'if 3W wn .00, i at iys, ind t m on), and 7.30, oon, 1.40, Op. P Into m. 7.20. 12.03. .lted ,8.40. ,4.0L light una and y lor 110.20 mlra, agar days. iarus, a m. . For Oay, D, . Agt. K. n) for mrlne- .West St ICtlUU, 11 nd3.15 ieaiata a.,ond atlons, t O. o a a .iatl jstoni ;b ester, inctlon, ar, Bey- except i, Bun- mediate 11 a. in. .UltiOPS, tally 17 p. m. b. Agt. rslgned, :ured of )r J. B. omas H. it Month I ley, I'a,, i, Pa , A. nlxvllle, l City, V, CI11V. eton m., i ward Bt., vllle, Pa. ling, Pa., Call to ad i.n- ( Kit abuse. 11 UoM$ Presents tn the mot elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE or THR FIQ8 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most lietieiicial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending oil a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It I. the most excel! tnt remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When onois lliliou or Constipated so THAT PURE: BLOOD, RCFRESHIKQ SLEEP, HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all arc delighted with it. ASK YOUR DHUOC'ST FOR -SrES-TLXE 3ST3-J MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAtlCISCO, CAL. UUISVIUE. XV NEW YORK. N. t. NINETEENTH ANNUAL TOUR of continuous concerting by tho a a my i in. I'JLli! LYRIC BARDS, Foels, Composers, Singers, Instrumentalist?. Seven Distinct Bands : Forty-one different musical Instruments, violin nana, epanisn -Mnnaonn iraua, Cot net Hand. Kronen Ocarina Bund, Chinese Ugee Blno Bind, Xylo phone Hand, Martial Band. ONE NIGHT ONLY. THUBM, OCTOBER 1st, 1891 K.olljiii9' Opera House, for the beneatof Ebenezer Evangelical Church. feKt Headache and relieve nil tho troubles Intl cfcnt to a bilioua state of the system, suoh as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after c&Usg. Fain In the Side, io. Whllo their moat remartaUo succoss has been chown in curtrg , Sleaa&che, yet Oartor'a LHUa Ltvor PIUS aro equally valuablo in Oonstlpatlon, curing nnd pro Tenting this annoying complain t.wlillo they alaa correct alldlsordersofthostomachtlmulatotha liver and regulate tho bowels. Even U they onl? enroa fAchalhoy would boalmostprleeless to those who Icuffer from this distressing complaint: but f ortu nately their goodness does noteud here,and those .irho once try them will find thesolittlo pills valu able In so many ways that they will not bo wil Uing to do without thorn. But after ollsick head flX e bane cf bo many Uvea that hero fa whera Somaeourgreatuuuat. uurjiiuiiGurewuutj Others do not. Carter's Little Liver Fills are very email ana verv easv to take. One or two nilla mako a doso. 'They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge but by their gentle action please all who icsethem. InvlalsatSScentsi nvefortl. Sold 1 by drugglsta everywhere, or sect by mall. . CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York! SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE R Catch est r EnglUh DltusoBd IlrsUtt. - rENNYROYAL FSLLS firlctnttl and Only Genuine. A 1 DratRUi for ChUknttrt Vngllth Simmd Brand lo Itttl 4Uil OoU meulUaVVg adqxcm, Ktioa wua Din? niraD, l ake W Jino other. Rttut daniiru tubttitu. V 'in - f , , i i "UnoaUl o4 "lU'lic tar Lul'if m. ( tier, by irtr If aiull. 1 .MHil -in ,i .Vn-ni J-aper, W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Modeller's old stand,) corner Coal and jardtu Bts, Mr, 8nyder will always keep;iu stock a.flne line of boots and shoes. Custom Work mid Ilcpulrtnf; done In the best style. He guarantees to sell cbeapertbiu compel Itnrs on Main street who have big reuts to pay, and guamutees a genu ine bargain on every purchase, SUFFERING WOMEN'S; Wteu trioblM with tbnse anaorinn IrraUriii. t tgenilr following! cnld or -ipooure, or ntu.