Evening fjerald'. P 4 rUBLlSHED DAIIV, ipAY KjiCUI'JUD IT. O. noriSK, JMIIor nntl ViMliher. irjr. . irvirrrsra, 7-owii i:ntnr. ALLTHE NEWS FOR ONE CENT TheKVK&lSO lIEltALD hat a larger cir culation h Slitnatuloah (him any other jiaprr .published, llwkt open to all. ' SUBSCRIPTION rates: Daily, per year,.... ... J3C0 Weekly, per yoar, 1 fo Entered at the I'ostoftlce, at Bbenandoah, Fa. lor transmlstilon through the malls as second class mall quitter. hue is dtrb nmiAiu the twq.IptlieriJ)ruTno. , , PateiisoKV N, ."7., .Sent. W.-John W. y, twins, ageu u, and Fred Wnlmslcy .(.hunAii nr. tnp'invvnr niiii 111 luh m uhu m Halls during the aftornwm. RThoy wjjrcf bnihlugf whenne o them slipped olOi Yock. -His brother jttufyed aftvtf'hfiw mid both sunk. They looked su much nllko that those who saw tho ilrdwnliiff could not tell whUh made tho attempt lit roscue. Tho bodies were rescued. Col. Frederick A, Cunklltig Head. New Youk, Sop. 19. Col. Frederick A. ConkllnR, nged about 70 years, hrotbei of tho into Host-ou .onkllng, died at his residence," No. 27 East Tenth.' street., -1iuh evening. Ills death vrai unexpected al though ho had been uuwoll for souu time. Cancer of the- stoinnch was tho cause of Mr. Coukliug's death. Tho Chlcnco Police Satisfied about Identity of Vcrn P. Ao. CntoAOO, Sep. 10. The identity 'of "Vera P, Ava," who mysteriously disap peared on tho night of Bcptembor 0, uhd bo sensationally found herself in Cincin nati two days later, has been nettled to tho entire satisfaction of tho police au thorities. They firmly believe that tho woman is nono other than Ann O'Delln Diss Debar. Lioutcncnt Shea received this morning rord Now York n proof of tho best port rait of Diss Debar that has over boon; printed, and a number of officers at oiico idoutlflod tho cut as a portrait of "Vera P. Ava " tho woman who called to sea Chief JicClaughrey the day before sho disappeared. "I think," said Lieutenent Shea, "that she will now stop her coflln stories and her talk about the Cronlu murder and her great charities hero in Chicago." Tho police do not intend to bring DIsi Debar from Cincinnati unless some coin-, plaint is entered against her. A CIIi:CIIi!lBI CA11I3KR. Decide to Continue tho Strlltr. IIuntikodon, I'a., Sep, 10. Tho cm tiloves at tho Hock Hill Iron and Coal Company'" plants hare decided- to con tinue the Btrlko, at present on, to the hitter' end. The company say thoy will start i with iniirtevl men. NOTHING LIKE IT1 Blood' U thicker than water, ' tod must be kept pure to buure good .health., Bwirr's Si'Ecino Is natures reenter ,(or this purposej , , , , , , tt never to falls elimn&te the lmptsf , tics and build up the general healtk. Then Is only one Swiff Speclflo,.. and there is nothing. like It. -Be sure and get the genuine. 1 Treatise on' Blood and Skin Diseano mailed free. .-. n i 1 The Swift SpcMo Co., Atlanta, Oa Ex-Congrefsmau uud Consul llrcntano, a AVell-KnotTn Chleago Man, Dead. 1 Chicago, Sept, 10. Ex-Congressman , and Consul Lorenz llrcntano died at hit residence in this city yesterday. Mr, Brentano was born in 1813, in Mnnhelm, Uaden, Germany. Twice elected Mayoi of Mauhclm, the government on each oc casion refused to confirm his election oi to allow him to serve. In 1348 he wn elected member of tho Parliament' at Frankfort, and before tho close of th session became tho lender of the Liberal , party. In tho political movement which led to the fleeing of the Grand Duke nnd the stovarn cr's's ' he was mado lWdontof the J1."