Presents la the most elegpnt form TMS LAXATIVE Ami NUTfllTtOUS JUICE or THK FIQ8 OF OALIFOHNIA, Combined with the tnedicinal virtues of plants known to b most beneficial to the hmnaii system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS. LIVER fiftD BOWELS. It is themoitonccllintremcdylnovn to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one U Ililian, or Constipated so THAT PURL I3LOOD, REFRCSHINQ SLEEP, HEALTH nncl 8TREHQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN niANCISCO, OAL. WUISVIUB. KY NEW Y0.1K. N. f. IIP ITOTJ. A1SE OOINO TO MtHHOtirl, ICimsiiH, Arltniiunt), TcxnH, NebraKka, I.otiiHluiiii Colorado, Utitli, Cnlllornln, Orcjioii.YVuHliliiHrtiMi, Mexico, Kcw Mexico or Arltuun, and will send me a postal card or letter Btatlug "Where you are going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there are In your party, What freight ami baggage you have, I will write you or call at your hou'e nnd furnish you with the fullest Information regarding routes, lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive aud 11 lustraled laud pamphlets, resort books, liot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Fannin? Laids In Missouri, Arkan sas, imusnsuua jexas. - J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Ant., W. E. HOYT. G. E. 1 Agt., 301 li road wny.Nuw York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY HEATING LANfCETS Nearly every pattern of 1orsS Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that SA Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mile Boss Electric Extra Test Baker EiOUSE iUWETI ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. Ask for ,the Va Book. You can get it without charge, WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Milrheftrr'e )!nSll,li Diamond Brant. Orlirlnal n&il Onlv fittintiiA. H. nlw-, r Haula. IlruKl fur Phuhtster $ En ii.tA ltta-j token titled wi'li Mi rl' 1 uLe (toiu arul ffnfijiivitf, At LnuLtti4. orated 4a. nootheh !! fuse dan ie .uiu'lUu la sUmpa for frtlonUrj t -tiiaiaUJj tnj Mull. 1.i.Km'f,.!mu. hI .tout) 0FFER1I Vbea trvublM with thou anuoymi Urn f fwjuentli fallowluti a oold or p ur, or f roi lUutioual WeukDrHHef o 'cttlv.i ic'I-air ttrs bin Uae DH, DuCltOIKh 1 C-tebrati u FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Iheyortt Etrengthenlni? ttithe rnur. taji-i. tonw, visor and uiiujnf tn- foioato ull rni.ottciui.of I and mind, Uent i i " '. ur l t. atf J. t). Aridre Or, Hart or Mr n .rc..$T.0UIS Mf Or the Liquor Halill, l"illl'ly Cureu ay nuuiiniittvi-liiff fir. iiuiaca (Joldrn Ni.erlflc It ll manofaotured aa a powder, which oaa be gives In a elate of beer, a cup of cotfee or tea, or In rood, without the knowledge, of the patient It le abeolutely harmleea, and will effeot a permanent and apeedy cure, whether the patieut la a moderate drinker oc an alooholto wreck It haa been slven In tboueanda fit eaeee, ana in every innancs a prneoi cure uh 101 wed. It never Fall. Tbeeyetem onoe tmproenafr ad with the beoomea an utter impoaal bill ty tot the liquor appetite to Ut. 48 pace book of parlloulare frte. To be had o' C. H..HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah HORSE m El FENNY tUL TRAINS IN COLLISION Fatal Accitlont On tbo Balti- more & Ohio Railroad. TWO KILLED AND TERES HURT. A Eegulat Freight Otaa w Iato An Exti( With Terrible Beaulta. The Aeeldent Oeeurred In Deep Cut, SoiildliiK Ream Oanam the "Death of tin Knttlneer-A Tramp Who Wits MtUlti liitwaatt the Hump era Craehud--8evoiHl Trainmen Injnreil. CdmiiERiand, Mil., Sep. 28. A dits erous freight wrack occurred on the Bal timore St Ohio rood at it wwter