The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 21, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
J.T. C. llOVr.ll, nutar ami J-iioHWier.
ir.lf. ,T. WATKIXH, Ual JSilUnr.
I'll' KVRXIXB HERALD hiu a Inrgtr Hr
rulaium in Shrnandoah than ny olhtr pnpcr
tnili'iilirit, Honkt open to alU
Uaii.t, net year m
WiRKi.r, per year
18 CO
Bntered nt the F04rtnfB.ce, at Bhenandoah, Pa,
lor imnmliwlon through the mailt
a neaond clans mall matter.
r Mm RhyptoIy Hurt Btoek ond
Merchandise lliirnod.
iNsiiLHO, Fa., Sep. 21. A bad
fr. .ht wreck occurred two miles cant o
r- on the Pennsylvania road at 1
uiick yi-stcrday, In which Fireman
'"'-' t, llnglncor Crowford and Brake
Tin Muloy were severely hurt and forty
i .U-. inn) uti engine demoliiibed.
A est bound freight train on a steep
dow n made broke in to and the two
parti raiiie together again. At tula mo
tui ut nn eat bound freight train run-
it a high rate of spued oame along
nd lied into tho west bound train.
'lhi' engine of the east bound train to
ilet her with twenty cars, laden with hog
cinl merchandise rolled over theembank-
b ireman Rogers of the eastbound train
vent down the embankmont under the
wrei-knge. After four hours' hard work
be wai readied from tho huge mass of
delins badly cut and bruised, but not fa
'nlly hurt.
Shortly after llogers' rescue the debris
rook flro, and the bodies of the dead hogs
md a large amount of merchandise was
buruod The loss will be pretty heavy.
No blame is attached to tho crows of
i-ither train. '
A Wedding Tlmt Dliln't Tulco I'lnco-Es-capudes
itf the Hushund I?xpeotuiit,
CoHtlakd.-N. Y., Sep. 21. Tho failure
of Edward Ilamon, of Homer, to appear
at the time sot for his marriage with
Mi- Minnie Johnson, a society belle of
Truxton, has created no end of talk. The
. .j-iortant bride Is nearly craned with
1 uiie Hamon is the son of prominent
n h people, and has been in several
'ifl i ,:ltii's before.
lb as arrested on one occasion for
bri ii h of promise on complaint of a
v uuk lady of Albany County, but tho
ui i u r was kettlcd out of court. A lady
id M ii-.itlion la after him on a slmilnr
lniK , while the father of a Brewery
Hill kiiI wants him for abducting his
jauiilitiT and keeping her in Bingham
un lor three months. Ilamon is nn all
in and deceiver. He is about 80 years
.1.) mil is of a very sanctimonious ap
ueirauu). Ilia whereabouts are uu
.nowu. A Mnnlno In Custody.
Wixstrd. Conn.. Son. 21. Frank
Kelly, the craiy man who created such
-xciti'.iient here, has beeu removed to
the asylum at Mlddletowu. Kelly was iv
very largo and powerful man, for a long
tlmo employed in senator vv . it. nur
s Iron works. Recently ho became
violently insane and wandered off into
the woods. People In tho vicinity wero
nn nfrnid of him that they scarcely dared
i. out at night unarmed. A Marching
party uuder the lead of Lawyer Hunn, of
this place, was finally organized, and
-at unlay he wnB captured by stratagem.
He iv us nlmost starved and his enttro
'lodv was covered with bruises ami
t iralchus.
Railway's River l'Vstlvttl.
I.miwav, N. J., Sep. 21. Tho Hivcr
; iraival Saturday night was a grand
,uiitss. The crowd numbered fully
I j, two. Gov. Abbott, Leon Abbett, jr.,
ind many other well-known men wera
present. Over 100 boats, gayly decked
with Japanese lanterns, wero in the river
parade. (Jreck flro was burned on many
f the boats and nlong tho route. Com
modore Walther Lutgeu was In command
of the flotilla. Major Chamberlain's
handsome schooner Jamas PaterBon was
the flagship.
l'roublo In the Tiiilnmcn's ltrotherhooil.
tiALESHuno, 111., Sep. 21. A frosh in
cident lu the contention between tho old
and now boards of trustees of the
Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen wan
caused by the arrival home of Gram
Muster I. E. Wilkinson. Tho old Board
of Trustees called on him and demanded
his annual statement and the books of
the Brotherhood, but he doclined to
recognize thom in an official capacity and
refused their ronuests. Mr. Wilkinson
avers his willingness to let the convcn
tiou decide the dispute.