?v,,,onaI Government of Iindon, and later on ViciCT- 0,1 tu Tetutn of tho Monarchists to power he fled to Switzerland and was sentenced io death in his absonco. From 1860 t6 1607 bo was editor aud port proprietor ol the "Statts Zcltung" of this city, and for five years wai president of the Hoard of Education. AN AWl'BI. TRAFFIC. llodlo. of Dead, J'aupers In Cllmsow Soli) to Doctors. "London, Sep. 10 This city 1b horri fled by the discovery of a disgusting, scandal in tho City Poorhouso. Facto httvo como to light which show tliat a regular trafllo has been going On thero in tho bodlos of dead paupers. One of the officials' has mado it a practice for years to sell the remains of dead lntnatos to modlcal schools. When n pauper dlod, and no ono at tended, his funeral, the driver of tho hearhe, would bo dl-e'cd to deliver tho " "subject" to medical Btudenta, who paid 1 the driver lira shillings for each delivery, and at tho same time would give a heavy bribe t6 tho poor-house olllclnl, the latter covering up tho transaction by giving forged chocks. It is even alleged that in somo cases, when friends of deceabed attended, empty coffins were sent to tho graveyards aud buried in their pr. sence, the bodies bavina Uoen nrovlously taken out and disDosod of to the modlcal schools. The disclosure was made to tho police by a driver who had been dismissed from the noorhouse. Search was made, and sev eral groves of paupers were found to con tain neither coiiln nor body. ?irst National Bank, J., , THEATRE BUILDING, f SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000,00. - BASE DALUSCOnE3. Tun New York OlanlsJCnptur Another Game FromSAnion's Team. m t ! AT N8W TOR. i 'i Kow York 9ID QJCl 3 (.8 1 0 0-0 ChlcsBO... OJO lvO 0 0 1 0, Ilnttcrlos-Uwlni and Duobleri Qumbort and Klttrodg-o. jdjit. AT BROOKtYIf.t Jlrooklj-n... 0 -3 Cleveland 0 0 0- 0 0- 0 rtlntlorlos Canlthcra and Kliulow: Colllus nd VI iU.. ' I AT BOSTOM. Iloston 1 ulOOOOOl-0 I'lttaburit,, 1 0000000 a-3 lluttcrioa Clarkton and Onnroll: Ilntdwln sndJIlllcr.. at rniUDELrntA. 'hllndc'lpbla 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 4 2-11 Cincinnati 1 110 3 0000 0 llattcrics ICltnjt and Oraullchi Crane and Harrington. Katloi.al League ltecord. Per Cluhu Won. tort. Pt i Chicago... 70 17 .018 Boston 71 60 ,68a NewYork.O S0 .857 l'hlla'phla.03 57 .C23 P4r Clovolnnd.60 70 .44 I'lttsimrir.oi u Hrooklyn.S3 08 Clncln'atl.48 .75 .443 .438 .300 Amorlcnn Association Qanaes. AT COLUMBUS. No game; rain. jj AT MILWAUKEE. Hllwnukoo. 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 0-1 Daltlmoro 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 x-11 Ilattorlos -Mains and Vaughns McJIahon ind Itohlnson, ' ! AT LOUISVlLLa Louisvilio e ooooooi Wakhlnmon 0 0 3 0 0 G 0 0 Dsttcrlcs-Cas9lan and McOulro; Fitigerald ind CahlU. I- 0 1 8 AT BT. LOUIS. 8 1. Louis Atbletlo... 2 0- 0 X-10 Uatterles Stlvotts aud lioylo; Weyhlngnnd Cross. . American Assootutlon llecord. ' rer autu iron. lxU C( HottoD....b4 37 .004 Bt. Louis. .70 40' .033 UalthnoroOT -166 -MO Atliletlo..,ue 60 Per Ou6. n-iia. LoH. Ct Columbus. .SO 70 .457 Mllwauk'e.55 09 .444 . LWu'vtllo... -15 70 i03 vyusU't9n..40, SO 33 "fv Eastern Assoalntlon. AT ALBANY. Albany 0 0 2 0 2 Uuffalo .....0 Battorlos-Kllroy Wcckbcckor 1 0 and 0 0 lies ) 0 0 x-4 3 0 0 0- 1 German and AT.rnoY,- Troy U 0 0 0 1 0 Lebanon 0 0 0 0 0 0 Datterios Brahan and Wells; NoaL Flliffor old and Bago, x-a 0- 0 PURIFYBLOQD CI.KAllkTIin CO.IIPIiKXlON, I gS ' BltiailTKH THE EVIW; M , . SWEETEN THE imEATIT, TONE THE STOMAPTI. nnd I1IJII.II 171 TIIH WTIflf.T? uvunifw n.t nt.t9wtr.rm .... . jt ! ' ........ iu iui,ii.ii IlJ.vli.l II. ecnv0ceairanrronu,o Ho of land's Podophyllin Pills 'hiladolpbiaand Beading Bailroad ITIjno Table n effect July tOt r38Rl ALNS'lEASHENAiNDOAn AS FOLLOWS For New Ypxx? via l'hlladelphis, week days. 2.10 SM, 7.M'(n. in. and 1235 2.60 and 5.M p. m. Dunaay 2,iu ana 7.4s a. m. t oT rnew York-, Ylatllauch Chunk, week days, 5.25. -.21, a.