D?ia-3sria goods AT TICK srow oust rrE3 1 CORNER STORE f. '.. V -ir. AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All Wuds of potted meats, fish, canned goodi", oyster, lobsters,' crabs, Ilu'Klfin caviiir, fresh spiced oysters, fluent stnoktd lintus, bo lognas and Binokcd hM, York state full cream oheese,lJti(vntlial, Swiss, Edam, rJiisfUro and Mmburger. Fine assortment of cakes and bis cuits. O. and U. plklea of nil kinds. Pinkies by tlieilMin. You will lltid Just what you want. KMSIB 1XF0BT !aXu"7,u,X02E J3JEHEII "Dark 1 Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald". ALL Till? NEWS FOU ONE CENT. Has a larger circulation In '.Shenandoah than any other paper published. Ulrou lntlon hooks open to nil. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY, What News Gathorora Talco a Moment to Toll About. A peg driven in the sole of the shoe will prevent crenKing. The public schools of UiIb town nro largely aiienueii tins term. The dogs have had their day, and now tuu leaves win nave their turn A frost or two and Hih boys will bo out In the country after cliestnuts. The ily and the mosquito will soon be compelled to mini winter quarters, The horto chestnut tree is being re- lelviMl or its crop bv tue small boy. The buckwheat crop is beingcutand soon wo can nave tne uucKwiieutcuke, Iu this age of free schools and chufip books, ignorance has no excuse for being. The last roso of summer will soon be faded and gone, but antiiiiiu llowers are witli us in great profusion. A perfume lamp, which burns col otitic, anil en rends a delichtful seen about tlio room, Is the latest household novelty. The long evenings are coining oil apace. Kubsurlbe lor a good paper like the Ur.HA.i.D and spend your time Willi your family. Boine men sleep well because they have good consciences and others sleep Just as well because tuey baven't any conscience at an. Alva's Brazilian Hrcclflo Co., 8 Wnll street M. Y. Gentlemen : I take pleasure lu testi fying to thecurallTO powers of your Cue-us juoou uure. wmcn nus renevea ine 01 mus cnlar rheumatism ot Ions miuhUiil'. I w..f troubled terlouily by dyxprpsla as well, lioni which, I nni pleaded to tlalo, It has also cured me. Assuring you that I shall recommend your racuiciue lo hit irienns, j. am. 1 ours respectnillv. Dec 0. 1600. 310 Ninth HI.. Urockls-u. N. Y Bold ul Klrlln'H Drug Ulore.t'crsubuu iiouto iock. aneuanuo&B. Pay Your Taxoa. Notico is hereby Rivon that all personam arroars for 1689-DO.taios must mnko fettle- mont at once, as the unilorHned is deter mined to make bis collections compieto in tho near future, even if arrests must bo ro sorted to. Ourist. Sohmiiit, 910-tf Tax Colloctor. Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo. Tho liest Halve In tho world for Cuts llrulies, Bore. Ulcers. Halt lthenm. Fever, Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chllolalnis Corns, aud allSkln Eruptions, aDd positively cures I'ilos, or no pay requlrtd. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satltraetlon, or money refunded. Price 125 cents per box. For sale oy u. Ji. iiugenbucn. Coming Events. Oct. 0. Supper in Hobbins' oporabouso under tho auipico of Ladies Aid Socloty, No. 13, auxilliarr to Sons of Veterans. uctouor u. Suppor, ltobuins' opera houso, under auspices of tho English Dap list church. BuroblH'8 Restaurant. Charles iiuichill U now locatod at corner of Main and Coal etroi-ts, Shern.ndoah IJeftular meals, at popular prices, served any nmo. iauies dining ana roiresnmon rooms attached. 9-14-tf At tho Same Prloo. All persons lioldint; duplicate checks fo photographs can have th same promptly finhhod at Keagoy's art studio at tho same price Ilomomber we are on tho first floor, KlSAQETi Do yon snfler with Consumption, Coushs or ColdsT You can bo cured (f you take Pan Tina Cough and Consumption Cure. 2'iuuil bices.ts. Trial bottles iree at Klrlln'Bdrue store. Best work done at llrennan's eleam laundry. Everything whito and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. AH work guar antixkl. The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Hoholar's Companions, llnok Htrnps. Bouool Hags, Tablets, eto. Kverythlna auduuytliluKivqulredln school, ' blates, penalls, etc., hold re talfnud wholesale, Bjoks Saifalilo fur East anil West Maliaooj Twp. Don't forget the plaoo ir you wish to savo money. 