The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 22, 1891, Image 2

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    j j innMHMi
Evening Herald.
jr. C. IiOr lilt, IMUnr rind rubllnlier.
M'Jt. ,T. WATKtSH-, ,olJ IMllor.
ITie KVKXiyO ItKRAI.Dhma tarfer cir
culation in Shenandnnh than any other jitiper
ftubhnhett, Hooka ojien to all.
subscription hates:
Daily, per yit It On
tVEKKLT, Pr year 1 So
Entered at the Pontofflce, at Shenandoah, Ph.
for transmission through the mall
u Mmuil elans mall inciter.
To MhIi a Nmr Wool Collection.
Boston, Sep. 32. Wool Examiner Di
juoml of thi' Appraiser's Department,
wlm 1 going to Kurope in the interest of
the Kovemiiient to make a uew cnllec-
tlon of samples of the various kinds of
wool Imported Into the United State.
left for New York last night, whonoe he
will sail for Liverpool on Wednesday.
His collection, whoti completed, will be
considered as the oifloinl sample of tlu'
dopnitment lit the various ports of entry
In tins country.
Dm l'rrsldrnt Tithes Action In tho Cairo nl
Hirte Lrrlng Officer..
Wafiiikoton, D. C., Sept. 22. Tha
President has approved the sentence o
dismissal from tho army, Imposed on
leutennnt Miner, of tho Ninth Infantry,
for oouduet unbecoming ou alTloer and a
In tho cane of First Lieutenant F. D.
Sharp, Twenty-fourth Infantry, found
guilty of ilrunkennoBs by tho Court
martial nd sentenced to dlsmlsal, tho
President has commuted his sentence to
suspension from rank and command on
half pay for one year, on his promise to
abstain In the future from thu use of intoxicants.
In the case of Ensign W. Si. Cloke, U.
8. N., sentenced to dismissal by oourt
martial for Intoxloatlon and absence
after expiration of leave, the President
lias, on the recommondatlou of Secretary
Tracy, mitigated the sentence to suspen
sion from rank and duty on fourlough
pay for two yenrs, and to retain the
present number in his grade during that
Held l'or the Grand Jury.
KiNOhTON, N, V., Sep. 28. James E.
Ostiuuder, the defaulting treasurer of
the Ulster County Savings Institution,
was arraigned In the Recorder's Court
yesterday afternoon charged with em
bezzlement. Ho waived oxnmluntiou
lie declined to make any statement and
was C'lmmittedtojall to await tho action
of the Grand Jury. Tho run on the
bank Is practically discontinued. About
200,000 wero paid out to excited depos
itors since t rlaay.
The Heconrt Lillet Uliimlss?d.
Wasuixutow, Sep. 22. Attorney-Gen
oral Miller, speaking of tho report from
Los Aiitfeles, Cala., that a second libel
had been filed against the steamer Itata,
said that it was unauthorised and that
he bad directed that it be dlsmlssod. lie
said that tho court at Los Angeles yes
tordny flxed the trial for iudemnatlon
ngainst the vessel forOotobor20 and that
the trial for libel would follow iintnudi
New Knglund An.uolnted Pres..
BosTO.f, Sop. 22. The Now Kugland
Associated Pross held a meeting yesterday
lit which tho resignation of Col. w. W.
I lapp us frosldont was accepted. Mr.
J. L Shipley, of tho SprlngUuld, Mass.
.S.'nion" was elected President and
bteuheu O'Meare, of the BoUon "Jour
nal," was chosen a member of tho Execu
tivo CommfUuo.
(leu. l'ciy Very Low
Klizabetii, N. J., Sop. 22. Gen,
Augustus Pay, who' has been lying
acriously ill at his homo in this city for
borne time, was in a very low condition
this morning. Ho takes littlo or no
nourishment mid is conscious only part
of the time. Ilia wife nnd Immediate
relatives are at his bedside nud the end
is expected soon.
flnn. OiHiU's Ito ly to J! Itenmvmt.
Nlw Youk, top. 22. The Kxecutlvi
Committee of the (irant Monumeat As
Kni'.i.itlou has ordered ita contractor to
minova tho temporary tomb of Gen
Jrant to tho mausoleum which is to b
its final rostlua place as soon as the con
crete foundation on which it is to rest Is
T.unkliu: for tho Murderer.
O loucestib, N. J., Sep. 22. William
n.,iiiisnn. who wifs shot here bnturua
during a row over a game of pool, died
vRKicnlav. tub nonce are iookiiik iu
dpnrirn An ilnrson. mias "This Spider.
dnmeriido. who. thov alloged
lind the shot that killed Kobluson.
