The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 17, 1891, Image 3

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    k QayiE il.
a, wtioB
0 a. djII
m, arsW
8.18 mW
iday 3..
Present, in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative tw perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
1 i i the most cxcellsnt remedy Vnown 16
When ooe is Wiliouror Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
MlHHourl, ICaitHUH, ArlcnitHnn,
Xcjciih, ISe)riiwUa, LoiiiHiniiu,
Colorado, Utnli, cmitoriilii,
Oregon, WnHUtuirtnii, Mexico,
New Mexico or Arlxoun,
ana will send me postal cird
or letter stating
Wiie'ro you are going,
"When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are in your party,
What freight and baggage you have,
I Mill write you or call at your houreund
furnish you with the fullest lnfonuatloa
tfgardlrjg routes, loweBt rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and 11
Imtratcd land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Kprlugs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arzan
sas, Kansas ana Texas.
J. P. McCANN. Eastern Trav. Ant.,
G. E. P. Agt., 391 Broad way ,New York
Iron Mountain Route,
tick Headache and relieve all tho troubles Inci
dent to a billons eUto of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Tain In the Bide, &o. While their most
xemaixahle success baa been shown In curing t
Headache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver Pitta am
equally valuablo In Constipation, curing and pre
venting thlsannoylng complaint, while they also;
correct all disorders ox the stomacbtlmulalo tha
IItct and regulate the bowels. Jivoalf thojoalj
f&chs) they would bo almost priceless to those who
I Buffer from this distressing complaint; but f ortu
Iziately thelrgoodneBS does notend here.and thosa
.who onco try them will find these littlo pills rata
lable In so many ways that they will not bo wll
iltsg to do without them. But after aUelck bea4
'la tho bane of so many Uvea that here la where
iTremaVo our great boast. OurpuUcureltwhUa
ewers ao not.
Carter's Little Liver PIUs are very small and
ivery easy to take. One or two plUa make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not grips or
puree, but by, v J." gentle action please all who
iiuelhem. In) jds at 23 cental five for tl. Sola
'by druggists tn ary where, or sent by maU.
. CARTER rrtCDIOINB CO., New York.
inilebMtrrNi Knsll.h Pluaand Brood.
DrugrW far Chletort Jr(tiA Jd-fX
iboici, HBlad wlri, but riHj. TukeYKT
nt other. Rtfwtt dan trout twbittru- yf
Iw U urni feu at- i orient 4o
lo tUi pi f. r j-i'LtrTt rtiimoolfO toi
"ifuer ror ..arm." iutr, or rfturw
Looftl LrucciiU, rbtUdM., 1'.
Whn triinh.ftrl with thpa antv fa Irreal'i"it - -
(r(tuntly followiut: ui I cfnrf r tyv'r,
fctituUonal Wsakusefti bo i-ficuL-iT tltiMf mix, t..
U.o DR. DuOMO'NE'P CtebroterJ
Thvere 6treanhnil toth .nt'i- ,etrf , ti
tone, rigor ac.U i . c f..- e t . I fit 'c t i , '
Or, Hartc.r hindlclrCo..aT.luUifi n:
Or die Liquor llubit. l'u.Ul.elf t'ui'cu
Hy fuiniininterinff ir. iioinr'
CJulden Snerlllr.
tt Is xnsnnfsotnred m a powd.r.whloh otn be giTen
in a g-lua of beor, a oup of coiX. or t.s, or in rood,
without the knowledge ol the p.tuut. 1(1. absolutely
himlMj. .tut win afTeaL a ti.rtuanent sudDeedT
eure. wbetber the ptti.ut 1. a moderate drinker or
ox oaaea, ana la erarr ta.iauc. a pin.ur.u u.'
lowed. Jtarrarrallk Tasiy.tem ouee ilopresnat
dwunifcetpeoino.ilper i anu,..ritupw..iuuv
lor tna liquor appetite 10 axi. i.
oTH, HACENBUCH, Druggie., ShOaidoili
sv ir
Secretary Foster Donios 'a
Financial Rumor.