3VL MELLET; L'HAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centra St., Shonanooah. "v 1 I SCHOOL BOOKS. I I UNOHIVALROUS CONDUCT. . S. Olarkson AdmlnlBtors u, Ro- buko to Somo Nowspaporo. Mr. Clarksou.cliHirman of theltopub can National Executive Committee, lucldently speaking of the vindication of Russol 11. Harrison by Messrs. Cou' noruud Collls lrom the foolish ohargt-s n regard to his attempt to fteuru a loan of money from tho Western Is a- tlontil bauk, said: "To my miud the spectacle of so many American news papers continually assaulting tins oung gentleman is little tliort of con- temntible. Nearly overy ttaper one picks up has some allusion, attempted wit and covered uialico, lu reference to 1 1 in . It Is neither fair nor, manly journalism. The place of a Presidents sou is dilllcult to 1111 at best, kvury resident's son has had to bear the burden of constant comment and criticism. "The son of President Harrison has never let tho fact of his father being President fix his place lu life. He Is working out his own career. Indepen dent of his father. Instead of being an elegant loafer, leading a lire oi leis ure about the Whito House, he is now. as before his father's election, busily at work for hlm'clf and ins own family. Ho is 111 several business enterprises, originated by himself and depending on liiniBBlf. He is a hard worker. "I know of few young men who put u moro hours' workaday. Indeed, he Is peti'larly Individual and Independent and ilnds pride in depending on his own exertions. His industry and his willingness to achieve his own career and care for his own family, and to ask no odds nnd no favors for being a Presidents son, ouch t to save him from wit which is malicious and comment which Is cruel. Indeed, I think it is n. tlnaexauitile that the President's son Is showing lo jithersous In earning his own living and being the architect nfhiiinwii fortunes. "If he does show loyalty to Ids father and pride in tnai'resideut," continued JNlr. uiarKsou, -so mucu mo oeiier. God save us Xrom the day when loving lovaltv of son to father shall not be the rule and the habit in America. Aud I have never been able to. under stand why the X)emocratio and Inde pendent press lias not ueeu wining tq treat President Harrison's family us fairly as the Republican press treated President Cleveland's family. "Democratic miners (lid not treat Mrs. Cleveland more chivalrously than the Republican papers. Mrs. Harrison as a noble wife and dutiful mother wears a doublo crown where Mrs, Cleveland so beautifully and grace fullv. to the admiration of the Ameri can people, wore tho diadem of a proud aud loving wne. "No American woman has honored the homo and all that is sweet and beautiful inhuman life aud borne life more than Mrs. Harrison. She Is woman who honors, by overy title of wortu ami lojaity and intelligence, the name of American womanhood, and is, in her own right of personal worth and personal excellence, worthy to be a President's wife. Her life Is so quiet aud modest, so good hearted and unallected as to disarm euvy and com pel admiration. Yet this woman, who is so respected, in overy reuneu Ameri can home, and who fills so quietly aud yet so worthily such a high place in American social life, was treated dur ing her recent visit to Now Yqrk by several JNew vori? papers in a manner and with a freedom and thoughtless ness or comment which was neither smart, norjiistlflablenorexcusable, but simply moan, not lo say brutal. "As n newspaper man, proud of ray class, I was ashamed of such conduct and such unchiviilrous and ungenerous behavior in leading American news papers, aud I have wanted to say f-o.to somebody in plain terms', and so I say It to the 600,000 readers of the iVjs paper always iair, courteous anu manly; and. therefore, a paper Worthy of the respect of overy American who would see every body treated fairly anu an goou women treated court eouBly." N. Y. 1'ress. AI.I.EN ron QOYEHNOn. TOia Young CoBfrrritmun Qts the Mtuso- clmsqMs Nomination. Bostox, Sep. 17. The Hon. Charles H, Allen, of Lowell, rocolvod tho Republican. nomination for Governor on tho first bal lot in tho convention here. The oonvention was hold in Tromont Toinple, which was filled at an oarly hour. Henry Cabot Lodge was elected permanent president. Mr. xxidge mauo speech of great length, covering most of the national and local questions of tho day. Fresldont Harrison' name and the allusion to protection was received with tumultuous approval, wlillo Jlr. Blaine and reciprocity wero cheered to the echo, For Governor tho total number ot votes east was 1.231: necessary to choice 014. Crapo bad 010, Alien 718, Hale 1, Lodco 1 and QrecnhalRO 1. Mr. Knowlton of Now Bedford moved that tho nomination ot Allen be unanimous, The motion was tumultuously carried Those Stato offloers wero nominated ty acclamation: William II. llale oi Spring, field for