutner Delawiira & HuJ,on 13 MO 14 lit oa is Hi HO 101 Del., Lac. Wwurn I4ti Erie vai Eriopiet Qi Lalio tnure.. , ,li Louli. & Nasb 70 tllchluan Central 101 Missouri Pilullla 00 74 New Jersoy Central 1171a Northwestern 11 Oroxon Navigation , 70 Pacltlo Mall SUM Heading 4 11 Hook Island S'iM St. Paul 7 Union Paolllc , 4 OK Wosteru Uuiou Mt OKAI.V MAHlfRT. iiu 70 3au 74 V Wboat opo. od at un odvunce firm. No. li rod lOlJtl Oct. lu. and N'jv el"ifl ileo. l i Ooru cinnnd strong and closed at an ad ance. NO. n mixed, o'jau i. Ui t. Koo. Olds firm. Dee. 35, No. 8 mixed, 33H: .ct. 33fi rnoDUon. BtrrrxR Creamery. State & Penn., extras. 94 o.a84Ma, U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. timing ft fyffc Vft Wtvniay boast about our rellned civilization ; but when a man doesu't turn to look at a (log llirut, it Is safe to lift that he is either blind or deaf. Many a Mother Becomes a Bunoh of Nerves In worrying along without sleep, attending to a colicky baby. Send to J. M. Milan or O. J. MoCartby, the drugNls, for a freo sample vial of Dr. Hand's C die Cure. It always cures. Flue qui noes in the market. A Husband's Miatako. llmbands too often permit wives, and par enU their children, to sutler from headache, alzalitess, xieuralgla, sleeplessness, fits, ner vousness when by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine such serious remits eould easily be prevented Drusgivts every Mliere say It gives universal satisfaction, and has at Immense sale. Woodworth (Jo., ot Fort Wayne, Iud.; Hnow & t'o., of Syracuse, N. Y.j J. l Woir, Hillsdale, Mich.; and linn, dedsot others say "It 1b the groat est seller they ever kuew." It contains no oplalts. Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous Discuses, free at O. II. llHgcnbuch's. The dairymen do the bust business in mis section. Miles' Nerve Bna Livor Pllla Act on a new principle regulating tho liver, stomach and bowois throiwh the nerves. A new aiscovery. iir. lilies i-uih hpwuuy cute blllousneax, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, onnatlnatinu. IJneaualed lor men. women. children. Smallest, mlldest.Rurest! Sldones, iicts. Samples Free, at O. II. llageubuch's drug store. Autumn ia coming for Biiro now. Tho Secret of Succoss. C. II. Hngenbucb. tho druKKlst.bolleves that the secret of success Is perseverance. There fore he persists in keeping the fiutstllueof perfumeries, toilet articles, cosmetics, drugs aud chemicals on the market. He especially Invito all persons who have palpitation, short breath, weak or hungry rpells, pain In side nr shoulder. nrtnrcslon. nbrhtmare. dtv ccugb, smot herliitT, dropsy or heart dlKease in irv i,r. .lines uuenunieu new neurit uurt.. belore It Is too late. It has trio largest sale ot nnv similar rempdv. Fine book oftestlmo nbilsfree. Dr. Miles' liestoratlve Nervine Is uusurpasHed for sleeplessness, heaaacue, uu. etc., and 11 contains no opiates. Looks if wo might have a storm soon. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal pef baps of the sure approach of that more ter rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves If yon can aOord for the sake of saving 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We knowfrotn experience that Shlloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whopplne Cough at once. Mothers do not bo without it. For Lame. Back, Hldo or Chest, use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by O. H. llageubuch, N. E. corner Main and Lloyd streets. A temperance backing water. lecturer Is always Happy Hoosiors. Wm. Tlmmoiis, Postmaster of Idavllle, I a., writes : "Electric Bitters has donenioro for mo than all other medicines comblbcd, forthatbnd feeling arising from Kidney and Diver trouble." John Lesllt, farmer and stocsman, of same place, nays: "Find Elec tric Bitters to be the nest Kidney and Diver medicine, made me feel like a now man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Klectrlo Bitters Is Jnst the