The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 23, 1891, Image 3

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A Little Girl Kidnapped By
Ilor Mother.
A Housing llopiiblican Moot
ing in Now York.
flighest of all in Leavening Power. U. . Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Whu. .. 1. 1.
t. (i
Tho Tather Had Possession of tho Child,
A Lengthy Speech by J. Bloat Fassett,
Nominee for Governor,
But tha Mother Wanted Her,
RHl Baku1?
lL cisg Powder
rn"i.h In the mint elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtue? of plants known .to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
1 1 i the most oxi:el1nt remedy known to
When one is Polious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
ItllHHnurl, ICnusns, ArlcnitHnn,
Ycxiih, Nebrntskn, i.otttHlunii
Colorado, Utnti, Cllloriiln,
Mew Mexico or Arizona,
and will send me a postal card
or letter mating
Where you are Ruing,
When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How mttny there are in your party,
What freight aud baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your house und
furnish you with the fullest Information
regarding route", lowest rates of nil
classes, bosldcs maps, descriptive and 11
lustratel land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Springs guides, eto.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan
sas, Kansas and Texas.
J. P. McCMJN, Eastern Trav' Ant,
O. E. P. Agt., 301 Broad way ,New York
Iron Mountain Routs,
Nearly every pattern of s ofSe J Germany. The American Minister lias
Manlrpl is imitated in color irtrl Just received tho roport. In it Mr. Llbby
bianaet u in coior ano dedare, that the policy of the standard
Style. In most cases the imitation OU Company la simply that of competi
looks just as good as the genuine, tlve commerce, dictated by a desire to
but It ftasn t the warp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as much.
The fact that sa Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
, . 1 I J . "
and every buyer Should see that
the -ta trade mark is sewea on
the inside of the Blanket.
Five Mile
Extra Test
at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get
them from your dealer, write us. Ask for
the Va Book. You can get it without charge.
WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia.
FCbtehr.trr'. F.nrtl.h Diamond
ItrliiuHl kofl Only Ciiulne. A
MfC, Kin! IvUlblt,. LAO i Kik a
klirtini( rw Cfr;.et:tT im'uh t'a-Af
. 'iid Brand In ;t tl tu4 ' li UUlcvW
aoc. Ktled IHi t h n Ikhi i bkfl J
JHfi other. Ili-fut ijriff -cuutitf(u- V
'(ion rui i m.'adun u i-fUt: ui,or ena4.
la lumfii fr t utlc ji4't tuitlinoQlftlj tal
Itcllrl for ldli-ft. in Iff f sr. br fetor
Pr SlulL 1,000 'f'-timor U Sam Vivtr,
IVh.n tr.nMrd with tlio.-. r.r nosliiR Irriwolarllle
in ej.ntli rollowlnas l -ipo-ur, rr in'..-
l-iutlou.d Weal(iiiWMsi,j iinIUr to their -er, .face
Us 01. DaCtlO'ME'S O-lebrntea.
TSp? rrf L-f.-aHU'''
toi.o, vtrforiiiia i .
ulDltci. 1- i.
"r. Hartprf.'
n itif nt1r tjrirt i.i: t
,.u u t. all fQftc'iuo. o '
-irr oo.,ST.ii)Uis. ua
Or tlio I.tqnor Ilitblt, I'uallln-ly Curvu
uy iiiuiillil.lcrlnir lr. iiuiiu'n
Uultleii Sislllf.
It It manufactured a m powder, which oan bo given
tn a fflaaa of beer, a oup of coneo or tea, or in food,
without the knowledge ot the patient. It ia abaolutely
harmlea.. aud will elfeot a permanent and apeedy
cure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
an alooholio wreok It has been given In thousand
of eaaea, aud tn every tn.tanoe a perfect oure haa top
lowed. It never Vail. The .y.tem once lmpregnat.
ed with the beoome. an utter tmposalbult
for the liquor oppetue to exUt.
a pas. book of particular. Sue. To b. bad a
C?H HAGENBUCH, Drudalst, Shenandoah
The I.lttln Girl Spirited Away lu llroad
Daylight - Unsuccessful 1'itrsult -- Tim
Third Attempt at fleliure, the Other Twu
Having lulled The Itosult of an Un
fortunate Marriage.
