The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 30, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
II. a liormt, Hdltor and rubltuhrr.
U'jr. ,T. V'ArKtXX, luteal JSdlltnr.
lVXIXa HERALD has a larger cir
culation in Shenandonh than any other paper
published, Jtonkt open to all.
daily, per year, - W 00 I
WBBKI.Y. per year - 1 80
Bnlered at the Postofflee, At Shenandoah, Pa.
for transmission through the malls
as seormd etaw mat) matter.
A Btrnme Woman Who Wm Ilouml
,Sloi lit Christie Warden's Itoum.
HakovkK, N. II., Bey. 80. A well
dressd woman, with her veil tightly
drawn over her face, called ai Farmer
Warden's houso late Monday night, and
giving her name as Dr. Mary Walker
uuked to be nllowed "to remain all
night and sleep in Christie's room."
The family at first demurred, us they
woro afraid from the gruff voice
that she was a mnu in dlsgulss. They
Jlnally, however, consented, and allowed
her to remain and spend the night on
the sofa.
Mr. Warden and several neighbor
watched her, however, and at i u. m.
the woman, to identify herself, said she
had come to save Christie's murderer,
and further, showed two receipt of
registered letters dated lioston Sent. 18,
bearing the name of Dr. Mary Walker
and some baggage checks from a Boston
Later on the intruder said: "This
Almy they have arrested is not the man
who killod Christie Warden."
A despatch receive! from n dime
jnusuum in lioston, where Dr. Mnry
Wnlker has been lecturing States that
she finished hor employment and loft for
her homo in Oswego, N. Y., Wodueadny
Pleads Nut Guilty.
Woonviu-E, N. II., Sep. DO. Frank 0.
Almy, tho Hanover murderer, was
brought here from Manchester yesterday
In a special car, nnd taken to tho Court
House on a cot, not being nblo to Walk
on account of a broken leg. Tho indict
ment was rend to him by Clerk Qrls
wold, charging him with tho wilful mur
der of Christie C. Warden, on tho night
of July 17. Almy, in a clonr tone, plead
ed "not guilty," and was immediately
removod to tho Manchester Jail.
Forty-sAvon Pirates Killed.
San Fiuncisco, Sop. 30. Chinese ad
vices say that pirates havo burned the
Village of Trunc-Ra on tho Black IMvor.
One hundred pirates attacked tho village
of Liuone. nut were roDalseu. ono vill
ager lwing killed. At Ilnldu, pirates
had two ongap;emont3 with the civil
liuards. In which forty-sovon of them
ware killed and tho remainder driven
hack Into the mountains, whero they are
hemmed in.
Nilvrs or thi: day.
All tho journeymen tailors in Birming
ham, Ala., aro on a Btrlko for higher
Judge J. H. Broady, tho Democratic
nomlneo in Nebraska for Supromo Judge,
bus declined to run.
The tug Dcrtha Kndrers wont down in
a gale on Lake Michigan, yeBterday. The
crew of bIx perished.
Tho Itookford Oatmoal faotory at
llockford, 111., burned yosterdny. Loss,
4,45,000; partly insured.
Hon. Luther M. Qoddard of Leadvlllo,
Col., was nominated for Chief Justice of
Colorado yesterday by tho Democrats.
Tho John Fowler Brewing Company
of Covington, ICy., mado an assignment
yesterday. The assets are $100,OOJ with
liabilities about $75,000.
Tho European envoys to tho Columbian
Exposition ".ero banqueted nt tho Pal
mer House, Chicago, la3t night, previ
ous to their departure for home.
The President has appointed J. R. Bur
ton of Kansas, to be a commissioner of
tho World's Fair for tho Stato of Kan
sas vice Reese R. Price, resigned.
Tho Kontucky Savings Dank of Louis
ville, Ky., has closed Its doors, rue ae-
positors will be paid in full. This la tho
fourth bank fulluro in Louisvillo in six
Henrietta Murroll, colored, who wa
hanged yesterday at Smithvillo, Vo. foi
tho murder of hor 8-year-old child, con
fessed tho orlmc, clniming that sho could
not obtain work und support hei
Leonard D. Vowoll and James Loopor
wore hanged nt aalesburg, Tex., yester
day, for the murder, on Deocmbor 17,
181, of J. A. MnttulM, whom they shot
as he wo riding along a country road
with his son.
