SOLDIERSJpIGNAWT Grand Army Men Eesent a Dem ooratio Insult RESULT OF SKINNER'S DAD IIRLWK. The l'oi'iinnnl Affront Olvon to Uvory Wnr Volf ran ly the "Hurolimd" of ttio Oemocrncy tlio TiiriiliiK Down of tlio Holdlcr by the Convention. Major Deniiiston, department coin miiii'lor of the Ciraiul Anny, was among the first to resent the insult to ths old Buldifrs, given in the Democratic state C' invention. Since then the veterans all over the state are their feeling in a manner which indicated that there will be few soldier votea cast for the Democratic candidates on the state ticket this full. General Giegff and Captain Morrison will oil thousands of Democratic votes from members of the G. A. 11. The speech of Captain Skin ner. as temporary chairman of the Dem ocratic state convention, in flippantly referring to the "soldier racket in poli tics." did as much as anything elso to arouse the lnuiKuatlon ot the brave de fenders of the Union. "Skinner is the last man who should talk about the soldier racket, said Ma jor Denniston the other day. "Ho is a chrome politician and one of the worst that was over at llnvrisbuipr. He may have been a frooil soldier, but his deser tion of his comrades now simply tocator to the Democratic party shows bad prin ciple. Heierring to ' General Gregg, Skinner wants to know in what way a "West Point trainim.' fits n man foi au ditor general. If Skinner had common tense ho would know that West Point requires as good educational training as a c iirporation lawyer usually has, and he would also know that General Gregg is as well fitted in every other way for the oflice as Mr. Wright. It seems to me as if Skinner lost his head, but from the fact that he was chairman of the convention his words will be taken by many as an expression from the Demo cratic party." General Ilobert D. Death, of Philadel phia, ox-coniimmder of the G. A. R., called on Captain Morrison at his Pitts burg place of business last week and assured him that tlio Philadelphia soldiers are almost a unit for Gregg aud Morrison. Tlin GIIKAT TVJI.L CONTKfcT. IlltnrvMlnR Tmltmony Adduced .In Ills' Hnjililna Cuau Ht Kali'ln. SALEM. Main., Sep. 24,-4Tho' second day of the Searles will case was begun with Mr. Searles continuing1 bis examination. Witness and his wife went to llurnpc, November 28, 1887, on n wedding tnur. Previous to starting on the trip Mrs. Searlos secured the fundi, about 9100,000! the trip was for six months and in cluded witness, his wife, a lady's maid, Martha Kpplng and Hcv. Ur. Clapp, his wife and daughter; did not meet Dr. Slado or any spiritualists on their trip; knew Charles Holies, who he Iwlleved called himself a harmony soho lar or Christian Scientist, but he never knew of his attending Mrs. Seniles, either before or after the marriage; re turned from Kuropc. June 8, 18MH. Timothy Hopkins mating' d Mrs, Searles' affairs up to the time of the part nership. At the afternoon session another power of attorney was put in ovidenco. It was dated .July 18, 1838, and was from Mary F Searles to Thomas E. StUlmnii and Thomas Hubbard. It was a Konoral power of attorney and contained a decla ration that as it was coupled with an in terest therein It was irrevocable. A transfer was also put in dato.l June 18, 1888, from Mary F Searles to Thomas E. Stlllman ot various railroad stock, a note of the Paoiflo Improvement Com pany for S7,5U0,000, and 30,750 shares of Central Paciilc stock the aggregate amounting to thirty-six millions, and this Stlllman In turn transferred to B. V. Searles, and he In return transferred it, together with 1,100 share? of the Washington Ilulldlng Association stock, fj 140,000 in scrip of the company, 1,000 shares of United States IS. ink stock, which ho had received from his wife In trust for the firm of Searlos, Stlllman & Hubbard. An objection being made to the ques tion to Mr. Searles "What did your private ostato consist of nt the time of your marriage r" an adjournment was takon. J Stiltuury Admitted