NewAHK, N. J., Sept. 23. Eleven years
ago John Johnson aud Annie Brucknor
were tunrrleil. Two children were bom
to them, Anna aud Louise. Two years
ago the parents drifted apart Tho
father resided in this placo, with the
children, which tho courts had given to
him. Tho wife resided lu Brooklyn.
Yosterday morning tho two girls
Btartod for school. Anna was chatting,
with her cider sister, when suddenly,
a s they were ruisslng along l'rospecl
street, Anna was seized by her mothei
and n strange man, and hurriedly lifted
1 nto an open carriage, such as is used by
doctors. Another man was seated in the
Louise, tho sister, clung to her mother.
Wlion sho was beaten oil sho seized tho
spokes of the currlaga and narrowly es
caped serious injury by tho sudden start
ing of the vehicle. Tho kidnapped child
struggled as llercely as her feeble
strength would permit. Her mother
held her hand over her mouth to prevent
her from crying out. Sho pressed to hard
that blood spur tod from her nose.
From Thomas street the carriage
turned into Clinton avenue aud went up
the hill at unabated speed. The routo
had evidently boon previously selected,
as the drivor did not hesitate an instant
in turning from one stroet Into nuothcr.
From Clinton avenue tho ruuawaya
turned into Elizabeth avenue. Tho car
riage headed for Elizabeth and disap
peared. Mrs. Johnson has made two previous
attempts to gain possession or the child'
run. 13oth were unsuccessful.
The Now Lnnds In Oklahoma Opened
Amid Groat Excitement.
Guthuik, O. T Sept. 23. With tho
arrival of tho noon hour yesterday thou
ands of home-seekers made u hoadloug
rush over tho border into the lands
oponea for settlement, mo rusn was a
mad one and was made so by the fact
that tho number of homo-seekers greatly
oxceeded tho number of quarter sections
available for settlement.
Thero was loom in tho new lands for
about O.OOO settlors; allowing 100 acres
for each. Thero wero on tho border wait
ing to claim tho available laud fully
15,000 people, making three persons for
each section.
The greatest rush wns for tho town
lots which tho Government surveyors
liavo lnid out so carefully, and not a few
of which, despite the adoption of the ut
most precautions, will prove to have
fallen into tho hands of speculators.
Out of the million acres and more ot
new land two towns have been formod
and named, one being called Chandler
and tho other the southernmost, To-
The Stnndurd OH Cotnpuny In Germany,
liEHMK, Sept. lio. Thero has been so
much discussion of tho efforts ot tho
Standnrd Oil Company of tho Unltod
Stntes to establish a Gorman monopoly,
that Mr. William Walter Phelps, the
American Minister, requested the
European agent of the Standard Oil
Company, Mr. Llbby, to present a roport
tn lilm nti thn nnsitlnn nf bin cnmnimv in
petroleum In Europe, in face of tho actlvo
competition ot other countries, especial
ly that of Russia.
Protests Ann Inst tho New Itullroail,
New YoniC, Sep. 23. A score or more
owners aud masters of vessels, with resi
dents of Lawrence and Far Rockaway,
- 1 r, 1., n.1nln..T
IUUIi JC3l.U(J 1U lyiio unbilled a i uuiu Ui
tbo United States Army building, and
laid before Lieut, -Col. Gillespie protests
against the obstruction of navigation in
Jamaica Bay by tho New York & llocka
way Hallroad Company There are two
draws In the railroad trestle crossing tho
bay, one at what Is known as Broad and
the other at Beach Channel. These
draws, it U alleged, are located in such
positions as to obstruct navigation.
Tho Cholera lu Asiatic Turkey.