station four miles west of Cumberland yester dny, in which two men were. killed and three Injured. - Where the accident happened is a deej cut, n sharp curve and a grado. An ox. tra freight was running at the rate of 17 miles nn hour and behind ltcamo arogu lar freight, wliich wa,s behind time, run ning about 22 miles an hour. As the regular train rounded the cnrvi the engineer saw the rear end of the other train and reversed his engino but it was too late. The flroman jumped and escaped with a lew slight uruiscs, Engineer Earnest was thrown from thq enKino which was wrecked comnlotclv The escaping stonm scalded him terribly aud his skin when haudlod came oil in shreds. lie died this afternoon. Win. Thorpe, who was riding on a bumper midway the train was caught between two cars und terribly smashed, receiving injurios from which ho died in the nftornoon. 4 Conductor Zimmerman, Brnkcman Hardy and Lewis Rogers, who wore in the caboose of the extra freight, wero slightly Injured, About 17 cars were piled In a hotoro goneous mass on the tracks. The dam ago is placed at $10,000. wnucK a SOH00N121L Tho Stonmor Clrcniihi Collldos With Vmiol and Ileturns to Port. New Yokk, Sept 28. The Anchor Lino Steamship Clrcassla, which sailed hence for Glasgow, Saturday, returned to her pier last night with a nolo seven feet long and flvo feet wide in her starboard bow. I'rojecting from tho hole was a quantity of wreckage, Including tho bowsprit and JllAioom of a Balling vessel. The Clr cassia came into collision with, a lumber- laden schooner outsido of Sandy Hook while sho was going at full speod. Tho Clrcassla was loft in a bad con dition. Her machinery was disarranged by tho shock nnd it was decided to ro turn hero. Tho schooner colliding with tho Clrcassla Is the Daylight, of Boston, whioh is completely wrecked forward or the foremast. The buoyancy of her cargo kept hot afloat and sho followed the steamer to port. Tho shock of the oolllsion throw a number or tho passengers of the Clrcassla out of their berths, but no ono was in jured. witxiAM n. Kr.3ii!Li: bisau. A l'rumluont Poniidvlvnulim Wlio Wat Twice Uleotod Stuto Trnasurer. I'liiLADKLruiA, Sep. 23. William II. Kemble died suddenly yesterday of heart failure, at his country home "Murylawn." Mr. Komblo had- been warned long ago that he musf glvo up active participation in business affairs if he wished to pro long his life. Ho heeded this warning and was gradually severing his connec tion with tho various street railway en terprises which he had connected him self with. Mr. Kemblo was 03 years old 110 liau boen identifled with politlos -from his youth and was always high in the coun cils of the Republican party. He was twice olootod State Treasurer of Penn sylvania on the Republican ticket. He leaves a largo family of children and grandchildren. His wealth Is estimated ut soverul millions of dollars. Confiscated tho Choclca. RocnESTKH, Sep. 28. For some time past tho Itochoster Car Company has boen using a round nlokol piece about the size of a 0-cent nickel, as cheoks for passes on the road. These hava been sold to the patrons of the road at tho rate of eleven for 00 cents. Saturday an official of tho Government Secret Servlco ap peared In the city and conflscatod all tho chocks claiming that these chocks were being passed us money and there Is a federal statuto prohibiting tho issuing or circulating of any check or dovico that cun bo used as money. IUlled Htopplnc a ltuuaway, Alijeoan, Mich., Sep. 28. While try ing to stop a runaway horse drawing a vehicle containing a man and three, chil dren, tho Rov. E. A. Andrews