-1 i.4Uonai ViaknMM i peculiar totboir w. U- Use Dt OuCHGIKC'3 C"iLrnto FEMALE REGULATING PILlr ,av IVrnr. Btrentht.'- t i ll't ntir . -i -f tor.o, rftforund mu. ' iff tot iilu all fnuct out lkW t .imtnd, Bnl ny in . ' rlralt. SI. A ' ' T T IT MUSS M L CARTER'S mem V Ur. Hortor MediclPtCO.,S.l.i.nJ'i I A PERSECUTED MAH Misfortunes That ITavo Fol lowed a Physician. A VICTIM OP VILLAGE HATE. Many Attempts Made to Bum Him Oat, Two of Them EuooMsfal. Several Times Artl n Trumped-Cp Charges -" White Cnp " Notice, lie celled by nlm III Profusion -llelloves the rorseeutlan Will Not tup till Ha Is Driven from llnme. DatiiBeacu. L. I., Sep. 20. Dr. Dnvld ZeWaltoff of thli plnee believes he latUo I victim of a erlea of persocutlona Itlstl gated by alleged enemies who are trying to drive him from tho town. The latest development la a fire, sup posed to be incendiary, which broke out in the doctor's drug store, known us tho West End Phnrmncy, yesterday. Dr. Zo WaltoH was in Now Vork at the tlmo, but his brother Gerald and tho drug clerk wero both asleep in tho Rtore. Their lives were saved by Henry Arena, a neighbor, who broke into tho storo and aroused the inmates. Two years no tho drug storo was totally destroyed by fire at a loss of $30, 000, and since it was rebuilt several nt tcrnpts to set it on fire again have been made. The doctor alleges that the persecution began about two years ago. He was ar rested on a chargo of criminal assault preferred by Mrs. Cclker, wife of Louts Belker, a painter. Tho chargo could npt be substantiated, Whllo tho doctor was in Jail Mr. Bolkor offered to settle tho cmo if the defendant would pay 1,000 nnd leave tho country. The offer wob indlgnontly refused, to Waltoff was arraigned before Justice Church and was discharged. He was at onco rearrested on the same chargo and was tried before Judge Cullen in Brook lyn, but was acquitted. An attempt was then mads to set fire to his residence and ho removed to tho drug store and slept thore. Ho has fre quently rocelved "White Cap" notlcos, but he paid no attention to them. About a month ago the doctor was arrested, he claimed illogally, on a warrant issued by Health Officer DeMund 1st nllowing water to stagnate under his drug store. He provod that he was not responsible for tho collar, as he only rented the store. He believes tho persocution will not stop until ho his driven from tho town. NO HOTtE SUIPS TO CHILL, Secretary Tracy Does Not Regard the Situation There as Threatening-. Wasimnqtos, Sep. 20. Secretary Tracy, while declining to mako a state ment relative to the conference at the White House yesterday morning, said that he did not intend to send any more Bhlps to Chill, and that ha did not re gard the situation there as threatening. In response to an inquiry about re ports that a revolt had brokon out among the. troops at Santiago, Sonor Moatt, the Chilian Congressional Envoy at Washington, has received a dispatch from Sonor Matta, the Minister of For eign Affairs, saying that "Pcaco has not been nor will it be disturbed, least of all by military rovolts." Senor Montt has also received a dis patch confirming the published reports of the appointment of Senor Manuel A. llatto, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Senor Augustln Edwards, as Minis ter of Industries and Public Works. Ho has not received Anything from Chill of tho reported arrest of three American citizens at Santiago and tho stationing of a force of polico outside of the Ameri can Legation there. Tho Cut-Down Postponed. FallHiveb, Mass., Sop. 29. Tho meet ing of the Cotton Manufacturers' Asso- elation was largely attended. It was called for tho purpose of hearing the re port of the executive committee, which was ordered on September 2 to prepare a, revised schedule, of