NAKRAGANSETT JUELLESi JProtty Womon Who Hp.vo Taken tho Plor by Storm. The CTIdoir I.lttlo Saints Who Flirt Mice , Cain Young Jlrn Who Are "IIIbIi ltollcrs" A llcauty Behind the Counter! icorrtuoiiT, 1991.1 It Is on nmnzlng thing to tell, but peoplo notunlly go to church at tho pier. From tho hotel piazza I watched tho worshipers gather; dowagers In silk nnd lace, young girls In fluttering lawns and organdies, walking sedately and wearing a devout expression under their scarlet parasols, Later I saw these same little saints some at tho beach flirting llko Cain that is, 11 Cain illrted. Wo havo no record of It, but I presume ho did what all men havo dono since his day. Tho splrituollo look had vanished, tho MISS BEADLE, DAUGHTER OP rjX-OOV-EltUOIl BEADLE OF NEW JEItSEV. rapt air had disappeared. The fair dev otees had finished their prayers and were now ready for tho real business of the day. ''Havo you seen tho widow?" was ono o! tho first questions asked mo. "What widow? Is thero only ono widow hero?" "There aro widows and widows, but only ono widow at tho pier," was tho quick reply, "and speaking of angels, here she comes." A superbly-formed creation np proaohed a Juno in a Parisian gown. A woman of tho Lillian Russell type, a flowing pink and whlto blonde. Vol ow hair, bluo oyes and a color of peaches and cream. Iler costume was of navy bluo cresson, bordered with black. It opened over a vest as yellow as her hair. Her hat was a stunning leghorn trimmed with black feathers, auu suo wore '.tZ lCS Hd tho first white embroidered veil which had found its way over from Newport. A beautiful llttlo girl as blondo as her lovely mother "walked by her, and on tho other sido a dovoted cavalier In tho person of handsomo Ned Gray, of Boston. "Tho" widow is Mrs. L. Courtney O'Donnoll, of Baltimore, chic, dashing, tho center of attraction wherever sho goes. She is a man's woman, a good comrade, fond of out door sports, especially of yachting. Sho Is a picture iu her yachting gown of bluo sorgo with scarlet trimmings nnd wearing the jauntiest of imported light-gray Alpino hats. On account of her beauty, wealth and Independence sho Is a shining mark for tho old Tabbies, who aro In as great force at tho pier as everywhero, yowling and scratching at anyone who chances to bo young and attractive. Another Baltimore woman attracts much attention Mrs. Itoss Whistler, cousin of tho Winans and nleco by mai- rlago of tho great Whistler, bho is a pretty llttlo woman, considered a groat tioauty by Ilaltimoreans and always wears tho most striking costumes. There aro several handsomo young tnen hero who aro pointed out as "bloods" and "high rollers." Thero ore Col. Whcaton, Ned Gray, Martin do Oarmcndla and William Kane, to whom belongs tho distinction of driving tho most stunning trap hero. Mr. ICano Is also ono of the most porfect dressers nt tho pier and creates a dlstinot stir when ho drives his blooded tandem through tho town, l'orhnps ono of tho hand somest men hero Is Ned Buckley, whoso dork eyes and superb physique recelvo many glances of admiration from tho belles. Thbso young' men find plenty of ways to-spend money. There may heady ron a nil. bo a1 quick supper at tho Casino or, Jaeger's or a dinner tit ShOrry's or a buckboard rldo after rhododendrons which is ono of the features here. Thqru is no yachting, but horsoback riding, dancing and ilbwers for tho giris jnoan enaicsa expanses, to say nothing of tho drinks, which every man' who understands good form must put hlmsolf outside of during the twenty-four hours. - Think of tho bar bill a young- swon must pay, wlien a julep cost 40 cenlu, tv brandy and soda 75 cents nnd every coplttnu 2o cents. Wiy, it's enough to ruin every dear boy, On tho way up from tho boaeli Is a strong attraction for all tho dudes. It is in the shape of a saucy, piquant little beauty in n lnpldnry's shop. Tho