was knocked down and his scalp was torn from tho back of his head. His right collar bono and three ribs were also broken, iig cannot recover. Iteceiitlon tu tho Whlto llouso Ladles. Boston, Sep. 27. Tho reoeptlon nt tho Newton Club to Mrs. Harrison nnd Mrs. McKeo was a very brilliant nllulr. The club house in Newtonville was filled with a crowd of (100 or moro ladles from i to U o'clock. Mrs. Governor It us soil recolved Mrs, Harrison nnd Mrs. M0K00 at tho club rooms nnd presented them to the ladios of Newton. ltutTnlo Hill's Show In Walva. Londox, Sep. 28. Duffalo Dill's show has been playing a very successful en gagement in Wales. Iho show exhibi ted lu Cardiff for six days, giving two performances each day, und tho receipts for that time am mntod to ?51,2S0. The tour of tho show in tho provinces has also been a great success. Six Thousuud Men Ucsume Work. PlTTBBUno, Sep. 23. The blowors nt tho West Park window glass factory nt Findley, Ohio, bogan work Saturday. This la tbo first window glass house in the western district to resumo work, and tho rost will follow nt once, thus put ting six thousand mdn to work who havo been idle since the middle of August. Cznr und XCaiavr to Mee'. Bkkun. Sep. 28. Tho official Dorsen 'Courtsr" says that the Czar has Droni tsed Prlnoo Leopold that he would visit tus KAUMt a, tne .earliest opportunity. highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTE LV PURE Mint St on! Cash to He Indlctrd, KoUntze, Tex., rp. 29. J. D. Mc Millan, ex-county Treasurer, who wot charged with mln-Applying funis to the Huiouut of Jl-i.OO'l, has been aoqultt by order of Judge Hightower, who hold) that the legal deflnlt on of money is le gal tender coin, nnd that bonds or OOU. bona are not money. According to thli ruling of Judge Hightower, who is oni of tho State's brightunt jurists, no officio1 can be indicted under til" present. Stati law unless he steals oash . Murdered For 1IU Mnnoy. Yot'NOSTow.v, O., Sep. 28. -Th body 0 James Kano was found :n 11 n alloy in thj morning. He had junt be.-n paid oft nut was evidently murdered for hUmo.ioy Pending tho result of tho Coroner's in quest, a saloon keeper named Durkiu an his wife with a boarder named Frnnl Nary are hold under sur'voillauco. Kuno was last seen in Durkln's saloon. 32any Dentin Fi-um Typhoid. CoLl'MmJB, Ind., Sep. 27. Ir tho neigh borhood of Harris City, near tho caiteri; part of this county, an epidomto o typhod fever of a most mnllgmin; typ has been raging for the last two weeks. During this tluio thoro havobeeu twenty flvo deaths. Work or tho Floods In Spiln. Madrid Sep. 23. It is o.tlcially stat oi that 0')0 buildings remain standing ip Cousuegra, out o. 2,100 th i0 stood then Let ure tho flool. Tliero are plenty of meu In the swim who never touch water. A Baby Full of Oollo Pains I3 not an interesting study; euro him quickly by Rotting a freo samplo bottlo of Dr. Hand's Colio Cure from J. M. Hlllan or 0. J. JtcOirthy, tho dru?gUl,,., It in stantly cures colic. It requires a deliuite aim to make a hit In life. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? Tho signal per naps nl IliH sure npuroHcU of that more ter rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can ullord for the sake of saving S3 cent, to rim the risk and do nothing for It. We know iron experience that Bhlloh's Cure will Cure yonr Cough. H never falls. This oxpUlus why more than a Million Dottles wtre sold the pwi year. It relieves Croup and Whopplnic Joah at once. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame IUck, Hide or (."heet, use Bhlloh's Porous Piaster. Hold by ('. H. Hafeubuoh, N. E. corner Main aud Lloyd streets. A oold wave promised. If you want 10 drive nwny Dyreopsla, Billou-inees, Uousllpatl.