Money on Hand Now than Thero
Has Been for-Years.
Ho Insists that the Nation Has. All tho
Cafth Ileciulred--Tho President to Mnko
Xmportnnt Appointments To-morrow--The
Minister to China to be this
Wook--Collcctor l'nssett's Successor.
Washington, Sop. 17. Secretary Fos
ter denies the rumor that at a recent
meeting of the Cabinet ithnd been agreed
to-postpone the payment of money for all
publlo purposes as far asposslblo, or that
unusual expedients had been resorted to
to pay tho non-oxtended 4 1-2 por cent.
bonds. Ho added howover, that he folt
that it would bo good policy to restrict
disbursing officers to tholr actual needs .
Four months ago he found ovor $40,-
000,000 la tho hands of disbursing officers
when probably 20,000,000 would have
been an nmple supply. Loss than $8,000,
000 is now hold by them, and ho hopes to
reduce this sum to a minimum.
Secretary Foster insists thnt tho Treas
ury has all tho money required to main
tain a position of perfect ea9e without
adopting a policy of delny or resorting to
any action that Is not based on perfectly
sound principles but ho admits that
there is less money in tho Treasury now
than thero has beou for many years.
Tho President will Till the Taonnolcs tu
Office This Week.
Washington, Sep. 17. President Har
rison will mnko a number of prominent
appointments this week, probably to
morrow. It is understood that ho will
1111 tho two vacancies on tho Interstate
Commerce Commission and tho one on
the Court of Claims. Col. Glenn, of At
lanta, is tho best indorsed applicant from
tho South to fill tho place on tho commis
sion to bo given thnt section for a Demo
crat, and he will likely bo one of the
Tho other ono tho President has not
agreed upon. He is considering a num
ber of men, and since the West already
has ono place on tho commission, in tho
person of Col. Morrison, of Illinois, tho
second vacancy, by resignation of Judgo
Cdoloy, of Michigan, may go to tho East.
The vacancy on the Court of Claims will
not, as has been supposed, go to Ohio,
unless the present status of affairs is
It will, however, go to that section of
tho country, to a lawyer well known In
nn adjoining State, but who has not oc
cupied a public position. Tho Chinese
mission may be filed this week, and a
successor to Collector Fassott, of Nev,"
York, may also bo named.
Au Indignant Mother Hills u Neighbor's
Hoy With a Cane.
Brooklyn, Sep. 17. Littlo did Mrs.
Mary Van Blarcom, of Park avonue,
dream, that when sho beat Willio Trus
com, aged 8, with a 'rattan cane, that
he would die from his injuries, and that
sho would be incarcerated In a cell on a
charge of murder.
Young Truscom had assaulted tho 4-yeor-old
daughter of Mrs. Van Blaroom.
The little girl told her mother, who im
mediately went down stairs to the rooms
of the boy's -parents and asked his
mothor if sho could see William.
Having received permission, Mrs. Von
Blarcom went Into the rear room. Tho
boy was lying on a lounge. Mrs. Van
Blarcom beat young Truscom soverely
with a rattan cane, sti Iking him several
times upon tho hoad. Tho boy died half
an hour later.
Tho woman was arrested by the police
of the Fourth precinct. Sho made a
statement to Caotain McKelvev. in which
' she acknowledged that sho had beaten
the boy.
Sho has been bold in Justice uoettlng's
court to await the action of the Coroner.
Much sympathy Is expressed for Mrs.
Van Blarcum, as it is not though that
she meant to hurt the boy, but only
wlshod to teach him to bo more careful
In the future Sho has hitherto borne a
good reputation
President Fitzgerald Not Insane.
Lincoln, Nob , Sep. 17. Secretory
Sutton of tho Irish National League of
America, is in receipt of private tolO'
grams asking tho condition of President
Fltztrerald and statins the report is cur
rent that ho is Insane, and that the
Leatme convention called for Chloago in
October would be postponed. Mr. Sutton
emnhaticallv denies both reports. Mr.