Boston, Sop. 23. Reports from Asiatic
Turkey received by tho health olllcer hers
uro to tho effect that the cholera 1
spreading in the stricken districts. (n
July 21st 405 deaths occurred In Mecca
and Minn nlono. Tho English steamer
Drewtor recently took on a lot of cotton
from Infected ports. She Is said to ba
..! Minn nlnnn Thn tfmr UVi HtenmHP
bound for some port in America, prob
ably New York.
Charter for a New Koatl.
HAltnismjno, Pa., Sop. 23. The Stato
Department granted a charter yesterday
to the Susquehanna & BuiIalo Railroad
Company for a lino 15 miles long from
Cook's Run, Clinton County, on the
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad te
Trout Run, same county. John T. Ryan
of Williamsport, Pa., is president and
the capital stock is $180,000.
Collector Commit Suicide.
SykACUSC N. Y., Sept. 23, Herman
C. Rico's dead body was found yostorday I
with a bullet wound on tho side of his
head and a revolver at his side. During '
tho last two years ho had been collectoi j
for KUnck B. others, coal tieaiers. uue
firm say there is a shortago lu bis ac'
counts, to which fact the supposed sui
cido is attributed.
The; lllulnea Oo Home To-Morroir,
Augusta, lie., Sep. 23 -The servants
aud James G. Blaine, jr., arrived yester
day to put the house lu oiler tor thfl
coming ot the rest of the family on
Thursday. A burglar attempted to en
ter the Blaine mansion lost night by
breaking through a window. Neighbors
heard tho noise and called tha police, but
the thief escaped.
Delinquent Appraiser Sentenced.
Philadkli'iiia, 8ep. 21). F. W. Dun
lap, a deputy delin'jiL'tit mercantile ap
praiser, pleaded guilty yesterday to con
spiracy to ilefi.tuil the ci,y and was sen
tence.! by Judge Keou to two years In the
Eastern Penitentiary.
Tanim.tuy IteKlmout Monument.
aKTTYsrjuo, I'a., Sep. 88 Tho monu
ment of the Tammany Regiment, the
48d New York Infantry, wt.s finished
yesterday and will be dedicated on Thurs
day. Treasury lloml Kcdoiuptliiu.
WashiNotoji, Sep. 28. At the olosio of
business- yesterday the Treasury Depart
ment had redeemed .flU.!)l8.8.W four and
9, half per ent. bonds aud continued
$21,880,300 at S per cent.
A Baby Full of Oolio Pains
Is not an interesting study j cure him
quickly by setting a frco 6uiplo bottle of
Dr. LUud'6 Colic Curo from J. M. lldlan
or C J. McCtithy, the druggists. It in
stantly cures colic.
The poison for ruin and wind BtorniB
is now ubout due.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per-
naps 01 tbo surenpprortcn or that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can allord for the sake or saving SO
cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It,
we anowiroin experience iiiul nmion s uura
tll Cure our Cough. It. never falls. Tbla
itxphtlns why more than a Million Untiles
were sold the past year. It relieves Cronp
snd Whonplug Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame llacs, Bide or
Jhest, usoSblloh's Porous l'iaster. Bold by
J. H. ilagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
The fall lioueo
near at hand.
cleaning season la
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives, and par
ent thelrchlldren, to sutler from headache,
dizziness, neuralgia, sleeps sness, tits, ner
vousness, when by the uso of Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine such serious results
could easily be prevented Druggists every
where f-ay It gives uutversal satisfaction, and
lias ni Immense sale. Woodworth Co., ot
Kort Wayne, Ind.j Know & Co., of Syracuse,
N. Y.;J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and ban.
d'tds 01 others say "it Is the gre it ist seller
they ever know." It contains no nplibs.
Trial bottles and line book on Nervous
Diseases, free at O. II. Uugeubuch's.
Tills is 113
could wish.
flue a September as one
The Socrot of Success.
