0& e vjiianges ! aouuauu All kinds of spices, vinegar, sugar, etc., for tho preserving and pickling season. All pure. Sweet Pickles and Pickled Goods, Canned Goods, Cheese, etc., at SETEBIT'S, AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, Light. 1 CITY. Fi. KFIM1LMBBU M3PMI'il!HJ HCgjm'.Bak Dark. K MISER EXPORT B EER, KBss0tBttaa uzoiiRsSesEcsJ s a&nda bsLbi Vsjst taA W mahmaJ Cor. Centre and White Streets. The. Evening Herald AU TUB NUWS FOJt ONH CENT. Haaatar.'er circulation In Hhenandonh than any other paper published. Circu lation books npm to all. AFFAIRS OAUOHT HASTILY, "What News Qathorors Tako Momout to Toll About. Pay day. MurclianU busy. October coming. September ntnrly gone. Tlio straw hut is still about. Struct repairing eoiitlniKs. The coal busluess Is brisk. Tlio "Y'b" are Uolug good work. The crusher continues to crush. Short (-urinous should bo tlio 'ruin to morrow. The excursion business Is not yet over uy any melius. The hay Cover season is rapidly coin ing to a close. Merchants are laying hi their full and winter stock. The rattle of the coal ahute is heard the live-long day. That ancient chestnut "The World" is coming this way. The police will havo their hands full to-night, unto, the justues. Shenandoah will Heud u big crowd to I'oitsvine next Thursday. In one respect tlio ladles have a par allel. Tiie spring chicken never tells its age. The corn and buckwheat 19 safe, and we'll have plenty of com bread and buckwhtat cakes. September him given us the longest continued spell ol bright clesr weather of the whole year. Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. Tlio Dest Halve In the world for Cuts IlrulscH, Hores, Ulcers, bait Uheum, Fever, Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Uhlldtalns Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, uud positively curia Piles, or no tiny requlnd. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price i!0 cents i er box. For sals by C. II. Ilugenhuch. Coming Events. Oct. 1. Do ilosj Family concert at llobbins' opera liouio. Octobor 0. Supper, ltobhins' opora house, under auspices of tho Knglish Ihp list church. Oct. 20. Supper in Robbins' opera house under tho nntpicos of Ladies Aid Society, No. 13, auxilliarv to Sons of Veterans. Novembor 20. Grand supper in ltobbins' opera house; benofJt of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. . L. A. An Important Matter. Anyono desiring to iniuro their buildings or housoholil goods should call on David Faint, 120 South Jnrdin street, as be re presents tho largost and oldest purely stock or cash flro imuranco eompnnio', both foreign and domestic, Sir. Faust has had moro oxpirionco in this lino than any othor agent in tho town, having boon In tho business 20 years and ho settles all claims promptly and satisfactorily. 9-21 3t Oysters. Oysters aro in season. Go to SchoenorV. Families suppliod. Parlors for ladies. 9-4-tf Pay Your Taxos. Notice is herfby given that all persons in arroars for 18&9-W) taxes must multo fettlo rnont at once, as tho undersigned is deter mined to mako his collections compltto In tho near futuro, even If arrests must bo ro sortod to. Cujust. Schmidt, 9-10-tf Tax Collector. Enamel Photographs. Go and see Keagoy's Enamel Photoi. He is certainly in tho lend. No steps to climb. Kkaoby. BurchlU's Kostaurant. Charles lluichill ii now located at comer of Main and Coal streets, Sbent.ndoah llogular meals, at popular prices, sorvod any timo. Ltdles' dining and rofretbmont rooms attached. 0-11-tf Prettiott oil cloth in town at C. D. Frioko'g carpet store. Water' Wolse beer is tbo boet. Itellly ole agont. 0-18 tf John A. 6-6-tf Theplaoe to buy your school books cheap is Also Beliolar1 ComptiDlous, hook Strap and anything required In sthool. Slute, penolls, etc., ao.d re tail aud wlioltsale. Bioki Suitable forKastaod West Malianoj'Twp. Don't lorget the plane If you wish to save mi nty. IMI. MBLLBT: I SCHOOL BOOKS. I 1 CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centra St, Shenanaoah. REGION 'ROUND. A Budgot of Interesting Articles on all Topics. 