Free, Wasiiixutos, Sep. 21. Assistant Sec retary Mpauiding hus directed that six ca'-ei of marble sLatunry and marblo bas icllefs, imported for the Loland Stanford, jr., University at Palo Alto, Cala., bo ad mitted l'rco of duty. CLINTON PllIfiON INVESTIGATION. Tlio Committee Hnajalloen Itiiajr, .flut Won't lllrulgo lis Proceedings. ItocnEsTElt, N. Y., Sep. 24. John Bower, who has boon' connected with tho Dannomora Prison Investigating Com mission, appointed to investigate charges of mlsinanngcmeut says! "I can give you a few general facts, but tho commissioners having resolved to havo the Investigation secret for good and HiiMclent reasons, as they think, aud on the whole as I think, I havo resolved to keep tho evidence secret until it is all in. "Thus far they have taken over 1,001 pages of type-written testimony andthoy have had berore them about 75 witnesses, some of whom were prisoners, a pledge having been given by the Superintendent of Prisons that they shall be kept sa cludod and suitor no harm until the tes timony is finished when they will ba re moved to some other prison or prisons. "The commission adjourned to meet again on Oct. 81. I should not be sur prised if, when tho commission completes its work, thore will be 1,800 pages of typewritten testimony and that, by tho way, has btcn ordered to bo carofully In dexed for the use the commissioners." Si obibIt Voor SKIN DISEASE riuiuoimpio nmpicB to ottfltlnntc EClSMAt , ww M- a lm' r. -SemI ffir"lntn for Kltct'oii nntl GIcl;. Kooiii,q handy hook for tho household. V11F.IS. A CKASll PIlinilCTlll). TKUTHS ON THIS TAIUF1 Tim Treasury IlntHncc. Washington, Sep. 21. Tho not bal ance in tho Treasury has decreased to f.4-l,GU0,000. On Sept. 1 it was $(10,000, 000. This largo decrease is due to the redumption of 4 1-3 per cent, bonds. I'ur tho Pftti'rsnn Public Untitling. Washington, Sep. 31. Tho Secretary of the Treasury has fixed upon Saturday, the 20th inet., to hear parsons interested in the (.election of a site for the pio posed public building at l'uterson, N. J. AHtheco-1 weather approaches the chunk of ice left ut your door grows perceptibly laiger. The McKiuley act has not raised prices, but it has raised the hair of tho Democratic bosses. -New York Recorder. The prices of iijanufactuj-ed goods nro lower flian they were and tne Wages of skilled labor are better. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. "There is something amusing," says n Democratic exchange, "in tho loud re- ; juicing of the protection organs over the i educed price of sugar." And yet tho free trade organs seem more vexed than amused. Mi 1 w uukoeSentinel. The aim of the present tariff is to en- cmrage American manufacture of tin plate; the aim of the English "masters and men" who have hitherto monopo lized the worn is to disconrago Ameri i ,ni manufacture of tin plate. Norwich Dulletiu. The Ohio Democrats arenot so anxious to discuss tho tariff issue as two or three months ago tlioy appeared to bo. Tho twenty-two pounds of sugar for n dollar has depressed them. St. Louis Globe Deimicrat. Tho McKiuley tnriff law was pro pared with n view to promoting tho prosperity of tho industrial and commer cial interests of the United States, mid it is answering that purpose iu a vory plain and satisfactory way. Tho Republicans are more joyful than the Democrats over the story that It. j. Mills is going to make a dozen hpeeches in Ohio. The Republicans re-un-inber that Mills' trail in his stumping tour in 1888 showed a heavy growth iu its Republican vote. rm...,.. n-tat 1..... O.UO 4UCI.U11(0 mini uw VIW UiC- p , . l- imred with a view to promoting the on falsojinticiples, prosjierity cf the industrial and com mercial interests of the United States, and it is answering that purpose in ft very plain aud satisfactory way. St. Louis Glolie-Deinocrut. The Manchester Guardian says that the English cotton manufacturers have "advanced their quotations." Thanks to tho benefits of the taritl, it is a nut ter of indifference to