-m. and 125 and 2.60 p. m. r r Heading and Philadelphia weekdays, &h Z.Alt a. m., 12.8.3 2.60 ana 6.55 p: m. iy,4.iuADafls,m.l 4.3U p.'m. Morrlsburg, week days, 2.10,7. 1 2.10, 1.25, For St-T RIGHT. Bhe Was ITnder n lUapprelicnslon, but Her l'onrs Wero Stilled. "See'herd, sir," sho said, a sho entered a sowirie machine offlco th6 other day, "your agent has Imposed upon mo." "Is it possible, ma'amf In what re-ipectf"- . "Yssfr) hot has lied to mo, nnd I don't wont' your machine." "How lias ho deceived your" "Why, lie enme into my honso nnd told mo that ynuf machlno was tho best in tho world. Told ) J right before witnesses, oud I ban prova every word of it.'1 - "But that was not deceiving you, ma'am-." "Yes, It wasl I hadn't the machine two Jays beforo another agent called and said his was tho best, and bo hnd .1 circular tt hack it up. He had hardly got out doory when another called nud said his machine had taken ten medals," ., , "But wo have taken fifteen, ma'nin." "Oh, have youf"1 "And are suro to get tho premium nt th next World's fair." "Indeedl" "And wd Iiave Issued a challengo for a public trial, which no other machine dare accept." ' ' ''Isthatsof Then yoM machine Is the best, after all?1' "Certainly." ''Then you will please excuse me. 1 thought IJirtd been imposed upon, nnd I guess I was a little hastyjj Tho other agents' must have been tho liars." Detroit Free Press CACTUS BLOOD CURE. TO ,20 a. m,i J Tones up your system and gives you an appetite that 'a lumberman' might 6nvy. Cures dyspepsia stoinaoh troubles, constipation, and liver or kidney diseases, tn addition to this it cures rill skin affections and the more violent blood troubles. ElTect3 are immediate and cures permanent. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson't Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa, A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S.W.rost.Ass'tCazluer. Open Daily From 9 to 3. PER GENT, INTEREST ! 1'nlcl on HnvlucB DepoHltN. An Albany llookkeeper Dlnnppcnrs. Albany, N. Y., Sop. 10. Bookkeeper William J. Grotcnhuls of tho Albany club, ono of tho largest and most fash ionable clubs In the State' has disap peared and i t is said there is a discrep ancy in his accounts. Export bookkeep ers are at work and in tho meantime the police are searching for the missing man. It Is thought ho is secreted in Tioy. NUWa Ol' Till! DAY. ' FIRE INSURANCE! Largest and Oldest Reliable Purely Cash Companies, Jlejtreseiited by DAVID FAUST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa. Chanced Ills Ilellslous Views. Srm.NQFiED, O., Sep. 1U. Pr. J. it Ilclwla. President of Wittenberg Col lege, the leadluK Lutheran educational Institution of the Ye3t, and untjl a fey ' 'weeks ago, pastor of the First Lutheran Churoh hero, has made a complete chantce in his religious views, andlias gouu over to the Presbytorluns. The . reasou given Is the constant tendency of -.- the Lutheran Church to Catholiclsni Jind ritualistic services. Last night he was" selected pastor of tho First Presbyterian, Church 01 UriMua, Fatal Meud-Kud CoUIkIoii. CtlATTANOOOfc, Tenn.,Sep. 10. A fatal head-end - collision occurred during the mornlua on the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, near Herman,. Tcnu., oaused by the engineer Of train No. 10, dtsoboyiug orders. Urauemau Stewart 01 mis city nnd 'Fireman Wier, of No. 1U, wore ' killed outright) and Fireman T. Connor, of train No. 11). was dangerously wound- . eiL. Engine No. 853 was completely da molishod and several frleght cars de strayed. f, , . . illvfuKd to Qraut llequtaltlon I'Hjiort. 