The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 19, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 196.
Republican State Ticket.
Auniron ajsxEitAT.i
Belegates-at-Zarge to the Contlltullonal
j. H. poiiBnov, OYnos elder,
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. D. Orecn.
Sheriff Benjamin Smith.
Jura Commissioner MaJ. William
Poor Director George Heffner.
Unexpired Term Harry H. MeOinnis
Constitutional Convention Delegate!.
a.DURD EDWAllDd. Pottsvlllo.
J. II. I'OMKKOY, Shenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mananoy City.
Superintendent R. C. Jaokson, of
the New York division of tho railway
mail Bervlco, writes that the depart
ment baa under consideration tho
subject of a now mall route between
Pottsvllle and Ashlaud, besides many
other advantageous changes. If the
changes are made and they can come
none too eoon they will revolutionize
the service between Pottsvllle and
WHUamsport with great benefit to the
flnriflrtmpnt nnil Mip nilhlin.
The McKinley tarlfl does pay a
bonus to every American worklngman
, in that it excludes, or heavily taxes,
foreign products that come in competi
tion with home products. If these
were introduced free his wages would
', be materially reduced, and in some
branches there would be no employ
ment at all. Some people never think
of these things.
ting parte is a geuuino crustier lorine
tax payers.
I r CENTS for a window shade
1 1 r w'tu fr'nse, others for 65c,
1 I 65o and up. Hhades made
JL y tor stores ami private uwei
ings. A new lot of shad
ings and fringes to match.
Carpet Store, 10 Soulh Jardin St, near Centre
2wo Cars Choice White Oats.
One Car Middlings and Bran.
One Car Chop All Kinds.
One Car Choice New Timothy Hay,
Our best Patent Minnesota
Wheat, and Is equal to any
in the market. Our "NORTU-WESTERN BtAlSY"
ismade of selected spring toJieat and never falls to
r please. Our "RIVERSIDE" Is a popular and high
grade roller flour and
isf action.
In connection wltli Flour wc recommend tlic
UUOIUS15 or 50 poutiuy 01 iiotir Keeps 11 iiKritzmiy
free from dust, dirt, flics, Uugs and mice, and sifts It out
just sib you want to use it.
Our Fresh Creamery Butter.
Our Jsrcsh Roasted Java Coffee
Our Old Apple Vinegar strictly pure.
Our Chipped Beer and Summer Snusagc.
Our Pure Spices for Preserving: and PlclcIIiijr.
Wcoflcr tlic largest assortment of FLOOR Oil, CLOTH
wc ltnve ever had. Sours very linudsomc new patterns in
Tancstrv and Body Brussels
Somebody 1ms bltmdered this year
again. $4,600 and only East Coal
Btreot and Turkey Run to show for It!
Stop tho leak. The BtreetB absorb
more money every year, and there la
nothing to show for It.
The crusher has coat $1,182.08 Hum
far, and for "tho same period $3,289.03
has gone for other street work.
Street repairing comes higher than
street paving.
Street paving Is a permanent Im
provement. Wouldn't $4,500 more than pave
one square.
Can you find 54,600 on the streets?
. Stop the, leak.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which Is guaranteed to bring you Bat
isfaclorv results, or la case of failure a return
of purchase price. On this safe plan you can
buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle ol
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It Is imuranteed to brine relief In everv case.
when used for any affection ofTbroat, Lunss
orouest, such as Consumption, Inuumma
lion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoop
ing Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It lspl.nsanl and
agreeaoie to lasio, penecuy saie, ana can ni
ways be depended upon. Trial bottles free al
V. U. Hageubuch s Drug Store.
Waters' Weiss boer is tho best.
Roifly solo agent
John A
Pay Your Taxes.
Notice is hereby givon that all persons in
arrears for 1880-00 taxes must make settle
ment at once, as the undersigned is deter
mined to mako his collections com pic to in
the near future, oven if arrests must be re
sorted to. Christ. Schmidt,
9-10 tf Tax Collector.
