Ghan OS! NOW" OXST TAP I All kinds of spices, vinegar, sugar, etc,, for the preserving and pickling season. All pure. Sweet Pickles and Pickled Goods, Canned Goods, Cheese, etc., at AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAIS1B 1XP0BT , Light. CITY, Pi mmm Bill Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. A Mi TUB NEWS FOIl ONE CENT, Una n larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to r11. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY, "What News Gathorors Tako Momont to Toll About. Chestnuts ripening. Apple butter is boiling. Frosty mornings uro coming. Tho swallows now homeward fly. Autumn rolies run to cnrelesa grace. Some of the treoi aro Hhowing a tinge of autumn color. Tweeds anil rough homespuns will be popular tins winter. Au ornithologist says that birds fro fluently commit suicide. Walnut stains will soon be decorat' lug the hands of tho small boy. An expert eays a kitchen rango wants cleaning every six months. Now Is the time and tho Hkkaxd tho place to advertise for full trade. If you want to vote In November pay your poll tax before October 3d. I he golden rod is now Bought after, out tne school boy slums trie birch rou. It doesn't pny to borrow trouble. If you have none of your own do with out. The peach says to the housewifo: "Pluck and pare me, if you can." film caiiB. Many pjoplo visit the valley inque3t ot milt Tho Pennsy will run 11 special train on Thursday morniug at 8.30 for l'oiiHvnie. it jms tne tmoricst and quickest route. Fare for round trip 43 cents. Ileturn train leaves at 5 o'clock p. in. Secure your tickets at tne i'ennsvivania depot. Buoklon'a Arnica Salvo. The Best Halve In the world for Cut Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Halt Itheum, Fever, Hores. Tetter. Charmed Hands. Chilblains Corns, mid all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures x-jius. ur uu pay requircu. jb is guur unteedtoclve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'rlco 25 cents per box. For salo vy u. 11. uagenuueu. Coming Evonts. Oct. I. Io Moss Family concert at Kobbinj' opora houee. October C Suppor, Robbins' oporn houso, under auspices of tho English Bap tist church. Oct. 20. Suppor in Robbins' opora houso under tho autpicos of Ladies Aid Society, Wo. 13, nuxllliarv to Sons of Votorans. Nov. 5. Second anniyorsary entertain' ment of JInjor Jennings Council, No. 307, Jr. 0 U. A. M,, in Robbins' opora houso. Novomber 20. Grand supporin Robbins1 opera house; bonofit of Lady llarrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. V. L. A. Oystors. Oyeters aro in Eoason. Go to Schooner's Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 9-4-tf Pay Your Taxes. Notico is hereby giTon that all persons in arrears for 1889-00 taxes must mako tottlo mont at onoe, as tho undersigned is deter mined to make his collections complete in tho near future, oven if arrebts must bo ro1 sorted to. Chiust. Schmidt, 0-10-tf Tax Colloctor. Enamol Phototrranha. Go and soo Koagoy's Knamol Photos, Ho is certainly m tho lead. No stops to climb. Kkaokt. Rest work dono at Bronnan's etoam Uundrv. Kvervthinir whlto and snotlnsH Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar antood. Burohill's Restaurant. Charlos llmchill U now locatod at corner of Main and Conl streets, Shenandoah, Regular moals, at popular price, sorvod any timo. Ladlos' dining and refreshment rooms atlaohodj 0-14-tf Primo oysters, tho beet tho market affords, always on hand at Ooslott's. 8-22-tf Prettiest oil oloth in town at O. D, Fricke's carpet store. 9-18-tf Waters' Welts beer is tho bost. John A Koilly sole agnt. 6-6-tf Tho plaoe to buy your school books cheap is Also Scholar's Companions, Hook Htrapa, ovuuui uutfs, xuuiubs, mo. isveryimng uud anythlne required In school. WlatDK, peuollH, etc., Bold re tail and wholesale. s Suitable for Kastand West Malianoy Twji. 