The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 19, 1891, Image 3

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    fc J PfM!,! In thtt mttcf Iiwiw'form
op TUB
Combined with tlie medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
-r : i .
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
' -peudine on n vteak or 'Inactive
" condition of the
It is the mojt cxcellant remedy known to
When one U lfilious 6rCdatipted
Every one is using it and all are
delighted .with it.
manufaotOred only by
wuisvillc'ky ' ' NEui'romL N. r.
MlHHoitrl. Kansas. ArlcnusnH
Texns', Kcbril(jUn', LoulHlauii,
,Cpl,oralo,s Utijli, ,Cp lfloruln,
New Mexico or Arizona,
ana will nenu me n pnstui uuru
' or letter stallne
Wuereyou'are'Rding,' t
When you are going,
Where you will start from,
Ho iuany-there are In your party, .
What freight and baggagojou have,
I will write you or call at your houfoand
"1 i furnish yon wlthHbo fullest tintbrroatlorr
i record I oe route, lowest, rates of .all
classes, besides map's, descriptive audit'
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
. Ilot, Bprlngs. guldes,,etc.
Cheap Farming Laids In Missouri, Arkan'
sas, Kansas and Texas.
J. P. HcCANN, Eastern Trav. Apt.,
G.E. P. Agt., 391 13 road way ,New York
Iron Mountain Route, ,
t31ck Headache tnd-reUavo aU.Uw troubles Iocf
dent to' a billons etatoof tho system, aueh as)
Slzzlnesa, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eatlDg.-Peln In-tho Side &c- WhUatholrmoaJ
' gcmsttable aoccoss has baeu Bhown la curlim ,
faeaJ&ehe;' yet rJarter'a'Lltlla JAwsc Pffla ara'
equally vsrablataCo1jHriiUon, curing and pro
Tenting IhlJiuinojiDf! complaint, whlla they also
c tcrrbctnUahitirderSof theatoraaehOnrolalatha
--i.Xlveradregtuatatbebovel3. JSventt tUeyonbj
coroi. .- sjbj h ubbh SM BjaSb.
life AW
Ffiaffer from Uus dlatresBlng complaint; but tortus
Iziately their goodness does notondhere,and those
".-whooaoe try them will nnd thesollttlopllUtvato.
latble In somany ways that they wlll.not be wll-
' UliigtodowitbonttUcmi Butsiterfdlslckbeao)
Is the bate of so mapy lives1 that hare ts wnerfl
we make onr great ooasc uarcuiscuioiiwuuq
ethers flo not.
i Carter's tittle liver Mia are very email and
ivaryjtisy tataxa. One or tiro plus mswa aoao.
They are strictly vegetable and do not grips or
vinrgo, but by ihelr contloaellon pleoaa al who
ituelhom. InvUlaalsScenisi llvefortl.) Bobl
1 t)J dtuggltts everywhere, or seat by uafl.
, , 1 1, i
Chtelinter'a Enz'lab Dbynpd Bran. !
Orlfflnftl muA Onl Certain,
irr. fUli.Lla. f LJfDiCB Mk
UraigMt for Chu4tltr i l&nplUA va(
lliozci, lefcld Tltb blui rii hon. Take
no othen iaVW tf n&rrov (ttiidb
matui uraiu in iicu man imt iuclsuus
In tLrttaifti tir Duril-ruUtl, tuLinoftlUi
Mm error i-hoimi," m (iet aj rrtMn
Slfcll. jujuvu i uiaoniiv mum rapir
VhB-trjiiM-Uli Ibana annnyjua ffte'pg1'
au?aU0tt ?Uiifi( ryVW'1'etii.
Use DU, DuCHOINE'B Celebrated
ThtThre ElreBirll!Citnt tathaiaatlra nrff'u
nlliui: Hint a mil, fcarnifedal'tt. !.. Addnfi
iJalnt. tl. Jrldlt
Qr.liartP.r MecilslnoCo..tu.loaiS KQ
Or the latinnr Ilublt, ruallttrly Curcu
UvniluilnlaKTinir nr. iiuiut-f-
Uolilou MiM-clilr. '
It la manufaotutad aa a powder, pbjoh ca be given
in a alaaa ot baeir, oupf ooftaa or ieo, or id iooiL
harmleM. nd will elfeet a permanent and apeedr I
cur.wnelher tne pallenl la a moderate drtokor CI
analoobollowrooB IlUaa teen.leu la ihousandt
of eaaea. and m every lustanoe a pt rfeot uure baa tol
"owed, itnetert'ulfi. TaaBiVauonoo lisprecnat
id with Uio Hpcoidcji beooi jia aauller impowlblllU
tor the llauor appetite to "ani.t. a
48 page book ft Bartloulara tr . To be bad
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druflalat, Shenanuoah .