Will Let the Cunvlct Luoio,
KnoxvilLE, Tenn., Sep. 21. The state
ment is positively nmdo by citizens ol
( ual Creek aud llrlcovllle that the con
victs in that region will be released so
hurcly as the Legislature adjourns with
out taking some step looking to a final
removal of the coavicts. No one ven
tures an opinion as to when it will bi
dune. They will bo set free this time 11
tuuy are disturbed at nil. .
Tho Wurreu-SIoCartliy l'lcht.
New Oklkanh, Sep. 21. Tommy War
ren and Cal McCarthy have both sur
rumlKrwl thumselvtM, and lmvo given
liui.dH for their nppenranoo. Joopb
Sp 'rl. Acting Proaldant of thu Olympic
Club, iK'clare that If an attempt is mads
to stop the oontest ho will get out nn In
junction before the Civil District Court,
ri-stiululug auy couumpUted interfr
nce. Two Chllilrun Uurntid tu llvutli.
Huhtok, Sep. 21. Sadie and Mary
Cullon, ageil respectively 7 and 5 years,
-were burue.l to d ath at their home, 20
Nurfolk avenue, yetterday niornliig.
Iivo younger cliildren were rencuod by
thu tireiiien. Tin rhiUlrau had been
locked In their b-d ojm by their parents,
who went to church. Thu cause of tht
lire 1h unknown, but It probably origi
nutwl around the kitchjn range.
From The Nation's Oapltol.
Mr. A. N. Ilaien. Wmililiiiiliin. 1). O.. Havs 1
The Kamoua lied Flag Oil. is a perfect family
inedlolne, and has ne equal lor HliFumatUm,
Neuralgia, Sprain. Cms, llurna, and all
bodily pain. lrlceceula. At Klrlln's drug
no re.
Frcslilontlnl Appointment.
V'iuiiT'is, iept it -Tho Pi "ud.ui
has app 'luti'd Ilcurj K im dwin lJa.sed
Assistant, urlllll in tlio Mnrim liipl
tnl hitvici , Jt lie i -nn Crown, a Chii'l
K'ik1u er tu tin Navy with relative rank
f f Lieutenant oinmaiiiU-r, I'ay Inspic
tor Kihviird Stuart of the Navy a Pay
I)rpct(ir. and Frank II. Whitney, a gun
ner in the Navy. Wm. W. Morrow ol
California, to be U. S. District Judge foi
the .northern district of California.
Mack A. Montgomery of Mississippi, to
le U. S. District Attorney for the north
ern district of Mississippi.
A Compromise KfTected.
BoroN, Sep. 81. At a mooting of the
creditors of Allen & Co., boot and shoe
dealer (under the title of the Bo it on
Boot & Shoe Company) in Danlolson
ville, Conn., and Lawrence, Newbury
pott, Franklin and Ameabury, Mass., an
offer by C. S. Carl to take the asset and
pay the creditors 33 cents ou tho dollar
was favorably received.
The Sovereign Urand Lodge of the
State of Missouri Is in session at St.
The Inst experiments at El Paso,
Texas, towards artificial rain production,
proved failures.
The Lynns paper mill of Lyoim, Iowa,
was burned yesterday. Loss $?o,U00; in
surance (fIJO.OOO.
Charles H. Ker.yon, a well-known man
ufacturer of Norwich, Conn., died yes
terday, aged 07.
Tho steamer Ambassador, laden with
grain, foundered off Plymouth, Euglaud,
yesterday. The crew escaped.
William Amlung. prominent hosiery
manufaeturor of Cincinnati, committed
Biilcide yesterday by shooting.
The Forty-ninth Conclave of the Grand
Commandory, Knight Tomplars of Ohio.
ItegiiiR at Cincinnati to-morrow and con
tinues three days.
llev. Howard Duffleld,D. D., of Detroit,
Mich., has declined the call of the First
Presbyterian Church, New York city, to
becomo Its pastor.
The most valuablo historical relic of
Wisconsin, the original draft of the State
Constitution, is misslng,and it Is thought
to liavo been stolen.
Charles Johnson, champion lightweight
af the Northwest, defeated John Thomas,
i colored middleweight lighter, at Dallas,
Texas, Saturday night, in eight rounds.