Kooh's Dlscovory.
Tho tubercle bacilli was discovered by
1'rof. Koch, to bo constantly present In all
cases of consumption. AVhoro the blood it
impoverished or inipuro, lliero results that
constitutional condition known as scrofula,
which is characterized by tho liability of
certain tiuuos to booomo tho eoatof chronlo
inflammations and oniarcomonts. virchow
says "ttieir vulnerability is oxcoeeivo."
Consequently, oxcitine causos which would
havo only pasiinic effect upon n healthy
subject, would produce inflammation and
nntlnn nml I
disease in the sorofulous.
Those troubles may start as catarrh In
tho nasal passages, throat or lungs, and.'as
tho membranes hocomo woakoned, tho
tubercle bacilli onter, and multiply, and wo
have, as a result, that dread disease Con
sumption. Find a perfect remedy for scrofula, in all
its forms somothlnK that purifies tho
blood, as woll as claims to. That, if it's
takon in time, will euro Consumption. It
has been found in Dr. I'lorco's Golden
Medloal Discovery. As a' stronp;thTO
etoror, blood-cleanser, and limb -builder,
notblnRlike it is known to medical science.
For Scrofula, Bionchlal, Throat and
Luok affection), AVeak Lungs, eovoro
Ooudbi, and kindrod aliments, it's the only
remedy to sure that it can be guaranteed.
It it doesn't boneflt or cure, your money Is
1 -(funded.
Teutonic Queen Until AVn.
Loxno.s, Sep. 80. By passing l'astnet
Light at 11 o'clock yesterday morning
the steamship Teutonlo lient the reoord
from New York to Queenstown. The
voyngo wan mado in 5 days, 21 hours nnd
'i'l minutes to yueenstovm. The record
previously held by the City of New York
and City of Paris were beaten by 1 hour
and !W minutes.
CofrmtiHT ibi w'
All alone,
both in the way it acts, anil in tho
way ila sold, is Dr. 1'iorce a Davor
ite Prescription for women.
It acts in this way :
If you'ro weak or " run-down," it
builds you up ; if you suffer from
any of tho painful disorders and
derangements peculiar to your sex,
u relieves and cures. It improves
ditrostioh. onrichos tho blood, dis
pels aches and pains, brings refresh
ing sleep, and restores ilesh and
strength. For all functional weak
nesses and irregularities, it's a posi
tive remedy. Hence,
It's sold in this way :
It's guaranteed to givo satisfac
tion, in ovary case, or tho money
paid for it is rofunded.
They're tho smallest, tho cheapest,
tho easiest to take.
But all that would bo nothing,
if they weren't also tho best to
Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellets pre
vent and euro Sick Headache, Bil
ious Headache, Constipation, Indi
gestion, Bilious Attacks, and all
derangements of the liver, stomach
and bowels.
Or Ibo Liquor llultll, 1'iMllltely Curcu
vyuumliilMcrlnir Dr. iiuiiicm'
ollrn Niicolflr.
It Is manufactured as a powder, which can beelven
In a glass of beer, n oup of coilee or tea, or In food,
without the knowledge of the patient. It Is absolutely
barmloQS. and will otfeat a permanent and speedy
cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or
an aloohollowrsok. It has been Riven In thousands
of cases, and In every inBtanoo a perfect cure has fol'
lowed. It .ipvcr TnllK. Thesyslem once lmpregna
ed with the becomes an utter ImpoaslbUlty
(or tho liquor appetite to exist.
48 page book of particulars free. To be had o'
C. H..HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
New Saloon and Restaurant I
Newly Paiolcd, Tapered and Renovated.
Tlireo doors above Kendrlck Ilouse,
Mr. Uoskey would Inform his many friends
and tlie public that he will cater to tholr wants
IntnoBamo iirsi-ciuas siyju timi us uuuo
in the pant. Nouo but the best braudi of lor
elitn nnd domestic wines, liquors and cigars
will be kept In stock. Choico teinpeiance
drinks. l'lu old slock ale
ThocatluK bar lsfcupplled with everything
In the oatlnu line ber red In the beslslylo.
Mtals served at all hours. Fine private rooms
Tonsorial Artist !