thing for a man who Is nil run down and don't care whether he lives nr dies; he found uew strength, good appetite and felt Just like he had a new leso tin lire, only 00c. a bottle ut C. II, llageubuch's Drug more. Another month and then you will commence to shiver. Moxioan National Engineers Speak We, the undersigned, engineers of the Mai loan National Hallway, and members ol the lirolheriiood of Dooomotlvo Knglueeis of Mexico, certify that wo have used the Cactus Blood Cure forbloot diseases, and we cau truthfully say that, with ourselves, as well as with our acquaintances, the remedy has ef fected a perfect euro when other medicines have failed. Ple6e use this certificate for the benefit of our brother ouglucers and tiio general public. W. M. DAVIS, J, O. OABKEY, J A M EH T 1 1 0 M P80 N, Members of the Brotborbood of Locomptlvo Engineers, Acambaro, Mexico. Sold at Klrlln's Drug HUro,Ferguou House Block, Shcnandoan. Soon time to got the heater in place for its winter's work. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. This Is beyond question the most sno eesfclul Cough Medicine wo havo ever sold, a few doses Invariably cure the worst eases ol Cough, Croup, aud Bronchitis, while its won derful success In tbe cure of Consumption Is without a parallel In tho history of medicine. 41nce it's llrst discovery it has been sold on a t uarantee. a test which no other merilcinA can stand. Ir you have a Cough wo earnestly ask you to try It. Prloe 10 cents, 60 cents, and 11.00. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Back lame, use nnuon s J'orous Piaster. Bold bv 0. H. Hngenbuch, K. comer Main and Lloyd streets. An expert fays a kitchen ran go wants cleaning every bIx mouths. Tho leaves nro coloring und begin nng to drop quite freely. HOW IS YOUR CHILD? Swift's Specific is ttoo great developer, of delicate child ren. It regulates the eocro tio'ns; it stimulates the skirt to healthy action, and assists nature in development. There is no tonic for child- ron equal to 3. Eend for our treatise on Blood assl ekdu PUeaaes. SAM AHDEVA AGAIN Thoir Story of Advonturo May bo Truo After All. WITNESSES TO THE STARTINQ. Two Btputable People Saw Tlwm Eater the Ooean at Ooney Itknd. Watched Them Out Until Only Their Heads Were Visible) They 1)1(1 Not Know hm mid Kv, but Ileecrlbe Them Per fectly When They Kead of the Reported Drowning, They Wore Ot-leved, for They Might Hnvo Hendered Am Ut neeThe Mil'MulonsTnle Gaining Credence. Droohlyh, N. Y., Oot. 8. The wlt peasee In defense of the remarkable story told by Samuel W. Thornton and Miss pva Jewell of this oity, of their having (e'en cniried out to sea from Coney Is land ou a log, and picked up by a Span ish bark and all the othor romantic and plcturesquo incidents previous to their arrival In Jacksonville, Fla., tho story of which has beon told in theee dispatches md which has created so much talk, are being diligently searched for by the committee from Mount Ollvot Baptist Church, who were appointed at the re cent mooting at which a mud conmience wus expressed in the ndventurous yarn. Two wisueises to the remarkable tale hnvo turned up in the porsons of John L. Burst aud his wife, of llalsey street, tills City. Thev wero at Coney Island in tho afternoon when the pair disappeared. Mr. Burst remarked to his wifo on tho number of logs that were floating In tho ocean near tho plor. As they were look ing out over the water, whioh had risen po that It was surrounding tho booths on the Bhore, they wero surprised to see a man and woman enter the water and ud latico out into the waves along the side of the pier until they wero within n few yards from the spot on wnicn mey stoou. The couple continued lo wane out luwo the ocean until only their heads were visible. Mrs. Burst expressed alarm for their sofoty, but hor husband said that tho man was undoubtedly a flue swim mer, and able to toitocare oi uimsou auu companion. Soon alter Burst and nis wire quiuou tho