National Conference iiriUitltttrl am.
Saratoga, IV. Y., Sep. 22 -The Na
tloual Conference of Unitarians began
here yesterday afternoon with a large
attendance, representing nearly every
State east of the Mississippi. A meeting
of the council and officers was held at 4
in., and tho Conference was formally
opened at 7:i0 p. m. by a publio service,
tile sermon Doing delivered by Hev. 11. A.
Armstrong, Jl. A., of Liverpool. Enc.
Tho sessions will continue three days,
luring wliioli a variety ol papers ou re-
ligious and scionliuc topics will be load
and discussed.
Heat llnr nil ill With a Revolver.
Waunsi-OHT, N. Y.. Sep. 22. Fred N,
llurrltt, cashier in tho bank of Jlurrltt Sl
Henderson, has been paying more ntten
tiou to Miss Emma Sllsby of Seneca
I1 alls, a visitor here for some tlmo past
than was agreeable to hU wife. Matters
enmo to a climax when Mm. liurl.t en
tered tho room of Miss Sllsby nt her hotel
and at th'o muzzle of n revolver demand
cd tho letters her husband had written
her. After getting them slio beat the
girl over tho head with the weapon until
tho clerk, uttractod by her screams in
to rfored.
Tho Warren-McCarthy right.
New Oiilrans, Sop. 32. Despite tho
many outacles which havo uoen thrown
in tho way of the managers of the War
ren-McCarthy glovo contest to take place
before tho Olympic Athletic Club to
night, It is now an assured fact that tho
featherweights will do battle. Though
Warren is regarded with more favor by
the talent, McCarthy has many friends
who are backing his chnnces to the tuno
of $230 to $200, tho odds being ugaiust
Tlio Wonderful Adventures ol
u Brooklyn Pair.
Carried Out to Sea, They Cling to a Log
and Are Picked Up.
lilcn to otintliintc IICSCliJIAi
e-Beiui for'mntn for Kltclicn niiU OlcU.
Kooiu," l,andy book for tho household. FltEE.
every ronM OF
iuuipiuiini:i-iniiicn in Olinillinic ituajliJIAl
dill.. CTftlttMn T- -. 1 '
This warm wnvo will put tho corn
beyond danger from front.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This is beyond question the most suo
cesslul aaiKh Medicine wo have ever sold,
a few doses Invariably cine the worst ossos ot
Cough, Croup, and llronchltls, while Its won
derm! mecos In the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in tho history of mt-aicine,
Blnoe It's tlrst dlfcoovery it lias been told on a
Eunrauloe, a lest which no other medicine
can stand, li you have a CouijU wo earnestly
ask you to try it. l'rlce 10 cents, 5') cents, and
81.M). If your Ijuurs are sore, Chest or Hack
lame, use Hlilloh's I'orous l'laster. Bold bv
O. 11. HBEenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
l.loi'd streets.
The linnliful lover uhould diet for a
while on pop corn.
Mlloa' Norve and til vor Pills
Act on a now principle regulating the
liver, stomach and towels tlaouah the nerve
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'llls speedily
rum liiltoiiHuekS. bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. tJneoualod lor men, women,
cuuareii. rjinauesi, miiutjBi,Buicnw u.wun,
SicU. Samples Free, at (J. II. Hageubuch s
dnu; store.
All klndH of nuiH promise to be ex
cet'dlui;ly plenty thla your.
Happy Ilooslors.
Win., 1'oi.tmaster of Idavllle,
I d., writes. "Klectrlo Hitters has doiiemoro
for me than all other medicines combined,
for that bad feollog arising from Kidney and
Liver troublo." John LeslU, Inrmer and
sioosnisn, of same place, says: "Kind hlec
trio Hitters to be thu oekt Kidney and Liver
medicine, madB me ffol Use a new man." J,
w. (Jirdner, hardwaie merchant, same town,
nam. Hlnptrln HMIl,rR is IusL the tiling forti
man who is all run down nud don't care
wuether he lives or dies; he found new
strength, good appetite at.d felt Just like he
bad u new lease on life, unly Mo. a bottle at
V. 11. ilstfenbuoh s Drug Mtoie.
L.llao will be one of tho fashlouablo
scouts of the Heuson.
tlio progress of Consumption. In
nil its earlier stages, it can bo cured.
It's a scrofulous affection of tho
lungs a blood taint and, as in
cverv other form of scrofula, Dr.
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery
is a certain remedy, but it must
bo taken in time and now is tho
timo to tako it.