1'aoviDEKCB, H. I., Sep. 10. Governoi1 Ladd decided not to grant requisition , imimra (or tho transfer of llurglar ISl wood from this State to Ohio. The re- . fusnlwaa based uput a decision of the Attofney-Qeheral that tile prisoner w4 , given up to ltuoue lslanu hy Alabsaoltu ' hotU for spcclflo purposes of justice. ' which must be carried out bolero-this J Stale can- tUrii him over to tho uiithorl- . ties of any oiher State. Smalt llirorlns: to Citdltori. Uobton. ten. 10. A meeting of nroditors of A. 41. ' Haines He Company, apothecaries, was held und thellnn'of fared 10 cenu on the dollar, but thiB was deemed altogether too low, and a com mittee was ni jointed' to taue cnargo matters. Which was empowered to dis pose ut the store nnd petition the firm. into insolvency ll tnougnt uesi xor vus interests of the creditor. Bale bills are turned out at tills office at the sliortost notice. -FOIl- The Baring estate tlll owes the BAnk of England a balance of $35,200,000. Firo at Barton Landing,. Vt., damaged that town to tho extent of 70,0UU. G, W. Hopkins, of Anna, 111., was killed by his uephow, whoso lifo ho had threatened. Forest flros throhton villages south of Cumberland, Wis., and have nearly wiped out Perley. The miners' at the Byron colliery at Shamokin, Pa., owned by tho Black Dia mond Coal Company, of, Philadelphia, have struck for an increase in wages.. The agent of tho Barnaby Mill,' at Fall River, Mass., will grant nb ' concessions to the striking weavers, who will re main out nnd hoiu anotuor meeting on Monday. ' ' ii-j t IVentlinr Indications. Washington, Sep. lO.-For Now England: Incroailnir cloudiness with local showorst ooolon northwesterly winds. I For Eastern Now Yorki Fair In southern portion; local showers In northern portlom westerly winds slightly ooolor. For Now Jorsoyi. Fain, slight .change! In tomporaturo: winds shifting to northwesterly. For Western Now vork ami Wostcrn ('aim- eylvanla: Ujht local showers; ooolerji van. Bblo winds. 1 . Senator Plamb's, Sacrifice. The face of Preston B. - Plumb, of Ran. as, not handsome at best, is pitted by unallpbx. Said a man the .other day who knows him: "Each of these smallpox pits on Plumb's face is a medal of honor; In the early days 1 of Kansas Emporia was a booming town and Mr. Plumb was anim pecunlpus printer. He., gathered money enough together,, however, to start a little weekly newspaper in the towd nnd wa doing fairly well with it and hod almost paid up his debts. There ran a 'rumor through the now town: one day that a. stranger tramp had beentsuddenly smitten with.smallpooc, and that the epidemic was In danger of spreading. The rumor meant ruin to the embryo municipality, nndl so the friendless nnd stricken man was hur ried out on the prairies, far from the city,, aud left there in a log cabin to do tho best he could, for idmseif. "There was no ope to care Xor him, and of course it was a wrestle with death. In his'dlngy, ono room editorial and printing, olllco Prestoh B. Plumb heard the story, lit) closed the place, sturted out to. tho log house where the sick man lay, 'and for weeks nursed him and cared for him until ho was suved from death. Then be Jay down himself, stricken, b' tho Jell disease; but hearts had grown tenderer in' that Kansas town nnd kindly hands 'mlnlstered to him until he, to' was saved." St liOuiR Hcptiblic! Iflffl-IOtJ! r '. '11 ( u t i i ', j & D H I Your trade Is what we want. ',Tblsl8 how we propose to get it. By iJelllh'g you a first-i class article; by selllugyou for less than others; by selling y"6ii furniture, an organ, a piano, a sewing machine or anything felse in the llneof household goods. We have a large and va ried stock to select from. INo trouble to show goods. Call,' exa'miue und be donvlbced. ' THE OLD RELIABLE, 4 I It c 0, 565n. mf For Alleatown, week days, 7.20 v m., por -obwviue, wees nays., x.111, 7.w,a. m:, 12.35 2.S9 andS.65D. m." Hnnduv. S lnand7.8 K. M;,-4.OTp.m. ror xaraaqua ana uananoy city. weeK lays, S.