Americans what English cotton manufactures do. Cot ton goods uro cheaper in this country An Eucllxli I'lnnnclor Sny There Will be n Silver Panic II ore. NewYoiik, Sjp. 24. Increaslnj ship ments of gold from abroad to this coun try have begun to alarm foreign bankers. That those shipments to America will continue for some time to como Is gath ered fiotn the interviews with tho repre sentatives of such foreign houses n the Rothchllds, Speyers, and Laznrd Broth ers. Robert Glflcii, head of the Commercial Department of the British Hoard of Trade, is quoted as saying that more gold will go to America, iu spite of ollorts to prevent it. According to his theory American houses aro not importing gold to pay for grain shipments from this sldo, but to proparo for a silver panic. A crisis In silver ho believes is inevitable aud cannot bo avertod. "The United States," lie says, "has become overloaded with paper currency, and the issuo of $00,000,000 silver cer tificates annually is bound to bring about a crash speedily." Ho believes that tho worst of tho situa tion will bo realized by I'obruary next, and that it Is now too late to avert It by remedial legislation. Shtloh's Consumption Ouro. This is beyond question the most sao ei lul Cough Medicine wo have evtr sold, i lew doses Invariably cure tho W0't raise of ."oiisli, Croup, and Urouchltls, while Its won. lorriil succcas In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel In the hln'ory or medicine. 4lnoe It's urxl discovery it has been t,olil on a iiinrantoe, alest which no other modlclne .an stand. Ji you have a t'oujh uo earnestly ult yon to iry II. Prlco 10 cents, 6) cent, aud H.M). Jf your Lungs ore sorp, f best or liacfc itur , use Shlloh's I'orous Planter. Bold In H. Uogeiiliuch. N. K, corner Main and .lord streeU. The worm In the paring for Its turn. chestnut Is pre- Miles' INorvo tinn idvor Plllo Vet on a new prlnrlplo regulating the liver, stomach and bowels thiottphlhtnervet. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'llls speedily ante hllloiisno's, tiad taste, tnrpld liver, piles, vmstlpallou. unenualed lor men, women, -hlldrau. Smallest, mll'iest,siiretl 6idnses. Mcts. Samples Free, at U. U. Ilatfettbucu's imi store. t Lovers of the beautiful have had some grand sunsets tho past few eveu ings. Tho Soorot of Sucooss. C. II. HagenbiicU, the drugelst.belloves that the secret of success Is perseverance. There foie lie persists la beeping the 11m st lino of peruinierles, toilet, articles, cosmetics, drugs anil chemicals on the market. lie esiecllly invite all persons who have palpltstlou, short breath, weak or huhgry rpells.paln In dp or snouiaer. onnrcsion. nienimare. dry ( niHi. fiinnlhprhi. drrinv or lie.firtdli.enhn to try Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Care, tie ote it Is too lute. It bus tne largest sale ot ny similar remedy. Kine bnotc ortestimo usurpassed for s eeplcssocss, neaoucue, aw, etc., and It contains uo pplutes. O' 1 T I ' 1 Ti 1 irst national ml. TIIKAI'IIR BUILDING, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. GOV. HILL-AT l'oumiKiiursii:. Ho li si COPYBIOI1T 18SI lllscourses llath on Atfrleulturnl nnd Iulltlcal TopiCH. PouoimnnpsiE, N. Y., Sep. 21. Gov. Hill made two speoches in this city yes terday. He arrived hero with his private eocretary, and Col. McEwcn at 1:10 and was driven to tho grounds of tho Dutoh css County Agricultural Society, where ho dollvered an Agricultural address bo fore !J0,000 people. From 5 to 7 o'clook tho Governor was tendered a reception at tho rosldenco of Chief Justice Uarnard of the Supremo Court, which was attended by about 200 of tho city's leading politicians and pro fessional men, and was the most brilliant social event I'oughkcepsia has known for a long time. Thou Governor Hill was driven to tho Dutohets Club whoro ho was serenaded by tho 21st ltoglment band. At 7:80 ho mounted an improvised platform in front of the club house una spoKe to tua largo crowd which had gathcrou. Capital, $100,000.00. Therms 