wages, and also to take final action in the matter of a cut down to go into effect October 8. Tho committee was ready to report, but it was decided to Instruct them to hold tho report back for tho presont. The notion of the association has lifted a load from the minds of operatives and business men, who were fully alive to tho fact that a prolonged strike would follow a reduction. An Old Ariuy Offleor Gone; Fkedosia, N. Y., Sep. 20. Copt. Gns tavus A. Hull, U, S. A., retired, who died yesterday, of pneumonia, in San Francisco, was bora in this place in 1827. In 1802 ho was mado a storekeeper in the Quartermaster's department and given chargo of all tho stores of clothing and camp and garrison equipage at Louisville. In 1600 he was made cap tain, the highest rank in his branch of the service. A now Leads to Murder. WmTESTOWN, N. Y., Sop. 20. William Mitchell beoaiuo engaged In a row with William Hcnkstone, on tho banks of tho Erie Canal here yesterday afternoon, and la a lit of anger drew a revolver and fired two shots at Henkstone. Henk Btone, after going a few rod's, fell to tho ground. Ho was taken to the house of his mother, whero he died n few hours later. Btoruse llarus CurnmL TJncA, N. Y., Sep. 20. Assembly man Mott's elder ani storage houses at liouckvillo, Mndlson county, the largest In the county, were totally destroyed by firo last night, entailing a loss of $100, 000. The Insurance is light. Tho entire village was threatened, and the flames were only stopped by tho aid of fire da partments from adjacent towns. Tlllinan Indicted. LoCSVIIAE, Ky., f'p. 20. The grand iary returns 1 two indictments agalnsl lajor William Tillman for grand lnr, ceny and embezzlement, charging him with stealing $7,000 from the Fnlls Citj Dank. The witnesses examined included the bank officials and stockholders. Meohanlc's Trust Company otllcials and expert aicountants. Not- Inul ,1 1 1 Cr-s4. JjkilESTows, .N". Y., Bop. 20. The I n dependent Republicans and Democrats have nominated Dr. J. S. Edwards for Congress from tho Twenty-second dis trict to succeed Leslie W. Itussell, irht Iras nominated far Sop oma Court Judge. Experts Agree that ERFECT and uniform success in making finest food is more certain with Royal Baking Pow der than with any other. Use it in every receipt calling for baking powder, or for cream of tartar and soda, and the lightest, purest, most wholesome and appetizing food is assured. Marion Harland! "I regard the Royal Baking Powder as the best in the market. Since its introduction into mv kitchen I have used no other.'1 Miss Maria Parloai "It seems to me that Royal Baking Powder is as good as any can be. I have used it a great deal, and always with great satisfaction." Mrs. Baker, Principal of Washington, D. C, School of Cookery: "I say to you, without hesitation, use the 'Royal.' I have tried nil, but the Royal is the most satisfactory." M. GORJU, late Chtf, Delmoni co's, New-York I "In my use of Royal Baking Powder, I have found it superior te all others." A.Fortin, Chef, White House, for Presidents Arthur and Cleve land: "I have tested many bak ing powders, but for finest food can use none but ' Royal,' " "I see I am on time fur once," pntil me Hiiiiu, iw nu Kizuy urepi, up on mo old sundial. The debtor is the fellow who Un't nt all nnxious to tutvo Ills creditors liurry on nis account. A Batiy Full of Oollo Pains Is not an int"roiting study; cure him quickly by Rotting a I'rt-o esmplo bottle of Dr. Hand's Co Ik- Curo Irom J. M. Hillan or O.J. UcO-trtby, tho drugtU. It in stantly cures colic. Chestnuts will bo very plentiful in inese parts tins year. Oh, What a Couph. Will you heed the w.irning? The signal per nans of the kuro approach ot that more ter rible disease. CousuiuutloQi Ask yourselves If you can ailord tor the sake of saving 50 cents, 10 run lue risK aua uo numiuK ioriu We know from experleuce that Hbtloh'sUurs will Cure our Couirh. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles wero sold tbe nasi year. It relieves Oroun and Whopptns Cough at once. Mothers do not do wiiiionui. f or Larae lines, Hicie or Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous 1'Jaster. Bold bv C. II. Hagenbuch, N. B. corner Main and Ldoyo, streets. ltunlrwlipnt tlntlr In nn tnnrlrnt ntifl ttie caise season is tit nauu. 11 juu Httut b., uiiyo una lyjfBucinia. Biliousness. CousMnitlon. Poor Annetllo nnd T r ...... . .. . .n .1 -1 It .. i all evils arising from a dlsorderedLlveruse ur. lee s Liiver ueiuaior. xnai uotties iree at Kirliu's arug store. A sllco nf onion laid on the cupboard win unve away uuts. Happy Hooslors. Win, Tlmuions, Postmaster of IdavI'le, I d., writes . "Electric Bliters has dnnemore forinetliau all other medicines combined, for that bad reeling urislng from Kidney nnd Liver trouble." John I,osll, farmer and stocsmnu, of same place, nys: "Find Elec tric Bitters to be the oest Kidney nud Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Uarduer, hardware int-rcliant, fame town, says: Klectrlo Bitters Is Just tbe thl g lor u man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; bo found new strength, (rood appetite aod felt Just like he had a new lo-so on life, only 50c. a bottle at O. II, llagenbuch's Drug Stoto. The nut crop promises to be almost as large as that of fruit. Mexican National Engineers Spoak We, the uudirslgned, cnglucets of the Mex ican National Hallway, and members ol tbe Hrotlierhood of Locomotive Euglueeti of Mexico, certify that we have used the Cactus Blood Cure forblooi diseases, nnd we can truthfully tay th-it, with ours'lves, as well as wltli our afiiuntutinces, the remooy has ef fected a periect cure wbeu other medicines have failed. 1'lease use this certlllcale for the benefit oi our biotber engineers and the general public. V M. DAVIH, J. O. OASKEY. JAMESTHOMPSON, Members ot tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Acarntoaro, Mexico. Bold auRtrlin's DrugHtore,Kerguson House Block, Shenandoah. Bhellbarks are dropping and chest nut burrs arc browning. Shlloh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most suc ecssiul Cough Medicine wo have ever sold, a lew doses Invariably cure the woist cases ol Cougb, Croup, aud Bronchitis, while its won dcrlul success In tbe cure of Consumption is without a paiallel In the history of medicine. Mnce It's first discovery It lias been bold on a guarantee, a lest which no other nredlclne :an stand. Ii you luvo a Cough we earnestly ask yon to try It. 1'rlce 10 cents, 53 oenls, aud 11.10. If your Lungs ore sore, chest or Back lame, use Billion's Porous Plaster. Bold bv 0. II. Hagenbuch, N, E. corner Main aud Lloyd streets. A loud-smelling pig-stye disturbs the people on Smith whlto street unil quite n number are 111 nn account of it. The attention of the stnltiiry committee Is culled tn the liul-unce. HOW IS YGUB CHILD? Swift's Specific is the groat developer, of delicato child ren. It regulates the secre tions; it stimulates the skin to healthy action, and assists nature in development. There is no tonic for child ren equal to 3 S Send for our treatise on Blood n4 Btdn Diseases, Bwirr Si'ccmo Cov, Atlanta, Q BASIUIALL SCOUES. Cleveland Wins 1'rom thlrago uul York Loses ta Huston. I7o AT BOSTOX nustoo 1 115 8 0 1 New York ,' 10 0 10 0 8 1 8 V llntterle Molmli uml Beunetr Couiblln Duekloy and liui-.