'inoxot the plaoe If you wish to have tremuy in-.oisvu t ra illljT Sill Dtf mfir fh.i .r.n. thliln. TT1 Cloilns T J BaturJar. To-J Ouiml I'ooloo V u'iZ I j I SCHOOL BOOKS. I 1 REGION 'ROUND. A Budgot of Intorostlng Artiolos on all Topics. Adam Shemaii9ki. n married Pole, residing lu the block owned by Law rence, Brown & Co., near their col lierv on tho Frnckvllle road, has for sometime shown mild symptoms of insanity, nnd on Wednesday evening Inst became violently insuue, He ejected all the members of his family irom tne nouse anu arm'ug mmseii with a hugo revolver ref aired to the attic, and burring the door, threatened to shoot anv one who dnro approach. When friends succeeded In getting into tho house tho next day they found the man had snot mniBeir in tho neck and groin. Ho was sent to the almshouse. C. A. Hochlander. formerly of Slin- inokin. has been appointed state or ganizer of the P. O. S. of A., and Is now engaged in organizing camps in Tioga county. A Ilnzleton child wns bitten by a spider ou Saturday and death is ex pected. Thursday Rev. Anthony Bchwarze, who for the past twenty-seven years has been pastor of the church of Our LHdy of Sit. Cnrmel, at Minersville, celebrated his sixtieth nnniversaiy in the priesthood. Father Si'hwarze was born ntTelgte, Westphalia, May 2, 18(10. He was ordained at Jluueter by Bishop ChHMa-Maxlmilian on Septem ber 2-1, 1831. He fame to this country forty-two years ago. A number of the young men of Ashland are agitating the question of starting a military company in tho nature of a cadet corps to the X. G., Pa. They expect the state to furnish them arms and hope to secure uni forms by means of popular oubscrip- tlon and entertainment. At the seventh annual convention of tho Luzerne county W. C. T. U. in Wllkes-Rarre last week the secretary reported thirteen Unions in the county with a membership of 409. Fifty-nine dollars has been collected during tho year. The evening was spent in listening to talksby Mrs. Rev. Oswald, Mrs. a. w. Palmer and itev. J. JN. Lee, and singing by several locnl soloists. TiVonlr Tlf.Klnalrl titna It. n u'nnrnn being hoisted up au incline in tho Fiddler mines, near Shamokin, when tllfi flnnr nnpnpil. FTn full out nnd wn run over by the next wagon. 50 BEAUTIES Wlint ? Yes, Indeed ! We mean those 60 new styles nnd designs In EMBIIOIDEUKD i'ici.x i,A3imiiiQtiiNs, I'EI.T Tll)in, FELT TA11I.13 COVICIIH, ART BATT1CKN TII)II!8,&c AND TUB REAL BEAUTY LOW PRICES! Morgan's Bargain Bazaar! GOAKLEYBRO.'SI -FOR- BEST FLOUR I AND ALL KINDS OF Cor.enrnaVli1foat.,SnENAND0AII,PA FOR RENT. STORE-ROOM AND DWELLING Cor. Jar din and Lloyd Sts. The undersigned oilers tho store-room nnd dwelling, situate at the northwett corner of Jnrdln and I.loyd streets, for rent, l'osseotlon given Immediately. The store-room has re oently been papered and painted, and Is a de sirable) location for most auy kind of business. If so desired, the stoie-room can be rented without the dwelling. For further particulars apply to TltOMAU I). DAVIKH, 10-19-lf Cor, Jurdln and Lloyd Htreets. Ladies' Coats. Largest Line in the County. AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS HiU "Common Sense" SHOE STORE, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE I S. Xi. BROWN. A NTIQU1T Y can be tolerated In almost nuy thing hut hnts. If the head Is out of date the rest of the body Is pretty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire ora genius can aiTord to wenranclenl beadgear.and even they tako a good many chances when they do It. it will cost you nq more to bo up with the times than it will to be lyilfn mile behind them. KvcrythlDg about our 81,50 hat Is hand some but the price, and 1.60 for such a hatcan scarcely be called anything but a ridiculously low figure. The same can be said of our2oo ncckwenr. Our line of gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest prloed in the market. 13 S, Main St. Shenandoah Crane Opening FALL AND WIK TKIl STYLES OK MILLINERY ! ELLAM.M'GINNISS' -No. 26 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Tho finest nnd largest assortment In Hats, liounets and Caps nt re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN. TRIMMED IIATd Oaxmot Too DHcxxifilloci. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps e HABT CBNTRB ST. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. -GO TO- PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S, 111 EAST CENTRE HT., For Fine Pears and Best California Grapes. 11EST CELERY JN TOWN. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleaded to meet the wants ot hisinenas and me public in Everything in tho Drinking Line. WANTS, &o. Advertisement tn this column, not exceeding 5 fncjf, 6"C for one insertion; 75c. lor two: 81 to three; one week, 11.60; two weeks, ti; one month, tS. 3710R SALiE Old bottlts, suitable foi . bollllng oolfnp, Ac, can be had very chenp at T. A. Kollly's liquor elo o. , 8 20-tr OU RENT. Three rooms, suitable Tor clnb rodm, odlct!, etc. Oas nnd stenm flxtnreB. Isew holler Just put In. Applylo Levi Ilefowlch, clothier, Bi Main Ht. - 0 2-1 1 ANTED. A girl for genernl huuseworlc. Good wases nald. Aonlv nt HniiALn olllee. 