7iothinr left of Catarrh, when you uso Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. With tho poison ous, irritating snuffs" and strong, cauatio solutions, a good deal is loft. They may, perliapa, stop it for a time, but thero's dancer of driving it to tho lungs. They work Iiiternutloim! l'lexi Club Meeting. New Youk. Sep. 21. The govornlng board of tho International Press Club met here yesterday. A uumbcr of new members woro olocted. Twenty-five press clubs are now wlthi.i the organiza tion. The len-;uo will muet in San Fran cisco on January 4 next. A special train will loavo New York, stopping one day ut Chloago, Denver and b.Ut hake City. how long standing. Not only Ca tarrh itself, but Catarrhal Headache, Cold in tho Head everything catarrhal in its nature. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing and hoaling properties. So will yours.- You may not bo liovo it, but tho proprietors of Dr. n.iw thnn i.vr lintnrn. Pliilnibilnliiii Saffo's Ilemedv UO. Press. I And to prove it they mako you The Democrats call the MoKinley law this offer : n "worse thnn war tariff." But it has . jf tuov can't ouro you, they'll increased our foreign trade during the iKnn t jtlf. 1.,,,:. fust ten months of its operation in ' Pa7 on 5?0. ,n -ca8"- 11 8 a ",f3,' the sum of $33.433, 123. It has in- i noss proposition from a responsible creased free importation from U1.01) house. per cent, of tho total imports to 00.23 j jut j0 you think thoy'd mako per cent., thus bringing in more than ir :f ti. '.1 ,,n pouldn't depend half of our foreign supplies absolutely . lt " uWl antl '.V' culuu 1 UL1"-"U iieeof duty. Aud it has - reduced the "Pn their mcdicmo I ner capita revenue from duties from $3.(12 to $2.f)U. Dut facts never inter- j lere with Deinooratio iillegatious. New ( York Recorder. j The free traders found a great deal of fault with the McKiuley rates on cigars, j Hut according to those who nro well posted in tho trado tho quality of the American made cigar has bten much improved, so that the actual results of the bill are said to be that the oonsumer I is getting a better cigar than formerly; that the American, inanutacturer is in creasing bia output very largely; that tho American wage earning cigarmalter finds an increased demand for Tils labor. and that tho United Statea tobacco ICngtlsIi Crlckoleis Hurc, New York, Sep. 24. Lord Hawke and his English oricketers, arrived yesterday on tho steamer city of Now York. A com mlttee from tho Gormantown Cricket Team met tho visitors at tho pier. Tho Win will nluv its first uanio in Phila- 13ut Dr. Sago's Remedy cures it, 1 delphla where a grand reception ball . . . 1 ,1.- C ...III l.a tumificajl f.lm liblVrtl'A Oil OctO- nn innttor now ail iuo case, or ui . " - - 1--- uer iv. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. TO Tones up your system and gives you an appetite that a lumberman taight envy. Cures dyspepsia, stomach troubles, constipation, and aver or kidney diseases. In addition to this it cures all skin affections and the more violont blood troubles. . Effects are immediate and cures permanent So'd at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa, WE'RE AFTER YOU! W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson. V. Pres., J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. b H 1 P Open Dully From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST I I'nltl 011 NttVlncM neiio'ilis. Your trade Is what wo want. This Is how wo propose to get it. By selling you a flrst elass article; by selllngyou for less than others; by pelling you furniture, an organ, a piano, a sowing muchlne or anything else in the line of household goods. We have a large and va ried stock to select from. Ko trouble tdshow goods. Call, examine and he convinced. THE OLD RELIABLE, L'hiladfelphi'a and Boading .Railroad Timet Table in etfeel July 10, 1S91 rKAltiS Iim sSenanduau as follows lrnr'Vew VnrV iitm 1V. 11 r. ,4 1 .-AAW 2. 0 5,2.5, 7.W n.Jln. and 12 33 2.60 and 6.68 iu.