Bring your tickets at time of sitting and
recoiye a 14x17 crayon froo. Roshon
gallery,(iIoflman's old stand). 9-14-Ct
Letter List.
The following letters remain uncalled for
in tho Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa.,
post oiHco, Sopterabor 19, 1891 :
Kelly, Michael
Partios calling for advertisod loiters
should ploaso say "advertisod." Ono cent
will bo chargod on all advertised letters.
II. O. Boyeb, P. M
Buoklon's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cub)
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Ilneum, Fever,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures j-iiws. or no imy requireu. u is guar
anteed to Ktve Derioct satisfaction, or monev
refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale
Dy u. ii. xiagenDucii,
Primo oystors, tho best tho market
affords, always on band at Ooslett's. 8-22-tf
Another Lot
Of second-hand school books, just recoived
from New York Clearing Salo Company
For sale at half price at Max Keo-o's. 9-6-tf
S - AJLiIE.! -
Hour la made entirely of Old
higher priced fancy flour
guaranteed to give entire sat
Whero Thoso Who Aro bo Dis
posed. May Attend. Dlvino
"Worship To-morrow Other
Local Nows.
English Baptist church, South Jardin
street, Rev. II. Q. Jamo, pastor. Tho
rastor will proach at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
in. Morning subject: "Tho Good
Shepherd." Evening subject: "Does God
Punish tho Children for Their Fathers'
Sins." Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Dsacon
John Bunn, superintendent. On Mon
day evening at 7:30 "Tho Young
Peoplo's Christian Union" will moot. On
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock agonoral
prayer meeting.
AH Saints' Episcopal church, Oak stroot,
near Main, Kev. Floyd E. West, rector.
Services as follows: Morning prayer and
litany with reading and sermon, 10:30.
Evening prayer andsormon, 0:30. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Tho rector ofllciatoa and
preaches at tho morning sorvico on tbo
second and fourth Sundays of oach month
and at tho.evoning Forvico on tho first and
third, a lay reader officiating in hisabsonco.
Ebenezor Evangolioal church. Rev. H.
J.' Glick, pastor. Sorvices Sunday at
10 a. m. in Gorman, and C:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All are heartily Invitod to attend.
M. E. churob, R'-v.Wm. Powick, psstor.
Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. Morning subject: "Man's Now
Probation." Evening subjcol: "Prating
Slaves Trenching Liberty." Preaching at
Yatosvillo at 3 p. m. by II. G. Main. Sun
day school at 2 p m., to bo followed by tbo
devotional mooting of thoEpworth League,
Monday evening, biblo study. Thursday
ovenlng, general prayer mooting. Soats
froo. All are welcomo.
P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak
stroots. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m,
and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at (
p. m. ovory Sabbath. Classes meet Tues
day and Wednesday ovenings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. tlenoral prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. II. G.
Russell, pastor.
Preaching in tho Trinity Reformed
church to-morrow morning and ovoning by
tho pastor, Rov. Robert O'Boyio. Every
body wolcoaio.
Welsh Biptist church, cornr West and
Oak streets. Rov. D. I. Evans, pastor.
Services Sunday at 10 a. m, in Welsh
and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at
2 p. ra. Prayer mooting on Monday oven
ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
Services in the Prosbytorian church to
morrow, morning and ovoning, at the usual
hours. Preaching by Kev. William Mo-
Nully, of Pittston. Sunday school at
P. in,
Always go to Coslotl's, South Main
street, for your primo oystors. 8 22-tf
"Hurt Hun No Good."
