The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 18, 1891, Image 2

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    - rnt'Mi a Nmv Indian hack.
Tho Chief of thn Labrador Expedition In
Willi Sntlflcd.
Halifax, N. S., Sep, 18.-Prof,,
chief ot tho Bowdoln College Labrador
expedition, expromes himself' ni bcin
more than hiUIbHwI with this! rosuft of
tlio oxpedltlon. IIo hndolved tllo (im'a
tton ot tlio existence and size of tlio
Qrand Falls ot Labrador, and found a
race of MoutnKiinls Indians never bcrTo
Xtiown to white men. Tliclr ohnrac! er
istics wore noted andthoy were meaiurfd
na to height, breadth and shouldurs,
height of head, form of nose, natur" ot
earn and dhtance botweentlm eye. Thene
measurements will be shown upon charts
at the World's I'nlr, and will demon
ptrnte how this trllw differs from all
othor Indian races.
l'rof. Kee nnd tho other members Of
the expedition left for Rockland, Me.,
thla morning.
"Window Olim Wnrlcorn nnd llnnnon Agree,
iiikI Wink Will Ho Itoammed.
Pittsbdiio, Sep. IS. At n conference,
last evening between the window glass
manufacturers and a commltteo repre
senting the workers, all difference! wero
mnlcably settled.
The workers withdrew tholr domand
for an advance In wugos, nnd tho manu
facturer's agrcod to pay last yoar's
The fires will lie lighted and work be
gin In the window glon factories at an
early date; the oxact date, however, will
bo detetmined at a meeting of manufac
turers to bo held within a tow days.
To llo Treated Tor llrnln Trouble,
"Washington, D. C, Sep. 18. Com
mander Augustus G. Kollogg, of tho TJ.
S. Navy, lately on duty at League Island
Navy Yard, has been removed to St.
Elizabeth's asylum for treatment for
brain trouble. A board of physlolans
who had examined his case rcportod that
his condition unfitted him for active ser
vice. Tho present troublo is Bald to be
due to overwork.
Thr efforts to reconcile Bismarck and
Emporor William have failed.
Balmaccda is said to have arrived nt
Meudoza, Arguntlmo Hopubllc.
Silver ore of rich quality has boon dis
covered near Nowton, Conn., it Is said.
Frod S. Kammerer of Clovolnnd, O., in
a drunken fit yesterday, shot and killed
his wife.
Emperor Wllllam'sspecchto tho troops
Erfurt has caused much Indignation In
There are many cases of typhoid fever
in Now York city, a number having
proved fatal.
Tha Treasury Department, yosterdny,
poidout $1012,000 on account of, pen
sions, making in all, this mouth,
Secretary Blaine attended tho wedding
yesterday at liar Harbor of Mrs. Mablo
Hunt and Horatio Slater, the millionaire
of Webster, Mass.
The German Baptist Jubilee Confer
ence at Williamsport, Pn., elected Itov,
L. II. Bonner of Pittsburg moderator for
tho ensuing year.
Tho Fuerst Bismarck has broken tlio
record between Now York and South
hampton. Tho time was 0 days, 13
hours and 88 minutes.
Editor Harris, uf tho Bocky Mount
(N C ) Plalndoalor, has been left $100,
6l)0 by the will of a Northern stranger
who ho conducted upon several hunting
trips last fall.
Tho retirement of Jore Dunn and Dick
llocho from tlio Granite Athletic Club
of Hoboken Is said to havo been causod
bv dissatisfaction over the decision ot
the former In tho Glbbona-McAuHffq
fight. . .
Wuutlier Indications.
WAsniaTo, Sep. 18. For Now Englaud:
Pain south westerly whirls.
Kor,liistoni Now York: Fain warmer, south
westerly winds.
For Now Jorsoy: lulrj slightly warinor,
outhwcwterly winds.
l-or liastora l'onnsylvanla: Fair; warmer,
except itntlonury temperature, la tho central
poitlon; southwesterly winds.
For Western New York and Wostern Penn
sylvania: (.lean soutnwostuny wind no
change In temperature.
Nkw Tome Sep. 17. Money on eah oosr
leaning at uuu u per uenu
4 IK 1TO1 Itetr W
1801 Coup 100
s, 1U07 1(0 11TH
t, 1U07 Coup 117
Canadian TacUlo U0
Central 1'acifio a-JW
CulcHgo, llur. & Qulncy OUJj
lielawarc & Hudson lau
DuU, Lack. & Western UIJi
Krle l!H)i
i:riopior ir.
ljtko Shore 110
louls. Nash HO
Mlchleran Ccntrnl 101U
.Missouri Paclllo 74H
hew Jersey Central HWj
Nortliwofltern ll'JM
Oregon Navigation 70
l'uclllo Mull SHM
ltoucilnir 37
Hock I.laiid S'jl!