- Dunoay a.iu ana 7.M a. m. For New York, vlajSlRhcli Chunk, week days, 6.25, ',20, a. m. and 12.31 and 2.60 n. m. For IteHdlmr n ml Phlladafnliln riqtf. 2.10, 5.2j, 7.20, a.'m., Ii35 2.S0 and 6.65 pim, u,uui 'lv Rnu 'B "i.i p.m. 'or. jofrtsenrg, wcex aayo, 2.10,7.20 a. m,. .0, 6.i p. nil nr Alleatown, week days, 7.20 . m 12.3J . 0 p. m. Vor Pnttsvble. week itnv. in t uo n m 12.3i4.60 aurt6.56p.m. Uundav. 2 16 nnd7.4fi na , 4.80 p.m. Voi 'I'auittriaa and Mahanoy city, week iys, 2.10, 6.26, 7.20, p., m., 12 35 2.60 and 5.K 1 m. Hlllldav. 2.10nnd tn I'm,, m Additional .or Aliitianoy City, wcefe flays ' 7.00 p.m. tor iianoanier anu woiumbia, weeK days. ,xi a. tn., 2.50 p.m. ' 'or W'lllamsport, Hnnbary aud lowlsbnrt. i-e. days, B.25, 7.M nnd .81 a. ni 1.33, 7.00 ra. Sunday 8.2 a. m,, 3.05 p. in. tttr MAbanoy i'lano, week dys, 2.10 8.26. ii. 7.1D and 11.3J a. in.. 12.1A. 1..16. 2.M. ia; 7.00 nut in. Sunday, a 10, J.2J Rnd7.ll( a. m ,B, 4.30 .1. tn. For (Jlmravlllo (Uarpnliannocfe Htatlon) "t days, 2.1.1. a.2, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.80 n. m., 12.35. 1 35 Z50. 6.65. T'.OII and 9.25. n. m. Huudav: 2' 10, .2 1. 7.4S a. m., 8.05, 4.30 p. m. "ir Asniana ana auuaiuKin, weoc nays, ,2 1, 5.25, 7.20, 11.31 a. m J.S5, 7.00 and ,s6 1 va. Hnndny 8.25, 8 82 . 111., 3.05 p. In. l'iViVINU FOH altENANUOAH I Irtavo New York via Philadelphia, week leys. 7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.01, 7.30 p. m 12.1b igiiu nonaHy, tt.w p. m yi.ia tuiiui. Ijeavo Piew York via Mnueb Chunk, lays, 4.30, 8.45 a. m.. 1.00 and 4.0) v. bx. liRave Philadelphia, wec'x days, 4.10, and 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., from liroad ad CiillowhiU aud 8.3j a. m. and 11.30 p. m. from Ulhauo oresn streets. Hunday 9.05 a. m. 11.10 p. m. from th n i.r,u. Leave HMdlhg, week days, 1.81. 7.t0. 10.C5 did 11.50 a. m., 6.65, 77 p, m. Hunday 1.35 anc 10.18 a. la. Lprvb Poltuvlllo, week days, ?.40,7.40 a. m '.10, H 11 p. m, Hunday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m. and 2.05 ... ai .eava Tamaqna, week days, 8.S0, 8.48 and 21 a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and s.18 p. in, Hunday 8.S0 7 43 1 ra. nnd 2.60 p. m. -jhvo .Mahanoy city, week days, 8.40, 9.18 111 ii.-i 1 m.i 1.01, 7.i4&na v.t p.m. oan 11k, week 1 q 0 I Uv. S.ia.8.17 a. m.. S.2J u. in. Lioaru -viahauoy Plaue, week dkys, 2-4), 4.10 VJJ, .). 11.59 a. m.,l.(i5, 2.00. 5 20. 81.7.57, and o. in. Hunday 2.1', 1.00, and 8.27, a. m 337,5.01, p.m. ijave Olrftrdvllle (Rappahannock Btatloa) .v-.i: days, 2.47, 4.07, s.'jfi, and 8.41 a. m 12.05, I. .2, n.21, 6.82, 8.03 and 10.W p. ui. Hunday, 2,t7, 0 ,iJ33 A. m. 8.41, 6.07 p. m. i.suvo WUllamEport, week days, 8.0U.0.4S and II. 55 a. m. 3.35 and 11.16 p. m. Bamlay 11.15 1). m. Cor Baltimore, Washington and the west la B. as O. K. It,, through trains leave tilrard V.veuue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. lt. lt.) l 4.13. 801 and 11.27 a. m.. 1.31. 4.24. 6.55 an. '.23 p. m. Hunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. m 4. 00 ana j.2f p. m. Lcavo pniUdelobia. Chestnut titreet Wbu t id loath Ulreot Wharf. For Atlantic CHv. Woe k-dVR Express. 8 00. 90 a. m. 2.C0. ,00, UK'. 5 00 -,. u. Aoooinmolatlon, 7.40 a. 1. ana, . m. duudayd. Uiprosu. 8.00. B.00 4. m. Ao coainin latlon, 3.00 a. iu. and 4.45 p. ni. tbsiarmiig, ieve Au&mio uiiy, aepoi MUntlound Arkansas avenuer . Week-nut s Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3.15, 4.00, 5.30 m. ivcooinnioaaiion o.w. es.iu a. m. ana Accommodation, 7.30 n. m. and 6.06 p. m. V.1. u, UCU 1 . itt-fl 1 AVI. A. A. MnTKOU. Prss. HeVi'l Mnnioor. P1 J.P. lams ffl Bro SoutU Main St., grower la getting letter prices for tho highur grades of hi tobacco. Costou Jloming Journal. "The buncombe platform of the New York Democrats, spolte of reciprocity as the Dlaine reciprocity humbug,' " says tho New York I'ross, and adds: "In Juno, 1890, under the old tariff, the United States sold to Brazil hreudstuifs, carriatres