Two Hungarians of town were injured
by a rall of coal in tbo Turkey Run mino
Thursday afternoon. One of them was
taken to his homo In this town, Tbo othor
was unablo to speak English and could not
give his name or address. No ono ro
oogulzed him and aftor searching somo
time for hi: boarding liouso the ambulance
driver took him to the Miners' Hospital
It is remarkable that a man who cannot
understand tho English language and who
cannot mako himself understood, and who
bat no frlonds to glvo him a couch upon
which to rest when mangled can mako
himself understood and can summon
sufficient influonco to eocure work in tho
Oysters aro in season and the best in the
market are at Coslott's. 8 22-tf
Arrostod at Hazlefcjri."
Hugh Ridley, of Shenandoah, was found
drunk on the railroad near tho upper de-
pot last night by Chief Polgrain. Tho
engineer on the passenger train stopped
and backed up to whero tho man laid,
thinking ho had boen struck. He was
laying on a side track and his head was
within a foot of the rall. lie was sent to
the lookup for five days In default of $5.G0
Uno.'Ilazleton Sentinel.
Merit Wins.
We desire to bay to our citizens, that for
years we have been selling Dr. King's New
kIdb's Now Discovery for Consumption, Dr.
King's New Ijlfe fills, llucslen's Arnica
Halve and Eleo'rlo Hitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or that
bave given such universal fatlsfacilou. We
do not hesitate to guarantee them every
time, and wo stand rcadv to refund tho uur-
cliuie price, If satisfactory results do not fol
low lueir utse. meet) rciuLuies uuvd wuu
their great popularity purely on lueir merits,
U, it. iiagenuucn, uruggisi.
To got flno photographs go to tho Roshon
gallery, No. 29 West Gentro.itreet. (Hoff
man's old stand), 9-M-0t
Prettiest oil cloth In town at 0. D
Frioko's carpet store. 0-18 tf
Mr. Illaino isn'tthe mn to allow him-
solf to bo scared into an untimely gravo.
Tho chiof qualification of tho Demo
cratic nomlnro for Govornorof Now York,
Roswcll P. Flower, is bis "big barrel."
It Is rather queer that tho Prohibit! mbls
as a body haven't como to tho suprortof
Goncral Dyrenforth.
When tho vote of Shenandoah Is counted
n Novombor somobody will feel awfully
Tho Prohibitionists say they will havo a
lively campaign.
Don't fail to piy your taxes in time.
Shenandoah's ch ,ico for City Treasurer
on the Republican tickot in Philadelphia
Go rgo Dv McCreary has boon nominated
and will bo elected.
Botwcon Fassett and Fiowor, for the
Governorship of Now York, tho odds are
in favor of tho young Sonator.
The Chronicle has its hands full between
reading Domocrats out of tho party and
advocating tho olection of Democratic
From allappoarances it socms that Wad-
linger isn't in it this yoar.
Tony Farroll.
Thursday night, Sopt. 21, Tony Parrel)
will appoar for the first limo in Shenan
doab in his latest success, "My Colloon" bj
James A Home, author "Hearts of O.ik,''
otc. Tho pleco is unquestionably tho best
play thU bright author has as yet written.
It is a story of an Irish devil-may-care of
lad's devotion to his family, roplotn with
humor and full of action. Tho climaxes
aro strong and novel, whilst tho sconic ef
fects will oxcol anything thus far pre.onto
in an Irish drama. During tbo porlorm-
anco Tonv Farroll will sing a number of
his songs which havo won for him such ro
nbwn and introduce, with Miss Jennie
Loland, a charming soubrelto, his inimi
lablo piper song to the drains of tho Irisli
Strlko at Moroa.
Thursday morning tho miners and labor-
ors employed in Morca colliery stopped
work owing to a misundorstanding between
tho men and company in roferenco to the
mino supplies. It is said an agroement was
placed beforj the nn-n for thoir signatures
in tho'matter, but to which they refused t
attach their names. Ab a consequenco nil
employed at tho colliery aro idle.
Now Barber Shop.