(TowDscnd's oldstnnd,)
117IN, Main St., SUeunudonli.
I'artles dolrlng a first class slmvo. shamp-.o
ir Hair cut mouiu can ai my now tuop which
uai been reuttoa nna inorou niy rfiiovateu.
Bpeclat attention Is given to ladles' hair
A cordial Invitation Is oxtendoi to my old
natrons nnd tho publlo in general to call ond
B 0 me ai my new quiriers.
. - . T . rn .
L A 4 LU onrf
LLfl I 1 1 Lll UIIU
Denier in all kinds ot
Shoemakers' : Supplies
Largo and first-class stootc.
fij Qeman(s 0f if,e Trade Suppfwa
' '
Ferguson Ileuso building, SHENANDOAH, PA
Newly Rofilted and Renovated,
Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I
Under Tostofflco Building,
Main and Oak
Sts., Slicnaniloak
i-IIot and cold baths,
careful attention.
Follte, prompt and
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where he will bo plcard to meet tho wants
or ins friends nnd the puLlle In
Everything in tho Drinking Line
Lambert, The Hatter
Carries an extraordinary line ot
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods
and makes a specialty ol
Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps
Tho Unanimous Choico of Bay
Stato Democrats..
The State Administration Unqualifiedly
Indorsed in the Platform.
A Number or Itenoinlnntiona Tho I'lut
f.irm Declares lor Tar 1 IT Ileiliictlou and
llevMlon, Protests Arrulmt Froo Ctilimgo
or Silver, nml Denounces tho Dlsregnrtl
of Civil Service l'rlneiiiln.
VoncKBTBn, Mass., Sep. 80. ThoStnte
Democratic Convention ellected a per-
inanent organization yesterday by th
election of Gen. P. A. Collins as president,
with a long list of vice-presidents, which
includod Congressmen O'Nell nnd An
drew, William Gaston, William Endl
oott, George 31. Stearns, James S. Grin
nell, Leopold Morse, Hugh O'Hrieu,
Frederick O. Prince, Charles R. Coduiuu
and Dr. William Everett.
William J. Dalo was eloctod secretary.
On making his appearance, Gen. Col
lins was given a rousing welcome. There
were cheers, yolls nnd hand clappings,
nnd the air waa.f ull of hats, which were
thrown aloft by the dolegntes.
Mr. Collins acknowledged his flatter
ing recoption In a few pleasant words, in
which he announced thnt he had been
? resent nt 25 Democratic State conven
iens and was celebrating his conven
tional silver anniversary at tho prosent
time. Ho then proceeded to deliver his
address, which was much Interrupted by
John F. Russell, of Leicester, mounted
tho platform at 12:20. At tho ond of a
brief speech ho proposed tho renominn
tlon by acclamation of William E. Rus
sell for Governor of tho Commonwealth.
The nomination wns seconded by non.
Edward Q. Donovan, of Bo-iton, and Wm.
Eustus Russell, of Cambridge, was unani
mously mado tho nominee by acclama
tion. Ho was escorted to tho hall by a coni
mltteo and made a ringing address, in
which he counselled meeting tho Repub
lican opposition "with vlgilnnco, perso
veranco and unceasing effort and, calmly,
houostly discussing tho real issues, trust
to tho common sense, the conscience nnd
patriotism of our people to decide aright
between us."
Tho ticket was comploted with John
W. (Jorcoran lor lleutennnt-uovornor,
Elbrldgo G. Cushmnn for Socrotarj of
Btato. Jamos S. Grinnoll for State Troas
uror, W. D. Trefoy for Auditor, and
George M. Stearns for Attorney-General.
Tho platform begins with an unstinted
Indorsement ot uov. itusseire auminis
tration, and recommendations of Stato
reform, nna continues:
"Wo bcllcio la free schools, supplied with
free text books.
"Wo bellovo that overy cltlion should pav his
Just proportion of tho publlo expenses, but we
aonptbollovolf ho falls to do so by accident.
tho ncglcot or othors or trom nis own limDU
ity. ho should bo punished by being deprlvod
of tho most sacred ritiht of citizenship tho
right to voto. we regret that the nomination
of a ltcpubltoun oanilldato for Oovornor, who,
nin legislator, voted UKdlnst tho umoudme nt
renders it necessary that wosaouio. urco ovory
friend of tho umendmont to voto -ves- at ttio
ensuitiu election.