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 1255 20 and 6.50 - ' " uwuum, ..v.t.i4u liouji. jv y, JI1 . AddlUotlal lor Wuhanoy'Clly, Week ilays1 7,00 p. nit -toi urn easier ana txuumuia, wept aays, 20n.ni., 2.60 p.m. " ror wiuiamnport, nunoury ana Lewisonru, .eekr days, S.S5. 7.20 ana 11.80 a. m.( 1S, 7.00 111. nuuuayi:2) a. m., a.vo p. m. '"or Mahanoy Flane, week days, 2.10 3.2), '. 7.20 aua 1130 A. m.. lZVi. 1.35, 2.60. 5.55 7,00 ano i.'s. -,tn. tiunday, 2,10, 8.23 and 7.18 . m 3.05. 4.so n. m. For Ulrurdvllle (Itappahanuock Btatlon) - -v ii'vr, 1 . 0.4.1, Buu,urin. uj., i;a, 4.w. a.m. i.w ana n. m. ounaar. 2-10, .2 .,7.48 a. m., 8.05, 4.30 p.m. 'or Ashland and Bhamnkln. week day .) '.i, 5A5.7.W, 11.S0 a. ui 1.3, 7.00 and ni. ounaay is.z, & m a. in., b.uq p. m. TKAINB KOtt SHENANDOAH ! ' Leave New York via Fhlladelphla, week ays.,7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.16 Xeave Hew York via Mhach onnnk. week iiys, ISO, 8,45 a. m.; 1.00 aqd 4.0) p. mi ijeave 1 nuaeipma, wee2 nays, 4.1U, ana 10.00 'k,- ra. 4.00 Bnd'6.00 p.m., from Broad .ud Uallownill and 8.8.5 a. m, and 11.30 p. m. From 9U1 and 'Ureeh strecU. Hunday- D.05 a. m. 11.10 d. nl.from Dili and Ureen. eave neaaing, wees aays, i.ai. v.iu. iu.vo aa 11.50 a. m.i 5.55. ij&t tl. m. Sunday 1 and u.is a, iu. . . , . Lioave I'oiiBvino, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m ..80. 0 11 D. m. "Bundav. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and ics 1, w- , . ... 'ave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and 21a.m.. 1.21. 7.13. and B.1S o. m. Bundav xsn 7 43 . m. and 2.50 p. ni. ueave Mahanoy Olty, weok days, 3,40, 9.18 Jay, 3.48.17 a."m.V8.'a) p. m. ljeave mauauoy jaue, wcea oays,ki'4j,f.i;u 1.30.95. 11.60 a. m..l.05. 2.06. 5-20. 6 28. 7.67.- and '0.1X1 n. m. Buudav 2.1U. .4.00. and 8.27. a. m, 3 37, 6.01, p. m. T ' - ioave uiraravm&iHappanannocK ciaiion wect days, 2.47. 4.07, 6.36, and 8.41 a. m., 12.05, 12, 5.26. 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Hunday, 2,47, 0 , iSS X. m: 3.41, S.W p."m; iMAre Wllllamsiiorti week days. 8,00,9.45 and tl.&5 a. m. 8.35 and 11.15 ,p. m. Sunday 11.15 i.m. For1 Baltimore,' Washington and' the west la 11. A O.K.H.. thronch. trains leave Qlrard Wenne station, Philadelphia, (P. R. B. It.) tl, 1.19, OV1 HUU ll.al Ill, A.OS, V.Ali, U.WJ HUH ,s p. vai unnoay, i.io b.iaj ii.xi a. m., t.M .55 and 7.23 p. m. ATliANTIOOITYDIVIBION, Leave 1'hlladelnhla. Chestnut Btreet Wl aau uaiauaireei. wnari. " ' U'cir AtluutloCltv. Week-days Emress. 8 00. 9:00 a. m. 2.00. 3.00, UK, 5 00 p. ai. Aooommodallon, 7.40 a. m. and 4,15. u 30 p. m, Buuaayak express; s.w, .uu a. m. ao-comiUf-iHUoD, 6.09 a. m. and 4.45 p. ni. uoinrning. leave Atianuo uiiy, aepot tlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Week-da s Express; 7.00, 7.30, 9.0U a. rA. and 8.15, 4.00,5.80 p. m, Accommodation 6.00, 8.10 a. m. and 4.80 n.'m." Bundars-Exhressi 4.0t)."6:oo u. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 5.0a p. m. u. u. aaiiLuun, uu'l xkm I v. A. MoliEOD. ITes. AQen'l Manaeer. 1) r. . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SOWUT LKILI, DIViaiOlT, n and alter1 Seleniber i; 1891, (raitu wilt lean hlictaiuioult at fotloivi; SHERIFF, BENJ, J. .SMITH, PIIESEKT tlEPUTV, m OR MEN ONLY! TemTor XOSTot FATX1HO MAHHOOD, liiiatii,rUtidl(i:nV0U3DEIlILIIY, Ml' Wkiie of Body, a&4 SUmt, EHeeU lUllaf Errors orExceuei in Old or Yoaxir. Hobait. hoblc BllMi(K)DfaUir'RMUr4.. Utw U Kblmrr and Hlr,tlUiHKl.VltBUPl'U(MIlMJ.I'lKIolUUUr ib,blol,1r OBrillltff UUXK TKHlTajtST ll.nfflu U daj, B,D toitlf; fro to tlUU, urf VsrdKrouaU-Utj nrlu Urou IMHtivll.t SpkliiU,lloii ftod urr, Pt!le4(trtl,dirt dlr.uERIEMEDICAL90.,BUFFALO.N.Y. n gnamiiiT-razg MM mm is and will over ho tljq best Bomody fbi rtmit. Tnfliionza. Hookaoho, T?l,'lU? 7i. r.f, n.tttnit. p.M, JolntB, Neuralgia, Bpraino, fjtb Before you aosl to m7i Warn JWFREE Of CHABCE-W noriem,aat9 ol proJoJnenfpbjBclaa F.AD.FJCHTER&C0. 