Fitzgerald is dally gaining strength and
the oonveittion will bo held on tho date
Uuptlst Jubilee Convention.
WnxiAMsronT. Pa.. Sep. 17 The East
era Conference of German Baptist
Churches are holding a Jublloe conven
tion in this city. Representatives are
also present from Western and Southern
Cnoferencea to join in oolebratlng the
fifteenth anulveraary of German Baptists
tn this country. Rev. J. IS. Grlmmell, of
Brooklyn, is the moderator.
Reunion nn Antlotam Battlefield.
Gettysburg, Pa., Sep. 17. The 14th
Connecttout and 108th New York Veter
ans left here for Sharpsburg, to join with
the 180th Pennsylvania In a brigade re
union on Antielam Battlefield. It is be
lieved thoro will be the largest gathering
of veterans at Antletam slnco the war.
Hoys Strike and Closo a Factory.
Baltiiiork, Sep. 17. Tho boya em
ployed In Bakor Bro. & Co. 'a glass fac
tory In South Baltimore, havo struck for
higher wages. Tho strike makos neces
sary a complete shut-down, throwing all
the blowers out of work.
Pension Payments This Month.
Washington, Sop. 17, A Treasury
draft for $1,100,000 on account of pen
sions was to-day signed by Secretary
Foster, making the total nonslon drafts
so far this month $5,555,000.
Wllllauictto Dnlrer.lty Horned.
Bah Francisco, Col., Bop. 17. Wlllia
mette University burned at Salem, Org.,
in the morning. All th buildings were
I totally destroyed.
For Sui
Royal Baking Powder will be found the
greatest of helps. With least labor and
trouble it makes bread, biscuit and cake of
finest flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and
assuredly digestible and wholesome.
Pushing tho Peoplo's Tiirty.
GnEBSRnCRO, To., Sep. 17. Tho Stnto
convention of tho now Peoplo's party,
callod by tho oouimlttoe appointed nt
I tho Cincinnati National convention,
opened for the purpose of forming a
State organization, 200 delegates being
present. Reports were presented from
various organizations throughout the
State purporting to show that tho Peo
ple's party was'making great progross
nnd that numerous organizations wero
dally formed in dlilerent counties.
Wnntlo Depose Mahono.
Washington, Sep. 17. A conferenco'of
tho loading whlto Republicans of Virgi
nia was held here last night for the pur
pose of takinr steps to depose Gon. Wm.
Mnhone from tho leadership of tho Ro
publlouu party in tho Old Dominion.
Declines the Xomlnntlon.
Watkktown, N. Y., Sep. 17 R. II.
Brown, tho former nominee for Assembly
in the First Jefferson district, has de
clined tho nomination.
r. i ruimueuM x ri.inin),w
Jawklns Who la that man yonder
who goes nlong with his noso In tho nir?
Hogg Shi He's a mighty Important
personage. His picture and biography
ero In nil tho papers.
Jawklns What has ho done?
Hogg Ho's tho man who waa cured
cf catarrh. Judgo.
Did Your Baby Ory All Last Nltrht?
Pity if he did, lor it weakens him so; then,
too, it can bo provonted, if you will call on
.1. M. Milan and 0. J. McCarthy, tho
druggists, for a free sample of Dr. Hand's
Colli Curo. Biby will Instantly bo re
lieved. The demand for
tho decrease.
lee will soon be on
Miles' Norvo ana Liver Pills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the erve$.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' l'ills speedily
cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, plies,
ninstlpatlon. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Hmallest, mildest, suresti 6)doses,
Mcts. Humpies Free, at o. II. Ilagenbuch's
Chewing gum
now as It was.
is not used as much
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The slcnnl tier.
aops ot the sure approach of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can allord for the sake of sitvlnc 60
rents, to run the risk and do nothing lor It.
we Know iron experlouce that Uhlloh's Curs
will Curo vour Couch. It never falls. This
-xplalns why more than a Million Dottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopplnc Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Ldime Baott, Hide or
Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
U. II. Hageubuch, N. K. corner Vain and
Uoyd stroets.-
The dnyg and
nights will be equal
next Monday.