-in, Poor Appetite aud all evils urlilntf from a disordered Liver use Dr. Lee's Liver Kefulator. Trial bottles free at Klrlln's drug store. The suburban dust. roads are a' mass of Happy Hooslero. Wm. Tlmmo-is, I'otmaster of Idaviile d.. wrllts. "Kloctrlo lilitors has done more f.jr ine than all other mediolnes nomhiued, for that bad leellng arising; from Kidney and l.liai trmililn " .Tiiltn T.nitll.. funimp Mt.rl 1 fctoecmau, of same place, Mtys: "Find Klec tile Hitters to be the oent Kidney aud Liver medicine, made me feel lite a uew man,' J W. Gardner, hard wait) merchant, tame town Kays: Kleclrio llltters Is lust the thing (or a man who is i.ll run down aud don't cara whether he lives or dies; he found now slrenxtu, good appetite and felt Just tike lie had a newle-eou life, only 50c. u bottlo at u. u. iiitgenouou'H urns ntJte. The September crop of July weather bents tho record. Mexican National Engineers Speak We, tho und tidirned, emilueers of the Mex ican National Hallway, aud members ol the ftrotherhood of Locomotive lnglueei of Mexico, certify that we nave ued lite Cactus IllnodCuro for bloc diseases, and we can truthfully toy that, with ours- lveir, ss woll as wlthouruccnmluUuces, the remooy has ef fected a perfect cure when other medicines nave Miieu. rltnso use this certificate for the benefit ol our biother engineers nnd tho Kounrnl public . 21. i, J. O. UAHKESY. JAMES THOMPSON, Member of the jlromcrbood of Locomotive Engineers, Acamnnro, Mexico. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Fefijuson lloute Hlock, Shenandoah. A little trade. too warm for the oysttr Bhlloh's Consumption Curo. This is beyond nueetlon the most suc oeseful Cough Medicine we hnvs ever sold, A lew doses Invariably oure the wo at oaten oi r?oagb, Croup, and Broucultts. while its won Jorful Miccc-s in the cure of Consumption is Tlthout a parallel in the history nf raed clne. Since it's first discovery it lias been told on a guarantee, a lest which no other medicine .'an sland. Ii you havo a Cough we earnestly atc you to try it. Prine 10 rents. 6'l cents, aud il.10. If your Lungs are sore, chest or Hack lame, use Hhitoh's Porous Platter. Hold bv 0. H. Ilagenbuch. N. E. corner Main and Lloyd streets, It Is moonlight now lu the mornings luBtentl of evenings. Judgement ihould be displayed In buying nvwJU line above nil things. In selecting a remedy for any disease, you should be positive that it contains nothing inju rious to the health. Many remedies on the market leave the patient In ft much worse condition, than boiora taking them. S- S- S Is purely vegetable, and perfeotly hannloss; the most delicate child can take It with absolute safety. It contains bo mercury or minerals of any kind, and yet it never foils to cure the dis eases It Is recommended for. Book on Blood and Bkiu diseases fre. Bwift SpeclfloCOn Atlanta, 0 U. , Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, rig bwder AKTUn TATK OFFICIALS. Oor. Pattlson's Cnll for a feipi-4!nl Kesatoli ftlio Hvtiftto Crntestt Flurry. HAidusnvito, Pa., Sep. 28. dor. rt tison's proclamation calling "nn extra ses sion of tho Senate on Oct. 18 to investi gate the administration of eerttlu State officers 1ms caused quits a stir among officials here, although It was understood such a plan was contemplated. The governor gives tho following rea son for his action 1 "Grave ohargos have been preferred involving tho Auditor General and State Treasurer and most seriously reflecting upon the mnnnor in which their official duties have been per formed. It is proper that diligent in- nulrr should bo mado to ascertain 1 whether or not reasonable causo doea , exist for their removal. 