Wo roaulrm our sympathy with all wiso
and constitutional manures in tho interest of
manual lubor, and wo lonow tho declaration
upon this subject In our platform of last yoar.
"1'ho JloKlnloy tariff bill njainst which tho
Democratic party of Massachusetts protested
nt its last convention, was i opuiliatod at tho
oils by onoofthornostoniphatio votos over
cast by n free po nlo. Wo renow our demand
for tho rcnoal of idl its provisions which In-
creiiB rates of duty, an J for the enactment of
aenulno measure or turw retorm.
"Tho Republican party has destroyed tho
Census Ilureau for the sako of f urnlshiner po-
lltleul spoils by noir looting to bring prosecu
tions for tho punlsbmont or violations or me
Civil Borvlto law. by ignoring trio rooom
mendationsof tho Civil Servico Commission
for tho dismissal of offloials who navo openly
rirtlfKl the law.
Wo beliovo in honest money, tno nom ana
silver ooinaijo of the Constitution, and ot i
curroncycouvcrtlble into such ooluaso with
nut. lmsu '
"Wa bellovo that nil dollars oolnel by mo
United States should bo of oqud intrinslo
value, that all paper mo icy Issue 1 D? tuo gov
ernment should bo roJoeinablJ In cither gold
nr allver eolti at tho option of tho holdor, and
not at thedlscretioi ot tno soorotary ot tuo
Tho nlatform concludes with the
declaration of opposition to legislation
tending to debase currency.
J. Slnat Fnssett nnd J. .W. Vroomnn,
tho Ilopubllcan nomlnoos, were, ncoordod
a flue roceotlon in UKdensuurg, is. x.
liuralars broke into tho Norton House
nt PomDton. N. J.. Monday niuht, and
stole $000 in money and sllvorwnro from
tho safe.
Tho ennniner factory of E. J. Morris &
Bona nt Lowes, Del., wns ontlrcly de
stroyed by lire at noon yesterday, Loss,
$7,000; no insurnnce.
Tho mangled body of a woman who had
been well dressed was found on tho
Nickel Plato ltallroad's traoks in Buffalo
vostordav. There is no clue ns to how
the was killed.
Tho horribly mangled body of n man
was found on tho track of tno iacKawn
na Hallroad yesterday at Delawanna, N.
J. Nothing was found in the clothing
to lead to his Identity.
Jorsev City nollco arrested tho ontiro
trouuo of Walter L. Main's droits for
naradlnit in that city without n permit.
The manaser claimed ignorance of tho
ordinance and ull were released.
Thomas P. Curtis, son of Colonel Cur
tls of the Judgo Advocate's Department
of tho Arinv. has been expelled from
West Point Academy for making a false
entry in the hospital register.
Tho Eighth Judliial District Demo
cratic Convention, at Buffalo yesterday,
nominated Myron 11. 1'cck, ot uuiiaio,
nnd W. Caryl Ely. of Niagara Falls, as
candidates for tho Supremo Court Judge
V torn New York Naval Ilesorve.
ItocuMTElt. N. Y.. Bep. 80. The
nucleus of a Western New York naval
reserve battalion was formed hero last
night, 78 meu being mustered into two
batteries by Adjutant-Ueneral rorter.
Tuiio's Condition Alarmlnir,
Pkiilin, Sep. 80. Private telegram
from Home state that the strain ot th
recent publlo functions has seriously In
creased the feebleness ot the Pope, and
his condition causes alarm.
As a
fall Term Beams Mondav. Auaust S1st. 1RQ1.
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrhg, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Opcu Dally From 9 to 3.
Pntcl on Savings nepontto.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgage and Honda written.
Aiarriage licenses ana legal cuuuis
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency.
Oeueral Fire Insnranco Business, Represents
tnejsormwesiern 1.110 insurance uo.
Office Muldoan'ii butldlne. corner Centre
nnd West Bis., Buonandoab; 1'a.
Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale.
:. A two story double frame dwelling; house
HLoroana rcsiaurani. on jasi i.enireoi.