7 he Allentown Chronicle complains that the billy goat has recently en tered tho Held in that city as a home hold pet. It describe billy as "a bird not admired for the brilliancy of his pluniHge nor the sweetness of his song" and wants City Council to im pose a nigh license on mm ior run ning at large. Let the Chronicle rest eiu-y until that railroad to cross forty streets In Allentown Is put Into opera tion. The btst goat exterminator in tho world is a railroad and an engi neer who understands his business. The Lehigh Valley has a passenger train engineer residing at weaineriy who has a record of having killed en an averaga three Lovlston billy goats per day 'since running a locomotive and ho is now over fifty years old. A number of miners of the D. & H. Co. met fit Olyphant yrstorday aud cwldend thoalp-wtrnf Superintend ent Vundllng that those nilnerB who wanted their pay semi-monthly could net it. Tliev formed resolutions de manding a strict ounpliance with tho law. At Hazlcton tho saloons are compr int: hot v on free lunches. It w said that one oilers ilftton coursts with ice ci cam; another announces "oyster soup and other side dishes," aud still another advertises to "sell beer for two and three cents a glass." Captain Linden, of the Pinlterton police force, Philadelphia, passed through aiiamokln this morning, and while the tiuln stood at the station a Dlnpaich reporter bad a few minutes inlenleW with tho well-known de tective who won famo during the reign of the Mollio Maguires in this region several years ago. The captain was not very talkative, but stated that he was still worMng on tho Ketsler murder ease, which took place at Seybertsvllle, October IB, 188. The matter was placed in his hands some years ago, but in spite of all ellorts tlio murderer or murderers have never been upprehendtd. Shamokln Dis patch. Decree Hartman, of Port C lnton, died at his late homo in that place of typhoid fever. Deceased was 70 ytars or age, wen anu iavoraoiy known throughout tbo southern sec tion 01 the county, where he had re sided many years. Ho had been em ployed by the P. & 11. company for upwards of thirty years and was a faithful servant. The boao for Hard Water is Lenox. 50 BEAUTIES Wliat ? Yes, Indeed ! We mean those 50 new styles and designs In EMimOIDKUED lrill.T I, A3! HRICQlJITtf , w.vr XAIII.E COVIJKH, AIIT HATTI!IiM TIlir.H,&C, AND THE REAL BEAUTY LOW PRICES! Morgan's Bargain Bazaar G. M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office I'a. 20 West Lloyd Btrcet, Bhenandoah DRESS PS -AT- JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS "Common Sense" SHOE STORE, 110 South Mam St, Shenandoah. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE ! S- Hi. BK.O"W3ST. Grand Opening! FALL AND WIN TER STYLES OV MILLINERY ELLA M. M'GrNMSS; -No. 26- East Centra St, Shenandoah, Pa. Tbe finest and largest assortment In Hals, Bonnets aud Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TBIMMED AND UN TRIMMED II.VT3 Caxmot Too aSJetxntvUocl, FOR RENT. STORE-ROOM ffl DWELLING Cor. Jardin and Lloyd Sts. The Underslcucd oilers the store-mom and dwi lllng, i-1 mmo at the northwett corner of Jardin nnd Lloyd streets, for rent, l'ossesilon given ImmcdUiUly. The store-room has 1 e- eenuy tieen paperea nna patnieo, ana is a no- siniuie location ior most any ainaot unsines-. If so desired, thn stole-room can be rented without tbe dwelling. tor mriner part euiars apply 10 THOMAH 1). DA VIES. 10-10-lf Cor.Jnrdln and Lloyd Streets, COAILEYBRO.'S! -FOU- BEST FLOUR I AND ALL KINDS OF Knlnhl's 01d SUnd. SIIENAXDOAU.PI Cor. Centre and White Hts. New Saloon and Restaurant Newly Fainted, Papered anil Iiccovatti No. us HAHT CKJ.YIIIJ HXKI5IJX, Th.