11m 1 1 . 1. .. . ... l. , 1 1 .1 I found conviction that the officials re ferred to, and somo of their subordin ates, have been grossly inefficient, shamefully negligent and entirely want ing in duo fidelity. It is the prevailing opinion that tome of tho officials con nected with theao offices have been guilty of absolute faithlessness nnd downright dishonesty in violation of their oaths of o 111 co and of tho criminal laws of tho commonwonlth. If any ono of tho charges so mado should be established, appropriate action looking to the re moval of tho officers Involved should bo taken by the Sennto. "John Uardsley; late Treasurer of the City of Philadelphia, Is now a convict for embezzlement of public monoy, a lnrgc portion of which would havo been in tho state Treasury long prior to the ox posuro of his notions had thoto charged with the administration of tbo duties of Auditor-General and btato Ireasurer performed1 them with duo fidelity. Bardsloy's stubborn refusal to dlscloso any Information whatever as to the con-1 duct of these ofllcials, has compollcd tho . abandonment of proposod criminal prose cution, nt least for a time. A proper in quiry by tho Senate may dovelope cvl-1 dencc sufficient to satisfy its members that reasonablo cause exists tor tho re moval of the Auditor-General and Stuto I Tiensuror." THK WJSST SHAltUN UP. An Karthnunlia Criutrs Consternation, Hut IJoea Little Damage. CaicAQO, Sep. 28. Sevon Western anil Southern States were visited by nn earthquake shock Saturday night shortly baforo 11 o'clock, but tho damage done was comparatively small, being confined principally to tho cracking of buildings, some of which, however, maybe so badly , .....j . - injured as to nocess.tate their being torn down. The States -died were Illino Is, Iown, Indiana, Uhlo, Tennessee, Mis tourl nnd Kentucky. From the reports received hero tho general direction of the seismic disturb ance seems to havo been from not th west to tho southeast. Galena, III., In' tho northwestern part of this State near the Wisconsin line, being the extreme north orn point. Telegraphic reports say that in some cities three distinct shocks wero felt, but in the majority of towns heard from but two were experienced. The duration ol the disturbance was from three mcomlj to one minute, although St. Louis tele graphs that the shock lusted fully tw minutes. STOUT WILL ItKCOVKIt. Thought at Ono Time That Ho Was Dying front Hydrophobia. ASBunv Pabk, N. J., 'Sep. 28. William Stoat, tho wealthy fnrmerjrf Hamilton, who was supposed to be dying from hy drophoblu, Is out of ull immediate dan ger. Dr. Kinsraonth, tho attending physi cian, says Mr. Stout's blood was poisouod by virus in tho calf whioh licked his hand and arm after it had boen bitten by a mad dog. Stout's nrm is still tor ribly swollen. The people aro beginning a war of ex termination upon all dogs found in the neighborhood. J Sain und l?vnsllottirn. Brooklyn, Sop. 28. Now that Snm Thornton and his ssister-ln-laW Iilvo Jewell havo returned and havo boen re ceived by their relatives with outstretched arms, further statements from tho couple aro expected. As yet, Sam and Eva Eosltively refuse to see reporters. Sam's rother Will, however, was seen. "We havo nothing to say now," ho snid "Sam and liva are with us. We are. glad that they are here. Of courso, we believe their story. They didn't olopo. Mrs. Thornton believes them. Why shouldn't slier Sly brother