O. H. Hugonbuch, the drugglst.bellovcs that
the secret of succoss Is perseverance. There
fore he persists In keeping the tint st lino of
periuinerios, toilet articles, cosmetics, drugs
aud chemicals on tho market. He especially
Invite all persons who have palpitation,
short breath, weak or hungry r pells, pain lu
side or shoulder, ' oppression, nightmare, dry
cough, smothering, dropsy or heart disease
to try Dr. Allies unequaled New Heart Cure,
be'ore It W too late, ft has the largest sale ot
any similar remedy. Fine book oftesttmo
nlalsfree. Dr. Miles' Hestoratlvo Nervine Is
unsurpassed for s'eeplcssncss, Headache, tits,
etc., auu lb cuauuus uu opiates.
Fruit jura are becoming more plentl-
for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lano, whilo in tho Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that wln
:ombined with other herbs, makes an easj
tnd cortalu cure for constipation. It is in
tho form of dry roots and loaves, and is
known as Lano's Family Medicine. It
will curo sick headache. For tho blood,
iivor and kidneys, and for clearing up tho
oompleiion it does wondors. Druggists
sell it at 50 cents a package.
Tho wafllo season la here again.
Ask Your Friends About It.
Your distressing cough can be cured
Wo know it because Kemp's Balsam
within tho past few years has cured so
many coughs and colds in thislcommunity.
Its remarkablo ealo has been won entirely
by its genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what ho thinks of Komp'e
Balsam. There is no modlcino so pure,
none so effoctive. Largo bottlos 50c andfl
t all druggists'.
Dimes are more plentiful.
Happy Hooalors.
Wm. Tlmtuons. Postmaster of Idnvlile.
I d , wrlles, "Electric Uliters has douemore
for me than nil other raedlcloes combined
for that bad reeling arising from Kidney and
mver irouue. JOUU
Leslie, larmer ui.d
stool" man, of same place, nys; "Find Elec
trio Hitters to be the nest Kidney aud Ltver
medlclue, made me feel like a netv n,nu. J.
W. Gardner, hardware merchant, fame town
says; Klectrlo Ultteis Is Just the thing tor a
man who is all run down and don't care
whether he lives or dies; be found uew
ttrenutn. good nnnetlto aud felt lust like he
had a new lesseou life, only Mo. a bottle at
v. it, iiugeuuucn s mug moie.
The season for
neurlng lis closo.
base ball ia rapidly
Ihould be displayed In buying mertV
tine above all things. In selecting
remedy for any disease, you should b
positive that it contains nothing Inju
rious to the health. Many renwdie
on the market leave tlio patient in a
muoh worse condition, than beton
taking them.
5 S S
Is purely vegetable, and perfectly
harmless; the moat delicate child can
take it with absolute safety. It oon tains
bo mercury or minerals ot any kind,
and yet it never falls to care the dis
eases it Is recommended for.
Book on Blood and Skin diseases fro.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa
. V. WHITE I'A 1 1.1.
Suspension nf the Well-Known Ilrnkcr
With KnnrmoUA I.lnbllltlvs.
New YortK, Sept. 23. The announce
ment of the tallure of the well-known
banking hott-e of S. V. White & Co.
caused a tremendous sensation in Wall
For tho last twenty years "Deacon"
White has been a tower of strength in
financial circles, and tlio news of his sus
pension coming so suddenly and unex
pectedly, produced shock that was all
the more violent.
The failure was due to an attempt to
bull corn lu a falling market, and had
nothing to do with stocks. The liabili
ties will reach two million dollars.
Mr. White was one ot tho picturesque
characters of the street. Ho has been a
member of the Stook Exchange ulnco
1809. lie was Prosldont of the Mining
Exchange In tho days when mining
stocks were booming. Ho lias been a fa
mous dealer in Delaware, Lackawaua &
Western stock.
Ho was supposed to represent tho
Percy I'yno interests. Ho engineered
many notable deals In Lackawanna, par
ticularly the famous corner in 1885,
when ho ran tiie price of tho stock up
from 120 to 150 in one day, and would
hnvo caused many failures In the street
had ho not lot the shorts off.
Mr. Whito is a short, slight man, and
woars a gray beard and a slouch hat. Ho
looks like a farmer. Ho served suveral
terms in Congress.