Tho Kovolutlonnry Movement
Spreading, In Mexico. t
Hop-Calls-a Meeting' of- His Political
iTloncla to Duoun tat poublo. ;
rroelamatlon Spread Ilroadcast Dr
Agents of the Revolution Their Pur-pose-la
to Overthrow .the'Dlas.Dcspot.
Urn If the rreiMatit; I Captured lie
Will Ho Condemned to Death.
SAN Antonio, Tex.- Ben. -10. Tho
revolutionary movement iu Mexico If
looked unon with the aravost nnnrehnn-
eion by the. authorities of that liopubllc.
Auospatom receivou fueuity or
Mexico dates that Presldont Diaz to-day
culled his political counsellors around
him and discussed at length the Impend
ing trouble.
Information received here from Mont
erey, Saltlllo and towns along the Hlo
0 rondo border state that tho following
proclamation was spread broadcast in
those cities on tho night of September 10
by unknown agents of the Hevolutlt,uUts:
"The purpose of this revolution is to
restore the Constitutional government in
Mexico under the Constitution of 1837 ;
to overthrow tho Diaz despotism, and,
after capturing Diaz, to oondomn hlin to
death ns a traitor to his country. Upon
the Issuance of this proclamation tho'
city Is declared to be In a stage of mill-
tary siege, and is placed under martial
The document has created a profound
sensation in all parts of the Kepubllc,
where It has been circulated.
' General Stanlovi Commander of the
Drmiirtmant of Texas, reooivnda despatch I
m ii ti ... t -. ti...- i .
BUtlhi tbkt tho otachmenta from
Iirenares, Uetamores ana isuevo Lieon
were"lh"hot pursiilt'Bf'Garzla; and that
he, will doubtless be defeatod, and his
hahU. dispersed. " '' ' .
A Claim That, the. United States
Violated the Dlodua TlrenUI.
JWAsiiiNaTONfD. G,.,rSep.l0. Sir, Ju
lian PauncofotQ, tbrltlahllnlster, has
officially called the attention of .the
United Statos to a violation of the terms
of te mddus'vlyendl in- effect between'
the two countries, as'to tho catch of seats
lnBobrlng Sea.
lly the agreement between he
two countries tho North Amerl-
An Pnmniewiftl Gomnanv. which
leases' tho Seal Islands from the United':
States, was restricted In tho catch of
seals this year to 7,500 skins.
' It l's 'alleged that thd Commercial Com
pany has excooded this catch, thus vio
lating the modus vlvendl and the British '
Government has oalled the United States
to account for It
Special Agent Williams of tue Treas
ury Department has made a .special re
pprt.on this branch of the seal question
to the Treasury Department, and his ro
port has been forwarded to the State' Do
Ipartmont witVthe request that its con
entSjbe laid before the British Mlnlstor
ior trahsmlsslon, to tho Foreign'Oluce In
'London. .' ...
Tho contents of Agent Williams' report
cannot be accurately ascertained, but it
is understood that he makes tho admis
sion, that the North American Commer
claliCompauy tons' oxcSeded tho limit of
catch 7,500 skins fixed by the modus
vivendl. Tho matter is regarded ns quite
Jmpprfnt and rna'y lead to- the- modus
'vlvendl bolng declared inoperative' after
this date.
The Ulstnrlo Home of James lSuchauan
Sold' to a Cemetery Company.
LakcasTEB, Pa., Sep. 19. "Whoat
landjJ' once the historic home of James
Buohnunn. has practically passed into the
hands of a Lancaster company, which se
cured the property for $25,000.
The brick mansion will .be used for a
chapel and dwelling for tho cemetery
The old spring, so much written of
wien Buchanan was in public life, will
ho converted into a lake and fountain.
Permission will be sought to remove
Buchanan's remains and tomb from
Woodward Hill Cemetery to the lawn of
lira. Valr'a Will.