-ee doors above ICendrick House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Ilashev would Inform his martv friends and the public that be will cater to their wants mine same urst-ciass siyio mat 110 lias done in ine past, none uuwue uesi orauas or tor will be kept In stock. Choice tempeiance UriIiBB. rillDUlU BIUCKUIO. The eating ba' Is supplied with everything In the eating line served In the best style. Meals served at all hours. Flue nrivale romni CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT. 201 N. Main St., Bhenandoali. Tho Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc, -GO TO- PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S 111 EAST CENTRE HT,, For Fine Pears and Best California Crapes. DEBT CELEKY IN TOWN. Has removed to Bill Jones 'old s tana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pica' cd to meet the wants of his friends and tbe public lu Everything in tlio Drinking Lino ffl BLANKETS an CARPETS WANTS, Sco. "COR SALE Old bottles, sultablefor JL? bottling cwtsup, Ac. can be hart very cheap at .1. A. ltellly's liquor sto b. 8 20tf rrOR RENT. Tl'i-ee rooms, suitable U fur club room. olUce. etc. Gas and steam fixtures. New nollerTusi'piu In. Apply u Levi Herowlch, clothier, Hi Main Bt. 0 Ml W "ANTED. A girl for general housework. Good waees nald. Artnlv at llEitAi.n olllce. Oil) it AGENTS WANTED. Free pre paid outfit to tucr.otlc, men. Seven-1 of our salesmen have earned from t70 to i100 a week tor years past. 1: u. isox lsii xsv York. 9 25 lw DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Ilowse'a grocery store, cor. uer Jardlu and Oak streets. Shenandoah. 1'a rpYPE WRITING. A young lady, JL a gradnat' . wnw work at type writing, t all at IIekald I'lllce, or address Hkrald Sheimudoall, I'a, " 8 Ml . In r(, t'lll f 1 t T H - I 1. JD lug for a tanu? If so call on or write to . J. Kchler, r rackvmo, i'a., as to wnero tney re located and for terms. S22-tf 170R SALE A bpautiful double rod ron fence, si.ltnble for fencing ceme tery lots, or f r gate nromui willing. In qtvrc of i'resbyierlan church trustees, 0 9 tf 37STRAYED. From tho It of And ow Heshko, 519 Usspt an old brown aud black cow with mrusana only miiKs tnreo tents, ars reward for return 10 wner. I70R SALE. A nice 28 acre farm ? loi ale. miles from Mhenandoab. heautlf illy situated ou a publlo rund Oonfl dwelling, Guidbarn. Fruit tries beginning to bar. Ml young. Hplendld stream 01 water runnlnir ilirouitli tbo the land. This Is gocd chance lor a man wno wants a smaii irm. inouiro or Jans u. nuiion. post offloe bulldl g, room 0. 9-0 tf DISSOLUTION OF Bhip. Noilee Is 1 cret'y PARTNER clven that the nrmof Laudig S Hooks hereiofore cji-llug aud do nis business in the borough of Shen andoah has been this day dissolved, Mr. !). Lnudicr, tno senior nicmuer or ine nrra. rellrliiR. Thebmlntss wl 1 hereafter he con ducted by V. V. Hooksand Hlcliard L.Mrown, composliiR tho firm of Hooks & Ilruwn, who assume all obligations of Ihe old Arm nnd to Wiioni an uins ouo luni nrm fiiuuiu ue paiu. i. w. IJOOKS UICIIAKD Jj. IlnowN. Shenandoah, I'a., Sept. It, lbOl. 1-n-w-Iw AMUSEMENTS. JjlUIHiUhOI'! TIieATUB, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891 Annul visit ol the popular young comedian, JAMES B. MACKIE, (Qriraesey, Me Boy!) In Thtmas Addison's new, bright, original musical uunecqne. ! Grimes' Cellar Door Suppoited by an excellent company of yocal lftis anu uuuuuiH. Bright, Catchy JIusin. oparKmignrccianjes. A Work nf Novel Features. Fun Itelgns Supremo. PllICES OF ADMISSION, 25, 50, 75c. Setts on sale at Klrlln's drug store. A NTIQUlTYcun be tolerated In almost any thing but bats. If the head Is out of date the rest of the body Is pretty sure to follow suit, Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can afford to wearanclent headgear, and even thny take a good many chanoes when they do It, It will cost you no more to bo up with the limes than It will to bo halfnmilo behind them. Everything about our 1.50 hat Is hand some but the price, nnd (I.5U for such a hatcau scaro ly be called anything but a ridiculously low figure, Tho same can be said of our 25c neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goodi Is the lowest priced In the murket. 