Rt. Paul 71U
Union l'uclllo 4 itl
Western Union 81 Hi
Corn opened woak. but rail lod heforo olosa,
o. 3, mixed, bti: Dot. (ilH; Deo. Si).
Uats l'ulrly uotlvo and steady. No, 4
muod 34a':l: Oct. 3)i.
Wbeat--.Market ooene-1 Btroni and at clou
wa;o,d : No. a, lied wliitr. 10M: Oct.
i0J4t: lieu. 107H-
Cnamury. Stato 4 I'enn.. extras. 25 aa25lo.
(.'ruuinery. vrsurn, firsts 'J I o.all o
Croamory, westorn. nooondi IS a.ulSO o
Utato dairy, n. f, tubs. oitriu,.,,21 o,aU o.
N. y. State, new laid, ner doi...,qni0.a21 a
l'enn.. now laid 'JOVjo.a'.'l o
Western Norlliwustern. ooa to
prune , 13 aio
Jersor Uow. pur bbl V.'uil SI
BHeot imiatow, Vu., cnolco 1 70u'J 00
lavii 1'oulthv-
rjprlntr ohiekous. ctioloo. larire perlb. . 13 a
bpriUK cuieko is. orimo alW
luwu,Jemey.Stutu&-fa., perlo all
Turkeys, miie.l uolirbts. uorlb. 13
bpV clik's, 1'lnuL, liii lbs to pair,, .,17
J'rsutis -
ild. & Del,, yellow, choice, per bask,, 00a
Md. & Pol., ml liuit. c&oico. busic.,., uua
Jersey, naw, per bukut ,,, 70a
Md. ii llet, oholoe. perorate., o
Wyajk or UoUaoJ f ipvlo. p d..h,bLlro x&l 6)
In I &
Tim Lntwt Iad.
Mm. Fomndrcd -IWnrlo, I neo ,by tho
Society WcdUly that tha latent fad
among fnsUonnblc people1 Is to bffcloi
rnestlc, nod nppoar on tho avenuo In.
mntrtonly gnrb, boliind baby carriages.
MnUl fes'm. ,
Mrs. Fottmdred Go nt bnco nt Pink
ferns nnd order mo a costumo suitable
for that purpose. Then stop nt Spoko
fihnro'B nnd order mo tho most cxpen
bIvo baby carriage they hnvo. Noxi
stop nt Mndarao Makeuppo's nnd toll
her to send mo nn nppropriato com
plexion nnd svdtnblo hnlr.
Maid Yes in, but the bryiy
Mrs. Fornndrcd Order ono. N. 'Y.
Weekly. .
The KucmirAgompnt-fif Gnltnre. -
"Jlay I venture to hope, Miss llcncon-
wealth?" naked Mr. Wabash, with a
world of western wistfulnoss In his
'Hope!" replied Miss Ilencomvcalth,
'Is a happy uttributo of tho human nice,
Then I may hope," tho youth re
peated enjrcrly.
1 win about to add when yon bifur
cated my utterance, Mr. WabaSh," sho
continued, In -old, clean-cut Ibsen
tones, "that tho sntno sanguine temper
ament, which Induces you to hope will
enable you to sustain tho eventual cer
tain disappointment." N. Y. 'rcler.Taitt.
11U Appcttto Unimpaired.
Boy (with basket) Please, mum, givo
mo somo dinner for my poor, sick
father. ,
Kind Lndy Look here, Pro boon (riv
ing you dinner for your sick father for
two weeks, nnd I saw him yesterday in
Nio street, and he Is no moro sick than I
Boy Yes. mum, ho isn't sick any
more but ho eats Just tho same as over.
Texas Siftlngs.
Not Lovp, but 'Lasses.
Tho hour was lata For ton mlnu te
neither said a word. Then she spoke:
"We mado molasses candy to-day."
"Y-yes," he faltered; "I'm Bltttnn on
some and can't (ret up." N. Y. Herald.
Know Himself.
Cloverton Well, old man, where do
you expect to pass tho summer?
Dnshnwny (sorrowfully) Walking
Vack from the raco-track. Judjrn.
Intelligence Counts.
"Did you tell that man I'd prone to
Ban Francisco, na I told you to, James?"
"Yes, sir, I told him you started this
That's a good boy. And what did
he say?"
"Ho wanted to know when you d be
back, nnd I told hlin 'after lunch,' sir."
Harper s Bazar.
Far the llest of Itraions.
"Keep your face townrds tno-foo
always, my son."
"Why, father?"
"Then you'll never be shot in tlio
back." Munscy's Weekly.
Great I.uck.
Jones (just cached the fishlnjr-
jrrounds) What kind of luck nro you
havin', Brown?
Brown First-rate. Been hero an hour
and hain't fell in yet. Judge.
Salo bills nre turned out at this oillce
at the shortest notice.