Lieutenant-Governor, William II. Ollvo of Boston for Secretary of th Commonwealth, Goorgo A. Mardon of Lowell for Treasurer. Albert E. Plllsbury of Boston for Attorney-General, and John w. jumuaii oi lltchburg (or Auditor., There will bo no lack of 'u aupply of Bimer krout next winter. Arreatotl rr Altering the llooUs. NomiisTOWN, la.. Sen. 17. W. F. SliuftlulT lifts been nrrsstod on a warrant sworn out by Albert Longakor, a director of the; Montgomery Trust Uomuaiiy, charging him with altering tho books of that company and appropriating . $180, 000 of its fundi to bis own use. Killed In n Colliery. Siiamokin. Pa.. Sen, 17. John Brovey was instantly killed at tho Springfield Cplllory during tho day. Ho was firing a shot when ft rush of conl oScurred, com1 plotely covering mm ana also injuring John SonBskl, a fellow-laboror. Dlutl or Hydrophobia. Sai.ei. Mass.. Saut. 17. Chnrlcs A. Woodbury dlnd here last evening of hy drophobia. He wiij bitten by a dog nbout six week ago and takon with symptoms of. hydrophobia about a wcok ago. Nomliiatod by lhllalclphlu llopublloans. Piiii.adewma, Pa., Sop. 17. The, Bu- pubtican County Convontlon nominated ffuorua D. McQronrv for City Treasurer. and William G. Shields for Register of WUs. POLITICAL. -IfOU- BENJ. J. SMITH, PRESENT DEPUTY. "Common Sense" SHOE STOP, 110 South Mam St., Shenandoah. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE ! I hereby give notice that I will coll at public sale an my nousenoia gooas, conbisi lng of the following goods: Parlor Suit. Bedroom Sets, Chairs CARPETS, TA1JLES, and nil sncb eoods ab are found Inn well furnished bouse. The above cuoda mu.t be oiu hi once. MRS. JACOB HENTZ. FIRE INSURANCE! TAtryest and OUest Reliable Purely Cash Companies Jiejireaentetl by DAVID FAUST, 120 S. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and ReiiOTated. No. lis I5AHT C15NYRXS BTRGET, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Sir. Ilaskev would Inform his mnnv frlpnrts aud the pubilu that he will cater to their wants in ine same ursi-ciass style mat ne has done lu the past. None hut the best brands of for- will bo kept In slock. Cbolco temperance uuutta. rmnuiu bllltK Uld The eating bar Is supplied with everything In the eutlmr linn served in thu beat. kivIb. Meals tervtd at nil hours. Flno private rooms W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Hosteller's old stand,) Corner coal niuljnrtllu HI a. Mr. Bnydcr will always keeplin etock a;flue iiUU lil UUULS uuu suues. Custom Worlc nud Uepnlrlnjf done in tho best style. He gnarunteca to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who liuvu uig renin to pay, ana gnaraauw a genu niK-..l.i v. .... I Q. M. HAMILTON, M.DN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OffloeBa Weet Lloyd Btreet, Hhenandoah WANTS, &o. T?OR SALE-Old bottles, suitable for X? boltllng catsup, Ac; can bo had very cheap at J. A. Iteflly's 1 lquor sto e. 8 20-tf WANTED Good sowers to learn dressmaking. Apply nt room No. 4, I'Osioinco ouuaintr. FOR RENT Three rooms, suitable for club room, office, etc. Gas and fctcam fixtures. New boiler Just put lu. Apply to 1,0 Tl llotowlcl), clothier, 8, Mala HU 9 Z-tf WANTED. A good girl to do gen eral homew, rk. Apply nt Kelly's mil llnrry store, 58 8-julh Mafn street, Hlienan doah 1)16 41 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of tho most desirable propor tion on West Oak street, for salt) on reasonable toruis. Apply at Kowse's grocery store, corr aer Jardla aud Oak streets. Uheuaudoau, Pa. TYPE WRITING. A young lady, a graduati, wnts work at type writing. ullat HEKAi.noltlce. or address ucrald. Mhenandoah, I'm 8 1-tl FARMS FOR BALE. Areyou look ing lor a furm? If so call On or writo to J. Keliler. rackvlllo. t'n.. as to where they ro located nud for terms. 822-tf FOR HALE. A beautiful double rod Iron fence, suitable for fenclne ceme tery lots.or fiifcata around '.wlllnes.' In quire of Presbyterian church irnoiees. 