Han Fhakcisco. Bod. 19. Tho will of.
the late Mrs. James G. Fair makes Joh'iv
v. AJuokay ana mcnara v . uey execu
tors of tho estate. .Mrs. Jlorruan Oel-
rfch's. who is no w "22. and Miss Virginia,
now 10 each reoelyo $1,000,000, to be
paid to them upon attaining the, age ot
5. Until that time they are' to receive
an allowanco of 2JB0O per month.
"'James G., if., now 28. receives $500,000,
Vfhloh xULbe palip.pver when he .is i
CharUs. now 84. will receive a Bimll
amount when, ho is 80. Mean while, each
will receive '$500 per month! Ttyi resi
due or tne estate is uequeatucu lo.wio
girls in equal,sharcs.
Two Trains Collide..
Wilminotok, Del. . Sep. 10. A collision
between tv?o trains ocourred at 4:40 a.m,
on the Philadelphia. Baltimore and Wll
tnington Railroad, a few miles north of
Newoort, Henry Brockman, engineer.
and his fireman, Jonas Cotb, of Balti-
nioro jumped, Ilrockman being instantly
killed and J ones seriously out not iut
nllv hnrt. Conductor Henry Morrlsou,
-of .Wilmington, was also hurt. Fifteen
cars were also wrecked aim tne tractf
blookod for several hours.
"fcooltlue 'Vor a Oraln aiorohant.
Aluant, N. Y., Sep. 10. Tho United
States marshals.. have .been looking for
Ralph W.'lhacher, the grain merchant,
to subposna him to uttend the trial of
the Goulds at Buffalo, but nnd tuat ne
l,aa nltlntlv sllnned away to Europe.
Rnm five vears aco Thacher sive the
Albany City Bank a mortgage of $50,000.
nn irrnln In his elevators, but when'tlie
liibrtgdgea Wore about to be plosod there
was no grain. The bank lost $20,000 on
tho deal.
Money Up, for the Milliard Match.
INKW Youu. Sen. 10. The final arrange
moots for the billiard match between
George flosaon and Jacob Schafer. wers.
mode last night. The conditions art)
that tho game be played fin or1 befon
October 20, In New York City, for $500
. side. H00 ooints. 14-lnob balk lint
gamo. TU principals put up the staki
with the "Bun" 4 mormnai,
- Perfection
ceipt that calls for
baking powder,
use the "Royal."
Better results will
-be obtained because itis
the purest. It will make
the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flavor, more di
gestible and wholesome.
It is always reliable and
uniform in it? work.
"I regard tho Royal baking Pow
der as the best manufactured. Since
Us intrpduction Into my kitchen I
have used no other..
"Marion Harland."
The Naval Demonstration In China.
London, Sep. 10. A Shanghai despatch
says It Is announced mat, uio uuinese
jo,r,m,,t u nnt Mpfirn nf nn, threat. ,
oned naval demonstration upon tho part '
of the fleets of tho combined Powers. It
is also said that there is no truth in the
statement that the Chinese Government
has sent a note to the Powers ih regard
to tho outrages complained' of by the
foreign Ministers.
Oklahoma Lands to bo Opened Tuesday.
Washington. Sep. 19. Tho President
issued at noon hLs proc amatloii open ng
tho new lands in Oklahoma for settle'
nient on Tuesday, tho 22A insu
Did Your Baby Cry All Last Ninht?
Pity If ho did, Jor it Weakens him so; then, ,
,n it,.n , nrr.i,. if tn Lit J
v , jr ""Isontoneo hffnrR
J. M. lllllan ind 0. J, McCarthy, tho
dtdgglsts, for a free samplo of Dr. Hand's
Colio Cure. Biby will instantly be re
lieved. ' JFrlrtges'of all ' Horfs are ngaln 'be
cjliilug fushioualilo.
i . ... i
lUlles'' ft erve ana Liver Pills'
.Cot on a new 'principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the net-res.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' l'llls speedily
cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation, Unequated lor men, women,
children., Bmallest, mil. lest, surest I aldoses,
2cts. Ham pics Free, at O. II, Uageubuch's
drugstore, ' ,
Tho bell la-
rluglug of the
straw hat.
Oh, What a Oough.
Will ;
ou heed the warnlnsr? The signal per-
nans of the sureanuroach of that more ter
rlblo disease. Consumnllouj Asb: yourselves
If you can a (lord for the sake of saving 60
rents, to run ine rise: ana no noining lorit.