Two Mexicans stirred up a fracas in
Hedltos, Texas, on Saturday, aud were
ihot by rangers. There is great excite
ment among the Mexican noiiulation of
the place.
Weather ludlenllons.
Washington. Set). 81. For Knstcrn Now
York, Eastern 1'e m ylt aula, Maryland. Now
Jersey ami DcUHiru 1'ulr. warmer, soi'th
erly wIiuIb. V
For Western No i Yorte and Western Penn
sylvania: Fair wariaort westerly winds; oooler
For New England: Fair: warmer; eouthwost-
nrly winds: cooler Tuesday.
Hard to take '
tho big, old-fashioned pill. It's
pretty hard to have to tako it, too.
You wouldn't, if you realized fully
how it shocks and weauens ino
Luckily, you don't have to tako
it. Dr. Pierco'a Pleasant Pellets
are better. Thoy'ro sonsible. They
do, mildly and gently, more than tho
ordinary pill, with all its disturb
ance. Thoy rogulato tho liver,
stomach and bowels, as well as
thoroughly cleanso them. They're
tho original Littlo Liver Pills, purely
vegetable, perfectly harmless, tho
smallest and tho easiest to take.
Oho littlo Pellet for a gentle laxa
tivo thrco for a cathartic. Sick
Headache, Bilious Headache; Con
stipation, Indigestion, Bilious At
tacks, and all derangements of tho
Liver, Stomach and Bowels aro
promptly and permanently cured.
Thoy'ro tho cheapest, too, for
thoy'ro guaranteed to givo satisfac
tion, or your money is returned.
You pay only for tho good you get.
ia and vcill ever bo tho
Eomody for
riniir TnflMori'.:n. BnOkaollO,
Joints, Neuralgia, Sproine, co
Before you aeed to tray( onttda
irarnpp OP CHARGE'S
the "e1 irW'i booki ' Qolde to aputn.-TOni
1 endorpemonts ci prommein jiuiuuun
310 Broadway,
fv. NEW YOBll.
Prize Medals Awarded!
ViniiBi l'rCTi Bco:d .-a, OKoh,
50 Cents a bottle, For Salo by
i. r. r. iciitriN.
c. 11. iiagionisucii,.
lud box: oruesim.
A Soldier Who W as Supposed
Killed at Shiloh.
Rendered Gracy by a Wound Ha Had Been
Wandering About the Country.
Rome Instlnot 1'Innlty Mini Haolt to
Ilia Old Home Heeosnised by Ills fam
ily and Frlnda-IIU Wire Had Ueen
Drawing a Widow's riilou--ltltory of
it Strung Cii?. l
Wasiiixgtow, Sep. 81. One of the
most remarkable and pathotlo oases that
has ever been brought to the attention of
the Bureau of Pensions is that of Will-
lam Newby, a private of Company D,
40Hi Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, which
was conspicuous for its gallantry at the
battle of Shiloh. Newby was in this
battle on April 0, 1883, and was reported
killed in action.
It seems, however, that instead of
being killed he received a severe wound
of the head and wa captured and sent
to the rearliy the Confederate forces, and
was imprisoned at Xielle isle, and was
afterward transferred to Audersonville.
It seems that Newby was released In
courts of time and was in poor house in
various pnrts of the South.
lie was finally taKen to iter west.
Florida, by a gentleman who recognised
Newby as a kinsman. Here he remained
until lottU when his uncle died. Newby
wandered from place to plaoo and finally
turned up at Shrcveport. La.; while
there the colored people made up a purse
and he vvus given passage on a steamboat
to Cincinnati.
On tho way up the river tho steamboat
landed at Shawtieetowu, 111. Newby
hearing this name called out seemed to
recognize something that was familiar
and got olT the boat.
lie was in poor houses at that place
and lu several other towns. During
these years ho was in n demented con
dition bordering on insanity as tho result
of the wound in tho head. In wandorlng
nbout ho Anally went over Into Whlto
county, and when ho got near his old
homo was seen and recognized by two of
his old comrades who had served In tho
regiment with him. His wlfo was sent
for and she recognteed him,' as did his
relatives and many of his friends and
Alter Newby was reported as killed in
action his wife applied for a pension and
it vvns granted, and she has been draw
ing a widow's pension from tho dote of
Lis reported death to tho present time.