vory smartest traps nt tho pier stand by tho hour In front of that Shop, nnd small wondor, whun ono sees tho delicious Uttlo creature who. tells Cholly how ho should have- his alcove links reset or his locket studded. It la whispered that mora than ono proud beauty Is Jealous: of tho presiding divinity, of that lapi dary's shop. '.' , ' Complete whlto costumed arof 'all. tho rago -at Narrngnnsett. RronVhatl to shoos madam or miss attlrcg f herself, for Uiis virginal cbstumo, iJhco supposed o bo consocratdrd to yotiiig girls, has Deen approplated by tho married belles. Going down tho pavilion walk to-day, I mot n striking-looking woman on tho sunny sido of forty. Sho was large, and luscious, and dark, and sho was gowned in puro while that .fitted to her shape. Her hat, her gloves, her para sol wcro spotless, and, to complcto tho picture, sho held her silken skirts In I her hand to reveal tho while shoes nnd tho row upon row of delicate laco ' flouncings on her petticoats. This was I Mrs. Gon. Draper, a Kentuclcy belle, i who has spont many seasons at Narra . gansctt. The Koblnson girls, of .Edge wood, at- tract a great deal of attention when I they drive in their smart yellow buck- board. I hoy aro stylish, fun-loving nnd accomplished. Ono is very highly gifted musically. Another seems to bo for ever Injuring herself. First sho sprained her linger, and wont about with her hand in a sling a la Salllo Hargous, and with a most becoming pallor. Then sho sprained her anklo, and now drives with a pair of crutches at her side. t is said that tho contest for tho posi tion of bello will bo settled when Miss Helen Newberry, of Detroit, arrives. Miss Newberry will visit Miss Carrie Morrow. ' She is a groat belle, h, beauty of the ash-blondo type, exceedingly ac complished, devoted to athletics, speaks a half dozen languages, rows, 6wlmst dances, rides, and Is a great matri monial catch, having moro money than Miss Thompson, who was recently mar ried to Mr. Cannon. Miss Newberry knows all tho available' Now York men nnd was a pronounced -success at tho 'Ponce do Leon in St. Augustlno last winter. 'Rhododendron hunting is a crazo-Just now. -Thorn Is a great sVvnmp near Charleston pond Where parties go to hunt for tho big pink and white blos soms. You will meet buckboards laden with peoplo bearing homo these huga balls to docorato their houses and tables. Others hunt tho wild rosos and moming glories which run riot through tho Woods and across lanes. Let us peep in at a Casino hop this rainy, foggy evening. Lights gleam, music allures, beautiful faces smllo and tiny feet fly over tho polished floor. Who Is the belle? Thero aro so many pretty women It is absolutely provoking. Thero is dainty Lucy Turner, in gold and black gauze, with a bodlca of goldcn-hned silk; thero is Miss Robin son, In rose silk with a brocaded bodlco; thero is pretty Miss Munnice, in a dove- fun nr Tim wateii. colored gownj Miss Ferguson, pf Al bany, in pink erepoj Joy Lindsay, In white with a brood yellow sash; Mrs. O'Donnoll, In grays Mrs. Gaynor, of lloston, in a Wattcau gown ono's head whirls as tho room becomes ono mass of llfrht and color and perfume. What is tho charm' of Narragansett? Freedom, for ono thing. There Is not tliat absolute subserviency to conven tionality which is to bo found at Now port. Peoplo seem to go In for a jollier, heartier time. They throw off tho bondage of custom to a certain extent and whoop It up in a mildly oxhllarat- ing fashion. Tho wickedness of tho pier Is consid erably overdrawn by tho Imaginative pnragraphcr. Perhaps men and woin,on do forget their years and become boys and girls again as tney tumble ana roll about In tho surf and on tho sand. Per haps a coquette finds full swing on tho beach and employs more than ono favored cavalier to-hold on her flapping JcghOrn. Perhaps tho girls who wear those Ecarlot silk stockings ana wonder ful llttlq red shoes aro a bit careless about crossing their feet, but after all these are harmless bits of Iniquity and hurt no One's morals. Children huvo an especially good tlmo at Narragnusett. Indcod, the most im moral features thero seemed to bo tho way In which youngsters aro 'allowed to run, riot and yell llko' so many llttlo Bioux Indians, causing by tncir antics and unearthly noiso much rage, fury and profanity. 