Swift's Specific is tho great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions; it stimulates tho skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child-
( ran equal to 3 S
Bend for our treatise on Blood ntl
Skin Diseaeei.
Bwut Srxarta Co., Atlanta, O
I Cnallv. Ouloblv. PAtmanantlv Restored.
' Veukneii, NerTonmciii Debility, and all
the train of cvlU from early error or lator oicesw.
trougUi. dorelopmentt and tono rItgd to every
organ and portion of tho body, tiliuplo, natural
methods, lai mediate lmproToment aeen. Fall are
ImpoaMbie. 3,000 references. Uook, ezplanauom
ad proofs mailed (aealed) free. Address
and will ever bo tho
Komody for
rinnf Tn4liionnn. T-ioltaohO.
BPalns in tuo biue, Oiioot tad'
Joints, Nouraigia, uprains, o
Beforo you aeed to tnyj cotala
m-criVfs OP CHAHCE-C
the vtluablo booki "QnlJo to Hp alth." with J
P. endonemen'sof prominent pajBlolaaB,
n n nimiTrn P. tin .
nUs MWi I Kit Gb bUi.S
310 OroatiwnYi
n-vi toisu.
Prize Medals tMM
r iaropeanHonsel jweo:itnt,jictiT)B,
llarnmbsre, Eoavttln. Lslinlo.
50 Oents a bottle, For Salo by
x. i. i. iciiiriiv,
C . II. II VtiilJNUT'fll,
M. tllli;nM l
mm e
It w
ai I
Rl H
The Now Ynrlcs Win n Game from Chicago,
A Tie (Jump nt Ilonton.
' AT BOSTON, f . '
noston 3 Di 1
0 0 0 4 0-7
0! 2 0 1 0-7
Batteries Staloy andaanicllj
lviti and
Cahio called on account of darkness.
at rniLADBLrnuOt
Philadelphia 1 3 0 0.0
0 3
0- 0
0 4
Cincinnati 1 10 0 0
1 0
HntterlMi Oleasou nnd Drown:
lane and Harrington,
at Brooklyn!
Brooklyn 0 0 0 .1-1
Cleveland 1 0 0 4 0
Batteries Inks and D.illri
0 0 1
0 0 0
0- o
1- 0
AT NKW Tonit.
New .York ,,.0 2 1 0 0 0 0
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o 3
0- 1
Dntterios-Uuslo and Duckloyj Victory and
National League lleoord
fltihj. TTon. Vntl. Ct
Chicago... 70 40 .033
lloston... ,.70100 .583
Now York, n.') iO ,55S
l'hila'ptua.OS 37 .621
Won. (. (Tl
Cleveland. SO 09
I'ittsburg.fil 07
llrooklyn. 53 08
Clneln'atl.ia 74
American Association Game
Columbus ,.,0 0 0 2 0 0 4 O
0- 0
llOStOll.,, 2 0 13 3
3 0 2 x 13
. natterlos
Lolperand Dowjo:
DuISuton and
Mllwsukeo ,,,.4 2 2 4 0 1 0 2 1-10
Ualtlmoro ....... ..0 0100230 0-0
Batteries-Kllleenand Vauglini Jloaly, Van
Haltren and Townsond.
Loulavlllo, 0 203 0 300 i-O
VaehltiKtoo.,...,U 0000000 2-2
Ilattorlos-Cursoy andSutclIire: 8tratton and
EtLouIs 0 80 i 0001 1-6
Athletic 0 000000 2 0-2
Iluttorlos Ilottgor and Uoyle: Bowman and
American Association Iteoord.
Clubs, iron. tMtL Tt
Do3ton....84 37 .0t4
Bt. Loula..7U 44 .037
Ualtlmoro 07 54
AtblotIo,.03 59 .521
CtubK to it, ct
Columhus..59 70 .457
Mllwuuk'0,55 08 .4 47
liOU'vlllo... 44 79 MS
Wash'toa,.40 70 .330
Kattorn Association.
Lebanon 2 0 1 0 2 3
Albany 0 0 0 0 0 0
0- 8
0- 0
Batteries Goodall and Sago; Dovlla and
At troy.
Troy 0 0 0 0 0 0
Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 101
0 0 113
Battorlos-Stalb and Wells;
Koo ugh .
Daisy and Mo-
A Farmer Who Wrote to Superintendent
1'orter to Mind Ills Own Affairs.
Council Bluffs, la. , Sept. 18. A. S.
Bradley, who owns a farm In Taylor
county, on which thore is a mortgage,
received a blank from tho Consus Depart
ment asking for particulars. IIo refused
to respond, but, instead, sent a letter to
Mr. Porter, at Washington, tolling him
to mind his own affairs.
Bradley's letter was forwarded to the
Federal authorities in Iowa, resulting in
his arrest. Commissioner Hunter of this
city held him in tho sum of $200 to await
tho action of tho Federal Grand Jury.