This soldier has filed a claim for u pen
sion, and it is now lecelving the consid
eration of the office, tho claim
of the widow being suspended lu
the meantime. No discharge has ever
been granted to the Boldier aud the con
sideration of the pension claim is being
postponed until such time as the Secre
tary of War shall grant the man a dis
charge. This soldier has beon separated from
Ids family for a period of 2U years, they
believing all the whllo that ho was dead,
and he now turns up a forlorn, demented
old man.
Judgu Morrow's Appointment.
Washington, Sop. 31. Tho appoint
ment of ex-Keprosentntive W. W. Mor
row to bo United States District Judge
for tho Northern District of California,
will have an important bearing upon the
war that is being wagod against Chineso
immigration by tho people of tho Paoiflc
Slope. Mr. Morrow is one of tho most
extreme antl-Celostinl advocates In tho
Stnte, and has already declared that the
law has been violated frequently by the
judges who have granted writs of habeas
I corpuB for the release of Chinamen who
UHVU VUUIU 1U MJtllUSkl llld DIUbULULj yll-
Killed His Wlfo While Drunk.
Wilmington, Dol., Sep. 21. Howard
Cooling, 83 years old, a carriage finisher,
while drunk, killed his wire zena,
last night, lie suya she called him a
drunken bummer and he-struck her with'
n mustard bottle. There is no eviderice
of this blow, but tho physicians think
Cooling choked her to death as marks
found on her neck and blood from tho
mouth show this. Cooling confessed tho
deed and eavo himself up at tho polloo
btatiou. They have been married twelve
years and havo two children.
Veterans Elcot Ollicors.
New. Youic, Sep. 21. The veterans of
the United States regular army met In
annual convention here yesterday and
clouted olllcorK at ' follows: Natlonnl
Commander, W. H. Hutt, M, 1).. of
Philadelphiai Natlonnl Vice-Commander,
Thomas Bmitb, ol wowarK; iMatlonni Ad
jutant, Joseph U. Durus, of Philadel
phia; National Quartermaster, George
Ann. of New York; National Inspector,
John C. Kelly, of New York; National
Judco Advocate, W. B. Morris, of New
York; National Chaplain, II. L. Husber
gor, of Philadelphia.
Iilujor lltimlr' I'nneral.
New YonK, Sept. 21. The body oi
Major Jonas M. Uuudy, late editor of the
"Mall and Expretis," who died in Paris
two weeks ago, arrived on tho eteamei
La Ohnmijaguo, yotertlay. The fuuern
takes placo at the Madison Avenue Pres
byterian Church to-day.
Nlueprn Fnlltf buleldu lilentlflvd
Brooklyn, Sep. 21. The woman who
committed suicide at Niagara Falls last
Thursday, has been idontitled as Iiesl
Ludi'i"-. wife ol Uub l.uders, a well
known musician of this city. The cause
allowed U temporary insauliy, caused by
Appointed '. Y, Si N. K, Attorney,
Willuuntic, Conn., Sep. 21. The
New Yoik & New England Ballroad
Company has appointed Senator Mlltou
A. fchuinway, of Killlngloy, its attorney,
vice Uiorgu A. C-ouuut, 01 vt lillmautio-
Gen. Joarpli 1". Knupp Dead.
New York, Sep. 21. Oeneral Joseph
F, Knapp, President of the Metropolitan
Lifo Insurance Company, of Now York,
died on Monday last on board the steamei
La Champagne, which arrived here yes
llutol and lluslncM lloue Ilurned,
SnErKiEUJ, Ala., Sep. 21t -The Cleve
land Hotel and ten business houses vrer
buruod here during the night. The build
lngs are a total wreak and the ' loss
about $110,000 with light ln.urauc.
First National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leitemng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pns.,
. J. R. Lemennnq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From g to 3.
tatd on Havings rvepoHltt).
lAiryt&t ttnd OMvat
Reliable Purely Cash Companies,
llcjtreaenltd by
120 S. Jarclm St, Shenandoah, Pa.
Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port'
ablo, Unoqualed In Stylos,
Cost and Finish.
160 r-ngo dialogue of Cuoulfrt, Dctkt etc, Utaitrfttoil la
CulDM. Routt., I'rpt Tuttago IS Cents.
Also Tyler's Jtoyai
Ofllep l)cn and Tyie
wrltur Cnldneln, BOO
Hd lea. Bent mul cheap
est on earth, wltti great
reduction In prices.
I3U inge eaulogua Free,
FofcLge m etf. Fall Diet of, Cbftlra, TiLIh, Hook
TahM, CaLlocU Lfga.1 Ill.uta
Calilnrli, etc., ai,Bla ttotk.