A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
3. Detdrablo property od corner Centre and
uaruin aireeu, suuauiu tur uusiueus pur
4, A two-story double lrnme dwelling, on
West Lloyd street.
5. Two 2-stnry frame dwellings on West Con-
tre street.
R Twn '2 Htnrv dwellltnrfi on the corner ol
uoai ana uncsinui sireeis more roum iu
T Turrt-filnrw alnnrln l,r,na nn Nnrth PhftRt.nnt
street, with a IniKe warehouse at the rear.
k. Three iwo-siory aouoie iramo ouuaings
corner or ijioya nna uuueri sireeis.
Banli Counters, Tylor System, Port
aoio, unequaicci in oiyica,
Cnor nml FlnlRh.
ISO r,n CitMogDt of Cooniert, DebLs etc., lllutratcd la
Colort. Uooki. I'rco ToktairA lSColl
Also Lyicv JiJt"
nnlrn llpkB and Tyue
writer Cabinet, UUO
Htvlpa. Heat nnd cheap
est on earth, with great
reduction in prices.
180 iie ctulwuo Free.
Po.lizn el. Full lUee o
lleblt, Cltftlrt, TftblM, llook
Cimw, Cabloelt, Lefftl Ulank
Ittblncli, le., aiwtjeia eiacu.
Hurrlkl Mork ntada to order.
TVI.tllt UESICCO.,Ht.loul., M.,V.8.A.
Pure Ice Cream
Orders promptly attended to. Particular at-
leutiun nam iu uuns, x jvuivo,
Festivals, etc.
Near Corner ofjLloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash oom
120 S. JardmSt, Shenandoah, Pa.
4 77 OR NEW T-LAW.
Kca BsaOsU's building corntr Mala sad
First National Bank,
cijiiAit Tim ro.iiPM'x'inn.
jiui nTii.iiAriT,
s FodophylHn Pills
lusiness College
Your trade is what wo
Thia is how we propose
to get It.
By selling you a flrst
class article ; by selling you
for less than others; by
selling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or nuything else
lii tho line of household
Wo have n large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Cull, examine and be
South Main St.,
she 3srf.3srx3 o-AJEa:.
LeMgli Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1891.-
Passonner trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mancn cnunB. iienienton. Hiatincion. uata
sauqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston, Phil
adelphia nnd Mew York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
12.5'J. 3.10. 5.2U n. m.
Far Ilelvldere. Delaware Water Qan and
tsirouasDorg ai. o.i , a. in., ana o.o p. m.
Knr White Haven. WilSfa-Barre and l'ltts.
tnn B.47. am. a.jn.. 3.10 and 55(1 n. m.
1' or xunsnannocK, 1u.11 a. m., s.iv ana
For Anbnrn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lyons
iu.41 a. m.f ana o.) p. m.
Knr Lnrjivr e. Tavntida. Havre, waveriv.
Elmlm. llnnhesler. llulfalo. Mlaeara Falls.
Chicago and all polnU West at 10.11 a. m.,and
fi 9ft rt m.
For Flmlra and the West vlaSalaraanea at
3.10 p. m.
Knr Amienrien. uaEieton. Hiocition. i.nm
hAr Yrrl Wpaiherlv nnd Venn Haven Juno
tlon at 5.17,7.40, ,0S a. m. and 12.G2, 3.10 and
xn p.m.
For Jeanesvllle. Levlston and Boavei
Munrirtn. 7.40. nnd 5.2s u. m.
For ricranion m. o.s i v.w, xu.n u. xu. o,iu auu
op. m.
t'nr HnslnHronk. Jeddn. Urifton and Free
land nt 6.47. 7.40, 11.08, 10.41 a. m., 11162 3.10 and
6.20 p. m.
jr or tiun&ujiu ui. uuu v.vo . u,., mmu
3.10 p. in.
r or jgKUUH, uiiucrkoii uuu f.ttuvui. ...
o.5U ann a. m ana s.iu p. m.
5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.2a, 8,03,
v.iiseuiv.2j I'tWi
H'nr irfRi. i:reA7. .-eirnraviue anu abiuuuui
J.W. 7.40. 8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.S5,
8.10 and .u p. m. . .
Wnr iinri:wflipr. HI. nialr and Pottsviue,
7.40, 0.08, 10.68 a. m., VUil, 3.10, 4.10, 6.28 and 8.03
P"!- .