Charles W. Goulds, tho lawyer, is tho
assignee, and thero aro no preferences.
A rittslllirg House Affected.
PlTTSBUKo, Pa., Sept. 23. Rca Bros. &
, brokers of this olty and members ot i
New York and Philadelphia Stook I
the New York and Phtladelphi
Exchange and the Chicago Board of
Trade, have posted tho" following notioot
"Advices from S. V. White & Co. say all
our transactions with their house aro
closed out. We therefore dcom it advis
able to suspend business pending tho
settlement of our trades." Thomas B.
Ren said tho firm would resume business
ns soon as their transactions with White
& Co. wero settled up. Rea Bros. & Co.
aro tho best known brokers in this city,
and it is thought will 'not bo injured
financially by tho failure.
The 3Iitn AVho Is l'rovlug I.lngo lunoocnt
Locked Up for l'erjury.
Camden, N. J., Sep. 23. The taking
of testimony in tho Milllcr murder case
before Mnster-ln-Chnucery Vroom yos
torday morning was brought to a sudden
stop by tho arrest of John 0. Cauipboll,
tho alleged detective, on a charge of per
jury, preferred by Miss Mary Collins.
Campbell as committed to prison by
Justice Cassuday, without ball, for tlio
present. Tho charge of perjury Is based
on tho nflldavlt ot Campbell in which he
Bays that Miss Collins confessed to him
that John Mlllor, her brother-in-law,
killed his wlfo. Francis Lingo, n negro,
was convicted of tho murder, aud tho
hearing before Mr. Vroom was on an ar
gument for a new trial.
Campbell was employed by counsol for ,
Lingo, nnd his aflldavlt alleges that ho I
secured an acquaintance with tho Miller j
household, of which Miss Collins re
mained a member uftor hur sister's tnur- I
der. Ho gained Miss Collins' coufldouco, 1
he says, und sho told him of n qunrrol
between her sister and Miller, which the
husband ended by killing his wife, j
Campboll al logos that the sister told him
that tho body was curried to tho "bush
lot " where It wa3 found.
Threo men have committed suicide
the Cleveland, O., jull in a week.
Ten persons wore killed In a railroad
colllsou noar Walbrom, Russia, Monday.
Tho city schools at St. Paul, Minn.,
have been closed this week on account of
tho excessive heat.
Hon Harvey J. Donaldson has boon ro-
nomlnnted tor Senator by the Republi
cans of the 18th Senatorial district of
New York Stato.
Noah Richards, the negro, who killed
Policeman Sherman of New York, re
cently, was committed to tho Tomb
yestorday on a charge of murder.
Weather Indications.
Wahiinoton, Sep. ai. For Now ilnglnndi
Fair, warmer; vurlablo winds.
For Eustoru Now Vork, Eastern Pennsyl
vania, New Jcroy Maryland aud Dolatvarot
I'nir, warmer, uusteily wliitli.
For Western Now Vorls end V.'ojtern ronn
jlvania: (lonorally clear, svlnds shifting to
Bouthwustorly, wnrnior on tho akoi.
New York, Sep. '.'1. Jlonay on call cusy
oanlug at 4is aud ! ioi' coin.
4Ks, 1801 IUm 1Q7K
4sjs, 1SU1 roup luf'f
4 s, 11)07 Hog 11U?1
4 s, ll0r Coup 11D.4
Canadian I'ucttlo
Cuntml I'Aolflo :H
Chicago, llur. Si Qulucy 8UW
Delaware & 1 1 u.l.oa IMi,
Del., Ijic.. tl Wuilei'ii 141U
Urlo '!
r.riopcor Uua
Ijtke Slioro
Louis. & .Nash
MIoUljuii Contral 1 0 J
Missouri I'ucillc 74M
New Jersey Central ll0H
Northwestern lliyi
Oregon .Navigation... 70
1'acino Mnll 3s
Heading 4S
ng s-i
fkland MW
ail 7.Ul
iru Union Hl;t
Kt. Paul.