PtirrUI nork made to order.
TVJ.KIl DESK CO., St.I.oulf, Mo., U.S.A.
t '.'-vjitubie 11 moil i
lave cored r.uny !
.m .t.t ioe 1
. . id twt. 1' !
1 .ptrn
ipiillj (lIsRjrrcar. am i. ten ,
.rintoms are rniffil vcr f,
EfflSSS," TEH CAYS ','.,
!'UU Aon rrdr
triftl, wnl ten iv.ifi in n hi 1 1
Pure Ice Cream 1
Orders promptly attended to. Particular at-
Festivals, etc
Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masleller's old stand,)
corner Conl and Jnrdlii HtH.
Mr. Hnydcr will always keep'.tn stock a.flne
lino 01 uiKiui auu suoes.
Custom Worlc nutl Itcpnlrltiu:
done In the best Rtvle. He iniarantees to dell
cheaper than competitors on .Main street who
nave uigreumiu I'uy, unu imrtuntx jv Kenu
ine uariain ou every imrcnuBe.
Has removed to Bill Jones 'old s tana
Where he will be pleated to meet the wants
of bis mends and tne public in
Everything In tho Drinking Lino,
Finest brands of cigars always on hand,
Tne dcsi temperance urinnn.
(PBIffSll inMmmrr- mm
From Hlmple JTlnipe to ohnttrtnte Ilt?,KJUi
also ITCHING I'lLKS. 1
eJ?7 f r "Hints for Kitchen and Sick.
KooiM," a handy book for tho boueobolil. I-WLJEE.
superior to tmrnn
Tones up your system and
gives you an appetite that a
lumberman might envy.
Cures dyspepsia, stomach
troubles, constipation, and
Ivor or kidney diseases. In
addition to this it cures all
skin affections and the more
violent blood troubles.
Effects are immediate and
cures permanent.
Sold at Klrlln'8 Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
Your trade Is what we
This Is how we propose
to get It.
By Belling you a first
class article; byselllngyou
for legs tliau others; by
pelllDg you furniture, au
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
In the line of household
We have a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
J. P. Williams tfe Bro.
Soutli nialu St.,
she nsr-A-nsroo-H.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for
laucn cnuuit. leinei
unit, Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Cata
inuiiun, lumuiunui nciuicuvm, cauiuju, run
idelpbla and New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. in.,
12.52, 8.10, 6.20 p. m.
muqua, Allcntown, Bethlehem, Bunion, l'hll
For lielvldere. Delaware Water Gan and
aiiuuuuurK uii (i. iu., uuu o.u n. in.
Kor White Havtn. Wllkes-Barre and Pitts'
uu u.11. tr.uo, H. ju. n.iif nun on l. Ill
ror runanannocK, to.ti a, m aud B.20
. ni.
For Auburn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lvons
10.41 a. m and 6,20 p, m.
j?or ijaceyvine, rowanaa, nayre, waveny,
ciiiuiia, xvuLuceiui, xiuuaiu. j.ittuit r mis,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41a. m.,and
l.n p. ui.
For Klmlra and the West vlaHnlamanca at
8.10 p. m.
iior Auueuriea, uazieion, niocaton, jjnm
her Yard, Weatherly aud Penn Haven Juno
tlon at 5.47, 7.10, 0,08 a. m.aud 12.52, 3.10 and
518 p.m.
ror jeanesviue, x,evision ana iieavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a.m. and 5,28 p. ra,
For fcicrautount 6.47 0.08. 10.41a. m. 3.10 and
5:28 p. tu.
For liazle Hrook. Jeddo, Urlfton and FreO'
land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62 8.10 and
5.20 p. m.
roruuaitaae ut o,ti uutx v.uo a, m., anu
5.10 p. m.
ror n igr ans, uiiDerton ana r raciviue at
5.50 and 0.03 a. in., and 4.10 p. m.
x'ui iiiujaiiiiD, mhiiuuu jiiy uuu j'ciuuu.
5.47, 7.40, 9.0S, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,122,3.10,5.20, 8,03,
9.21 and 10.27 p.m.
forijost urees, jiraravine ana Asniaua,
27. 7.48. 8.62. 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 6.35.
4.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle,
7,40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.62,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.0i
ror iiucs luounuiiu, iMew nosion ana
Morea. 7.40. 0.08. 10.68 u. m.. 12.62. 3.10. 6.28 and
4.03 cm.