Rooky Mountain Ouro.
The druggists claim that people call
tally for tho now cure for constipation and
ick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lane whilo In the Rocky Mountains. It is
aid to bo Oregon grapo roof (a great
remedy in tho far West for tho30 corr
oiaints) combined with simple hcrbi, and is
nado for uso by pouring on boiling water
o draw out the strength. It sells at CO
:ents a packngo and Is callod Lano'p
Family Medicine.
Our publlo schools are moving along
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
This la beyond question the most suc
ceeslnl Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
x lew doses invariably cure the worst cases ol
Couch, Croup, and Bronchitis, while lta won.
'lerrul succet-s in the curo of Consumption is
without a parallel In the history of mtdlclue.
llrsl discovery It has been sold on a
tuarantee, a test which no other medicine
nn stand, Ii you have a Cough we earnestly
sk you to try it. Prloe 10 cents, SO cents, and
ll.Ui. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
0. tt. Hageubuch, N. Ii. corner Main and
Uloyd streets,
Time now to pot Howers for winter,
Will Bo Given Away.
Our enterprising druggist C. H Ilagenbnch
who 0'irrlea the lineal stock of drus, pe
lumerles, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, eto ,
Is giving away a large number of trial bottles
of Dr. Miles' celebrated llesloratlve Nervine.
He guarantees It to cure headache, dizziness,
nervous prostration, slceplessue-s, the 111
cll'ectsof snlrlts. tobacco, ooflee. etc. Drug.
gists suy 11 Is the greatest seller they ever
knew, nnd Is universally satisfactory. They
also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure In
all (uses of n.rvnus or oreaulo heart disease.
ia.ii. tuition, nuin in eiu. sn oiii-rui. eic.
'ine book on "Nervous aud IIert DIseasia"
We're having some fine weather.
Tho Greatest Strike.
Among the great strikes that Of Or. Miles
In discovering h s New HearL Lure has
proven Uself to be one of the most important.
The demand lor It has Deconio asionisniug
Alrnnilv the LretitinpnL o nearL aisnue 18 He
ine revolutionized, aud many unci moled
mires effected. It soon relieves short breath,
Muttering, pains In aide, arm, shoulder, weaK
aud hungry spelts, oppression, swelling of
anKles, smothering uLd furt dropsy. Dr.
Miles' book on Iiatirt nnd Nervous Disease's.
Ires. The unequaled New Heart Cure Is sold
au guaranteed o u. 11 iiageubucn.tnenruc
plat. nlsn his Itestorailve Nervine for head-
ache, flis, sprees, hot flashes, nervous onllls,
opium uauu, etc.
Full moon next Krldoy.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold Is proscribing
Komp's Balsam this year. In the prep
aration of this remarkable medicine for
coughs and colds no expense Is spared to
wwbirie only tho best and purest Ingredi
nts Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
he lieht and look throtieh tt; notice the
rirht, clear look; thon compare wllb
o'hT remedies. Pnco 60c, and 1 1
-miner vjookerv
Paris and
A Noted llulkllnc of
, History.
I Tho Paris correspondent of tho Lon
don Times Bays: "Tho famous 'Pom
pclan palace' of tho Avonuo Montaigne,
built by tho late Prlnco Napoleon, has
Just been sold by Its owner, Count
Palffy of Hungary, to M. Porges, who
Is about to pull It down for tho eon.