91) tf FOR BALE. A nice 28 acre farm for mlo. Hlx miles from Hhenandoah. lieautlfollr sltnated on a DUhllo road Oood dwelling. Qoodbara. Fruit Ircts beginning lo near, ah young, npienuia stream oi water running through t be tbo land. This Is a good chance for-a man who wants a small ru-in, Inquire of Ja-ts U. Hultoa, post oflloe bnlldlrg, room 6. W)tr DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER ship. Nolle Is hereby given that the firm of fjuudhr dc Hooks heretofore exUtlns and doing huslne'S In the borough of 8hn. andoah has been this day dissolved. Mr. 13. I' Laudlg, the senior member of tho firm, retiring. The busings wi 1 hereafter be con ducted by F. W. Ilooksand Hlchard li.Hrown, composing me nrm or jiooks urown, who assume nil noiigaiions ,oi ine oia nrm ana to whom all bills duo that Arm houldbopald, r. w. JIOOKS Iticii.Min L. llnowN. Bhenaudoah, Pa., Sept. 11.IS91. l-a-w-4w CTIIAWB show lh way the wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we have been striking at straw hat prices. Somo bats are dear at any price; these hat are cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not becoming to you, all the pains yon take as to the rest of your attire areslmply thrown away. Come and sea how you will loot lit one of ourJWo btr.iw tints. There's no uso In giving any further description of them than to say this they aro stylish. We cut the price down because we want to cat our stock down. Another big bargain In hats Is our 31 black sllff hats. 13 S, Mala SI, S0ANLAN Sbeoaoioifc LEATHER and SHOE FIHKS dp. J". oXiis.A.iRrsr, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and flrst-olasa stoolr. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE BT., Ferguson Houso building, SHENANDOAH, PA, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fish',' Oysters, Fruits VEGETABLES, &o. FRESH GOODS EVERY DAY I'RICIiB 9IOIH3R.AT15 Would solicit part of the pitronagoof tho puuuu. COAKLEY BROS., Cor.en tre an dV -GO TO- PETER CECCHIM & BRO.'S 111 EABT OKNTHI3 BT., For Fino Pears and Best California Grapes. HEST CELERY IN TOWN. J0HM H. EVANS' SALOON, S6 E. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Fin eat brands of clears always on hand. Reduction A fow patterns of Whito Embroidery, , Plpuncings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteons, Chintzes, also ' remnants of ' Prints, Qingliams, and Dresa Goods of all kinds, which are ottered regardless of cost to clean out. J. J. PRICE'S Old 1 I t ( 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Shenandoah Business College I aHd SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBINS1 OPERA 2JORTH MAIN STEEET, SHENA2TDOAH, ''all Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891. W. J, SOLLV, President. First National Bank TIIKATHE I1UII.IJXNO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000,00. A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres., P. J., Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier, S. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST I Paid ou Savlnsu ncposltu. The Leadiny Photographer, NO. 14 N. WHITE ST. The work done at this eallerr is fullv ooual to that done at the laruo galleries of New York and Philadelphia. Comparison a in vited between the specimens of hU two and thrte dollar cabinets shown In his window and the .best of work done elsewhere at five and six dollars. AirDo not climb long flights of stairs to patronize an enterprise run by out of town parties when better work may be had of your own townsmen, HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Oream 1 BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to. Tartlcular at tention pnm 10 nans, 1'jcnics, Festivals, etc IF1. EZBITHAH NOUTH MAIN STREET, Near Corner ofJLloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Genls' ForaisWng Goods, Ilosicry, Etc, -ia at- OHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, Reliable Stand, HOUSE BUILDING . Tho name of A. 0. YATES & CO. ia a household word. The quality of our goods has built up our popularity. , , ll or tho coming J all ana Winter we have manufactured a stock that s suro to please. Novelties and standard fabrics are hen? in plenty, and price,, style, quality and making nava all received our personal care,' With your former needs m mind we aro confident of meet ing present wants, A.C. Yates & Co. icqw outT Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. GKET T3HEE BEST- tk."HEVl BROADWAV" RANGE Is the beet range In the market, and the price will Just suit. The following promptly attended to: TINR00FINO, SPOUTING, ROOF PAINTING: Andall kinds of stove Tuai'yv.xnsc. kentonhand. Dealers snnnlled. Thankln for .past favors, I remain yours to cominind. "WM. K. PRATT, 7-0-Om 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah SOHEIDER'S 'BAKERY, SO East Centre Street, SIIXHiTAtrD OA H. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Cosfcctiunery I -or ALT. KIND3,- Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Capa and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. O BAST OHNIBH ST. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones 'old stand 17 BOTJTH MAIN STREET, VT her he will be plented to meet the wants o( bis friends and the publlo In Everything la the Drlnkkg Hto. T . EJWestpontre St., Shenandoah.