1 nover felt so immoral in ray llfo as when, wearied with tho day's work and sight-seeing, I tried to Bleep and heard a pack of howling- In fants rush through tho halls With tho fury and onslaught of a Kansas cyclono, I toll you the result was worse than that which could possibly bo obtained by any reprehensible breach or Casino scene, Pcoar PuitDEjRns, Advertising It l said will sell anything, this la tnu to a measure; bat- for' i-Uying qualities:,- merit Is the teat. Extenatv advertising may sell anything wharo U is sow or unknown, but after- tt omea Into general use It Is) judged according to IU worth. The continued a&4 steady growth of Swift's Qpecifi la the best cvideuc of IU excellence. tt la most popular where it is boat known. Krory bottlo sold, sella test others. Every ono that takes' It be comes Its friend, and recommend U to their aequaintanue. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlnaasa MfilUdfree. Swanc gracarta Co., Atlanta,, BASE PALL SCOREa Rain Council (lames' ((thr?- FoitpohedslQ New York and1 llropklyn 1 AT BOSTOSf '' ' Boston i r,i o o o' h 0 0- 4 Chicago 0 J"p- l 'O OB-S haUorlos ClarluonJandlaantoli' Oumbort and Klttrtdgo. T AT rniLXDKLrillA. rhilB.drlr.hla 1 0 0 '0 0 0 1-5 Cleveland 0 0040000 0-4 DnttoricsEipor and Orayi Young nnd Zlm mor. I f AT BROOKLYN. Oamo postponed on account of rain. AT NEW YORK. Game postponod on account of rata. National League Record. -- - . IV CHi5. fTon. J. Ct rittsburir.6a 07 .437 IIrooktyn.61 00 .438 Clovoland.53 CO .431 Clncln'atl.47 73 .303 CTubs. Won. Lor!. (Tt ' Chicago... 70 44 .013, Boston (19 M 1883 Now Vork.CS 48 .604 Phlln'phla.01 AS .52(1 Amorlcan Association Games AT COLUMBUS. No game, rain, AT BT. LOUIS. 8 1 Louis 0 lialtlmoro 1 0100810 8-7 0031 1 00 0-0 llattorlea MoQill and Boyloj MoMnhon and Koblnson. AT L0PI8VIIAH. Louisriiio 3 2 o o a n i o o-ii Boston , 5 1100110 1-5 IJattorlas-nufflnton and Murphyi Fltigor aid uud lahlli, AT MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee 0 0110001 2-7 Athletic 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2-0 Batteries Vauiran and Davis; Cbamborlala and Mlulgan. American Association llocord. Per OutK, TTon. Ijcxt. Ct Boston.. ,.82 37 .080 fit. Louli.,77 45 .(131 Pit (7u6. Won. IsiiUC. Colutnl)U1..3l) 08 .401 Ullwauk'd.6'1 08 .438 UaltlmoroUO 33 .555 Lou'vlllo... 43 79 J47 Albletla.,D5 67 AJ3 i Wa9b'toq,,40 72 .372 Eastern Association. AT LEBANON. Lebanon ..1 1 O'O 0 0 '1 0 Albany; i O'O 0 0 0 O'O 0 0-3 o- a Batteries uoodall and Bagi; -Devlin and 11033. AT TBOy,-- Troy ;.;...i 0 0 0 0,0 4 0 0 a Ilulfnlo.. 3 0 0 0 0 O' O 1 o-q Batteries -Doran and Murphy; Daley and McKeouith. . A 111a Bui t In Kqnlty. Boston, Msrs., "8ep. '10. X bill in equity has come up Jn theSuprome Court ngalnBt Charles Bnbbidge and other eze. outors of the will of Thomas Wentworth Pieroe. The object'li to deefde whether the children of the testator aro entitled to priority over other legacies, tho assets being Insufficient to pay all legacies iq 'full. The estate is valued at 1,250,000 and the total legacies about $2,000,000. If tho court decides In the children's favor, the other legates will get llttlo ot nothing. A suit is also pending for the removal of the trUBtecs. Pennsylvania's State Fair. Bethlehem, Sep. 10. Tho Pennsyl vania Stato Fair will be hold here next week. It will be formally opened on Monday by Prof. Conpoe of Lehigh Uni versity. Gov. Pattlson is expected