Un on
Wutoru 1
Whant opetwl woak, fuithcr dfx'ltned b
eliowed a slight rally at the oloses No. S, (Itei
Wlntnr. 10 id. lOll 1)00. 109V1.
Corn otiituod weak, rallied bur, declined wlion
White i; Co. tallure wu- a uimincod and closed.
Nn Z. MUrJ. OJ U. bOP MO. UCt. 09t,
If Arraigns Tammany If nil ftml the Dem
ocratic Vlatfurm Allusion tu tlm f.leti-tenniit-Oavrtior
XAtt Stmtds by 111
lteeuril on the Wurld's l air lllll
(Spocclip by Other Itepuhllottn.
New YonK, Sep. 38. The Republ loans
of this city held a rousing meeting last
night in Carnegie's new Music Hall und
formally ratilled the action of the Re
publican Convention at Rochester. Tho
hnll was packed. Many ladles were
present, conspicuous among them being
Mrs. J. Slont Fassett, who occupied a
John S. Smith, chairman of the Cam
paign Committee of the Republican Club,
called the vast assemblage to onler.
After reading a letter from Andrew I).
White, regretting Ills Inability to b
present, Mr. Fassett, Republican nomi
nee for Governor, wns introduced.
Mr. l'assott made a long nddress. Ho
said that when the ladies leave tho com
fort of the dining rooms, when the citi
zen leaves his cooi place by the window
for such a warm place as the hall, there
Is already enough enthusiasm in tho
"I hnvo watched the splendid growth of
this Imperial city since I was a boy nnd
I have frequently dronmed what n glori
ous city it might bo with honest govern
ment. I liavo dreamod of what might
bo if all the revenues of this city had
beeu properly harvested in years gone by.
And why haven't these dreams been
realized? I liavo been told that you
know something about the history and
works of Tammany Hall. You have
boon so welliustruotod by Tammany Hall
and; by Its ofllcors, and by its maladmin
istration and by contrast between what
miuht bo. what is and what Isn't, that I
shall not wasto my time nor yours In
paying unpleasant thlugs nbout Tammany
,!;' ,, , ,. , , n.,
dl,d"'t ,",B??hn S,!"1.?"
erotic pinuuriu auuu. uiuioi uid.hiduu.
Tammany Hall never Ukd Grovor Clove
laud. I didn't see any pointing with
pride to the Illustrious name and spot
less career of Lucius Robinson. Tam
many Hall never liked him, but he was
an honest man. I didn't see anything
about any s Idlers or sailors in the plat
form at Saratoga, and yet Edward F.
Jones wn-s a soldier. I think they hadn't
any room In their convention for a boy
who woro tho bluo, aud yet Edward F.
Jones was a brave man in ltHV
Mr. Fassett continued witli n long nnd
sweeping nrraignment of tho Democratic
party In its connection wttn
matters of
Stato administration and legislation.
"If it wero to be done over again tcr
morrow, I should repeat, act for act, and
vote for voto, tho record of tlio whole his
tory of tho World's Fair so fnr as my
connection with it is concerned. I deem
ed it important that you should have n ',
World's Fair In JNow lorn, out not a
Tammany Fair."
Mr. Fassett concluded his spcoch by
arrainlng the various city departments
that lie sniil woro controlled and owned
by Tammany Hall.
After Mr. Fassett's address spoechos
wero made by Joint W. Vroomnti, Hon.
Goorge B. Sloan, Hon. Chns. T. Saxton
and Hon. Lawson N. Fuller.
lmttiuslnsiit itt the l'ennsylvnnla
Stute Convention.
SciiAHTON, Pa., Sep. 23. Tho conven
tion of Republican League Clubs is in
session hero, for tho purpose ot electing
a president to succeed Muyor Edwin S.
Stuart of Philadelphia, whoso term has
At tho meeting of tho executive com
mittee of the league yestorday afternoon
a reaolu'ion rejecting the application of
all clubs for membership which had not
been In existence on July 10 was adopted.