and cars, cotton cloth and clothiug, tools and hardware,, sowing innchines, steam engines and machinery, rosiu, tar, pitch, turpoutine, bacon, lard, lumbor and manufactures of wood to the value of W05.8U0. Uuder the recip- rocity clause of the MoKinley law tho Brazilian duty on these articles was either ubollshed or reduced 25 pur cent. Ai a result, iu June, 1H01, Brazil bought these products of us to the valuo of W0.W0. The Increase is over 0 per cnt. It thi U 'humbug' our Demo cratic trleuda uo wekoino ta wake, the must of it-" rov (t is and will over bo tho best Remedy for HlEUBATi Jolnte, Houralgio, Sprains, ao Before you aeed to tray, oottaa tuva:nsW3t30ki''auiaoton.altb'wlth, Vy ea?oreoiac3t of prominent rhystolaas, 310 BroadWPY, V.ZVi YOBIl' 23 Prize Medals Afiaril BBropeanHoMoiiRailoM&JtJiondoa, Viaoa, FlgBi Eoite.afcia, C.tei, 50 Oont3 a bottlo, For Salo by , I. X. D. ICIItLTN, ii. 11. 11 i.ciuNituon, SHtlANDQAH PA.t andoUitrdrutsiW' Iimurnnco Company Discontinued. H.vRnisuuno. Pa., Sep. 21. Insuranco Commissioner Luper has set a lottor to U. K. HontslnKen. Prosldont of Aurora Fire Insurance Company, notifying him that tho company has boon Issuing bonds contrary to law and that It must close, No bonds already Issued nro to bo re deoraed. 1 Mojiueary Ha J1vbh Up. Cincinnati, Sep. 24 Tho Rev. How. ard MoQueary, under suspension for heresy, has given up tho flsht and re tired from tho Episcopal Church. Ho sent a letter to Bishop Leonard of Ohio stating that he cannot conscientiously eontinuo In tho churoh nnd hold his prosont views. He has boooins a Unlver Arrivals For tlia Mtithodlst Council. New Youk, Sop. 21. Tho Itov, Hugh Bruco Hughes, a prominent hnglish Methodist divine, and forty SIo:liodlst ministers arrived, hare yestunlay on tho steamer CJty of Now Yori, bouud for tUo Ecumonical Council which is to be held iu Washington, October 1. Bank Counters, Tylor Systom, Port' nuio, unoqunicti in atyies, Cost nnd Finish. 1&0 Tiiire Cattlttgue or CouQlrn, Uc.ka clc, Illaatrnloa In Color., ItoolR, t'rre TiMUge l&Crntt. AI6O '1 .VlCr tinyuk Onire llcu nnd Type- U'rller CullllieU. SOO Nljlt. Best nud cbeuii est on earth, with great reduction in prices. 1BII .r ralalojtuo Fret, rofclage Id CU Full lloe. of Ile.l,., thalrt, Tal'lra, Hook, CoUutla, LrKol Illauk loiiiiieL. eir., amaf. in aiota. Surrlal work mado to ordrr, TlXliU IlK8IS:CO.,8t.I.O!i!a, Mo.,U.H.A, 4R - jr TOEATti) HI Oirtielff.V hv the (m hie UtnMi" - i 1 1 proc 1 n Ti'tl'i SHE 3STA.nxr3DO-A.KC. Loliigh Valley Railroad, AIlRANQBblENT OF PASSENGER TltAlNS. Oandll.14. 11.35 0 n- 12.0,' noon. (limited er.rss, 1.0 4.50 u m.) 12.21 12.11,1.40, la.', (., .02 1, i, t.2 ), 6.50 7.18 8.1' and -iIAY 10. 1891. Passeneerralns will leave Hhenandcah for aucn 1 iiuuu. jjuuixutim. niauniTLun. uaut' sauqua, Alienlon-u. Bethlehem, aston, 1'htl iy. iu in '- it". v ' "- , oil. .,1 -1 r n.cfi nno,.f tc- FIRE IHSURANGE. Largest and oldest reliable pnrely oaih com- JDJbSVXTD FAUST, 120 S. Jardw St., Shenandoah, Pa, llrtikcr KlrwHii Cunvlotcd. New Youk. Sod. 24. John 1. Kirvran, a woll-knon-ii Dolltlnlnn aud roal rstata broker of this city, who was convicted of attempting to commit an nssamt upon Mrs. ifary A. Alleu, was roiuandod for sentence. Fcurai for aSteuiuer. New Yonic. Sop. 24 The British steamor Cuvlor. which left here Soptoni her 0 for Antwerp with 7-1,000 busiliels of wheat and a crow of 20 men,, has not been hoard from, and feai-d for nor safoty aro entertained. Labrador Kxplurcrs Hume Affalu. ItocKLANU. Ho.. Sen. 24. r Tho Labra dor Expedition arrived last night, and tho explorers wore trlven u magnificent receution. Tho delay in. tholr arrival wan caused by fog and ad verso winds. lx.