enjoys an ox cellent loputatlou, Maybe he'll give out a statement on somo future day.' There are few, however, who believe the story ns told by the couple. Shot Dead In Ilia Store. Poht Ciibsteb, N. Y., Pep. 28. Jamei B, Daly, of the firm of Daly Brothers, grocers, on Main street, was shot ant1 killed Saturday In his store by J ohn 1. Gleason, a night watchman. There lia been bad feellug between Gleason nnJ Daly because Duly permitted Mrs. Glea sou to stay at his house after she ha beed compelled through Hbuse to sepa rate from her husband. Gleason uar rowly escaped lyuolilng. Daly 'lonves t wlfo and three small children. Mrs. Gleason was a sister of Daly. The mur derer walked into the store and dellbep atoly shot bis victim while thu latter wai standing behind the counter. To Visit tho Fair. London, Sep. 23. Arrangements an now complote for the Polytechnic ex' curslon to tho World's. Fair nt Chicago. Tho party, which will include about 13 men anil women, mostly tnaoiiatucs clerks, aud boarding-school teachers, will go straight to New York A dnj will be spent iu Philadelphia and a day In Washington, nnd thoro will bo week's stay in Chicago. The harvest moon la waning. A MANIAC IN CHURCH Attempts an Assault Upon Archbishop Corrigan. A SCENE OF WICD CONFUSION. The Madman Denonaoet the Prelate as "Pbntitw Pilate." ATmlAa AtraftU ntwem ths Manlae , and the Nts;rit Wafcchmh--Thfc Cmitrv nation Amh for the oors The Aroh bUhop Uiihurl HU Assailant a Maehin Ut WUu la erased tty Hlekncas. New Yokk, Sep. 28. St.' Patrick's Cathedral, yesterday morning was the scene of the greatest ecoltement, when a inauiac attempted to kill Archbishop Corrigan, who was pieaohtng. The seats in the main body of the church were within a few feet of the pulpit in which, the Arohbishop was speaking. In the front row of these seats tat a young in tin whose disordered attire and pale face aud gleaming eyes' all durfng tho teivice preliminary to the sermon had caused people to goto upon him with affrighted glances. Suddenly be jumped to his feet and with a wild scream shouted to the Arch blxhop an he Bhook his clenched list at the priestly speaker, a torrent .of half .Tt..i! 1 .1... ... 1 "Yen area Pontius Pilate," he vowed, with a demoniac writhing of his face ; "you havo judged Father McGlynu, and I nm his friend." The ravings of the man were then merged in a howl of mingled screams, curses and half-uttered blasphemy Ho grasped the locked pew door ami vaulted over the slight barrier into the aisle; and with outstretched, quivering hands, dashed toward tho altar, shouting that he would stranglo the Archbishop where he stood. In tho twinkling of nn eye the wildest panic reigned. Women screamed and fainted, strong men turned pale, aud the church, from n sllont place of worship, was turned into a pandemonium of frightened people. Then the madman rushed to tho foot of tho pulpit, dnd hnd mounted two steps toward the prelate when James Martin, the night watchman ot the Cathedral, sprang upon him, and the two engaged in a donily struggle Tho noise of tho battle, loud as It was, wai nearly drowned by tho stnmpedo of thu congregation. Somo people shouted that a fire hnd brokon out, others crlod that tho Aroh bishop hod 1 o"n assassinated at thu altar, but all rushi-d In a disorderly, panlo strickeu c:o v 1 for the exits. Finally n policeman separated the 00m bntnnts mill arrested the madman, who, ivh'n locked up, gave his nalno as Joseph 1'. Houralum, and his occupation, a machinist. lie Is orazed by Uluess. CONFIHKNCK 31AN CAUGHT. Tho Notorious "Ked Loary" O'lirleu Ar rested fur Swindling it