Btructlon of a private house. Tho slto
originally belonged to Mllo. Mars of
the Theater Francais, nnd tho archl
Iteot, who Is now a member of tho in
stitute, M. Normand, designed his
plans after tho famous houso of Dlo
modo at Pompeii and that belonging to
tho poet Pansa. Tho house, about
which clusters a number of memories,
sometimes odorous of tho Roman deca
dence, is associated with tho names of
, Theophilc, Gautier, Nestor Roqucplan,
j Arscno Houssaye, Salute lieuvc, and
i Paul do Saint Victor. Thero wero
played Augier's pretty comedies, 'Lo
Joueur de Fluto' and 'La Fcmmo de
Nicomedo.' After tho salo of tho
1 houso in 1800 to tho Comto do
Qulnsonnas for bIs hundred thou-
sand franca it waa bought by i
MM. do Lesseps. do LeaurccrarcL and
Arseno Houssaye, for tho purpose of a
museum. Count Palffy has owned it
slnco 1875 and preserved it intact as
originally constructed."
Girls as Whistlers.
Tho belles at some of the fashionable
rural resorts this season, says tho Now
York Sun, havo attained such skill in
tho fine art of whistling that they can 1
imitate tho tongs of bobolinks
and 1
other birds in a way that deceives even
the ear drum of a trained listener. They
whistle whllo rambling in tho woods,
or standing ou tho hilltops, or reclining
on tho lawns. They whistle iu groups
60 as to produce a pleasing effect, and
sometimes ono will whistle all by her
self In a way to thrill tho soul of tho
hearer. Tho custom may yet who can
tell? bo Introduced into tho city here,
so thnt wo shall hear tho light-hearted
daughters of New York whislingliko
bobolinks or canary birds as they roam'
or march through our inviting streets,
avenues, squares and parks.
XToattnc Coal.
During the several freshets which
havo occurred in tho Susquehanna river
tho last spring a vast amount of "culm"
from tho anthracite coal fields floated
down tho river with tho debris, coming
out of tho North branch and its tribu
taries. Largo quantities of this culm,
or coal dirt, which was washed from
i, i.i. ,ti
n.vj iiuKg uuutka m .uuu uwwwim uu .so
coal breaUors, lodged at tho ho ads of tho
soveral islands opposite and abovotho
1 S
city, and recently parties havo secured
tons of It by digging it out of tho sand
and screening it, producing a good
quality of pea and chestnut conl for
boiler uso. A considerable quantity of
egg or large sized coal is also gathered
from tho bottom of this river, whero it
has lodged among tho gravel, and is re
moved In a perfectly clean state. All
tho larger sizes of coal havo becorr
more or less rounded by the action
tho water. Tons of this material arc
gatheretl during tho summer when tho
river is low.
A nox or Coin.
Tho Loulsvillo Courier-Journal has
discovered a "tinker" near thero whoso
lovo of money is nothing short of re
markable. It says ho has not spent
moro than ten dollars in his cntlro life,
and he is nearly forty years old. Ho
wiU work for anything, oven as low as
ten cents a day, rather than bo lcuo, and
all his money he converts into gold and
6llver, which ho deposits In a box that
ho built when a boy. It is about throo
feet square, and it has been his life
long desiro to fill It. This will soon bo
accomplished, as tho rudo bank is now
nearly full. Ho is totally Ignorant of
the amount in tho box, as ho never kept
any account of it, simply dropping tho
coins in through a silt in tho top and
nover taking any out.
Why Not?
"What a social lion everybody makes
of Col. Finburyl"
"Yes; and what a perfect social
lioness Mrs. Flnbury is!" Puck.
Plenty of Water.
Thirsty Lady Is thero any water
Captain (excursion boat) Only 'bout
four feet, mum; but please don't toll
anybody. N. Y. Weekly.
Like tho Fireworks.
Bunting What has becomo of that
fireworks trust you wore going to or
ganize? Larkln It's exploded. Judgo
A lteason.
Mrs. Chatterly Why doyouporelstln
calling Johnny a "shaver?"
Chatterly Because ho talks too much.
Well-rounded Pears.
Ilurko Do you think your unelo will
Smirko I'm afraid so. It's tho poor
one. Life.
Ills Work Is to Last.
Pennlbs (proudly) I write for im
mortality, sir.
Qazzam Ahl what brand of Indeli
ble Ink do you use? J.udgo.
