r 1-i or. apia-3sria goods now oisr rrjp i AT ALL PRIHCIPAL RESTAURANTS, AT Tit CORNER STORE I All Mnrfo of potted rural, fish, canned good", oysters, lobsters, crabs, Ilurninn cnvlar, freah oplceil oysters, finest smoked hums, bo lognas and smohed beef, York state full crentn clietw.EtuantliBi.Svrlss, Edam, Bnpsaro and Llinburgcr. Kino assortment of cakes and bis cuits. Q. und 11. pleklos of all kinds. Pickles by the dozen. You will find just what you want. , Light. XJLISIB EXPOBT BlEll Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALL THIS NKWS FOH ONU CENT. Has a larger circulation in JHIiennndoah than any other paper punusnra. uircu lft II on hooks optn to nil. AFFAIRS CATJGHT HASTILY, What Nows Gathorors Tako a Momont to Toll About. How do you llko these Boptember mornings? Patronize homo and make youv homo prosperous. The dusters and straw hats will soon be called In. Chestnuts are coloring and will soon lie in market. The principal dances next winter will be squaro ones. Weather prophets say wo are to have au early winter. The tomatoes are unusually fine and plenty this year. Fall styles of millinery are making their appearance. Our merchant tailors are already quite busy on fall suits. Bale bills are turned out atthls office nt the shortest notice. There will be no lack of a supply of sauer krout next winter. Straw hats are gradually giving way to tomeining more substantial. Fruit is bo plenty and sugar cheap that a great deal of wlue Is being mauo. The putting up stove time and the light with the stubborn pipe Is not far oil. Thero aro some beautiful rosy sun sets theso evenings that are worth viewing. The rabbit can stand a lower degree of temperature thau any other animal The crack of the shotgun Is heard in tue laud. Uunnerd aro plenty, but, as a general tiling, game is scarce. The cold weather is putting an end to the excursion sfanou and nrenara- tlongaro being made for the winter festivities. Alva's Brazilian Specific Co., 6 Wall ttreet v. uoniiemen: i tano pleasure in testi fying to llio curative powers of your ("actus uiooa L,ure, which una relieved in oi iiiuh cular rheumatism or lone Mnndlne. I w troubled tcrlously by dyspepsia as well, from which, I am pleased to Mate, It linn ntso cured me. Assuring yon that I shall recommend your medicine to my incuns, x nm. Yours respectfully, Deo 0. 1600. S10 Nlnlh Ht.. ISroolilyn. N. Y Bold nt Klrlln's Drug btoregferguibou House uiocK.anenauuoaii, An lmptfrtnnt Attraction. Mr. Ann Thero Is ono thing that llko about your placo over in New Jersey. West Field What Is that? Mr. Ann Thero is a train back every twenty minutes. N. Y. Herald. A Wise Vlreln. "IIo'll never get over my jlltlnghlm. "Why, was he so In lovo with you?" "On, no. Ho was so In love with him self." Llfo. Buoklon's Arnica Salvo. The Ilest 8.ilve In tlio world for Cuts llruli.es. Bores. Ulcers. Halt Ithoum. Fever. Horcs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChllulaliiH Corns, nud ullBkln Eruptions, und positively cures 1'iies, or no pay requirea. it is guur HUleud to irlve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price Z't cents per box. For fcale uy u. .u. uaiseuoucti.. Coming Events. Oct. 20. Supper in Kubbins' opera bouso undor the ampices of Ladles Aid Socioty, No. 13, auxilliarv to Sons of Veterans, Uctobor 6. Suppor, llobblns' opora house, under auspices of the English liny. tlst chureh. Do you sailer with Consumption, Couth or Colds? You can be cured If you take l'an Tlna Cough ami Consumption Cure. 25 and oucociN. ixiai uuiuvs iree at .uirun s urug Boat work done at lirennau's steam laundry. KvorythlnK white and spotless, Lace curtains a specialty. All work Kuar aateod. Tho place to buy your school books cheap Also Hcholar's Companions, Ilnok Htraps, and anytblng.reiulrod In school, Blates, peualls, etc., sold re tulfaud wholtsale. Boots Suitable for East aad West MahanojTwp. Don't forget the plaoe If you wish to save money. ILVE. nyEELLDST CHAS. T. MICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centr St, Shonanooah. I T SCHOOL BOOKS. I I REGION 'ROUND. A' Budgot of ' Intorostlng Articles on all Topics. The theory of murder connected Hli the