010 tl AGENTS WANTED. Freo pre paid outflt to cnernetlo men. Hevenl r our salesmen liAva farm d from $70 to i'IOO n eclc lor ycani past. I". O. llox 1371 N YorK. ' 8 2.5 lv DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Rowse's grocery More, cor ner Jardlu and Oak streets. Shenandoah, I'r. FOR BALE. A store room aud dwelling on East Centre street. Ooort reason jot selling. Terms reasonable. At -ply at J. It. Uoyle's office 9 2Mm FARMS FOR BALE. Aroyou look liig or n rarm? If so call ou or write to J. J. Kebler, Frnckvllle, la as to where they are located aud for terms. 8-22-ti FOR HALE. A beautiful double rod Iron fence, suitable lor fencing ccme lerylols, or for gates nround Vtlllngs. In quire of rresbylerlau church trnstees. 9 0 tf E STRAYED. From the premises of Atidiow Keshko, 619 Raspberry Alley, an old brown and black cow with large, wide horns and only milks three teats. Five dol lars reward fur return to owuer. u 2G tt FOR SALE. A nice 8 acre farm for snle. Mix milei from Shenandoah, lieaullfully situated oo a public rend Oood dwelling. Good barn. Fruit trees beginning to bear. All yonng. Splendid stream ot water running through the the land. This Is a good cnancc for a man who wants a small farm. Inquire of Jan ts U. iluttoa, post olllce bulldlrg, room 0. tf-etf AMUSEMENTS. JpimCJUHOX'S TUEATUIJ, F. J. lTEI.UUSON, 2IA2IAOER. FKIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891 Annual visit ol the popular young comedian, JAMES B..MACKIE, (Grimesey, We Hoy !) In Thcmas Addison's new, bright, original musical Dunesque, i Grimes' Cellar Door Supported by an excellent company of yocal litis uuu uuacuis. Bright, Tntchy Music. Sparkling Specialties. A work of Novel Features. Fun Helgns Huprtme, PRICES OF ADMISSION, 25, 60, 75c. Beats on sale at Klrlln's drug store. V .(Vj1 il 4. iM THE EARLY BIRD. In novelties we aro the "eai-ly bird." You will always find in our stock all the 00$ new things as they come out. This season Gray Twills, bcotches and Homespun el fects are the favorites. Wo are the acknowledged Leadors in tho Ready-made Clothing business, both as to style and quality. Good goods our motto. A. C. Yates & Co. HOW ONLY Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts, PHILADELPHIA. IICHt-macIo Clotlilnir Zii iMHIndelpIiln. LEATHER and SHOE HUGS IP. J". CLEAR-Y, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and first-class sloes:. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE BT., Ferguson House building. SHENANDOAH. PA -I 11. HAMILTON, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloe-e8 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenandoah rv No. 8 New Broadway Range '. Ornamental Shelf-COTM" S-Decorated Skiit'or All binds of stovo repairs lsept on baud. WSVl. R. PRATT, Reduction A few patterns of White Embroidery, Flouncings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteens, Chintzes, also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kinds, which are oilered regardless of cost to clean out. J. J. PRICE'S Old 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. lenandoah Business -AND- SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBINS' OPERA NORTH MAIN STEEET, SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Begins Monday, August Slst, 1891. W. J. SOLLY, President. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well-made, fohlonahle clothes? If so, call on W. J". JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call nnd see samples of the latest goods and the styles, Qood workmanship, promptness and fair jirlces. Newly Refitted and Renovated, tonsorialTparlors ! an A.-'criasro-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SHAMrOOINQ, ETC., DY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under I'ostofflce Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. 43-Hot and cold haths, Tollte, prompt and careful attention, u Kludly soliciting your order, respectfully, 331 S, Jardin St Shenandoah, Pa, Reliable Stand, HOUSE BUILDING SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL f Robbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September "6. ORCHESTRA OF 10 PIECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. CHAS. STETLER, Tonsorial Artist 1 (Townsend's old stnnd,) XX71N, Wain St., Slicnaudoaln I'artles desiring a flrtclass shave, shampoo or liuir cut bhould call at my new shop, which has been refitted and thoroughly renovated. Hpeclal attention Is given to ladles' hair cutting, A. cordial invitation Is extended tonivolr'.S I patrons and the publlo In general tocalIamJ College see me at my new quarters.