Ulevohniit. Nxw York, Bop. 23. Thomas, alios "Red Loary" O'Brien, one of the most dospornte confidence men and all-round crooKB" in this city, was arrested lost uiK)lt ou 0 warrant sworn out by the , h?aM(,t Attornoy of AlbanV( oUlu.glug "crookB" in this city, was arrested lost him with the theft of J10,0!JO Albany merchant, Feb. 8, 1800. Tho job was done by U linen and a "pal" named Geoage Post. They induced tholr victim, .by a time- rkrlng U to the hotsl a't worn bunco game, to draw thu mqnoy which thoy were stopping. As soon us he went to tholr room and showed that ho had the money with htm, he was knocked seusoloss with a saudbog and robbed. Post fled to Soutli America and is there yet. O'Briou disappeared and it was not until yesterday that any trace of nun couiu oe iouuu. SHOT THK MAVOIt. 1 . A Doepnrato Negri Kllle the Chler Oflloer nf HpurtHnburg, 8. C. Sl'AHTANDriw, S. C, Sep. 88. There Is but little doubt but that South Carollnu will add another lynchiug to her list be fore another day Is doue. Mayor J. Hen neman was shot down at 0 o'clock with out a moment's wurnlug and tho mur derer is now In jail In momentary cx- . 1 1 1 j:ucuiuuy ui uoiug lyutueu. John Williams, u desperate negro, was making a disturbance af'homo with his wife when Mayor Heuneniun went to tho house to ascertain tho cause of the loud crie Ho arrestod Williams and was trying to provent his oscnpe until tho po lice came to his assistance. Daring tho strugglo which followed Williams shot the mayor in tho back, killing him instantly. The town is greatly oxclted. The Mine Still Ilurnlug. WlLKEeiiARnc, Pa. Sep. 27. Tho fire in the lower workings of the Delaware and Hudson Cunal Company's large Conynghum Colliery Is still burning fiercely and all efforts to extinguish it have proved fruitless. The wholo mino will havo to 1m flooded and this will throw a lurge number ot men out ot cm- j ploymeut. It will take until February to llood'tho mino and then pump It out again. Knglnoors Object to Federation. New Yoiik, Sep. 28. A meeting of lo comotive engineers was held in Jersey City yesterdny. Over 1,000 engineers, aocompanied by tholr wives, were pres ent. After an open mooting, at whioh speech-making aud sociability were tho order, hail been held, a secret sosdon 00 011 r red. Federation of the Brotherhood with otho railroad organisations was dis cussed, but no definite notion was taken. The sentiment appeared to be agalust federa lou. Disastrous Fire In St. Louis. St. Loins, Sop. 98, Tho Blunt Milling Co's. buildings and those of the Mnusur Tibbit Implement Company, besides a number of other structure, wero de btroyed by lire yesterday, Tho loss will exceed a million dollars. Two firemen were seriously hurt. A Diphtheria llpldoiulc. AiiiAKcE, a, Sep. 28. Diphtheria is raging ut Nlles, 0. Already many homes have been terribly strickon. Five chil dren died yesterday, Tho schools have been closet, lllocle Ttocord llrnken. Losdo.v, Sep. 27. Edge, tbo bicyclist, 1ms broken the record, bv riding from L mdon to Edinburgh, 1117 m.lus, in 88 hot'rs and ii 1-2 minutes. Ladies Think " then Act. That Wolff'sACMEBIackin S CHEAPER than any other d. 0 ir at any price, be it 5 cents, 10 cent- . S cents, you can convince your.,e:' 1 -, wearing one shoe dressed with.VL-i' Blacking and the other shoe dr.