For Kaven Run, Centralis, Jtt. Carmel and
anamoiu, b.k, ana
1.40, 4.4C
and 8.08 p. m.
trains leave nnatnoam
for Bhenandoah.
7.55 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.S0 p. m., arriving
at Bhenandoah, 0.05 a, lu., 12.52. 8.10, 6.20 and
ii.ia p. m,
For Liost Creek. Olrardvllle and Ashland.
4.50, 9.10 11.35 a.m., 2.45 P. m.
rur uurawaier, ni. uiair ana roiisviue,
AW, O.W, V, UI., 1, 1X1.
For Y'atesvllle, JIahauoy City and Delano,
t.w, iiriun, ui.,, t.w, o.uap. iu.
For Lofty, Audenrled and llarletou, 8.0T
a ra 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatlngton,
wmutKnuquii, Aimniuwn, jieiuieuem, iLUior
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1,40 p. ra:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
tien'l 1'af.s. Act., llethlehem.
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA,
l A two aud one-half story double frame
dwelling house, with (tore-room and res
taurant. Liocatea on tuBi ueutre street.
8 A valuable property located on Bouth Jar-
nin street
3 Beven dwelllne houses at the comer nf nil
bertand Lloyd streets. Good Investment,
xenns reuuuauie.
'llilfldfilrililn nnrl ftanrlinr Dil.-,1
,ouiuR itnuiunu.
V'lT NEW York VIA Vlilta.tAlvihfa ...nb.
2. 0 5., 7.U0 ... m. and U L 0 l 14 ii
m. Bunaay n.w ana 7.1b u m. l or New
jorlc, via Maui-h Chunk, week dais. u.2S.
i, a. in. ana 12.84 and 2.C0 p. m.
.? 'r Heading and Philadelphia weekdays.
li.fil i
2.10, ., r. m 12.35
and I). o3 tt. m.
and ny, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m
4M) p. ill.
For Marrlsbnra. week um.
a. m,i
0. 6.6S n. m
I or Allen town. wee, davu. 7 2u t. in.. 12.sf
0d. m
8nnd .
r.yi, i i".,
li aud 7.4)1
mi 3.K0 n16.Mii. ,
. a. . 4JU n.m.
n 'SFiZ. Ana Mahanoy (Hv, week
ays, 2.10, 6.35, 7.90, a, to., 12 M 2 Ml i."d '.H
Additional (ur Msuanoy city, week Hays 7.00
ror ijanoaner and Columbia, we
an a. m 160 p, m.
at. j a.
ror Wllllamsport, Huubury uad i,c . 1. i ,.
days. s.23, 7.W aud n Hi i. u) , :j, y V
in. Buudsy S:U5 . m , 8.03 p. m
'-'or Mahanoy Plane, ei, a,,.-, 2 n , j,
-S. T.SO and 11.80 a.m. I a : . i r, ..n.i'
7.00 anc i oi. Handav , 2 M. .2' md 7 iij
a. ra -. '6, 4.80 n. tu.
For GlmravlUe (Kappahsuin x -l ui' oi
wr Ih.J, tl.AU, I. AH tl.ll. 1 I -) I ,i ni ,
12.M. 1 US 4JiO. AM. 7.00 n1 H i.i Mniid. ,
.2 , 7.4b a. m., 8.05, 4.80 v. ra
nr Ashland and BnauuiKiu, ,iei, (1h- b.
Xi, 5,SS, 7.JU, 11 .8') a to., 185, 7 mi it! ''
i uj. Huoday 3.2S, 8 82.1. ni., 4 ,r r n
TBAINB FOB BilK N a:, i .( m 1
Lsave New York via Ftiu,i-ui,...i . st
ays, 7.48 a. m.. 1 80, 4 0ii, , r i- '
light, Sunday, 8.00 p. ni., u i, i m.
Leave New York via Mm ,i i i uni. , Li
lays, 4.80, 8.48 a. m 1.00 and jih y. i .
Iieave PhfliideiDhtu. wii i,.i. , c
10.00 h. tn. 4.00 and e. . in ,
,m Oallowbill and 8JS a. in....,,
Irom 0th mil iiMn maii'ii. -i
m. U.S0 p. m. from dtn u
LuMVe Heading, week da; s, 1
ind 11.50 a. m.. AJK. 7.S7 r, , hm ,
i0.4 a. m.
iHve j-otuvllle, week days, ' 41', 7. u a, i. ,
L10.ii 11 n. m. Hand&v. 2.4u. 7.0(1 a. m inn
I.C6 . m.
ieve Tamaqna, weak dayh, 20, a.i
2 a. m.. 1.21. 7.18. and ".in n. ni. Mn)..n Al
7 48 ir. ud 2.50 p. m.