Morea. 7.40. 8.08. 10.53 a. m., 12.62, 8.10, 6.28 and
'For'ltavenltun,Centralla,Mt. Carmet and
unamoam, s.oz, anu u. ui., .sv, ...v
Trains leave Hbamobln for Shenandoah,
7.66 11.M n. m., 2.10, 4.S0 and 90 p. m., arrlvlnB
at Shenandoah. 11.05 a. ra.. 12.62. 3.10. 6.28 and
ll. id p. m,
...... IN . -.r ...11 . TUD
For Lost Creek. Olrardvllle and Ashland,
8.60,9.10 11.35 a.m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darlcwater. Bt. Olalr and PottsvlUe,
5.60, 8.00, 90 a. m.,2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Jlahanoy City nnd Delano,
B.tH, 11.3.1 n. m.,i.4u,i.iu, o.usp. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Haileton, 8.00
a1 m i:iu p. m:
Oatasanqnn, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastor,
ana Mew 1 orn, .uu a. m., p. in.
.nr pni an. niiTn. i.Tiin.,,1.
Oen'l P83S. Agt., liethlehem.
John R. Coye,
T?o4-rtf-a A rrnnf
Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA,
fA lan and one-half story double frame
dwelling bouse, with store-room and res
taurant. Located on East Centre street.
V A valuable property located on Bouth Jar-
Qin Bireet.
S Seven dwelling houses at the corner of Gil
bert and Lloyd streets. QoodlnTestment.
Terms reasonable.
Finest brands of cigars always on hand.
xne Deot temperance urinits.
P .Wi d Bro,
I'hiladolphia and Beading Eailroad
Time Table in efleet July 10, 1801
Fof NflW Yfif-JT Vim. Phllarlaltihia woAVr1.iw
I 2. 0 5,35, 7 'JO q. m. ond 12 itt 'l.m nnd KM
C- n. Sunday 2.10 ana 7.43 a. m. For Wfi
Cork. Via, M All oh flhnnk urteV rlavi
T a v e.. tin"-. J '
TS' I itoi mm .i.ou u, in.
WOT RsAfllnir a,tl lli 11.. .!nf,,v, I 4nv.
2.10, hS6, 7.S0, a. m., 12.8 a.B() and 5.88 p!m!
' l l"ana , a. m., 4.S0 p. m.
rw jiarrisburg, week; days,,7.IW a. m,i
.to, dm p. m.
P Aiwaiown, week days, 7.20 t. m., 12.M
ilul 2.60 andS.bsn. m. Mnmlov inoUii
..m , 4.30 p.m.
For 'laniuoua and Mahannv nitw. wmi:
TiH' S'1' a ,m-' 12 s 2.W and 6.M
' bii Unndav. 2.10 and 719 .. m ,.
Additional .or Mahanoy (Jlty. week (iv '7.00
p.m. '
or Lianoaster and Columbia, week days.
ja. m., 2.00 p. m.
For Wllllaminnrt.. Snnhnrvnnrt Tnrtal.i.v..
eet days. 3.2i, 7.26 and u.3) a. m., 1,05, 7.00
,-u. mujauuy
1 n.
W)r AflhlAnd nnd Khumnklti. sroaV rtnvf.
.2, 5.2S, 7.30, H.3J a. m i.a5, 7.00 and .ai
m. ounaav s.zj, 8 Si a. m 3.00 p. in,
umvu imnr turn viu x'unaaeipnia, wees.
iys.7.ij a. m.. 4.00. 7.:w n. m..
iKhU Bunday.B.OOn.m.. 12.15 nlent.
Iioavo New Yors: via Maneh ChunS, week
, , o.iu u. in., i.w huu .uj p. m.
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p.m.. from Broad
"id Oallowhill and 8Ai a. m. and 11.80 p. m.
from 9th and tlrasn Bireets. Hiinmv n.n! n.
m. 11.30 p. m, from Bin and Urwn.
iieave Hedlnsr, weefc days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.05
ad 11.50 a. m., 6.55, 77 p, in. faunday 1.85 ana
1.13 A, 111.
Leave Pol.lsvlllo. weak rtnva. n. m..
i..Vi. all n. m. Hnmlav. 2.40. 7.00 n. m. onrt
1.U5 . m.
iaveTamsqna, woetr. days, 8.20, 8.48 nnd
2 1 H. in.. 1.21. 7.13. and D.1B l). m. Uandnv 3.20
7 43 .la, aid 2.50 p. m.