to arrive nere on Wednesday ana will stay over Thursday. On Friday thero will bo- larae KatUorlng o l.OUU Bremen from all parts of the State. Thirty companion nro already In town with their engines. Tho entries for tho races closed oil Sat urday night. Thero are over 100 of them. Tho premiums aggregate $6,500. InTOStlgatlng Italluu Lnborors. Walt-iUM, Mass., Sopt. 10. The con dition of the Italian sower laborers cm- ployed In this city is being Investigated. ny tno Italian vjuuhui at uusbuxi. xue men work presumably under the padrone system, aro miserably housed nnd are forced to buy provisions nt on enhanced price from n syndicate of their own ooun- trymeu, who get lucm ompioyincni. Serious Strike Trouble, Ottawa. Ont., Sep. 10. The strike riots hero Imye nsslitned a serious aspect and n Woody conflict Is feared. The 1,C00 strikers who drove out the work men from tho Eddys' pall factory, and Wrlffht'a linie nnd cement works,, and rouuuly hnnulea the bosses at uotn places, aro now being guarded by troops, but aro still in an ugly mood. A Disabled Vessel I'loked Up. ViMETAnn' Haveu: Sep. 10. The steamer Cottage City, of the Maine Steamship Company, from Portland for Now YotK. was plotted up by tho steam shlu Manhattan oil Cross Iilg Lightship in a disabled popdltlon, caused by tho breaking of her steam pipe. She was towed to this port. It will take a day or two to ropalr the damage. Suit Aeainst a City, PnovTDEitcB, E. L, Bepr 10. Writs hava been served on Frank M. Uaes, Treasurer of tho city of Pawtuoket for $85,000 damnnes, alleged to have been caused to the, .town of Cumberland by the freshet ot 1880. The suit is brought after those many days to avoid outlawry of the claim. Tteturn of a Disabled Stoamor, JJnw Yonis, Sep. 10. The steamship ijudson, Captain Itemblo, wmclileft tnis port tor new urieans on sop. i, nas re turned In tow of the steamship Iroquois, The Hudson broke her crank pin oil Sep tember 18, rendurlug her helpless. On the following morning tlu Iroquois was sighted and took her In tow. Ilnnk IVreckers Sentenced. n. ,n.,n c,. m ir....i. -nr prcpidont, and Iionry II. Kennedy," cashier of tho dj;f (irujt , Spring-Uardon National Bank, who wcro convjoted rpedntly for wrecking that Institution, were sentenced by Jiidgo Butlet" to1 ten years each in tha Eastern feulteutlary. 1'ltljburg to llaro Another -Strike. PlTTsuuiWvSop.lO, The mm luha coif a region are proparlng fornothr strike. All signs Indicuto that' ttu strugglo will begin before very many 'wc"oks, and, though tt may 1)0- Beveral months, the strike Is almost saro to corns within the year. Quarreled About the Puymvnt of Drinks. Nxw Haven, Conn. Sep. 9. John Taylor, a teamster, who was stabbed and badly wounded., by- John rJchmldt, saloon-keeper, during a quarrel about the payment ol drinks Is fatally hurt. Italy's World's Fair Proildenri Homji, SoP JO; The Duka ot Genoa has been appointed president of the Ital ian World' ralr Committee. WILL . TJ"" " As a Pieman" and WHOLE SYSTEM TO riiRFF.CT HEALTH. cir.eT0caXttrtro0u.e Hoof land's Pociophyllin Pills Watlicr Indications. WAsnwoTos, Sop, 18. For New Eiwtandi Bhowors: varlablo winds, shifting 4o westorlyi no ohango la temperaturo. Fop-Eastern Now York had Eastern l'onusyl vanlor Local showers followod by clearing weather; slightly warmer In Northern Now York; stationary temperature! southwesterly winds. For New Jersey: Fain westorly winds) slliilitly warmor. For Western New York and Wostorn Penn sylvania: Gen-irally fair, preceded by local showers; stationary tompcrature la western portion of Now York: westerly winds. NKW YOIIK niAIlUKTS. Nuw Yohk, Sep, IS, Honor on call oasy loaning at D and 4 por coat. BONDS. Closing Closing Yesterday. To-day. 414s, lBOl'rt'eg 100M iOOJi 4V.189i;Coup.,.. lOOtj . lOOjl 4 s, 1007 Beg...., IIOJJ mU 4 a, 1007 Coup.. ....lWi 117 bTOOK MAHK1IT. Closing Clpslng Yesterday, To-day.' Canadian l'noino,.,.,, ,.i eu vol Central Vaclflo.... 