death of Joseph Campbell, at nmist Out) Haluniav evunlnir a week uxo, has been exploded. It has been proven ueynmi a oouod inai ne was killed by enixlno 800 ,ou the Hooding road. The funeral of Johu McMurtrle, who was killed at the Henry Olay tip, Friday afternoon, took placo Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from his late homo at Milton. McMurtrio was a book canvasser well known In Shen andoah and vicinity. Extensive nrenarationa aro in pro- gre-s for tno annual meemig ana puraue or tne sir i.mgnin wmcu win take place In Ashland on October 16. The narade will start at 1:30 p. in.. and the association incuts at 0 p. in. of the same day. Mrs. Rice, an Bzed lady of Ta marjua, was accidentally shot In the tireasi ana uironi uy ner Krauiisou, Saturday, who had discharged the gun at a cat. Her Injuries are serious. Andrew Shovrau. a Pole 25 years of ace and residing at Buck Mountain, visited Mahanov Citv to purchase a suit of clothes. Uu attempted to ump on a moving train to go nomo met fell beneath the cars', sustaining fatal inluries. On Ills person tGO in cah was found, with a bank book showing deposits to the amount of i'Zl in a Maliauoy uily bauK. TROUBLE EXP20TED. Ig&ft AH Hot Htirmony la th BrotharhcHMl of X.ocomotlTO Slnraen. Oalesduho, I1L, Sop. 10. Thoro U trouble, browing In the ranks oi tho Brotherhood of Iinilroad Trainmen. Soma months ago Orand Master Wllklo son, of th Brotharhood deposed the Board of Orand Trustees Mloctod by the Convention and appointed another set. This action caused n rupture in tho organization and the break has been wldoning since. The trouble Is a leal ousy among tho members and differences of opinion 03 to the manner of conduct ing tho business of tho order. Charges and countoroharges are being mado and thoy are preparing for a bitter lleht. The doposed Urand Trustees waited upon Grand Sooretary Shoahan yester day and Informed him they woro ready to transact busluosa. ilr. bueahan notl fled them that ho could not recognize them. They demand a hoarlna and threaten to got out an Injunction fpreventlna tho Trustees appointed by the Orand piaster from auditing the acoounts or trAusoct- lna any of the duties of tho Board. The Oouvontlon meets hero next morh. Arretted and Confessed. Nnw Yoiik, Sep. 10. Emll Bodk, a passenger on tho steamer Sonle, was taKon Into custody by Deputy Unltad States Marshall Bernhardt. lie Is the bookkeeper of tho Prussian Mortgage Company who fled Son. 5 with property of the concern valued at $90,000. Ho had registered on the pnssongor list as Frits Hlldebrand. When arrested tho prlsonor rono uown ana coniessea nis crime. Cholera In Turkey. Boston, Sep. 16, A report received at the Custom House from Aslatlo Turkey says that cholora Is rapidly spreading there. New villages are affectod every day, and the number of deaths reported In the city of AIoppo from June to the middle of August woe 030. Thoro are no definite figures for the other cdtlos, but the death list is enormous. An Old Bachelor Commits Sulfide. Rutland, Vt, Sep. 10. Sylvester Robinson, TO yean of age, who arrived here recently from New York, committed suicide by shooting himself. He was a bachelor. Tomporary aberration Is be lieved to hare been the causa. To DIbdoI Golds. ITnaduchos Had Fevers, to cloanso tbo eystom oUVctually, yet gently, when cos tive or bilious, or when tho blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken tho kidneys and llvorlo a healthy activity, without irrita ting or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Nlffht SohooL The Business College night school opens this (Mondsy) eyenlng, Sept, 14. 9-H-t I1UJU ujfcbvtn, .uu .i.u uin,.vt aObrds, always on hand at Ckwlott'i. 8 22-tf FIRE INSURANCE! .Znrgett anil OMc( Reliable Purely Cash Companies, Jtepretmteil y DAVID FAUST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa. Q M. HAMILTON, M. 1) PHYSICIAN AND SURQE0N. j ro" Llorl Btrest 8hKlitt"J Heirs to Vnlnahlo Lands. Lowell, Mass., Sop. 18. Five person lu humble circumstances In this city have just learned that they aro holts of Allcliaol (Jrokscrly, who possessed tho title to valuable lnnds In Minneapolis. They are Mrs. Mlchnol Onllagher, Mrs. Andrew Haley, Mrs. Knto Scully, Mrs. Bridget McNamara and Mrs- Bernard Gorhnm. Cottnsel havi boen employed to look niter tliolr interests. Chosen Ileptihllcun Btnle Chairman. Baltimouk, Sopt. 10.