Leave MUhanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
ild 11.47 a. m.. 1.51. 7.42 and 0.41 d. m. Hun,
lay, 3.40,8.17 a. m 3.21 p. m.
jjuave iUHuuuoy xiaue, weea oays, z4j,i.i.(f
;J0, 9.35, 11.59 a. m.,1.05, 5'20, 8U8.7.57, and
toon. m. Hundav 2.4J. 4.00. and 8.27. a. m.
3 37,5.01, p.m.
Liave uiraruviue (itappanannoca: niauoni
feek days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.3(1, and 9.11 a. m., 12.03,
o.Yo, o.m, o.wj ana iu.uu p. m. oanaay,,f,
0;, 8.33 a. m. 8.41, 6.07 p. m.
Leave WlUiamsnort. week davs. .1.00.9. 15 and
11.53 a. m. 85 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11,15
For Baltimore, Washington ana the west
'la B. & O. It. It., throueh trains leave Qlrard
it 4.18, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.84, 4.24, 6.55 aui
r.23 p. m. Bunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4.24
i.bonuu7.x)p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut BtreetWhMt.
aia Houth rilreet Wharf. 'J
Hor AtlHiitle Cltv.
Woek-dnvs Eioress. 8 00. 9:00 a. miiil
3.00, .oo, 5.00 r.. m. Accommodation, HWJ
m. and 4.15, 0.30 o. m. "
ouaaays. eixpress, s.w, v.uu a. ra. Ac
commtuatlou, B.OO a. lu.nud 1.45 p.m.
Il,hirnln.. Iaova Allantln flllir (Iatwi,
Ulantloand Arkansas avenues. Wonk-daTs
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3,15, 4.00, 5.30
p. m, Accommodation 0.00, &10 a. m. and
4.30 p. m. Unndays-ISxpress, 4.00, 6.00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 6.06 p. m.
D. o. uahcook, Oen'lPass'r Aet.
. A. M0LF.O11. Pres. A Oan'l Managpr.
BOHnYnsini. division,
and after September 1, 1801, (ralnt tcltl leat
ancnanaoan as ouows:
IT .. Vir,Hn.i 1 r . ...... I Tah.
Cattle, tit. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 0J3
t in unu p m.
unnaays, sou, u.iu n in ana 3.1 o p m.
For PotUvllle, 6.00, a m nnd 4.15 p m.
Bundays. 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 n ra,
For Heading, 6.00, a m and 4.15 pa.
Banaays. out), 9.40 a. m. and 8.10 pm.
For Pottstown. Phoenixvillo. Worrifltown
nd Philailflohla (llrnnil street statloni. COO.
a. m. and 4.15 p m week days
Hunaays, &w, v.w a in s.iu p mi
Trains leave FraekvlUe lor Mhenundnah nl
10.40 am and 12.11, 7.M, 10,09 p in. Bunnoye,
11.18 a m and 6.40 p m.
Leave roitsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.16 anc
.Hi. a m 7.15, 9.42 p m, Bunday:, 10.40 a m
Lis p m.
l.Have Phlladelnhla (Broad street statloni.
ror PottnvilleaudHhesandosh. 6.57. 8 Sin n.
4.10 and 7.00 p m week days, Bunday 6.60, and
9.23 am
Forxsew loric, .ai, s.uo, t.m, u.uo, .du, 7.KI
ii.208.3u, ).C0, 11.00and 11.14, 11.55 am. 2.0Jnoon
(Umlted exnr933 j.oa 4,50 p m.) 12.2112.41,1.40,
ISO, 120, 4.02 5,8,6.2), 6.60 7.13 8.12 and lO.OJ-p,
m, 12.01 night. .