It purifies tho blood that's tho
secret. Nothing elso acts liko it.
It's tho most potent strength-restorer,
blood - cleanser, and flesh-
builder known to medical science.
For Weak Lungs, Spitting of lilood,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, and all
lingering Coughs, it's a remedy
that's guaranteed, in every case,
to benefit or cure.
If it doesn't, tho money is returned.
In other words, it's 60ld on
trial, t ,
No other medicine of its kind is.
And that proves that nothing elso
is "just as good" as tho "Discov
ery." Tho dealer is thinking of his
profit, not of yours, when ho urges
something elso.
ninclly Treated by Their Itencusrn, Win
('mil. I Not Talk Kncllh--Trniirrrpd t
Another Vesnel Finally I.nnded on thl
Const of I'lorlditNearly Craied With
Their Terrible Experiences.
Ni:w York, Sept. 22. Samuel W.
Thornton and Kva Jewell, the young
people win disappeared while in bathing
at Coney Islnnd on the night of Aug. 27,
and whoBe clothes were found in a bath
ing pavilion, are said to be allvo and
well, In Jai'ksouvlle, Florida,
A special despatch from Jacksonville
says that Thornton was interviewed In
the office of the "Tiines-Unlcui" last
night, nud gave ah account of his adven
tures. According tolils story Thornton
and Miss Jewell went In bathing nt 2 p.
m. on the day mertioned.
After half an hour In the surf, and
while out sonio distance from the shore,
a huge wave came in and tho undertow
washed them away.
Strangled and frightened nearly to
death, he h id presenro of mind enough
to plunge forward and seize Eva's dress
nnd keep her up. all the while shouting
for help. No one seemed to hoar them
and they floated out fast.
A big log soon floated by. Ho soizod
It, nnd by its nid was enabled to keep
their heads above water. 'I ho tide rap
idly carried them out to sea. Eva soon
grew foint, and Thornton becamo nearly
exhausted by his struggles. Just after
sundown a schooner enmo near. Thorn
ton shrieked for nid and thoy wcro taken
on board.
,(10011 Kvn was under the motherly care
of the criptaiu'a wife, while Thornton
was rubbed and brought to by tho Bail
ors. To his surprise nnd consternation
no one on hoard could speak English.
Eva was insensible when rescued, and
for sovornl days afterward sho was nearly
crazy, repeating in her delirium the ter
rible experleucea she had had.
When Thornton fully recovered his
eenses the next forenoon they wcro out
of sight of land and going southward,
bound for some port in South America.
To his appeals to be set on shoro,the Cap
tain shook his head, hut promised to
signal tho first vessel that came along.
They were on that vessel 13 days be
fore they were transferred to another
schooner. Then they were no better off
for tho craft was Spanish, bound for Yu
catan, through Florida Straits.
On this ship both were treated with
great kindness. Eva was given the
cook's gnlley. After 10 days of Hfo on
this schooner the captain one day told
them by signs to net ready to land. j
Tho sailors got up u purse of .$20 for
tliuin and gave them several articles of
clothing. Early lost Sunday morning
the vessel came In near shore, lowored a
boat nnd lauded tho two unfortunates ou
Florida coast in a strange localtty und
with only one small fisherman's hut In
They got Information as best they could
and started ou foot for Jacksonville, and
after walking for Msvoral miles they were
met by a toam nnd hired the driver to
bring thom thoro, whore thoy arrived
footsore and weary in the afternoon,
Seoklng a boarding bouse, they secured
rooms and rested after their terrible ex
perience. Thornton's brother, Wlliam, is thor
oughly investigating tho mutter, and
has sent a message to the man in jacK-
somlllo asking him cerium questions. If
those are answered, all doubts concern'
ing the straugo story will he removed.
hrst National Bank,
Capital, $100,000,00.
A. W. Leisenring, Pts.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
I'n Id 011 HnvitiifM DeiiosltH.
Jjitrgest and Oldest
Tones up your system and
gives you an appetite that a
lumberman might envy.
Cures dyspepsia,- stomach
troubles, constipation, and
liver or kidney diseases. In
addition tq this it cures all
skin affections and the more
violent blood troubles.
Effects are immediate and
cures permanent.
Sold at Klrlin'a Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
Reliable Purely Cash Companies,
Itcpretentcd by
120 S. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port
able unequalcti in stylos,
Cnst nnri Finish.
15arBe CslAloriie of roantrrt, De.U elc, Illattrated la
Culnn. Hoot.. Vm rixl.gv ISt'rnl,.
Also Tyler's jnoym
oalet lekn nnd Type
writer Cnliliictn,
Htiii'ii. llpKt nnd cheat).
est on earth, with great
reduction in prices.