-ConizEiauiuu Soott's lunaral. Emu. Pa.. Sep. 21. Th funeral of th lato Hon. L. Scott will be hold this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Qovernof Pat'.iaau aniotUar oQlcliU will b. jftesr Cn.liu Inly lu narmnnunttu Rflatnred. DebtlHv. and all the train of evlli from early erroiaor later excese. the results of overwork, BlcknoBs, worry, etc Full strength, development, and tone given to every orjtan ana portion ot tho body. Bimplo, natural metnoas. ltnnieaiaio irapruvvmeut duvu. rnuuic Impotslblo, 2,UW) refercucos. Book, expl&a&UoOJ and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address V. i- KwmnAf n til ire I n II V FOR- SHERIFF, BENJ, J. SMITH, ritBSENT DKPUXY. iidtlphlaand New Vork at 5.17, 7.40, 9.08 a. in., lZ52,a.lO,5.ip.m. For Belvidere, Delaware Water Gap nud tsirouusuurg at o.t, a. jn., ana o.u p. m. r U UHIUUCI IVJ1ID OI1U lIUULUlt, V.VO U. IU For White Haven, WilKes-Barro and Pitts ton 6.47. 0.08. 10.41 a. m.. 3.10 and S2t n. m. ForTuukhanuock, 10.41a, in., 3.10 and 5.20 p. in. For Anburr., Ithaca-, Geneva and and Lyons lii.ii a. in., aim a:j , m. Blmlra, Kocheeior, liull'alo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points Wedt at 10.41 a. m.,and 4 911 ,1. ,, For Klinlra and the WeU vlalJalunianca at 8.10 p. iu. For Audenrled. Hazloton. Btockton. I.nm h..V..rf llTAnll,..!. nnri Ua..n II l.inn tlon at 5.17, 7.40, ,03a. in. and 12.52, 3.10 and p. m. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavei Meadow. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 5.28 D. m. For Horanton at 5.17 9.0K, 10.41a. m. 8.10 aud y.inp. ra. For lluEle Hrook. Jeddo. Drifton and Free land at 5.47, 7.40,' .(, 10.41 a. in., 122 n.10 and 5.28 d. in. For Quakake at 5.41 and 9.03 a, m., and J.10 n. m. ror it Igwuei uuuonuo uu- f liCK.viuo ui l,)aiiati.iMa m ana s.iup. m. Kor xaiesvine. uauanov miv ana ueiaun 5.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41. 10.58 a. U1.. 8.03. anu i. m. iforL.osL ureeE. jiraravine Hna ABinana 1.27. 7.48.82. 10.15 a. m.. 8.85 J.10 and 9.14 p.m. For iiaruwater, m. i;iair ana i-ovtsvuie. 40, 9.08, io,o8a, mi. 1,8.10,4.10, 6.w ana 8. n. ra. ror uuca aiioiiuiuiu, xuv uuuiuu auu Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. vu,, 12.52, 8.10, 5.28 and, For ltaven Ran. Cuntratla. MU Carrael and Sliamoktn, SM, and 10.15 a. iu., 1.40, 4.4C 4I1Q B.UO p. in. Trains leave Bbamokln for Bbenandoab, 1.55 115 a. m.. 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. in., arrlvtn at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.29 an p, m. For Ixist Creek. airardvllTu and Ashland, t.m. 9.10 11.35a. m.. 2.11n. m. For Darkwater. bt. Olalr and PotUvllle, 150, 8.00, 930 a. m., 2.45 p. m. tsar xaiosviiiB, -waiutQoy uivy anu. ueiiuio. iai, 11.00 n. ui.. i,iu, i.-au, v.w i, ui, For Lofty, Audenrled and llaileton, 6. v m., i.tu p. in; Oatasanqua, Allentmvn, llethlehem, Kastoc ina iMew lorn, o.uu a, in., i.iu p. ui. For Philadelphia,-1.40 p. m. . n. 1IYIKQTON. Oun'l Pars. Ant., Hetulfilieia. W, 8, SNYDER'S Boot aud Slioe Store, (Maiteller's old stand,) corner ConI and Jnrclln Hit). Mr. Hnyder will always keep'Jn stock a. fine line or noou ana snots. Custom Worlc and Kcpnlrlnif th best style. IU guarante to sell cheaper ttisn competitors on Main street wbo U&v wig reuia vu iwj.aooiooiwiwoavuw ino barttaln ou every purchase. John R. Coye, A.ttorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent OFFICE BeddALL's Duildino, Sor Main and Centre Streetl. SHENANDOAH, PA PROPERTY FOR SALE: I A two and one-half story double frame aweiung uouse, witn sure-room ana res lauruui. LAcaiea on east uenire sireet, A valuable property located on Bonth Jar. uiu Hireeu S-H4ven dwelling bouseftat tho corner of OU' bert and Lloyd street. Uood investment, Terms reasonable. IT: ENMS7LVAMA RAILROAO. BOUUYUfllX DIVISION. on nnd after September 1, 1311, irainj lolll leat aneiuinaoun ns louovis: For Vlceuti. Ullberlon. FraoHvllle. Now astle, Ht. Clair, mid Kay points, e.OJ, 9.U m. uuu 9ic p iu. Sundays. tAO. v.u a m and 0 n m. .'.ir Pottsvlllc. O.Oli, U.10 a m aafl 4.15 a ,c. riunduys, 600, 9.4 ) a m cud 3.10 p ra, t'or Ueadiuc, 8.00, a m hud 4.1b pi. Sundays, fiw, ll.dD a. m." and 8.10 p m. for Poltstown. I'lio&mxvill.i. Mor.-lBlox.