310 Broadway, rmvv YOBivv 23 Medals Arade1 TopesnHoneeBln.aQoii'ir'Jtii.nnaej, Nnr.mharr Konetela, Lelvtla, 50 Cents a bottle, Fpr Btdo by X, X. O. KIKLitN, f. II. IIAOr.NlH'l SHCNANDOAH, PA., r drossuu corvsiorriiiasi 1 J. F.Williams & Bro.. South Main St., SHE TsT.A-IsriD O A.BC. Wlcrai Jastle, atJC'lair, and For .Lhigi Vfliiey Railroad. OF IASSKNQEB TltAINB. icifr -MAY 1Q, 1891.- Gllberton, Frackvllle, New -. and war noluls. 6.D0. 9.1J v m and 4. It p m, BunUays, 6O0,B.40fem and 8.10 pu.- ' For Pottavllle, 6.00, Mam and 4. 15 p m. Sundays. UX), 9.40 a m and 8.10 p m, For Heading 8.00, a m and 4.15 pru Sondays,' ouo, 9.40 a, m. nnda.lu p m. Icui x uiuuiij i uucuiAviiiv, xuiiieiAivyu ind'PhlladelDhla (Uvoad street station). 6.00. I a. m. and 4.15 p m week days r 7iucdays,'ou,9.40am8.'iupm I rains leave r mcaviue lor nuenanuoan at 10.40 unl and 12.14, 7.'42, 10,09 p m. Bunuays, i l.iu a m ana a.iu p iu. Leave Poitsvllle lor Bhehahdoah, 10.15 and ' .1.48. a in 7.159.42 p-m. UnnOays. 10.4U am. U5p m.. .......... j , .. T , i.eave i-niiaaeinnia iiiroaa &uee siaunrM. or I'ottsvllle and Bhenandoah. 6.67. 8SVa-nt I 4.' 0 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 0 OTP V ;a a in tot New York, 8.20, 4,05, -4.40,- S.85,- 6.50, ,S0, - -I .R)B.iv.60,-11.0()and 11.14,11.05 a m. 12.00 neon, Passenger trains will leave Bhenandoah fur ilauch nhunk. Iehlehton. Blatlnnton. Uata sauqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, l'hll adelpnta'aud New York at 6.17, 7,40,.9.08 a. m., For BelVldere. Delaware Water Gap and sirouasDnrg ato.ira. iiiunu o;n p. in. f or Ltamuervviiie uuu xreuiuu, v.uo , m. For White Ilavou. WHRes-uarre ano d'ltta von a.", vm. iu.u a. m s.iu ana oi p. uu For Tunkpannock, lu.u a. m., o.iv ana o.m For Auburrl, Ithaca; Qeneva and and Lyons 10.41 a. m ana o;jb p. m. unr Lacey vuie.owanaa. nayre, waveriy, ,41 a, m.,auo. y,0 p. in. - - - ' .. r or jtimira anu me vr cdi. via Dttiauiuii i N1V YORK BIAUIIUTH. Nkw Toiir.'' Sen. 18. Money' on call easy loaning at and S per -cone I , ,-. .' - nONDS.,,.- Closing Tosterilay, o, 1007 Rett... H7,a . s, 1007 Coup ....,,.IU STOCK HAllKET. CloHnr Tcstordny, Canadian Paolflo 0u Contral Paqlflo... ...... 3?M Chicago, BUr. gumoj........ ueiawara nuunun.-... .i"", iinl. Tink. tx Western 142' Erie. .1 ."i . ..- '20! .-.. IV........ lii Lake Shore ,.11B Cnl, K Nuh lv. ...... ...J. 78 Michigan Central tr.lu,A Missouri j-ueiuu .. New Jersey Central "iPH ii-a 7&H V Made wetl tbo weak, nervous or ailinc woman who takes Dr. Piereo's Favprito Prescription." It's a medicine that's Guaranteed to help uer. it's an in viKoratincr, restorative tonic, sooth- . .1 1 : la uoruini anu uiuuiii iiuiviuu . n,ifl n nnrtfliTi nnrn Inr n Tlin TllTli'. n, , t.V.v . ...... . V - ...... w.v -" -- w C.JJIJliiL. iwvutvwi, uuuaiw, . " ' tional derangements, painful disor-1 CMcaKana-aa points west at 10.4 ders or clironio weaKncsses tliat Forjti . .i 1 i 111 ti m allcct women, uor ulcerations, ais- "v?;--; rt . . ta Btoekton. mm'. r npArnnnis. no.iriiiiT.riown SBnKations. ner xara. weaiceriy anu reon u o ovorvthini? that's TtnowTi as a "f "?p.o,w. m. '..Mnlhlni i'a on nnf nllinrr For Jeanesvllle. vLevliton nd -Beaver ".M"""-, t Uw,rtnw. 7.40. 9 08a.m. and 6.28 d. m. rnrrifidv. 'It's n. neeuliar ono. too.il irnrHnrnntnnatR.47 DOS. 111 41 a. m. 8.10 and I n . 1 I rt. m. ciosint A'ecmiar m compoHiuun, utsumiur m. .Ift Brook JeddnUrlfLon and Free. .wuaj. nUS cures. ana peculiar m uio way mna at w,u u. j. o.w 1 ;4-'a. an H I 'a sit i ri frt i toiti tf nurn I tr" . . - M .a 17m I At n e'Jlu AW 0 ynui wmww or uuaaaio ai o.n sin a w.uo 11.10.! wju sausiacuon,. hi eveiy, ulr ",u ' For wiggans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at mdney is refunded. You pay only ; 4,50 and .oa a. mvand4ao p.m. r for tbe gooa you get. i s.47. f 4oroT(Viauo ' - ' 4t.2iindioa7p.ni.