This seems to indicate that Senator Rob
inson will be elected president ot tho
Mr. McCandless of Pittsburg m.tdo a
gallant effort to amend tho resolution by
extondlng tho dato to September 1, but
ho was not successful.
llrlck Votneroy" Suustructc.
Poutaoti, N. Y., Sop, 23. The Farm
ers' Alliance people of Wyoming, Llv
lngtou, Allogcny and Genesee counties
held a mammoth picnlo here yesterday.
Thn tirinclnal address was ulven by
"Brick Pomeroy," who was taken with
a fainting lit as ho concluded his address.
He was convoyed to his hotel and sevornl
physiclaUB were summoned. It was
found that he had suffered a partial sun
stroke mid late last night ho was re
ported to bo somewhat improved.
tVUt Confer fjulctly With Illalno.
Wasiiixoton, Sep. 23. Tho Bureau of
the American Republics la informed that
Mr. Jnso Ives Liiuantour, who has been
appointed by tho Oovernuunt of Mexico
to negotiate a reciprocity treaty witli tlio
United States, will visit Washington
during tho oarly winter for tho purpose
oX conferring directly with tho Secretary
ol State.
May Have lloen Murdtrttd.
Huntinoton, Pa., Sept. 23. William i
Wobstor Tilmble, of Camden, N. J., a
civil euglnecr omployed by tho Penn
sylvania Railroad, was killed on the rail
road near this city hu.t night. The body
was terribly mangled and thrown sixty
feet Into the river. There is a good deal
of mystery about Trimble's neath und
murder is suspected.
The Hank Haa llecttn Suit.
Rociil'.slEii, N. Y., Sep. 23. Tlio Gorman-American
Hank of this city has
commenced a suit for $8,500 against
Henry T. Edsoti, to recover upon a note
on which his wife Is InJorner. The uoto
wiuj given to take up a draft upon de
fendant's father which the hitter's llrm
lefused to honor.
O.trunder Admitted to llnll.
Kincwton, N. Y., Sep. 23. James E.
OstriiiuUr, the defaulting bank treasurer,
was admitted to ball yesterday lu tho
sum ot $2U,U00. His wife, son-in-law,
Egbstrt Htfrsted, aud nephew, Abram
llbrouck, president of the Houdout
National Bauk, went sureties.
CnTn,r"T ur'
It '.(' I It I'M NO II 1(1'
tVIM r Oil- Cnt IOC
of I I.HitKliiK riu',- t iille Jft.
(JIiirm s ,'n-la ti Hntir, JvU
Ktmiabl, Opal, IOC
or othir Costly Ulnas. "JQq
WOITF to RANDOLPH, Phllortoliih'
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Ideates, Mortgage end Uonrts written.
Marriage lit enseH and legal claims
promptly attended to.
Heal Kslalf, Ci.lltetioa mi! iD&ur&ncc Agency.
General Kin Insnrnnce liiisluees. ltepreeents
the Nnrthwi stern I.lfe Insurance Co.
Office- SIuldoou' building, ci
and West Bis., rthensndi fill, ru.
Good rrcfjerties of All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two story double frame dwelling housa
slo: e and restaurant, on Ktist I'eutreHt,
2. A dwelling and lestatiranton East Centre
3. Desirable property on corner Centre and
juruin streets, nuiiaoie tor uusintss pur-
J. A two story double
Irame dwelling, on
West I.Iotd street.
5. Two 2 story irame dwellings on Vett Cen
tre street.
6. Iwn story dwellings on the corner of
uoai ana unesinut stieets tstoro room in
7. Two-story single house on North f hestnul
street with a inrgewa elintife tt tho rear.
8. Tin ee two-wory double framo budding
corner of Lloyd and istliiert streets.
Ask nir ngepi" fnrAV. .1... Jl.nmlwi Shoe
If not foi ante lu your place tiu ynui
denier to Mend On cntnlngHe, secure il
agency, and get tlieiu lur you.