We know from exnerlence that Hhlloh's Cure
will Cure vonr Couch. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million llottlos
were Bold the past year, it relieves Cronp
and Wliopplnc Oongb at once. Mothers do
not do witnoui it. or ljame rsaca, iae or
Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous-blaster. Hold by
U. II. Hagenbucn, N. K. corner Main1 and
uioyasireeM. , ,
Sentcmber has given us some grand
A Ouro
for Constipation and
r,ani, .
Silas Lano, whllo in tho Rocky
fountains, discovered a root that whn
;ombinod with other herbs, makes an eosj
ind certain cure for constipation. It i In
be form of dry roots 'and loaves, and Is
known as Lane's Family Modicine. It
will euro sick headacho. For tho- blood,
livor and kidneys, and for olearlng up the
lomplexion it does wonders. Druggists
idll it at 50 conts a packago.
Necklaces are coming Into fashion
Shiloh's Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond. Question the most sno-
oesalul Xougq, Jedlcipe we have ever sold,
i lew doses lQvurlabycure tho worst cases oi
UqaghCroupand Bronchitis, while Its won-
derlui bucoef s In tbe cure of Consumption is
Without a, parallel in. tbe history of medicine.
Sltuw lt'Brsl dlsooyeryiit has been sold on a
tuuojtutvo, u,t.i, rufcu'nu ukuer iuvuiuuo
:au stand, - IT yon have a Cough wo earnestly
isk you tojry it. Prlce.lQ.ceatSf 60 cents, and
JJ,IIS. I,Jtllir a.UMbtt t,w Wlrl VUCSb U( WHik
tame', usqHblloh'ft .I'orousJuster. Bold by
u, laugonuuei, rt. iw coi iiuf juuui auu
uloyAjitreets, . - ... ,
'Grand nights these. '
. ' Will Bo Given Away.
Our eDlernrlslne druggist C. II. liagenbnch
Who curies the finest stock of dnus, pel
lumerles toilet articles, brushes, spongcs,elo ,
la giving away a large number of trial bottles
of pr. Miles' celebrated Hestoratlvo tfervlne.
lie guarantees It to cure headache, dizziness,
nervous prostration, steeplessne-. ilhe 111
elfects of spirits, tobacco, cpllee, eta, Drug-
ists say it is me greaiesj, seuer iney ever
mew. and Is bnlvonallv mittsfHCtorv. They
also guarantee Dr. .Ml eV Now Heart '"uro In
uu cases ox ntryous or organionearLaisettej
painitaiiou, pnin in siue, aiiititu ruii;,
Klne book ou "Nervous' and lleirt Dlseoses"
Bright Uigllts.
The Greatest Striko.
Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles
la discovering his New Heart Cum has
proven Itself to be one of themnsllmu"itatit.
The demandpr It has become ast niwiiing,
Alrcidtrf lie trRflttnent nf hflnrt dls,ave la be
ing reVolul limited, and many unexptcled
MirMAITAMnl TI. Eini, -rpltAVAa Rhnrt hrpftlh.
uniterliig, pains lb side, srm, should', weair
ana uuugry spelts, oppression, sweum ut
snKles. smothering aud keart droiwy. Dr.
Miles' bonk on Heart and NervousDiwi .es,
tree. I ho unenualed New Heart, Uureisaold
an'1 guaranteed byCH, Ilagenbuch.tliedrug
gUt,Hlsohls Keslorailve Nervine fir bend
aehe, fl's, epreea, hflt Uasbes, nervous a III ,
opium habll, etc
Squirrel ahootlugtloeBU'tDppetti to bu
much of a success.
Aek Your. Friends About It.
Your distressing cough can be, cu..-'
Wo know 'it' bocsuso Kemp's BWi.
within tho past few , yesrs has cured j
-nsny coughs and colds Id tbiaicomaiunuv.
Its remarkable sale has aaa . w,an entirely
by Its genuine mori Ak sotpe Irlend
who has used It what lm'" rike of Jvemp'c
Bsltam. There Is no w in' h i .
none sp eflVctivp. I '9 bnttlos 60c i
At all drugglstc'
nxcrrniiirrrT w Boxnciu.i.
-oln frelvador and OuntemUl.