-o.l. AT BROOKLYN. Ilroohlyn 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Philadelphia 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0- j Batterlet-Poutfs and Kliwlow, 01Hoa and Brown, AT CJjHVBLAND. Cleveland 1 0O101 1 0 0- J Chicago 0 0000200 0-5 llstteries Ynuno' nnd TlAvta rftltMhlnsnn and gohnver, at riTTmtmo, nttVursr 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 0-1 Cincinnati 1 0 a 1 1 2 0 0 x - 1 list terles King and Miller; Mullane an it Harrington. National Letiguo lloeord. rir Clubs. ITon. Lent. Ct Clilosgo... HI 411 .033 Boston HI 50 .018 New York. 70 58 ,5u0 Phlla'plua.u7 01 .511 Pi' Clubt. xrnn. Lot. Ct Ctovelaod.ei 73 Ait Brooklyn. so tj Plttsburg.iU 75 L'luoln'atl.61 81 4 41 .361 Amorlcnn Association Games. AT rniLALKLPlUA. Boston..., 0 101000 1 3- i Athletics 1 000104 0 0-II Batteries BulBugtou aud Murphy; Dowaq and Cross. Called, darkness. AT WASIIINOTON. Wnshlnnton 1 021 0001 I Baltimore 0 1000000 1 Batterles-MoMahon and lloblneon; Fore man and MoOuire. CaliCd, darkness. AT MILWAOKKa Milwaukee 0 Loulsvlllo 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 a oooioui - q Batteries-Dwyer and Vaughn; Stratton anil Bnggs. Called, darkness. American Association lloeord. Put Oufti. ir.in. It Ct Mllwauk'o.fll 71 .4011 Columbus.. 01 74 .&J Lou'vlile... S I bO Ai Wash'tau..42 87 AH Oubi. iron. Lout. Ct noston....8U as) .0UJ bt. LouU..B3 !, .0111 BaltliuoraUS 01 .:at Athletic. CO 03 Mi Tho Clrcasslii to Start Again, New York, Sep. 29. Tho Anchor lino steamer Circasila, which left this port for Movllle and Qlasgow on Saturday nud was obliged to roturu becauso of tho ' damage which she suffered in a collision with tho schooner Daylight, will sal) again to-morrow. The injury to hot bow, although qulto serious, will be re paired as rapidly as possible, and the airents of tho vassal oxnect that sho will bo ready for tho voyngo to-morrow night. I Sho will carry all tho passengers which were booked for her, ub well as the cargo, nono of which has been unloaded. Puffru's Murderor JulloiL Newark, N. J., Sop. 29. Uomlnlck Lappa, the Italian who causod tho death af bominick Dull'ra, a countryman, by stabbing him fatally in a street fight, was tunied over to tho keeper of the county jail yestordny, where ho will re main until tried. A corouor's Inquest will be held this week. Those who had known tho dead man, who had been in this country only six months, say that bo was always peaceable and quiet, aud that Lappa's attack upon him was un called for and cowardly. , The 810,000 Ueaiity lu Court. BoqtoN, Sop. 20. In tho Municipal Court James Stevenson, a real eutuU man, brought suit against Mlko Kelly, the basobull player, tor rent of lodging room In tho International uotol for 1 days for J2 a aay. Kelly testified that i. i.i..j ... .:i, 17 .?,. i, f, 2!? auV T" ,'':n. ;?X settled for the same. Then Judge Ely said: "Enter judgment for defendant." tj-..,i 11 1.1 r...,.. m ..i.i make a good umpire . P - They lllew Out the Ous. Newark. N. J . Sen. 20. Sirs. Amolla Solone, who, with her 4-year-old child, was found unconscious from tho effects of blowing out tho gas upon going to bed, is slowly recovering at tho City Hos pital. The boy, however, died shortly after his admission to tho hospital. To gether with hor husband Mrs. Solone came from Boston on Saturday. Thoy were to take a steamship yestorday for Ituly. Ornpo Inspection Continuing. New York, Sop. 20. Health officers are still Inspecting the grapos In the market lu this city, but have mude bu t fow seizures. Tho local inspectors are less headstrong In the matter since tho protests of tho grapo growers nnd tho statement of tho olllclals of tho Depart ment ot Agriculture that tho green o n tho grapo stems is harmless. Fierce Oil Tiro in Philadelphia,. Philadelphia, Sep. 29. As tho rosult of un explosion of oil yesterday afternoon in the wholesulo coal oilhotueof I'hillipj & Cunuingham, North Delawaio