- Harry M. Cla- baugh was chosen chairman of the Re publican State Central Committee. Tho Kepubllonns will now Inaugurate an ac tive campaign. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. POLITICAIi. -FOR- SHERIFF, BENJ. J. SMITE PRESENT DEPUTY. "Common Sense" SHOE STORE, 1W South Mam St., Shenandoah. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE -GO TO- PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S 111 EAST CKNTIIE BT., For Fine Fears and Best California Grapes. BEST CELERY IN TOWN. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Paitled, Papered and Renovated, No, 115 EAST CEKTKC HTIOiKT, Three doors abovo Kendrick House, BENJAMIN HASKEY. Proprietor. Mr. Ilaskey would ln'orra his mapv friends and the public that be will cater to their wants in me same nrsi-cia&s siyie mat ne nas aone lu the past. None but the best brands of fur elen and domestic wines, llouors and clears will be kept In stock. Choice temperance uruiKS, riuumu BiiK-'nuiti. Theeattagbar lssnpptted with everything in the eitlne line served In the best stvle. Meals served at all hours. Fine private rooms tnutcueu. LEATHER and SHOE HIDIIGS IE3. T. CLBAEY, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson Ileuse building, SHENANDOAH, PA. W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coul nncl Jnrcllu 8tH. Mr. Bnyder will always keep'.ln stock a; flue Custom W'orlc nncl Repairing done In the best style. He gnarenteea to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who, cneaper than competitors on Main street whoj have big rent to pay, and gnarantM a gentht las breln u stwt pexsJUait, WANTS, &o. FOR BALK Old bottles, stlltablofoi bottllnor catsun. Ac. run hn hnd verv nhpni at J. A. Ileiily's llquorsto e, 820-lf 'ANTED Good cewerH to learn post olllco buildtni;. FOR RENT. Three rooms, suitable for club rnnm. nfllra ptf nan niirl ctoitm flTlnres. Hew tioiler Inst put Id. Apply t Levi Hefowlch, clothier, Si Main Bt. 9 3-tf WANTED. A good girl to do gen ernl housew' rk. Apply at Kelly's mil llnery store. 20 H luth Mam street. Mif nan- donh 8-ie 4t DESIRABIiE PROPERTY FOR salo. Ono of tho moat desirable nrooer lies oc West Oak street, for salo on reasonable terms. Apply at Uowse's grocery store, cor ner Jardin and Oak streets. Bhenandonb, l'a TYPE WRITING. A young lady, a grnduaU. wnts work at type writing. all at Herald ofllce. or address 1Icrl,u. Shenandoah, l'a, 8 Ml FAItMB FOR SALE. Areyou look ing tor a farm? If so call on or wrltu to . J. Kehler. Frackvllte. l'a.. as to where they nre located and for terma. 8-22-tf FOR SALE. A beautiful double rod Iron fence, suitable for feu cine ceme tery lots, or fir gates around wrlllnBS. In qulro of Presbyterian church trnstees. 9 9 tf FOR SALE. A nice 28 aero farm for sale. Hli miles from Hhenandoah. Deiutlfitlly situated go a public road Good dwelling. Good barn. Frntt trees beginning to bear. All young. Kplendld stream ol water running through the the land. This is a good chance for a man who wants a small f-irm. Inquire or Jnn8 G. Hutton, post office bulldlog, room g. s-8 tf DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER ship. Notlcs is hereby given that the nrmoi uuiaig a hooks ntreiororo exuting and doing buMne.s In the borough of Shen andoah hns been this day dissolved. .Mr, B, F. Laudlg, tho senior member of tho firm, retiring. Tlie buslutss wl'l hereafter be t'on durted by V. V. Hooks nud Richard Ij. Brown, comioslU(; tbo Qrm nf Hooks A llrown. who nBguine nu ooiigaiions oi ine oia nrm aoa 10 Whom nu oius uue tuai nrm rnouiu no paiu. , 1. W. Richard l. Biiown. Shenandoah, l'a., Sopt. 11, 1891. I-a-w4w AMUSEMENTS. JJIIJIlUUKOIS'tt TIIEATKE. r. j. rcitonsos, kauaoeii. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, '91 ALFRED KEL0Y, and his own company present the groat coiueuy uraiuii, "0'FLYNN IN MEXICO" Under the management of W. S. Dibble. Every particle of scenery nsed for this pro- Ani.i inn lamp.lo t h. Ihu wm,.ni, nA is made to tft any stage in America. afjriooEJ, CO, GG, QOo, Seats on salo nt Klrlln's drug store. gTHAWB show ths way the wind blows, bnt they don't shoir what hard blows we have been striking tit etrnw hat prices. Home bats are dear at any price; tboe bata are cheap at donble the money. If what covers your head Is not becoming to you, all tbe pains you tako as to the reat ot your attire areslmply thrown away. Comeand see bow you will loos: In one o"t our COa straw hats. There's no use In giving any further description or them than to sy this they are stylish. We ent the prlco down because we want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain In hats Is our 81 black stiff hata. 13 S. Main St S0ANLAN Stienandoah UEADQUAHTERS FOR Fish, Oysters, Fruits, VEGETABLES, &c. FRESH GOODS EVERY DAY. PUICEH 3I()I)I!ItATIt. Would solicit part of the patronage of the public. COAKLEY BROS., Cor.Ueolre and White HU., SHENANDOALV.PA. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, $8E. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH . FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of cigars always on hand, The best temperance drinks. Reduction PRICE. A few patterns of White Embroidery, Flouncings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteens, Chintzes, also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kinds, which are oftered regardless of cost to clean out. . PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Shenandoah Business College ! o AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBINS OPERA FORTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, 1 Fall Term Begins Monday, August Slst, 1891. W. J. SOtLY, President. First National Bank, THEATRE HIJII.IIXNO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J.' Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass't Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST I rruti on Hnvlnifu nepoHitn. The Leading Photographer, NO. 14 N. WHITE ST. The work done at this gallery Is fully equal to that done at the large galleries of Mew York and i'hlladelpnla. Comparison Is In vited between the specimens of his two and three dollar cabinets shown In his window and the best of work done elsewhere at five and six dollars. ' tjfUo not climb long flights of stairs to patronize an enterprise run by out of town parties when better work may be had of your own townsmen. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream 1 BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended 1o. Particular at tention liuiu 10 uuiis, x'li'uira, Festivals, etc ie1. DECEiTzaz-isr NOHTII MAIN BTREET, Near Corner ofJLloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA The Cheapest Place ! -TO BUY- Gents Famishing Goods, Hosiery, Etc , CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, S West Centre Ht,, Shenandoah. HOUSE BUILDING Tho name of A. C. YATES & CO. is a household word. The quality of our goods has built up our popularity. .For the coming 'all and Winter we have manufactured a stock that is sure to please. Novelties and standard fabrics aro here in plenty, and price, stylo, quality and making have all received our personal care. With your former needs m mind wo are confident of meet ing present wan te. A. C. Yates & Co. HOW OHLT Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. GET THE BEST- The "HEW BROADWAY" RAHfiE Is tbe best range In the market, and the price will Just ault. Tbe following promptly aiieuuea w: .".If TIN R00FINO, SPOUTINO, ROOF PAINTINi Andall kinds of STOVE 2t333PXHI3, kept on hand. Dealers supplied. Thanktne; for past favors, I remain yours to comramd, WM. P. PBATT, 7-tkSra 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO Jlutl Centre Street, 8IZE2fA2fJ) OA It. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Coafectionery ! -OF ALT, KIND3.- Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Oenla' Furnishing Cools and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderaou Caps. B BAST OHNTRH ST. 'Has"romoved to Bill Jones' old stand 17 BOTJTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be plowed to meet the wmui of tils friends and the public In ErrytateQ is the Drtakfeg Uw. v