1 m nnaays, a.'iu, s.un, 4su,, p.ii
11.35 ra. ana 12.21, 111.41, 2.30, 4.0:,
i.ti. 8.21, R 2). B.w , s.rj n m and t2.0rgUi
For Boa Girt. Lone B ranch and Intermediate
stations 6.60, S.'Jo and 11.30 a. m., 3.30, 4.00 p. in,
For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50. 7.2
0.10 and 11.18 a. m., i 41, 0.57, 7.10 p.m. and 12.01
night daily and 8 31, 10.20 a. 111., 12 35 (limited
express with dining car to Baltimore) 1.30, 8.
p. in. fo. k days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4. if
weuKuays, o.uo, llj p. iu. uuuy.
for lucutuoiia, 7 -u a, 111. ana iz.uj nig
dally. 1.80 p, m. daily, except Bunday.
rruinflieaviiarribuart; jur i-iiisuun; ant
Ue west evory day at I2.'ii and 3.10 a m am
1.0. (limited) ana 8.40. 8 so. 9.35 u m. way rc
liioona. 10 am ana s.iu p m overy any.
For PitUDurg oniy, n.aj a m aauy ana 10,
iu wees: nays.
Leave Bnnbury for Wllllsmsport, Klmi:
nnanuaicua. uoeuesier. j.innnioana jiaet
alls, 6.10 am dally, and 1.42 nm weok da:
for 7fttSlns. 6.30 x m week davs.
For Mia ruu iiiLermeujaLe uuinui. d.iu u 2
.. r ..... .
lally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.66 a I
lallv. 1.42 nnd 6.30 p. m. week davs. a
Kenova 6.10 a m 1.42 and 6,30 p m week dj
UOa. mBnndayr,
un. Mnn'v
-in. fflsM,
lime luut, i, rncv ju,.v,,w.
Trains leave Readme (P. & It. slallon)
uinraitar, eeyien, iiirasuoro, Joanna, opi
Held, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle,!
unesier.unaasioru j uucuon, a, a u. j qui
Wilmington and Intermediate stations,
except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. an
n. m. Bnndav only al 8.05 r. m.
For Warwick. Bt. Peters and lntermed
stations, dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m.
Q.W p. in. cunnay onry e.10 a. m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate
Saturday only, at 12 m.
r or uaiuinoro auu wasmnewn iu,
R.) dall v except Bunday at 6.25 and t
and R.lfi rt. m. Knndftv nnlr nt A .05 rt.
Trams arrive at. ueaaing (i-. n it. tiaui
from Wilmington, B. A O. Junction, Mi
chantn. Cliaddsford Junction. West Cbes
Lenane. Coatesvllle. Wavnesburcr Juncll
opnngneia, joannn, jijrusooro, uiuruuur, r
fertand intermediate stations, dally exc
Bnnaay at iu.-u a. m. o.M ana o.u p. nj
nnv nniv si. 11.21 n. m.
From Bt. Peters. Warwick and lntermedl
stations, aauy except, nunaay, av dm a.
nnn'rn.m. duuuuv univ ul d n. m.
From uirasboro ana lntermeaiate Btatioa
I Saturday only at 1.10 p. m.
1 From wasuineto
cent Sunday, 10 0
I'asblngton and Baltimore, dally I
lay. luai a. in. 0.02 ana &.17 p..
Sunday onlv at 1151 a. m. 1
uuwiss uiuuus, uen'l Pass. At
a. u. muwa uDu&nn, nupt,
n 1 1 n T 1 1 n r We lho undersign
nl I r I 1 1 rt T . aro enureiy curen 1
U I I UHLl llupture by Dr. J.l
MAYEB, 831 Arch St., Phlla. ThomaijJ
llartung. New Itlnggold, Po I. nnndt, bo 1
taeion, 111., la. 1'. & u. a. ueturcE, uiey, a
ll. U. Stanley, 424 Bpruce Bt., Lebanon, Pag
kiln. Pa.. Wm. E. llartenstlne, I'hoenlxvJ
Pa., W. 11. Lelnbach, 621 Washington.!
Beading, Pa., J. O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howar.rl
llarrlsburg. Pa., O. Keenn, DoiiKlassvllioi,
Tlr. M1YRR In nt Mnlnl l'enn. Keadlne.
on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Cat I
see him.
Ho: 9 East Centre Street; Uahanoy Cln
ocin ana an sprami niiwww k hin,uiju
tj have a I'umUIvu Curo for theetfecuoX self
I our tipecttiQ we will kvnd one Foil 11 on i h'tRil