An Insane Juryman. . Q
Mat's Landing, N. J., Sop. 18. While
serving as a juror at tlio present term ol
tho Atlantic County Court here, John
Saunders of Plcasantvlllo, ono of tho
most prominent young business men of
this county,suddenly becamo n roving
inaniaa and was taken to tho Stato In
snno Asylum nt Trenton yesterday.
Saunders had Borvod on several juries
and showed no signs of insanity. It is
reported that an attempt will be made to
set asldo tho verdict of the juries on
which he served, claiming that he was.
insane at the tlmo wuon be sat.
fler-rimnn YIcU In I'lnuuelnl Trouble.
EociiESTEn, N. Y Sen. 18. The Flour
City Hank has levied on tho property of
tho James Vick (seodsmon) corporation on
a chattel mortgago for $-15,003 held as
collateral security. An application for a
receiver will Immediately bo made, and
tho corporation will bo dissolved. Tho
liabilities will amount to botweou $175,
000 nnd $200,000, and assots will cover
more than liabilities. James Vick will
continue tho business on a smaller scale
under his own name.
The Now Irish Kntlonul Party.
New, York, Sop. 18. The leaders of
the new Irish National Federation held a
conference hero last night to dovlso
means for organizing a now party toman
out a plan of action In tho Presidential
campaign of 1803. Kncouraging letters
from all parts of tha country were read
and committees wore appointed to con
sider plans of organisation.
A Costly Attempt at SinuBgllnc.
Baltimore, Sopt, 18. Goods valued nt
J-1G0 were seized from George II. Buss ot
Illinois, n passenger on tho steamship
Habsburg, who said he was bringing
thorn to this country ns presents for
friends. The goods were confiscated and
Mr. Buss was lined nnothor $460 for at
tempting to brlnii la gooJs without pay
ing tho duty thereon.
Johnnie Kutenn Is Stilt Allvo,
Bavonne, N. J., Sopt. 18. Little
Johnnlo Keegnu, tho 0-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. K. egnn on -lUth street, who
was horribly bitten by Jnniei OUlen't
bull-dogs on Tuesday, Is nllvo to-day, but
is in great pnlu and by no means out oi
danger. Ills right cherk is horribly
torn tviu tne eye uau is mid bare.
Warm AVeatber In thn Wuu
Minneapolis, Sep. 18. Iioportu from
all parts ot the Dnkotns and Aiinuesot
Indicate that tho weather continues ex
troniely warm. In many places yester
day the mercury reached 05 In the shade.
Wodnosday wns tho hottest day in Sep
tember ever known iu tbii locality.
President l'nlk Donles a Report.
Kansas City, Sep. 18. L. L. Polk,
president of tho National Furmcra' Al
liance, while In this city on route to Iowa,
emphatically denlod the report that he
narrowly escaped a coat of tar and feath.
era Wednesday In Wichita at tho hands
ot an enraged crowd ot ux-Uniou soldiers.
Six Yours For Murder.
Bostok, Sep, 8. Maurice Connors hns
been sentenced to six years in Stato
Prison lor manslaughter In killing
Michael Brenuahun, during a row.
A. n Ilcnn",nu,,l"I,'1, 1 THK WII0Ut SVSTK TO rEltl'ECT HEALTH.
effective cSrtio'uso Hoofland's Pod o p hy 1 1 i n Pi I Is
8m Tliouijlit He UaU lleen IvIeVod to
lleutli, llut lis Hadn't.
; 'Mr. T, received n nlssaso from hlf
wife tolling him "to hurry home quick,
that tho horse had kicked Sam to
dentil," "says"luo Birmlugfiam"(Ala.)
Newi, Mr. T. rushed homo and, fouud
that his Iwrpe had kiolred (Snm. the col
ored hoiitler, in the rrfglon of tho 'stom
ach, nnd ho looked like a dyinrr man.
dam thought ho was going to dlo and be
gan to unburden hls-slu'ladon soul:
"Marse John, I'se gwlne ter die, but
befor' I go I want ter tell yer whar yer'll
find tint bran new bridlo yer bought do
odor day and what yer thought somo
nig'fror had stolen it'frup in de loft klv
erod wid hay. And yer rieoUect dat
new lap robo tint yer thought fell out
'or do karrldffo dot's under do front
do'step. -An'de olo phtul wat was In
do buro' draw, you'll And dat in my
And various and sundry other things
that had been missed at different times
wero mentioned by Sam and their
Whereabouts disclosed. When Sam had
confessed his misdeeds ho seemed- to
grow better confession is good for tho.
pody as well as tho soul.' . IIo- finally
recovered, but now moves about the
premises with a penitent air.
Mr. T, thinks he has. a valuable
horse, which can thus kick a man in
tho stomach and make him disgorgo o
lot of stolen property.
Royal Gifts.