avenue, Ave large buildings, extending from Delaware avenue, wero burned aud eight firmon were injured, none, It is bollovo.l, seriously. The Iujs is about half u mil lion dollars INtlmutn for .Hint Service. Washington, Sep. 29. Director Lonch of tho Unltod Status Mint has submitted his estlmnto for mint fervlce f;r tbe lis cal year ending Juno BO, lJj. Ho esti mates that tho cost will bo $1,120,701, which Is a reduction from tho appropria tion for the United States Mint fcsrvlce for the current iUoal year. A Month's Kvporfs and Imparts. Washington, Sep. in. SxporU ol niercbaudl-o from tho Unlteu uiii dur ing August pnst u.'gr,'gat.d in value $;2,7oO,7W), against ,-, i8U,J,o in Au gust, 1890. Import, airing August p.it were valuid at $08 , 7.il, agaiiut $U, 200,410 in August, 1S0O. Cruuburry lto;s ou Vlre. Borduktowk', N. J., Sep. 29. A fire has swept over tho cranberry bogs ol George Dunfoe bUo.o uud Y'unzuut, be tween Brlndleton nud Cranberry Park. Neither ot tlieu bo is was half through picked. Tho damage will bo houvy. Prolght llandlers htrike. New Britain, Conn., Fop. 39. The freight handlers ompluyod ut tho Now England freight house struct work be cause they were not paid for overtime. Their plac-is have bucn tilled, They were paid fl.50 a day. Kutluual liuuhs' Iloport CalUil Fur. Wat.ni aros. 3en 30 Tha Comntrnl. lor of the Cum t.cy has called for reports of the c mdltlou of nutlonal banks nt the olose U buslueis Friday, Sept. 23. TIRED OP THE YOKE Baroness Do Sturcs Applies for a Divorce. A FORMER NEW YORK DBLLB. Sho Allgei Extreme Cruelty on the Ffttt of Her Husband. Tho Huron, Who Is HclKlnn Minister In InrU, fttild to Ilnve lleen Anxious ta Control HU Wire's Hstnte-Trlcd til Shut Her Up 111 nn Insane Asylum The Hnrnness Stole Away from Home nt Mli!nllit--She Wa u Xifot, of John Jacob Astnr. Now York, Sep. 80. Baroness De Etures, wife of the Belgian Minister lit Paris, yesterday filed papers in a suit for divorce against her husband, nt Sioux Falls, S. D. The papers were served ou tho Haron In Paris on Saturday and he has cabled Instructions to an attorney to mako an appearance and defence. The complaint recites that the Bnron and Baroness wero married in New York, Hay 20, 1875, aud that ever since tholr marriage the Uuron has pursued a course of extreme cruelty toward the plalntltf. Whllo in Paris she says that tho Baron applied foul epithets and accused his wifo of not being chaste; that on June 24, 1800, defendant by fraud and false repre sentation attempted to procure her In carceration In an Institution for tho con finement of lnsaue persons. This last fact will be decided In tho trial. It Is maintained that the Baron waB anxious to secure control of his wife's estate, tho nnuual Income of which is estimated at $80,000, nnd to do this It was necessary to prove she was insane. To oscapo tho evil 6chemos of her hus band tho Baroness left tho home of her husband in Paris at midnight and took tho train for Germany. Then sho catno to America, whero she was advised by relatlvos to secure a separation. Boforo her marriage the llaronoss waB a Miss Caroy, niece of John Jacob Astor, and her marriage was n s ociety sensa tion In Now York. MIL IODOC'8 KF.l'LY. The Only Oioundi on Which Uo Will Do buto SA'lth Governor UussolL B09T0S, Sop. 20. Tho Deinocrntlo Stato Committee sent a reply to Henry Cabot Lodgo's let tor accepting tho Invi tation to meet the Hon. John M Russell In joint dobato "On tho Issues of Cam paign," uud .n which Mr. Lodgo named the dates at his disposal aud tho subjects ho would discuss. The committee, lu their letter, stato that thoy had not supposod that, prior to conference with the in, Mr. Lodgo would assume to narrow these Issues to tho extent indicated by the subjects