130 iiobo. citMoRue Free.
l'nttuge IS cts. Full II... ol
II..1., thnlra, Tabl.., It.ok
fa..., C.lrinrU, Igal Wank
C.ltinH, fir., alt.,. In .ttk.
Sn.rUI votk made to ordrr.
Tll.UII 13 CO.,, Mo., U.S.A.
1'IVH l)l(OWSKl).
A Tarty of I'olos Moat Dantli In the Hud
son at riiushhnerle.
Pouoiikhhpbib, N. Y., Sep. 22. Five
persons threo mon, ono womnn and a
littlo girl wero drowned In tie Hudson
River, opposite Low' Point, 12 miles
south of this city, yesterday afternoon.
Thuy wore all Polei. and were strangers
In tho locality, bo their Identity Is not
known. Thoy hired a boat at Hampton
to row across tho river at kow rulut.
When about 100 yards from the cnst
shorn the bout was seen to overturn and
all tout Immediately except ono man
who cluug to to the capslt ed boat, but
be let go and sanit before nolp reaction
Only one body, that of a man, has thus
fox been recovered.
The Leading Photographer,
The work done at this gallery Is fully equal
to ihatdone at the large galleiles of New
YorRana Philadelphia. Comparison Is In
vited between I he specimens of his twoana
tlir.0 dollar oauiueis suowu 111 uis iu
and tho best of work done elewhere at nve
.. . A el. Hnllamj
iiriin not cilmb lone fllEhls ol stairs to
i.aimnifB&n nifrmls9 run bvou'oftown
patties when better work may be had of your
own townsmen.
Alva's Ttrflxlllnn Hneolfln C.n.. A Wall Street
N. V. Gentlemen : I tnke pleasure lu testl '
t vine lo tho curative nowers of your Cacms 1
lilood Cure, which has relieved mo of linu
oular rheumatism ot lone standing. I ws
troubled kerlously by dyspepsia as well, Irom
which, I am pleasea to stutu, it has also cuicd
ABsurlusyon that I shall recommend your
inedioliie lo iny Iriends, I am.
Yours respoolfullv,
A OAM niiow.v,
Deo 8, 1880. 810 Ninth Ht., llrooklyn, N. Y.
Hold at Klrllu's Drug htore.Kersusou House
Illoek, 4liuaudoai .
For Mm MIX
ave cured many -Hooiaii 1 . r'-rr pnr nee
i)rlK or the iev ptiyMiMiis Kru.i iirst dose swuM"" "
trfpill disappear, and in ten at two thuds 1
uonUlof mtr TT1J P.MO ' -.'-mi i L'Ct LymiH. l
kculou cures IttvUvI' it rushed 'Cfc yrti ord
trial, fcnd ten rei 1 Hi it ,1. l- n ,jt nf TZfB&?$
1HL It. II.
Pure Ice Cream !
Your trade Is what we
This-is how we propose
to get It,
By selling you a first
class article ; by Belling you
for less thau others; by
pelllntj- you furuiture, an
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
In tho- lino of household
We have a largo und va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to sho w goods.
Call, examine and be
rhiladolphia and Eoading Railroad
Him TabU in ileet July 10, 18V 1
Knr New Ynrlr vln I'littnriulnhlft. waoIt rtuv.
2,0 5.25, 7.20 0. m, and 12 93 2.50 and 6.H
, For
hla week days,
p. m. Sunday 2.1U and 7.48 a. m, For New
iorx, via Maucii cnunk, week days, 6,25.
i.r, ... 111. mm ix.a,nnu a.wtp. m.
F(ir ItaAillnir llhllailnrnhlD
z.iu, 7.20, a. m., 12.M 2.K0 and 55 p; m,
-nnday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. in
For Harrlsbure. week aavt.
4.30 n.'m.
iv,7.w a. m,i
10. 6.65 n. m.
l'or AUeBtown.Yrf.nlr dava TCn, m 19 ts
i.'O p.m. ' '
.,5otta;,ilfi week oay"j,7.v,. m,
12, XM i and S.S6 p. m. Huuday, 2 10 and 7.44
. m , 4.10 p.m.
ror lauiaqua ana Mahanny City, week
lays, 2.I0, 6.ST,, 7.20, a, m., 12 35 and 8.68
n. m. Mnnrinv. 2.111 utift Til. M a n.
Additional ,'or MaUanoy Olty.'week days 7.00
p. m,
rur ijnneaier ana uoiunibia, week days.