83M 8U Chicago, Bur, St Qulncy 0014 01 Uelawaro & lludson 13UU l.'ll Del., Lack. St Western 14'4 143M Erie iva S8 Erlapref.,.., 70U (la LalioShoro...., U7U 11U Louis. 4fNah 78 -HO " Michigan Central 100M 101W Jljasouri rncltlo ,, 7.1 71 ti New Jersey Central,. ...... 11051 lll'M Northwestern. 113)4 11SJ Oregon Navigation 73 7a raclDoMaU 37H .SHU llwvllng,.., HOtf 37 ltock Island i 8J BVH Bt. Paul 70H Tlil Union PaclOo l4l 41t Western Union 84 fc4j OHAIN MAKKGT. Cora opened weak, but rallied before oloie, No. 2. mlxod. 73: .Oct. I13VS: Deo. 00, Oats Fairly actlvo and stoaay. No. J, mlxod 3laail(: Oo,;u. ,. Wheat Market ODOued strong and at clo wassle.idy: No. 2. Rod winter. 101: Oot. 10tlH: Doa 108, rilODUOB JBUTTlSft Croamery. State &Ponn., extras. 34aa33 Ho, Creamery, western, firsts ...21 aaJi o. Croamery. western. 'seconds IS o.aSO a. State dairy, n. f. tubs, extras. nM o.a.ii o. Boas N. Y. fltata. new laid, per doi,...8(l4o.a o. Penn.. new laid 20lja.a o, Western A; Nortnwostern, good to prime 10lf' alOJJ PoiAxoiss Jerserltoao. per bbl. 7Bal S3, Sweet potatoes, Va, cnolco...,,,,....! 7ia3 00 Liva Pouuritr , bpi-log chickens, oholoo. largo per lb. .Ilal3 bpnng cblcke'is, prime. ,,. all luwls,Jorsey,8tatoasPa., per lb alJ 1)BE9SKD POUtTBY Turkeys, mlxod weights, oor lb. 12 all SpV ohk's. Phllo., UHaS lbs to pair.. ,.17' al8 Peacues fid. Ss Del,, rpllow. choice per bask., 00a 70 lid. Si 1)01.. rod fruit, enoioo. basn.... 00a 03 Jersey, prime, per baskot ,.. 70a 80 Aj? na.; llel., choice, per orate 80a 40 lid. & Del., common, per crate 20a JJ Nyack or Holland Pippin, p d.-u.ul.lra V&al Gl COPYRIGHT l&SI All gont woman's suffe'ring and woman's weakness. JJr. 1'ierco's favorite Prescription puts a stop to it. It's a remcuy ior ail ine uencaio uu rangemcnts and disorders that mako her suEer, and a cure for all tho flis- eascs and disturbances tliat niako, her weak. It's a legitimate modi- cino, tnai correcis ana cures ; a tonio that invicorates and builds up : a nervine that soothes and .strengthens. For bearing - down .-, '1 . 1 ( 1 1 r 1 pains, uispiacenients, an tuo iunc tional irregiilarities peculiar to tho pox, it's a safq and' pertain, remedy. A.I 1 . ' uiner mcaicincs qiaira 10 curo r That's true. But they don't claim to do this : if tho Favoritd Tro Bcription fails to givo satisfaction, in any caso for "wliich it's recom mended, tho money paid for t it is refunded. ' ' ( Judgo for yoursclf' which is likely 1fp bd. tho hotter' mcdiclhp; And think yJietlior B'pmcthing else offered, by tho dealer is likely to bo " just as good," You pay only for tho good you get. On theso terms it's tho cheapest. BanH CountorsjTyler aystpm, Port- aoio, unoquaiod in styles. Cost nrtH Plnlnh. ' HOT-ln fUllonuvr CukUf,. D,.k. ' ele. L nlastrtled la Colon, J)achb.Prt. rott.. It C.sU. Also -Ayier imrsi Office lu.Us and Type rller Cubluets. )iO Htyles. lldat'aridches est on earth, with great .rudubuonta prices, "lie ikftc.uifu Fr., P..IM1. is tu. vT ll.,, D.tlt., Cbtln. TsU.a, &ok -.., 'CsUb., BI.Bk .I.IU, ,W, Ml .J . IB .u... Su.fl.1 --fork m.Bfl lo'onl.r, TYLUH l)E8ItCO.,Ht.Jul., Mo., V.B.A, CttTV flpnr irrn rurr IVnltlvnlir Cured vtltk 'Ur cured macy yuwiMJKl Cut m;if oti pruiKfum ed rKHii Srvt iios6 KVmirtomf At ka- two-thifdi nl i . tv:utau one. I tlx UaiO ffrilitl rilUU you rrlliI I II UU you UOei trial. t4o m mmin. i ty wuxstt au, ii. it jukk X tutu. Al 0iAuI run PURIFYmBLOOD CLItAR TilE COJH'MSXION. BRIGHTEN TIII5 15YKS, SWEETEN THE HltEATII, TONE THE RTnsTr'tf. IlEGULATR TUP. I.IVTtll ln iw.YirV.Va CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPAR1LLA. Tones up your system and gives you an appetite that a lumberman might envy. Cures dyspepsia, stomach troubles, constipation, and liver or kidney diseases. In addition to this it cures a.11 skin affections and the more violent blood troubles. Effects are immediate and cures permanent. Sold at Klrlln'a Drug Store, Ferguson'! Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. ' Your trade is 'what we want.' This Is how we propose) to get it. By tselllug you' 'a hraiA 'class art file; by selling yoil 'for leas .than others; by selling you furniture, an organ, a piano, a sewing machine or, anything else , in the line of household goods. "We'huve a large and va rled'stock to Belecl frcinl. 1 No troutilo'to show goods. - Call, examine and be convinced. H H P 8 THE OLD RELIABLE, Soutli main St., SHE DSTA.lSriD O-i-KC. Lehigh Valley Railroad. ABUANQKM1SNT or VASflENOElt TRAINS. MAY 10, 1891. I'aaseneer trains wlll leavo Shenandoan lor uauen linuua, ienicuion, Hiatington, uai sauqna,AUentOwn, Ilethlehera, Easton. Will odelphiaand Uew YorSat 5,17, 7.40, 9.03 a.m., For uelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and oiruuunuurg ifbo.ij, u. u.,aau p. ui. For White Haven, Wllltes-Barre and I'ltDi ion 6.47. 0.03. 10.41 a. m.. 8.10 and 623 . m. ForTunkhannock, 10,41 a, m., 8.10 and 6.2(1 n m. For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons iu.ii a. m., ana as p. 111.. For Lacej-yllle, Towanda. Bayre, Waverly, Chlcagu and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and 5.28 n. m. For Mnilra and thb West via Halamanca at 3.10 p. m. For Audenrled. Bazleton. Btockton. Lum ber Yard. Weatherlv and 1'enn Uaven Juno Hon at 5.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.62, 3.10 and 7,20 p.xu. i- ur ueanesvuie, ijvisujii . ana ue&vei Meadow. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 6.23 n. m. For Bcranton at 6.17 9.08. 10.11a. m. 8.10 and C .'Hi ' ' For Ilazle Brook. Jeddo. Urlfton and Free land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.11 a. m.. 1Z52 8.10 and R9Rn m r or Huaiue at o.s una a. m., ana S.10 p. m. ror niKtcaus, uiieerwn ana jcrucsrvuie at .50 and K.08 a.m., and 4.10 rJ. nl 'I ' ' Vn.unllln 11 f ., 1 . .. . ... .. T ! 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.11. 10.58 a. m..li52. 8.03. or IjOsi ureeK. jiraravine ana Asuiana l.AJ, ,VU,O.U4t, AU.U Ul., X.W, .V, IkOU, i iv. wr tts a Co in , c . , rm , in tin a oe s.iu ana v.ii p. m. , i ror lmrKwaujr. est. uiair ana i-oiLsviue, 7.40, 9.08, 10X8 a. m, 12.52, 8.10, 4.10, 6.28 and 8.03 u. m. rot uuck Aiounutin, new iiosion ana Morea. 7.40. 0.08. 10.S8 a.-'nrti I2.52. 8.10. S.28 and 3.03 p.m. For Haven Itnn, Centralla, ML Carmel and apamoklD,' 82, ad 10.16 a. m., Ii40, 4.40 anil R DA-nm. ' ' 1 ' Trains leave Shatnokln (or Shenandoah, 7.55 11.55 a. m.. 2.10. 4.30 and 0.30 n. m.. arrlvlnt at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.20 and u jo p. ra. For Lost Creek. Glrardville and Arfhland, 0.50, 9.10 11.35 a.m., 2.45 p. m, For DarkwateF.- til, UJulr and PotUvUlr , tn u tv, n on .. . n .e h MM, CI .1', pJU tf . Ul., p. UU ror xaiesvuie, juananoy uiiy ana ueiano, .1, IIJKJ U. O.U) p. JJ1. For Lony, Aotlenrled and llaileton, 8X4 in,, i.sup. in: For llaucn: ChunTt.Xehlehtorr. Blatlnctorr. Catasauqua, Allentown, llethlehem, Kastos ana new xors, n.ui a. m., i.iu p. mi Forl'hlladelpuial.lO' ' " .11. BY1NGTON. Y1 iHyAjU .rlh'Bhem, John R. Coyki Attorney-at-Law 1 ,lfAND i Real Estate Agent OFFICE Beddaix'b Building, Cer. Msln and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA PROPERTY FOR SALE: I A two and one-hair story' double frame uweiuiiK uuuse, wun store-room ana re taurant. Located on KiiM Centre street. 9 A valuable property locled on South Jari 8 Seven dwelling houses at the corner of Oil bert and Lloyd streets. Quod Investment, leruu reasoname. I. P. Williams & Bro hiladelj-hia and Reading .Railroad i-oCI in effect July 10, 1801 TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS FOT Maw Ynrk ?t PhtlnlAlnhla. vaatr iliin. .0 6,515, 7.50 1 m. and 1285 4.60 and 6.55 . art. Sunday ,2,lu and 7.48 a. m. For New wf'VlaiMUcli Chunk, week days, 6.35. I, a. m. and 12.35 and 2.60 p. m. .n"!.? ona Philadelphia week days, 10, 6.25, 7.20,.a. m., 12.33 ".Jo and S.55 pirn. z.: inndllT. 