Prof. Huggs Chameleons Hvo on air.
LufMfs ('02) Well, they should find
I Now York air very nutrltlvo. I'uclt.
A Row Ovor tho Presentation
of Wngnor'e "Lohengrin."
Up to Midnight Nearly Ono Thousand
Persons Were ArrMted.
Tho Rlotars Compo.od of Students, An
arehl.ts and tho Itabblo or the City
Mounted Cnvnlry Called Out to Asalal
the l'ollce-.A Stronc Ouaril Around the
German Umlmssy.
Paris, Sep. 17. Tho first performance
of Wngner's "Lohengrin," In spite of all
opposition, was given last night nt tho
Grand Opera, and passed off with success
and eclat.
Tho Opera Houso was surrounded by
police, and 100 detectives were in the
bnllding. Thus effectually protected,
tho scono was ono of great beauty. Tho
boxes wero filled with an nudlenco d'ellte,
richly droased and sparkling with dia
monds. The flutter and excitement
oddod to the brilliancy of the occasion.
The Slob Outside.
Outside In tho streets a very different
scone was being enacted. Soon after tho
bcgiunlni; ot tho opera the streots wero
thronged by a motley crew of students,
roughs, Anarchists and quasi patriots,
flnglug the Mareolllalse, shouting "Vivo
Francol" "A bas Wugnorl" and other
cries, indicating their disgust with tho
Tho pollco, when tho mob beoamo too
noisy, proceodod to clear tho thorough
fares. The mob sullenly defied tho ad
vancing gendarmes, but did not dare any
ttnrlnnn nttjllr Tho tifdipn tn
force, rushed resolutely on tho crowd,
nnd arrosted thorn br tho score, urtrinc
and pushing them along until tho streets
wero pnrtly clonrod.
Again tho mob gathered mid filled tho
thoroughfares, and again tho. pollco
charged, but without making much Im
pression on the dense and defiant throng.
Mounted Cavalry Cnllod Out.
About ten o'clock a body of mounted
cavalry Joined tho police In a determined
effort to oloftr tho streets,
This otfort
waa more successful than tho previous
ones, ana the moo retired before the
powerful onset of the horses and the men
acing arms of their riders. The streota
wore at length freed from tha crowd of
obstructionists, but not before about ono
thousand ot tho mob wore prisoners in
tho hands ot the pollco.
Gunrillnp; tho German Kmbneay.
Meantime a strong guard surrounded
tho German Embassy, but no violeuco
was offered there A gang of about 200
roughs, bowovor, smashed tho windows
of tho Germun Cafe Hanovro, represent
ing tho sum ot destruction dono by tha
All the prisonors, except a fow of tho
worst, were liberated this morning.
Over Throo Thousand Persuus Drownotl
at Conauecru, Spain.
Madrid, Sep. 17. Lato reports say
that tho floods destroyed four stono
bridges nnd twouty mills, besides an en
ormous number of houses, Wreckage
mid cornses wero enrriod forty miles. I
- . " . ., ;
A u"'"uAyuur'!n'f ,lu" T
there nt 3 000 In some places limbs
l,nw t.nnn fmiml .nnn.ntml ll-im rirtfllnd
Tho officials havo tolograpbod for lime to
prevout an outbreak of disease.
Largo numbors of passengers en route
to tho south are detained hereon account
of tho floods. Passengers coming to this
city fmm Sovlllo, Cadiz, Cordova, Gran
ada, alencla and Alicante tiro obliged to
journey by way of Barcelona.
A terrlblo atorm which set In near Val
encia, at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning had
destroyed the rlco crop. Tho rivers Turla
and Jucar are rifling rapidly and threaten
further disaster.
Tho government has set apart ?100,000
for relict measures and has asked the
Bank of Spain to grant credits to the
governors of the suffering provinces.
The Governor of Jnen tolographs that
tho whole communo of Aubeda Is sub
merged and that tho damage dono la
enormous, and that there hns boon con
siderable loss of life.