'.30 a. m., 2.60 p.m. ' '
Kor Willlamsport, Hnnbury and laowUburt.
weekdays, S.2S, 7.20 and U'i a. m 1.35, 7.CJ
. m. Sunday 8:23 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
"Vr Mahanoy 1'lane, week days, 2.10 8.2S.
H. 7.!Hand 11.83 a.m.. Mtf. 1.35. Ifin.
7.00 anc i '.. in. Huuday, 2 10, and 7.41)
a. m '.''5, 4.80 l. m.
For Ulinrovine (Karpahannock Hlatlon)
""t davs,2.K', 8.2, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.80 a. lu.,
12.85. 1 85 .SO. 6.66. 7.0(1 and H.26. n m. Hundav!
2'10, .2i, 7.48 a.m., 8.05, 4.30 p.m.
or Ashland and Bliaiuoam, week days.
i.2 5.26, 7.20, 11.3') a ni., l.lts, 7.00 and V.U
i, m. Hunclay 8.25, 8 82 s. m 3.06 p. m.
bsave New York via Philadelphia, week
lays, 7.46 a. m 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m UM
usuu wnnaay, hio p.m., 12.15 nignt.
Leave New York via Maunh Chunk, week
lays, 4.30. 8.(5 a. m 1.00 and 4.0 p. m.
lavo i'hllsdelptala. wtat days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., ln-ra Broad
"d OallowinH and 9So a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
h-om flth auO ureen streets. Sunday 8.05 a.
id. u.iu p. m. irom vtn ane .eu.
Lave KeadlUK. week days, 1.35. 7.10. 10.C5
tnd 11.60 a. m 5.55, 7.07 p, m. Huuday l.So anc
10.48 a. m.
Uoive l'oltsvlllo, week days, 2.40,7.40 a.m.,
JHU, Blip. m. Bunday, 2. 10, 7.00 a. in. and
2.C6 . at
.eavo Ximmqua, westc days, 3.20, 8.48 and
2 1 a. m., 1.21, 7.13, aud K.18 p. m. Sunday 3.10
7 43 (. m. aud 20 p. in.
.eave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
id U.47. m., 1.51, 7.42 and U.44 p.m. Bun.
lay, 8.1(1,8.17 a. ra 3.20 p, ra.
laeaye Aialianoy 1'laue, week days, 2-4), 4.C0
1.30, 0.35. 11.59 a. m.,1.05, 2.08. 5 20, (I'M, 7.57, and
in otio. m. Monday 2.4j, 4,00, and 8.27, a.m.
3 37,6.01, p.m.
jjtave Glrardvllle (Itappahannock Station)
sreek days. 2.47, 4.07, 8.38, and 0.41 a. m 12.03,
I. 12, 5.511, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m. unday,2,47,
.0 ', 8.33 a. m. 3.41, 6.07 p. m.
tioave Will lamsport, week days. 8.00,9.45 and
II. 55 a. m. 3.35 and 11,16 p, in. Bnnday 11.15
p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
'la 13. & O. It. K.. throueb trains leave Ulrard
ivenue station, Philadelphia, (P. A K. K. K.)
it 4.16, B01 and 11.27 a. 111., 1.84, 4.24 , 5.55 an
'.23 p. m. Bunday, 4.18 8.02 11.1.7 a, m., 4.24
.65and7.2Jp. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whai t
aid South Hlreet Wharf.
For AUi.mlccitv.
Week-dnvs Express, 8 00, 9:00 a. m, 2.C0, '1
3.00, i.iiO, 6.00 V. al. Aocoinmodatlon,7.40a.
m. and 4.15, 0.30 a. m. b
Suudays. Express, 8.00, 9.00 a. m. Ac-BK
eoniiii-'JaUon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.45 p. ru.
tieturnlng, leave AUantlo City, depot and Arkansas avedues. Week-dats
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. in. and 3.15, 4.00;6.30
p. iu, iLccuiiiiuouaiiuu u.uu o.iu u. in. uuu
4.30 p.m. Sundays-Express, 4.00, 0.00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 5.0, p. m.
. Mnl.KOn. Vres. tlen'l MoiuTa.r
J. P.Williams & Bro.,
South MnlM St.,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1891..
Tb Vltitlnimon. Trial.
PrnEBOiio, Pa., Sep. 23. The trial of
Mrs. Luoy PltzslmmonB In the celebrated
ruurdor caSo, In which she, with her
huaband, ITrank C. Fltzslmmons (who
escapea irom gnu no re last uonuay;
killed Deteotlve Qllklnson March 24,
last, began lu the Criminal Court here
yesterday. Tho caao will likely be given
to the Jury to-night. The police omclal s
hare M yet uo trace ot her escaped hus
bDd. Switchmen's Aid AmooIuMoii.