'J in onrl All A nn. Kot HarrlBbun:. weelt ditvu. n. m. AO. 6.65 D. m- o m 1 f 'S0 '" 12-35 12JJ ifp and 6.56 p. inv aunday, 2.10 oiia7.4l a. m , 4.80 p. ra. tor Tamaqua and Mahanov Cltv. week For Xancostor and Columbia, week days. k day. 3.2t, T.20 and lM a.m., 1,53,7.53 m. Hunday D:2 . m., 3.05 p. m. r ui inHUHuuy inaue, wees aays, z.iu nua. . 7.20 and 11.80 n. m.. li5. ijh. 2 fin. r rs .00anoi;.-.a mi, Bnnduv, 2 10, ,03 and 7.48 m U B. 4.S0 D.tu. r or uintraviili 123, 10, .2 ., 7.48 a. in.. 3.0S. 4.30 n. m. 1 Or .Afihland nnd HlifLlnntcln. waaIt flavff ,SJ!3,7.20, 1U1 a. m 1.35, 7.00 and ,SJ m, onnnay a;ii, B ss a. ra., 8.U3 p. m. . FOll HHENANDOAH : Leave New York via Vhlliulolnlila. wk ay. 7,45 a. m L80, 4,w, 7.8U p. m Jil y,7,45 a. m L80, 4,W. 7.SU p. m iBhL Buuday 8.00 p.m., 12.15 nlgnu Leave New York via Mniidh I'hiiHtr. week mja, .ov, Q.t U. lUt, ltW HUU .W P ,n jAiave x-uimaeipnia, week aays. 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p.m.: frra Broad .nd Callowtilll and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. in. (Torn tttnanc Oreen streeie. Banday U.05 a, m. 11.30 p. pi.ltom CJtli nnd -rotu. Leave lieaaing, week days, 1.35. 7.10. 1U.C6 tod 11.00 a. ml. 5.53. 77 n. m. Unndnv 1-11 nnd 10.45 a. m. Leave rottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m tso.dllp. m. uunday, 2.10, 7.00 a. m. and o o. ra. i Leave Tatoaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.48 ano 2 ' a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and 0.18 n. m. Bundav 3.20 43 .. in. and ZCO p. tn. . cave MBhauov Cltv. week davs. 8.40. 9.18 ad 11.47 a. ml. L61.i7.42 and 9.11 n. m. Bun. day,, 8.4(1,8. 17 a. m.,.3.20 p, m. -xjeuve mananoy weeK oays,2i'j,AU i.W, U J3. 11.59 a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 6 20, 6 2a, 7.57, and in.00 n. m. Hundav2.4U. 4.00. and 6.77. a. m o,iuri,p. ill. .IP.'i Leaye. Glrardville (Rappahannock Btatlon) week rees uuys. Mif.-w, oo, sua v.n a. zn., i'.U), 12. 6.W. 8.82. 8.03 and-iaoa t. m. Hundav.2.47. 0 , 8.83 a. m. 8.41, 5.07 p. m. Leave WllllamBDort. wees: davs. and 11.65 a. m. and 11.15. p. m. Sunday 11.15 ,m. For Baltimore. Washington and the west la 13. & O. K. It., throneh Iralns leave .Glrard Ht 4,10, 801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.34, 4.21, 6.55 an m u in, nunoay. sao h.tJ 1107 a. m., s. 1.55 and 7.23p.m. , . , . . .1 ailiAKilOWXI lUVlSlUJM, Leave fhuadelDhla. Chestnut Street Whaif aad south Htreet Wharf. Ml Ip-hr'Ati'aiitlc CItT. WeokHVHllrnrfiHK. H 00. 9.-00 a. tn. 2.N). O.W, I. rj, u.W V. HI. AUUUlUHlUUilllUU, ,.SVtt. HI. nnd 4.15, 30 0. m., . auuuayn. express, B.U0, 9.00 a. m. Ac commn ttoa, aai) a. muind 1.45 p. m I neiurning, leave Auanno uity, aepot tuintle and, Arkansas Avenues , WaAlr-dm n Express, 7.00. 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3.15, 4.00,6.30 m. Accommodation o.uu, sad a.i m. and 0d, m. Buudavs-Kxtress. 4 00. 8.00 n. tn. Accommodation, 7.8(1 a.m. and 6.05 p; m. u. u. ilAMUOUK, oen'l 1-asa'r Agt. ova. uoLKOU. yiea. & Oen'l Manazer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCUOTLKILL DIVISION, tn md aftei September 1, 1391, !ran ull Uav oneitunaoan tu iouwt: ft n t ...... . , , i. , i- i , i vu. it ibpmu, ,iiuciwu, e lau&viiit, xiuvr Caatle, Bt. Ulalr, and way points, C.UO, 8.10 Ul HUU 4tlb 11 1U, aundnyu, ,000, 9,40 a m and fi.J 0 p m. i or Fotuvllle, 8.00, 9.10 a ra aua 4.15 P m. t3unaaysjfioo,lUo& m and 3.10 p m, For IleadlnL'. 8.00. a m and 4.15 dl Btuiclays,-ijOU,9.10aiin.. and 3.10pm. For i'otUtown. hoemxville. Wnrrlstnwn and Fhlladelphla (Hniad street Btatlon i. e.OO. a.m. and 4.15 p mweetdays innanys, tw, a m 8.iu p m Trains leave Frsekvllle ior Bhenandoab at tj.Wam and 12.11, 7(42, lo.oup m. Handera, 11.13 a m and 5.40 p m. Tjpvo t-otisvuie iorDUenanooan, JU.iiuna 1.