Claims Ho ITns Ilecn Persecuted.
Hartford, Conn., Sop. 17. A. N.
Pearson, a leader of tho local Law and
Order League Is being sued by II. L.
Tnylor, a restaurant keeper of Cornwel 1
for $10,000 for libel. In his complaint
Taylor states that Pearson has persecuted
blm relentlessly; that ne nas naa otucors
break Into his placo repeatedly for the
put-pose ot searching tho premises tor
liquor, eta, ana mat no nas prosocutcu
him again and again tor violating tha
exclso law without any foundation for
the churgo.
On tho Alert for Chlnatnon.
Ricupord, Vt.,Sep. 17. Chinamen are
making great efforts to ontor the coun
try at this point, and tho customs
officials are on the alert. Quito n colony
has been at Sutton, Quebse, for two
wtvks awaiting a favorable opportunity
to smuggle themsolvos into the United
Tho Tlodtos Uncovered.
Elizabeth, Sep. 17. The bodies
Harry Falrchlld and Walter Dodd, both
of Orange, who were drowned on Satur
day night at 8:80 o'clock from a pleasure
yacht while trying to enter the Kills
through the B. ic O. bridge, wore recover
ed during the morning.
A Itljr Railroad Combination.
ST. Paul, Sep, 17. Rumors of a gigan
tic railroad combination nro current hero.
These rumors point to a combination, In
ono system, ot tho Great Northern, tha
Canadian l'adflo uuM the Soo system.
Conspired Against Ills Ilrothnr-ln-Lnw.
Boston, Sep. 17. James II Cutter,
charged with conspiring against the Ufa
of his brother-in-law, L. E. Rowu of Mel
rose, was held in $2,000 ball for a hear
ing on September 23.
To Help the Pall Hirer Wearer.
New Bedford, Mass., Sep. 17. Tho
Cotton Woavors' I'rotectlve Association
has voted to call a mooting to take action
with regard to aiding tha Fall Rher
weavers In case of a strike.
Bhfwi can
be waft tied
UwkJ by nirn, wnmn ind children.
. Look at nj olj chip huket. Isn't It a beautj r
I hare just finished palntlnd it with
AlOo. W
will do half a doeen baskets,
WOLFF as RANDOLPH, Philadelphia
FIK-KON bMutlflmotherthinKS besides bstkrts.
It makee a white Itlaan .see any color Otl df .
sire to match. It changes a pine tabid ta
tralnat, a oane rocker to mahogany.
It etolns, pnlntM. Iitciiuers, Jnpnns.
Justice of the Peace,
Detds, Lh, Murtyafe and Bonds written.
Marriage llreus.-.. and b-gal claims
promptly nitended to.
Real Fstulf, ColltclioD and Insurance-. Agticy
General Fire Insurance Business, llcpresents
the Koilbweideru Life insuranct Co.
Office- Muldoou'. building, corner Centre
and West His., Hhoundih, l'a.
Coed I'rcpertirt or All Kinds For Sale.
1. A moMoiy douhle lrau.e rtwell'iiR bouse
Ktoionud restaurant, on Kut Centre Bt
; 2. A dwelling itud restaurant on East Centre
' 3. leslutbltf property on corner Centre and
i Jitrdln streets, suitable for business pur-
I. A two alary double Inime dwelling, on
West Lloyd stiett.
6, -Two 2-story Irume dwellings on West Cen
tra strret.
6. Iwn istory dwelling" on the corner of
Coal and Chestnut sticcla Htore room la
7. Two-story single house nn North theBtnut
street with a lurgHWa eln use attherenr.
8. Tlir ee two-story uouble frame buildings
corner of Lloj d nnd Gilbert streets.
Ask my iigenta for V. L,
Dnuslnsi Shops
ltlnce nab. vnur
It not lor sale In youv
denier to arm! fnr cntnlosile, accuro the
iigcucy, mid get tlieni lor ou.