13 S, Main St SOANLATST Shenandoah SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL Bobbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Ooroujecolng September 28. ORCHKSTItA or io I'lIJCES Reduction A few patterns of White Embroidery, riouncing3, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteons, Chintzes, . also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kinds,Avhich aro oftered regardless of cost to clean out. SICE'S Old 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah Business College -AN D- SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBINS' OPERA NORTH MAIN STEEET, Fall Term Beqins Monday, August '31st, 1891. W. J. SOLLY, DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well made, fashionable clothes? If so, call on W. J". JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardiii Street, Shenaudoak Call and see samnlesof the latest eoods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness nnd fair prices. CHAS. STETLEB, Tonsorial Artist ! (Towntend's old stnnd,) xtj'JN. Main St., Slicnaiuloali, Parttpfldofttrlncr a first olass shave, sharanro or hair cut i-houkl call at my new shop which has been rttlttedand thoroughly renovated. Special attention is given to lauteh' unir cutting. A cordial .Invitation Is extended to my old ratrcus and tho public In gene rnl to call aud see me at my new quarters, Newly Refitted aud Renovated. tonsorialTparlors ! Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SIIAMPOOJKQ, ETC., BV E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under rostofflco Building, Main aud Oak Sts.. Sheuandoab. 43r-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and careiui attention. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS IP. J. CLEABY, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Largo and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppfiea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA, W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller'a old stand,) Corner Coal and Jnrclln fits. Mr. Hnydor will always keep;in stock n.flne Custom Work nnd Ilcimlrlnu done In the best st vlo. He uuaranteea In sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who navr oig rents io pay, ana guarantees a genu just iojl-oes. ) Reliable Stand. Shenandoah, Pa. MOUSE BUILDING SHENANDOAH, ' President. To the general public tho Clothiers' advertisements aro apt to be "chestnuts." There- Pnvi urn will Ln no Lvinf net -nnca siblo. -Tmj Our FALL OPENING- DIS- V L PLAY of choice and natty- Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children occurs this week. Tho attractive prices seom to add to its beauties. NOW ONLY 13th h Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Cor. IIC-Hl-llltltlC ClOtlllltK III Plilluclclpliln. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream I BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to, Particular at tention pata to nans, ncnics, Festivals, etc NOUTH MAIN STREET, Near Corner of. Lloyd, SHENANDOAH. PENNA GET THE BEST. The "HEW BRDADWAV" RANGE Is tbe test range In tho market, and the price will Just suit, Tho following promptly attended to: TIN R0OFINO, SPOUTINO, R00F PAINTINO Andjall kinds of STOVE H333Ew(XIIXS, kept on hand. Dealers supplied. Thanking for past favors, I remain yours to command, B. PRATT, 7-6-3m 331 S. lardln St., Sheiundoah Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Hats, Caps and Cents' Furnishing Coodi and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Alary Anderson Caps (a, U A. 1.0 FH 21. I. 30 W. JO a n( ar ia VfJ SB po wi to in or gf "I St! Of an W! Wj tb in J . to in Ca II ll J 1 ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. m ue umnHiu uu every purvuu&e.