PotXADULnilA, Eop. 38.--Tho Blxth
Ariunai Convontioa ot the Switchmen's
Mutual Aid Association eotivonod In In
dustrial Hall yesterday morning. There
wvrs about 2o0 dulegntoj present. The
passions ot tha convontioa will bo secrat.
Tb) coustltutton will bu the subject of
conaidarahle revision, and an effort will
be made to Uke In the iwltoh tenders and
T&rd masters, and make the Association
Uttxulir ia Its viows.
Orders promptly attended to. Particular at
tention pnld to Balls, Picnics,
Festivals, etc
Near Corner ol Lloyd, SHENANDOAH. PENNA
llttcntisu 11 iimn Biiakea lu hla bIioch
it 1b uo hIu'H lid litts it lit.
From Tho Nation's Capitol.
Mr. A. N. Hazen, Washington, I), O., says :
The Famous IUhI Flag OU. Is a perlect fatally
niedlalne, and has ne equal lor ilbeuinstUin,
Neuralgia, Sprains, Cuts, lliirns, and all
bodily pain. Price 23 cents. At Klrlln's drug
BIT ! Inl tUU ui mi aiivrM( v t"iM
Dub no kuDwisi n ""-"""'
grata. 11U.U a-uuv. a.....'-
..nt trmr Irfitw I all. (Ualtdl
th pMlviopliy of StlCM
md Aatctlon of tbt
OrtBDi of Mah, indhowby
by lotthudl ext-Uilvilf oar
own. th orl rui"
l.oit or huh
otnrl D
bllltT. WnU ol Body
ft&dUlott, Effect! ol Error
or ueuHi. "
1 LI "V
1 "i.xi -v.ynu- -v
Mill Ceniorry Protr.ts.
Kw York. Sen. 22. Tho County Dem
ocxacy delegates and alternates to the
Democratic State Convention met last
dcht In Cooper Institute, and unani
mously adopted a protest against the
treatment thev bad rocetved at Saratoga.
From first to last not ono word was said
u tp whether or uot the organization
would support the Democratic tlclist.
AUcd Mutineers lletnanded.
Boston. Sen. 23. The six sailors of
the choonor T. D. Winchester, who
were charged with mutiny on the high
arralirned before Commissioner
Ballet to-day and hold in $300 each tor
the United Btata District Uourt.
An International Caagrast.
HoitK. Sep. M. The Pope Is organizing
aa InteruAtlonal Congress, to be held In
1893 at Friboura, brwitterland, for tha
purpose ot organizing a European Uata-
Uo Ucmocrauo union.
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masteller's old stand,)
corner Coal nud Jitrdln BIN.
Mr. Bnvder will always keep'ln stock alflne
line 01 uoots ana snoes.
Custom Work nud Itcpnlriiifr
dnnA In the hest slvle. He euarantees to sell
etieaper innn eompeiitors on jiain sireei wuo
nave mgieuisui iuy, uuu kuuiuuu'n h vuu1
)ue uargain ou every purciiHim,
I'assenger trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Cliuuk, l.chisliton, Slatlngton, Cata-
.uuijiim, miciiiun u. AJC.icumi, atvaiAJU, jt .ill
idelphlaand New York at 6.47, 7.40, 8.08 a.m.,
1253, aiO, 5.28 p.m.
Kor Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
dtroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 6.20 p. m.
For Lamliertvllle nnd Trenton, U.08 a, m,
For White Haven, Wllkes-Uarre aud PltU'
ton 5.47, VMS. 10.41 a.m., 3.10 nnd 5.31 p. m.
ForTuukhannock, 10,41 a. m., 3.10 and 5.26
p. m.
For Aubnrn, Ithaca; Geneva and and LyonB
10.41 a. ru., and 5.29 p. m.
For Lacey vllle, Towanda. Sayre, Waverly,
Elmlra, ltochesler, llullalo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.11 a. m.,and
3.2tt p. m.
For Klmlra nnd tho West via Salamanca at
For Audenrled. llaileton. Stockton. Lum
ber Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
Hon at 6.4 J, 7. 40, 0,08 a. m. and 12.52, 3.10 and
58 p.m.
ror jeanesviue, laevision uuu iieavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9.CB a. m. and 5,23 p. m.
For scranton at o., lo.iia. m. s.iuana
:20p. m.
For Hazle Brook. Jeddo. DrlRon and Free.
land at 5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 122 3.10 and
ForUuakake at 5.17 and 9.08 a. m and
3.10 p. ni.