E G. J. Wadlinger will, on Monday
next, open a barber shop in tho basement
formerly occupied by William Ramer, un
der tho Bobbins' building, at tho corner 01
Main and Oak st' eets. Tho placo will bi.
thoroughly renovatod and refitted with on-
tiro now fixtures. A department for hot
and cold water baths for gontlomon will
also bo arranged. 0 19-lt
Fall Opening
Miss Ella M. McGioness announces tho
opening of a large first-class stock of fall
and winter millinery for ladies, misses and
children at her store, No. 20 East Centre
street. Tho stock is one of tbo largest and
best over brought to this town, having
boen personally selected in tho cities bj
Miss MtGinncss. The prices aro remark
ably low.
Gold paint, enamel paints, and artist-
paints and. brushes wo havo tho largoet
stock our pricos aro away down,
0.19-2t Mobqan's Bazar.
Tho Ivorito Elst6ddfod.
A meeting of the Christmas eisteddfod
committee will be hold this ovenlng, at
8:30 o'clock, at No. 31 East Centre (troet.
By ordor of the prosident.
0 19-lt Evan Bkvan, Soa'y.
Reduced Rates.
Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
announces tho rato of faro for those who
wish to atlond the convontion of tho league
of Republican clubs at Scranton at ?2 85
for the round trip. Tho excursion rate to
Bethlehem during the fair wook will bo
?2 90.
BurohiU's Restaurant.
Charles Buichill U now located at corner
of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah.
Regular meals, at popular prices, served
any timo. Ladles' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 0-l i-tf
Socond hand school books
Bold at Max Roese's.
bought and
The Red Men's Excursion.
The round trip fare to tbo Bethlohem fair
next Thursday, whoa Shonandoah Trite,'
No. 155, 1. O. of R. M will bavo an ox-
curslon will bo $1.75.
Llowollyn Roadyv
Will Llewellyn has posted $5 as a forfeit
for a match of ?50 a eldo with John P.
Cardon In paper hanging and decorating.
It Is understood tho final deposits aro to bo
made to-night.
From Tho Nation's Capitol.
Mr. A. N. Uazen, Washington, D. 0.,8aysr
The Famous lted Flag Oil, Is a perfect family
medlclue, and-uas ne equal lor Itbeumatlsm,
Neuralgia, Sprains, Cuts, Hums, and all
bodily pain. 1'rlce 35 cents. At Klrlln's drug
Four Untypai for 29 cents, fit Dabb's. tf
Ho Bolonged to a Company of Reg
ulars Sont to Pennsylvania Tho
FlBhlag Crook Confederacy
RofdBod to go to the War.
P1TT8T0N, Pa., Sept. 10. Ellas Yonog
of this county is on trial at Wllkosbarro,
charged with the murder of Lieut Stew
art Robinson, which accurrod twenty
seven yenra ago.
The circumstancos attending the kill
ing are as follows: Tho "Fishing Creek
Confederacy, ns It was Milled, was com'
posed of persons, who opposed the projo
cutlon of the war, and when In 16C4 a
draft was ordered it met with opposition
ia that section. Tho draft was openly
Ignored, and the efforts of the United
States officers to enforce It wera eot at
defiance. Armed bodies of men ranged
themsolven against tho authorities and
swore to dlo in their trucku rather than
ao to tho front.
Areglmont of regulars was sont to that
locality with orders to oompoltne dratted
men to join the army. Lieutenant Rob
inson came with the regiment and It was
whllo obeying ordora that ho met his
Shortly after tho shooting, which oc
curred on the night of July ill, 1804,
Young went West, whero ho remained
until a short time ago. As soon ns bis
return beenmo known, Sheriff Robinson.
brother of the young Lieutenant, pro
ceeded to collect evidence that might
lead to his conviction.
Young and two others were arrested,
but tho lattor were released for want of
Bufllclent evidence. Subsequently, upon
tho dying oonfossion of a man who was a
witness of the killing, County Detective
Phillips obtained sufficient evidence to
warrant bliu in taking Young iuto cus
tody. Tho most important ovldenco ad
duced at the trial now (in progress was
given by Dr. John F. Chapln, of Michi
gan, who camo East to testify, bo being
the phy-iclanj who attended Robinson
when shot, and Charles Dobson, who
was also with Robinson when tbo shoot
ing took placo.