COLON, Sep-.-19. Advices-from Mnn
agua, Nicaragua, stnte that on account
of tho coming elections In Honduras ox-
rltnmnnt ta nf. 1...,
Brogrnn ls; denlrVius of another term,
wmcu-tuo majoirty dr tho peoplo ore op
posed to,
Antonio Esset i.brothcrof the President
of Salvodor,, has declared his Intention
lot tunning for tho Presidency of Hon
duras, -and In consonuenco 2.000 men
'havq -boon Htatloned on tho Honduras
frontier to prevent this InvAslon. 1
Salvador has 8,000' troops nt' San
Miguel, and moro men nro still hurrying
to the frontier. Guatemala Is also
.placing troops for the aid of Honduras.
.Wlcaranga, according to her treaty with
Salvador, Is hound to help her, and, at
tho end of tho week, will havo 2,500
troops on her frontier, ond 2,500 mon
under arms In Managua.
. In'Leon recently a plot vvas discovered
to kill President Sacasa, and seven of
the prominent men of the opposition
party In Granada wero sent out of tho
country. When tio men wire arrested
la Granada a light took place in which
tho chief of pollco and seven soldiers
were killed. The wholo country is now
-under martial law.
lie Whip, n Murdorous Chinaman
Takes Ills Knife Away.
SAcnAMENTO, Cnl.. Sen. 19. llob Fttz-
Bimmons, tho pugilist, was wnttlng for a they lifted their voioos thoy wero sur
train at tho depot yesterday afternoon, ! rounded by police In plain olothes nnd
when o Chinaman employed In a rostau- taken ono after another to tho nearest
rant rushed at some hoodlums who had
heen plaRulng him, with a huge knifo,
"u mo uiuuaman,
whereupon tho lattor attempted to stab
tho pugilist, cutting through his coat.
Fitzslmmons took the knife away, and
aftor giving the Chinaman a severe boat
ing lot him go.
C: ! :
A. Now Tork Judge Mnkes an Examplo
of Ono Celestial.
New Yohk, Sep. 19. Wing Leo, the
ttilness laundryman wj,o pleaded guilty 1
i -. -!.-'., d. -1
iu uuu v,um, u, ueuuiai ooHiuiie tu au
Inalctmont charging him with having
aMuctd Uto Sprou!, 15 years old, I
fr?m Camden, N. J., was arraigned for ,
1 sentence before Recorder, Sinyth in the
Court of General Sessions.
' The Court said ho was going to make
an oxamplo 6t such violators of the law,
and sentenced Wing Lee to State Prison
for three years nnd 'eleven months.
Tie Challengoa John 1 Sullivan to Ilattle
Ten Iounda.
New YoitKt Sep. 19. Sneqlal cablo
despatches from Sldnoy, N. S. W., say
that Goddard has challenged John L.
Sullivan to fight ten rounds or to a finish,
for $3,000 a sido, Melbourne and Sldnoy
Athletic Clubs both offer $10,000 purse3
It tho fight ls arranged.
The despatches also state that Sullivan,
champion of New Zealand, has issued a
challengo to row any man in the world
on tho Paramatta for $3,503 a side.
The Illg Htrlko In Ottnwa.
Ottawa, Sep. 19. The militia havo
been withdrawn from protecting tho
mills from the strikers. The striko con
tinues, but the men are so quiet that no
trouble is now, feared, Two thousand
strikers formed in line during the day
and marched through the chief streets.
Tho mill owners havo issued nn ulti
matum stating that an Increaso of 60
cents would not bo granted, nor would
tho hours of work b6 sliortened. '
n u .
uoston, oep, iu. An investigation
jntQ tno nccounts o Col. wm. A.
Couthouy, Boston ntrent of Chubbs &
. Sons, general ngents for the Marino In-
surance Company oi London, has re
vealed a shortage, said to bo In the
neighborhood of $10,000. Couthouy Is
also said to bo short in bis accounts with
the Providence Washington Insurance
Company, with which he also had con
nections. Ho has left town.
Tolsoned lly Toadstools.
YonKeiis, N. Y., Sep: 10. The family
of James Glblin last night nto a quan
tity pt toadstools that bad been gathered
by Air. Uiblln for mushrooms, and all
the members are in a critical condition.
During tho night Mr. and Mrs. Glhlln
and her sister, Mrs. Annie Smith, wero
taken violently HI. Dr. Pyno, who, was
called, said that thero was very Uttlo
hope for ,thoir recovery.
Glosswurltcra Strike.
BniDOETOrr, N. J., Sep. 19. The gen
eral dissatisfaction, which has for soma
time existed among tho employes of
Whltali; Tatum & Co.'s glass works has
culminated In a bin strike. Great ex-
the works are located. The Immediate
cause ot tho. troublo '.has not been made
Ivitnwn. ' . ,
lloomers Commence Their Raid.