-i , . , .1. For JjOSI ureea, iraravuie ana abuihuu It's tlio big; old -fashioned pill Ki.i7.46.8.S2, 'jo.ls a',.m. wx, r.40.io; . (limited exnresa. 1,08 4.60 p m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.40, 4.5U, lav, .uz , o, v. i, b.ou i.a is.u ana 1U.UU P. mn (Om nliv.,4 113-5 m. and 12 21, 12 41,' 2 30, 4.02, (limited, T' 1.5 11, a 'jt, a 1. h. , 1 .001 ana u.ui ntgnt For Bea uirt. iong iirancn ana lniermeainie stations 4.05, 6.50, 8.25 and 11.39 a. m 5.40. 3.30, 4. 10 p. m. week days. B iturdays only 5 00 p. 111. ounoayn-i u ana era a. m. For Ualllmore -and Washington 3.60, 7.20, 1 a. m.. i 41. 0.0 . 7.W P.m. aua ii.v3 night dally and 8'31, 10.20, a. m,, 12 33 (limited express wim aining car 10 iiammore i.au, 3.10 p, m, week days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01 Oloilnr To-dsr. 14 11IBU It boil now 1 sou llOU 1 'i'? I i 08?S 2M 85V4 73 4312 1 wpbj davs. 5.081 11JS0 0. m. dallv. For Richmond, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 night I dally. 1 GO D. 111. daily, except Sunday. I iraau leave narruouri: lor riiisourt; ana 1 he west every day at 13.25 and 8.10 a m and 1 k0Q(Umltod)and8.4I. 8 30. 0.83, p m. Way for & Alloona. is a m and 4.10 p m every day. 11. For riiuuurg only, 11.20 a ui dally and io.w i'm week davs. m 1 jiava hnnhnrv fnr WlllloTnrwr V.lmlTU. ' 'ana ndalgnai.Rochester, Duflalo and Nlagaral aiS o.iu a m aaiiy, ana l.f Z p m wees ay. filr ;atklDS, 5.30 P m week days. f or Hrie ana lmermeaiaie pomu, o.iu a mi, lallvi- Kor-Loek Jlaven&JO. and J6 a m. lally, 1.42 and 6,30 p. m. week days. F01 SenovA 6.10. a ja. 1.42 and 60 p m week dayr, no a. ai Hundaya. UAH. E. ruuii, J. K.WOOII, O.n. Man'r Hen. Pass. Axt Northwustern.. Orogon Navigation. l'aeiua .iiaii..,.T..... Heading,...,,,,. ........r Ju liodk ifianii:. .'.'. ...... .-. . . 1. 8J St. Paul , 71 Unlou i'acino Wostora' Onion 1. ,........' 8 Hi GUAIN MAHICKrt Whoat oriondi strong nhd ulinllnuod 0. No, o Tin,! Winter. 101. AuK.,101. lino. 10JM. , ...Artlr lit.r n,lll.i,l n.,.1 .,. fl.m atthctow. t0. -', piUeil. 00; Oo,, 0,, Oats dull but steady. No. 2, MUoJ, 33, Oct. UUt. puouuca Creamery. Btato I'enn., extras. 23 vn2M4o, Creacnory. wcstiirn, Ursu ,,,,21 ca'il o, Cruamorr.. western. seoona.,..,.18 o,a20 o, btato dairy, a. f. I.ubs. extras. ,.,2'J oja'J3 o. Eons . . ' . N. V. State, now talcL por doiv..,ZUHola21 o 1'enn.. now laid i 20Ho.a21 o. t r t JerevHoft. per bbl , J5al bwuut Douiiooa. Va cnolco 1 7oa2 00. f ruit, m.ikns tho' most disturbance' lmr it'a nnn nf T)r. PTpfph's "PlnriRnnt. I Vnllnta lmt. rinna fiin innsh rfrfAfl. P Vn . Rtil-V fmlnlaln. Mild and ircntleJimt tliordusn and I .mTVu7'10' B-08' 10,68 m'' U-BZ' 8'10' 6-28 and n.tnn..tn t,n am. Ac, ,trnrmiT nnn I Knr Kflwn nun. emniua. dil. isirujDi'iiuu UUUUblVU 0,llUllV.Df, V1IVUMVDU ' I - - ' , , ... .... 1.1 . T ,, . . ... i a a i. rpi, ' !,.' ,i Bhamokln, 82, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.41, rcRUlato towels. " " 11,11 1 -TTTT-ILvMINQTON & NORTHERN R. K. , nmeiaoie in enea juay.iv, 1631. ' -Trains leavD Reading 11. a It. station) To Fnr,-Darkwater. St. Qaur and PotUvllle. Qlbraltar, Beyfert, Hlrotboro, Joanna, Bprlni .40.-9.08. 108. to;. 122. 8.10. 4.10; 6.23 and'KJOJ1 field,' WaVnesbnrBiJnnotton, CoatesvllHVes ' ' .... , phaG,.. riiIBH.r,,n, mni nn ,1 A. f L, m and 8.06 p. m. tho- liVni- fltomiluh and Trains leave Bhamokln-Ior-Bhenandoak, mo uvoi, otouraou uuu 7Ji51, m a. m..2J0.4J0 and 9.80 p.m., arriving except Bunday.'at 6.25 and 8JJ0 'um. and 8,1 p. m. Bunday only at 8.05. p. m. 