he named, and that thoy did not invite him to framo theso lssuos without consulta tion with them. In a lottor of reply Mr. Lodgo says: "In your letter of September 23 you challenged mo to meet Mr. John E. Rus eellln a eerio3 of Joint debates on the ls suos ot tho campaign. You also said you , would bo glad to confor with mo or my representatives in regard to making ar 1 rangements for such mooting. I "I accepted your challenge at onoo. I ' 1 "copteu your cuauengo uj ' gave you tho only throo nights at my dlsuosal-Oct. 20 and 01. I author. ! ,zo( the-lkiuib llcuu State Committee to , conforvvlthyouin regard to arrangements for sueh mooting, iou did not Invito ma wmfn, Tiritn vnil nlinilti t.hn RlllllAPr.n of discussion. "You said absolutely nothing In your letter about my consulting with you as to framing the subjects of debate. You invitod mo broadly to discus i tho Issues of tho campaign. "As tho challenged party I had an un doubted right to namo tho subjects to be discussed and especially so whon you bad waived all selec tion yourselves "by challenging mo to discuss tho lssuos ot tho campaign without naming any. I oxcrclsed my right and named three! 'Governor llus soll's administration,' 'The attitude ot tho National Democratic party on tho sllvorquestlon, 'and tho prices of the necessaries of life ns affected by tho McKlnloy tariff bill.' "I am sorry these subjects do not meet the approval of your taste on tho exigen cies of your situation, but that fact glvos you no claim to alter thorn now. "I decline to modify tho terms of my acceptance ot your challenge "Vory truly, "Hon. 1L CLToDQE." London rostofiloe In a nad Way. Londos, Sep. 89. Tho editor of the "United Service Qazette" has croated a sensation by his attack upon tho post office management. In the August is sue of the "Gazotte" the editor com plained that his correspondence had been tampered with, and this month ho fol lows up his charge with a sUt fluent that ho has rocelv"d nhnflred or letters from nil parts of England declaring that the postofllco Is riddled with peculation and petty thoft, nud that tho dotootlve sorv ice has broken down. The public bo (loves tho charges. nave Thoy Klopod ?1 SUk& BnmoEPOBT, Sep. 29. Wyntt Roberts, the trusted valet and constant com panion for several years of the late P. T. Ilarnum, is believed to have eloped with Miss Clara Leww, the pretty little English maid who tor a year and a half has waited upon Mrs. Barnum. Although Koborts is a colored man he Is of vory light complexion, U wvli oducdtsd and of stylish appearance, lie l40 jouts old iud tho girl is 22. Artlval of Tfoted llleyelUts. Nkw YonK, Sop. 20. The Scotch pro tesslouiil bicyclists, J. D. Lumsdou, of Aberdeen, nnd Wnlloje Stage of Ulus jow, arrived yotsrday and entered In tho International blx-day ltaco nt Madison Square ljurden, October 18 to 21. Luiiisd.ni 1j tho rider who defeated tho uotod French bicyclist Jules Dubois by one yu:d In the ssx-day International ruce at Edinburgh in i&Si, Immigration rifur4 Vor August. WabbiXotoS, Sep. 29. Duriug August past 43,17.1 lmtuigrauts arrived in the I United States against 87.3J7 In August, 1 loJO. Hussla during the past month furutnliet N4'8 lmmlgrauta Ooruiany ' $-m i u : l"J' V "x' ir.e 8.fllMi few d.u aud Norway, J,, 01, r Poland, 0,74, Ladies Think then Act. That WolfTsACMEBIacking IS CHEAPER than any other dressing at any price, be it 5 cents, 10 cents, or 25 cents, you can convince yourself by wearing one shoe dressed with Acme Blacking and the other shoe dressed with whatever happens to be your favorile dressing. While Acme Black ing will tnJure a month through tnn cr rain, and can, if the shoe is soilerl, be washed clean, the other dressing v, ii! not last a single day in wet weather