For wigcans, uuoerion anu f racjcviue ai
i.bu ana s.ub a. m ana s.iu p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahanoy City and Delano
5.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41. 10.68 a. m., 8.03.
9.21 and 10.27 p.m.
For Ijosi ureea, jiraravuie ana Asniana,
1.27. 7.4U, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40. 1.10. O.M,
8.10 and 6.14 p. m.
For uarawater, si. uisir ana rottsviiie,
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. in., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.20 and 8.0i
o. in.
For iiuck mountain, new uoston anu
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. m.. 12.52, 8.10. 6.29 and
8.0.1 p. m,
For Haven Run. Centralla. Mt. Carmel and
Hbamoktn, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
sna B.oe p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln (or Bhenandoab,
7.65 11.65 a. m., 2.10. 4.80 and 90 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6J20 and
11.10 p. ui.
DUlllfAl 11VA111I1,
For Iost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland.
i.mj, v.iu ii.iioa. m., a:.fip. m.
ror uarawaier. ai. uiair ana rotisvilie,
U0, 8.00, 9.30 n. m.. 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahanoy city and Delano,
.uv, aij n. iu,,i.iu, . au.
ror iouy, Auuenrieu ana xiasteion, v.w
a' in,, l.iu p. mi
For Mauch. Chunk. LeniEhton. Hlatlnilon
Catasauqua, Allentown, lTethlehem, Kastov
ana New xors, b.ou a. m., l.iu p. m:
r or rnuaaeipma, i.iu p. iu.
Uen'l Pass, Agt., tlethlehem,
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where he will be plcaed to meet the wants
of his mends and the publio la
Everything in tha Drinking Lino
Finest brands of cigars always on hand,
The nest temperance orinu.
7n olid after September 1 1311, (roini will lent
Hhenanclvah or follows:
For Wlggan, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Now
Castle, St. Clair, and v. ay points, 6.00, 9.13
i m and 4.1 p m,
Sundays, GOO, 9,40 a m and f.10 p m.
For Pottsvllle. 8.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m.
jundays, COO, 9.40 a m and S.10 p in,
For Heading, 6.00, a in and 4.15 pm
Snndays, 600, 9.40 a in. and 8.10 pm.
For Poltotown, PUoenixvillii, X1! orris town
ud Philadelphia fWr.rt street station), 6.00,
a. m. and 4.15 p m week days
sncdays, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p mi
Trains leavo Frticsviue lu: Shenandoah at
10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Sundays,
11.18 a m and 6.40 p in.
ueave Pottsvllle tor Shenandoah, 10.15 and
11.48, a ni 7.15, 9.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40 a m
3,15 p m.
Leave Philadelphia (Kroad street station),
for Pottsvllle aud Shenandoah, 5.57, S.S3n rr
4.'0 and 7,00 p m week days. Snnda) 6.59-, and
9.23 am
ior .New York, 3.20, 4.05. 4.40, 5.85, K.50, 7.80,
4.20 BM tt.BO. ll.OOand 11.1 1, 11.35 a m. 12.00 noon,
(llmlled express, 1.0R 4.50 p la.) 12.21 12.41, 1.40,
2.30, L20, 4.02 5, 4, 6.2), 6.60 7.13 8.12 und 10.00 p.
m. 13.01 night.
On Sunaays, R.SO, 4.05, 4.40. 5.R5, R.12, 8.S0, B.5dX.
11.33 a in. ana 12 21, 12.11, 2.S0, 402, (limited, ,
t.'Vil. 5.28. R 2). .V , . - arm ana 12.01 nll,iK
For Sea Girt. Lougl! ranch and IntermedlaiHl
stations 0.50, 8.25 and 11.89 a. m., 3.30, 4.00 p. ruTT
ween uays. ouuuay. a a. m.
r or isaiiimoro ana wasuiugion, n.&o, 7.J0,
10 and 11.18 a. in.. 4 41. 0 57. 7.10 n.m aud 12.03
night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. m., 12 35 (limited
express with dining car to Baltimore) 1.30, 8.4U.
p. m, went aays. r or uauimoro only .02, 4.01
woo it diys, 5.08, 11.80 p. in. dally.
For ltlclimoud, 7 20 a, ill. ami 12.03 night
dally, 1 30 p. m. dally, except Sund.iy.
irams leave narrisourg lor j'uuiDurK ana
ho west every day at " 25 and tf.10 a m nnd
UK) 'limited) and 3.40. 8 DO. 9.35 n m. Wav for
Altoona ,a a m and 4.10 p m every aay. ,
H oc Pittsburg only, 11.20 a iu dally auu 10.20 (
m week days.