'KVww WnrrolAb-- Mf..Vitta anri lnlArmMllflt statlons,dally except Bunday, at 0.20 a.m., an 6.19 p. m. Bunday only 8.16 a. m. .For Jllrdtboro and Intermediate station Batnrday only, at 12 m. i R. 1 dall v except Bunday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. El ana tt.lo n. m. eunaay only ai a.uo p. m. t Tnunaarnvei,ueaaiug 4r. s it. siauoi trom'WUinlngtonVB. A O. Junction, Won chanln. Cbaddsrord Junction. West Cbestd tsnum um. m.eMn. m. 1 Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesbnrg Junctloi v?'.i;.7,i, irr i.ionr, iHnrlTiirneld.Joanna.Blrdsboro. Gibraltar. Be VX VIAaZ, 1 fertand lniermedlale stal Ions, dall v exce- uuj . u.'.-"i 'ri.'"l': . I v,..l. t IU a tn R vl IT Um . a. in. ilCbtOn, BlalinclOn, I riuiunuiwi nuiwiDUUUIIIllieruicuiai Bethlehem. KastOJ'l siaiipusauy oxcepi nunoay, au .-il 7J5 11.55 a.m., 2ao, 4J0 and 9.80 p. m., arriving at Bhenandoah, D.05 a.m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and. ii.iq p. m. .For Iist Creek. UlrardvUla Kbd 'Ashland, 1.50, 8.10 115 a.m., 2.45 p. m. ror uarawaier. m. uiair uuu iuiw,im, T.ivr PnuLriiif bprluu otilokeos. choloo. lanro per lb. , 13 al2l bpnug eulckoui, crime.,,,, allj J.OWU, Jeriy,nwiH)0( r.a.. poriu "raft DUUSSBU L'OUUTttV-, Turkeys, mixed weights, per lb. 13 1.1 8p'g ehk's, .Pblla., Ha5 lbs to patr. ... 17 al8 VvAtrHiEa- Md. U Del. , yellow, aboloe, pr batk., 00a 70 Md. Sa ijoi.. ml fruit, onoico. basic tiOa 05 Jsrsoy, prune, par basket 70al 00 Url. Ai llnl . cholou nr orate -Kit 40 Ud. Si Dal., common, per crate 20 BS Myaok er Holland Pippin. V L-a.bUre KaX U iBanWCountors.TylcDiSyatomf Port- abio. Unoquaiod in. styies, Gnat nnH Finish. 1KB Pin Clllluii r r...lin. imiLa tu.. IIlutrtU4 la Colon. VMt. TV., r.tl il o.u. iAIio. Trier's norai OMm B1i and Xye- urrltei. Culilueta. KOU Htyle. Ileal Dd cbeap est on cnrtbi'wlib great -reuuciiunia prices. ItO mm fcUltu Frc. r.ll, IS CU, Full IUh of 1UA, tbtlrt TtUeft, Dok jUM M lll.jk Catasauaua. Allentown, Beth and New York. 8.00 a.m.. 1.40 P. m ror i-niiauefpnia, , P jiv'tNGTON. Uen'lTa.ICAgtr,-Hetblehem;- John R. Cbyle. Attorney-'at-'L'aW 1 and 25 rum.. Bunday only at 6 n. m. From lilrdsnoro and Intermediate statlo' Batnrday bnly at 1.40 p. m From Washington and Bi Jtlmore, dally cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.U and 8 17 p. I Bundav only at 11.24 a. m 80WK1I8H liuiuos, Oen'l Fans. A. O. MCCA UBLAND, Huplv RUPTURE, We. the underflleni are otlrely curea r xvunuire uv ur. j. . tl MAYER. AU Aroh L. Vhlta. TLomaS . Dale. Pa..I. U. Noll.Wrti Ilnbacb, 624 Wntlilugton I l.KICDl-.SUOO. SitMl.l ork Mkd to trite. , 81. 1.ouU, Mil.l V.8.A. U$3Gr 4Tjat SrAH PWi AW B.A. 1 Reading, Fa., J. O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard' Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA. llarrlsbunr. i'a., O. Keehn, Dounlassvllle. r-i i ,jti r . , ,i K , l I Dr. MAYKKr'ls- at-lintel l'enn, Reading, I i PROPERTY FOR SALE; TREATED, FREEv?acuSr3..lJ i yfttuieJ marv tbonuntl case, Curi. uatlenls pronounced (i.-1 ., by tht.Tt rihvslctant. Tfoio finl dosei tyinptoir- UKJi's'Vhrr? book .f pjr man. u uluuiiuTC. lurl UAIO fMrttUllf-d rni.1. you wl Ul, t.n4 ten cent. In fuiiua to rr ju.ttga vMsurjvn llli. ll Ml. uur.u.'. a nuns, Aiuniji, ua. -A two and one-hair storv double frame dwelling house, with storeroom and res-1 lau.ani j.ocaiea on a asi uenue sireei. -A valuable property located on South Jar, Seven dwe'llne homes at 1he corner of Oil- bert and L,!oyd streets. Ocod Investment, I Terms reasonauie. Ion the 2nd Saturday qf each month, ace, him, ; Call H. R- BRIOKER, M. D.iS L . . - .. a- r it is n i w ill i m ni a nf it k I a ej c . . . . vo. B Kant Centre Btrt; MabunoyCJt: Hkln ontl nit arAAlnl fiimtXMtPM a fmjHii.lt it