..nave Mahanoy City, weuk uayn, A.M. d.iS 11,47 n. m., 1.51, 7.42 and 1,14 p. m. Bun.
lay, 8.40,8.17 .i. in., ,).) p, m.
Leavo iuanauoy i'lai.e, week days, 2-40, 4.C0
1.80, 9.85. 11.59 a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 6 20, 0 20, 7,o7, and
'.00 n. m. Mundav il.i. 4.1X1. anil K.J.T. a. m
3 37,5.01 P.m.
iMHVa uirarnviuo (KappanannocR tilaiioal
veek days, 2.47, 4.07, 8.86, and 0.41 a. m., 12.05,
2, i.W, 6.82, 8.08 and 10.00 p. m. Hunday, 2,47,
0', 8.33 4. m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
ueave WlUlamuport, week days, 8.00,0.45 and
.1.65 a. zu. 8.85 and 11.15 p. m. Hr. uday 11.1 j
. tu.
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
la li, & O. H. It., throuEb trains leave G Intra
I venue station, Philadelphia, (P. s It. It. K.)
it 4.10, 801 and 11.27 a. hi., 1.84, 4.24, 0.55 anri
.28 p, tri. Hunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24
65 and 7.23 p.m.
lieavo Pblladelnula. Chestnut Bireet Wha. t
a au uuth Street Wharf.
for Atlantic CUv.
Week-d"vs Exnrese. 8 00. 9.00 n. m. 2.f.
3.00, i.'V, 5 00 c. i. Aooo3aHiodaUon,7 40a.
ui. and 4.15, 0 30 in.
anadayo. isspress, 8.00, V.OO a, m. Ao
comm- inon, .WJ a. m. md 4 45 .. nt.
iteturnlug, leave Atlan lo i ty, depot
1'nntlo atid A'kensas jiMiaue, w ' u a
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 8.15, 4,00, 5.30
p. in. Accommodation 0.00, ftio a. in aud
4.80 p.m. Hundaj's-lSxpreiss, 4.00, 0.00 p, ni.
Accommodation. 7.30 a. in. anil 0.0o p, in.
c. I. HAMXUK.Uen il .iiilAgl,
. vrt KOO. lrR Aiin'i -'1 r
Hi and uftn Sejilember 1 1M, 'mint .in 1 1 tt
Hneimiuioiih at, fv'vus.
For wlggau, Ullberton, I'mixvliif, New
Mle, BU
m and 4.
Jlalr, and way points, 0.00, O.iJ
ti m.
30, 9.10 am and . 10 p c;.
For Pottaville. 0.00, 8.10 a aiauU i.loi, a.
itmdays, MX), liiaiu and 3.10 p nt,
for Keadlajt, 8.00, a m and 4.ij (i ,.
Hnndays, 000, 9,40 a. ni. and 8.10 p m.
For roltstown, I'hoonlxville, Norrlttown
ud Philadelphia (Hroad etreet etatlon), .00,
a. ni. and 4.15 p m week days
dunday s, 800, 9.40 a m 3.10 p ra
Trains leave Freckvllie lor Shenandoah at
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.12,10,00 pm. Holidays.
U.lSaniandfi.40 pm.
Lieave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah, JO.l.'iand
. 1.48, a m 7,15, 9.42 p Ml. Sundays, 10.10 a ta
5.15 p ra.
t,eave Philadelphia (Hroad street 'latlon),
for IVattsvlllo and Hbenandoah, 6.67, 8 8i i rr
4. 0 and 7,00 p in week days. Uunda 6 50, and
0.3 ara
D'or New York, 8.20, 4.06, 4.40 , 6,85, (.60, 7.80
rf.', tt.5i), ll.00andll.14, 11.85 am. 12.01' neon,
(limited exnress, 1.08 4.50 p tu.i 12.21 lv.44, 1.40.
2.80. I.i, M 5, i, 8.2), 0.50 7.18 8.12 audUo.OO p.
ra. 12.01 nlirut.
nn Buuaays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 8.1 J, ti.So, 0.60,
11.35 i oi. and 12 21, 12 41, 2 30, 4 02, (lli.tlted,
li. 5.28. 2 1, h , u a..a U.01 lljhi
ForBea Girt, IionKllranch and Intermediate
stations 0.50, 8.25 and 11.30 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p?Tu. "
wutt uuyti. ouuuuyi O M u. xu.