Tho finest sables In tho world ar
owned by tho czarina of Russia and tho
duchess of Edinburgh, who inherited
thoso belonging to her mother, the!
mother of the czar. Tho favorito bridal
gift of the Hussion empress is ono of
furs, and fortunate, indeed, are the re
cipients of tho splendid specimens she
bestows. When tho Princess Alexandra
of Qreeco wedded the Grand Duke Paul
of Eusslo, tho czarina ecnt thrco dress
ing gowns of fur to prevent the fragile
bride experiencing 111 effects from the
change of cllmatd. One robe was of
sablo fastened down tho front with skt
clasps of real pearl, another of silver
fox trimmed with bullion-gold cords,
and the third of blue fox, tho rarest fur
in .the world, confined with a girdloof
To Continue the Investlcntlon.
Philadelphia, Sep. 18. At a meeting
ot the Committoo of Fifty a resolution
was adopted authorizing tho Secretary of
the Treasury to draw upon tho commlt
teo for funds up to $5,000 to continue the
investigation of tho Keystone Bank fraud
until Congress ca n make an appropria
tion to reimburso the committee.
Ward of
disease by removing tho causo of it.
It's with tho liver or tho blood, nino
times out of ton. A sluggish liver
makes bad blood and oad blood
makes trouble. Dr. Pierco's Gold
en Medical Discovery makes pure
blood. It invigorates the liver and
kidneys, rouses every organ into
healthful action, and cleanses and
renews tho whole system. Through
the blood it cures. For Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous,
fakin and bcalp Diseases even
Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in
its earlier stages, it's a oertain
Nothing else is "just as good."
Anything "just as good" could bo
sold just ns this is. It's tha only
Diooa-punlier that's guaranteed to
benefit or cure, in overy case, or the
money is rctunucu.
Tho catarrh that isn't enred cost3
$500. Not to you, but to tho pro
prietors of Dr. Satco's' Catarrh Rem
edy. Thoy promiso to pay you tho
iiiuuuy, ii you n.ive an mcuruuiu
Thoy don't believe that you have
Bank Countors, Tyler System, Port-
amo, unoquaioti in stylos,
Cost nnrl Plnleh.
110 TttS ClUloiciis of fouilrra. Dnkft 111.. Ululrlted la
Colon, RcoW, Fro Pc.l.ij Mt.aU.
Also Tyler's Itoyai
Onlee lleks and Type
writer l ublncn, SiOO
Hlvlcs. llest anil cheap
est on earth, with groat
reduction in prices.
ISO ig CkUlotfus Fret,
robtas Is rU. full Use o, tlialra, TiUri, Hook
run, l.H.tlH 111..!
loMiirL. tlr. slift,ols olock
Sii.fI.I wurk nado la nrd.r.
alLKli JJli!lk.t;U.. Ht. l.OUls, AIO,. U.H.41.
'.xtcuieii nu,y iii.unm ' y luil- iucuu prorou
inlets i'V tlie i im i 1 i tii fiii doM tvimi
, i li llsaii .if, mil' i. ' - at .t-at two-thUdK of a!)
vnifHon 4re r--n ' ' it FHF ROOI; of IWr
ZZZfJZ Ttlt M x Y.riX! FREE Sftt!
clear riin rosirr.Kxiojf.
IlKirlllTRFl Till! EYES, x
ll.T?nnT. AVTfi nuTT T.fVIMr imn iinw,n
Tones up your system and
gives you an appetite that a
lumberman might envy.
Cures dyspepsia, stomach
troubles, constipation, and
liver or kidney diseases. In
addition to this it cures all
skin affections and the moro
violent blood troubles.
Effects are immediate and
cures permanent.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Your trade is what we
This is how we propose
to get it.
By Belling you- a flret
class article; by selllugyou
for less than others; by
Felling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
in the line of household
Wo havo a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and lie
J. P.
South main St.,
she nsrjsru o-A-uhc.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
IlIAY 10, 1891.
U.n..n... f mlna mill lun. In,
Maucu Chnuk, lelilebton, Blatlngton, Cats-
oauqun. viicLiiutv ai, aaciaiiouBiai, auaaau, araaaa-
udelphla and Mew Vork at 5.47, 7.40, 8.08 a. m.,
14.0, O.IV, 0.4Q I. ill.
For Belvldere. Delaware Wntei Oao and
atrouasourg ai 0.17, a. m.,ana o.m p. m.
a-ua uuiuuG.iYuiu ivuu Aacuaaiu, aa, aaa.
For White Haven. Wilkes-Barre and Pitts-
ton 6.47. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 3.10 and 628 n. m.
i or Tunanannocit, iu.ii a. m., a.iu ana o.aj
. ra,
I." . ...... T.V.nMA. rlnAn ...... ...... T nn
i ui auuuiu. iiiitwa, ucuoyi. aaaava aaaau ajjr aaaio
1u.11 a. ra., ana 0:1 p.m.
ror iiacfly vine, xowanaa, oayre, waveny,
Chicago and allToluU West at 10.41 a. m.,tuid
5J28 p. m.