Guthrie. Sen. 19. Great clouds af
smoke are rising from tho Chcrokoa to-
day, and thousands pt acres are' bolng
burnad over. Tho causeof tho flro Is not
known, but It Is thoucht that the boom
ers have commenced their' raid and are
carrying out their threat to burn the
grass oil the entire country. -
V. I, , ,
X'oBtmasler Uiidor Arrest.
BniHiNOllAM, Ala., Sep. 19. The Post
master at Edwnrdsvllle, Cleboumo
Cnuntv. M. D. charcod with
corresponding with green goods men in'
New York L,y with a view or obtaining
a supply of the goods. He ts under ar
rest here on tho charge of Illegally using
tho mails.
Twelve Years For Itobbery.
Nkw Yontt, Bop, 19. John Alberts
was sentenced to twelve years. Imprison
ment. for robbing Michael Lucho whom
he forced to glvo up $278 under threats
of death. The robbery occurred lu'
Albert's' apartments.- Albert pleaded
guilty ot robbary In tho first dogrca,
May Gat tiO.OOO.OOO.
DULUTilj'Mlnn., Sep.' 19. Mrs; Robert
Kennedy, her Hon and daughter, Mrs.
B. W. Armstrong, are said to have fallen
' . 1' . i An nivt Aflf -. .1.1-1.
uoir to a lurtiiuu ui '97,ut,uv, wutcii uun
been 'in the English, Court of Chancery
for yearsJ ' '
Chunged Its Politics.
Coutlanp, N. Y., Sep. 10, The Cort
laud "Joy,rual." the pnly dolly lu tho
county, changotl Its polltios from au in
dependent to a Republican uewepupot tor
the eutlre Republican tlolcct.
Paris Has Another Row Over
Wagnor's "Lohengrin."
Fiitooa Hundred Pollca Surrounded this
Opera Houso.
A Regular Tire r'x.lne Ksta1llshedGlas
nails of Ammonia Thrown On the Stage.
Europe In ,n IVrmeut Over tho's
Speech Starving Itusslaa l'easant
Driven to Cannibalism.
-1'aius, Sop. 10. At tho socond ropro
sontatlon of "Lohengrin" at tho Opera
House tho auditorium was crowded from
the footlights to tho celling, as before.
Tho audience listened with attention nnd
applauded with onthusdasm. A few
youths attempted to hoot and whlstlo
In tho first net, but they wero ejected.
Later small glass balls, supposed to con
tain ammonia, were thrown from the
fourth gallery, but this was quickly
stopped by the dctoctlvas.
Vervoort, a member of tho staff of
L'Intransigoimt ; Morphy, a noted an
archist, and Marlat and Hcrvion en
deavored to incite disturbances In tho
parquotta and galleries. Tho moment
station house, whonco thoy wero released
after tho opera was over. After this
thero wero a few feeble attempts to cro
ato disorder, but. thoy wore immediately
suppressed, and tho opera procoedod
without Interruption to the close. This
was largely duej however, to the vigll
rince and promptness of tho police and
detectives, for In all there wero 800 per
sons nrrostod or ejooted from tho house.
Tho display at force outtido was
greater If anything than on Wednosday
night. Fifteen hundred mounted and un
mounted police surrounded tho building
n.nJ P1 "ou'ovard ties Capu;
o'nos and the Rues Halovy, Auber and
rilv q-i, w.a ,f.nn .
with wero smaller than befo.o and wero
not allowed to approach tho doors or
walls. In fact a regular flrei line was
established, which1 nono'but tickdt hold
ers were allowed to pass. About 550
arrests wera made, i
Kurope In a Ferment Over 111a Warlike
London, Bep. 10. Tho Paris bourse ts
still suffering from the effects of Kaiser
WUhelru's Erfurt speeoh, which are felt
moro or less all over Kurope. 'The de
pression caused by It In Franco Is Indica
tive of a conviction that tho Kaiser has
returned dcfiultelyi to tho warlike Ideas
which he so loosely promulgated at tho
beginning ot his reign, aud which It was
nupposed ho had put aside for moro sensi
ble and manly notions of his sovereign
duties. He seems to bo under tho im
pression now that, coming as ho does ot
a raco ot warrior kings famous in tho
history of Europe, ho will nevor be able
to really endear himself to tho hearts of
the German peoplo, steeped as they are
In militarism by tradition, training and
impulse, until ho shall havo proven his
prowess on tho field of battlo.