For llalllmoro and Wasolnglou 3.50, 7.20,
0.10 and 11.18 a. m 4 41,0 57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.03
nlirht dally and 8 31. 10.20 a. in.. 12 35 (1 mlted
express with dlnluc car to llnltlnture) 1.30, 8.10
p. m. wek days. For llaltlmoro only 2.02, 4.01
wee i dys, 5 08, 11.80 p. m. dally.
For ltlchtnoud. 7 20 a. m. ami 12.03 nleht
dally, 1 30 p. m, ually , except sund ,y.
rutiisieve nurnsuur kjr nu ourc itna
is west every day at i" 2n d ..u a ra rd
HI lllmlUdl and 3.4. 8 30. 9.35 n m. Vav or
Altoiu i j a m and 4.o u j every ay.
For Plttsbure ouiy, li.i iu in. ia lo.'in
u week days,
I cave banbury lot WUllamsporl, Kitalnt,
'anandalgua, RiK'bealtii'.liv.lii.oaad f.nt '
'alls, 5,10 a ra daily, and 1.42 p in week dys,
'r v 'AtkinB, 5.30 p m week dsys.
For Krle and tcterniediate pelnts, 1,10 a m
tally. For Lock Haven, 5,10, and 0.66 a m.
lally, 1 42 and 6.30 v. m. week days. For
enova o.w a ra o,oo p m week aays.
.10 u. ru Suudayu.
J. K. W001J,
U" n ias Attt
in Uaii'r
jxmeiaoie intnect May, 10, isai,
Trains leave Reading (P. & H. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, lllrotlioro, Joanna, Spring.
Beld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chesler.Chadsford Junction, 11. 4 O. Junction,
Wilmington and intermediate stations, dally
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. m. Sunday only at 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediate
statlous,dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
5.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.15 a. m.
For lllrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m. ?"m
For llaltlniore and Washington (II. A O, It.
It.) dally except Sunday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. m.
and 3.15 p. m, Sunday only at 8.05 p. m.
Trains arrive at Keadinp (P. A It. station)
lrom Wilmington, li. & Q. Junction, Mont-
uiaiiiuiVIUII1Uiuiu illlUUIUI, VYtBl lUCbltr,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Bprlngfleld.Joanna.Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey
fert and Intermediate stations, dally except
Kundav nt. 10.211 n. m. orwl K 17 r, m u7,
day only at 11.21 a, m.
From St. I'eters, Warwick Bnd Intermediate
stations, aany except Sunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p. m. Sunday onlv at 0 n. m.
From J
juruKuoru uuu lutermeaiate stations.
Batnrday only at 1.40 p. in.
a6hlngton and Baltimore, dally ex.
av. 10 20 a. m. 5.62 nnrl ft 17 n. m.
cept Sunday, 10 20 a.
Sunday only at 11.24 a. ra.
BOWnKSS ISKIGGB, (Jeu'l l'ass. Agt.
RUPTURE. -"ecru
II U I I UliLl Hupture by Dr. J. B.
MAYER, 831 Arch St., l'lilla. Thomas B.
Hartung, New Illnggold, Pa., I.Hnndt, South
Easton, Pa., L. P. A C. A. Delurck, Oley, Pa,,
it. G. Stanley, 421 Spruce St., Lebanon, fa., A.
Schneider. Locnut Dale, Pn.,D, B. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa., Wm. E. Har enstlne, i'hoenlxvllle.
Pa., W. M. Lelnbach, 624 Wnkhlngton Bt?.
Heading, Pa., J. C. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard St.,
llarrlsburur. Pa., O. Ktelin, Douelassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER Is nt Hotel Penn, Heading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Call lo
see him.
Vo: 9 East Centre Btrett; Mahanoy City, Vs.
Mkln and all sreoial fllsettex a , i a "It. rueltttn Cure lor toeeirecmoraolf abusl
of duiul Power, lu-rnteuft? xo. 8n rfrvkt li our faltu In
ourSMCIuewu wltlgendune I'ull fflmli MpdlClno
tai uuen VnliuU)! Iltfoli .-ion Flllilt. AUdreu,
U, AI. CO.. bias Uruadwai. New Yurk