pier. Tho second morning nftor they road of tho finding ot inorutou s anu Miss Jewell's clothes in the bath houses snd of thoir supposed drowning. They recalled the strange actions of tho couple In tho wator off tho pier and wero qulto convinced that they were tho missing couple. "If wo had only waited, a fow mo moments und given them assistance," was Mrs. Butst's thought when sho read the story of tho missing couple. Mr. and Mrs. Burst fully corroborate the abovo story, and the description they give of tho couplo they saw tallies ex actly with tho appcaranco of Sam and Kva. Not a fow of thoso who wero sceptical of tho story told by Thornton, have bo gun to believe that the adventures as related aro really so. THE DEFALCATION 83,1,000. noutrdale Dank Affairs In Worse Shape thnn Supposed. PittsdUBO, Pa., Oct. 8. Bank Ex aminer Miller has made Information bo- fore Justice of the Poace McCullough, charging President Dill, of the defunct Houtzdnle Bank with falsifying the bank's books by making a falso entry of 10,000on July 14th. Bail will not be fixed until the extent ot tho crookedness Is dlscovciod. It Is Btatcd on Indisput able authority that 3S,000 additional to the $10,000 has been found to bo missing. The batik oxnminer refuses to say any thing about tho latter discovery until ho lias made information. Ho admits, how ever, that tho amount Is $85,000 and said he had as yot only gone over a part of the books. Up to tho present nil but a fow hot headed depositors havo believed Dill not guilty of premeditated hlshonesty. Boforo Dill ontered financial circles ho was a Methodist minister nnd has al ways boot; held In high standing. He claims ho knew nothing about the books being falsified and says he fcols sure tha mattor will bo righted in court. Ou account of tho bank being a Na tional one, depositors will undoubtedly la paid in full. Tho stockholders will su tho only losers, but thoir ruin will probably drive others to tho wall. Missing James Gux Sued. May's Landing, N. J., Oct. 3. All ifforts to find James Cox, tho export ac countant ot South Brooklyn who disap peared several months ago, have failed. Cox owns a farm at Richland, near here, worth ?15,000. George Cromor, an em ploye, has Bued Cox for $800 wages, nnd Miss Catharine Casserly, housekeeper for thirteen years for Cox and his family sues for $3G0, money loaned to Cox. It Is believed the missing man has gone away to avoid financial entanglements and family troubles. Eulllviui'a Compuuy Stranded. San FnANCisco, Oct, 8. Tho steam ship Monowal, from Sydney, brings Aus tralian papers which concur In stntlng that John L. Sulllqan's theatrical tour of the colonies has been a failure. Be fore the Monowal left Sydney it was understood that the oompany was to take return passage on that vessel to America, but later it was learned that the actors ere stranded nnd wore awaiting remit tances from America. Deuth Sentence Commuted. Aldanv, N. Y,, Oct. 8. Gov. Hill has commuted the sentence of Samuel E. Wayman to Imprisonment for life. Wayman was convicted in Livingston County In September last of having murderod Emory Thayer, in tho town of Avon, in October 1U86. He was to havo beon executed by hanging at Oenoseo, bext Tuesday. Dlarenpectful to Victor Emmanuel. Rome, Oct..8. There is excitement In Rome owing to tho fact that a number of Siigrlms visiting the Pautheon showed Urespect to the tomb of Victor Em manuel. Bystanders interfered to puu- isn mo insuiturs, anu a irucus begun. The pnllc arrosted tbreo of the offend ing pilgrims. Wou't Honor the noiiitleltton. anmapolm, Mfl , uct. a. Ui vraor Jackson has declined to grant th' ro oms tlou asked by the trover or ot Pennsylvania, in tbe case of Albert A. uarsnai, inuicteu in renusyivanla for Ladies Think then Act. That Wolff'sAGMEBiacking IS CHEAPER than any other dressing at any price, be it 5 cents, 10 cents, or 25 cents, you can convince yourself by wearing one shoe dressed with Acme Blacking and