; It I. a 6etunless sho", uitli notitckaor wax thread
! to hurt tho feet; made of tlio best lluo calf, stylist,
and easy, and occtiitse tr- make more tlicis of tuis
prattethanani other manuractm ei ft equals hand-
CSCI M Ji lue llninUsnnnl, the finest calf
aun cti aiidca eusilUK iroill ei.uu U 0J.UU.
aia slioo ever OUereit Tor 83.IJU1
enlists Irencti
I iiuporu'ii Hnut-s wiucn cost irnm eLii-i lo ei.uo.
tSA. llmid-Si-urd Welt Mine, line calf,
i 3Ja, stylish, eumfuitiiblo aud durable. The be
shoo ever uITerod at this prlee i same grade as cus-tom-mailo
siinL-ctIiu from $ ,.'0 toa.UX.
I GRO 30 Pollco MifMM larmers, Hatlrond Men
allege find Lettcrt'ariii-rsnl) wcurthenu line calf
seamk-sa, etiiootu liishle, hi .n-y throo soles, exten
sion eds"!. One pair will wearnyear.
CTjefJ 50 line culfi no bolter shoo ever offered at
. J(Smm this price; ouo trial will convince thosar
. who want a shoe rot-comfort anil service
! CfiQ Mr, mid Ss'.00 Vnl-Ulluilll(lli'n shoes,
i Ve aro very strong nnd durable. Ihoso wto
l hnvo given them a trial will vt ear no other mako.
tZztrWC?' .t nun vi. 7.1 seiiooi suees an
fcWUJr J worn bvtlio bolsevervivhere: theyeell
oa their merits, as the lui-reosing sales show.
0 iarfl IAC o.l.liu llllllil-sl'l, I'll aiioe, OC36
EaiCj.S IsJa? DoiiKOla, vers styltsliiequalsFrencU
Imported shoes costlnirfmni 6I.U1 to semi.
l.nclli-s' i.nil, .'. DO uud s1.7.'5 shoo for
MUses nro tho beat flno boiigolo. HtyllsU uud durable.
Ciiiillon. See that W. L. Douglas' uamo and
prlco oro stamped on the bottiuu of each shoe.
W. L. DOUGLAS, llrockton, Mass.
iTasopli j3a5.11,
538 M..TP
th imlr genuine btfoia American
t-m.'C.alii'l la tb I'utud wt" I
m io curt Blood Polaom
Nervous Debility Spe
cial Diseases r
Bllo DUc um KNltt-oUPJn.o th
bonci.soreThroat Mouth,
nt .lebo, Pimi'l.i, FrupUoo. tof or
faarl t'lctrt, wflUt.i, Irrtttion,
ItiflevmrutvUoui anj RooDlDtt,
hirUtulv-), WaiDiu mil Kirly
cy, loit mrmory wtt, mtcUl aoiietT, CTln''T
UlalltT PlieMt and all Umim iciulilnc ft"m F '
Id llicrellon or Of erwork, Recent cum cnrM In 4 to 10 flJl I
relief at one. Do Dot low hor. do niawt-r wbat artT
tlilfn Doctor, Quack, Family or lloiplial Phyilelaa fca lalied.
Dr. TIIEUL cure positively deWnilon ftom
bailoeii. ou. toum, middli ad " tuna evaTturwtiw
MiBKiian rich or poor, wt Sc- iianip fcr bOfilC
ItwiXdiltr from 9 to I, Kfp to 9, Ved. au4 Pai.
Ir e (1 Ut 10. Snndar t till II Wrt or call an! bo td.
If or iteferoBMi ioi Wodo. -4 Batnrday fbU. dally TUu
I. Baker & GVs
from which tho excess of
oil has been removed, la
Absolutely Pure
audit is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used In Its preparation. It has
more than three time) the strength of
Cocoa, mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, mid is tlioreforo far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is doliclous, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
nnd admirably adapted for Invalids
ns well as for persons In health.
Bold by Grocers ovorywhoro.
V. DAKER & CO., Dorchester, Masse
standing yocr Mula Ouiis