- I wh whatever happens to be 1 fovorite dressing. While Acme i'u 1 lag will tndurt a month throu h ; er mm, 'and can, If the shoe is snl, n, be washed clean, the other dressing v a' not lost a single day in wet wtauV r Your shoes will look better, 1 i longer and be more comfortal It if dressed with Wolff's Acme Blacking. W0LW & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO WiRILUa Causes no eruptions upon tho skin such as nearly all sarsaparilla mixtures do; but drives the impurities from the blood through the proper channels, tones up the sy stem increases appetite, and rapidly cures dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and. all diseases depending up hi an impure condition of the blood. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Blk, Shenandoah, Pa. Ask my ntrents Tor W. f If not for sole In nni DoltirlnM SliopH. pliico nslc )anr rno. Hocni-u the dealer to send for cntnlogiie. nizvuev. mm uet tuctn fur latt. W-TAKE NO SUBST1TUTL. jJ WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MMV? It IS tl fk'ailllt'Kli blllX', W 1th LjO tllCkS 1 1 l IllT 1 1 to hurt tlioftor; miule of t he hvt rtrn- alt ,i nnd easy, niul btvaum v mcAt nuj. nl r ti n Oniric than tuty uthei munuttrtiin'i; It t tli Nil, nV BtnviM uli'ii'fl costing from tog-Vio. Ctt OtK.fMllllM', th.' fin. c if Vvi ph. 10 cvnr offered for g-VU"; (n H'li i H Imported shot's lik'h cost from $.' ' t" 1 . 1 CA 0 lltitul-HcMfi! Welt Minis tl tf PaTm 6tyltnh, cimfurttihlf nud iliira1 it 1 1 i slioe ever offered nt this urioo : namv l-i i t. i tu'n-nmdeHliotMcnaUiiit from 6.(0 toM . atO JO roiit'o Miri ifirmurs, it .Hi. i urtli nml Letter I'm t IithhII w ear tin in i i s ! geamless, hiiKKitli Inside, lieiivy tluee M'l. - i iti 1 Bluu cdtre. one pair will wear ft year. ot iinu iHiii no iieuersnoe e i r - i SDmim thU iiriets; ono trlMl will eotiM' i tu - who want ahhoe for comfort nnd nervl i-. ffiA '2't uittl S'J.OO Viikltiifiiinn tli . 3 suVatfiai are verv Htrouir ami dtirnble. II who havo k I villi them a trial III wear no t u I HAVfl' (,u vi.7) hcii" i nr CIvJ O worn by thu bojetcov u lit i. , i u j u en their merits, n the iuTeu-duK Milt - i-u v B -aJ: a KI.tM llnutl-Nt-ui-d bad VI ICO UoiiKolfi, vei Htyllbh. t qua -irti.. u Inmortcd ihoos cost Idk from to tt" Jllllll'n 4l'Ut IfvilMI IIIIH fries' Misses nru the best tine Duuffotu. Ht lltth ji 1.75 n f f I slum 4 h c'Able r'lllllloii. See that W. Ti. DouI't ''tl Uitd price oreatamped on the bottom uf v,u h -h , S L. UuUOLAB, llrocku.ij, Mass. DR. THEEL, 538 BPCRrtSriJBit ..iv ...iiulu. C.i TItii. Ab Slx-clsll-l I" th l it. .i t n 1 lie hio u curu Blood Poison, Nervous Debility er.i Spe cial Diseases 'a Sklu DI..M4-. Hut biti Palm Id Ui iKiucSoroThront Mouth, ItlcL-hr. Hmplr.. I nuiU' i - mil er bird lle-r, Swt-liiuK., liilluuiu,Uoni an nunnloci, StrltfturuB, Wcakno, anl Eiul aflr Inst m,morj w,.k bft'll monul mlHr Kill T ana H'lil.r Msi-asr, anil ,11 Dlv pmuIiIi'P fr i l,.Bc, or oirworli Htit eawi car-l In 4 ' l0flM. Iriur ,t met Itn nui li hopp. no m,ti t !io yy' ll.lnl I)oin,. uuuk, farallj or llmrllal Flu -i li ' " Dr. TllttL cun, nnaltlvelv anil wllnun !'" n,m toltori. w vm mi. ..nn 1"T.T" ..,' itiaa uiuix rl.h or ("". "'"t 2-- l,i"n ' r . hOO "TRUTH" e.oaIn Quk-. unilir n. ll.,ia Hulr n-.m I I, lip 1 I aud bat Et'.-i w 10. Kunili- B ,111 12 IrrlW nr wOl and t tet ScltroooM iIo. and Satartaj Plilla. itl'J W GOLD MEDAL, PA5I5, 1878. W. Baker (SCo.'s ireakfast from which tho exeraj of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure aud it is Soluble No Chemicals aro used hi IU preiiarntlou. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, anil id therefore) far moro economical, costing less Hum one cent a cup. It is delicious, flourishing, Btrongthonhig, easily digested, and admirably adapted for Invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro. i W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.