Your shoes will look better, last longer and be more comfortable if dressed with Wolff's Acme Blacking. WOLFF It RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. CACTUS BLOOD CUHE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARlLLAc Causes no eruptions upon the sit in sueh as nearly all sarsaparilla mixtures do; but drives the impurities from tho blood through tho proper channels, tones up the system, increases appetite, and rapidly cures dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and all diseases depending upon an impure condition of tho blood. Sold at Klrlln'8 Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa, Ash my ncentn for V. I,. Dnuclns Shops. If not for snle III )our plncu nik jour ilrnlei to pcnil fur cntnlngue, secure Ibe ngcucy, and get tliriu lilt ion. WTAKr. NO Si;ilSTlTUTB.i S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It ta ft ivamless allots with no tucks; or wax thread to hurt theffct; mado of the Inst tlno calf, fttyllsb aud eav, nnd because ire tnaLi mora $hois of this grade thun any other man nfactunr. It equals Laud sowed plic c costlnte from fcUH) to $5.tK). ffie 00 (ieiuiliic lliiml-HcuiMl. tho finest cult ftlssJTri shoo ever ofTcri'il for OsaMj equals tteucil Imported ulioca which cost fmm S.'to V4,W, fCI Iliiiiil-Smvcd Writ Mine, flno calf. pVa stilish, coinfurtabto aud durable. The best shoe over oflLYrod nt thlt price ; suntc KraJo as cua-tom-maiUTshocH costing from $'1.U0 tOs?''M. KS 30 I'olin Mi oi' Farmers, Ilnllrond Tlni 9Jm aud Letter Carriers nil wearthem; lluocnlf, seamless, smooth tusttle. heavy throo soles, extea slou etlir. One pair will wear a year. C2 t( Hue enlfi no better hoo ever ofTered at thU prlfi'; oue trial will cnuvluco thoso w ho i ant n shoo for cinfort and service. GtfJ -5 mid Sti.tHJ Vui-kliiBiimiifi shoes ScXm aro very stroiiK and durable. 'Ihoso who h.we clven them n trial HI wear uo other mako. Ea,rkMJ J.OO and 81.7.1 school shoe nrfi OWVa worn by tho bos everywhere; thuyeill tu tuL'ir nicriie, nt iul iiicrenttiiiK khiuh hiiow. 8 rS ttJ llmid-Kfued slioe, best ImQIUICO Doimoln. v.tvMj Man; equals t'reucti Importetl shoes costliiRfrom $l.w to $."). I.hiIIim' 'J. ,10, b'i.HO mid SI. 75 shoo for MlBses aro the best tine Uougola. Kt j Ush uud durablo. t'nulloiia Seo that W. L. Douglas' name and prlco are stamped ou tho bottom of each shoo. W. L, DOUULAS, llrocktoa, Mass. DR. THBBL. coq Nortn F-ourin ot., tb coif senula Oernun AmeHou prtUlul Id Ui I'nlu-d Sutn bo Is bt w cur Blood Poison Norvoud Debility 4 spe cial DiRensefl FklnPih'sue ltl fcruPftJoi In th boiicj.soreThront Mouth, Blotcru-, rimrlei, Frnrtlon, wn or brd Llotf, 6luugi, I mutton,. Intiwnmtloni ku1 BurtDtoc, etrlciuroi. VTckkDc! mil Ettly decsr. ! memory wtn k. monttl ntl(r, Kliny soa Blsvllcr tloi &al nil DlMMft tenuHtni from Vj"' ImtUTiitior. or Orrrwork Rwenl cuii curM lo to 10aT'( rflU'f t orce Do not 1am hrif, oft matter t mw tltlnff Paotor. QuMl, r-mll- et 1I n1'1 Phjlciw bu WIftt Br. TIir.Eit cur positively niJ l1" datloii from tUllOMI. OLD, Tnt'Hd HltirtLf !! T TrTl fOUTIMrUTI" MiUHUuw rt"h or pmr nl Jf iimp for book. TRUTH,, i'rtiui; QomVi unl.r iwnrn tmlm.'Dilv ilailT fr.m 9 U I. Km 9 Wod ui rUU It si 6 to 10 danism till II Writ- orfUl n4 U Yot Kaftronow rta. 4 Snurdij fhlls. 611 Tune GOLD HEDAL, PABI3, 1378. W. Baker & Co.'s eakfast Cocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely J?uro aud it is Soluble. No Chemicals tiro used la its preparation. It has. more than three ttmea the strength of Cocoa mixed with Strtrch, Arrowroot or Sugar, niul Is thoraforo far inoro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is dollclous, nourish' llgtllOllillg, EAfitLY ni"-- nibilh Jardin Slroot. ami WHY IS THE ' W. L. DOUGLAS