the other shoe dressed with whatever happens to be your favorite dressing. While Acme LlacV. ing will tnJurt a month through sn - or rain, and can, if the shoe is soili bewathed clean, the other dressings ill not tut a single day in wet wcatlu 1 Your shoes will look better, la t longer and be more comfortaMe if dressed with Wolff's Acme Blacking. WOLFF it RANDOLPH, Philadelphia, CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO Unilli, Causes no eruptions upon the skin such as nearly all sarsaparilla mixtures do; but drives tho impurities from tho blood through the proper channels, tones up the system, increases appetite, and rapidly cures dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and all diseases depending upon an impure condition of tho blood. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa. AU my ngrntN for W. 1,. Do If not for nnlo In your nlu denier to neud for cntulngilc Douglns Shoes. ace nHK your c. e-ccuru tue ugcucy. mill act them lor you. Sir TAKE NO 8UIIST1TUTE. -ffl FOR rSWLU, CENTLt cm EN THE DEST SHOE ID THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY f u is ft scamu'ss enoo, wiiii no tacKBor wax tarcaa to hurt tho foe t; mmk of the Iwit lino calf, BtjlUti and eay, nnd because ur maX' inun- hoca of tht jrade than anu othi r manvfacttntr, Itt quaU baud gmved fihnes coatlun from 84 uU to 85.U0. CJC uiMet'miiiHt nnmi-sruiMi, mo nncKtcair. 9si nhuo ever otTtred for $fS,U); equal kreneb Imported bhocs which cost from 83.i)ntoi-' 'X1. GJ. 00 llund-Seuei! Well Ihm, Una calf. iU'vi fati llh. eomfurtublo aud durable. 'I ho Id -tc shoo ever offered tit this price : untiio grades as cu luuwiiitue buuv cos it uk iroin ui &v i-jl CCO HO Poller Nlmrt Farmers, ltailmmt 3Icti aud letter t'tiu-li.ra nil wear thcut; Hnet alf, f'jnml'8s, Bino.ith IuhI'Io. Iwavy three sulcs, cxteu 6lo ediio. One polr will woar ayoar. S&Q oii line cull no ttur shoo ev( rciiorra as ca thU iirlee; oue trial will eou-ilnu tni a who want a nlme for comfort nnd servtco. CJIO ,uul S'-'OO WoiltliiaiHiui'M slws jpsi aro ry fitrong nnd durable. 'Ill t who Une given them n trial will wear no olhermnke. IaUc! pa.tlU aim bcunoi Bii'M oro iu.fS worn lvthe UoyHmerywhiT.- thtycoll on their merits, n the I nor aln naleH hli.nv. ml U ICS Domrola. verv ht llah: enuula Freucli Imported shoes etwttuH from 64,i) to 8fl.Mi. l'udle S-'J.OO and fl.75 shoo for Ml8ea nro the best flue Uoiitfolu. KtylUh and durable. Camion. See that W. L. DouBlas' nanio and price nro stomped on tho iHittom of each shi io. )la.oxxci33.ca.o.3a. "ex- DR. THEEL, coo North Fourth ta..- OOO boi urn, Vmiidh i' iiiv niulne (-iirtntQ Al cUltst In tbet'nlutl tSttci vL is u flurt BlOOd Polenn, Nervous Debility r J Spw clnl Dfsenaen bo HinDUofciic K.-dUoUPalQ li m bouut.soreThroatAMcutn Clabihos, Piroi'loi, krurtloDfl, Ij tixnl I'lofri. Swelling Uti 'l - loHunmatloni ml Kui nit k Blrloturet. WMkiiMi hl l' ' 4y, loit memory, wk huet mcnUl aniUtr R1ln t ltltfl-lr Diiewi ftna all Piiss woltlOK fr-'tn Y f loillM.tiun or Overwork. B-ul eMMcurttl Io4IiIj u -rtlUf t cdo p not low hope, no mnwt ht i' ' HslDg Dootor Qafcck, fmttj or Htij.''1 Phyld Iim ti " Dr. THKKL MfM positively nrt ).'MoU i 1 tMlawi oid, tocm. HinpLi $mm add tnoi cntrmpu Hiuiiat, rtoh or poor, scft-l tW bqnlt "TRUTH" iimlo Qawki uail.r orn titlnil - H.-Vsl; ' JJlW from 9 W . 0 W W.-I HM Sv'is t to 10. ffuniliv S Uli 11 "Writ r U t4 no m -1 for hofcrtnow $v Wwln. M Star4; rbU. aliy Tim GOLD M5DAL, I'AHIS, 1373. W. Baker & Go.'s rsekfast oooa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely J?urc anil It ia Soluble. No Chemicals nro used in its projiaratlon. It luw more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, nnd is tlioroforo far moro economical, costing Jess than one cant a enp. It is delicious, nourishing, Btrcugthrnlnr1 fasidy DiairsTED, find admirably adapted for invalids" ns wi U as for persons in health. Sold by Qrocors ovorywhoro. WHY IS THE W L. DOUGLAS