For J- Imlra and tho West via Halamanca at
3.10 p. m.
r or Aaaeaneu. iiameion. Diocnuin. ijnm
her Yard. Woatherlv and Fenn Haven Juno
tlon at 6.47, 7.10, 9,08 a. m. and 12.62, 8.10 and
5A p. m.
ror jeanesvine, ijevifiton ana Heaver
Meadow. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 5.M o. m.
ForBorantonat6.47 9.08. 10.41a. m. 8.10 and
p. III.
For Haile Brook. Jeddo. UrlRon and Free
land at 6.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 122 3.10 and
5.28 p. m.
3.10 d. m.
For Wlgeans, Gllberlon and Fraekville at ana tun a. ra., ana 4.10 p. m.
. ui i aaacaTaaio, afaaaaiaaaiuj aviajr aauaa aCiaaaiu.
5.47. 7.40. 9X8. 10.41. 10.68 a. m..l& 8.03.
V jif anu iv.i p. 111.
For ixt ureeK. .iiraravine ana Aeniaua
1.,, i,iv,imm, .V.111 a., aaa., a.w, a.y, s.av, 'Jio,i.
9.1U UUU p. III.
For Darkwater, St. Clair and PotUvllle,
7.40, was a. m., litaJ, 8.10, 4.10, e.20 ana 8.1
hoi iiucK oionntain, JNew uoawu ana
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.63 a. 11... 12.52. 3.10. 6.28 and
3.03 p.m.
For Haven Hun. Centralla. MU Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
Trains leave Bhamokln for Shenandoah
7.55 115 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. ra., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.32, 3.10, 6J28 and
11.1a p.m.
For Lost Creek. Ulrardvllle and Ashland
1.50. 9.10 115 a.m.. 2.45 d. m.
ror uarawaier. 01. ajiair ana roiiaviue,
-jju, o.vii, ou n . iu., ,-1 p. ill.
For Yatesvllle, Wahanoy City and Delano,
J 1.1 11 .. ... 1 J n 1 .11 000.. .
jAv, aaiu n , . 1 1 , , . , . u , j.ij u.m. p. ait.
For Lofty, Audenrled and llaileton, 8.0c
aa iu., i.w p. un
For Alanch Chnnk. Lehleliton. Blattntton.
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, K&ator
ana new lore, o.uo a. m,, l.iu p. m;
For VhlladelpUla, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l FaxK, Aet., Bethlehem,
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent
OFFICE BEDnALia Bdildino,
Cor. Mln and Centra Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA,
I A two and one-half etory double framo
aweinuK uuuso, wun sisre-roora anarea
laurant. i.oeaiea on f ast uentre street,
W-A valuable property located on South Jar
um street.
S Seven dwelling- houses at the corner of Gil
bert nnd Lloyd streets. Good Investment.
xerms reasonaoie.
Williams & Bro.,
Philadelphia and Beading fiailroad
Tifne TnbU n effect July 10, 1S91
.For New York Via 1'hiladelnhla, week days,
2.10 S.23, -7.a a. -m. and 12 93 2.60 and 6.GS
. m. uonattyz.iu ana 7,48 a. m. or JNew
nrlr. win Mn.i. n...w . w cor
.SO, a. m. and 12.35 and 2.60 p. m.
rur iwwumg ana rnnnaoipniu weeK aay,
10. 0.25. 7.131. fl-'m.. VW and R nilll.
i nnday, 2.10 and 7.18 a. ra.. Unm.
rn . HariUbute. woefe daj-in a.
0, 5.65 p, ra.
nr A1'0BUWn wee!f dayii, 7.20 . m., 125
.otlBi11?l weelc aaygj 2.U',7.S,(. rn.,
12.33 2.M i ana 6.65 p. w. Sunday, 2 10 ana7.18
Kor TaniHona and Mahanoy Olty. weok
jays, 2.10, 6.2S, 7.20. a. ni., 12.31 2.50 nna 6.6a
n. in. nuuuiiy, xauana .SB a. ro., 4.II0 p. m
Addltlonia) wr Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
1 uu
Kor Lancaoter and Columbia, week iIbto.
Mb. m., 2.60 p.m.
i-or v nuamiiori, eunDury ana ixjwikuurt,
co& days, 3.25, 7.20 and 115 a. m., 1,85, 7.UJ
in. ouuuar .1:21 . m-, a.vo p. in.
Kor Mahanov ilnne. week auvrt. 2.10
'JR. T "11 mill IIHfl u m 1 3 it HI, C ftC
.OUano '..u 'in. Buuday, 2 10,' andi.ii
JU. 1,1'?, l. IU.