It Is n aeamli'HSBlioc, with no lucks or wax thread
to hurt the fed; liimie of the Ite&t tluo calf, stTllsit.
find easy, end occuri.- ,rr matt more thot's uf thl
tjrnite than any ottu r manufacturer. It equals hand
stnved filines costing from Sl.uu to 83.10.
Sn: 00 iieimliie llniul-Hctvcd, tho finest cair
Jm shoo over offered for $3.U! equal, frrencit
imported .hoiM hleh cent from 63.1 to 12 OU.
$Jt Oil lliiiHl-Sciircl Welt Shoe, flno coif.
Mr. fctllsli, comfortalilo and durable. The bent,
shoo ever offered nt this price ; same grade as cud-tom-mnilt'
shoes costing from cum) to S'l-uo.
CRO .10 I'nllro t-lioei Faimois, Hultrnad Men
uud l-etterCarrlersail weurtheln: llueculf.
seamless, .month Inside, heavy threo soles, cxteu
Moll edrfe One pair will near uyear.
CtO ."SO Hue ciilft no better shoe ever offered nt
this prlei'i one trial will coniluco tticsis
who want a shoe for comfort anil service.
ICO "i nnd S-'J.IIO WnrUlninutin,N shoe
v! are vory stroug and durable. 'I huso svhu
hno given them n trial will wcur no oilier mike.
ITSirMfC!' f'J.HO mid 51.73 school .hoes em
h3Jy J worn bytho uos everywhere, lueyscl!
on their merits, ns the tni-reuslng sales show
I srlioc l;:iilIO llunil-i.essuil shoe besc
um4W1 1331 DoiiKoIa, i ervHtjlishi equals French
Imported hhucs costing from SI.'' to stt.fil.
l.ndieV 'i.20, f-'.OII nnd SI. 75 shoo for
Misses aro the best line boimola. Htylhili and durable.
f'niillou.hce thut W. L. Douglas' uania and
prlee uro stamped on the bottom of each Bhao.
W. I,. UOUULAS, Urockton, Mas.
2TOSI02P22- 2311,
!3l3iojri.3a.cio.l2. fXr
koo North Fourth St.,
UOfJ twl lirttti FH.I-kl'.Lral..
tli onlf BonulDo l.aui.o Atiiirlow.
Hwoi.llil lo tli. fan. 4 .-t.n wha I
.bio to our. Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility 4 Spe
cial Diseases both. ..i.
HtioDlHU.'. KidSfsttiPslDitatlv.
u.m.,SoreThroiit ' Mouth,
B! .U'lif. rirurlt'.. Fruptl. m, a r
htrd I'Imti, SwtlllDK. lrrM.tltfDf,
liultuiiu.uoui .04 RuBolnK),
Blrlcturei, Wc.kLtM .n4 E.rly
4sr loit mrmory v.nk, miul .nilMT Ktaney o
itl.lli'r il,Mfl .na u DIM.- rBuum.
fr.iro t
l":"?'-'" " o-rcn
Rocnt cihi curtj lo 4 io to 11.J;
relief .1 onos.
Do not In.. Bopo, no rn.tter n.
Uiini buctor, QuMk. Fsmllv or Un h riM.
nr. thell tor-, poiltlvely '' ""n""1 4"0Un "a
bBilae. otn ,oun. Miont, M tmo.. cobtimh.tiimi
Htmam. rlfh or poor. "aii Ja ""rn'r f1', boolt
"TRUTH11 enolnf Q.vt. nnil.'r owarn Ir.Unionl.uu
llooii. iljllr frlim 9 , Fr'M t . Wrt .n4 S.U
I.-gi tuilO Suod.T B till It Writ, or e.ll nd t r4;
For K.f.t.oooo usi Wislo. 1 S.lurJ.j I'hUa. TUW
I. Baker & Co.'s
from which tho excess of
oil has been romoved, is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used iu Its preparation. It haa
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd is Uioroforo far more
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
Btrongthenlng, easily diqested,
find admirably adapted for Invalids
ns well as for persons In health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
J at ruMKUOt
VKc-U''1ct building corner Main id Otaue