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p ui, uundays, 10.40 a za .IS p m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad strrrt nation), K II.Hn,lllB on4 Uli.nnnflb ART GO" .. 4. 0 and 7.00 n m week days. Sunday 6 SO. nasi 3& m i Hn i'oriNewyork. 8.20, 4,05, t,m. 6.85, o, 73f' j.ai8.5u, j.uj,, n.ia am.iz.oanoon, ltmltMl nrwiu. 1 ft i Hit tit 1 19 91 19 dd 1 dn 2.SIV 1 JO, '.02 ?, t, tiS r. 6.507.13 8.U and lO.OQ" p.' m, U.U1 uiKui. 'i, 4.U5, 4.401 fiJ5. k.iz, 8.80, 9.60, 11.35 1 ra, nnd 1221, 12 41, 230, 4.02, (limited, 4.41V. S.23. R21... .'a a in aild I'lm nlirhl. For Sea GlrLLongBranchand Intermediate stations 4,05, 0.50, 8.25 and II 3U a. in., 6.40, 8.30, .ivji. ui. wt-DK uuh, tMiuruttys ouiy o w p. 1. ouuaayiiiKtauasia,iu, For Baltimore and Washington. 8.60. 7.20. 9.10 and 11.18 i, m., 4 11, 0W, 7140 p.m. and 12.03 uiguii uuujr nuu o 01, xv.u u. ui., oj lliilllicu express with dinlne car to Baltimore) 1.30, 3.46 p. m. week days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 1.01 weekdays, 6.08, 11.80 p. m. dally. ror uicuuiouu, a. m. aua izxu nignt dally, 1 SOp, to, dally, eioept Sunday. iruiiin leave txuiiiauoid ior niiHDure ana no west every day at 17.25 and 8.10 a m and J.H) (limited) and 8.40. 8 SO. 0.35 o m. Wav for Altoona. 19 a m and 4.10 n in every nay. For Fltlsburg only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10.20 m week days. Leave Banbury, lor VlUlamsport, Elmlre, ahDUdalgna, Koclieeter, Budaloand Wlsgara alls, 5.10 a m dally, and 1.42 d m week davs. Tor Vatklns, 6.80 P m week days. or june ana lniernieaiaie pomts, oau a mi, lallv. For Lock Haven. 5.10. and 9.68 a m. dally, 1.43 and 5JW p. m. week days. For tionoYS O.IU- a m . ana t,i p m wees: aaye. 1.1U a, m ounaayo. 1UAB. Ft. FUG1I, J. R.WOOD, Hen. Pass. Ant. 'len.JAn.'r. yyriLMINGTON 4 KORTIIEHN It. It. ame raoie tn rnea juav,w, laa, Tralna leave'Readlni? IP. A H. station) for Hlkwitln. (lAr t t . 1 . . nnn Ll.,.l.,n uiui.iuu, ijj ivi t, ittiusuwu, .uuuua,aji iu- Held, Waynesbure Junction, Ckatesvllle, West jm p. m. Hunday only at 8.05 p. m. For Warwick, at. Peters and Intermediate stattons.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and o.iu p. m, onnaay ouiy 0.10 a. m. For Blrdsboro and intermediate stations. Baturday only, at 12 in. gi j or Baltimore ana wasnineron ijs. z v.n. It.) dallv exceDtBundnv at 6.25 and 8.80 a. m. and 8.15 p. m, Uunlay only ai 8.05 p. m. XTaiUH arrive Ml. uwuiuik yr. w 11, euiiiuuj from Wilmington. B. ct 0. Junction, Mont. cnanin, Luaausiaru uuuuuuu, -wii-bi uueMer, Lenapc. CoatesVllle', WAynesbure Jnuctlon, BprlngfleW, Joanna, Blrdslioro, Gibraltar, Bty. feriaud lnlermedlute stations, dally except Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bun day only at 11.21 a, m. FromBti Peters, Warwlek and Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.23 a. m and 2.26 p.m. Uunday only at 0 p.m. - Prom-Blrdsboru una Intermediate station! Baturday only at 1.40 p. in. From Washington atid Baltimore, dally ei cept Sunday,' 10 20 a. Si.' 8.62' and' 8.17 p. a Bunday only at 11.24 a. m. fcOWTJKSH BHIGGB, Gen'l rass. Agt. A.'G. MoOAUBLANU, BupL RUPTdRE. We, the undersigned nre entirely cured 0 ltunture hv llr. .1. E MAYEU. 31 Arch. Bt.. Phlla. Thomas X iiartuur. JNef itinggoja, ia., l.raLdt, Bout Deturck. Olev. Pa ICO. BtanleV. 421 Bnr)i 1? Lenanon, Fa., A n, B.Noll,Llm MnltnnlHor Ituitt.l rialt. d.. kiln, Pa., Win. E. IlnnVnsiluo, p'hoeutxvllh Pa.,r w. ?. Lelnbacb, U21 Washington Bt Keadlng.'Pa., J. oTLyme 131' W. Howard Bt llarrlsburs-. Ph., O. Ktehn. DouplaBuvllle, P DrrMAYEIt Is at Hotel Penn, Beading, Fa on the 2nd Baturday of each month. Call t see him. 'PUT'' 101 AX jUVX s r,nam lo: 9 Fast Centre BUrlt WahanoyCtty, Ukln and all sreelal dlteases a specialty I I T