For Glrumvllln (Kannnhannnok Hljillnul
.ic days. 2.1H, 3.23. 6.23, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.,
V2M. 1 SS, 460. 6.R5. 7.00 and B.25. D. m. Bundavl
2-10, 2 ., 7.18 a. m., 3.05, 1.30 p. m.
"or .uniana ana tsnauioKiu, irece aay,
Ui, 5.25, 7.20, 11.3-J.a. m., 1.33, 7.00 and ,
IU, C1U11UH o.A J, O iU n. 111., d.uo p. m e
Leave Nbw York via Phllarlnlnhln. vrak
lays, 7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.16
ikuu ouauay, o.uu p. III., 12.10 nignb
Loavo Now York via Mauch Chunk, week
lays, 4.33. 8.45 n. m 1.00 and -1.0) p. in.
lcave i'hUaaelpbta. wees: aays, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 8.00 p. m from liroaa
la.1 Callowhill anil 8.3.5 a. in. and 11.30 p. m.
from Hthanc ureen etrcets. Bunday lt.03 a.
m. 11.10 p. m. from Otn and ureen.
Leave Heading, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.05
tnd 11.50 a. in.. 5.55. 7.57 d. m. Hundav anc
m.ii a. m.
Lieave 1'otlavlUo, week days, ?,.K, 7.40 a. in.,
4.30. K.ll n. m. Hnmlnv. 2.40. 7.00 n. ni. anrl
116 ... ui.
oavoTaniaiua, week days, 3.50, 8.48 and
2 1 a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and 11.18 n. m. Bunaav 8AO
43 a. ra, and 'i50 p. m.
ave Mahauoy City, week days, 8.10, 9.18
ud 11.47 a m.. lJil. 7.42 and B.41 t. m. Hun.
lay , 8.40,8.17 a. in., 3.20 p. ra.
Leave Mahahov Plane, week davs. 2-40. 4.C0
130,9.33. 11.69 a. m.,1.05, 2.08. 5-20, 81i6,7.67, and
i.iiif i. iu. ounuayz.17. s.uu, ana 0.21, n. m.
5.01, p. m.
ave Glrardvllle (Knnnataannock Htatlonl
veek days, 2.17, 4.07, 6.SB, and 9.41 a. m., 12.05,
.12, d.o, g.u, o.uj ana iu.uo p. m, ounauy, z,s,
0', 8.33 a. m. 141, 6.07 p. m.
Ij.n.rA tI7lllln.nh... OmiO JSn
11.55 a.m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.15
Tor Baltimore, Washlneton and tho -west
la Si. A O.K.. It., thrnnah Inalnn InavA alrtLTA
ivonue station. I'hlladelphlo, (P. K. K. H.)
ti., oui anu a. m., 11, 0.00 ans
'.23 p. m. Bunday, 4.16 6.02 11.27 a, m 4.24
exj aim t.&a p. in.
Icavo e hlladelnlila. Cbestnut Btreet Whai t
ana aouih atroet Whart.
For Atlantic Cltv.
Week-dsys EinresB. 8 00. 9.00 a. m. 2.W1.-
O.W. ..-V, U.W M. SI, ADDUIlliaQuRllUQ, I.1US,
ra. ana 4.15, 0 30 2. ra.
auacuyo. express, 8.00, 9.00 a. m. Ao-oommn-milon,
a.OU a. m. and 1.45 p. m.
Hcturning, leave Auanuo city, aepot
Mlantlo and Arkansas svenuea. Weokla a
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. nnd 8.16, 4.00, 6.30
p. 111. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.S0 p. in, Bnndays-Uxpress, 4.00, 8 00 p. m.
Accommodation. 7.30 a.m. nndS.Uo p. m.
U. CI. HANCOCK, Uen'l fiuia'r Aet.
v. A. MCLEOD. hrea. A Uen'l Manager.
1rt atitt nrtft Seitember 1, 1891, (rains tUI leau
anenanuoan as ouou-s;
For Wljtan, Gllberlon, Fraekville, New
Jkistle, Ht. Clair, and nay points, 8.00, P.l J
laa aiuaa a.a-. 1 au.
anuaays, uuu, u.tu a m ana i.l 0 p m.
For I'ottuvllle. 8.0U, 9.10 u m and 4. 15 p m
(jcudays. (XXi, (1.40 a m and 3.10 r m,
For Reading, 8.00, a in and.4.15 011
SandayB, 000,9.40 a.m. and 3.10 pm.
For Pottsloivn. Piioenlzvllla,. NorrtRt-,-in
and PhUudelnhla (Broad street station-. &.0U.
a. m, and 4,15 p m week days
-tucauys, vju, v.w a m tf.iu y m
Trains leave Fraekville lor Shenandoah si
.40 am and 12.14. 7.42. 10.09 o m. Bundava.
1.13 a in and 5.40 p ui.