-n ud Phlli'lRinnla ft' -mt statloni, !.!. m. and 4.15 1 tn woer days sundurs. (K)u. 9.40 a iu 3.1U o m. Trains lt,&ve i.'rwo villi: .or rtiionandar.h &t tO.IOam and1 12.14, ;.12, 10,09 p m. Hundnyu, .13 a m aua n.ju p m. ,,ive i'oiiivnie lorunouAiiaoAii, lf.isuna .18. a ra 7.1 9.42 v m. buu.luyt, io.K) a hi 16 p tn. iioavo x'xinaQeipuia trropa me-! -Taiionj, r PottovlUe nnd Sh6cnd.-ali, 5.57, 8 3W n '0 and 7.03 p in wock days. Sanda. U 50, ond ,23 am WlleWroH, 8.KJ. 1.(19, 4.411, G.80, I JXI. 7.81., m. 12.01 nlstit. i in uuuuays, -jii, 4.0.1, 4.411. n.tio, k.ij h.ou. 1135 - 'u. and 1221, 12 11, 2 30, 402, (lluiltod, i.ll. IS, r 21. . , ,. - . , i.i't 12 01 H Jdl For Ben Girt. Lorn: Branch and Intermodlato stations 0.50, 8.25 und 11 39 a. m., 3.30, 4 00 p. ni. wea uays. nuuaay-i ai a. m. For 11 iltlmoro and WHsulueton 3.60. 7.20. 9.10 and 11.13 1. 111., 4 41, 1) 57, 7.10 p.m and 12.03 ulglit da.ty ana 8 31, lU.JOa. iu., 12 35 (1 miu-d express witli dining car tollallliu.ire) 1.30, 3. HI p. 111. 8- k days. For IJaltluioro only 2.02, 4.01 weekdays, 5.08, 11.80 o, 111. dully. For lticbmoud, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.G3 night dally, 1 30 p. iu, daily, except Suud iy. 4rou uave iioitihuuic .ur x'ii.iauurK .na 0 wust every day at w md a u , "i limited) and 8.40. 8 30. 9.33 n ra. Vav or Altooi. . .11 ni and 4.10 p iu evsry day. for rutsbure ouiy, iljo ni (tny jo vi:a ui veok-daya. ' : itoMunbary lor WlUlamsport F'ralrs, Auaudatiina, itoch60t-.r, ftv.ttaloar.d t ac-.K uii 5.10 a m dally, and 1,42 p in week day 4. or i.tktns,0.30p tu woekdayo. For Krle and lhfoimbdlRto points, a tn., Uilly, For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.56 a rn. tally, 1 42 and 6.3i v. ni. week days. For i-nuva a m l.)2 and 5.30 11 in week dayt. M0 a. ru ctuadK. h hfi. e. PUtill, J. it. woou, 7'LLMINaTON & NOHTIIKUN B. H. . iimeiaoir in eneci May, iu, ioui. ,1 Trains leave Heading IF. & U. station) forv Iknllar Ucfort 111 wilI.t., Inann. Unrll.ull uinraitar, rieyjeri.jiiranioro. jnanna, i-tpnusr-i. neia, waynesuun; juuciion, i;oaiesviue,vesL Chester.Chadsfora Junction, 1), A O. Juuctlonnw. iay, ul o.zo ana a.ia anuo.ityi ,v uuiv ui a.uQ i). in. For 'Warwick, HUPetera aud lnlermedlata 8ta,M slatlons,dally except Kuuday, at 9.20 a.m., und'l 0.10 p. ui. ouuuu uuiy u. iu. For Blrdsboro and Intermediate slat Saturday only, at n in. r or isaiumoro una wasuineion in, K.I dnllv excent Hundav atd.2S and 8j a. m, and 3.16 p. in. Sunday only at 3.05 p. m. xrains arrive ai xieauiug i . a ifc. butuouj Irqm Wilmington, U. fe O, Jnnetlou, Mont- cnanin, Liiaaasiora junction, west unesier. linane. Coatesvllle. Wavnesbure Junetlon, Sprlnglield,Joanua, lilrdeboro, Gibraltar, Bey. lernuia iniermeaiate simionn, uany exuepi Sunday at 10.20 a. in, 6,62 and 847 p. in. Boa-' iiiiv nn v ni 11.24 a. m. From BU Peters. Warwick and Intermediate I alRUUnn, unilf iii, nuuuny, at o.oi n. iu. and 2.25 p.m. Frani,iiirasDoro ana luiermea aus tiauons Saturday only at 1.40 p. in. From wwiiDKiou.una unitimore. aapy ex cent Sunday. 10 20 a, m. 6.61 and 817 n. m Sunday only t 11.21 a. m. UOWIMKMH liltHIUrt, Utn'l Pass. Agl. A. O. MoOAUSLANU.Bupt, RUPTURE, We, t)ie underslgnedl ore entirety curea o,. Hun tu re bv Dr. J. Bj MAYEI 831 Aroh Bt.. PUJIa, Tlipmas H.'l iiariung, new uiuggoiu, i-h., i. ruuui nuuiij Easton, Pa L. P. 4 C. A. Deturck, O'ey, Pa,'l It. C). Hi in In v. 421 Hnruce&t.. Leliaoon. Pa.. Ari Bchuelder. Locust liale, Pa..D, B. Noll, Limed aim, ra., win. u., HariRUiiiPBj rnoeiiixvincu Pa., W. M, Lelnbach, 1124 WhlDfrton t;1 -iteaning, i-a J. u. I.yine, jaiu w . novum ni i, Harrlsburir, Pa., O. Ktebn, Douslassrllle, PH Ilr MAVF.n la Rt lintel l'fnn. llpflilluor. l'P 1 -ii 1 1 1 1 on the 2nd. gutard&xpf each mor)lb( vve mm. En, . BWOKEB, M. D PirYXIOIAW AND-S I BOFO 4o. V Kail Centre Ktreet, Mahanoy CUT, Mum no w sroiaifiiP,?ia.iieB'' r Wl liwur. lu.uilnn.r .In. SnOraAf la nurfaltDS our Bpooine owlll wndoiwi lull MatntMa Medlclil KUd ilucli Valuivblo lnrnrii. ,ttoa FHUIC. A.ldroao, U.M.CO.,hUSt'Vaaniafi New Vvrkl