Leave Sunbnry for Willlamsport, Klmlra,
anandnleua. Koch ester. BuQaloand Mlaffai
'nils, 6.10 a m dally, and 1.42 p m week days.
John R. Coyfe,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main ind Centro Streetl, SHENANDOAH, PA
I A two and one-hair story double frame
a weiung uouse, wun sure-room ana res
taurant. Located on East Centre street.
A valuable property located on South Jar
din street. '
3 Seven dwelling houses at the corner of Oil
bert and Lloyd streets. Goodlnvestment,
Terms reasonable.
""or Watklns. 6.30 nm week aays.
For Kric ana intermediate points, 5.111 a m.,
lallv. For Ixjcic ilaven. 6.10. and 9.C8 a m.
lally, 1.42 and 6.30 p. m. week days. For
Itenova 5.10 a m 1,42 and 5,30 p m weeE days,
UO a. m Sundays,
hah. is. ruuu,
- 4in. mt,'
lien. Pas. Aat
lime lame tneneci Aiay, 10, ieai.
Trains leave Readme (P. & It. station! for
Gibraltar, Seyfert, lllratboro, Joanna, Spring, i
eiu, w ay ucsuurg Junction, uoaiesvuie, wea.
Chester,Chadslbra Junction, li. t O. Junction, i
w iitntnKiim uuu imermeaiate staiions. on uy
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 3.M
d. m. nuuuuv uaiv ui a.ia d. m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediated
siations.aauy except Hunaay, at v.M a.m., ana 1
5.19 p.m. Sunday only 8.15 a. m. fl
For Blrdsboru aud Intermediate stations. 3
Saturday only, at 12 m. c-t-ti i
For Baltimore ana wasnington (li. s o. it. e
lt.i aauy except sunaay at u.25 ana 8.30 a.
anu ci.10 p. ni, ounaay only ai a.up. m.
1 rains urrive at iieaamg ir. & u. bU
1IU1U 1 .1 ,11.11, l.Jil, 11, IV j. dUUtllUU, Itsm
cnanm, uuaaasiora junction, west unesier,
Lenape. Coatesvllle. Wavnesbnnr Junction.
Hnrlntrneld.Jnanna. ittrilsfira. rilhrAUar. Sev
fertand Intermediate stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sun. 1
1.1 11. in. .
eters, Warwick and Intermediate
n. m. Sunday (
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
iturday on I y at 1.40 p. m .
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex.
day only at 11.24 a. m.
From St. Peters. Wu
stations, dally except Hnnday, at 8.21 a, in.
ana 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at b p. m,
From inrosboro ana inu
Saturday only at 1.10 p. m.
cent Sunday. 10 20 a. m. 6.52 and 8 17 p. m,
Sunday only at 11.21 a. m.
BOW js ess Biuuua, uen'l Pass. Agt.
We, the undersigned,
are entirely cured oi
11 u 1 1 u 11 u 1 Rupture by Dr. J. I),
MAYER. 831 Arch St., Pblla. Thomas B,
llartuug, New Ringgold, Pa., I.fnndt, South
Easton, Pa., li. P. V. A. Uctllrck.Oley, Pa
It. U. Stanley, 421 Spruce SL, 1-thauon, Pa., A.
Bchueldei. Locust I)aIo, Pa., D, B. Noll. Lime. .
kltn, Pa., Wm. E. Harienstlne. I'hoenlxvllle,
Pa., W. M. Lei 11 bach, b24 Wnkhlngton St,, ,
Reading, Pa., J, 0. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard St., 1
Ilarrlsburcr. Pa O. Keehn. Donglassvllle, Pa. ,
Dr. MAYER Is at Hotel Penn, Reading, Pa., J
on the 2nd Saturday ol each month. Call lot
see him.
11. URIOKJEH, 1. D
to: 9 Kast Centre Btroet; Mahnnoy City, PJ
HVin ana an spMiiai atseiaseH r nnctstivi 1'ii.lllan rurf, for thoeO'ucl.ol uult abuM
ltnrl i-.Emliuitoiil.Narviiui. lleblllt v.Loil
ot tu.xua.1 1-owi-r, ImiA.tener Ao. 6o trreat I. our rulta la
curSlwcldewe wlllwinal on Villi All It's SledlcJllYJ
Saul lluib Vliml,I. Inr.uin -tiin flllCK, AJilrt-.C: I
ta. IU. cu.a sua uniRansi, new srej