Leave roiuvuie mranenandoah, 10.15 and
1.43. a ru 7.15. 9.42 D m. Bunilavs. 10.40 a rn
5.15 p ra.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station),
for Poltovllle and Shenandoah, 6.67, 8 35 a m
40 and 7.00 p mweek days. Bundai 0.50. and
".S3 ara
aor JNew York. 8.20,4.06, 4.40, 6.36, H.60, 7aS0
4.IU8.UU1 J.00. ll.OOand 11.14. 11.S5 am. 12.00noniy
'Umltod exr.T6S3, 1.08 4.50 u m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.417,
1.80. t.20, ..02 1,6,(1.2), 8.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p.
m, 12JH nmut. '
nn Baauays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40. R.85. 8.12, 8.30, 9.50,
1133 a rn. and 1221, 12 41, 230, 4.02, (limited,
l.-,, 1. 1 i, , 1 . 1.1 u III IU1U 1 VI nitiuip
For Sea Glrt.LonirBrancli and Intermediate
stations 4,03, 8.60, 8.25 and 11 89 a. m., 6.40, 3.80,
4.10p. ra. weekdays, saurdays only 5 00 p.
For Baltimore and Waslilntrton. 3.50. 7.20.
9.10 and 11.18 a. m., 4 41. 6.57, 7.10 p.m. and 12.03
night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. in., 12 35 (I'mlted
express with dining car to Baltimore) 1.30, 3.48
p. rn. week days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01
wees days, 6.08, 11.80 p. ra, dally.
ror mcumona, v nj a.m. ana nigm
dally, 1 30 p. m. dally, except Sunday.
.iruiua leave xiarribouri: lor rmsuurit ana
he west every day atv.asand 8.10 a m and
LOU (limited) and 3.40. 8 30. 0.33 d m. Wnv fnr
Altoona. la a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For I'ltusrjurg only, 11.20 a m dally aud 10.20
m week days.
Leave HunDury ror wiuiamsport, Elmlra,
uiandalzua. Rochester. BuOaloand Nlarnrs.
'alls, 5.10 a m dally, and 1.42 pm week dy,
i ui vui&ujs, D.OU p iu wwis aays.
For Krle and Intermediate nolnts. 6.10 am:.
.tally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.66 a m.
-tally, 1.42 and 6.30 p. m. week days. For
tttnova 6.10 a in l.t,2 and 60 p m week dayr,
1.10 a. in Sundays.
Gen. MaDf Gen. Pass. Act,
aimeiooie mrnea May. 10, isvi.
Trains leave Readlnir IP. & 11. station) for
Gibraltar, Seyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Spring
field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.Wciit
ajuesier,ajiiausioru junction, ll. A u. junction,
yv iiiuiugauu uuu luienneuiaie siaiions, uai
except Sunday, at 8.25 and 8.30 a.m,
u. ni. Bnndav only at 8.05 u. m.
ror waravica, aujreiers ana iniermeaiate
statlons,dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
O.10 p. IU. duuukj- vuiy O.lO H. III.
For Blrdsboro and lntermedbita stations.
Satnrday only, at 12 m. fH
f or iiaitimore ana Washington la. s u, it.
R.) dally excent Sundav at 8.25 and 8.30 a. m.
and 8.16 p. m. Sunday only ai 3.05 p, m.
xrains arrive ai ate&aing (i. as iv. Biaiionj
Irom 'Wilmington, B. A O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Clinddsford Junction, West Chester,
Lcnape, Coalesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
SprlnKneld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Hey
fertand Intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m, Sun
day only at 11.21 a. ra.
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, daily except Sunday, at 8.24 a. m.
and 2.25 p. m. Sunday only at 8 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington nnd Baltimore, dally ex.
cept Snuday, 10 20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. in.
Sunday only at 11.21 a. m.
DOWN ESS UKIGGS, Gen'l rasa. Act.
A. G. MOCA U8LAN D, Hunt.
n 1 1 n T 1 1 n n wi ,h8 undersigned,
K II H I II K I" . nre entirely cured of
II U I I U It L. I xiupture by Dr. J. B.
MAYER, 831 Arch Bt.. l'lilla. Thomas II.
Hartung, New Ringgold, l'a I, Mardt, BoulU
ISaston, Pa., L. P. & C. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa
R. G. Stanley, 421 Spruce St., Lebanon, I'o., A.
Schneider, lxjcimt Dale, l'a.,D, 1). K oil, Limn.
kiln, Pa., Wm. E. Hanensllne, t'hoenixvllle,
Pa., W". M, Ilnbach, 024 Wnblilogton St.,
V. M, Jinnacn, wnbuiogion hi.,
ig, Pa., J. O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard BtJ
bnrir. Pa., C. Keelin, Douglassvllle, Pa,
YER Is at Hotel l'enn, Heading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Saturday of tach month. Call to
see him.
Ho' 9-East Centre Ktret, Wahanoy Cllr.P
ttkln end all si-eolal (lipases a specialty,