Tho fact of tho matter is he finds his
self-importance, assumed bn nil occasions
nnd concerning all subjects, losing its
ephemeral Intorost for Europo, nnd his
personal prestige not quite to great as
he has tried to mnko It; and ho Is In a
state of Irritation, mental and physical,
which may load to spasmodic activity in
nbout tho onlydirectlOn In which he can
hone to make n wide and disturbing lm
pression iu the history of tho nineteenth
Starving Peasants Devour the Freshly
Hurled llody of n Wuman.
,St. ritTEHSnuno, Sopj 19. A well au
thenMcated ' case of cannibalism Is re
ported from tho Government of Penza,
where the famlno rages in its worst
It Is said tho starvlnu family ot a peas
ant removed from -the graveyard tho
freshly burled body of a woman of the
bettor class, who had tiled suddenly, not
from starvation." but ' probably from
heart "trouble. 'abd fed upou portions of
th'eflt!sh. ' '""
Tho horrlblo fact was discovered by
other famine victims who, instead ot ex
'nbslnir the case, themselves Insisted on a
-sharo of the remains. Finally tho can
nibalism cams to light through a revela
tion made to the Pope, or priest bf the
Such confusion reigns In tho famlno
districts that 'nothluK has been done to
rruhlsh the'canulbalB,- who would proba-
1 bly welcome Imprisonment with food at
. . . Collected 88,000,000,
CniCAOO, Gop. 10. It was announced
to-day that the $3,000,000 required by
the olty ordnance to be collected by the
World's Columbus Exposition on sub
Bcrlntlons to its capital stock beforO the,
f city would "placu on tho market tha
$3,000,000 worth of bonds It was author-
izcd'to lssuo In aid of the' Columbus cn
terprV'c, had all beon collected. Tho
matter of reccivlngand dlsiloslug of theso
bonds has been referred by the Directors
ttt the Finance Committee of the Kxuosi
tion, which' Will probably report' at thu
next meeting of the Executive Uom-
mitto, next Wednesday.
Horrible Condition of Affairs.
Mauiud, Sep. 10. The authorities are
trreMlv excited over the brosnect of a
plague, owing to tne nornuie conuuiou
ot an airs at the scene oi tne recent uoous.
The human dead are boltiK burled
Tnpidly us possible, but tho c'ardasses of
animais-ue1 in great numuera in -tuo iiems
and amonR the rocks whero they were
cast by the flood. From these au awful
stench arises, and the local authorltie
are 'entirely incurable of dealing with
the oxlgeucy '
i Killed Two Indians.
SauIXAW. Mich., Sep. 19. In
drunken Quarrel liero'betweou Dan an
Johu Svuanos, two Indians, and Chnrles
Hortou and James Uradsbaw, two white
men, the two Iudlaus were killed. Brad'
shaw is still at large,
' iTomporuuea Union Convention,
Cleveland. Sen. 10. Mrs. Ellen
Plnuoy, President "of the Noh-Partlssn
Christian Union, has Issued a call for tin
Second Annual Convention to be bold at
'Brooklyn; Nov1. 10. November u is ass
Iguuted as day of prayer.
What else I, to
be expected
of the old
fjihiontd way
of blacking
theihoci' Try
the new way
Acme Mac king
and Ihe dlrtjr
jaslc becomes a
cleanly rleA-
iti:,rttif:RTo nnr.sir.
10C Will lm' for (ho Cn.t 1 Oc
IDr of CIntiiKlnjr I'lnli, Wlilte 1 r
'XC Uluaarsaelalollilbv,
IOC Kmernlil, OiMil, 10C
"Oc r ot,lcr Costly CJlrtia. 'JQq
WOUjP tt RANDOLPH. Fhlladelpbla.
Justice of the Peace,
Deed,. Leases, Morlgugcs and llouds written.
aiarringe iirensm nna legal Claims
promptly attended to.
eal Estate, Collection ni Insurance Agency.
eneral l'Ire Insurance Business. Kepresents
the Northwi hteru I. no lnsuraucu Co.
CTrpiCB-Miildoon't bulldlne. corner Centra
and West His., tjheuatidnsb, l'a.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
-A two story double lrnmo dwelling lmnsa
slotenud restaurant, on Kast Centre Bt.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
Deshable property on corner Cenlro and
Jardln streets, sullablo (or business pur
two storv double
Iramo dwelling, on
west I.hnd street.
Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
Two 2 story dwelling' on the corner of
Coal and Chestnut Btieets Htororoomln
,-Two-Rtory single house ou North ChcHtnuL
Rtreet with a large waiehotiso at the rear.
, Three two-siory doubts frame buildings
corner oi L,ioya ana ttiioeri streets.
Ask mv mrvnts for W. I. Ilauslna Hhora.
f not for anle in your place nuk yonr
fnler In ncntl for eiiinlnmlp. MOCuro the
ugcucv, nnd get them for von.
It H ftainlea-j Blioo, with no tncka or wax thrraJ
to hurt t bo feeti iiiailo of tbo tott Una calf. Btillili
nDtl casj', and because we tnalepiare shoes of thi
grade thnnany otlitr tnanttfactuier. It equals Uaml
Bowcd ehotjs costing from fcLWto SVU0.
CCC uu (eniiliu lliiii(inrMi( tno nnesc can
SmJm phoe ovr oiTeretl for $VU)j equals Fruuctr
Importeit shots whlcli coat from to $ViJM.
GlA OU llniiil-HeuiMl Wvlt Mior, lino calf
ISVbi Etillsh. comfortfiblonutl durable. The bvU
filioe oVor offered nt tliU prlcui narno grade an cus-
ioiii maiui suui'i egsinig irum tu.ii iu
CO 3 l'ollco Shoot Farmers, Hall road Stem
tU O aud Letter Cnrrlpra &1 1 wear tliDnc. flnncAlf.
Eeamless, smooth JiiBlde, lieary tbree soles, extcu
EtuD odK. Ouopalr will wear a year.
02O ll no cum no better snoo over otroreaac
mJ m m thU iirlnn fSno trial will convltico thoiia
who want a shoo for comfort nud serTleo.
SO n. niui d'.iiil oi uiniitiiiitrn tnor
mm ara erv stmnz and durable. ThORO wh
haQ given them atrial will wear nootbermako.
tzfJC t9iUti linn vai. 7J scnooi puops or"
UU V m3 worn liv tliu imvuovervwlierp; the v sell1
on their merits, an tho InereosltiK sales show.
9 ol! nc PiiaUll iiiiiiii-NCivfii fliioo, uesi.
ntrola. vervsrvllaln eouola Frcudi
lmoorted shoes eostlutrfrom b 1.0) to ft6.().
until en- e ;. o.iuu itiiu outi .mw uv
Uliwes uro tho best fine Uoiucolu, htylUti and durable,
dilution. See that Vv I,, Douglas' namo and
prlco aro stamped on tho bottom of each shoo.
tTeosoipla. 3311,
poo North Fourth Ot.
Duo bfl, litm, rmi.KU'iA
tav'oalrt seuuU Uunutvutuvrlou
8iiooilUt la tbo fitBbPB wh !
atria to enr DtOOd PolOnt
Nervous Debility Spe
cial Diseases el
Bkla Plukuva. KeU PsUru U tk
bonef,8oroThront Mouth
lUittcbM, t'tmi'lo, F.rupUona, toft or
bfcrl Cloer, Belllogi, IrrttaUoni.
lattsmnKvOooa knd HuddIs,
Buicturt, WekDt tad Kulr
AfCmf. Wrt'Wrtieft, nk imet, wrnul 6iltT, Elloey so
BlaUei JJm ad sll DUewM multlos from
IntllicrLUon or Owwork, KwifBt cm com! In 4 to 10 atjm
KUef 1 bun. ! not Iom bopt, no inUi
Uiln Uuctor, QuMk, Funllj or Uo"r' i-njn
nr. TUXES. rti positively N"l ,n wb"0" tnm
bmlaet.. old, toow-i, hipdli aoid .doriiott eoMBMriiTw
MtKntiOi. rich ot poor, la. ump tbr POO lv
"TRUTH" tlpMlitf Boner b.o.u
t'H 8 U in. BunI im H nw or cm . - "-r
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which the excess of
oil has boon removed, ts
AbHohiiely Pure
and it In Soluble,
No Chemicals
nro used In its preparation. It uaa
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Bugar, nnd is thoroforo far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It la delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
ns well aa for parsons lu health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
j H 'voMtatm '
1!'Sbl'r !.