It was to the effect that Young hni
said tho day after the shooting that ho
had used Smith's gun on tho previous
night. The defense endeavored to provo
on cross examination that Smith's uncles
wore also charged with killing Robinson
and that the prosecution was a solicmo
to shift tho responsibility upon Young's
shouldors. Tho witnesses, howevor,
stuck to their storlos, their evidenco be
ing unshaken.
A Criminal VlcltH the Lock of Tils Hand
cuffs With H Toothpick.
PrtlLADELriHA, Sep. 19. A toothpick
was tho instrument which aldod Lincoln
Person, a noted desperado, to oscnpe
from his custodian. Sheriff Mlcbaol, of
WHUamsport. A flying leap from a train
on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, moving nt
tho rato of forty miles an hour made the
dash for lllierty 11 successful venturo.
Tho Sheriff had with him besides tho
daring convict a number of other
prisoner, who wore being brought
to tho liastorn ponltontiary in this city
to servo their sentonces. Tho sontonced
criminal in question successfully picked
tho lock of his handcuff with tho tooth
pick, freeing himself from a follow
Ho then mado an unexpected break for
tho door of tho passenger coach which
tho sheriff, deputies and prisoners occu
pied, and leaped from the rapidly mov
ing train before a hand was raised to
prevent blm.
Person is a man who has "dono time"
in many penitentiaries, no was undor
the cbargo of Deputy Sheriff Zoller who
had two prlsonora to look aftor. Sliorlff
Mlcbaol rcceivod his first intimation of
tho escape when he looked out of a
window and saw tbo form of a man fly
ing through the air and then roll over
and over down tho embankment, It
looked like prisonor Person, and hastily
looking around tho shcriil soon saw that
that worthy was missing.
Somo of tho deputies endeavored to in
tercept tho daring man bofore ho had
reached the platform, but wore badly
handlcappod In their efforts on account
of being fettered to their prisoners.
They bad'tho train stopped and tho lo
cality sonrched, but thero was no trace
of tho fugitive. After sounding tbo.
alarm tho trip to Philadelphia was ro-
Sheriff Michael believes that Person
will again bo caught at his old bauuts in
Illg Carrlagn l'aotory Ilurnod.
Beixaiub, Md., Sep. 10. Uollnlro
sustained a heavy loss lait night by tbo
burning down of the llullott Carriago
Factory. Tho building was throo stories
high, and was built with all tbo latest
improvements. Tho machinery nnd con
tents were valued nt $'J3,000, and nre
total loss. Tho 11 ro is supposed to buvs
originated in the paint shop, us the top
of tho building burned first, The fac
tory had on hand 700 orders, and was
turning out wagous of all descriptions
very fast.
Will Try to Output Sucul.
ConTLAm N. Y., Sept. 19. Goorgtj
Stratton, cook at the Messenger House
here, ban signed a contract to autfast
Succi in a public fast exhibition in New
York, commencing next month. Ho
will try to make it fifty days. Ho has
fasted forty days in Buffalo. Stratton
is a light eater. Ha drinks two gallons
of water dally. If ho is successful la his
attempt he will beat the llfty-days'
record at tho World's Fair.
Min H at cue Rich, 01 Ashland, is visit
ng friends in town. t
E Jwsrd.pMiilw, uf Newark. J. is tho'
u. si of town Irictidt. 1
Chief of l'.illoo 1, servi d mb-'
poonas nt Maurh (.hnnk 10-dny.
Mra. J. S. William', of Estl Coal street,'
has given birth to a b,.uncing bo . t
W. L Greon, 111 Now York, reprosont-'
ing the Canadian Pi.cifio Railways, was in 1
town ye'trday.
A E. Ponny, nn ex-policeman of Bal
timore, was shown about tho borough last
night by Chief Ami ur.
Michael Heflron went to Catasauqua this
morning to play a game of ball against tho
iub of that placo with tho Mahanoy City
club. t
C. G. Palmer spoat yestorday at Potts
vlllo, visiting SheritT Lloyd, of Butte City,
who tsTnitlngfhTs; oldSehuyliill county
f.-ionds. .
Dr. Gilletti, tbo Kickapoo Indian modi- '
cinoman, took a flying trip to Frackvillo
this morning In order to mako arrange
ments to show at that place Wcdmsday
evening next.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Davies, cf South
White streot, colebratcd tho 15 h anniver
sary oi their wedding last evening and
entertained a largo number oi friends.
They woro tho rocipionts of a largo num
ber of haiidsomo presents.
Qo for 'em, Boys I
A Shenandoah gentleman gwho passed
through this rlty""this morning, saysHhat
tbjoijdoabUcsjirowilling to back up
their claim with any amount of monov that
the Grant JBand of thBt city is a better
band than our own Third Brigade Band.
" What 'yer given ks?" If this is to ho a
gamoof blutl let tho matter be decided by
a band contest. Thero aro any numbor of
Pottsvillo capitalists willing to contribute
toward a fund for that purpose Wo sug
gestlhata trial contest between the two
bands take placo'at Bn appointed time and
placo on Monumental Day, and that tho
winning stakos bo donatod tho monumontal
und by tho successful competitor. Put up
or shut up. Potlsvilte Hepubtiean. It
will bo observod that Pottsvillo wants tho
money, whother Shenandoah wins tbo
priz , or not. But perhaps tho Grant Band
board of control won't dickor on that
point Tho Third Brigado kopt mum
when tho Lakesido contest was on tho
wing, but soy stakes aro placed and given
to tho monument and tho Lakesido com
petitive pioce is choson, is it.a go?
G. A. R. members who intend going to
Pottsvillo Ocl. 1st, if thoy haven't got tho
regulation cap, should leavo tboir orders S3
early as possible at Morgan's Regalia and
Cap Factory. 9-19 It
A Common tfrenU.
When T T. Darnum was in the museum
business iu Now York one of bis most
jovial friends was Gnylord Clark, a famous
litterateur in tho days of our fathers. They
were a well matched pair of practical jok
ers. Ono day when Mr. Clark droppod ia
at tho museum, ns was his custom, Mr.
Barnum, apparently much excited, hurried
bis f rieml iuto tho private office and said:
"Gaylord, I was about to send for you. I
want your advice. I have a chance to pur
those tho most wonderful of all zoological
freaks. It's at first a perfect flab, then it
changes to n four legged land animal, then
ltclimbs tices and"
"Bab, you're joking," interjected Mr.
"On my honor, I nm not," Impressive
ly replied tho showman; "but tho ex
pense." On, hang tho expense," interrupted.
Mr. Clark, brimful of enthusiasm over tho
business project of his friend; "If you can
get auy such freak as that your fortune's
made. Hut what's the thing callcilf"
"Well," replied Mr. Barnum, with just
the faintest suggestion of a twinkle In his
left eye, "it belongs to tho batrachian fam
ily of animals, and in the vernacular Is
called thtt-tho-tadpolol" Pittsburg Dls
PfAeb Oystors.
Oystors are in season. Go to Schooner's.
Families suppllod. Parlors for ladles. 9-4'tf
Eoglo fountain pen for 10c. Writes as
freely as a ?2.00 pen. Call and boo It.
Morgan's Bargain Bazar. 9-19-lt
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that tbo
name liEssio & Co.. Ashland. Pa., is
printed on ovory 6ack. 3-8-3taw
Y,u aro thinking of taking
in your flowers, and you will
want somo pots. Wo got a
lot of very cheap ones Mon
day, and when you aro ready
to plant don't forgot that you
can get them at
No. 122 North Jardin Street.